Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Oct 8, 2007


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-23 still apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

Thanks Paul for your time, patience and effort editing this story. I think we started it in back in December, then as events in my life changed, we took a break for a couple months until I resettled into my new roles in life and he overcame some health issues. Paul is very insightful and yes at times we argued in a good way, which I think you will notice in the story. He sure likes it when I clarify the simple things. LOL just joking...Paul...sorta!!

I wish to thank Jeff Hunter(My roommate Nick) also for his insight and helpful hints. His story is awesome.

I appreciate the patience of all the readers between the last chapter and this one, I think you will enjoy it.

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but he is a big fan of this story also. His original site hosted a lot about Marcus Summer Twist but has evolved and moved to a new site with a new and updated focus.

Enjoy the story, it will take a while to read!!!

Chapter 24: What goes around comes around.

I asked Shane whose car it was and he didn't even know since the windows were so deeply tinted. Whoever it was, they were taking their time to get out, while other cars were trickling in.

I asked him, "By the way, is Ryan coming.. um I mean going to be here?"

He winked at me and said, "He will, he had a flight in this morning."

I watched Sam, Justin, Eric and Spencer leave the barn with the horses and tie them to the front porch of the house.

Larry, Paige, Jeff and Nick were lining up the 8 rental vans that we got for the scavenger hunt. Between Doc and I we figured we would group everyone in teams of 6, but from the number of people that were arriving we might have to bump that up to 8 or 9.

The door of the car with the tinted windows finally opened, and out stepped my brother Logan. I guess he really wanted to make an impression on everyone by getting out with his designer shades, in jean shorts and no shirt and more tan than usual.

I heard Shane say, "MMmmmmmm."

I shouted, "LOGAN!!"

"Hey little bro!!"

I grabbed Shane's hand and said, "Shane, I'd like you to meet my brother."

I ran up to Logan and we hugged.

I whispered, smiling, "This isn't one of your manly drinking parties, get a shirt on. There are grown ups here."

Then I said a little louder. "I didn't think you got any of my messages."

"Well you know how difficult it is when my firm funnels them to me while I'm out of the country. I wouldn't have missed today for anything!" Logan took a moment to look me over and added, "Man you are recovering fast from your injuries. You look almost like my little brat brother again."

"Haha. Well, physically Doc says I am doing remarkably well except I will have some lingering little scars. Hey this is Shane, my best friend here."

Shane glanced at me rather intensely and asked, "This is the friendly one out of the bunch?"

Logan asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Dad was here the other day."


"I'll fill you in later."

Shane finally grinned at Logan and shook his hand. They gave each other one of those subtle winks and pats on the shoulder. Logan said in his usual flirtatious way, "Yea, Marcus told me a lot about you."

"You brothers look nothing alike, I think Logan got all the good genes." Shane said, as he nudged me and winked.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I think you guys will hit it off well."

Logan added, "I look forward to that. Oh by the way, you have a few other guests that I met at the airport. They should be here any minute."

"How come you didn't all ride together?"

"Ha. I wasn't going to let any of them in that pricey car and then have them drool all over it."

"Ah. Same ol Logan, heart made of gold but a bit selfish. I still love ya. Come meet the rest of the family!!!" as I slightly bounced around him.

"Marcus, I have never seen you this excited about people before."

"I really like it here and they are a great family." I grinned from ear to ear.

Logan glanced at Shane and muttered, "I can see why."

Doc, Lidda, and others were grouped together when I introduced them to Logan. He turned on the charm as usual and they listened intently. As Logan was answering questions from them about what he had been doing, another car pulled into the drive.

I heard Susan yell, "Sarah is here! Sarah is here!"

I looked over to see Sarah, Adam and Randy emerge from the car. I looked at Logan and he gave me a nod to get over there. I hurried over to them as Susan was hugging Sarah.

I walked up to Adam and looked directly into his eyes. His face was a blank expression.

I looked at Randy and he refocused his eyes elsewhere.

I said, "Hi Sarah, Hi Randy!!"

I finally said, after 10 tense seconds looking at Adam, "Adam are we...?"

He smiled and then reached out to hug me. He said, "I am so sorry I reacted the way I did. You didn't deserve that."

We embraced each other rather intently.

I replied, "Then why haven't you called me?"

"Why haven't you called me?" he shot back as we both started to laugh.

"The important thing is that you're here now." I saw Randy let out a huge smile once he felt the tension ease.

I said, "Hi Randy, good to see you!"

He said, "You look so much better since I last saw you at home. You fully recovered?"

"I have good and bad days, but for the most part I'm good. I have a couple of scrapes that will leave scars."

Adam said, "Your grandparents wanted to come but felt your dad may show up again." I said, "Did you hear about that? Wait till I tell what he did the other day."

I heard Susan chatting away with Sarah so intently that she wouldn't stop to meet Randy or Adam.

I turned to Susan and bent down to kiss her on the cheek.

She stopped talking and asked, "What was that for?"

"We have other guests here too. You can't hog Sarah the whole time. These are my other friends, Adam and Randy. Then I want you to meet my brother."

She looked at Randy then at Adam, then back at Randy then back at Adam. She asked, "They aren't brothers are they?"

"No Susan. Randy is of Hispanic descent and Adam is African American but we are all best friends."

Sarah said, "Susan, Randy is the father of my baby."

"Are you married now?"

"No, not yet." Randy replied

Susan asked, pointing a finger in his stomach, "You are going to do her right, aren't ya?"

Randy looked at us and said, "She is quite the inquisitor, isn't she?"

Sarah and I laughed and nodded.

Susan looked at everyone and said, "Come this way, you have people to meet."

I picked Susan up and walked over to Logan.

I said, "Logan, I want you to meet the cutest girl around these parts."

He turned with a huge smile on his face and then looked at her and said, "Wow."

Susan's face turned crimson and I heard her mutter in my ear, "Oh my, he is handsome."

I whispered back, "Well, tell him."

Logan asked, "What are you two whispering about?"

"This pretty little girl is Susan. She is usually the most outspoken one but I think you... surprised her."

"Susan, how did I surprise you?"

"I..I .. want to ...marry Dolly."

"Huh?" asked Logan.

"Logan, I think you've got her tongue tied." I gave him one of those nods, as to let him know what effect he is having on her.

Logan said, "I think Dolly is one of the greatest country stars around. I hear she has a theme park around here. Is that true?"

As soon as Logan said Dolly, Susan lost her inhibitions and leaped into his arms. "Oh Logan, let me tell you all about her. You are very handsome by the way." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I said, "Susan, I need to talk to Logan for a few minutes. You can ride with him on the way to the hunt." She nodded in agreement and went to mingle. I was impressed at how fast the entire yard was quickly filling up with family and guests.

