Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Aug 6, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-18 still apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to thank Jon again for his time editing this story. I also want to thank Jeff Hunter and Artor from Mexico, for some extra pointers. Thanks Guys!!

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but a lot of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

WARNING: Just to let you know up front, this chapter contains scenes that may offend some readers. If it offends you, stop reading. However, it reveals some information that is pertinent to the story.

Chapter 19: Which way is UP!

(The night before - recap)

We headed back to Doc's and as we were leaving Spencer's place I just happened to look back in the mirror and saw them all hugging each other. I said quietly to Sarah, "They sure are friendly around here aren't they?"

"Definitely friendly" she replied.

Jeff and Nick looked at Spencer and Eric with huge grins. They hugged each other as Marcus and the others drove off. Eric had noticed Marcus looking in the mirror as they drove off and he was smiling.

Eric nodded towards the truck pulling away and asked, "So do you think the kid even has a clue who is gay and who isn't, except you two wusses, of course?" playfully nudging Nick.

Jeff said, "Oiy he does have the hots for someone in particular, but I think he doesn't want to shake the boat just yet until he has his bearings."

Spencer asked, "Is that all you horn toads think about, pounding some young misguided confused sweet hot ass?"

Everyone smiled at him and said, "Mmmm...mmm...hell yeah!!"

Jeff wrinkled his nose while in his hug with Spencer and said, "Blimie, you guys are all sweaty and aromatic stinky; you need a shower!"

"Hey, he's volunteering to help!" Spencer replied, kissing Jeff's cheek.

Jeff looked more closely at Spencer's cheek scratches and said, "Damn, that kid sucker punched you." Spencer nodded and rubbed his cheek. He got a playful look in his eye and replied, "Yea, kinda felt like this..." as he gave Jeff a titty twister and quickly moved behind Eric. Jeff acted like he was going to jump Eric to get to Spencer.

Eric put up his hand and then asked, "So boys, does putting in a solar collector really require getting greasy and going half naked?"

Nick put on his best doctor face and said, "The situation was getting intense and to help my apprentice learn how to install one of those puppies, he needed some physical attention to motivate him to work faster." then moved to Jeff and put his arms around his waist.

Eric, smiling, asked, "And did that work?"

Jeff coyly replied, "For about 10 seconds. The rest of the time, I had to show him my new piledriver move."

"Ummm... and did that work?"

Nick, eyeing Jeff's growing bulge, said "As you can see, we are all greasy and I still am a bit weak kneed."

"Hey Spence, do you know anything about this piledriver they are talking about?"

"I may have heard about it, but I think I would need to see a demonstration."

"We enjoy demonstrating and we just happen to have brought beverages to enhance the demonstrations," Nick winked.

"Let's go check out this demonstration then." Eric said.

Nick and Jeff took each other's hands and walked around the barn to an enclosed shower stall.

Spencer put his arm around Eric's waist and strolled behind them.

Eric whispered to Spencer, "Did I mention, I'm horny and those two have hot asses?"

"I was thinking the same thing"

Nick and Jeff stopped at a pile of clothes on the ground. Nick said, "Part of this demonstration requires less clothing restrictions," and turned to Jeff and slid his scrub pants off. His cock was rock hard and bouncing in front of Nick's face.

Nick said, "Step 1, undress each other."

Spencer replied, "We can do that with style too." He turned to Eric and yanked his skimpy shorts right off him.

"Ow! That will leave a mark!" Eric was unprepared for Spencer's revenge for yanking his shorts up earlier that day. Once Eric turned to Spencer, he grabbed Eric's pulsing meat and said, "I'm not quite done ... yet," and was about to kiss him.

Nick said, "Wait!! Step 2 is a wash down. All parts need to be cleaned. Follow us."

Jeff bent over into the cooler and tossed both of them beers.

Nick was reaching down to pick up a hose outside the shower with a wicked nozzle attached to it. Jeff decided he would just casually bump into Nick's ass with his raging hardon.

Nick reached between his own legs and shot Jeff in the nuts with a pulsing water spray.

