Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Oct 2, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-21 stil apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

Thanks Paul for your time and effort editing this story. I know this chapter was fun and yet challenging to edit. I wish to thank Artor from Mexico and Jeff Hunter for their insight and helpful hints.

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but a lot of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

WARNING: Just to let you know up front, this chapter contains scenes that could cause laughter and excitement.

Chapter 22: The last straw

Jeff, Eric and Justin decided to take a look around the perimeter of the parking lot first, as Spencer and Shane took the outside of the building.

Justin was not showing much interest in what was going on and was trying to fall behind Jeff and Eric. Eric finally said, "Justin, if you don't get some pep into your step and stay ahead of us, and help us find something, we will just give you an extra boost with our boots."

Justin rolled his eyes and said, "Well, why do you need me to stay in front of you two?"

Jeff remarked, "You are our first line of defense in case a nasty bugger wants some hassle with us."

"Huh? You're not amusing me."

"Well, it was less obvious than saying that we want to keep an eye on you so you don't go MIA. We sure don't want to lose you."

Justin obviously was grouchy and replied, "Like I want to spend as much time with you two. Now that is a...." he got a whap on the back of his neck by Eric. When he turned to bitch him out for it, Eric was acting like he was cleaning something off his hands. He said with a smirk, "Damn bugs."

Jeff said, "Right! Have you noticed that besides those two hindered beauty queens no one has come or gone? I haven't seen another person out here...."

Suddenly out of the bushes three flashlights blinded them.

Justin blurted out, "Oh fucking great, it's the buggers you promised."

A voice behind the light said, "What is your business out here?"

"Just a stroll. What's yours?"

"Security for the resort. We usually don't have many early morning walkers out here. We have been monitoring you and felt suspicious that you may not be guests of the resort."

"Gee, what gave you that idea?" Justin bit back.

Eric said, "Justin, shut up, we are on the property of the resort without having spent anything. We prefer not to be forced off the premises."

Jeff approached the officers and had a short talk with them. The officers left on their golf cart.

The guys started the final leg around the lot when Justin noticed something odd about the trunk of a car.

He said, "Guys, what does that look like to you hanging out of that car trunk?"

"It looks like duct tape and rope."

Spencer and Shane quickly walked towards the pool area, which led to the walking trails behind the complex then through to the private club.

Spencer said, "Why take the trails?"

Shane replied, "Well, the trails overlook parts of the hotel, so we may see something unusual happening. Knowing Sam, if he was going to do something to this woman, I'm sure he wouldn't do it in public now."

Spencer snapped his fingers, "Of course, I meant besides the obvious." Shane grinned.

Spencer added, "Eric and I are a bit concerned about Marcus. We noticed he isn't 100% and yet still goes off with you on this chase."

"He would have gone without me. He was going to take Sarah first."

Spencer said, "He was..." Out of the darkness two big burly trucker types stepped into the path of Spencer and Shane. "..OHHH, you startled me guys. I didn't hear you coming up the path."

Both men just stared at Shane and Spencer without any expression.

Shane said, "Are we interrupting you or something?"

The two men looked at each other and one said, "Bart, he thinks we is a couple of homos."

Shane replied, "I didn't say that."

"Maybe we should show him exactly what we are made of?" as the other slammed his fists together.

Spence said "Now guys, I apologize if we misspoke, but we are in a hurry here to find someone."

"Bart, these pretty boys in these fancy duds think we are not good enough for them, even if we is not a couple of homos like them."

"Guys, we will just go back the way we came and forget this ever happened." Spence and Shane turned to walk back the same way when they felt someone grab their arms.

"You two aints going nowhere without our say so, we have a few thangs to talk to you abouts."

Shane pulled his arm away from one of them and turned to give the guy a sucker punch, but the other guy was expecting it and being bigger than Shane, he threw Shane down the trail instead, knocking the breath out of him.

As the two burly men turned to pick on Spencer they were looking down the barrel of a gun.

"I will give you 3 1/2 seconds to turn and help him up and we will be on our way, or if you prefer to have a nice metal round rolling around your head, just let me know now."

"Bart, give the kid a swift kick to the nuts." As he used a tazer gun on Spencer.

Spencer when down hard. "Lou, now why did you have to do that to him? I hates carrying deadweight."

"Now you know how I feel all the time." Lou muttered to himself.

"Coral told us to delay them, not create another problem."

"We are delaying them. When they wake up it will be nerly daylight and everything will be as it should."

They moved Spencer and Shane off the path behind a fallen tree and covered them with leaves. They heard Shane moan so they stunned both of the guys once more before leaving.

I pointed to the corner of the room and said, "Umm, I can not believe who I am seeing over there. LOOK!!!"

Nick said, "What are you pointing at?"

"Look at the group of 6 guys dressed as the village people. The Indian is...."

"Is that Larry?" Nick said surprised.

"That's who it looks like!!"

Larry just happened to peer over at us at that moment and his eyes bulged out. He whispered something to one of his buddies and quickly walked over to us.

