Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Dec 2, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-22 still apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

Thanks Paul for your time and effort editing this story. I know this chapter was fun and yet challenging to edit. I wish to thank Jeff Hunter also for his insight and helpful hints.

I appreciate the patience of all the readers between the last chapter and this one. I think you will enjoy it.

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but a lot of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

WARNING: Just to let you know up front, this chapter is fun!!

Chapter 23: A new path taken.

Patrick was sitting in the living room watching TV when he heard his father's car come screeching into the driveway. He then came bursting through the back door, cursing up a storm.

He yelled, "Patrick, get some bags packed. I am pretty sure I found where your mother went galloping off to. Now we just need to go find her."

Patrick looked confused and said, "Mom said she would disappear. How do you know where to go?"

Joe rushed over to Patrick and grabbed him by the shirt and said, "To the only person who does know... your dumbass of a brother Marcus."

"How would Marcus know? He is the most clueless person on the east coast."

"Exactly, moron! Your mother was careless enough to let him know what she was up to without really letting him know. She wants to be found."

"That is stupid. How are you going to get near him with that redneck of a family watching him like a hawk? Why do I need to go? I don't have anything to gain from it all."

"You are insurance. Now, get your ass in gear. I'll tell you the plan on the way."

***** I said, "Ah fuck it!"

I closed the door of the truck again.

I sat there gripping the steering wheel. I thought to myself, "If I fuck around with them, how will Shane feel about that? How will the rest of the family take it when they find out? Everyone seems to know each others business and I could not deal with another serious emotional crisis. Fuck, where would I go if they all didn't want me here?"

I opened the door again, and then shut it.

I thought, "What the hell is up with Shane anyways? I woke up that morning after we spent the night together to the sound of his alarm clock and he was gone. All he told Alex is that he had work to do and should be back soon. I don't get why he clammed up on me? Why hasn't he come back? I guess I scared him or something. OH well, he had his chance."

I opened the door then slammed it shut once again.

I sat for a moment in a daze, still with a hard-on trying to burst out of my pants. Then I thought, "Wait a second...., Nick and Jeff are close friends of the family and they fuck around with these guys. Everyone accepts them. Nick and Jeff work at Doc's clinic for heavens sake."

I said, "Fuck, I need to get laid. There are two hot fuckers out there waiting to have some fun. Shane had his moment the other night and stopped for some reason."

I opened the door and got out.

I walked back around the barn to see the guys in the tub still at it, but in a different position now. Eric was lying on his back on the edge of tub and Spencer held his legs up in the air while he was plunging that hot cock into Eric's ass in a rather steady quick pace.

I watched for few moments as they enjoyed each others bodies. They did not notice my return. My dick was so hard and pressing to get out my pants. I kicked off my shoes, slid off my socks and took off my shirt.

I said, walking closer to them, "I didn't know kites were gay."

Eric replied, "Well, damn kid, you took long enough to think that through."

Spencer said, "We heard the door slam like 20 or 30 times."

Eric said, "No that was your balls slapping my ass that many times, I think he slammed the door 6sixty.. 9nner times. Uhhh ...." Spencer thrust hard into Eric as he saw me unbutton my pants.

I replied "Did you just say lets 69?"

"Are you getting in here with us now?"

I said, "Maybe? I am still in a daze from your tonsil vacuum. I thought I would return the favor."

Eric glanced at Spencer and they smiled at each other.

I walked up to Eric. His hand dropped down to my zipper and pulled it down. I put my hand on his wet heaving chest. My pants dropped to the ground and I stepped out of them.

Eric said, "You look like you about creamed your boxers buddy, they are soaked." He slid his hand up the side of my leg and rubbed my stiff cock. He used his thumb to lather my dickhead with my pre-cum. He took his hand to his mouth and licked the pre-cum off his finger. He did it again and then put his finger in Spencer's mouth and he licked his finger clean. Both of them looked at each other and said, "MMmmm, young cum"

I bent over and gave Eric his return kiss. He somehow managed to maneuver my boxers off quickly, while we were sucking on each others tongues. I felt Spencer's hand on my ass. Man, Eric is such a powerful kisser. I could hardly keep my breath. I imagined what he'd be like sucking cock. I figured I would find out in a few moments.

I moved down to Eric's neck and licked right below his adams apple. I got a groan out of him. I then explored down to his nipples and gave him one of my special nipple whips. He groaned again and he repeated that on me too. I played with his pecs for a few moments until I felt his dick hit me.

He said, "You sure are the teaser." I could hear Spencer still plunging into Eric's ass. Spencer's hand was exploring my ass.

I stopped teasing Eric's chest and looked up to see his cock bouncing up and down in front of my face. I glanced up and Spencer had a very wicked smile on his face. He nodded for me to take it. I followed the happy trail.

I slid my hand around it and he was huge. I thought "Can I get this in my mouth? Oh hell, I am sure gonna give it a try!"

I loved playing with the tip of his dickhead. As soon as I started licking his dick I felt the vacuum suck my dick into his mouth. I moaned, "OHHHH geezz" Spencer said, "OH yea, now we're talking."

Spencer slowed his pounding of Eric's ass so he could pay more attention to my ass by sliding his fingers to my pucker. Meanwhile, Eric was going to town on my dick. I was so close as it was, I could feel so much buildup. I decided I would match his sucking power and engulfed his dick in my mouth. I tried the same suction power as he was using but never had a big cock like this in my throat before, so to get him more ready, I grabbed his balls.

I realized I was sandwiched between these two. I felt Eric slurping and sucking on my dick while Spencer entered his fingers into my ass.

I said, "Fuck guys, I am so close."

Eric increased his sucking power and Spencer found my prostate quickly. I could hardly think straight with these feelings.

I tensed up and felt Eric suck more. I exploded deep into his throat. He didn't stop what he was doing and neither did Spencer. I heard Spencer moan, and his muscles tensed while he filled Eric up. I still was feasting on Eric's dick when I felt a spray of his hot juice hit the back of my throat. It tasted so good.

After we both couldn't get any more stuff out of each other, I let go of his dick which was still hard and said, "Now what?"

Eric stopped blowing me and replied, "We switch places."

I thought for a moment, "Um that would mean Eric gets to fuck me."

I moved to where Eric was and Eric moved to where Spencer was. Spencer ran around the barn and slammed my truck door several times, then came running back and said, "I didn't know kites were gay."

He then walked up to me and planted his mouth on mine. I felt Eric preparing my ass for what would be a hell of a pounding.

When I first felt Eric's dick enter my ass I thought I was going to break in half, but that sensation quickly turned to sheer excitement. My dick was aching so bad. We all repeated what we did to each other earlier. Spencer's cock sucking was different from Eric's, but he was able to engulf me completely and he hummed a lot. That sent shockwaves through me.