Logan asked, "So what did dad do, Marcus?"

I walked him away from the crowd and near the spa entrance. I told him of the events and by the time I finished we were hugging and he was actually crying more than I was. He said, "What a bastard. I never thought he could stoop this low. By the way, I have a message for you from mom."

"How did you get a message?"

"She was disguised on a plane when I headed back to work in Africa."

"She is in Africa?"

"No, I don't think so, but she is well hidden. I didn't even know it was her at first and I am sure she has a plan in place to keep hidden."

"I miss her, Logan."

"I know. Me too. She said she will always be looking out for you, even though you might not know it."

"That is kinda cryptic. So what do you think I should do about Dad?"

"He is obviously on the warpath. Without mom his work is sinking fast. I will have Captain Marks keep surveillance on him at home. He will have other contacts as well to keep track of him. Other than that, if he does show up, call the police and don't talk to him." He took out his PDA from his pocket and sent some text messages.

"Thanks Logan."

Doc got up on a ladder with a bullhorn. He said, "Welcome Everyone to the 2002 Noble Fourth of July celebration!! This is the largest holiday gathering we have had in a long time. We have our usual familiar faces around and now some new ones, all because of the newest addition to our family. Marcus Cooper!!!" as Doc pointed at me.

Everyone stared at me in silence for what seemed like an hour, so I raised my hand and said, "That's me." Then bowed. They laughed and cheered. I bowed once more.

I noticed Sam roll his eyes, then he whispered something to Justin. Justin looked at Sam in annoyance, then took him by the arm and darted off around the house.

Doc continued, "Don't get his head filled with being famous. As many of you have experienced before with our parties, they can hold a lot of fun and surprises. Since the fourth of July is celebrating America's birthday we figure we would throw in another for good wishes. Tomorrow is Marcus's birthday as well." More applause and cheers. "Marcus is going to introduce us to an interesting activity game that we will play later this afternoon..."

Logan, Sarah, Adam and Randy asked in unison, "Not the scavenger hunt?"

I nodded yes. All four of them groaned.

Doc expression was priceless but he continued, "...Until then we will have our usual games and cookout. So have fun everyone!!!"

He walked up to them and asked, "You were kidding, right?"

They quickly looked at each other and replied, "OH yea, just kidding."

Doc glanced at me with a weird look and then all four of them burst out in laughter.

I whispered in Doc's ear, "Gotcha."

"Dagnabbit, you guys. You had that all planned out. I about had a stroke."

Logan replied with a huge grin, "All in good fun, Sir." Doc looked at Lidda who was giggling and said, "Ah shud up woman." And she burst out in laughter, then the rest of us followed.

"Doc. I am going to introduce them to the rest of your family." He nodded and took Lidda's hand and walked over to some other guests that were arriving.

I grabbed Adam's arm and said, "Guys come with me, I want you to meet everyone."

I whispered in Adam's ear, "I had some fun with these guys you're gonna meet, and that hunk Shane over there."

Adam said, "You lie. Seriously?"

"Way serious."

"Which one are you picking to get really serious with?"


Logan interrupted and asked, "What are you two whispering about now?"

"Oh just how you look like you're getting some gray hair."

"Don't go there. Whoa, who is that young chick there?" I glanced over where he was looking and it was Paige.

I said, "That is Paige, a neighbor of the Nobles. That big guy behind her is her brother, Larry, and as you look down attached to his leg is Paige's son, Toby. He is the one that I told you about that thinks I look like his dad."

He replied, "She's married AND with a kid. Well, well, she is broke in and that makes the chase all the more fun."

Sarah nudged him and said, "Logan! Behave. Her husband is in prison."

His grin grew bigger and he mumbled, "Even better." I rolled my eyes.

That is when she looked up and saw Logan looking at her. She gave him a quick flash of a smile and waved, and did this eye gesture of looking him over and turned slightly while she played with the ends of her hair.

He said, "Oh, I got her attention. Bro, no wonder you don't want to come home with this much hot ass around."

I glanced at Sarah who gave me a look that clearly said she wanted them apart. Sarah went towards Paige and I grabbed Logan's arm to distract him and said, "You've got to come see this mud pit back here. We thought we could use it for mud wrestling."

As we came around the corner of the house I saw a blur out of my field of vision, felt myself being tackled like in football and had the wind knocked right out of me.

Once I regained focus, I found myself soaked in gunk and had the glare of the sun in my eyes. As I was looking up, I saw people looking down at me and someone else. I looked over to my right to see Sam staring at me covered in mud.

I heard Justin excitingly say, "WWWWHHOOAAA! Thaaaat was totally wicked!! We can call it collision mud wrestling. Can you do that again?"

Logan asked us, "Are you both OK?" then asked Sam, "What is your hurry little man? Now you're both filthy."

Sam groaned since he had his breath knocked out also. Logan and Adam jumped in the pit and picked us up out of the mud. Sam and I both inhaled quickly.

I said, "Logan and Adam, this is Sam. Sam this is my brother Logan and my best friend Adam."

"Great." The three of them replied in unison.

By now, Doc and Lidda hurried over to see what happened. Lidda said, "Oh my, you four need to get cleaned up. You are not going in the house with all that goo on you."

Doc added, "They should just go up to the falls and wash off there. Alex and Shane can get some clothes up to them."

Sam said, "I am going to the barn shower." and started marching off in that direction.

Alex said, "I'll show them where it is." As he winked at me to walk after Sam.

Sam was around the corner of the house and about to enter the barn when I yelled out, "Hey, wait for me."

He stopped and waited for me to catch up.

I said, "Why didn't you want to go to the falls?"

"No privacy, as usual. Question is, why didn't you?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Why? Didn't we talk enough the other day."

"A bit, but we didn't exactly resolve much did we?"

"Fine, but I get the shower first."

"Well, we could go to the creek where you like to swim."

"How do you know about that?"

"I just know things like that."

"Whatever. I am taking a shower in here. We don't have all day."

"I'll help you."

"There is a party out there, so we don't have time to diddle."

"Well, I am not walking all the way back. This stuff is drying out fast."

"Fine. Talk while I shower."

We walked up to the second floor and into the barn bath.

He got in the shower, closed the door, then took his clothes off. I guess he was still embarrassed around me. He turned on the water and I heard pipes screeching, then a couple of sloshy splatting sounds.

"Dammit" Sam yelled, "OHHH, that's just what I need. Damn, pipes are clogged with goop."

