Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Feb 3, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters.

If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental, unless otherwise noted.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and hopefully the first of several planned installments. Expect some cliffhangers.

Dont expect a good wank story. This is not one of those.

I hope/plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive. I welcome feedback, both positive or negative as long as constructive, and comments or suggestions can be directed to me at

I want to thank Jon for his help in editing the story. Thanks Jon

Now onto the adventure, enjoy the story.....

Chapter 3: Hot times

I was feeling hot and uncomfortable. I pushed the covers away and opened my eyes. I was slightly perspiring all over.

At first I thought I was dreaming of that night again. I couldn't see anything and it was odd not to hear a sound. I felt my heart race and felt around the bed. Where was I again? It took a couple moments to get my bearings and to remember where I was.

I tried to say something but my throat was dry and scratchy. I'm usually pretty good about my eyes adjusting to the darkness but found it was taking longer than usual. I sat up slowly and felt for the water pitcher. I found it and drank some water to cool my throat. I splashed some on my face and chest to help cool me.

I thought I would have a try at standing up on my own. As I slowly rose from the bed, I had a slight headache but otherwise felt ok. I noticed the window and I thought that would be a good start to try to walk over to, it was just 2 feet away

I wobbled a few times and the floor made a creaking noise but I was able to keep my balance. I made it to the window and pulled the blind back so see what the outside looked like. I could only make out the shadows of the farm and the hills surrounding it. Damn that's dark! I tried to open the window for fresh air, but couldn't get the latch to work.

I thought I'd try for the bathroom on my own also, but needed to find a light switch or something. (Silly me forgot the electricity was out.)

I turned back towards the bed and suddenly everything started spinning. I tried to stay focused but stumbled sideways right into a desk making a thumping sound but probably not enough to wake anyone. I felt for a lamp, but found nothing.

The dizziness was still bothering me and I turned again to the window to focus but I went the other way right into Sam's "art studio" of the room.

I went flailing about and crashed into several easels and grabbed ahold of the painting supply shelves, pulling everything off the walls. This made quite a racket. I fell and twisted face up tangled up in the easels and shelving and some type of liquid oozing on me, probably the paint, I hope, most likely. I was feeling a good bit of pain all over.

As I was cursing a few good words out of agony, I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards me. I heard Doc's voice say "Lay still, son, and keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Lidda get the backup lamp and then warm washcloths, and Shane go get my bag out of my office. Alex and Susan go back to bed please now. Mother will let you know how he is in a few minutes.

Doc told me to lay still and tell him what I felt.

"P A I N mostly, Doc. My forehead is pulsing in pain and something is sticking in my hip. Could you open the window also, Im hot."

I could feel Doc moving debris off me and seemed to locate what was making my hip feel like a bee stung me. I also heard Lidda and Shane returning to the room.

Doc told Lidda to open the window. She covered my eyes with her hand and used a spray bottle to help clean my face off from the paint. Doc and Shane removed more of the easels and supplies off me. I heard Doc say "Sam has been setting traps again. Marcus, you have a mouse trap attached to your backside."

"Gee Doc, I take it's not your ordinary trap either"

"Your right and its going to leave a nice bruise and an interesting mark."

I didn't know what hurt more, the pain on my forehead or my ass.

Doc removed the trap as carefully as possible without leaving any permanent marks.

Can you imagine trying to tell a future lover what caused something like that.

"Marcus, I need you to slowly open your eyes. Very slowly, OK?"

I did as he asked and everything was quite blurry. Doc said, "You scraped the abrasion on your temple again and it's bleeding," as he was pressing the cloth against it. "We are going to have to get you back to the bed slowly." Doc told Lidda and Shane to help pick me up. I could feel my ankle was throbbing and told Doc.

Shane offered his help by picking me up with Doc while Lidda guided them back to the bed. Doc told Shane to slowly sit me on the bed and helped sit me up with him.

Shane whispered in my ear, "You're going to be fine buddy, I'm here for you. Hang on tight." I couldn't let him down now, could I? I finally noticed he was wearing only running shorts. I kept my arm about his waist which was rather firm feeling his muscles and leaned up against him as his father instructed me to.

Doc asked how I felt. "Besides the pain, very dizzy and nauseated. By the way, why didn't Sam come in also, it's his room and art displays I think I destroyed."

"He's in the barn tonight with his horse who is due to give birth."

"Marcus, have you been dizzy since before this incident?"

"Yes, I thought it was just being all bruised up and everything, I cant tell left from right. I'm all turned around."

"What your experiencing and something I should have been more aware of is your vertigo is out of whack. Do you notice anything else that isn't normal?."

Just about this time, we heard the back door fly open and Sam ran through the house yelling for his dad, finally coming to his room. Breathing hard and moving quickly, he told his dad, Martini (apparently the horse) was in labor and he needed him. Then shown his light around the room and ran to his easels and art supplies and said, "What the hell is up with this crap? Doesn't anyone ever respect others things."

Doc got up and grabbed Sam by the ear, dragging him to where I was sitting with Shane, and said, "Young man, that was an accident, you need to be more aware of your surroundings. Marcus re-injured himself and is hurting and all you can think of is your drawings."

Sam then realized the situation and his face was red. He looked at his Dad and said, "Who is in need of more attention at this very second, Martini or him?"

I said, "Well I'm not giving birth, but it sure feels like something kicked my ass if you hadn't noticed."

Sam sneered at me and said, "If you didn't get up like your doctor told you not to, this wouldn't be an issue now would it? You ungrateful ass."

"SAM!!! Watch our mouth" Doc, Lidda and Shane said at the same time

Then we heard a loud horsey scream from outside. Sam folded his arms and issued his warning, "Now if you can scream like that then I'll forget the horse.

Doc said, "Shane, stay with Marcus. Don't let him lie down just yet and don't let him try to fall asleep He needs to stay awake. Keep him talking." We heard another horse scream.

Shane still sat next to me while Lidda checked that my ankle wasn't broken. She said, "Marcus, Ill get a bandage for that scrape and I think we will just wrap your ankle up for the time being. I don't think it's broken." She did ask me if I could move it, and I could. She left the room to go get some supplies.

I told Shane I didn't want to be a bother and was getting restless being in bed so much. I needed to get my focus again and get back on my feet. He told me he couldn't blame me, we on the go types need to busy a lot. He said, "Sam will come to his senses once his precious horse is out of danger. He is hardheaded and has a one-track mind at times but otherwise has a big heart once you get to know him."

Lidda walked back in the room along with my 2 new fans, Susan and Alex. They started giggling at the site of me.

Both of them pointed at us and belted out "You both look like clowns, Shane is all messy too. Sam never lets us play with his paints. Boy are you going to get it from him."

I dryly said, "I'm glad I can be of some amusement to you both."

Susan then frowned and slowly walked to me with her hands out and touched my cheek. She said "Markie are you going to be ok? I didn't mean to laugh at you"

"I could handle a kiss, that will really help out alot."

"Well, maybe next time, you are really messy." Susan replied while Alex scrunched his nose half giggling.

Lidda told Susan and Alex to go back to their rooms and get into bed, she will tuck them in again in a bit.

I looked at Shane and Lidda and said, "I think I need a bath, I haven't taken one since the morning of my flight out? I'm beginning to smell like I work on a farm."

Shane grinned and looked at his mother and said "Well we would have to wrap up his cast, and I think I have an idea to get him washed up without too much fuss really."

Lidda looked shocked and said, "Shane, I sure hope you aren't thinking what I suspect you have in mind?"


In the barn, Doc and Sam just helped the horse relax with a mild sedative. Doc realized she wasn't in labor but that type of sound a horse makes is more a cry of fear because something was in the barn that wasn't suppose to be there. Snakes and horses just don't mix too well. They found the snake and got it in a cage out of the barn to be taken care of latter.

As they sat and watched the horse to make sure she was going to be OK, Doc and Sam made small talk of the days events and what should be done tomorrow to help get Marcus to the clinic.

Doc then told Sam "You know I haven't told you how proud and brave I think you for what you did to save Marcus the other night. He hasn't got to tell us much about himself. I wonder where he was going that late at night."

As Doc was continuning his conversation, Sam thought for a moment to himself about what his father just said and the pieces seemed to fall together, "OH GEEEZZ, now that is really odd, I think I would of met him earlier that night." He got thinking back to that night again at work.....................

"HEY SAM, can you stay for another hour to help with flight 320? Justin was just sent to first aid for something in his eye. There seems to be a malfunction in the engine compartment.

"Troy, I already been here for nearly 12 hours, I really got to get home to see if my horse is doing OK."

"Sam I will make it worth your time, by a paid day off next week."

"One hour right?"

"Sam you know these engines better than the rest of the crew, Im sure you could probably get it done in half that time"

"Troy, you owe me big time. This storm is only getting worse, I doubt this flight will even leave."

Two hours later Sam was cursing up a racket. Every time he thought he had the problem solved, it cascaded into some other failure. He decided he needs to tell Troy this plane wasn't going anywhere until the cascading effect could be resolved by a better tech than him. He felt bad for the passengers that been waiting for this flight to leave, but safety is important and he was sure they would understand.

Troy accepted Sam's report of the engine failure and thanked him for the time spent trying to figure it out. He told him, "It's a paid day off next week for staying longer than anticipated."

"Troy I appreciate it, but now I have to get home to make sure my horse hasn't given birth to twins."

He made his way to the employee lounge and locker rooms. He made a quick call to his parents letting them know he was on his way home.