I was the first one to cum again, and I screamed this time from the intensity of these two guys. I said, "Ohhhhhh good god, this is so intense."

Eric said, "SWITCH!"

I said, "I don't think I..."

Spencer said, "SWITCH!!"

Eric went running off to the truck, slammed the door a couple times and repeated "I didn't know kites were gay."

It was my turn to fuck Spencer. I thought a moment about the last time I fucked someone and it was Matt, back before he left for the ski trip. I realized it wasn't my accident that caused my confidence level to wander, but it didn't help it either. It was the fact that I didn't have Matt in my life and that his death wasn't as it seemed. I know he isn't coming back and my life still has to run it course, so get on with it.

All the sensations of fucking a hot ass came back to me and again it didn't take long for me to cream. It was such a hot scene to see these two make out with each other and share in their moment.

Afterwards, we soaked in the tub for a few minutes and talked. The sun had just set and the crickets were just beginning to chirp and I saw a few lightning bugs. I was really relaxed.

I said, "So much for drawing up plans for your house huh?"

"We aren't in the biggest hurry."

Eric said, as he used his foot to massage my dick, "Feel better now?"

I replied, "Interesting, you always ask me a question as though you already know the answer."

Spencer said, "He is just overly confident because I tell him he has a huge cock and a hot ass to fuck."

Eric stood and stroked his cock and said, "It IS huge." Then put it in Spencer's face.

Spencer licked his lips.

I said, "OK, I am beat. I should get back to the house and see how the kids are doing."

"You are welcome to stay as long as you want."

"Thanks, I will be back I'm sure." As I plopped out of the tub and fumbled to put my clothes back on.

"We count on it. That was just the warm-up."

I gave them the thumbs up on my way to the truck and drove back to the house.

I was in a daze after my fun evening with Eric and Spencer when I got back to the house. My ass was so sore from its workout, my knees still felt like jelly.

I fumbled with the door coming in and about tripped over.

Paige, Larry and Cody were with Alex and Susan in the kitchen making dinner.

"Marcusssss.." Alex and Susan squawked, then drifted off as they all stared at me when I walked in the door stumbling around.

I said, "What?"

Cody just stared in bewilderment as he drank his Juicy Juice. Shadow was on his bed and twitched his head as if something wasn't right.

Larry asked, "Did you fall in a mud pit or something at work? Your clothes are filthy."


"Did somebody spank you with a board? You are walking funny."

"Umm, no. I ... had ... a flat."

I then noticed Paige face blush and try to hide a smile as she realized I was lying and knew it had to do with sex.

Larry walked over to me. He put his arm around me and said, "I'll help you to your room, so you don't run into anything."

"Take a quick bath and dinner will be ready" Paige instructed me.

"Yes, mum." I heard giggles from the kids.

I quickly showered and was getting ready to sit down for dinner.

There was a knock on the door.

I said, "I'll get it."

I went to open the door and was stunned to see my father and Patrick.

I yelled, "What the hell are you doing here?" I heard the quick footsteps of the others coming up behind me.

Dad said, "We want to talk to you? It's about your grandmother."

"I just talked to grandma and grandpa this morning."

"Grandma Tes, Marcus" Patrick sniped.

"What about her? She ok?"

"You are always the obvious one, duh?" Patrick

"Patrick!" Dad scowled him

Dad said, "Can we talk to you for a few minutes?"

"You could have called."

"We don't have your number. I am swallowing my pride because Tes asked me to talk to you." My father was sounding rather sincere but I know him and I had the feeling he was trying to pull something.

"Let's talk outside son." Now I know he is up to something because he distinctly said he couldn't ever call me that again.

"Sure, only if Larry comes with me and Patrick sits on the Porch. I don't need any of his sarcasm."

"Fine with me." Dad gave in.

As we walked around the yard, Dad said, "Tes isn't too well. You know how she feels about me but she called and wanted my help."

I did notice Spencer was making a presence near the barn, just waiting for me to signal him. How did he know he would show up anyways?

"Help with what?"

"She wants to be able to talk your mother before it is too late."

"How am I able to help? I don't even know where she is. Have you talked to Logan? He might have a better idea"

"He is unreachable. I thought you might have some way of knowing. Anyway, we are at the Holiday Inn just outside of town for the night. We are heading up to Louisville tomorrow to help her put things in order. So if you want to join us, that is up to you. I just know Tes said she really needed her family now."

"You know Dad, I don't believe you. I think you have something else up your sleeve. So what is it, just come right out and put it on the table."

"You should make the effort. You know how Tes is about family sticking together. We can at least put on a good front for her. Your mother would be devastated if she knew she missed her mother's funeral."

"Umm, did you hear what I just said?"

"Fine. Talk to you in the morning. Patrick, lets go. We have already worn out the welcome mat." As he eyed Larry and turned to the car.

Patrick muttered, "Great, this place is depressing."

"Hello, prickhead? What the hell are you talking about? You do know I will call Grandma as soon as you leave and every other family member until I get the truth. Now, let's get this over right now. What is it that you want?"

Dad turned back towards me with a glare I have never seen before. He walked up to me and grabbed me by the shirt.

Patrick said, "Dad, watch out for the big monkey."

Larry put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Back off now."

Dad let go, but was just a mere inch from my face. I could feel his breath when he spoke. He said, "I still can't stand to see the sight of you. You have something I want, once I get it we won't ever have to see each other again and you can rot your life away here. Otherwise, don't get to comfy around here and keep a constant look over your shoulder. Your little gang here couldn't help you in the least. We will be at the Holiday Inn once you drop the innocent act and hand over the information."

"I will not be threatened by you ever again. One more word out of you or Patrick and I and my new family will beat the pulp out of you. Listen good POP, I don't know where MOM is and even if I did, I sure as hell would never tell you. Now get the hell out of here before you regret even showing your ass here."

Patrick said, "Big words from a big ...." Without even looking I didn't let Patrick finish when I turned and punched him in the gut. Patrick went down, groaning. I felt good doing that, I took every insult he ever said and gave it back to him just then. I suddenly got a bad headache.

Dad picked Patrick up off the ground and pushed him into the car.

Before dad got in the car he said, "Watch your back." He got in and drove off.

"What did he want?" I heard Spencer ask walking up behind us.

I quickly told him the conversation, I then asked, "How did you know they were here?"

"We saw them on our way over for dinner."

"Where is Eric?"

"Following them. I already called Tom, since he wanted to know if he ever showed up again."

"What did he say?"

"They are coming back now. He would rather have you wait to make your next move until he got back and had a plan in place, as would I, but it is your family and decision. That wacko can't be trusted."

"I only call him dad because calling him dickmite is rude in front of company. You guys are my family now. Your guidance would be very helpful."

"Let's wait to see what Eric finds out."

We then heard what sounded like a car crash just around the bend. We ran down the drive out onto the road. I saw the car had sideswiped a tree and dad was arguing with Patrick in the middle of the road. Dad lunged at Patrick and was beginning to choke him.