He opened the door and he was covered from head to toe with brown goo from the shower, and the towel he had just wrapped around him.

I laughed from the sight of him.

He shook his head and said, "ahhh shudup. Give me that towel."

I handed him the towel so he could wipe off his face to see.

I said, "Why don't we just hose each other off downstairs?"

"Alright, just hurry it up. Grab some more towels."

We went behind the barn where the higher pressure hose was located and I picked up the hose and said, "You first. You shouldn't be shy about dropping that towel in front of me. We both have the same equipment."

He stood with an odd gaze at me when I turned the hose towards him.

"Don't diddle, dammit. Wash." I said with a smirk.

He rearranged his towel and I started spraying him. He yelled, "YYHOOO. Dang, turn on the one with the heated water." After a few adjustments it got better.

As I was nearing cleaning him off, he suddenly stopped, his face twitched a few times and went blank, then he dropped to the ground.

I said, "Sam..., Sam, what's wrong. Am I exciting you too much and you're having a heart attack?"

I threw down the hose and knelt down next to him to see what was wrong. I saw a little dart in his shoulder. I looked up in the direction I thought it came from.

Then I heard a familiar voice in another direction whisper, "No, but YOU sure will be."

As I looked around in the other direction, I saw a darkened figure in the brush and he fired the dart gun at me. I felt the pinch in my neck and then suddenly everything slowed and blurred. I thought, in an annoyed reaction, "Fuck, not again. This is pissing me off."

I saw the feet of someone come around the barn and faint echo of what I thought was Alex's voice, and then he too plunked down on the ground...once again I blacked out.

******* Shane walked Adam to the falls. They small talked on the way. Once they got to the falls. Adam said, "Oh wait, I have to go get a clean set of clothes." And headed back to the house, leaving Shane thinking outloud, "Mmm, Adam doesn't want to be around me."

Shane casually took off his clothes and got under the falling water to cool off.

As he was enjoying the warm water, he felt some familiar hands slide up behind him and around his waist.

He said, "Paige, I told you before..."

Before he could look around, she moved in front of him, jumped up in his arms and planted a kiss he couldn't stop from happening. Shane stumbled back a bit until he was pressed against the rock wall. In this position she was bouncing, trying to get his dick in her. He tried to get her to stop.

Then Shane heard, "Well, I didn't expect to see this so soon today."

Paige dropped her legs and seemed surprised at getting caught. She quickly hid behind Shane, leaving him all out in the open.

Logan stood with his arms crossed and a huge smile on his face.

Shane said, "Hey, it doesn't look..."

Logan interrupted, "Oh, you don't have to stop because of me..." as he took off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. "I am in need of a cooling off too."

Shane nodded and then added, "I'm sure Alex or Adam or someone will be back up here..."

"I took care of that." Logan replied as he let his shorts drop to the ground.

Paige gasped, then peered at Shane's dick and peered back at Logan's and gasped again.

Shane said, "In that case, the water is definitely warm buddy. The more the ... better."

Logan made his way to the falling water and next to Shane and Paige.

"I didn't think I'd get both of you at the same time on the same day."

Paige jumped in Logan's arm and they started making out. Shane made his way behind Logan, put his hands on his hips and started rubbing his cock against Logan's ass.

Shane said, "Damn, your ass is all muscle."

"So is your dick, now let me have it." He said, in between making out with Paige.

Logan adjusted Paige against the rock wall and slid into her. She groaned and wailed saying, "GOOD groshen smuckers, you're ...enormous, fuck me hard, studly."

"Good smuckerens, I sure can fulfill that request, hot little lady." He turned to Shane and mouthed, "groshen smuckers?" Shane shrugged smiling, shaking his head and mouthed, "women.."

As he began to grind into her, Shane was all slicked up and entering Logan's ass slowly. His eyes rolled and he said, "Such a fucking tight hole, man." They got a good rhythm going on between them as Paige grunted and groaned for more of Logan's thick cock. Just like a train, Logan came first and that tightened around Shane's dick and he couldn't hold it anymore and let it flow into Logan's ass. They all collapsed against each other in a heap of sweaty bodies as they tried to catch their breath.

They eventually got up and all got under the water to wash each other off.

Paige decided to slip away unnoticed while Logan was paying attention to Shane.

She said quietly, "Fags will be fags." As she slipped out her back secret door.

Logan was behind Shane, feeling him up and down and then moved him over to the bench and bent him over. Logan all lathered up and rock hard for more, shoved his cock in Shane's ass. Shane's eyes opened and he groaned, slightly laughing saying, "oh good great ceasars salad dressings, you have such a thick cock, get it all the way in."

"Ohhh don't make fun of the backwoods country gal, maybe groshen smuckers is her late grandma's porn name, with a pussy like that, there's no other name for it."

Shane laughed and said, "Oh that was mean, but damn funny."

Logan slowly pushed all the way in and stopped. He asked Shane, "Have you ever done her before?"


"Hot mamma chick I just pounded."

As Shane's ass was adjusting to Logan's thick meat, he blurted out, "Ppaaaiigge, never.. been quite my type."

"Ah, lucky you. She wasn't all that great, no extra squeezing, like most blondes can. Know what I mean?" as he slid back slowly and thrust back in quickly.

Shane winced and yelped out, "oohhh yeeeeaaa, like that."

"Now that's what I'm talking about, give Logan that lovin squeezing."

Logan pounded Shane in several acrobatic positions. There was one where Shane did a hand stand while Logan held his legs and kept on fucking and was able to suck Shane's dick until he came. Logan fucked Shane in several erotic advanced positions, when even some of the most skilled athletes would have tired out from the activity. Then they collapsed on each other when Logan finally unloaded in and on Shane, breathing heavily.

Shane muttered, "Is that all you got Mr. thick dick?"

Logan wiped his brow, took a deep breath, looked down at his deflated dick and replied, "I thought I'd give you a little rest, I'm ready when you are. Just say the word"

"Yeaaa, right. You look wore out to me."

"Yea, pretty much."

As they were under the falls once again, cleaning themselves up, Nick came running up the hill.

First he smiled and said, "Ahh, thought you 2 were here. My gaydar ears heard something up this way. Anyways, get dressed! Marcus is missing and Sam and Alex were found by the barn unconscious."

"Say what?" Logan and Shane asked at the same time.

********* I awoke and became aware of those 2 familiar voices bickering. Dad and Patrick again.

I couldn't move. I was lying face down on a cold concrete floor, with my hands and feet tied behind me. I laid there on the floor while they argued, giving myself time to regain my senses.

I heard them saying something about being followed because Patrick isn't that light on his feet and always bungles plans.