"YIKES, that's cold."

Eric asked hurriedly, "How many freaking steps are you going to show us? I'm too horned up to go through each one."

He got sprayed immediately with the hose, then Spencer got it.

Nick said, "That's the end of the steps, now find a partner and get in the freakin shower."

Jeff stripped Nick of his scrubs. Eric quickly got Spence out of those shorts. Nick started spraying them as they walked into the shower and then followed them in. Jeff said, "Looks like you may need some scrubbing." He turned a dial and a waterfall engulfed the stall.

Eric and Spence moved to him and started rubbing him with their hands. Eric was enjoying getting in between Jeff's ass cheeks, while Spence was getting his chest, abs and groin area.

While the water was pouring over him, Jeff moved behind Nick wrapping his arms around him and starting kissing him.

Eric and Spence knelt down in front of Nick and both started licking Nick's nuts then up to his 8 in cock. They also slid their hands inbetween his legs and were playing with his ass, and Jeff's nuts and cock.

Nick was getting into this attention when his cell phone started blinking and making noises.

Jeff yelled, "Blimie, why does that always fucking happen?"

"Sorry gents, I'm on that 2 day 24 hr oncall crap again but hopefully I can do it over it the phone."

He leaned out and grabbed his cell phone and started talking to the person on the other end. The boys didn't stop their suckfest and Jeff decided to lower himself down to Nick's ass and started to lick him in circles.

Nick was losing concentration with the person on the phone and was stuttering or taking longer than usual pauses.

Then the dreaded infamous words were said, "I'll be there in a bit." And he hung up the phone.

All the other guys said in unison, "Ahh fuck!"

"Raincheck boys," and smiled at the pun.

Jeff stood up with and cocked his hip in disappointment and said, "Fuck, I'll drive ya."

"I promise I will make it worth your time if you drive."

"Let's roll."

On the drive to the clinic. Nick pulled Jeff's big fat cock out and gave him a driving blowjob. They pulled into the clinic parking lot and Jeff had to make a quick stop on the sidewalk as he blew his load into Nick's mouth. Nick smiled and kissed Jeff, sharing Jeff's cum with him and then stepped out of the car and walked into the clinic.

Logan made his way to baggage claim and picked up his two suitcases.

He stopped at the airport lounge since he had arrived early. He made small talk with the bartender and then sat enjoying his drink and watching TV. He was really into the baseball game on the bar TV and didn't notice Ryan sit down next to him and start talking to him. Ryan had to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.

Logan snapped out of the game and said, "Hey, you!! I didn't expect to see you so soon." he put his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"I've got a couple of hours to kill since the plane has to go through a safety inspection. That little incident up there had me shaking in my boots." He moved his hand to Logan's knee.

Logan smiled and said, "How funny, I have some time to kill also." He then looked down at Ryan's shoes and said, "You don't have boots on"

Ryan leaned into him slowly and said, "I can show you what else I don't have on and has this really great view in a rather secluded place. Wanna see it?"

"Is there such a thing at an airport -- a secluded place?"

"You bet"

"I'm up for that, man."

"I was expecting that to be your answer. This way, my fine sexy friend."

Ryan walked up to a door that had a keycard slot and opened it with his card.

They walked up a flight a stairs to another door with a nameplate "Butler's Lounge/Private" and also opened that door.

They walked into a small room overlooking the tarmac. The windows were tinted to one way since planes were parked in front of them. The room had a TV with a large sofa and a couple recliners and a small bar.

Ryan turned to Logan and put his hands on his chest and said, "I hope I'm not being too forward but you are the most adorable passenger in the past month I have seen. May I help you take your shirt off?"

"Wow, thanks. You are very generous and one hot stud. I'll be happy to take mine off if you're willing to do the same."

Ryan slowly slid Logan's polo off him. Ryan let his hands wander over his smooth chest and down his taut stomach.

Logan said, "Did you have this uniform specifically tailored for you? It clings to you like a glove." He unbuttoned Ryan's shirt to reveal those rock hard pecs and abs and slid his hand over Ryan's bulging pants before returning to his chest.

