Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Aug 18, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-19 stil apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to welcome a new addition to the creative efforts of the story, Thanks Paul for your time and effort editing this story.

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but a lot of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

WARNING: Just to let you know up front, this chapter contains scenes that could cause laughter.

Chapter 20: Who is that?

My hands were wrapped around Shane.

I whispered, "Shane!! Shane!!"

He slowly started moving.


I tried wiggling my hands out of the tape that bound my hands, but felt my skin being pinched. I figured it was duct tape. I thought out loud, "Damn, that's gonna hurt when this shit has to come off." I also felt I could wrap my hands around his hard dick but decided I better not at this moment, so I made a fist.

As I came more aware of my surroundings I noticed it was late evening, probably will get dark in about an hour or so. I tried to recollect how we ended up here. I last remembered drinking that tea at Corals and then it seemed that I was high or something. The most vivid picture in my mind was of being naked and even that seemed like I was viewing it on a movie screen. I also felt dehydrated.

I looked around and found we were on cliff beside a riverbed. The rock I was leaning against was starting to dig into my back. I think we were sitting in mud because I could feel it pushing between my ass cheeks. I flexed a bit so the mud would stop seeping up. It felt as though someone had kicked the holy crap out me, my ass was so sore.

My hands wrapped around Shane's waist, I could feel his ab muscles and his breathing returning to normal. As much as I enjoy the way he feels, I just wish we weren't in this awkward situation otherwise I would be having tons of fun with him.

Shane started stirring more and then muttered, "What the ...."

I said, "Shane! Snap out of it!!!" and I wiggled as much I could to get him moving.

He moaned a bit and said, "What happened? Um, why are we tied up together?"

"I don't know, it's all still really fuzzy to me. How do you feel?"

He moaned, "Like someone kicked my ass! I feel like I was high or something."

"Yea, that's how I feel too. I just remember drinking that tea." I wiggled some more to see how tight we were bound together.

Shane said, "Stop wiggling, the tape is tight and pinching me. I sure hope that is your dick pressing up against my ass and not a wild beast."

I had to cut the tension and playfully said, "Well it has been referred to that a few times."

"Har Har. Hey Justin, can you hear me? JUSTIN!!"

"Is his breathing ok?"

"I can't really tell. Your hands are tight against me but my hands are bound under his ass and our elbows are taped together so I can't bend my arms."

I chuckled because of the irony of the situation.

Shane said, "What the hells so funny? We have to wake him before we can get out of this situation."

"Sorry, it's not everyday that we awake in a position like this. I also had a momentary memory of something about chunky cheese."

"Whatever, you're high." He then directed his attention back to Justin and said, "JUSTIN, get it together man." Shane tried to move but it wasn't much he could do.

I heard Justin let out a faint moan.

Shane once again shouted at him, "JUSTIN! JUSTIN!!"

He moaned more and slowly started moving.

Both Shane and I yelled, "JUSTIN!"

He reacted and muttered, "OHHH, fuck man!"

Shane said, "You need to get it together now, so we can get out of here before it gets dark."

Justin muttered, "HUH, dark? Where?"

"We need you to get it together so we can get going."

"Where the hell are we? Why am I tied up with you guys?"

Shane said, "Can you get to this tape and get us untied?"

"I can't feel anything. I feel as if I got the crap kicked out me."

I said, "We all feel that way. We can't move unless you do first."

He said, "There is something scratched into the mud in front of me. It says....Which way is UP?"

Shane asked with irritation, "What the hell does that mean?"

"Fuck if I know. I'm just reading what I see in front of me."

I said, "Could be a hint at how we get out of this, or just some misleading stupid trick."

Shane tried to look over Justin's shoulder and said, "Where are your hands situated?"

Justin didn't say anything and sounded like he was crying.

Shane said, "Justin? How bad is it?"

He took a few moments to speak and said, "One hand is duct taped to my penis and the other seems glued to my right nipple."

