Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Jan 30, 2006


NOTE: (This story has been resubmitted by me due to concerns of some editing errors. Thanks to the readers for pointing this out to me. This does not change the events of the story at all, just a better flow.)

The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and hopefully the first of several planned installments.

I hope/plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

Enjoy the story....

Chapter 2: A new day starts

I gained consciousness at what sounded like a train about to ram through the wall. Then a young girl's voice shrieked out loudly, "MOTTTTHERRRRRRR, YOU SAID TO YELL IF RACCOON MAN STARTED STIRRING OR MOVING! HUUURRRY!"

I thought, "Dare I open my eyes to see where the hell I am?" I heard footsteps approaching and the young girl said "LOOK MA!"

I could feel a small hand hovering around my feet but not touching them while she said, "He just moved his foot several times and turned his head but not his eyes. IS HE DANGERSOUS MAMA? Do you think I woke him up?"

Another voice, apparently the mother, answered, "OHH Susan NO he isn't. But thank you for keeping an eye on him. You're such a good helper. I'm here now so you go have lunch with your brother."

The first voice, said, "OK MAMA. But if you need to rest your eyes anymore, you just HOLLER for me. I like watching him too." I could hear the young girl scamper off into the other room.

The woman then came closer and asked. "How are you feeling young man?

I asked "Is it safe to open my eyes now ???"

"Of course, Susan is a very curious young lady" she giggled

"She sure shows enthusiasm."

"And what was that tremendous crash, my head is throbbing like I was in wreck or something???"

"That was lumber you heard falling off the truck."

"Good, I thought a train hit the house."

The woman laughed slightly and said, "Good humor usually means good things."

I finally looked up as she opened the blinds and let the afternoon sun flood in. She waved out the window to someone to let them know I was awake. I could smell and feel the fresh cool air as it filled the room. I was squinting not only because of the sunlight but also because my eyes were sore and my vision was blurry. I couldn't decide if it was just because of the sun or the pounding headache I had.

She told me the storm ended just a couple hours ago and the family was just now getting out to survey the damages.

It appeared I was in a farmhouse, in a young man's room in a twin bed with an OK mattress and an awesome homemade quilt. There were several easels and sketches around and a lot of of them on the walls. Farmboy must be an artist.

She came back to the bed I was in and sat next to me. She looked to be about the same age as my mother only she didn't wear as much makeup. She was dressed rather informal in jeans and a sweatshirt. She introduced herself as Mrs. Nobles, Mrs Lidda Nobles and asked what I remembered.

"Well I am a male as the young lady noticed (and slightly raised the comforter and looked down as I blushed) and I think my name is ................................Marcus. Marcus Cooper. Just kidding I don't have amnesia. I last remember sitting next to a ravine in a ffffuuu ...uugh ... ferocious rainstorm after escaping from my crashed car with the help of a stranger. How long have I been out?"

Lidda said, "Well I hope you take news well (where have I heard that before?) and weren't in a hurry to get somewhere, but you been here with us for almost 2 days. The stranger you met is my son, Sam. He brought you home after your accident."

"My husband Thomas, who is the town doctor, patched you up the best he could with the supplies he had on hand from his medical office. The bridge is out on the main road, along with the electricity and phone service, so that's the best he could do. He should be here in just a moment"

About this time an older gentleman stepped into view and asked how his patient was doing. "This is Thomas, my husband. Thomas, this is Marcus Cooper your patient."

"I've had better days," I told him, "and now I'm just dam thirsty." Both of them chuckled and Lidda chimed in with "It seems his humor isn't bruised as badly as the rest of him. I'll be right back with some water and a bite to eat."

Thomas said, "Well Mr Cooper, let me fill you in what happened. Your lucky and apparently in good shape. I wouldn't have expected you to awaken so soon. Most crash victims with your injuries are out for days." Then I heard a voice behind Mr Nobles say, "Is he finnnnnally awake and can I have my room back?"

Thomas said, "Marcus this is your rescuer, Sam." Sam came into view and I said, "This scrawny kid was able to pull me out of a car?" with a slight mischievious grin

Sam shot back with, "Got your big ass out of there quick. You owe me BIG time. You ripped my shirt."

I said, "Well, you ripped mine too. Thanks, Sam, and what did you to my eyes? Actually, I do appreciate your help. Thanks for saving my life. Now can I have my hospital room back please and my cell phone?" Both of them laughed at that.