Ryan lowered his hands down to Logan's crotch and gasped at the size of Logan's growing cock through his pants. He unbuttoned Logan's jeans and slowly slid the zipper down.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment.

Ryan said, "Your eyes seem so familiar, they have that certain spark to them. I have a feeling I've seen that before."

Logan smiled and replied, "Well we just met today so I think you're just charming me to get into my pants."

They embraced and started deep kissing each other.

Ryan slid his hands over Logan's smooth and hard pecs then pulled his jeans and silk boxers off at the same time. His face was a mere inch from Logan's clean-shaven crotch.

Ryan then pushed Logan down onto the couch and was getting close to licking the tip of Logan's rock hard 9 inches. He muttered, "What a fucking awesome mushroom head!"

They heard the door handle click and open.

They stared at the officer that looked into the room. He was of African descent.

The officer said, "The door may say 'private' but the room is still monitored." He pointed to the camera in an upper corner of the room.

"Ahh!" Logan and Ryan said together.

"However, sometimes those monitors have a way of malfunctioning." The officer entered and closed the door behind him and locked it from inside. He started taking off his shirt.

Logan smiled and said, "I suppose you have the malfunction code with you."

The officer said, "Absolutetly." He stripped and bent down next to Ryan and looked intently at Logan's cock.

Logan said, "Gee guys, don't just stare, have fun with it."

The officer grabbed Logan's cock quickly and forcefully.

Logan winced at the pressure the man applied.

The officer then moved Ryan to sit on top of Logan so he could get to Logan's cock and Ryan's ass at the same time. He still had Logan's cock in his firm grip and then indexed Ryan's ass and directly applied pressure to his prostate.

Ryan yelped a big , "OHH!"

The officer said, "I'll show you some African love now."

Then the building starting vibratating.

Logan said, "I think you're rather excited there, Ryan. You're shaking like a leaf!"

Ryan said, "Um, it's not me."

The vibration turned to rumbling.

All three of them looked out the window with awe.

I watched Doc work on Sarah. Susan stood next to me holding my hand and sniffling.

I heard other footsteps approach from behind me and noticed Lidda, Alex and Shane had arrived and stood next to me. Susan turned to her mother and held onto her leg crying again. Lidda said, "Oh, honey, you didn't do anything bad."

Shane put his on hand on my shoulder as I watched intently. Alex was holding Shane's other hand.

Then we heard Sarah cough and take a deep breath and heard Doc muttering to her.

Doc looked back at us and said, "She had a horse fly in her throat. Lidda, I want to get her to my office and get her examined." Lidda turned back to the house knowing what Doc was asking of her.

Sarah gagged and asked, "What happened?"

Susan bent down next to her and held her hand.

Doc said, "You had a fly lodged in your throat, so I suggest not speaking for awhile."

Shane approached his father and said, "I'll take her to your office." This is when I noticed he was wearing only red spandex shorts. He looked like he had just woke up from a nap but he still looked hot as usual. He took Sarah to Doc's office.

We all sat at the kitchen table while waiting on Doc. He came out about 15 minutes later and said, "I want her to rest awhile then I'll check on her again." He went back in with Lidda.

I said, "I am sure she is going to be fine ...." I just realized why I had gone after her.

"Shane, your mother found this address in Sam's pocket. I was going to check it out with Sarah when that happened." I handed him the note and said, "Now I am thinking ..."

He finished what I was thinking and said, "Let's go find out. Alex, you stay here and let Mom and Dad know we will be back."

He glanced at the note a second time and said, "I recognize this writing and it's not Sam's."

On the way to my Blazer and Shane stopped by his truck and quickly put on some shorts and tank top. I gave him my keys to drive.

We turned around and there stood Justin. He said, "I heard Sam is at the clinic. What happened?"

Shane and I glanced at each other and I think we had the same idea. 'The guy just might know more than he lets on, so we will con him a bit like he is doing us.'

Shane said, "We were just going to see him; wanna ride with us?"

Justin shrugged and said, "I've got my bike ..."

Shane walked up to him and gently guided him to my blazer and said, "Get in, he will be glad to see you."

We made small talk until we got on Interstate 40 eastbound.

Justin said, "This isn't the way to the clinic, Shane." Shane nodded and didn't look back at him. I could tell he could chew nails.

I asked Justin, "Do you know where Cades Cove is?"

"Yeah, you think this place is out of the way, that place is the backwoods. Only the local yahoos live there. Why do you ask?"

Shane said, "We are taking a little drive there since you were so generous to write it down plainly for Sam."

Justin acted surprised and played dumbfounded. He said, "What are you talking about?"

Shane said, "Show him the slip." I showed him.

Justin was nervous and tried to backpedal, "That isn't my writing! What's really going on?"

Shane shot a look back at him and said, "Oh it's yours alright, check out the stock on that paper. Your dad runs a Kinkos. I have seen that in your packback before."

Justin got real fidgety and said, "You're just grasping at straws man, you're a nut job in the making."

Shane slammed on the brakes, making Justin's head hit the back of my seat. He said, "I'll show you a nut job!"

I asked, "Damn, and how long will it take to get there?"

Shane replied, "Close to an hour and a half, depending on tourist traffic in Pigeon Forge."

Justin rubbing his forhead said, "You can let me out in downtown Knoxville man, I'm not getting near that drab town."

Shane replied, "Just sit right back and enjoy the ride ... man."

I said, "BTW, the back door is kid proof so you can't open it."

Justin asked, "What do you think you're going to find there anyways?"

"Maybe the root of Sam's problem." Shane shot back.

Justin didn't say a word as we made our trip through Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and the damnedest winding roads back to this little town. We also had made our way into a heavy thunderstorm.

We finally got to this little off-the-beaten-path place. We were at a stop sign and could go either left or right. Shane asked Justin, "Which way? I can't read that sign since its raining cats and dogs."

Justin did say anything. I said, "If you go right, you look like you're heading up to rock cliffs, the other way looks like the town."

Shane took my advice and turned left into town. He stopped at gas station and stepped out to talk to a local for a few seconds.

Justin asked, "Why are you involved in this?"

"What do you have to hide? Now that I think back to the day I got back and saw you two talking in the hall, you did hand him something. Susan understood your conversation but got too excited and blurted out parts of it."

"You are wrong about that."

Shane got back in to the truck and took off. He turned into a little village of houses and made his way to one in particular.

Shane's phone rang. He picked it up to answer and had it on speaker phone.

It was Lidda and she asked, "Where are you boys? Sam just called and wants to talk to us."

Shane replied, "We are tracking something down, once we get it we will meet you at the clinic. It may be about two hours though." She must of heard the thunder in the background.

"Ohhh dear, Shane, don't be getting you and Marcus into trouble now."

"Talk to you soon Mom." He shut the phone off.

By this time, we saw someone peering out through the garage door window.

Shane said, "Justin, get out and knock on that door. Something tells me, you are the key to getting in."

"Um, well, um, NO THANKS man."

"That wasn't a request. Now get the fuck out and go or I'll tear your face off! I only care about getting help for Sam at this point. Your well being is last on my agenda."

The door opened slowly. A figure appeared and Justin was watching it intently and extremely nervously.

He said, "Fine, I will tell you anything you want, just don't make me go in there. Now let's get out of here."

Shane started to back up out of the drive. I saw some of the longest black legs ever emerge from the door. I gasped and said, "Holy cow, look at that woman!"

Shane stopped, looked at me, then back at Justin.

He said, "I want to find out." and pulled back into the driveway under the carport.

By the time he stopped, a tall and lanky black woman dressed in exotic lingerie was standing in the doorway.

Shane sternly said, "Justin."

"No way man, I'm not going!"

Shane twisted back towards Justin and grabbed him by the face. He said, "You can either go talk to her or I'll twist your face off."

Shaking, Justin complied and I unlocked the door. He stepped out and took a few steps forward then froze. The black lady smiled and pointed to him and used a finger to motion him to move forward. Justin glanced at me, then took off as fast as he could out of the drive into the pouring rain.

Shane had an idea what might happen and was out chasing him in a split second. Justin didn't have a chance outrunning Shane. Shane grabbed him by the neck and yanked back close into him. He walked back by the truck and stood in front of the lady. Justin was dripping wet while Shane was slightly wet. I got out and stood behind Shane.

The lady said, "Oh, Justin, how good it is to see you back here so soon and totally out of the blue! Why did you take off running like that anyway? You know I wouldn't hurt you. Who are these two fine looking friends you brought along which ya?"

He said, "We needed to talk with you." "Oh; sounds serious. Come on in, this afternoon sun is very harsh on my eyes." I thought, "Funny, it's still raining."

We followed her into the house. She closed the door behind us. I gasped at the sight of this place. I would never have pictured this kind of decorating around this area. I think I would catergoize it as ... really gay and over the top.

The lady walked to the front of Justin and handed him a towel, looked at him intently and then looked at Shane. She felt Shane's muscled arm and said, "You may want to release your hold of him, he seems to not be enjoying it. He can't go anywhere now until he dries off."

The lady walked over to the bar and said, "I am Coral. Justin, would you be so kind as to introduce your two friends?"

Justin stood staring at the floor and muttered, "You're a freak."

Shane elbowed him and said, "Nice to meet you ma'am, I am Shane and this is Marcus.

"Pleasure is all mine!" as she licked her lips while staring at us. "Would you boys care for a drink? I just made my wildly famous iced tea. I know I could use one with you three young fine looking hunks."

"No thanks on the drink, we are here to gather some information about my brother. You may know him. His name is Sam."

The lady poured drinks into 4 glasses and stood shaking her head.

"Shane dear, you should be more cordial and social. You are all business, hon."

"Well, I just want to help my brother out of a mystery problem."

She finally said, "Oh Justin, you bad boy you. Are you and Sam that shy about telling your friends here about your recent string of bad luck?"

Justin stared at the floor and said, "It's nobody's business but ours."

She casually walked up to him, handing him a drink and her smiled faded. She lightly caressed his face. He was trembling now. She grabbed him by the balls and said, "Oh honey, but you made it mine now by dragging these poor fellas here. You ruined my afternoon of watching my soaps."

I looked around and did not see a TV in this room. I looked at Shane who seemed more intent on just finding his information

She looked at me and said, "You sure don't say much do you?"

"I am here for moral support really. I believe Shane asked if you knew Sam."

She walked back to the bar and brought us both glasses of tea, and once again asked, "Would you boys like some tea now? A southern lady never drinks alone."

Shane and I took the glasses and Shane said, "Thank you ma'am. We just want to find some answers and we will be on our way."

Coral shook her head once more and giggled. She clinked our glasses and motioned for us to drink it. All of us took a sip. Shane finished his in one gulp.

I said, "Wow, that is great tea. What flavor is that anyway?"

She smiled and replied, "A southern lady never reveals her secrets."

Shane handed the glass back to her and said, "I don't want to take up... more of .. y o ur time, whada Shams who do wha now.."

Justin cracked up laughing. I looked at Shane who looked to be in a daze.

She said, "Oh my, I wish I could have you working for me, you get right to the point, unlike that poor soul who is in such denial about what he does wrong. Shane dear, have you ever seen a woodchuck chuck cheese in Chestertown?"

Shane and I glanced at each other with a confused look. I heard what sounded like air darts. I saw one strike Shane in the neck and then Justin. I then felt something in my shoulder. I saw them drop to the floor. I felt my legs go weak and I collapsed.

We all started giggling and laughing. I haven't felt this way since Adam and I tried weed for the first and last time when we were 14.

I heard Shane giggle and mumbling, "Chuster Chese ....chicked wood? Is that ...Chucky Cheese or Chester Chuck? Or did Chuck have a cheese woody?"

I said, "I thinks cheesy Chester upchucked in town or Chester's town smells like bad cheese." I felt like I had just gone to the dentist and my mouth was numb.

Justin and Shane couldn't stop laughing and neither could I.

I laid there looking up at the ceiling and could hear someone walking. I couldn't move and my eyelids were getting very heavy.

Justin was very close to me. Shane was laying away from us. I heard Coral say, "Tsk tsk, Justin. You knew not to bring anyone here ... ever. Now you got them caught up in your web of deceit. You're gonna pay for this."

I heard kicking sound and Justin moaning.

I then saw Coral lean over me and she said in a manly voice, "Son, this won't hurt much" She then rubbed something over my lips.

I heard someone mutter, "No cheese today," and more giggling.

I began to feel very numb and my vision became blurred and very narrow. Time seemed to have stopped. I saw flashes of faces and flickers of bright lights. Then the lights went out.

I was not sleeping; it was just dark and my mind felt in pause mode. I felt myself being moved.

I could not tell how long time passed. I then had a slow return of vision and sound. I was no longer looking at the ceiling. I heard what sounded like someone crying.

I began to feel something touching me. I blinked a few times to get the blur out of my vision. I gasped at the sight before me.

I was sitting in an odd lounge chair. My hands felt weighted down and my legs slightly parted. Shane was sitting on me, facing me. We both were naked. He was actually sitting on my dick, but his arms were stretched out. His cock was resting on my stomach.

He was gaining some control also, as we looked each other in the eyes.

I heard the sound of moaning and crying again and turned to look in the direction it came from. I quickly glanced back at Shane and his eyes showed the same expression as mine.

I looked over to see Justin, completely naked, in one of those sling chairs that I have seen in porns for sexual acts. A large burly trucker looking type guy was burying his dick into Justin's ass while another hairy fat man was forcing Justin to suck his cock. A tall lanky black man was standing over him putting clamps on his nipples and ball sac and holding his cock tightly in one hand. I noticed other people walking around now with cameras.

I glanced back at Shane and we both tried to struggle. The pain I felt from the movement was unbearable. We stopped.

The black man walked over to us and said, "That took a while, I guess I miscalculated my doses on you two." This was the same person that called herself 'Coral'. I thought, "Eew, she's a man, a she man, a, a , a goddam weirdo."

"Now are you two ready for your take? Oh, and if you struggle the pain gets worse." That wasn't a question but an order.

I felt a hand on my cock and felt something was being rubbed on it. The same hand grabbed my nuts hard. I winced.

I then felt I could move my arms. The black man leaned over me and said, "You look you been hurt before, so I'll take it easy on you. Now take that cock of his and stroke it." I thought, "Now that isn't so bad if I get to play with Shane's cock."

I grabbed Shane's cock and then my other hand was guided to another cock. I looked and saw it was Justin's. He was being held by the two scruffy looking gents. I was ordered to start stroking them. I hesitated but then felt my nuts being strangled again. I started stroking them both. I didn't expect to get Coral's big fat black dick stuck into my mouth. I heard, "Stroke them and suck it or feel more pain." It was Coral's voice and it was her dick. She slapped my face with it a couple of times and forced me to suck his dick.

She said, "Get them in position and start the party. Get a good shot of it all too."

She looked into my eyes, laughing, and said, "Don't worry hon, the Viagra is working."

I saw Shane was being lowered back a bit. I watched as his chest and abs gleamed with sweat. He was breathing heavily. His cock was totally erect.

I heard, "Put him in position."

I could feel my cock and it was aching hard. I then felt Shane's ass slowly being lowered on it then wham, full insertion, and without lube. Shane's ass reacted wildly and almost choked my cock.

I then felt my legs spread farther apart, then a large dildo was plunged in deep and left in. The sensations I had were overwhelming and painful.

I saw that Shane was leaned back and Justin was forced in front of him and had his cock maneuvered into Shane's mouth.

I heard, "Now get the shockers."