I started running with the others but the headache was getting worse and I was getting very dizzy. I fell to the ground losing my breath and getting nauseated. Larry and Spencer stopped to help me up. I looked up to see Dad and Patrick laughing at me.

Dad said, "I really meant to say, you're a dead man."

They got in the car and drove off, and then I passed out.

***** I was awakened by the sensation of someone staring at me. As I recall, Susan was the master at that, but this time I felt something different. I could hear a light breathing and some tapping.

I muttered, "You aren't little miss, eh?"

"Do you always sleep on top of the sheets in just shorts?" Sam asked

"I don't remember how I got in bed or undressing myself."

"How come you haven't got a TV in here?"

I opened my eyes to see Sam staring at my shorts, I said "I see where Susan gets it."

"What?" When he noticed I was watching him his face turned crimson and he quickly looked the other way.

"Those curious questions."

"No. Just pointing out facts."

"Oh, What happened anyway? My head is killing me."

"We got home about an hour after Spencer got Nick to save you. You sure have a lot of drama in your life."

"Speak of the devil. Your life is no cakewalk either. So where is everyone?" I asked, as I scooted up the bed to sit against the backpost.

"Resting or having breakfast. We have instructions not to leave you alone and you're not to get up, so I was suckered into sitting here with you. So are you going to change anything in this room? It doesn't seem to fit your personality."

"My dad said I was a dead man and your best bed side manner is to say you were suckered into sitting with me. You are just the sweetheart."

"Well your Dad isn't such a smart guy for being a doctor...."

"He isn't a doctor, he is a science researcher"

"OK, but he still has no common sense when it comes to using drugs on people. He inhaled it too but it didn't effect him until much latter. I think you should accent that wall over there in Hunter Green and the others in..."

"What are you talking about?"

Someone knocked on the door and Sam opened it. Doc, Nick and Lidda came in.

Doc asked, "How are you feeling?" Lidda sat on the bed next to me and took my hand.

"I could run a 10 mile marathon."

Sam pointed out, "Probably feels like a bad hangover."

"Yea, somewhat. Can someone tell me what happened? Sam is out in left field today."

Nick said, "Your father tacked a sophisticated poison pill on your shirt when he grabbed you. For that pill to be effective it needs to be ingested. You got vapors instead which made you feel ill and luckily you were outside. If you get some fresh air this morning, you should be feeling just fine."

I must have squeezed Lidda's hand rather hard, because she winced when I replied in an angry tone, "Damn, that was his intention all along, to kill me? If I die, my mother would come out of hiding and he would get what he wanted. Bastard! Where is he now?"

Doc said, "I think your father isn't that smart, just vindictive and crooked. He and Patrick are in the county jail after he spent the better part of the night in the infirmary suffering from symptoms like yours."

"How long are they going to be there?"

Doc replied, "Not long. The police don't see any wrongdoing except thinking he was drunk after driving down the wrong side of the road."

"Fuck, now what? What about a restraining order?"

Nick replied, "Eric made quite an impression on them before the police arrived. I'm convinced you won't be seeing him again."

Sam surprised me by saying, "Don't be so sure about that, he will find a way. As long as he is here and breathing you can expect the wacko to show up again."

Doc said, "Not when we have the upper hand. Eric can fill you on the details."

I heard the door squeak open and then I heard the voice that makes me quiver with excitement.

Shane asked, "I got back as soon as I heard. How is he?" At that, I noticed Sam grunted and knocked over a vase, and stormed out of the room without anyone noticing.

Lidda said, "He is resting but looks great."

Doc said, "Good timing son, would you care to sit with him while we go take care of a few things at the police station and the clinic."

"Sure, not a problem." Shane winked at me.

***** Sam headed out of the house and right for the barn and without saying anything to Jeff, whom he about knocked over reaching for the door knob.

Jeff thought Sam was a bit rude and decided he would go ask him if something was bothering him.

He was about to follow him to the barn when the family came outside and were leaving to take care of some stuff in town.

Nick said, "What is on your mind?"

Jeff replied, "Well, Mr. huffy just came barreling through here as if he was a man on a mission."

"Let's go talk to him. I think he needs to let some stuff out."

"That's what I was just about to do when you guys came out."

Sam was in the stall with Martini when Jeff and Nick peeked in the barn. They watched him for a few moments talking to the horse. Jeff and Nick nodded at each other and walked in.

Nick asked, "Hey Sam, How are Martini and Tanqerquay today?"

"Martini isn't too happy but Tanqerquay is ancy about something."

"I have a fun idea. Wanna take them for a ride? I bet that would help them with their.. moods."

Sam glanced at them for a sec to see if they were serious.

"Since when do you guys hang out with me? Besides, you two aren't exactly dressed to be horsebackin today."

"You usually aren't around. We don't have to go far, just enough to give them some fresh air and maybe we can take a dip in the lake."

"Fine. I'll take Tangerquay since he is still training to be ridden. Martini can handle the both of you."

As they saddled up the horses. Nick asked, "So why do you think Martini isn't happy about something?"

"Just the look in her eye."

"And why is Tanquerquay ancy?"

"Something in here isn't settling with him right."

They started their ride and the first 10 minutes was pretty much silent.

Sam asked, "Where do you want to swim, Paige's creekside or the back valley?"

"Creekside is good."

A few more minutes went by in silence. Sam gazed at them a couple times and then asked, "So have you guys decided if you are going to be adopting?"

"What do you mean?"

"I noticed you have been spending more time with Alex and Susan than Spencer and Eric lately. Besides that, Dad says you both are taking more interest in the maternity ward."

"Good eye kid. We have been discussing something along those lines."

"You've been partners for how long now? I think the agencies would consider you to be fit to be parents. You both have the patience for it."

Nick was sitting behind Jeff and pinched him as that was an opening for their questions.

Jeff asked, "How about you?"

"Me adopting? OH good one."

"No, I meant, have you met someone that could be a possible partner. You haven't really been dating much, unless we just did not know about it."

Sam face went blank and he held his head down.

"Naw, I don't think anyone gets me."

"What do you mean?"

"I have so many thoughts running through my mind all the time that I find myself confused a lot."

"What kind of thoughts?"

"Look at Shane, he..he...he gets just about anything he touches...."

"How does Shane work into this?"

"Then Marcus shows up and throws my family upside down. They adore him."

Jeff and Nick glanced at each other and noticed Sam was staring off in the distance while talking.

Nick whispered his Jeff's ear, "He's receptive."

"What is it that Shane does that bothers you?"

"I saved Marcus, not Shane. Shane takes him under his wing and, just like Alex, Marcus becomes his shadow."

"What is that you think Marcus thinks about Shane?"


"Maybe Shane talks to Marcus as a human being and not some outsider."