Sam looked down sadly and coughed. "Markus man, I think most of your injuries were caused by me getting you out of that car and that climb we had to make. I apologize for any other agony you may be in because of me."

"How many agonies are there anyway?" I said with a sly smile. "I rather be laying here not knowing where I am, than at the bottom of that ravine or some morgue. So Ill have to think you made the right choice in what you did but you need to workout a little more and get some muscles, because next time I don't have to work so hard."

The Doc explained after a good snicker that the only thing on me when I arrived here were the jeans and shoes I was wearing and even those are destroyed. He said the bridges to this back section of the valley was wiped out and only about 4 families are back this way, so unfortunately not many will be coming to look for us. So are the phone lines and electricity. So it looks like it will up to us to go get help.

"Well Doc... I sure hope that is the bad news."

I then realized that my vision was still blurry and I was wearing boxers that weren't mine (since I'm a briefs kind of guy), my movements were limited and I had to use the bathroom.

I asked Doc my condition and if I was able to get up to use the bathroom. "Well, son, as I said earlier, its a good thing you are in good physical condition. I think that helped out a lot."

"The bad news is that you broke your right ankle and right arm, and various bruises and cuts and abrasions over your face, chest, back, arms and lower extremties and you may have a concussion but cant be sure 100% until we get you to the medical clinic."

"You're rather limited to what you can do right now, but with help from us I'm sure we can get you relieved."

Sam quickly responded by saying, "We? Dad do what with him, I think not?"

"Sam," Mr Noble said, "He is my patient, and our guest, and needs our help. You shouldn't be selfish and refuse to help him even if it means you're uncomfortable."

"BUT, couldn't Mom or someone else help with that."

Doc just stared at Sam. Sam seemed to understand what his father's look meant.

Doc looked back at me and explained "Marcus, when you decide to look into a mirror, don't get too upset. You will heal in time."

Sam was chuckling and said, "Yea, the goat took one look at you and ran away."

I just looked at Sam, grinned and rolled my eyes.

"So, Doc, when will I be able to get up and on my way?"

"Well I think you're here for a couple of more days and you'll get plenty of rest until we get the bridge fixed to get you to the medical clinic.

"Now, let's try to help you up. The bath is just across the hall."

"Uh... Doc, I may need a robe. You left me with these baggy boxers which won't stay up long."

"If you're shy, Lidda can find you something."

"It's not that, but you have a young female in the house and I don't want to have you explain a lot to her."

Sam laughed and said, "Bud we're on a farm. She's seen more than most 18-year-olds do."

Doc said, "She'll stay in the kitchen." The trip to the bath was an event, and something I hope doesn't have to happen every time. Doc was able to hold me up and guide me but Sam got the fun part of reaching in my shorts and taking ahold of my cock since both my arms were rather restricted and I was rather unbalanced.

I told Sam "I sure hope you don't pull that knife out again." and got a giggle out of them both. Sam must have thought he was milking a cow or something the way he was handling my penis.

I mentioned to him "I'm not a cow trying to be milked"

"This isn't something I do just everyday with a stranger, besides Dad should be doing this since he is the doctor" Sam said in a rather nervous tone.

Doc added "Lets just get this done and Marcus back to bed"

I did get a quick look in the mirror and saw that I looked pretty beat up.

During the trip back to bed, I asked Doc, "Where am I exactly anyway?"

"Dale Hallow," he said. "Just a bit north and east of Cookeville."

"Wow, never heard of it, but thanks Doc."

Mr. Noble then said, "Well, I'll leave you here for a moment with Sam while I get my bag from the office. Ill be back in a few. Then I'll give you a quick check over and you can get back to bed to rest more."

During the time from bathroom break to bed again, Lidda came back with the water (a whole pitcher) and a few pastries.

"DUDE, you have no idea where you are do you? That must blow your mind," said Sam.

"I know I'm in Tennessee, but it sounds like Timbuktu to me."

Its an odd feeling for a stranger to be touching me and handling my privates as I can be shy somtimes. As I looked Sam over he seemed to be my age and a farmboy type with dark blond hair, wore glasses, loose overhauls and baggy t-shirt. Couldn't really get an idea of his physique but just his facial features made him look thin. Not my usual preference. But hmm....