"Hey guys, this isn't what it looks like ... really"

"That you are dressed like an Indian in a crowd of gay men and weirdos?" Nick asked, almost on the verge of bursting out laughing.

Larry replied, "I meant, nobody knows I like to sing."

"Why not join the church choir?"

"It's not that simple. My family doesn't understand me. I have always enjoyed singing and tried the choir and other avenues, but those weren't exactly what I was looking for in a singing hobby."

"You sure picked an interesting group for a hobby."

"Hey, why are you two here? Are you in the show?"

"Long story but we think Sam may be around here and in trouble."

"I've been here since about 10 and haven't seen him at all. You need any help finding him?"

"No, not yet, the other guys are outside searching."

Larry looked quite startled and asked, "Which others?"

I said, "Larry, if you want this to be our own little secret, it will. We aren't here to judge you, unless you really want us to. We need to get going. You have fun in the show."

"Thanks guys. I just don't want Paige, Ryan and Cody to view me as some sissy boy. I have a rough reputation to uphold. Good luck finding Sam. I will keep an eye out for him."

As Nick and I walked into another section of the backstage dressing rooms. Nick said, "He doesn't look half bad as an Indian."

We turned to look at two divas making out in the corner.

I said, "That has got to be the most confusing life ever. To think that a man dressed as a woman wants a man dressed as a woman. Wow, that doesn't make sense."

"Yea, far out huh? Kinky left field shit." Nick added.

We continued our walk into the next area and found another set of divas half made up.

We got a stare from two of them and they got up and walked over to us, then the other two made their way over as well.

"Um, boys did you take a wrong turn, or are you really looking for someone like us?"

"We got lost." I said quickly.

"Karma always tells me that everyone meets for a purpose." One of the really tall and very toned ones slowly walked towards me, while the other had eyes only for Nick.

I took a step back as he kept approaching me. He said, "Oh hun, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to show you how happy I am to see you."

"Thanks but my friend and I are...."

He moved fast and pushed me against the wall. Then the others moved Nick into another room.

"I suggest you take a step back because I prefer not to hurt a lady but, since you aren't one...."

"Oh hun, shut up. You look in no condition to be in a fight. I am here to help you. You are here looking for your friend right?"

"Yea, how did you know?"

"We are being watched; give me a struggle for the camera while I tell you what I know."

I didn't have to pretend too hard to struggle, since this one was quite built anyways and could have easily taken me down. While I was "struggling" he said, "Your friend is locked away in the maintenance building on the far back of the property, since he tried to get a bit of a backbone and some whoop ass on one of the girls here that you might know as Coral. Your friends are being led astray to think he is somewhere else. Now I am going to put you and your friend in that closet over there after we struggle some more OK? That closet has a secret tunnel down to the maintenance shaft and directly to the building I was talking about. You have about 35 min to get him and leave, before sunrise when he does disappear, permanently."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Someone has to get the upper hand for once." About this time, those other divas had Nick back in the room and threw him down to the floor. He was looking at me and I winked. He stayed down.

I was thrown around a couple times and pushed against a wall. I was told to slide down like I was hurt. Actually I wasn't feeling too well as it was, as she was using more force than I would of thought. I acted like I passed out.

I felt myself being moved and tossed into a cramped closet with Nick.

I said, "You aren't hurt are you?"

"Those guys are some tough acts. What did you find out?"

"Sam is around, there is a secret passage way thru this closet but we only have about 30 minutes now."


"We won't see Sam again."

I quickly found the hatch behind some shoes, which led to a small crawl space.

We found the passageway and it lead to a door that said maintenance on it.

Nick said, "It had better be unlocked."

I turned the knob and the door opened into a dark room.

I asked, "Fuck, it is really dark in there. You think we should turn on the lights?"

Nick said, "Wait, there was a cabinet in the hall, which may have a flashlight in it."

I suddenly began to feel hot and jittery. I said, "Nick, I am not feeling too well."

He brought back a big flashlight and another small box.

"You may need something to drink and eat as you have been through a lot today. Here is a rations kit. They sure are prepared around here."

I quickly devoured the rations while Nick shone the light around the room. He said, "This is a basement with spare and broken equipment. How the hell can we find him in all this crap? You stay here for a moment while I look at the back of this place and then we will go upstairs."

The hairs on my neck were tingling and my face felt so hot while I waited for him.

Nick came back quickly and we started up the stairs but something kept nagging in the back of my mind that we missed something. We got to the top and I thought I was going to pass out.

I said, "Nick, something is wrong. Let's recheck downstairs, I think we overlooked something."

"We don't have much time left. You can go back down and I'll check up here. I will come back for you in a couple of minutes." He pulled a latch on the big flashlight. A smaller one detached and he gave it to me.

I made my way back down and walked to the farthest wall where Nick had searched. I turned to look back where I had just had walked. I was going to head back when out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed something odd about a piece of the flooring.

I shone the light at it and it looked like it had a rope with duct tape sticking out of it. I felt an odd tingling run down my spine and again my face felt hot.

I shone the light around the flooring and noticed it wasn't part of the floor. It was a cover for a bay.