I said, "No way, Oh fuck man."

Shane said, "So if I shifted my numb hands under your ass, you should roll out?"

"I would roll off this cliff into that river"

"Well if I can push you to your right or left that should work?"

"I'll end up in the mud."

Shane kept his cool but sounded annoyed by saying, "Would you rather continue sitting here like this?"

Justin quickly replied, "Let's get out of here."

Shane used all the energy that he could muster to flip Justin over on his side. Justin moaned in pain while his face rolled around in the mud.

Shane said, "Sorry about that. Now you can either bite thru the tape on my wrist or Marcus's,"

I said, "If he does mine, I think he might hurt you more."

"Yea, but if he does mine, his face is right in my muddied balls."

"You choose Justin."

"I just want the fuck out of here." Justin moaned as he moved close to Shane's bound hands. He said, "Your dick is going to poke me in the eye bouncing up and down like that, anyway you can move it?"

"Kid, I know we are all in a naked awkward situation here but our goal is to get free, so overlook what we have to see and feel. Now chew the damn tape."

"Ok, but don't get mad if I bite or rack you by chance. It looks like Marcus could hold it, so I could get better access."

I was going to ask, "Shane..."

He quickly interjected, "Do it, so Justin can get done faster."

I took ahold on Shane's muddied slippery dick. I felt my heart race and my breathing speed up getting excited about feeling his rock hard thick dick. My own dick began pulsing and I could feel pre-cum oozing out.

Shane asked, "Marcus? Everything alright, you are letting off a lot of heat?"

I had to think quick and blurted out, "I'm.. feeling... numb."

"Well hang on, we should be out of this soon."

It took Justin, moaning and groaning, about 15 minutes to get thru the tape.

Shane said, "Now twist around and Ill get the tape off your ankles."

He did as instructed and we got to get a full view of the kids nicely shaped ass. I also noticed that mixed in with the mud were red splotches.

I didn't realize I was stroking Shane very casually. He grabbed my hand and let it slide off to the end, slowly. I cleared my throat a couple times.

I whispered in Shane's ear, "He's bleeding."

Shane shook his head in acknowledgement while fumbling with numb hands at getting the tape off his ankles.

Shane said to Justin, "Now stand up and Ill get the tape off your hand."

Again Justin was moaning and groaning while trying to get a good footing to stand. He was in pain and dripping wet with sweat. Once he got to his feet and turned around, I noticed a lot of red marks on Justin. He looked beat up.

Shane said, "Move closer! I know this is going to sting a bit, so I'll make it fast."

He ripped the tape off as fast he could, but still got a lot of Justin's pubic hair and arm air in the process."

Justin turned white and yelped, "OOW FUCK, that goddam hurts."

I said, "I know, but our goal is to get free. Then we can lick our wounds"

He sarcastically replied, "Shut up dumbass."

Shane said, "Both of you focus. Now, hurry and get this tape off."

As Justin leaned over to pull the tape off and he was looking paler by the second. He said, "I don't feel too good."

"Just yank it quick, I can bear the pain. Then we will be on our way to get you help."

He did exactly that and then collapsed into Shane. Shane rolled him over on the ground gently.

Shane removed the tape that bound me and began to stand. He was shaky and seemed unbalanced. He still had a hard-on.

I rolled over to free myself from the mud.

Shane said, "Take it slow and easy, you're going to feel nauseous. You're still hard as a rock too." My thoughts raced thinking to myself, "Hell yea, I got to feel you up for the better part of an hour, mmmmm. Dam shame we are stuck out here in this mess. Otherwise, I be all over him!!!" as least that is what ran through my thoughts.

He began checking on Justin.

I looked around and asked, "Where do you think we are?"

Shane chuckled and replied, "On a planet called Earth, next to a river in the middle of no where. However, water runs downhill, so we need to head that way downstream to a road."

