Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Jul 5, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-16 still apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to thank Jon, my proofreader, again for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but most of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

I want to give Jeff King a thumbs up on his story...Three Roads in the college section. I am hooked on it. Check it out and let him know what you think.

Chapter 17: Freaks or Geeks

Sam sat in the 'stang until he saw Ryan disappear into the terminal.

His eyes narrowed and smiled slyly, then said to himself, "That was close. He won't be bothering us for awhile. Now onto my other problem."

He took off out of the terminal. He used the car phone to make a call. The person answered and he said, "Paige, he is off on to his new job. I was surprised he took it. We will discuss Marcus latter."

On the interstate, Sam took out the paper that Justin had given him and looked at the address. He said to himself, "Damn, why would someone choose to live in Cades Cove? Now that's a dam back woods place to live."

He decided the fastest way there was through Sevierville and Pigeon Forge. It took him an hour longer than he anticipated because of all the visitor traffic that backs up into Sevierville during this time of year. It was early evening when he pulled into Cades Cove. The directions from this point seemed easy. He found the small subdivision of cottages a couple minutes away from the main road. He entered the driveway, of what he thought looked like a small cottage built 50 years ago and stopped under the garage carport. Outside, it looked like the others in this area except for the light purple and red curtains thru the garage door window. He sat in the 'stang for a few minutes, then opened the door and closed it. He opened it and then closed it again. He asked himself, "Damnit, why did I choose to do this? How did I get so careless?" Then he started cursing up a storm and cried.

While he was talking to himself, he saw the curtain pulled back and a female gazing at him. The garage door slowly opened and a very tall black female peered out at him. He saw her and froze. He muttered to himself, "She is slightly out of place here."

She slowly walked out and he couldn't believe how tall she was, mostly because of the stiletto heels and the outfit. Once he saw the outfit, he muttered, "Oh moth fuckin great! A transy."

The woman approached his window. She slowly bent over and tapped on it. She shielded her eyes with her hand even though the car was under a garage port.

He took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped out. He gasped. The lady giggled.

Sam said, "What's so funny?"

"Lee made you out as some big bruiser henchman with a huge badass attitude. Why did you gasp?"

"You're so fucking tall. Lee isn't exactly a saint, and he is the Mary Poppins of the 21st century."

"You must be Samm. I am Coral. Let's go inside where it's a bit more ...comfy and cooler..." as she put her arm around him and slowly walked him back into the house.

They walked into the cottage and Sam's eyes grew wide at the sight before him. The garage level was dimly lit with purple and blue lighting. The walls were fauxed with a green and gold marbling technique. 5 various size brightly colored couches took up much of the space in this room. Coral could hear him mutter, "Dam, pimpin"

Coral said, "Lee tells me you have a little debt to pay off."

"Well, just a little one. I'm still not sure why I am here."

She grabbed his cheeks with her long fingernails that scratched his face. She then manhandled his nuts thru his overalls and said, "Little man, unless you wanna lose your balls in the next 2 seconds, you outta know, I own Lee and all his lackys out there, which includes you. So be honest or .." and tighten her squeeze on his nuts.

Sam gasped at the sudden directness of Coral along with pressure on his nuts and said, "OK, OK. It wasn't all my fault, a friend of mine got me into all this. Now I am paying for it."

"Hell yea honey, you got that right and unless you have 10% of the that debt in cash on you now, I got a little party arranged for you to relieve some of that. Shouldn't your little so called friend be here with you?"

He said, "Well crap, I owe him too. Fuck. What party would that be? "

"Well first, you have potty mouth. That should come in handy when I have my share of you. You will do what I say, when I say it."

"Um, I have to be home at midnight." As he tried to back up to the door.

"Not tonight little man, you have about 8 hours to give me." She grabbed his nuts once again thru his overalls. "First, lose those dreadful farmers dudes."

"They are called overalls."

"LOSE THEM NOW!!" Coral said in her manly voice then pushed him on the couch.

(Back on the plane)

Logan looked at the woman next to him in shock and said, "What the ... MOM?"

"Logan, listen to me carefully. The plane is fine, it's just a diversion." The plane was swaying and the engines roared.

"Mom?" as he sat there still in shock seeing her in this disguise.

"Yes, now listen. As you may have already surmised, I have gone undercover because of your father. I want you to tell Marcus, I never meant to hurt him or think I always took your fathers side. I regret not leaving earlier but I stayed because of you boys. I couldn't take it if you were raised by that man. He is trying to find me but I will not let him until he is either behind bars or ...."

"Don't say it, I am not fond of him either but wishing he was gone isn't going to help things." The plane was doing a good job of keeping everyone bouncing around while they talked.

"Do not tell him any of this on the phone or computer. I am sure your father is monitoring what you do."

"I never doubted that he would do otherwise mother. Where are you going or how will we be able to contact you?"

"I will be around and I will know when you will need me. One final thing, here is your share of what I gave Marcus." She slipped a thick envelope into his carryon."

"I have enough as it is. You should keep it for yourself and for wherever you're going."

"I want you to have it, no ands ifs or buts. I have everything I need for the few years I will be away. I want you to use it to better yourself, just like I told Marcus to do. Please try to keep on eye on him"

"I will and thanks Mom, I love you."

"I love you too."

"and mom!"

"Yes, dear?"

"Nice disguise and a geeky personality." