Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Oct 23, 2023


Welcome to the last chapter. I know many of you have been waiting for this for awhile. I appreciate your patience. It is almost a year overdue. Life has changed a lot for me since I started this story. I removed the EX from my life, sold the house, found a new job in a different city and in the midst of a growing relationship with someone I met on So a lot of my free time I used to spend on this story was limited.

The story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental. This work belongs solely to the writer.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

Enjoy the story...

Chapter 25: The Big Bang!!

Larry was looking to my right at something. I turned my head slowly and gulped at the site of another male being held down.

I mumbled, "Whodda, Whooooddaa, is that?"

Ryan said, "Remarkable resemblance, don't you think?"

As my vision focused I asked again, "UUmm, uh, who the hell is that?"

Then I heard a loud BANG from above the tree tops.


(Present Day -- July 2006)

(Remember to read chapter 1 and various present day sections in latter chapters)


I moaned, "Uhh...who ..the ..hell.. is that?..."

A faint voice asked, "Huh? Who is what?" I felt something warm pressing against my arm as I slowly became more aware of my surroundings.

"Ryan?" I slowly opened my eyes.

"Did you get the sense knocked out of you with that shock or what?" I heard the faint sound of a male voice.

"Larry?" Everything was blurry and dark but someone was with me. "Phillip, the lake...?" I blinked to maybe help clear the blur away then just closed my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. I heard a hum of some type of machine nearby.

"Marcus, do you know where you are?" I recognized the familiar voice.

"I was at the lake with Sam then Larry and Ryan and...and ...and...Phillip." I hoarsely replied, becoming restless thinking Phillip was in the room. I felt I was pinned down by something.

I could hear the concern change to tension in his voice when he said, "Keep still. You are just a little confused from waking up, all that happened years ago."

"Why was Phillip here?" I could feel my heart racing out of fear, my throat feeling constricted and dry.

"Marcus, take it easy, just breath lightly. Phillip isn't here, you must have been dreaming about the past. Don't you remember, he showed up with your brother Patrick, another stupid scheme of your fathers? We took care of them."

"Damn, it feels like it just happened." As I felt the sheet covering me, which was the reason I was feeling pinned down, and also realizing I didn't have any clothes on

"You mean the dream or the blowjob I gave you to get you to wake up."

I asked, "You mean that wasn't part of the dream? Where am I now?" and added, "Do you and your family always find it funny when I am half out of it and naked." Referring back to the times I always awoke from some weird passing out deal. My vision was rapidly returning to normal along with some of my other senses.

He giggled and replied, "Your favorite hangout spot, of course." I felt my hand being squeezed. I squeezed back. "I have been so worried about you. I love you Marcus." He leaned forward and gave me kiss.

"I love you too." I asked, "Where is everyone?" He brought a small cup of water up to my mouth and let me sip.

"Do you mean from years ago or now?"


"Outside, watching the last of the fireworks for the day. Marcus, it is the fourth of July but do you know what year it is?"

"Um, 200...4?"

"Oh nooo." I heard him grumble. I saw him push a button on the wrist sling I wore.

I snickered that time, "Hey, why should you all get the laughs? It is July 2006 silly."

He held my hand and said, "Oh thank goodness. I sure have missed you."

"Yea, it seems just like yesterday we were together for the 1st time."

He smiled and asked, "What do you last remember?"

"We just gave each other the ..."

"I know that, but what do you last remember being aware of before the hospital?"

"I'm in the hospital?" I winked. "Everything is a jumble after I got on the plane in Orlando to come home. It goes fuzzy from that point on. I remember that something awful happened?"

"You're appendix was about to explode. You have been in and out of consciousness for about two weeks now. Do you think you should wait for dad to see how you are doing?"

"No, I didn't think appendicitis kept you in the hospital for 2 weeks? I meant something happened to ..." The memory was just in reach but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"It doesn't, but you had a few ... minor setbacks and with your unpredictable sleeping habits, you did wake up a couple times, but I made it worse for you."

"You are avoiding what I am talking about."

"I think it's best if it comes back to you naturally, I just don't want you to get worse."

"I am awake and with you. That is all that really matters."

"Are you sure you are ready to hear this?"

I looked into his eyes and he had been crying, tears were still being held back. He shook his head.

Then from out of my vision I heard Doc say, "Sam, not too much information at once."

"DOC!! You sure are a sight for sore eyes."

"Hey Marcus, you are finally are back with us. How do you feel?"

"Oh, like I could run a marathon. Crazy thing is it felt like I dreamt it all over again."

Doc, smiled, then replied, "After those little minor problems of yours, I put you into an extended, light induced sleep to help with any swelling. That could have made you recall the past vividly." He began to examine me.

"OH, that explains it then." With a smidgen of sarcasm thrown in. "What the hell did happen?"

"First appendicitis, then you fell..."

"Not that, but why I came back here and feeling something bad happened?"

Sam replied, "Do you remember us taking a vacation from each other?"

"Yea, I spent the week with grandpa, grandma and Logan."

Do you remember why we needed to vacation away from each other?"

"Yea, I was still mad at you for going on your gambling binge again with that freak Coral Lee and psycho Phillip, and lying about it. I was freaked out when I saw them at the office and they wanted to punish me for your mistake. I still can't get it out of my mind how much Phillip and I resemble each other. Luckily, Wyatt kicked his ass and when the police arrived he was finally charged with something."

"Why are we discussing this?"

Doc replied, "Marcus, you have some lingering short term memory loss from your...shocking experience... so just relax, so we can find out how much was effected." Doc pushed a button on his watch and said, "Nick, he's back."

Sam continued, "Well I told mom and dad not to tell you what happened after you left your grandparents. The morning you were scheduled to come home, I went to wait for you at the penthouse, I walked in on Coral, Phillip and your dad."

"All 3 of them together? That doesn't make much sense. We haven't seen my dad in 4 years, since that big fight on the 4th of July unless you ..." I began to think he fell back into gambling.

Then a voice behind doc said, "After all these years, you still are quite the inquisitor."

"Hey Nick, great to see you !" I peered back over to Sam. Both Doc and Nick proceeded to check me over.

Sam continued and stuttered, "I ..did. I walked into the penthouse when your dad, Coral and Phillip attacked me. They said they were waiting for both of us but now with me as hostage, they really could cause you pain. They had me tied up and were getting physical, arguing with each other what they would do next. Eric must have had plans for the penthouse for the evening and walked in. Eric thought Phillip was you that was fighting with Coral, because of the resemblance to you and your dad had gone in another room. Eric grabbed Phillip and threw him to the ground just as Coral was about to hit him with a board. Eric took the direct hit in the chest with a board and got his breath knocked out of him. Your dad was not pleased seeing Eric. Coral pulled a gun out and was about to shoot Eric but your dad is a quick draw and shot Coral first, then Phillip. Eric still thought it was you. Coral landed near me with the gun at my feet. Then your dad started whaling on Eric. I was still dazed but knew I had to do something, so I fumbled with the gun with my feet and shot at your dad. It grazed his temple. That gave Eric enough time to gather his wits and get to his feet. Then your dad still had his gun and was approaching me, he had the weapon drawn. He said, "You and that bastard son of mine can both go to hell." Eric used every last ounce of strength he had to plow your dad out of window, not thinking they were on the 5th floor. There was nothing I could do. Eric saved me thinking he was saving you, he is a hero."

"Eric is dead because of your selfish bad habits and by the hand of my father. Oh god, how is Spencer taking it?"

Doc put his hand on Sam's shoulder and replied, "He knows Eric saved you both, but is still mourning his loss."

Sam said, "I know it's my fault all this happened, that is what I wanted to talk to about on the phone before you arrived at the hospital I was waiting for you on the 2nd floor balcony when I saw you pull in. I was heading down the stairs when Sarah found you and Alex in the lobby. I shouted your name a couple times but you didn't hear me. I was coming around the corner when I saw you in a hug with my mother. I said your name again and you didn't hear me. I tapped you on the shoulder and when you looked around at me, your face was beet red and you said, "It's you." It looked like all the air rushed out of you as you dropped to the floor. You scared the crap out of me, thinking the worst."

I replied, "Yea, it is starting to come back to me now, so what is our plan?"

"We can talk about it later when you feel better. Shane..."

"Where are Shane and Lori, by the way? I need to talk to them about ..."

"They are finalizing the divorce." Doc replied

"How is she taking it that he finally accepted that he is gay?"

Nick responded, "Surprisingly well. She thought she could convert him totally, but still wants to have a baby by him. She even agreed to equal rights for future partners." Doc turned away at that moment to look at a chart but I could tell it bothered him.

"No wayyyy." I responded in slight shock.

"Way." Nick winked.

"Can I go see everyone?"

Sam looked at Doc and Nick. Doc said, "Sure. The two of us will go with you."

Sam helped me walk into the family waiting room where it looked like everyone has just come in from outside, plunked down wherever and were napping. Larry and Toby were in a lounge chair in the corner snoring away. Paige and Wyatt were wrapped up in sleeping bag at the foot of the lounge chair.

Spencer was laying down on a couch nearest the door, zoned out watching TV.

I whispered, "Spencer."

He looked up at me and then realized I was in the room with him.

He sat and said, "OH my gosh, you are finally up!"

He got up and walked over to me and hugged me.

I started crying and he tightened his embrace.

I said, "I am so sorry about Eric, I hope you forgive me someday for getting involved."

He held my face and looked me in the eye and said, "Marcus, damn it, don't you get it? Eric died saving your life from your father, Phillip and that damned crazed woman."

"If it wasn't for me, you would still have him."

"Heyyy, I don't blame you." Then looked over at Sam for a second and continued. "This was all Sam's mess and on his conscience. He will have to live with it. You were a blessing to this family. Eric is a hero, he was so courageous. I will miss him but he died saving a family."

Then as I was hugging Spencer, I heard "MARCUS!!!" from behind him.

I looked up to see my Mom and Logan, Sarah and Randy standing behind him.

I began to cry when I saw her and said, "Mom!" She was crying also. She came rushing to me and pulled me into a tight hug with Logan, Sarah and Randy.

She said, "I told you, I never leave you, and that I would always be near. I was so worried about you."

Logan said, "You're like the energizer bunny, just keep going no matter what. You rock."

Sarah added, "We thought we almost lost you..again."

I replied, "I have a very supportive family and extended family. You all mean the world to me, I could not just leave you all alone with no fun."

Then I heard my fav little girl's voice, "Marcus, Marcus!"

"Hi, little miss. You have grown so much. It's like yesterday you were this high."

She pulled my face to hers and gave me a big kiss and then tried a flubbert.

"Good one. I missed you too." Then I turned to Doc and said, "Hey, I got to use the bathroom, I'll be back in a minute."

Somehow, although I been in this wing of the hospital many times, and I got a little turned around. I decided to just open one of the doors and make a call.

As I opened the door to a room, I stopped in my tracks and gasped.

There, with the lights out except for the natural light which still lit the room well, stood Alex, naked, and a girl giving him a blowjob.

They heard my gasp and she stood up and gasped herself, and then flung her naked body behind Alex.

Alex said, in his young hormone induced europhic state of mind stuttered out, "Marcus!!!! Your.. hard ...hardly up, You woke up!!! Marcus, you fluid member, my, my ...umm Micha. How did you find us?" He was showing all signs being horny but not shy about being naked and stood there proudly with his huge boner when he asked me that.

"Micha! You finally got your man huh?"

She giggled nervously and whispered, "It took long enough huh?"

"Umm, well I will leave you 2 alone, I was looking for the bathroom, got all mixed up for the life of me..."

Both of them pointed in the direction I was to go before I finished that sentence.

Sam came around the corner and said, "I thought you ..." his facial expression changed instantly to jaw dropping, "... Oh my gosh are you OK? You are red? What's wrong?""

I grabbed his shoulder and started walking down the hall with him and said in a giggling manner, "I just walked in on your brother and Micha."

"In dad's office doing what?"

I busted out laughing and hugged him.

He asked, "What's so funny?"

I told him what happened and he started giggling and said, "Classic."

Back in the lounge, I was chatting with the family about my vivid dreams when hands went over my eyes.

I felt at the hands and knew who it was. I said "Alex, you dog." Alex lifted my shirt and gave me a flubbert. I said, "You're 16 man, doesn't that get old."

"Of course not from my 2nd favorite uncle." Everybody snickered.

Out of the corner of my eye by the doorway peeking in, I saw Micha.

I said Alex, "She is eyeing you buddy, she really digs you."

He turned a shade of red, pinched me and smiled, gazed back at her and waved her in and said, "Yea I know. We had our 1st date a couple nights ago and tonight... well, you saw. I tell you, those kissing lessons you gave me sure worked on her."

"Way to go buddy. I think she was hooked years ago, but it took you long enough to finally notice her."

As she slowly approached me and took Alex's hand, she said, "Hi Marcus, how are you feeling today? Is snookies shurberting you again?"

"Snookies, Shurberting?" I began to smile and added, "Oh Micha you two are a trip together, but I am feeling pretty good right now."

"Hey where is Lidda?" as I looked around the room.

Doc replied, "She should be around here somewhere, I haven't seen her since early this evening."

At that moment, she walked in pushing a wheelchair. A plaid quilt covered whoever was in it. She said, "I thought I'd find you all here."

Doc looked at her weird and said, "What is that?" I gazed around the room and everyone had a quizical look.

"Well, we needed to make sure that the past wouldn't come back to haunt Marcus and Sam again."

Doc looked puzzled and asked, "Who's we?" She took a few steps forward and in walked Shane, Ryan and grandpa. Grandpa made his way over to me and hugged me.

Spencer said, "So what is under the sheet?"

Shane said, "The four of us decided that these events needed to end and this was the best way to flush out any lingering escapees."

Spencer asked once again, "So what is under the sheet?"