I stood up and looked on the nearest table to me and found a lever. I started to pry at the floor. It finally moved enough so I could lift it.

I moved the planking and shone the light down into the bay to find....SAM!!!!

He was bound and gagged. He looked awful. He was wearing tight leather shorts with leather straps, and his face was done up in goth-like makeup. I jumped down into this tight space to check if he was breathing. He was. I stood up and yelled "NICK!! Get down here."

I quickly took the gag off Sam and was starting to untie the rope around his arms when he began to stir.

I said, "Sam? Ssaaammmmm? Wake up Sam. It's Marcus."

He muttered, "huuuh?" as he began to twitch.

"Sam, I hope you understand me, but we got to get you moving now."

He opened his eyes and sat up. He said, "What the ... how the ...?"

"Shut up, we've got to go now."

I pulled him up out of the bay and told him to hang on to me.

Before I took a step, he stopped me. He said, "Wait."

I looked at him and he was on the verge of crying.

I said, "What? We've got to go now."

He embraced me and wept. He said, "I never thought it would be you saving me."

"Tell me about it, I thought the same thing." I hugged him back even tighter.

I heard footsteps quickly moving towards us and a light shone on us.

Nick said, "Is that Sam? Whatever you two are doing, let's go now."

Sam let go but was still a bit dazed.

I said, "Hang on to me and let's go."

We followed Nick back through the maintenance hall until we got back to the point we entered.

He said, "We've got about 6 minutes to find the others before its sunrise."

Sam asked, "What happens then?"


"Me? What did I do? I was just sitting at the bar in the hotel looking around for someone when I woke up with you standing over me."

I said, "Come on Sam, we know."

I think he just now noticed his outfit. He added, "What the hell am I wearing?"

Nick said, "We can talk about this later, let's go."

We came upon another door that said spare wardrobe.

Nick said, "Perfect, we can change here."

Sam asked, "Why are we changing? You two are acting all cloak and daggery."

Nick replied with some sarcasm, "To find our Halloween outfit."

We found some suits and hats that fit us.

Sam said, "I'm not wearing underwear. I don't know how to take this thing off. Do you realize how much this will chafe, wearing all this."

"WE won't look if you are shy, just get it on."

We added some padding under Sam's shirt to give him a little gut.

I said, "We look like 'The Blues Brothers.'"

We quickly hurried down the corridors of the hotel and found our way outside to the parking lot again. We found Eric, Justin and Jeff by the stang looking over some folders.

Eric glanced up to see us walking towards them and did a double take, then nudged Jeff.

Jeff asked "Sheba! What happened to you fellas?"

Nick kissed Jeff and replied, "Long story. We got to get out of here quick."

Justin saw Sam and ran to him. He hugged him and cried.

I said, "Guys!! Where are Shane and Spencer?"

Eric said, "We were hoping they were with you"

I said, "Fuck, I bet they got ambushed like we did."

Everyone except Nick said, "What?"

"We will fill you in later. Which way did they go anyways?"

Nick said, "Eric, you stay with Justin and Sam, were going to find them."

We all ran quickly to the back of the resort.

I said, "If they got caught, they could be in that building too."

We came upon a set of trails that led back further onto the grounds. One went down some steps while the other lead up onto an embankment.

Nick said "This way up. If I know those two well enough, they would have gone for the high ground."

We made our way through the paths until Jeff stopped in his tracks.

He said, "Hey Listen! Something's not right here."

I said, "Huh? This isn't the Outback. OK. While you do that, I need to sit for a sec, I'm not feeling great." I walked up to a nice big tree that had fallen, and sat.

I felt something hit my back. I was going to reach back for it but thought it could be a nasty bug or something. When I got up and turned, I saw a hand coming out of the leaves.

I yelled, "AAGGGGGGHHH."

The others came running up to me worried and said, "What?"

"Look, dead zombies!!"

Then the leaves went flying and there was some moaning. I about jumped out of my pants.

Spencer said, "Shut up knuckle head, we're not dead just yet."

Jeff grinned shaking his head and told me grinning, "Wanker! It's safe now, get down."

Everyone gathered around Spence and Shane and helped them up.

I asked, "What happened to you guys?"

Jeff turned to me and replied, "Ok, let's put this show on the road! We can talk about it later. You are always full of questions at the wrong time, mate."

Shane said, "Did you find Sam?"

Nick answered, "Yes, now let's get back"

We hurried back to the others and when Shane saw Sam at the car he sprinted to him and grabbed him. He picked him up and hugged him. I overhead some of the things he whispered in his ear several times, "..Sorry...I thought I lost you!" Sam buried his face in Shane's shirt and cried.

While we watched these two act as if they haven't seen each other for years I heard a crunch behind me.

I turned to see 4 or 5 of the hotel security guards coming up on us. I said, "Guys, we got trouble."

Officer Williams, that guard who didn't like us at the beginning said, "You boys are still here? Now we can't quite call you guest of the resort if you haven't spent anything. I think since you didn't listen to me the first time, I think we need to spend a little time in our detaining area......"

At that moment as the sun rose, we heard a bang come from the back of the resort.

Nick said, "Off by 4 minutes."