I was given shocks of electricity. I realized we all were moaning in pain and being filmed.

Coral leaned over me and said, "Whoops, did that hurt? Well, see how this feels...."

I felt my like my face was on fire and then....

(Present Day)

I was suddenly awakened from a dream by what sounded like thunder. I could feel the hair on my arm on end from nearby lightening also. Beads of sweat were rolling down my face. I thought "That was one hell of a dream; I feel as if I was being shocked."

It was obviously late at night since the only source of light was from the TV. I lay there a few moments gathering my thoughts. I was looking directly up at the ceiling and the only sound I could hear was a heavy rain outside. I sat up slowly. I looked around for my watch. I went to reach for it when I noticed I had a web looking strap attached to my hand. I thought that was odd since I was supposed to be leaving for Nashville this morning for my internship interview.

I horsely muttered, "Mom, Dad?"

I tried to clear my throat.

I thought to myself, "What the hell is going on? Did I get sick or something last night at the beach with Adam and Jim?"

Once again I tried to hoarsely choke out, "Hello? Mom? Dad? Patrick?" but the sound of the rain and thunder were overpowering my own volume.

I began to notice the room around me and I was not in my room. I was in a hospital room that looked private, since it was just me in here I looked at the TV but it was blurry, probably from the storm. I noticed a lounge chair next to the TV with the back towards me. There was someone in the chair since I saw a hand on the armrest.

I sat up and felt pressure on my head. As I lay there under the cover, I noticed I wasn't wearing anything. I felt my stomach, it felt hot to me and it felt I crunched about 80 situps. I then felt a bandage on my side. I started to head down to scratch my balls and felt a tube running along my leg. I began to feel where that tube was going. The damn thing was stuck in my dick. I thought, "Oh shit, no wonder I didn't wake up with a woody like I usually do. What the fuck is going on here?"

I thought again for a moment for the best to way to contact someone. Hey if I'm in a hospital then there should be a call button. I looked at my hand with the strap and saw a blinking green light with a red button and a blue green light with a white button. I figured that must mean something.

I pushed the white one a couple of times when I noticed the TV turning on and off. "Um, cool, a TV remote." I could hear someone rustling around in the lounge chair.

The thunder outside got louder, along with some wicked lightening and the constant pounding of rain.

I said, "Dad, is that you?" It felt as if I had not drank water for a week, my mouth and throat felt like cotton, or a dry desert.

Dad or whoever couldn't hear me, obviously, so I thought I would press the red button on the hand strap. I pressed it at the same time I heard thunder and a bolt of lightening flashed outside the window.

"EEEEEEWWOOOWW!" I screamed. The shock that flew through me was overwhelming. I lay there with my eyes shut tightly, shuddering from that experience.

Dad heard me that time and I could hear him moving towards me.

"Marcus? Marcus? Can you hear me?" The voice asked but sure didn't sound like my Dad.

I shook my head while my teeth chattered.

"Slowly open your eyes, take a couple of breaths and try to relax your muscles."

I heard the door open and another person quickly approached me.

I opened my eyes slowly and even though everything was blurry, I knew that neither of these guys was my dad.

The one man asking me questions asked, "What hurts most son?"

I tried to raise my numb hand that had the web strap on it, but it kept feeling like bolts of electricity were pulsing through my arm.

The other man that came in, quickly removed the strap. Once he did that, the pulsing subsided, but I was still shaking.

"Marcus, focus on me, and take several light breaths. Just relax."

"Doc, I think this device needs a little more testing before marketing it," the other man said in what I thought sounded a bad British or maybe even an Austrialian accent.

I muttered, "You think?"

The one called Doc said, "How are you feeling?"

I replied, "Like I was struck by lightening, duh!"

The other man felt my leg and said, "He is very warm, more than usual."

I needed to know who these people were before anything happened. I said, "If you don't mind me asking, who are you guys? What happened to me?"

"Marcus, you don't recognize us?"

I said, "I wouldn't of asked if I did" with a slight irritation in my voice.

He stood up and walked the other guy over to the door and whispered something to him then that man left.