"He IS an outsider, I just happened to find him and saved his life."

"Sam, you found him and pulled him out of that wreck, but we all had a hand in saving his life."

"....But he is my..." Sam paused, then looked at the two of them, and added, "...age and we should be pals."

Nick pinched Jeff once more.

Jeff said, "Just between us and the horses, promise us you won't go galloping off over what I am going to ask you?" Sam nodded. "Are you having mixed emotions about your sexuality? Do you find Marcus attractive?"

Sam looked away and then asked, "What in the hell are you two talking about? That would be gay."

Jeff calmly added, "Yes, it would. If you already haven't guessed, Marcus is gay."

"Sayyyyy what? UMM, then from what I have seen, so ... would... Shane." the horse got ancy because Sam was pulling on the reins.

Nick said, "Wait, you promised not to go galloping off. Shane likes Marcus....."

They noticed Sam's face turn red and then he suddenly kicked his horse to make it run. They could hear him crying as he was riding off and heard, "Noo, it can't be true."

Jeff shook his head and said, "You just know right when to butt in at the wrong time."

"Hey, he didn't let me finish what I was going to say."

"That's why Doctors never make good bedside therapist."

"Well, are you going after him?"

"We wouldn't catch up to him. Best we could do is wait for him at the barn."

***** Doc, Lidda and Nick left and Shane sat next to me on the bed. I sat up and he scooted closer.

I said, "Where have you been? I was worried."

"Working and thinking." He leaned in closer to my face, put his hand on my shoulder and asked, "So how are you really doing?"

I took a deep breath, looked into his eyes, and shaking my head said, "My father... tried to kill me and for what....?" I felt the tears starting to stream down my face and leaned up against Shane. He embraced me in a tight hug.

He said, "I don't know why, he is just one fucked up bastard. But you are alive and we will protect you. You have our family now to lean on...." I could hear the emotional strain as his voice trailed off.

I hugged him tight and just bawled. I could hear Shane crying along with me.

After I calmed down a bit Shane asked, "What can I do to help you right now?"

"I want to be outside and I need a shower."

"Ok, so let's get you up to the falls, that will clear your head up quick."

"Yea, I still have a bit of dizziness .. the falls should help."

"No problem." He picked me up like when I first arrived and walked me all the way up to the falls and sat me on the bench. The fresh air was helping to clear my head a lot, plus seeing Shane in his tight shorts was even better.

He said, "I think you may need some help in there."

"That would be very kind of you."

He began to undress. He slowly took his shirt off in one of those long stretching motions. He took his time letting his tight boxer briefs slide down his legs. He bent over in front of me so I could get a nice view of his smooth ass. I wanted to touch it and lick it.

He turned back to me with his semi hard dick in my face and said, "Ready?"

I licked my lips and then looked up at him and said, "Ready!"

He helped me slide my silk boxers off and he took notice of my growing erection. He looked at my cock then in my eyes and then back at my cock and smiled.

He picked me up again. He was about to take a step when he looked at me and said, "You will always be safe here, and with me."

I shook my head and said, "I know." I hugged and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and kissed me on the check.

He walked over to the falls and slowly let me stand on my feet. He kept his hands on my hips and said, "I'll be here helping you."

"I am actually feeling a lot better since you've been here."

I took a step to get under the water and felt Shane right behind me. He was close enough that I felt his dick rubbing against my back. I quickly washed myself to get what felt like a week of dirt off me, and then dropped my arms to my side to enjoy the flow of water over me. My hands touched Shane's legs.

I then felt Shane's hands moving from my hips up to my stomach. He moved closer to me and put his head next to mine. I turned my head and our lips met. We went from a soft sensual kiss to a hot and heavy breathing make out session.

We stopped after about what seemed like an hour and backed out of the falls. We stared into each others eyes.

I said, "Cool." He said, "Wow!"

I leaned over to his chest and started sucking on his nipple while my other hand roamed his firm stomach, and then slide down to his hips then back to his ass cheeks.

He moaned ever so slightly.

He walked us slowly over to the bench and sat me down. His dick was right in front of me and I wrapped my hand around it. I stroked him slowly, trying to feel every part of him. I couldn't take it any longer and moved forward to let his dick slide into my mouth. I explored his head first and then slowly made my way down the shaft. He groaned.

He then carefully maneuvered me back onto the bench. He bent over and took a hold of my dick. I had full control to still suck on his cock plus his balls and get a view of his ass. I think he learned cock sucking from Eric. His powerful suction sent all kinds of feelings through me. I returned the feeling by using the same suction on his dick. I was also able to play with his ass more and inserted a finger into his hole. The pre-cum on his dick tasted better than anything I tasted before. I wanted him to cum so badly.

I was about to finally get my first taste of his juice when he rolled me back onto my back.

He said, "I want to give you something very special."

He flipped me over on to my stomach and asked if I was comfortable.

I thought he was giving me a massage at first until he got down to my ass and I could feel something moist and slippery being applied.

I then felt my cheeks spread apart and the first moments of a warm tongue rimming me. I have never felt such a sensation like this. He somehow was already touching my prostate. I moaned heavily.

I felt his tongue leave my ass. I felt him move in behind me. He laid his chin in the nook of my neck again and said, "I want this to feel good." I could feel his dick sliding back and forth on my ass.

I replied, "You are doing just fine as you are."

I felt him reach behind me and I could hear the lathering of a liquid. He nuzzled my neck while he did that.

I then felt the tip of his dick move to my hole and he slowly slid it in me. The feeling was sensational. I felt nothing but pleasure. He slid it in completely, allowing me to adjust. He took two long slow thrusts.

I said, "I'm ready, you feel great!!"

His thrusts started slow, then gradually sped up. I was moaning and groaning to no ends. He knew exactly where to slide that dick of his to get the most reaction. He then gradually rocked us back to a sitting position and then back on his back. He didn't lose his thrust as we made this move.

He still was controlling my hips as he thrusted, while I was sitting on him and he had entered me completely, the last thrust hitting my prostate on the mark. I couldn't hold it anymore and he felt me tighten. So he slid his hand from my stomach to my dick and stroked it. I came with such force that it shot out and landed on my shoulder. I could feel him speed up and he clamped down on my hips and felt a rush of cum spew from his dick inside me. I came again. My legs were shaking from the intensity of our orgasms.

He didn't let his dick out of my ass when I felt him slowly turning me around so I was facing him. He wiped the cum off my shoulder and licked his finger. He moaned. He slid his hand down to my stiff dick that was cum covered. He slid me forward enough so he could suck the stuff off my dick while his dick was still in my ass. I was thinking, "What can't he do?"

He looked at me with a huge smile and said, "Can you take more?"

I nodded my head and said "Of course."

So he leaned me back on the bench once more and sat up slowly himself. His dick still didn't leave my ass, and he was hard as a rock.