Everyone turned to look. We saw a plume of black smoke rise up over the resort hotel from the area that should have been that maintenance building.

The officers took off.

Eric said, "Better get while the going is good."

I turned to look at Sam who was standing next to me. His eyes were bulging and his face turned white. I knew he was overwhelmed. He looked at me and said, "Why did.." I caught him as he passed out.

We headed back to the farm. I remember leaving the parking lot of the resort and then being shaken by Shane. He said, "We're back."

I looked out the window and saw Doc, Lidda, Alex, Susan and Sarah walking up to the truck. All of them were smiling for our return.

Everyone hugged and chatted for a minute.

Alex and Susan laughed when they saw Nick, Sam and I. They said, "You guys look goofy in those outfits."

I said, "We be the blues brothers, man."

Doc said, "However, you boys smell to high heaven! You should go get showers...."

"And Susan and I have breakfast in the works." Lidda finished his sentence.

I said, "I have an hour before I start my new job."

Lidda replied, "I already took care of that for you. I called and changed your schedule around for when you're ready."

"Great!! Thanks, I could use a day or two of sleep."

Nick said, "Tom, the boys should have an exam after showering since most of them have been through a bit of an adventure." He was being careful with his words around Alex and Susan.

Eric said, "The falls can hold us all, and we can all finish at the same time." I was about to jump out of my pants knowing I'd get to shower with these hot guys.

Justin, Sam, Shane, Spencer, Nick and I made our way up to the falls and stripped.

I was the first to spring some wood and didn't hide it, the rest followed suit. Sam stayed planted near Justin at the other end of the line away from me for some reason. This was the first time I seen him without clothes on and the guy could use some carbs to beef up, but still isn't bad looking when wet. I was lucky to have Shane and Spencer on either side of me. They kept bumping against me with their cocks. It's interesting to see how much they resemble each other.

We finished our showers and put on some shorts, then made our way to Doc's office. Nick and Doc checked everyone over. As I was waiting my turn, I was checking out some of Doc's equipment. I put on one of those finger devices that checks heart rate and oxygen.

I said, "Hey Doc, have you ever thought about making this thing wireless so the patient doesn't feel attached to a wall? You could make it like a multifunctional Spiderman glove and add other controls to it."

Doc and Nick looked at each other, Doc said, "Not a bad idea. We should look into that."

By the time we got to breakfast, Lidda and Susan had made a feast.

We devoured just about everything they made. Sarah whispered in my ear, "You are new hero here, I am so proud of you. But next time you go wandering off like that I am going to kill you."


Sarah then spoke to everyone, "I have something I want to say. I can see why Marcus wanted to come back here to stay. You are a great family, and I wish I could spend more time with you but I have to be getting back to my own life. So, once Marcus is tucked away for his nap, I will be heading home."

Doc said, "You didn't mention why you need to be leaving today."

"Marcus, since you and Shane left in a hurry yesterday after my passing..."

Susan raised her hand and said, "OOHHH OHH can I, can I!!!?"

"Sure." Sarah replied

"She's having a baaaabbbbbbbbbbbby!!!!"

I was taking a sip of OJ when Susan said that and I about gagged myself hearing the news.

I said, "No way...who?"

"Way. Oh you know him. Your and Adam's best friend, Randy."

"Randy!! Rrrraannnandy..... OOHHHHH. Now I get why he always wanted to invite you to everything we did."

Everyone clapped and hollered with joy for Sarah's announcement.

"I've got my bags packed and I don't want to be late for my flight."

"I'll drive you to the airport."

"Doc and Lidda said they would, besides I don't think you been cleared for that activity."

Doc said, "He can if someone is with him the first couple of times but only after we get you to the airport. Doctor's orders." Then winked at me.

Sarah and I said our goodbyes. I said, "You, Randy and Adam have got to come back for Fourth of July, Logan is coming too. I sure hope Adam still isn't upset."

"Like I said, I think he needed to cool down a bit, but I will have a talk with him. Hey, your birthday is the very next day!!"

Sam asked, "You're birthday is July 5?"

"Yes. It is."

"Mine is January 5. That is too weird. We are exactly 6 months apart."

I replied, "Hmm, Sure is."

Lidda added, "This Fourth of July will be a huge celebration!!" as they got in the truck.

I watched from the front porch swing as Doc and Lidda took Sarah to the airport.

I must have fallen asleep as I awoke to someone shaking me.

I looked up to see Jeff. He said, "You're going to ruin your neck laying like that on that swing. You should hit the sack. Nick and I are going to watch over Sam until Tom and Lidda get back."

"Thanks! Yea I feel like I'm going to sleep all day. Oh wait, I have to go back and get my truck."

"No worries, we got it under control."

I scooted my way through the house to my bedroom. I stripped down to my boxers and lay down without covering up as I was so tired, but couldn't get the images of the guys out of head from the shower. My dick was pressing hard against my boxers. I thought, "I could use a little release after that shower with the guys."

I got up to check my overnight bag for some type of lube.