I couldn't take hearing them bickering like idiots, so I mumbled, "It's because he is fat."

I felt a slap to my head and Patrick say, "screw you, dirty fag ass and your stinky boyfriend's paintings."

"I don't have a boyfriend and what paintings are you ..." I felt another slap to my head.

"Those there, that we pulled from your boytoy's paint room."

"Huh?" Another slap.

I grumbled, "If you do that one more time fat boy..."

Dad moaned, "Shut the hell up the both of you. Help me gettim to his feet and into that chair."

The next thing I knew was flung into a chair, with blurry vision and feeling rather nauseous, in a dimly lit room which appears to be a basement.

I said, "Now what the hell do you want? Can't you just take a hint and ..." And dad slapped me across the face.

Patrick with his arms folded next to dad and, shaking his head, looking behind me at something. "You are one.. sick.. puppy, fag."

Dad shouted, "Shut up Patrick or so help me..."

He looked back at me and said, "I want that money and the whereabouts of your mother, otherwise the pain will be overwhelming."

"Ummm, let me think about that for a sec. Tick tock. Nahhh, not gonna happen. And what paintings are you talking about?"

"Told ya Dad, he is such a moron...You should just show those paintings to all his friends."

"What freaking stupid paintings are you talking about?"

"Patrick, go find me a flashlight."

"If you open that clos..."

"Flashlight, NOW." Dad pointed to the stairs then balled his hand.

With Patrick clunking his way upstairs, Dad brought his fist into my face. I thought, "That hurt ...a lot, and is going to leave a bruise."

"Your precious little family is nowhere to save you now sonny boy. Now tell me what I want to know."

"You know, it doesn't bother me what you will do to me. Just get it over with, because I am not telling you anything, ever..."

He shoved a small plastic ball into my mouth and taped my mouth shut. Next, he pulled out a black cigarette looking box and pushed a button and it sparked. Damn, it was a stun gun. He didn't say anything, just smiled at me and then pressed it against my neck and pushed the button. The pain that seared through my body was intense and the room blurred. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. I think he did it 2 or 3 more times. I could feel my muscles Charlie horsing and aching. Luckily, Patrick came stumbling back down the stairs carrying an oversized box. "Hey dad, I think this is one of those multifunctional flashlights."

Dad said, "Well, just don't stand there pressing buttons. Give it to me now."

He said, "It doesn't work though."

"It doesn't have to work, just enough to knock the shit out of him."

He turned towards me and grabbed my cheeks. "Say goodnight, pretty boy..."

All of a sudden, the flashlight started beeping and vibrating, Patrick let out an "uh-oh", then a slow high pitch squeal came out of it.

"What the fuc..." and it started smoking so dad threw it at Patrick.

"You moron...I am not going down..." I heard him tramping up the stairs.

The sound just kept screeching louder and I couldn't cover my ears. I heard Patrick heading up the stairs then kneeling down moaning in pain.

I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain then heard a couple of thuds on the stairs.

When I looked over, I saw 3 figures in black wrestling Patrick to the floor.

The 2 lights that dimly lit the room then burst from the high frequency sound. Now it was pitch black. My ears were ringing.

Once they had Patrick subdued, one of them clicked the flashlight siren off.

I then saw a light come on from a flashlight from one of the masked figures. A second removed his mask and it was Shane!!! He said to the figure who turned off the siren, "You got him?" then turned to me and asked, "Marcus, you OK?" as he ripped the tape off my mouth.

"Oooww. Yea.. kinda... sorta, maybe, I think..." I half mumbled as he untied my hands and feet. We both turned our heads up as we heard yelling upstairs and thumps.

He helped me up. I was very unstable and it was difficult to get my bearings. He whispered in my ear, "Just lean on me, I've got you." The noise upstairs was getting louder. We slowly made our way up the stairs, then halfway up we heard the sound of glass breaking. We both looked at each other.

We made our way to the first floor and turned to the back of the house to see the back sliding glass door shattered. We made our way out and looked down over the decking and into the late evening shadows with two figures battling. As my eyes adjusted and Shane turned on an outside light, we saw my dad and another figure in black battling it out with tree limbs and whatever else was handy around them.

I yelled, "Don't let the bastard get away." I looked over to where the stairs were supposed to be and saw that they were shattered. I felt a rush of adrenalin. I told Shane, "Come on, let's go help him." I was about to jump down.

Shane grabbed me and said, "No you don't. We are going around."

By the time we made our way out of the house, around it and down an embankment, the black figure had my dad face down in the dirt and was close to breaking his arm, both of them breathing very heavily. I heard him say, "This is for all the crap you have put my family through and your own son."

From the other side of the house came a voice, "WAIT!!" We looked over at the person. It was Doc.

The man in black struggled to contain himself and the look on my dad's face was priceless

"WAIT!! Let the law handle him."

The man tore off the black hood to reveal... ERIC!!!

"Why? It didn't help before."

"Eeeric." Doc said, in a slow and deliberate way, to calm him.

"Fine." He flipped my dad over and said, "This is the final time I deal with you." Then pounded him several times until dad stopped struggling.

I walked up to them and said to my dad, "Never count your chickens out, dumbass." I wobbled and Shane held me up.

I looked at the guys and asked, "How did you..?"

Doc said, "I implanted a mini-device on you during your last encounter to record your vitals. It can also be used as a homing beacon we found out, but since you're caked in mud that hindered the devices output."

"You are sneaky Doc. Who has a homing beacon locator?"

They nodded over to the other couple holding Patrick down. They removed their black hoods and I remember them from somewhere.

As I gazed at them they smiled and it had a calming effect on me, just like before, and I said, "From the plane...?."

They smiled at each other and said, "Good memory."

"So you knew me already? You live here?"

"Knew of you and of your father. We live here, along the lines of a remote office. We are from the FBI."

"OH, that makes sense now. Hey, how are Sam and Alex?"

By this time, I heard footsteps approaching and it was the police, Logan and Spencer.

"They are both ok, just resting and being monitored for any aftereffects at the clinic. We'll be getting you there as well to get you checked out."

Logan looked at Dad with disappointment. His lip curled from the anger he felt. He shook his head and then looked at me and put his arm around me, interlocking with Shane's. Dad didn't show any emotion. He turned to Patrick and shook his head.

Patrick looked beat up and mumbled, staring in my direction, "Dirty, dirty paintings."

I thought, "What the hell is he talking about?"

Logan asked me, "What is he mumbling about?

"I don't have the slightest idea."

Doc and Eric got my dad up to his feet and he still slightly struggled. Doc looked like he was losing patience and stared him down. Eric, on the other hand, twisted his arm and said, "Move again and I will break it."