I shook my head and said, "Har. Har. Well, this is going to be a challenge without shoes, plus walking around with a hard on is not easy. You think we got a huge dose of Viagra running through us."

"That would explain the nauseous feeling. We have to get going now before it gets dark and then chilly. Justin is going to need medical attention. He looks like he got the crap beat of him."

I finally got to my feet and wobbled around. Shane was doing the same until we collided and grabbed onto each other. We were already slippery from the mud and we looked like two skaters about to fall on our asses. However, Shane has good stamina and caught me before I fell face first to the ground.

I asked, "Do you feel as shitty as I do? Everything aches on me. What the hell do you think happened?"

"I feel like crap too, and I don't have a clue either."

I needed to move more, because when I did I felt a bit better. I moved around behind the rock while Shane prepared Justin to move. I came across a box wedged in the rock. I decided to open it and found our shoes and a note.

I picked up the box and went to show Shane.

He read the note. "Which way is UP is usually not the direction you want to go, but if you want to find help, UP is the way to go."

I said, "Who the hell is screwing around with us?"

"I think it could mean to go north That is the way the river is running, which is the way I said we should go."

"If you go upstream, that would lead up to the mountain. I am not going that way. I think it could mean to go north. That is the way the river is running, which is the way I said we should go."

Justin began moaning again.

"Justin, we need to get moving. Are you going to be able to move on your own?"

He opened his eyes and said, "I think I need a moment."

Shane said, "We are going now." and pulled Justin up to his feet and wrapping his arm around him to guide him.

I said, "What if we just get in the river and go with the flow?"

"Good idea but we are all unstable. If one of us falls I don't think we have a good chance of helping the other."

"Ahh, but what about just getting in to wash off?"

"Not a great idea either. The mud will help hold in heat, in case we are walking late."

We walked at least an hour, until the moon became dominate in the sky. Justin was taking frequent stops since I know he was in more pain than either Shane or I.

While we took a short break, I thought I was hearing things when I heard what sounded like a motorcycle. I asked the guys, "Do you hear that?"

"We could be close to a road or a trail. Justin, do you think you can muster the energy to get to it?"

"IF it means getting something to eat sooner I'll do it. I am starved."

We tried to pick up the pace but we still felt woozy. Our hard-ons weren't showing any signs of subsiding.

I said, "Shane, this may be weird and all, but don't you think if we walk in public with hard dicks that we may get jumped? And I mean in a bad way?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Well most times when we jack off, they subside."

Justin said, "I'd rather just wear a fig leaf. Well, maybe, several big fig leaves."

Shane got that spark in his eye while checking out my throbbing dick. He said, "I think we need to get to safety first, then worry about that."

We were walking along in the faint moonlight. Shane was leading the way when I heard him kick something metal, then he fell. We were just inches away from each other and didn't have time to react so we all fell into a pile. Justin fell forward with his groin in Shane's face and I landed face first into Shane's chest. His dick ended up pulsing against my stomach.

Justin said, "Ouch! I think I landed in a sticker patch."

I looked up and found myself staring at Justin's ass with Shane rolling his eyes at me.

He said "Justin, your sticker is poking me in the face. Are you going to get up? This isn't too comfortable"

Justin tried to move but groaned.

I smiled back at Shane. I shook my head no and acted like I was going to lick his chest. I rolled off of him while subtly giving his dick a stroke with my hand. He groaned. I crawled up to Justin to help him out of the sticker patch. I heard Shane getting up and pick up something.

I said, "Shane what did you trip over?"

He turned around with several hubcaps clinking together.

I said, "Those have probably been out here for years."

"No, I don't think so. These look new."

I turned to take a few steps to Justin and kicked something else metal. I looked down to see a bumper.

Justin said, "Hey you two, look to your right about 20 yards."

I looked to see a faint outline of a truck or something.

I headed for it and then noticed other parts of a vehicle scattered about. I got closer and realized it was a blazer body. All moveable parts to it were removed. I got the strange feeling this was my truck.

I turned to see Shane helping Justin walk towards me. I said, "I think it's my truck and somebody totally dismantled it. Who would do such a stupid thing?"

"Um, the same bastards who left us out here." Justin said sarcastically.

"We can always come back to it and get it later."

We then heard more motorcycles nearby and then the faint flicker of headlights.

Shane said, "There's the road guys, lets get going."

We hurried to the road and didn't see any other vehicles in either direction.

I happened to see a sign half hidden by a tree limb. I went to see what it said. I said "fucking bastards." As I read the sign that said 'Cades Cove 6 miles."

While I was reading that, we heard an odd ringing sound. It took Shane a couple seconds to realize that it was his cell phone.

He said, "That sounds like my cell phone hidden here in the woods."

I asked, "Where did you leave it?"

"After I talked to Mom, I put it above the visor. I guess they didn't bother to check it out."

Once we got back to the truck, we heard the sound coming from another direction and it didn't last long.

I said, "That sounds like it came from where we just were."

"Or up?" Justin suggested.

Shane said, "Marcus, head back to the road. Justin you stay here and I'll go inbetween."

Once we moved apart, we heard the sound again.

I said, "It sounds like it's over by Justin."

Justin said, "It sounds like it is it flying around in the trees."

Shane looked up and said, "Fuck man, those are my shorts in the tree and they put the phone in them."

I walked up to Shane and said, "How are you supposed to get them? You would get some wicked rug burns trying to climb that tree."

"We may not have to do that. Eric showed me some tricks for getting things out of a tree when we went bow hunting. I'll need a hubcap and a 4 foot stick without a curve in it."

I got the hubcap while Shane found the stick he wanted. Justin was sitting in the cab of the truck looking like he could pass out at any minute.

Shane threw the stick like a javelin, into the tree limbs near the shorts

I said, "You missed."

"Naw, watch this." He threw the hubcab like a frisbee between the shorts and the stick and the shorts came falling out of the tree. He reached in to the pocket and pulled out his beat up phone. It started making that annoying ringing sound again.

He pressed the button to answer it and the remaining parts of the phone fell apart, however we could hear someone speaking but it was raspy and cutting out.

Shane yelled, "SOS. SOS. 6 miles from Cades Coves. 6 miles from Cades Cove." Then the lights of the phone faded away.

I said, "I sure hope that was a member on your family on that end"

"I think it was Spencer. I think he heard me."

"So should we wait? How long will we wait? How will they know where we are?"

"There are only 2 roads leading into Cades Cove, so the chances of finding us fast is good. I would think if they are at the clinic, it would take an hour getting here, or they will call the local sheriff to search ahead."

Justin chirped in, "I don't think I want to wait for that. I'm thirsty, hungry and damn grouchy."

I said, "I think, Justin you can 'whistle dixie' when we get back to town."

He got quiet real quick and I thought I heard his teeth chattering.

Shane said, "What is it Justin?"

He began crying.

"Justin?" Shane gently grabbed him by the shoulders.

"I .. I." He said beginning to tremble.

Logan, Ryan and the security guard looked out the window with awe.

"Holy crap!!"

They saw groups of dozens of different animals making tracks across the tarmac. In the far background of the landscape, a volcano was spewing smoke which was causing tremors.

Logan said, "What is that about?"

The security officer said, "This is not good, that volcano been inactive for hundreds of years, we need to leave now."

"Leave for where?"

The guard quickly dressed and before he scurried out of the room he said, "Everyone will be evacuated."

Two seconds after he left, the airport alarms system went off and instructed everyone to get to the nearest transportation for departure.

Ryan and Logan didn't hesitate and were still putting on clothes into the hallway.

Once they reached the main level they were surprised that the terminal was not that full like when they landed and the people in it were moving to the gates or exits in moderate speed.

Logan stopped at the gate that led to Ryan's plane and said, "I think I will be taking the bus to my destination, its just 2 1/2 hrs away, wanna come with me?"