This Doc guy walked back over to me and said, "I really do want to help you. You can trust me."

"Where's my parents?" I asked and watched his expression. He wasn't expecting that.

"To help you, help me first by telling me what you remember."

"I am supposed to take my parents to the airport then I'm flying to Nashville for an interview. Now what happened to me?"

He thought for a moment, and then asked, "Honestly?" He was not being sarcastic but had a genuinely caring voice.

I shook my head yes.

"We have known each other for 4 years now."

The door opened again and the guy that left returned with a small device that looked like a visor.

"Thank you, Jeff. I will need your assistance in adjusting this. Marcus is having difficulty remembering."

"Marcus, I am going to put this on you. It is a scanner that will locate your memory center and attempt to reverse the effect that of the shock."

"Oh, yeah, I saw that on Star Trek once. Am I on Americas funniest home videos or MaxEX? Did Patrick put you two up to this? Is he playing a practical joke on me?"

"No, but if you look over at the TV, I will flip through several news channels."

I was confused when I saw the date flashing across the screen. I said, "Is it really 2006?"

Both of the men shook their heads.

I said, "Hey Pops, if you think it will work, let's go for it."

Jeff snickered and said,"You usually call him 'Doc'," smiling at me. I noticed him more thoroughly now and thought, "Wow, he is a hottie."

Doc put the visor over my head and it covered my eyes. I felt a pinching around my scalp.

He said, "It may feel a little awkard, but gives us a few moments to make the adjustments."

I head the door creak open and two male voices say, "Dad!"

Doc said, "Boys not now."

"Marcus, you may feel a little heat and vibration for a moment but it will subside."

"OK, just don't make me beam out to somewhere."

Doc and Jeff chuckled and said, "We got that on standby."

"Dad, wait!"

Doc turned on the visor and I felt a vibration throughout my body. I heard muttering but couldn't make it out. Then I felt that same electric feeling as when I first woke up and it overwhelmed my senses....

(4yrs ago, back to Corals)

I felt overwhelmed. Those electric shocks were taking a toll.

I was getting dildoed and being forced to fuck Shane while he was being forced to suck Justin's cock and getting shocked. Justin had the really bad end of the stick since his body was covered with clamps and had those nasty fat men up his ass.

Justin was the first to cum and he was made to cum in Shane's mouth. Shane was ordered to swallow it. Justin was lead back to his sling and forced into a new position.

I then felt hands on my hips thrusting my cock in and out of Shane's ass faster and faster until I couldn't hold it anymore and shot my juice into Shane's ass.

Coral walked back in front of us and said, "Justin needs a little incentive to do what I say." He had strapped on a wicked looking dick extender with protruding plastic bits.

Shane muttered, "You freak, you won't get away with this...." and got slapped

Coral said, "Sam still owes me and I will make him pay until I get every cent. You can tell him you just saved him a couple of bucks and he has two extra days to cough up the money."

I asked, "Why does he owe you money?" Coral lubed up the device.

"Oh, I think Justin will whistle Dixie when you boys return to safety."

Coral stepped into position behind Justin and plunged all 10 inches into the poor kid. He moaned and yelped in pain. He thrusted long and deep into him a couple of times and I think he passed out from the overwhelming sensations.

One of the burly men stepped into view to Shane and I and said, "Hmm, sure would like to get a piece of you two, you're both yummy hot hot" Then he rubbed something on both of our lips again.

The feeling of losing control once again took effect.

I gained feeling again and this time when the effect wore off I wasn't in that house.

I was leaning back against a rock next to a river with Shane laying back on me and then I saw Justin laying against him. We were still naked and tied together.

My hands were wrapped around Shane.

I whispered, "Shane!! Shane!!"

He slowly started moving.

Thanks for reading this chapter. I would like to know what you thought of it, so email me with your thoughts.

Chapter 19 is not far behind and the remaining chapters will tie up a lot of questions and probably open up a few more if you the readers want the story to continue past my original storyline.

Next: Chapter 20

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