"We will handle him from here. No need to injure him further" said one of the officers as he backed Eric away.

My dad said, "Go ahead and try. But, watch your backs, all of you. You especially." As he gazed grudgingly at Eric with the police walking him away.

I said, "Wait, hang on a sec. I want to give him something."

Shane helped me wobble over to him and I grabbed the little black box out of dad's shirt and said, "How does it feel?" and put to it to his neck and shocked him. As he groaned, I felt the energy run out of me and I slumped to the ground. I wanted to cry.

Shane picked me up in usual style and I hugged him and said, "Thanks Sam, I can always count on you." as the others gathered around me.

I realized I had called Shane, Sam. I thought to myself, "Why did I say that?" then quickly said, "I didn't mean to ruin your holiday, Doc."

He chuckled, put one hand on my head and patted my shoulder with the other, and replied, "Well son, it made for a more interesting and memorable day that we sure won't forget. Glad to have you back safe with us, you're very important to our family."

I felt Doc really meant it and I wanted to cry. I replied, "Thanks...Dad."

I don't remember much of what happened at the clinic or the ride home that evening.

I awoke to the sounds of clanking and lots of garbled chatter outside the door of my room. Of course, not knowing what was going on I just had to find out. I sat up, rubbed my eyes and got up to peek out the door, not noticing that I was wearing just my black and white briefs.

As soon as I turned the handle of the door, the door pushed open and a rush of guys came at me, pinning me on the bed. I could hear Lidda, Doc and Susan giggling out in the kitchen

They all said, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"

Then Alex said, "It's flurbbert time."

"NO WAIT, I don't..."

The next thing I knew I had 8 guy's lips blowing on various parts of me, making the flurbbert sound several times each. I couldn't help but laugh and felt someone feel me up too.

Doc then said, "OK guys, let the poor guy up and get dressed for his birthday breakfast. You always are in the mode to embarrass him."

Sam said, "He does a pretty good job of that on his own, we just like to enhance it." Now I know from Sam's position it had to be him with his hand in my shorts but nobody knew because Eric was across my chest blowing flurbberts on my neck and Alex was laying across my waist acting a fool.

They finally got off me and marched back to the kitchen with Shane closing the door and not doing his usual wink at me. He just did a quick smile.

I hurried to get dressed and out to the kitchen to see what they had planned.

It was a big breakfast buffet, and I was hungry. I said, "Mom, I mean Lidda, this looks awesome, I am starving."

As we were sitting around the table, Doc asked me about what happened yesterday with Patrick and Dad in further detail. I told the family about the events they missed and for those who weren't there described how Shane saved me once more and Eric took out my dad.

All of a sudden Sam got up, while shoving his plate away, and was turning red.

He walked towards the door in a hurry, mumbling, "It's always about Shane..." and slammed it behind him on his way out.

I said, "Well, I'll go calm him down this time."

As I walked out the door, I heard Doc tell Lidda, "Good luck with that."

I walked briskly to the barn, following Sam. He had closed the door behind him and locked it. I banged on it, asking him to open it so we could actually talk about what just happened.

I started hearing things being thrown around and Sam yelling. Judging by their stomping and huffs he was scaring his horses, so I decided to try another entry way, that Alex had showed me a couple days ago, because I was sure Sam had the other door locked as well. I barely fit through the small opening and came through the empty stall and right into the main hall of the barn. Sam was still throwing stuff and yelling.

I said, "What did you mean by the "It's all about Shane' comment?"

He turned quickly, surprised at my sudden presence given that he had locked the doors. He looked at me with searing eyes and said, "I'm the one that saved you and you treat Shane like he walks on water."

"Ever since I showed up Sam, you're an emotional wreck! Nobody knows whether or not you're going to blow a gasket whenever anything happens. Shane shows the same attitude and compassion every day he is alive, so of course who wouldn't want to be around him more than the `Piranha Man of the South'. I can't believe we are still having this revolving conversation. I thought this was all worked out?"

Sam's face turned even redder and he took the ball he was holding and threw it as hard as he could up into the rafters. I never quite figured out why he did it just that way.

He started to walk away from me towards the other end of the barn. He threw his hands up in the air and said, "I guess you will never understand."

That's when I heard an unusual creaking noise and what sounded like metal and wood cracking. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the upper level that held a row of tractor tires and other supplies was shuddering. I quickly decided it was collapsing and took off after Sam, who was still ranting about what I just said. Luckily his horses were at the other end of the barn and out of immediate danger.

On the way, I grabbed the horse blanket that he had been standing on, then tackled him from behind and pushed him into an empty stall. I jumped in behind him while throwing the blanket over us.

As we fell to the floor, with me on top of him, the loft gave way and the tires and supplies came crashing down from the upper level, and right onto the area we were just standing, along with debris that rained down on us. If the blanket wasn't on top of us I believe we would have been smothered by the huge amount of dust.

Then I heard more of the loft giving way and come thudding down the wall. I thought we were goners. I pressed my face into Sam.

Suddenly it was quiet. I was still alive!! Once the disaster came to a stop, I heard the horses screaming. My face was buried in Sam's shoulder while he was trying to catch his breath. He was coughing and I heard what sounded like him crying. As my nose was pressed into his shirt I could smell his body. It was quite different from Shane but it also intrigued me. The memories of that night during my wreck slowly started returning.

I raised my head slightly and felt something above. I slowly removed the blanket to discover the loft was just a few inches above us.

Sam asked breathlessly, "What the hell ... just happened?"

I looked at him. Our eyes locked. Those memories of that night in the ravine in this same position were flooding my memory and tears started to well up in my eyes. He started to tear up too. I felt that hot and light headed feeling between us once again. It wasn't the lightning as I previously thought in the ravine. This was a very erotic feeling.

I kept looking into those most amazing blue eyes. Then, what I never have imagined would happen, did happen. He slowly brought his hand up to my face and he lightly brushed my cheek. He slowly pulled me into a kiss. I lost track of time as we shared the kiss, but it was the most sensual kiss I have ever had. I broke away for a moment, my breath taken away and asked, "WOW! What was that?"

He stared into my eyes and I could feel he wanted to tell me something. He paused for a moment and then said, "I .. I .. think I have been confused about my feelings for you."

I smiled and asked, "What feelings are those?"

He thought for a moment. His face turned red and then slowly smiled and said, "Well besides feeling that bulge of yours against my leg, I feel I am very much attracted to you. You drive me fucking crazy."

"Yea, I know the feeling!!!" I said, shaking my head in agreement and smiling.

He asked, "You mean?"