As Sam was sitting in the locker room wondering if he should shower now or wait till he gets home, one of the flight attendants came in the locker room from the flight he was just working on and approached him

"Sam, I have a HUGE favor to ask of you, how would you like to make an extra 60 dollars tonight?"

"Ryan, I have told you over and over again, I'm not into your type of perverted bar scenes."

"Sam it's not that, but I know you would really enjoy it sometime if you loosened up. However, I have a passenger who needs a ride to Nashville since you couldn't fix our plane to get our asses out of here tonight. He has spent the last 12 or 14 hours on planes today and has an important interview tomorrow. I only ask because you head that way home.

"Ryan, are you asking me to drive nearly 4 hours roundtrip to drop a passenger off in Nashville, in this screwed up weather. Are you the most insane person in this terminal tonight or what? I'll be lucky if I don't drive off the road asleep in 20 min."

As Sam pushed his way past Ryan, Ryan muttered "Well I guess 80 dollars and a fun time wouldn't help either." "Ryan, shut it!" Sam snapped back.

Sam got into truck and sat for about 10 minutes gathering his thoughts and wondering if he should wait out this storm. He turned the ignition and it didn't start. Click click clickkkkk!!

"OH FREAKING Fucking no way in hell this is happening to me right now! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH! Son of bitch, this rigamore of crap shit piece of no good hump of scrape shit..." This kind of talk must of gone on for quite some time until it caught Troy's attention as he was leaving also and saw Sam's truck rocking back and forth and heard a temper flaring. Troy casually tapped on Sam's window, so as not to freak him out even more.

Sam wiped the fogged up window and saw a huge green umbrella and Troy waving at him very carefully. Sam rolled the window down and told Troy, "Damn truck is dead!"

"Sam, don't sweat it, I'll help you see what's wrong."

"You have a family to get home to, and its dark out here."

"You are the boy scout, your always prepared for the worse situation, so lets get to it."

Sam got his slickers on and pulled his toolbox out. "I swear Troy, if this takes 2 hours , I will truly be one fiery crank for the next week"

"Sam, I wouldn't blame you at all either, lets get you fixed up and on your way."

Troy worked as fast he could and it took just an 1/2 hour to replace the part and get Sam to start the truck. "Troy man, you're a lifesaver, I think if it was just me I would of sleep in the truck tonight even in this horrific storm."

"Sam, I was in the army, you learn to do all kinds of things in severe storms like this, so I was happy to help you out."

On Sam's way home, the storm was just pelting rain and blowing wind every direction, he stayed behind a semi who was traveling 15mph on the interstate.

As he approached his exit to go home, he noticed the police redirecting traffic and stopped and talked to one of them. "Hey, Sam, working late again son?" Officer Petry asked him.

"Mr Petry, i'ts been one of those nights I can't wait for to end. By the way, what's going on up there on the interstate?"

"Some boulders slid into the lanes of traffic so we have everyone rerouted, probably till this storm is over. Andrea is probably waiting for you at The Pit Stop with some coffee just the way you like it."

"Yea, I may just have to stop there for a few minutes to have some and gather my wits from that drive. I'm sure maneuvering on the canyon trail is going to be a real pleasure now. Have a good night, Mr Petry."

Sam stopped at the The Pit Stop and saw it was quite crowded with a lot of non locals. He looked at their faces and they all seemed spent from driving in this storm.

Andrea, the owner, whistled at Sam and pointed down to a seat at the end of the counter that she usually saved for him. He chatted for a few minutes and drank his own special brew coffee that Andrea knew he loved. He decided he needed to finally get home and went to use the phone to let his parents know again he was almost home. The phone lines were dead. The lights in the diner started flickering also, but didn't go out.

As he raced out to his truck, the lightening was really picking up and getting close. He got back on the road to home and was taking his time, watching for washouts. He saw several lightening strikes rather close, just a little ways away on the road.

The wind and rain was going every which direction. He slammed on his brakes just a bit late when he saw the tree in road and rammed it sideways. He sat for a moment with his eyes closed and breathed deeply.

As he began maneuvering around the tree, he caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a shimmering light coming up out of the ravine, and thought that was rather strange. He thought, "Who could possibly be trying to hunt in this kind of weather?" but the light didn't move and the light kept slowing fading away. He thought, "That is definitely weird."

Sam got out of the truck and tried his best to look down in the ravine. The rain and wind were whipping in every direction and stinging his eyes. He kept thinking, "That is truly weird for a light to be in that particular direction." He went back to his truck and got his heavy duty spot light and pointed it down to see if he could get a better view than trying to see by the flashes of lightening.

Sam thought, "Is that a tire spinning?" He shone the light back to the tree and the road several times. He noticed bits of broken plastics and then looked directly down and saw the tire marks. Sam thought out loud, "HOLY CRAP, there's a car down there!!!"

Next: Chapter 4

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