"Well, I think my plane will be wanting me back for this crisis, dam this is the second time this happen I meet someone like you."

"Like me?" Logan asked with a confused look.

"I met this other guy a month ago, he reminded me a lot like you and then he disappeared."

Looking curious, Logan asked, "So this guy you met was a like me?"

"NO, I didn't mean it like that. I met this guy named Mar...." The rumbling of the building took on a more deftening sound and over the speakers a voice said, "Everyone to there selected choice of transportation now."

Logan hugged Ryan, stuck a note in his pocket and said, "I'll be back in the states on July 4th." He waved goodbye to him and made a calling gesture.

"I .. I."

Shane said, "Tell me what is hurting you, Justin?"

Justin was trembling now. He said, "I ...umm. I got you into this mess. Sam and I got you into this mess. I told you not to go into that house." His eyes welled up with tears.

I asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Coral is a dangerous bitch. You don't remember?"

Shane replied, "Nope! Just drinking that tea and then being out here. What are we suppose to remember?"

"She drugged us. What she did to us was horrible. What she did to Sam the other day was bad. She will be after him and what she will do to him will be even worse."

Shane said, "That would explain our memory lapse and the way we feel."

I asked, "How do she and Sam know each other?"

Justin was still crying and blurted out, "It's allmy fault."

Shane looked Justin directly in the eye and asked, "Justin, your not making much sense. Why are you telling us this now?"

"She is forcing me to tell you." he said trembling and crying uncontrollably.

"Just tell me, whatever was done can be fixed."

"Don't hate Sam, it was all me. We ... have... a gambling debt to her."

Shane and I gazed at each other for a moment while Justin was wiping the tears away.

Shane asked, "So Sam's emotional rollercoaster is because he is addicted to gambling?"

Justin shook his head, then said, "What started out as small fun bets turned into a game of secret risky underground wagers. We lost each one and it snowballed, only he got caught up in it more and lost."

Shane surmised, "So Coral is like a bookie boss of these underground wagers. We weren't supposed to find her. Now she is on the move and she will be after Sam then? Fuck, what a freaking mess."

We then saw headlights down the road, and a horn honked a couple of times. A truck stopped at the sign I read and it honked a couple more times.

Shane sprinted to the truck, yelling "Spencer!!! Spencer!!! Over here."

I told Justin to stay put, and we would be right back for him.

I caught up with Shane and we huddled around the truck window. Eric came around the other side of the truck.

Shane said to Spencer, "Get dad on the phone and tell him to move Sam to a secure location."

Eric whistled and said, "What the heck have you boys gotten yourself into? Or out of? Where are your clothes?"

I turned to Eric who checked me out from head to toe and smiled. I said, "We will fill you in a minute. Do you happen to have any extra clothes in your truck?

We heard Spencer talking on the phone, "He is what? What do you need us to do?"

Spencer shut the phone off and said, "Sam isn't in his room. It looks like he busted thru the window and took off. Any idea where we should be going?"

Shane looked back at Justin and shook his head.

I said, "We should go back to that house. He could be there."

Shane said, "I think your right."

Eric came back around the truck with some shorts and shirts.

I said, "How did you find us so fast?"

Spencer replied, "Lidda and Alex remembered the name of the town on that paper. I figured we would come to see if you got in trouble. Shane's cell phone message was garbled but we did hear '6 miles.' Of course there are only 2 roads into this place and here we are."

Shane said, "Get dressed, we are going to find her. Justin needs help to get to the truck also."

Eric said, "It is nearly midnight. Its not easy finding someone in the dark."

"We've got to. I think Sam is in a dangerous game of cat and mouse."

Shane pulled Eric by the hand, heading him back to pick up Justin.

I stayed with Spencer while I put on the shirt and shorts.

He said, "Get in bud, you look a bit chilled and out of it."

"You got that right. I think we were drugged."

Eric carried Justin back to the truck and got him dressed.