I just stared in those deep blue eyes and kissed him again. My tongue moved deep into his mouth. His hand slid from my neck and started hugging me tight as he pushed his tongue deep into my mouth. It felt wonderful.

Then we heard Doc and Shane yelling for us. We just kept on with our heavy making out and groaning.

Shane found us first and as he discovered what we were doing in the stall I heard him say, "OHHH ... OHHHH ... UMMMM"

I could hear Doc ask him if he had found us, but I didn't care and neither did Sam. We kept kissing. Shane must have been making some type of hand signal because Doc kept saying, "What? What is it? Just say it."

Shane then bent back down toward us and said, "I don't think you're in much danger at this moment but I'll keep dad busy while you make out, I mean .. make your way out... ... when you feel like coming...I mean .. ohhh you know what I mean!" Without breaking our lip lock I gave him a thumbs up.

Both of us were lost in each other until we heard an unusual creaking which didn't sound good. I slowly lifted off him and Sam said, "Next time, we switch spots, I'm not fond of this bottom thing"

I felt myself flush and said, "Oh get use to it, you might be there more than you think!!" He looked at me with those blue eyes and grinned evilly and replied, "Rriiiight..."

We had to back slowly out of the stall, one at a time. I moved back first and as I passed over Sam I rubbed my check over the bulge in his pants. I heard him say, "OK, not now." I just snickered and did it again and then moved out of the stall.

We made it out of the barn to find Doc, Shane, Eric and Spencer coming to meet us. They all just kinda looked at us funny.

Sam asked, "What are you all looking at?" with a goofy grin on his face.

Eric said, "Um, we've just never seen anyone smiling while coming out of a barn that almost fell on them."

Doc asked, "What happened in there to cause that?"

I felt flushed again and said, "Cause what?" thinking he was talking about Sam's slight bulge in his shorts.

Shane's eyes smiled and he brought his hand up to his mouth to keep from laughing, knowing that is what I thought Doc meant. Eric and Spencer glanced at each other, smiling.

Doc said, "Were you guys hit with something in there? You act like you got the sense knocked out of you both?"

Sam replied, "Just a tad startled is all. Ever since Marcus showed up, we have to be extra careful where we step."

"Well thankfully you both look unhurt but you're both a mess. You should..."

Sam finished for him saying, "get cleaned up."

Doc looked at him odd and then looked at the barn and added, "..We should get this mess cleaned up..."

Sam said, "You're right Dad, tomorrow. It is only Marcus's birthday. I'll get the truck..." He grabbed my hand and quickly rushed to the truck.

I heard Doc quietly finish his sentence with "..tomorrow."

We got in and to our surprise it was filled with all the trash from the party.

Sam smiled at me then rolled down the window and yelled out, "We have to dump this first. We will be back." Doc looked at the others in confusion.

He took off like a mad man. I asked, "What is the hurry?"

"We have to talk."


"Spencer's...we can shower there."

He pulled into Eric and Spencer's drive and I thought he was going to smash through the barn to get to the outdoor shower but made a bull's-eye stop at the barn door.

He turned the truck off, turned to look at me intently and said, "Come on, we are a dusty mess."

He walked me quickly back to the shower stall and stopped, then looked at me in that intense way again.

I asked, "Why are you looking at me that way?"

"Were you serious about what you said to me in the barn?"

"Umm..." I grabbed him by the hand and wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss with each of us lightly moaning in excitement.

We pulled away and just stared into each other's eyes.

He said, "I didn't think you liked me."

I replied smiling, "I could say the same."

"I thought you had the hots for Shane."

"Are you jealous of your brother?"

"I have been so much more ... confused since you showed up."

"Confused in what way?"

"I .. I don't have the same confidence or looks like Shane that you admire."

"So you think I desire to pursue Shane?"

"Well...I have seen you two.." he looked like he was about to cry.

I embraced him and said, "Hey, what you have seen and what I have learned since then is an eye opener. I will tell you a little secret between us. Shane isn't all that confident and would you believe, I think he is more confused than you are."

"HUH? Shane confused?"

"Sam, you are smart and creative. Your imagination lets you create those paintings, invent some cool stuff. That all comes from deep inside you."

"But Shane..."

"Enough about Shane. This is about you and I. If you didn't refuse to take me to Nashville. I would have..."

Sam quickly interjected with a jolted surprise, "How do you know about that?"

"Ryan told me." Sam's face turned red. "Now hang on, calm yourself. It's OK." He looked at me like he was so ashamed and hurt. "Listen, if you did take me as Ryan asked, I don't think we would be standing here now. You've been holding this in all this time feeling guilty and thinking you did the wrong thing. I can understand why you've been acting the way you have, that can have a ..."

"I didn't think I could talk to you..."

I think you need to hear that you are a smart, caring, and freaking cute blue eyed blondie that I can kiss till the day I die." I kissed him once more.

He said, "How could you say I am caring the way I treated you."

"Now think about that. You didn't know how to direct your feelings since you didn't know how I felt. Your "explosive" outburst was because you felt a need to protect me but since you didn't want your family to know how you felt about me, you came across as an ass to them."

"Do you think they will ever forgive me?"

"I think once they know, of course they will. You have a great family."

"They really have taken you in as part of the family."

"And they know I am gay."

"You told them?"

"No, they pretty much guessed."

"How do you think they will handle me knowing that I could be ..."

"Could be? You are." I gazed down at his bulging pants. He blushed.

"I know, I just ..."

"Sam, you worry too much. Be yourself. Open your heart. Let me love you the way you should be loved."

I started to undress him for the shower.

Once I got to his shorts, he said, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I am not ready to have sex with you." I think the look on my face told him to keep talking. "That came out wrong. I mean, sex right now... I .. Wait. I want sex. Fuck."

"Hey take your time, I am patient."

"I do want you. You're going to think this is totally retarded."

"Just say it."

"I want our first time to be ... better. I want to show you how I feel. I want to give you a great birthday present."

"See, that is why I find you adorable."

"But let me give you a preview, then we go back to the house and then I'll have a surprise for you this evening."

He took off my shirt and pants and left my shorts on but curiously rubbed his hands down my thighs and legs. I thought, "Let him explore in his own way, this is kinda hot."

He then led me into the outdoor shower and turned on the faucet.

Even though I am slightly taller than him, he stood behind me with his arms around my waist as the water fell on us. His hands moved slowly up to my hair and he helped wash the lingering dust out. The feel of his warm wet skin was driving me crazy. He is so sensual with his touch.