Doc came back and checked me over and gave me some pain pills. He told me to get more rest and next time we can discuss more of what is going on. While Sam went on about the night he found me and that rainstorm, I slowly heard him fade away. I caught that the doc and his wife were talking about how I may have a concussion, since a couple times I repeated myself.

(a couple hours latter)

"Mama, he breathes funny. Do you think he can hear me whispering to you even though he is sound asleep?"

"Susan, I have told you not to get that close to Marcus so you don't disturb him and he can get better faster."

Without even opening my eyes, I snorted loudly several times and coughed and snorted again. Susan said, "Oh my, Mama! He sounds like daddy sleeping now but daddy doesn't sleep forever like him. Do you think he will want to play with me once he gets to know me better mama?"

Lidda said, "We'll see honey, he needs to rest, OK."

I barely opened my eye to see where this Susan was and she was facing her mother while talking to her. I thought I be funny and raised my hand to her shoulder and tapped it.

I said "Do you always ask so many questions little miss?" You'd think she saw a rat the way she jumped nearly half way across the room screaming, "HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE!"

"Susan, Susan, it's OK," Lidda said, walking over to her. He just woke up is all he did. I think he was just being funny snorting and sounding like he was asleep honey."

Susan went from shock to laughing and jumping next to me, asked, "When did you wake up? So were you just playing with me?"

I commented, "Well, you didn't answer my first question. Anytime you ask a question I'll ask one right back." Susan was about 7 years old and just cute as button, with long blond hair.

We heard several distinctive footsteps approaching the room quickly. I first saw Doc in the doorway looking around for a disaster and then saying, "Who screamed?"

As he walked in, Sam was right behind him and so was another young boy about 12 years old. Lidda told them what happened and we all had a good laugh.

The young boy came up to me and just looked and said "Howdy, I'm Alex, You have raccoon eyes!!! Susan is a big baby, she talks way too much too. I can never get her to shut up."

I said, "Well, she's a rather inquisitive type and that's good. She apparently never meets a stranger. Be glad she can talk, there are families out there with much worse conditions who don't get along. So be nice to her, OK?" I noticed Doc and Lidda glance at each other at that remark.

Alex laughed and said, "Have you been to talking to my mom about her? She says the same things."

Doc spoke up and told everyone he needed to check me out, so they needed to find something else to do in another room. Alone with the doc, he gave me a more detailed exam than before, I'm rather tender in a lot of areas, especially in my groin area and still blurred vision.

He told me what he had done and hoped that I wouldn't be mad that he had to do it. So he had to shave my groin area and make a few stitches. "Hell, I'm alive and that's what matters most to me," I told him. He said my good spirits would help with a quicker recovery and hopefully in a day or 2 they can get me to the clinic.

There was a knock at the door and Doc told them to come in. In walked a dark haired, slightly stubbled face but very well toned, attractive guy about probably 21 or 22. His jeans were snug and his tshirt showed his upper body to be smooth and taut. I could feel the blood flowing to my groin fast. He said, "Dad, We have a problem with the bridge; we could use more help."

Doc shook his head and then introduced another member of his family. "Shane, this is Marcus Cooper. Marcus, this is my eldest son, Shane. Shane helped carry you in from the truck the night Sam brought you here."

"Hey Doc, how many other family members are here anyway?" They both laughed and Doc said, "You met the whole gang now."

Shane gave me a big grin and sat next to me and touched my shoulder saying, "Good to meet you. I'm glad to see you're up, you'll be up and outta here shortly, if you need any help with anything, let me know." I heard him talking but his touch and closeness to him made me tingle.

I looked at Doc and gave him that look. He knew and asked Shane if he could help me to the bathroom.

Shane didn't hesitate and didn't moan and groan like Sam did. He made this trip much easier than the first time. Shane was more gentle and not as clumsily as Sam was. I got to feel Shane out more than he did me.

I'm usually not an easily embarrassed type of guy, but Shanes touch definitely sent my cock into semi hardness . Doc just causally said, "Good that it's working with the trauma its been through. That's normal." and made sure I wasn't in pain. I said, "It wasn't painful to relieve myself but it felt like staples in my groin area; but I'll be OK." Shane added with a huge grin "I have about 4 or 5 of those a day."

They got me back to the bed and I seemed spent. Doc gave me another pain pill and had the pleasure of Susan run in with a bedtime story to tell me. I just vaguely remember 2 bears in Paris or something like that....


If you like to make a comment about this story just contact me at

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Next: Chapter 3

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