I slid my boxers off and lay back on the bed so I was lying on my side. I put lube on both my hands. I started rubbing my dick with one hand while I slide my other hand to my ass.

I got the images of the guys from the shower in my mind and used my imagination of what could have happened while showering with them.

It did not take me long to get close to shooting a load, and when I was I grabbed my balls and squeezed at the moment of my orgasm, shooting a huge load all over my stomach. It was such a tense orgasm that even after I shot I was still oozing. It took my dick longer than usual to soften but it felt so good.

I forgot the one important thing when guys masturbate, a damp towel. My room didn't have a bathroom so, since I was still in a horny mood, I figured what the hell. I scooped up my cum and licked my fingers clean.

I got up, peeked out the bedroom door and quickly shuffled to the bathroom. I washed up and got back to my room without anyone noticing. I put my boxers back on, just in case someone happened to walk in later and wouldn't faint at the sight of the way I sleep. I laid back down on top of the covers.

I was still feeling hot. I stared at the ceiling, thinking about the last day. I realized we never did catch that witch Coral.

I awoke to the sound of a bleeping noise. I had to think a moment what the hell it was. OH yea, my new cell phone!! The phone was bleeping that I had a message waiting.

I turned over to the dresser where I left the phone. I about jumped out of bed when I saw Sam standing in the doorway. I was still on top of the covers and somehow my boxers slid down somewhat, revealing some butt and my dick pressing against the fabric.

He smiled and said, "I didn't mean to startle you, I just heard an odd noise coming from in here and thought...."

"That's ok, you wanna talk about something?" as I patted the side of the bed to let him know to sit down.

He walked in slowly, more or less looking at the floor, and sat down facing away from me and said, "No, but mom and dad insisted I go with them, along with Justin, to Nashville for a couple days to work things out between us."

"Ok, and how are you doing?"

He paused, actually looked embarrassed, and said, "I... just wanted...." I saw tears rolling down his face.

He then got up abruptly and said in an irritated voice, "Why does everyone keep asking me that, when I don't even know." He stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

I thought to myself, "Wow, what an emotional rollercoaster."

I got my phone and listened to Sarah's message, that she got home safely and to call her when I got a chance. I looked at the time and thought she is probably resting after her adventure here and I'll just call her tomorrow. I rolled over and went to sleep.

"Marcus. Marcus!"

Someone was shaking me. I mumbled something but they didn't understand.

"Marcus, are you up? You've been sleeping almost all day." Doc asked.

"Guess I was a bit tired. Eehh, Whats up doc?" I finally got that in. I have been itching to use that phrase for awhile.

He replied chuckling, "Good one, I wondered how long you been itching to say that."

"Lidda and I are taking Sam and Justin to Nashville for a couple days. We want to leave early. Eric and Spencer have volunteered to watch over things with the other kids...."

"Of course, I'll help out as much as I can when they can't."

Doc smiled, looked at the floor and then back at me. "Thank you. Thank you for a courageous act you did for my son, when you could have been hurt badly. You are now part of my family more than you can ever imagine."

"Thank you. But, without you and your family, I would have never gotten that chance."

He hugged me and said, "I love you son, just as much as my own children..."and started crying. We both started crying actually. I hugged him back just as much. I said, "Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me since my..."

Then I felt another hand and I knew it was Lidda's. She said, "Parents are not always biological, we love you so much Marcus and for what you did for our family."

After our long moment of bonding Lidda said, "Here is an envelope for you. It contains keys to the house, your truck keys, a map to the office and your job description. We left 50 dollars for you to take the kids to lunch or whatever you wish, just be careful with them."

Both she and doc snickered. She then added, "We will back in a couple of days."

"If you have any physical problems arise..."

I finished his sentence for him, "Call Nick immediately!!" then thought, "or god willing if its sex, let it be Shane!!"

They left and I dozed off once again.

As Doc, Lidda, Sam and Justin were heading out they saw Paige walking casually down the road by herself.

Doc slowed the vehicle to stop and talk to her.

He said, "Hi Paige, how are you doing today?"

"Could be better."

"Everything ok with Cody? The boys are at the house if you need help with him."

"It's not him, even though he does want to spend time with Susan."

"Anything we could do to help?"

"No, not right now. I got a call from Phillip." Doc and Lidda's faces changed to concern.

Lidda said, "Oh dear, what does he want now? Are you seeking a divorce?"

"He wants to talk to Ryan."

Doc was careful what he was going to say, "Ryan saw what he saw, that can't be changed. You will need to talk to him."

Her face changed to anger and said, "That bastard, why did he have to go and ruin my family. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut."

Lidda tried another approach, "It wasn't Ryan's fault. Phillip is responsible for his own actions; unfortunately he did it where people saw him. Ryan wasn't the only witness."

"Yea but his was the most damaging. I hope he never crosses my path again, I swear he will regret it. Because of him, Cody is so withdrawn without his father. It is taking a toll on Larry, he can only do so much for us. He doesn't get out to do much other than run errands for me."

"Would you like to come with us to Nashville for a couple days, we can all have a relaxing time."

"No, I got too many things to do around here. I appreciate you're support. I will be fine, I just had to vent some out here instead of around Cody."