He continued to slowly work his hands down and once he got to my waist, I could feel his hands start to quiver at my waistband. So I let my hands drop to his legs and lightly brushed them to try to settle his nerves

He then got a bit braver and turned me around. He had a huge smile on his face while he gazed at my chest

I said, "Are you having fun?"

His eyes looked at me and he nodded. He continued to wash my front very slowly , not missing any crevice, even though our hard-ons were bouncing up and down for attention.

He turned off the water and got a towel. He helped dry me off

I said, "Now that we are clean and half dry, what about my dripping shorts."

"Wrap the towel around you, silly"

"Oh, we have to work on your sense of timing blondie."


"Just joking around."

"I am going to drop you off back at the house, then I have some errands to run before our big evening. I am sure the family wants some birthday time with you before I steal you away.

"Well ok, but are you sure you don't want the company."

"Um, I do, but it will only make tonight a bit more.. fun" and then kissed me.

I didn't want to get out of the truck when he pulled back up to the house. I sat and stared at his eyes and grinned. He said, "Go on...Go on...I'll be back."

As I headed into the house, my mind was wandering and as I reached for the door handle the door came flying open and doc said in frenzy, "What did he do to you? Why did he leave again?"


"Get in here son."

As I stepped inside with just my towel wrapped around me and in a semi daze. I was surprised by the entire family waiting and about to sing a song. They hesitated a few seconds as they were checking out my skimpy outfit and I felt a bit out of place standing there nearly naked and trying to hide a semi wood.

Alex and Susan started giggling.

Doc said with a chuckle, "Always a treat."

Adam and Sarah said, "Uh 1, uh 2...let's get this party started !!"

Then the entire family erupted into this neurotic hip hop happy birthday song that Adam and Sarah apparently strung together, as I tried to make my way back to my room to get redressed.

As I was in my room half way dressed, I could still hear them singing and then Shane slipped in.

I said, "What's up?"

"You tell me? You and Sam? What you did in the barn? Where is the little guy, did he run away?"

"OH yea, I mean, yea but no he didn't run away."

"Tell, tell!!"

"You want to know?"

"You betcha!! Every word of it."

"But, he is your brother and you and I ..."

"Yea, all part of the plan."


"Trust me, I know Sam. I could tell the second Sam brought you here that night, that you changed his life and for the better. It just took awhile for both of you to realize it."

"What? You?" I was blown away by what he was saying to me.

"I played the interested, flirting but unsure, bi card to the hilt just to get you two to realize..."

"That we actually were meant for each other..."


"and we found that we actually do love each other. He is on an errand to make tonight a special event for us."

"That's my brother, mister cleverness. You are going to have a treat my friend."

"Let's go mingle with the family. You are something else Shane."

"Yea, I have my moments and so does your brother."


"Well he started it, I just finished it." He grinned devilishly

After the mid-afternoon party, I decided to take a quick nap before the evening.

I was awakened by the breathing of someone staring at me. I knew it wasn't Susan and Alex.

Without opening my eyes, I said, "You aren't little miss, eh?"

"Little miss wouldn't do this."

I felt his lips gently caress mine, then a nicer, longer more passionate kiss.

I opened my eyes then said, "If she did, then we really have a problem on our hands."

Sam laughed and he developed a very devilish grin and said, "I'm ready to give you your birthday present."

"Riiighht..." I replied. He grabbed my hand and smiled as he said, "Come on.".

We drove to the property of Mr. Williams. This was the lake that we stopped at to cool down that day on the way to the clinic. Sam drove slowly up the drive past the lakes, and continued on up to the house.

I said, "Are we going for a swim now?"

"Naw, not right now."

"Hmmm, so you gonna jump me in those bushes there then?"

"I'm not gonna jump you, but you sure look ready." As he glanced down at my bulging shorts.

"Mr. Williams could be here and interrupt us and tell us to leave."

"No, he is out of town for vacation. I asked him if I could use the lake while he was away and he gave me a key to his house to check on things and feed his bird."

"So my present .. is a bird?"

Sam laughed and said, "I love your humor." He stopped the truck next to a small enclosed deck overlooking the lakes.

He looked at me with those eyes again and I couldn't stop myself and I planted him with a kiss. We got lost in this kiss again and then he pulled away.

He smiled and said, "Come with me."

"That is what I am trying to do." I said coyly. He nodded in agreement as he opened the door of the truck and got out.

I followed him as he walked up to the enclosed deck and held the door for me to walk in.

I gasped at the sight in front of me.

This deck overlooked the road that I had my wreck on. As I stood looking down at it, I heard Sam turn on the stereo. I looked at the table in the middle and saw presents. In the corner was a day bed with more presents, and on the wall behind me were several covered paintings.

I said, "Interesting place to take me."

"Think of it as coming full circle. That, down there, is where both of our lives changed. I figure it is about to change again for the better, so why not a familiar spot."

"Never thought about it that way, but cool idea. Looks like Mr. Williams plans on a party upon his return."

"No. These are all for you. Hurry and open them."

I picked up the first box and as I began unwrapping it, I said, "Why are those paintings on the wall covered up?" Sam put his arms around my waist. I could tell he was nervous because he had the nervous jiggles where he was touching me.

I said, "You can touch me all you want. I won't kick or slap you, unless you want me to." I think that helped subside his nerves some.

"I'll show you after you open these."

"OHHH, a mystery man..."

I opened the box and pulled out an outfit of leather. I said, "This looks familiar."

"Remember the casino and the outfit you found me in."

"AAAHH. This won't fit me, it was snug tight on you."

"Open the next one, and don't take your time either." He held me tighter and I could feel the bulge in his pants rubbing on my leg.

I opened the next few boxes quickly, to find some other interesting outfits, and then the smaller boxes had flavored massaging oils, candles and whip cream.

I asked, "What is the whip cream for?"

He let out a breath and said, "I thought you'd never ask, I really have to work on your sense of timing, geeee."

He took the can and turned me towards him, stuck it down my pants and sprayed it, then pulled it out and kept spraying me with it. I grabbed his hand on the can and playfully maneuvered it until I was spraying it on his face and down his shirt. By now we were both laughing and covered in whip cream.

I said, "Now we are going for a swim to get this off us?"

"No, now we lick it off."

"I like that idea."

He slowly pulled my shirt off and pulled at my shorts. I was doing the same to him.

I said, "You such a tease, but I love it."

He slowly worked my shorts off and began cleaning the cream off my crotch. He took his time licking all around my dick. He stopped and gazed at it a couple times, then he surprised me by slowly sucking on it. I didn't expect him do that this soon, knowing he wasn't experienced. I never had the kind of attention that he gave me. He was so erotic about it, I about came, but I managed to suppress it for the time being, but was leaking like a roof.