He made sure I was comfortable and then slowly raised my legs up in the air.

He adjusted his sitting position and started to fuck me again. I had no control in this position and he fucked me long and hard again. It didn't take long for the feeling of another orgasm approaching and this time he leaned over and started sucking me while fucking at the same time. I came with such force and I had to yell, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" I felt that he came at the same time as I did again.

He slowly let my legs down and he sat and watched my dick jump about, slowly losing some of its hardness.

I said, "That was totally the best sex I have ever had."

"Yea, it is easy with you. You are so flexible."

"Where in the world did you learn all that?"

"A friend."

I had caught my breath and was ready to sit up.

We sat looking into each others eyes and smiling.

I asked, "Shane, what happened to you the other night?"

He looked down for a moment before he spoke. He said, "You stirred feelings in me that I had never felt before. I hope you don't take this the wrong way because of what we just did, but I got freaked out when you said you wish every night could be like that."

"What would be so freaky about that?"

"I should be totally honest with you. I want you in my life so much."

"I want you in my life too. Go ahead and tell me, I won't break."

He paused for a moment, took a deep breath and said, "I enjoy doing this with women too. I am bi, Marcus....." He looked like he could cry.

I said, "That isn't the end of the world. I had those feelings too. It is something you will have to work out in your own time. I enjoy the time we spend together. I am not looking for a commitment. I think you took my comment as that the other night." On the inside I thought, "Once again he keeps pulling a rabbit out of his hat. Once again, I keep falling into that emotional rollercoaster."

He looked at me and said, "You are such an amazing person." I smiled back at him.

We heard a horse galloping up to the house and someone crying horribly and then the door to the house slam open and shut.

I said, "What was that?"

"That almost sounded like Sam. What could have him so upset?"

"Should we dare go find out?"

"I think I should, you should stay here and relax. I'll be right back." I watched the hunk slide on his shorts and quickly head to the house.

I got up and walked back under the falls to wash myself after that heated sex moment. I stood looking out at the forest of trees, thinking about what my life is turning out to be. It is not going exactly as I wanted, but then again any adventure has detours along the way.

About ten minutes later, Shane came back looking a little distracted.

I asked, "What happened?"

He sat back down next to me and said, "He was already in his room, I heard him crying. I knocked on the door and he wouldn't answer. So I let myself in the room and he was packing a bag."


"When I walked in he didn't even look at me. I asked him to tell me what was wrong and he said he was getting out of everyone's life. Living here is too hard for him."

"WHAT? I need to stop him." I got up, pulled on my shorts, and ran to the house.

Sam was walking out of the door when I emerged from the bridge.

I yelled, "Sam! Wait!"

He stopped and looked at me for a second, then took off for the garage.

I said, "SAM, Stop!!!"

He stopped at the garage door and turned to me as I walked up to him and he barked, "What?"

"You can't leave." I pleaded.

He shook his head and said, "Why?" then looked behind me as Shane walked up to me and shook his head.

"We need you here."

"No you don't."

"Alex and Susan would be highly upset that you couldn't teach them more about horses."

"Don't bother trying to find me again." He said, as he entered the garage and got in his truck.

"Who is going to help me with your father for the Fourth?"

He started the truck and put it in reverse.

"Sam, I want you to stay. You need to help me remember that night you saved me!!"

He looked out the window and was crying. He raised his voice and yelled, "They saved you." He winced as stood Shane in the doorway looking shocked at Sam's behavior. He punched the gas and went screeching out of the garage but had to stop or he would have run into my truck.

I ran up to his window and said, "No, they didn't. If you didn't pull me out of that car and keep me warm in your truck..."

He changed gears once again then stopped and realized what I just revealed and said, "You were passed out, how do you know what I did?"

I looked into his eyes and said, "I know."

He stared out the front window, shaking and crying and said, "I'm so confused."

"I know. We can help each other. Turn the truck off and talk to me."

He sat in daze for a few moments with tears streaming down his face.

I said, "Stay. Please."

He looked at me and nodded his head yes and shut it off.

I opened the door and took him in a hug, he responded by hugging me back. We cried together. I heard Jeff and Nick whisper something to Shane as they came around the house.

I finally said between sniffles, "You won't regret it."

Sam paused while staring into my eyes and said, "You actually tried the Alex and Susan card. How old!" then shyly grinned.

"Come on, let's go back in the house and get a snack, then we should go for a ride on your horses and talk."

**** The next day, a few days before the fourth of July, I walked into the kitchen to find Doc, Lidda and Sam planning for the party. I overhead Doc say, "We need to do something a little different this time."

Lidda looked up at me and said, "Hi Marcus."

"Hi guys, what are you doing?"

"Planning entertainment for the fourth of July. Any ideas?" Doc asked

Sam said, "Oh, don't give him any other ideas...pllleeease."

I said, "Have you ever done a scavenger hunt before?"

"Yea, it's almost like an Easter egg hunt around here."

"Well, I think you might want to think on a larger scale than that, from a couple I have done."

Both of them looked at me suspiciously and said, "How large?"

"Well, I actually have a game saved in my email which I can print out and let you look over, but the scale of the hunt would include the area from here to Knoxville or start in area like Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg?"

Lidda smiled at Doc and said, "You have said you wanted to shake things up a bit for these parties. This could be fun!!"

Doc started shaking his head and said, "We could have everyone meet here and just rent a bus and take everyone to a spot like Marcus suggested. It could be more like a mix between a mystery party and a scavenger hunt."

I said, "Well, with this scavenger hunt, I put 3 to 5 people on a team and each team drives."

Lidda looked up at me and said, "Oh, now you've got him thinking overtime."

I asked, "Is that good or bad?"

Lidda and Sam snickered. Doc looked at me and said, "Too awesome. Print off that game for me."

Sam said, "I'm going to work, catch ya all later."

Lidda asked, "So how have you played this hunt, Marcus?"

"Well for the ones I have done, I usually split in 3 to 4 groups, making sure each group is divided into individuals who usually don't mingle together, this could have the effect of bringing them together as better friends and make the game more challenging."

"So wouldn't everyone be looking for the same thing and end up in the same spot?"

"I'll be right back, I'll go get my laptop and print it off for you and you will understand how it is set up."

"Alex has a printer in his room. He should be done with his shower by now."

"Which room is his? Up the stairs and first room on the left."

I got my laptop and made my up the stairs. I had the laptop open and ready when I just opened the door and walked in. I was a bit stunned at what I saw.

Alex was on his bed completely naked from his shower kneeling and leaning back whacking off.

His eyes shot open and said, "Doesn't anyone ever knock." then threw his towel over his waist.

"The door was open. I am sooo sorry for barging in on you."

"Close the door!!"

I was backing up and ready to close the door when he said, "Close the door from this side, and lock it."

"You want me to come in?"

"Yes. CLOSE THE DOOR! Hurry."