Lidda said, "Call us if you need anything then."

I finally got up and put on some shorts.

I walked into the kitchen to find Susan and Alex eating breakfast. They clapped when they saw me walk in the kitchen.

"It's about time you get up, sleep ...sleep... sleep. You are bad as Sam's horse, Tangerquay."

"Ah shud up brat. What's for breakfast?"

"What are we going to do today?" Alex asked eagerly.

I said, "Chores. And then more chores. Your parents left me a huge list of chores to be done." I replied sternly, then after a seeing the look on their faces, laughed.

Susan said, "I think we should show him everything about the house and take a walk around the....garage."

"Now that sounds like a lazy day to me, exactly what I needed. What's up with the ...garage?""

Then she said, "I thought you would actually say, LET"S GO TO DOLLYWOOD!!!" She was definitely excited about something and was bursting to tell me.

Alex snickered and said, "You are obesed by that woman."

I laughed and said, "I think you meant, obsessed."

We finished our breakfast and we got dressed for our casual day around the house.

Susan said, "Let's go outside now."

"Is something going to jump out and get us if we stay in here?"

"Come onnnnnnn." As she pulled on my hand.

We quickly made our way outside and around to the garage. I knew she really wanted to tell me something.

I said, "Did someone put my blazer back together? Is that why you're so eager to get out here?"

"NOOOOO, even better!!!"

We walked by the garage and I was expecting to see my blazer but instead saw a new two tone black and gray 4x4 dual cab Tocoma. I said, "Who does that truck belong to?"

Alex and Susan yelled out, "YOURS!!!"


I heard Spencer say behind me "We went to get your blazer from the forest yesterday while you were out cold sleeping, but found it couldn't be salvaged. So Tom and Lidda felt they would help you replace it and its part of your sign-on bonus for your job."


"They wanted to make it a surprise later when they got back but 'Little Miss Spill The Beans' couldn't wait."


"Well, say something besides one word." Susan said.


They all laughed seeing my expression and Eric took snapshots. He said, "Priceless!"

"Let's take it out for a spin!!" I said.

I sat in the drivers seat as everyone else got in. Spencer sat next to me in the passenger side. I looked at him and he winked back at me.

Eric asked, "You do remember how to drive right?"

"I think so, so this button here starts the truck right?" as I pressed the window control.

They all got a chuckle out of that.

I drove to the bridge that I designed. I stopped and said, "Would one of you guys like to give it a spin?"

Eric said, "I was thinking about getting one of these. Good time to give it a test drive."

He decided to take a long route around. By the time we got to a town again it was getting time for lunch.

Alex whined, "Now that you took us on a long ass tour of the woods, I am hungry."

"How does Arby's sound to you guys?"

"Fine!" everyone chimed in.

We ate lunch and Spencer decided to take the drive home.

I called Dee at the office after lunch to check in with her about starting tomorrow. We agreed to 8 am.

Later in the day Shane, Eric and Spencer came into the house while we were watching TV.

Shane said, "Hey guys, I got my taped shows of McGyver out of storage. Want to come up to my apartment and see it?"

"Sure" both Alex and I, replied smiling at each other.

Susan wrapped her arms around Eric and Spencer and said, "I want to spend time with my two favorite uncles watching our favorite movie of allll time."

"Boy, aren't they lucky!!! I really don't want to know which movie is her favorite."

Spencer and Eric showed me a bird flying up to the ceiling then added, "You will get to find out soon enough."

Alex and I followed Shane up to his apartment.

He has a nice sized 3 room place above the garage that is quite comfortable. The kitchen and living room are one space with a small bar giving it some separation.

We plopped down on his couch with Alex between us. He held both of our hands and said, "You guys are too cool." Shane started the show. He said, "These are commercial free by the way." Alex was soon totally engrossed in it.

He looked at me after the second tape and said, "You are just like that guy."

We got through half of the third show and noticed Alex had fallen asleep against me in a very uncomfortable position.

I looked over to Shane and said, "He could get a neck strain sleeping like this."

I tried to pick Alex up but my core strength wasn't back to normal, so Shane took him to his bedroom to lay him down in his bed.

We sat back down on the couch and he asked, "You want to finish this show or do something else?"

I just gazed into his eyes and smiled and leaned up against him.

He wrapped his arm around me and laid his hand on my chest. I let my hand slip to the inside of his leg.

The show was still playing and I took a couple deep breaths.

He asked, "What is on your mind? Your heart is beating faster by the minute."

"Just curious about something."

"About what?"

"After our shower on the dock, you kissed me.."

"Yes, I did, I remember that very well. I enjoyed it."

"Yea, I did too. However, you also had two dates planned if you weren't with me."

"Paula and Nicole are my old high school friends. They can be temperamental at times."

"I was just curious."

"Is Marcus jealous or something?" Shane said teasingly and then pinching a nipple under my shirt. Then, letting his hand settle very near the top of my shorts, he rubbed my stomach very lightly. I could feel my dick stirring rapidly in my shorts.