We piled in the truck and Shane said, "We are going back to that house."

Shane filled Spencer and Eric in what happened to us on the drive back to town.

We noticed as we neared the drive into Cades Cove, not another person was active.

I said, "This is eerie! Not a soul in sight."

We stopped in front of the house and noticed that there weren't any lights on in the neighborhood.

Shane got out and walked up to the house, looking in the windows. He turned back to us and said, "The place looks like it has been abandoned for months."

Justin perked up a bit and told me to get out so he could go see for himself. We all followed Shane up to the house and I walked around to the side where the garage door was. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I peered into the window and it looked bare, nothing to be seen.

I heard a screen door creek open from across the street and an old woman with a bad southern accent scream out the door. "You boy don't belong here! I told ya that an hour ago, now scram scoundrel."

I turned to see her about to close the door, so I quickly hurried over to her yard and said, "WAIT, what did you just say? That someone else was here also? How long ago?"

She squeezed her skinny hand through the door with a metal skillet waving it at me.

"I told you to leave an hour ago or else I let you have it, you Stop littering up the place too." She waved a pamphlet out the door.

"What the hell are you talking about lady? I haven't been here since this afternoon. I haven't littered anywhere." I heard the others walking up behind me and I held up my hand as to let them know not to say anything.

"You kids are all alike ... bums and vagrants! Oh lord you brought more with you, I swear I will call the sheriff if you move another step onto my property."

"We are leaving, just tell me one thing. What was littered on your property?"

"SINNERS and wild Indians belong together in that town, now scram" she screamed as she tried to pitch the skillet at me missing me by several feet and slamming her door. I heard her clicking locks while muttering southern slang.

I turned to the guys and said "Let's get out of here before anyone else weird shows up."

Shane asked quizzically, "Did she say sinners and wild Indians?"

We squeezed back into the truck and Spencer took off in a hurry.

I said, "She was waving some pamphlet when she said that. I think Sam was here too. She thought I was here earlier."

Eric said, "The only place around here with what she described is Cherokee, North Carolina."

Shane said, "Of course, Harrah's Cherokee Casino."

I asked, "What does a casino have to do with sinners and wild Indians?"

The guys just stared at me in amazement.

Shane smiled at me and said, "I think you found our biggest clue to finding Sam. Cherokee Indians run a casino there. Remember Las Vegas? Sin city!"

"AAAAHH now I got it. Sorry, just a bit hungry and annoyed. Has your brother always been this eventful?"

Shane grinned, Eric scratched his head, and Spencer coughed then asked, "So what did this house have to do with anything? It's empty!"

I looked at Justin and he shrugged.

Shane said, "It wasn't empty this afternoon."

I asked, "So how far is this Cherokee place?"

Spencer said, "If we go thru Gatlinburg, about an hour, its just very winding roads."

"Dam, what is this, a wild goose chase or something?" I looked at Justin and said, "I sure hope this isn't some game you two are playing, because I have just about had it. I actually have to start my new job in a few hours and I am out here ....."

Justin rolled his eyes and interjected, "Well then get the fuck out! If you remember, you wanted to come. I didn't want to have anything to do with it."

Shane elbowed both of us and said, "Both of you shut up. Spence, we need a shower and get something to eat before we continue, otherwise we might just bicker even more."

Justin said, "Why not just get a room for the rest of night? That would be easier."

"No, the sooner we get there, the better the chances of finding Sam, or those who put us here. I was thinking we might drop you off at a clinic...."

Justin didn't let Shane finish, "No! I'm staying. I have a bone to pick with someone."

Spencer said, "Jeff and Nick are going to meet us at a boat dock just ahead. Those places have a shower so people can rinse off and they can check you out."

Spencer turned into the parking lot of the boat dock and we found Nick and Jeff waiting for us.

Chapter 21 will be out in the near future with more exciting adventures and secrets revealed !!!

Next: Chapter 21

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