"I shut the door quickly and locked it as he requested."

He looked like he was going to cry. He said, "Marcus....don't hate me."

I said, "I don't hate you. Why would you think that? What is wrong?"

"I have these uncontrollable urges and thoughts."

"What? Do you want to talk to Shane or your parents about this?"

"Shane didn't catch me, you did. Who can talk to their parents about their dick? I don't think I am normal."

"How so?"

"I want to play with it all the time."

I grinned and understood what he was going through and said, "I will let you in on a little secret. I do too. Mine that is. It is very normal to do."

"You do? How often do you play with yours?"

"Just about everyday."

"Do you think Sam and Shane do that too?"

"I would have a good feeling they do too. You are going through the process called puberty."

He paused and looked like he had many more questions.

I asked, "What would you like to know?"

"What happens when stroking it? Why is mine not as big as yours or the others?"

"Alex, you are growing up and curious."

"Please don't get grown up on me and act like my parents. I trust you and would rather know from you and not some stupid friend from school or the dreaded talk from mom and dad."

"O.K. I just never had to explain this. I want you to know that not many guys get this experience. I will try my best to guide you. A lot of it is just exploring yourself and what makes you feel good."

"Will you show me how you do it?" He slid his towel off and had his hand wrapped around his semi erection. I noticed for a young boy, he is developing a very similar build to Shane and Spencer.

"I wouldn't feel right touching you. Not because of liking you but our age difference and again adults would see this as ..."

"Weird, I know what you mean. You need to undress and show me."

I took everything off and laid next to Alex.

He looked at me from head to toe in awe. He pointed at my chest and said, "Am I going to look like this too when I get your age? Why don't you have hair there like Eric but you have it very short around your dick?"

"It is mostly genetics and the rest exercise, and once you get older many guys will trim pubes for vanity reasons."

"Why is your dick bigger than mine and different from the others?"

"Again that is genetics. We have no control over size. However, I don't think you have much to worry about. In a couple years you should be similar to your brother and uncles."

"How do you get yours hard?"

"Usually thinking of someone and stroking it like you are doing yours now."

"Who do you think of? And what are they doing?"

"I think of someone that excites me and usually they are touching themselves or me."

"Yea, I have all these thoughts of girls and they are naked too."

"That is normal."

"What happens if you keep stroking for a long time? I have tried but my arm gets tired and then I get a cramp in my nut."

"Oh, you almost got it. You are still growing. It is called an orgasm."

"Show me."

I knew he was adamant about this. I thought back to when I was his age and the way I discovered it. If my brother wasn't such a bully then, I may have asked him too. I felt like Alex is now, so confused and in wonderment.

"This is for teaching purposes only OK? You are a lucky boy to have people who care about you and will take care of you. You should not feel ashamed at how you look or ever feel you can not ask a question that can be of importance to you. "


I took my semi erect cock and began stroking it until it was rock hard. Alex gulped and said, "Damn that is big!" I explained at various points some of the finer techniques of pleasuring oneself. He got in the same position as I was and followed my lead.

As I got close to cumming. I told him what it usually took to get the orgasm and I sped up my rhythm.

He said, "Funny, You are breathing faster and your leg is quivering."

As I imagined being fucked by Shane, I squeezed on my nuts and I blew my load all over my chest and stomach.

I glanced over at Alex who was wide eyed and stroking himself faster. He twitched a few times and tried to scream. He mouthed a name like some form of countertop and then a few short clear shots sprang out.

We laid there for a few moments and finally he said, "Damn, that is intense."

"Yea it is."

"So that is what happens during sex with someone else? Do you ever touch the other person?"

"Do you ever see your parents touching each other?"

"I see them hugging and kissing, that isn't sex."

"Well this wasn't sex either. This is jacking off. Sex can either be a lustful experience or a deep sensual meaning between two people. Sex is when you play with each other and have intercourse or more directly when you use your dick to fuck someone."

"How come you keep saying someone? Mom and Dad are male and female. Why not say when I fuck a female?"

"That is just how I am describing it. There are people who like male to male and female to female also."

"Gays. Like Eric and Spencer."

"How did you know they were gay?"

"They told me. I just don't quite get where this would go if both of them have a dick. Do you know much about gays?"

"You really want to know the truth? You should learn about male and female sex first."

"I will. Well, do you know much about gays?"


"How do you know?"

"Because I am gay."

"Huh? YOU? Wow, I never would of thought. So ..."

"Ok I think we are done for today. You have a lot to digest and learning how to clean yourself up is a big part of jacking off."

I looked around and was glad to see the tissue box. I showed him the finer ways of cleaning up without leaving a lot of mess.

He asked, "Why did you bring your laptop in here?"

"I'm supposed to be printing something off for your folks."

"I'll do it for it for you."

He printed the materials I needed.

Before I stepped out of the room he came up to me and hugged me, then asked, "Thanks Marcus for understanding. Can we have more talks like this again?"

"Sure, anytime, but talk to Shane too ok? You can talk to your dad, just trust him more, he will understand."

He looked at me, smiled and hugged me once more.

I hurried back downstairs to find Doc writing a list.

I asked, "Where did everyone else go?"

"Outside I think, so what you got for me?"

"Um, can we talk in your office for a moment?"

"Are you feeling bad?"

"Nooo, just want to talk ... privately."

We walked to his office and he shut the door.

We sat across from each other and he didn't say a word. Just an odd smile.

"Sooo." I tapped my knees awkwardly.

"Oh, this must be a father- son talk huh?"

"Yea, you could call it that."

"Must be serious if you want to talk in here."

"Well, serious but awkward at the same time."

"I think we passed the awkward stage a few months back eh? You know you can talk to me about anything."?

"Yea, but as with any parent, it can still be an iffy situation. But here goes."

"Does this have to do with Alex?"

"Yea, how did you know?"

"Well, you spent almost an hour with him, so I assume he talked to you about something serious."

"Yea and I was on the fence about to handle it but then thought back to when I was his age and what it would do to make a difference."

"Ahh, he is discovering what his body and hormones are doing."

"Yes and he is sensitive about some things about it and as all kids are about talking to their parents about it."

"Yea, weird huh? I am wondering why he didn't talk to Shane first since he is his shadow."

"I am sure he will talk to him. I just happened to walk in on him during his first 'caught in the act'."

"Marcus, I trust you completely with my family. I am thrilled he feels he can trust you enough about this. So what was he curious about?"

I squirmed, "OH I knew you were going to ask this."

"I am a doctor and a dad. Nothing will shock me."

"I set boundaries for him, of course. He wanted to know more about jacking off and be shown how it is done. Then after that he wanted to know more about sex and then sex between gays. I ended at that point and encouraged him to talk to Shane too. I also added he should talk to you and that you would not embarrass him."