"Ouch! Um noooooo. So if Paula and Nicole are old friend, how does Paige fit into everything?"

"Paige? She is a neighbor. What are these questions leading up to my friend?"

"I saw you and Paige at the waterfall naked and making out before I left for home."

"Paige and I are not dating. She showed up out of the blue that day and was trying to make the moves on me. She totally surprised me and I have no interest in her."

"Aaahhh," I felt that was as wide an opening to a question that I ever heard, so I asked, "Who do you have an interest in?" He let his hand slip to the top of my shorts, just a mere inch from my wood heading in his direction.

"Now if that isn't a very personal question to ask? You sure are taking the long roundabout way of asking. However, the most obvious answer is here in this room now."

With my arm very near his crotch, I could feel movement in his jeans. I glanced up at him and he was smiling.

He said, "I really like you Marcus, so does everyone else in the family. You and I get along so well, especially when we end up naked together."

"Thanks! You remember that beaste? Well its back and hungry."

"Yea, I noticed something lurking about in those shorts. Come with me, I want to show you something."

He helped me up and didn't hide the fact that he was sporting some serious wood, like I was.

He said, "Alex could wake up, but I want to show you my favorite spot here."

He helped me up and held me by the hand. He walked to a closet door and it opened up to a staircase.

We walked up and it opened onto an enclosed deck on top of the garage, overlooking the wooded hills and it had a two person whirlpool, a small refrigerator, stereo, bookcase and a futon in the corner. It had a nice relaxing breeze, circulating with the help of a ceiling fan.

He said, "This is my own private space on the farm to get away from it all. We all have a place like this." He stood behind me and wrapped his long arms around me. I could feel his hard dick pressing up against my ass through our clothes. He put his chin on my shoulder, nuzzling my ear.

"NICE!! Huh? Everyone has their own private space? No one else showed me theirs, I mean their privates. Space. Room..getaway." I replied, feeling totally horny as we peered out the screen at the rolling hills.

"Exactly. Everyone needs to get time alone no matter how much they love each other." I could feel his warm body thru my own clothes and my dick was about to escape from my pants.

"That makes sense; you need to recharge your batteries every so often. I can see why your family has such a strong bond."

"You are also bonding with us very well." He let his arms slip down to my shorts and undid the button. He removed my shirt, then asked, "Would you like something refreshing?"

"You!!! OH I ..I'll have whatever you got that's refreshing."

He took off his shirt, then pulled out two beers from the fridge and stood in front of me, opening the bottle for me. We were so close that our bulging dicks from our shorts touched each other. I was about to pass out from the suspense he was putting me through.

"So how do you like to relax up here?" I asked, while we chugged our beers. He just gazed into my eyes, smiling and put his hand on my chest.

"Like this." He led me to the futon and helped me sit down. He turned on the stereo.

He sat next to me and then slowly laid me back. He pulled my face to his and planted a kiss on me. He didn't stop, and I responded by putting my hand on the back of his neck and then letting my tongue meet his. I noticed he likes to be the dominate one.

I pulled away after what seemed like an hour and looked out the window at the stars.

I said, "Whooa!! That was really nice. I wish every night could be like this with you." He didn't say anything until I looked back at him.

He winked and said, "Yea, that was." His smiled faded and added, "I'm just suddenly exhausted. Can we lay here for awhile looking out and just listen to the sounds of nature at work?"

"Sure." I replied. I was rather confused at what just happened.

I laid back with my head on his chest and we gazed at each other until we fell asleep.

I was heading out to the garage to head to work and found Spencer was already waiting for me.

I said, "You're up early. What are doing out here?"

"Tom said someone should be with you driving for the first couple of times."

"How will you get home once you drop me off?"

"Since you never asked me what I do.... I have an office there also for my consulting business. I'll leave when you leave."

I handed him the keys. He shook his head no and said, "You are driving, it's time to get back in the saddle as they say. I am your guide to the office."

We headed out and once we got on the road to town I was beginning to feel very uneasy. Spencer must have noticed.

"Tom said you might have a little anxiety at first being on this road, since this was the road that changed your life. Just take your time and take small quick breaths. That will help alleviate your anxiety. I am here to help you through it."

I think I slowed down to about 10 miles per hour for the first mile after my accident site. I felt better after that and hurried to the office.

Spencer asked, "Once you get settled, you think Friday after work you can stop by the house and we can get the plans made up for the rebuilding?"

"Sure that would be fun to do."

I arrived at my first day of work.

Dee was ready for me and we got down to business. After she showed me what was on the agenda, I knew my work load was going to be very busy and didn't have time to diddle around.

I thought Doc and the family were to arrive back after I go home from work on Thursday but once I walked in the door Alex said, "They decided to stay another two days."

After the third day I was driving myself and already had plenty of work to keep me busy.

I left the office Friday after work to head over to Spencer and Eric's place. I thought I would just change once I arrived there. I pulled up the drive and did not see any other vehicles. I thought they told me they would be working on the plans for the new house.

I called out their names and no one answered. I walked around the house, the garage and out to the barn and there was no sign of them. I was about to call them on my cell phone when I heard splashing from behind the barn. I remembered that was where the outdoor sauna and shower were.