He then worked his way up my stomach and chest. He stopped and looked into my eyes. I could see he was nervous.

I needed to slow the urge to come, so I slightly changed subjects and asked curiously, "Why are those paintings covered?"

Sam stammered and then flushed. He took a few moments to gather his thoughts and said, "I painted these. When I show you, please don't take offense at them, I was trying to figure out my feelings."

"I'm sure whatever it is, I wouldn't take offense at them."

"Welllll, I heard what your brother said."

"Logan saw these already?" I gasped.

"Not him, the retard one."

"You mean, my dad and Patrick, had these in that basement. Is that what they were talking about?"

"Yes, these are it."

"Well how they get them?"

"From my barn studio. They must have followed me."

"Well can I see them, please?"

He walked over to the paintings and this was my first real look at him naked. He was much more toned than I previously thought, most likely because of the overalls or loose layered clothes he wore all the time. He just had that naturally thin, toned build. Then he turned and I loved seeing his cute bubble butt. I could just about rim him silly right then and there.

He slowly uncovered the first one. I gasped and looked at it, a little perplexed. It was a painting of a nude, well hung, sculpted, totally smooth young man with shoulder length black hair and angel wings. He was standing proudly under a decorative stone archway and handcuffed to it.

I said, "Wow! Who is that?"

Sam said, "Look closer."

I said, "That vaguely looks like..."

"You. Get it, you are my Guardian Angel."

"Wow, but the body is over drawn isn't it, and if I had a dick that big..."

"When you're up close and holding it like I did that first day, it does."

"You are a perverted little man aren't you? I love it. Let's see the others."

He took off the second cover and it was of Superman and Batman as I had never seen them before.  Superman was half-sitting in the foreground on a rock, leaning back on his right arm with his left arm resting in his lap.  It was a rather vulnerable pose, enhanced by the fact that Batman was standing behind and above him, as if to protect him.  Batman had his cape clutched around him but it was open to reveal his muscular torso.  Both were looking off at something in the distance to the right of the painting, as a sunset blazed in the background. The overall effect was that Batman was protecting a weakened Superman, a reversal of the roles that they would normally have.  It showed that although Batman was traditionally the "lesser" superhero he could be relied upon to protect his friend where necessary. It was a very moving painting!

I just gazed at it in awe. Then as I focused on the faces, I thought Superman looked like me and Batman was Sam.

Sam said, "It kinda represents me being in control, when I felt out of control during your first stay here. If that makes sense?"

"Yea it does, like I am larger than life, and the last one."

Sam took a second longer than the others, looked at me and smiled and said, "This is .." and removed the cover.

It showed a similarly built man as the angel, butt fucking a blonde boy on his stomach with a nice bubble butt, on a massage table. The blonde boy facial expression was one of awe and his feet were quivering behind him. It was extremely erotic.

I said, smiling once again, "Let me guess, you painted this today. You did it this afternoon. That overdrawn fucker is me, and that blonde one is you."

"You are larger than life to me and yes I did it this afternoon for you. This is one of the ways I view how we will end up a lot, but hopefully we will take turns..."

I hugged him and said, "I felt as if we had this connection the moment we met down there. I just never realized you would be interested in me. These paintings are amazing. It shows a lot of insight about you. I want you to feel relaxed around me and I will show you how I feel about you."

"I ... just.."

"Relax. Do what comes natural for you. You've obviously been practicing kissing and have an active imagination. I think you have a lot of pent up sexual energy to release."

He smiled and pushed me back onto the day bed. He climbed on top of me and said, "Told ya we'd be switching spots." Then he planted another mind blowing seductive kiss on me. His dick was bouncing on my stomach.

While we kissed, I let my hands glide around on his back, to his thighs and then slide between us to his throbbing dick and stroked him. His kiss turned more breathtaking as his excitement level increased rapidly. I could feel him warm up quickly and he was pre-cumming so much it was puddling up on my chest.. He then started slowly moving back and forth on my dick that was rubbing up against his ass cheeks. My dick was slick from leaking and it eventually rubbed up against his hole.

I whispered in his ear, "Are you ready for that now?"

He became rigid and I looked at him. His eyes were bugged out and he was looking out the window. I heard him say, "what the..." He jumped off me and went running out of the room. I thought he had changed his mind or had to pee but I watched him run down the road out of sight and then I heard a splash.

I made a quick exit from the deck and down the path. By now the trees and the fading light made it rather dim, but when I looked into the lake I saw something big floating. I thought, "oh good lord, he didn't go try to drown himself now?"

I started to wade into the water and noticed it wasn't Sam at all, he was much bigger. Then all of sudden the body sprang up, along with another body, and came flying at me. When I hit the water, I felt like I got slammed with a tree trunk as all the air rushed out of me.

The next thing I knew I felt lips on my mouth and air in my lungs.

I could feel my lungs wanting more air and I gulped in as much as I could. I then gradually opened my eyes to see the blurry outline of a big man. I said, "I loves you." groggily

"I .. you..." the garbled voices replied.

Then, as my head cleared, I heard behind me my new love's familiar voice say, "FUCK, Oh FUCKING crap. He is getting away." I heard him running.

I rubbed my eyes and was surprised to see Larry and Ryan hovering over me on each side, as drenched as I was. I said, "Ryan! Larry! What the ..."

Larry was looking to my right at something. I turned my head slowly and gulped at the site of another male being held down.

I mumbled, "Whodda, Whooooddaa, is that?"

Ryan said, "Remarkable resemblance, don't you think?"

As my vision focused I asked again, "UUmm, uh, who the hell is that?"

Then I heard a loud BANG from above the tree tops.


. *****

Here is the big twist in the story. This never happened. Marcus was dreaming on the plane from chapter 1. No more story...

I thought since many of the readers waited patiently for this new chapter to arrive, I would expand my horizons. C.J. agreed that Marcus having his own yahoo group would be a good idea. We would link the 2 sites together to make it easy to find. This is still under construction and will have some new photos added also. I will inform everyone thru email or yahoo group. I will be adding the "enhanced" version of the story from chapter 1 thru the end at various times. I haven't found another website that fits the mold I am looking for. It does not change the ending to the story, just added some details and "polished" a few sentences since the editor before Paul was more or less a proofer and not the grandmaster editor Paul can be.

OH WAIT!!! Something else I wanted to let you know... SCROLL DOWN

Scroll down

Keep Scrolling down

Actually, just kidding. The big twist to the story is this isn't the last chapter I have one more chapter on its way to wrap this edition up. HAHA. Told ya there was always a twist to this story.

Next: Chapter 25

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