The four of them glanced at each other, nodded and said, "Now."

The quilt rose and then fell to the floor. Everyone gasped.

Spencer stumbled back grabbing ahold of the TV and yelled, "ERIC! ERIC is that you?" Eric rushed over to Spencer and embraced him. Spencer wept.

I looked over at Sam. His jaw dropped, his face was white and started shaking his head.

Doc lost his balance but Shane caught him and he said, obviously in shock, "What the ...the.. the.. Ummm. Nick and I examined... We all went to the funeral.. We... We" and started crying. I never seen him that emotional.

Mom said, "I don't get it."

Sam replied, "I saw him fall and die."

Shane replied, "You saw him fall out a window, then when we got you untied, you saw him on the ground. We planned this out, we had to make it as dramatic as possible to find out that Marcus's dad, Coral or Phillip didn't have backup plans for you and Sam."

I looked at grandpa and said, "How did you get involved with this plan?"

"The day that son of a bitch cast you out."

Shane continued, "Ryan, Logan and your grandpa came up with the idea. Eric didn't know until he fell in the net from the fall. We had to make it look real as possible."

Spencer asked, "You succeeded, but why put us through this anguish?"

I replied, "I get it, as comic book plan as it was. As a cover to draw out any remaining bad guys or to teach someone a valuable lesson." I kept my eye on Sam. He had tears streaming down his face.

Doc replied, "Nick and I examined Eric, he had no motor activity."

Shane said, "You can thank Logan for that. He came across a plant in Africa that could render someone into that kind of state."

Sam finally spoke up and said, "So you led me to believe I caused his death and have all these overwhelming guilt feelings... Oh my gosh. You did this to me on purpose?"

Doc replied, "Whooa, hang on there son. If you recall, you put this all into motion with your actions years ago with Coral, even before Marcus. They did this to save you and your relationships. I would think you owe them a thank you."

Sam looked at his father as I never seen him do before and then leaned over in my lap and cried, blubbering, "I am so sorry." I rubbed his back, crying and whispering to him, "It's all OK now."

Shane filled us in on the details, while Eric and Spencer left to have time together.

Doc said, "Marcus we need to get you back to your room and rest. You have some more recovering to do."

Sam said, "I'll take him back."

Nick smiled and replied, "Just don't wear him out too fast."

I was finally able to go home after 3 long days of probes, tests, and some rehab therapy, with full recovery expected.

Doc and Lidda were about to take me home when Sam grabbed my arm and said, "I'll take him from here, we have some .. stuff to resolve" and put me in our truck.

Sam chatted endlessly on the ride home which was unsual as he only does that when he is nervous. He pulled into Old Man Williams driveway and stopped.

I said, "We aren't going for a swim now are we?"

Sam smiled at me and said, "Naw, not right now."

I asked, "You have to feed his bird again? How many times is he going to sucker you into doing that?"

"Hmm, about as much as you dare me to take you in his bushes."

I looked over at the bushes and said, "I don't think I am ready, he might catch us again."

"Those are not his bushes and you are always ready."

"Sure they are, he didn't let the county have any easement here..."



"I hope you take news well, but this is our place now."

"He won't just give it up like that."

"Huh huh."

"Last time I even mentioned it to him he balked."

"I know."

"That old man won't ever sell to anyone."

"Sure he will."

"No way"

"Absolutely way!!"

"Are you freakin serious?"

"Welcome to our new home babe."

"You are absolutely the most awesome."

"Yea, so I've been told once or twice."

"Wait, I don't get it. How did you get the money when you gambled it all away."

"I have my ways, but every cent is back as it was."

I leaned over and planted him with a long deep kiss, put the truck in park and began to get my man undressed for one hell of a truck fuck.

Sam said, "As much as I want you now, we have a house to refurbish and you start back to work in the morning. I want to show you something first."

"Screw it, it will still be there. It took Spence and Eric nearly a year and half to get their house back with all the fucking around they did."

"Good point. But hang on a moment." As he made his way up the drive and stopped next to the screened in porch.

He looked at me, smiled, and said, "Come on."

He made his way around the truck and helped me out of the truck and onto the deck.

It was like hands turning back in time. I stood, shocked that the place was exactly as that day 4 years ago that we first got naked together.

He said, "Since you were dreaming about this when you woke up, I thought I recreate it and finish it right this time."

I stammered, "You.. are ...soooo fucking unbelievably creative and sexy!"

The End.

You now have the option of rereading the entire story on this site or visiting the Marcus yahoo group with the enhanced versions of all the chapters and a cool photo section. Just type in ...

I want to take a moment and thank Paul for all his help, time and insight in improving this story. Without him, a lot of the story wouldn't be as crisp and detailed.

See you all there!!

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