I headed back around the barn and as I did I stopped right in my tracks, I saw something I thought I would never see. I was shocked at the sight before me. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't see things.

Spencer and Eric were in the sauna naked!!

Eric was facing me with one leg up on the rim of the tub, his hard and bobbing cock thumping on the tub, with his eyes closed while Spencer was behind him, fucking him hard. Both of them were grunting and panting.

I stood there wide eyed, and with my mouth open at the sight before me. I felt I was intruding on an unusual private moment. I meant to step back where I just came from but instead I stepped in a rut and fell right into the barn making a great deal of noise.

I said, "Fuccckkk." I sat up, wiping some of the dirt off my face and clothes, and looked over at the boys.

They were still at it but looking at me with huge smiles. Eric with his huge sexy grin said, "Yeap, we sure are. Go ahead, take them off!! Get in, you'll love it!!"

I stuttered a few times, "Uh ...UH.. Uh well ...well"

"What was that, Dirty Boy?" Spencer said with a smile, knowing full well what I was stuttering about.

"We don't require bathing suits, if that's what you're wondering" Eric said, raising one eyebrow and looking sexier than before.

I could feel I was getting a boner quickly, since they didn't stop what they were doing.

"I ... I .. would feel like...I .. I"

"You wanna feel it too?" Both of them said and started laughing. Then added, "Well, why didn't you just say so?"

"NOOO, I meant, I .. I would feel like .. I'm intruding on ...a private moment with you ...two" as I finally stood up and my pants obviously showed I was excited.

"AWWW, Marcus, you aren't shy are you?" They both smiled as they glanced at my crotch.

"You're going to laugh at what I was thinking?"

"Tell us, we are the curious types." Every time they spoke I couldn't keep my eyes off their bodies glistening from being wet in the sun, my dick got harder by the moment. I could feel my face was hot from seeing these two like this.

"Yea, I am sure you are! Um .. well, you're really going to laugh."

"What?" both of them asked.

"I just...assumed..."

"OH you thought???...." Eric grinned

"Doc, and you guys were brothers."

They both stared at me for a second, then looked at each other and then back at me. They burst out laughing so hard I thought they were going to slip back into the hot tub.

After busting a gut for a while and trying to catch their breaths from that revelation. Spencer finally asked, "Why did think that?"

"Um, when we first met, Shane told me you guys were his uncles and no one ever said otherwise. Even Susan calls you uncle." I started laughing as well.

Eric asked, "What are you finding funny?"

"OHH, all those times I saw you together. I thought you two had a more bonded relationship, unlike Spencer and Doc and I just thought it was just a family thing."

We laughed more and then Eric said, "So you gonna get in now? We could all have fun you know?" He and Spencer were now standing and he was behind Spencer rubbing his hands over Spencer's tanned chest, stomach and parts of his cock.

Fidgeting back and forth, I asked, "How do you know I would be interested?"

Spencer looked at Eric then back at me and said, "First, you have a massive hard-on from watching us."

Eric then added with a huge grin, "Secondly, we see how you act around Shane, Sam and Jeff and Nick"

"What are you guys trying to say?"

"That you're gayer than a kite man, just like us, we have worked on our gaydar just a tad more than you have. Also, ever since your accident we think you lost some of your.. confidence."

"Wait, what do you mean around Shane and Sam? Sam gets on my last nerve."

They both looked at each other and laughed even harder


"OH, you will figure it out soon enough. Now get the hell in here and have some fun with us."

"Um, as much as that would be fun, I would ..but..."

"Are you that shy?"

"No, not shy at all, hell your whole family has seen me naked practically, I . I can feel..I seem.. ahh dagnabbit .... I like you guys but still feel like you're my big brothers, if that makes sense. I have to adjust..."

Eric hopped out of the tub, strolled over to me and put his arms on my shoulders. His huge cock rubbing up on my stomach and said, "When you are ready, that's cool" He leaned forward and moved his tongue deep into my mouth. I felt my knees shaking. I thought he was going to suction my tonsils out with that kiss. He walked back to the tub with Spencer and I watched his tight ass swivel back and forth the whole way.

Spencer said, "It's just as hot to fuck as watch"

"HUH?" I sputtered out

They both burst back into laughter. Eric said, "He's fucking adorable." They went back to ravaging each other but kept an eye on me to see what I was going to do.

I said, "Umm, I'll come back later when you two are done with your ..private moment" and walked back to my truck in a somewhat of a daze from seeing that and having Eric's tongue about clean my tonsils.

I sat there hem hawing if they were serious or not about me playing with them.

I thought, "You always overthink it, just go with what you're feeling for once. Have you really lost some of your confidence since the wreck?"

I opened the door of the truck and then shut it, then opened it again.

I said, "Ah fuck it."

Chapter 23 is in development along with the final chapter of this installment of the story. Yes, you will get to find out many the lingering answers you been waiting to read but others will come about also for when the next installment does return. This story is always complete with those devily cliffhangers!!

If you got questions about it, I am all ears.

Next: Chapter 23

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