"Interesting subject. Shane took the sex talk quite well at his age, Sam was more like Alex. I'll add my thoughts with him at some point. I take it you ended it at the gay sex since you weren't comfortable talking to him about it and your experiences."

"My experiences?" I was quite shocked that he even brought up being gay.

"Marcus, it is ok. Lidda and I know that you are gay. We are not blind."

"So you are not mad or upset that I may have crossed a line?"

"Not at all, better here at home with someone he trusts and gets the facts rather than at school from those he doesn't know well, like we had to endure at his age."

I added, "Speaking of Sam."

The phone rang. Doc answered it and it sounded like he had to leave for the clinic.

He said, "I have to get to the clinic, we can chat about Sam later when I get back. I sure hope it isn't the same talk. That would be awkward." He then grinned at me as he walked out of the office.

**** The day before the Fourth, I left work early to help Doc with the final touches of the family party plans.

I drove up the driveway and noticed everyone was gone. I thought, "Hey, I thought that at least Shane would be home from work by now?" So I quickly made my way through the house and nobody was there. I also checked the barns and spa and again nobody was there.

I thought, "Might as well check Shane's apartment while I'm here." I quickly made my way up the stairs and then noticed a car in the garage I had never seen before, parked next to Shane's truck.

I started knocking on the door and no one answered. I knocked again and this time the door creaked open. I heard the stereo playing and thought maybe he just didn't hear me. I said, "Shane, are you here? Shane..." when I heard some other noises come from the bathroom.

The music was a tad louder as I reached the door, I tapped on it and he didn't answer. I started wondering if he was ok, so I just opened the door slightly and peeked in. It was really steamy, so I opened the door further as a ton of steam came billowing out.

While the steam was making tracks up, I heard some moans. Again, I said, "Shane?" When I finally looked in again, my eyes bugged out and my jaw dropped at what I was seeing.

Shane has a semi frosted, walk in extra large shower and it fits 2 people comfortably. I was staring at Shane standing with his hands planted on the wall leaning forward slightly and some young woman I never met before on her knees in front of him. She had Shane's cock in her mouth and was having a field day with it. Then I noticed a well built guy behind Shane, on his knees eating Shane's ass out.

I was stunned by what I saw. I was about to close the door again when I slipped on the slick floor. I tried to keep my balance but I didn't have a good footing. I flayed about, grabbing for anything that would prevent me from falling. I ended grabbing the tree planter behind me as I did the splits right in the doorway. That didn't help, it fell on top of me, causing enough noise for them to hear. Next, I heard the girl scream and the other young man say, "Who is that?"

I heard them scurry over to me and Shane lifted the tree off me. I laid there staring up at his wet body with his huge erection above my face. Then the other guy leaned over me and said, "You look familiar."

As I was able to get more in a seated position and upright, I looked up at this stud next to Shane. I did a double take and asked, "Ryan!!?"

"Marcus?" Ryan looked just as surprised as I was.

"RYAN!!!" I said excitedly.

"MARCUS!!" Ryan said with a huge smile.

The girl jumped over me and said "Great, everyone knows each other now." She grabbed her clothes, and ran out of the apartment in a fit of anger.

"LORI!! WAIT. LORI!!!" Shane yelled for her, but she kept on going and we soon heard a car start and take off like a bat out of hell.

Shane looked back at us and said, "You two know each other?"

"Um, yea, just a little. LONG story." I said, as I checked out Ryan's wet completely smooth rock hard naked body.

Shane knelt beside me and said, "Are you hurt?"

"I think I pulled a muscle in my thigh."

Ryan put his hands around my knee and slowly slid them up and said, "Say ouch when you feel it."

His touch sent my dick into overdrive and I had an immediate hard-on. He kept sliding his hands up until it was in the crevice of my leg and groin. That's when the pain jolted out at me and yelled, "There."

Ryan and Shane snickered and Ryan said, "Yea, I felt that before."

"I meant where your hand is, that's the pulled muscle."

Shane said, "Warm moist heat should help work out the kink. The bathroom is already handy, otherwise I would have to find the heating pad. Which do you prefer?"

Ryan still had his hands on my thigh and lightly rubbing. Both of them still had hard- ons. I thought to myself, "What crazy person wouldn't choose the bathroom and get double attention by two hotties?"

I said, "The bath is right here and ready. Let's do that."

Both of them lifted me up but it hurt to stand on my leg.

Ryan said, "Shane, you hold him up while I help him undress. Wouldn't want to ruin his nice clothes in the shower."

I asked, "Can we all fit in there?"

Shane smiled very mischievously and said, "Of course. It may be snug but we will fit. Don't you remember how snug we fit together?" I glanced at Ryan who smiled and winked at me.

"Oh, yea!! Hey you may want to lock the front door, you wouldn't want just anyone walking in."

Ryan didn't waste a second going to lock the door and then quickly returned to continue undressing me. He took his time removing my boxers since he was enjoying playing with my balls and dick. Those feelings I had about him at the airport came rushing back. I thought, "This definitely throws a kink in the whole scheme of things. I feel the same about both of them."

Ryan asked while doing this, "What happened to you after the airport?"

"I was in a car wreck and ended up here."

Shane asked, "How did you two meet?"

"Ryan was the flight attendant on that flight." Then I asked, "How do you two know each other?"

Ryan said, "Paige and Larry are my sister and brother. We are all neighbors."

We all looked at each other and said, "OHH."

We moved our way into the shower that was still going and quite warm.

Shane sat me on his lap on the small seat that was built into the shower. Ryan bent over and was rubbing my inner thigh again. He wasn't shy about rubbing against my balls and sliding his finger to my ass.

Shane was just rubbing my chest and stomach and down to my groin area.

I said, "I wasn't hurt in that area."

"I know. I just like feeling you. Ryan has the better angle."

I looked into his eyes and kissed his cheek. He responded by liplocking with me again. I lowered my hand to stroke his cock, which was pressing up against my leg.

Ryan said, "Don't start without me."

While Shane and I were making out I felt Ryan move away from my inner thigh, then engulf my cock in his mouth and using his hand to rub between my ass cheeks.

Ryan was an amazing cock sucker. He swallowed me completely and was able to wash my balls with his tongue. That sent me over the edge and I shot my load into his throat. He lapped up every last drop, then moved up into a three way kiss between us all.

He stood up and said, "Let's reposition you in a more comfortable spot." Shane grinned and nodded in agreement. I eyed Ryan's dick that was about the same size as Shane's except Ryan's body was much more defined.

Shane stood up and held me up while facing him. The touch between our naked bodies was electric. We continued making out.

I felt Ryan playing with my ass. First, he took his time with his hands exploring my ass, balls and rubbing Shane's and my dicks together. I then felt a warm tongue licking my ass. He took his time rimming me with that talented tongue. He had me weak kneed in moments.

He stood up, and with Shane in front of me, he took a tight position behind me. He nuzzled my neck, and let his hands roam around on my body while watching Shane and I make out. I could feel his cock rubbing in between my ass cheeks.

He slowly entered me. He was slow with his thrusts at first until he felt I was able to take him. Then he quickly sped up and made them deeper with each one. He was able to fuck for quite awhile and with varying speeds. Eventually, I felt him tense and he moaned deeply when he came inside me. While he was doing that, I was stroking Shane and I. We came seconds after Ryan did.

We washed each other off and then went to sit in the living room, laying nearly on top of each other naked. Our hands were roaming over each other, waiting for our cocks to recharge.

Ryan said, "Wow, do you realize if Sam had taken you to Nashville, we wouldn't be sitting here now."

Shane and I said, "Sam? WHAT!?"

"You don't know? Sam was working that night also. He was working on that plane. I went to talk to him about driving you to Nashville but he refused. He didn't tell either of you this?"

"Um, No." Shane replied. Ryan looked like he just let out a secret that wasn't supposed to be revealed.

I sat up and a flood of thoughts came racing into my mind. I kept replaying the sequences of that night over and over.

Shane said, "Marcus....please don't go getting upset now."

I said, "I'm not sure how I am suppose to be feeling right now. That would explain a lot about Sam's behavior though. I need to get some fresh air."

I got up and went to put on my clothes. I headed for the door and turned to both of them and said, "I will be ok, I just need some time to myself." As I came down the stairs, I saw a couple of vehicles in the garage but didn't notice who's they were.

I walked to the barn and saw nobody was there. I walked around on the grounds for awhile until I came to an embankment of the creek, next to the garden. I stood leaning against a tree gazing out, thinking about what was happening in my life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard some splashing in the creek. I thought it could have been some fish until I heard some unusual groans. I leaned over to get a better view and saw a naked male body floating in the water. It wasn't easy to see who it was because of the shaded area he was in but, when he finally turned his head enough to be recognized I realized it was Sam. Not only was he floating naked in the creek, but he was jerking off and I was just in time to watch him having his orgasm. By the time he finished I had developed serious woody from watching him.

I was startled when I heard Lidda's faint voice behind me say, "Marcus. Are you ok?" I hadn't realized she was gardening. I thought, "Fudge, how am I supposed to turn around and hide this."

I didn't say anything. I kept staring off out into the distance wishing for my boner to quit throbbing.

She said, "Marcus?" as she finally walked up behind me.

She touched my shoulder and asked, "Honey, what is it? You came out here for a reason?" Thankfully, by that time, I had regained control of myself and remembered why I came out here.

I turned and looked into her eyes. She looked back into mine. She started shaking her head and said, "It will be alright."

I dropped to my knees and felt as if I was going to get sick. I muttered, "Why is this so difficult....?"

She knelt next to me and touched my shoulder once again. I started crying. She got closer to hold me in a motherly hug.

She said, "Life is not always easy. You have been through a lot and you put a wall around you. Just let it out honey. I will be here for you. Don't worry about your father."

She didn't realize I was actually talking about Sam, Shane and Ryan. I couldn't bear to let her know otherwise so I raised up and embraced her. I forgot what it was like to have a mother console you.

"Mommy, is Marcus hurt again?" I heard from behind me.

I said, "Susan, you are a breath of fresh air. Now come over here."

She came around into my view and I had to smile to see her face. I let go of Lidda with one arm and pulled Susan into our hug.


"Marcus just needs a family moment."

Susan hugged me as hard as she could and kissed both sides of my cheeks and my forehead. I smiled back at her.

She said, "I know what will cheer you up. Wanna come watch my favorite movie with me?"

"Yes, let's do that. What movie is that?"

"Only Dolly's best movies!!! '9 to 5' and 'The best little whorehouse in Texas.'"

"That's 2!"

"Both of them came in the same box. You will love it." She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the house.

As we were heading in, Spencer and Eric pulled in and asked what was up.

I gave them that same bird they gave me that night when she had them watch it. They both started laughing and blurted out, "9 to 5!!!"

I don't remember making it through the first one.

****** We all agreed to get up early to get the party ready. Everyone had a project to work on.

Shane, Alex and I were finishing up the volleyball court when the first car arrived. It was Dee and a small girl.

Alex groaned, "Oh no, not her."

The little girl got out of the car and immediately started jumping up and down. She waved feverously and yelled, "HIIIIIIII, ALEX!" She was a little older than Alex.

Lidda said, "Alex, come on over and say hi to Micha."

He slumped his shoulders, got a weird look on his face, and asked, "Oh mom, do I hafta?"

"Alex, show our guest how a good a host you can be."

Alex looked up at both of us with a disgruntled look on his face and slowly walked up to his mother.

I said, "I take it he isn't too impressed with Micha?"

Shane stood with his hand over his mouth because he was snickering as Alex walked away and said, "That little girl has always been in love with him. She would do anything to get his attention. He doesn't want anything to do with her. He says she is 'all touchy feely lovey dovey romance novely'."

"You find it funny because?"

"He likes her more than he will admit. Just look at the way he is around her. I've never seen him act like that with anybody."

I thought for a moment and remembered something from his bedroom the other day. I said, "Ohh, so that's her."


"Well, you will find this funny also. I was looking for him the other day and just walked into his room. I think he meant to lock his door but I found him on his bed naked and whacking off. He was quite emotional about it, thinking I was going to hate him."

"He is very self conscious about certain things. When did he start doing that?"

"So I was right in thinking he is sensitive about things? Well, he has been wanting to talk to you about all this but that was his first caught in the act whack off when I walked in."

"Yea, I get to hear all about his growing pains. So how did you handle him?"

"I apologized for barging in on him but told him that it was just a natural thing to do, and nothing to be embarrassed about. Then he asked a lot of questions and wanted me to show him how I do it."

"You what? You showed a kid how to whack off?"

"Hang on, he was very emotional about this and I got thinking back to when I first discovered it myself. I am sure you went through the same thing. I thought giving him a lesson would help ease his shyness."

"Good thinking. Does he still want to talk to me?"

"I am sure he does but he seemed to open up to me at that moment and started asking questions. He wanted me to show him how it was done. I gave him the short version of thinking about someone in particular and just do what makes you feel good. I wondered why he muttered a countertop name."

"Well I am sure he will give me the whole scoop latter. He really has taken to you. He doesn't share stuff with just anyone. You are important to him and me."

The next car pulled in didn't look familiar either. The car stopped next to Dee's car.

Chapter 24, the last chapter in this series is in development. I wanted to post this and that one a few days apart but found I am being picky about it. My goal is to have it completed before Christmas.

Yes, you will get to find out many the lingering answers you been waiting to read but others will come about also for when the next installment does return. Be on your toes, this story is always complete with those exciting cliffhangers and twist!!

Next: Chapter 24

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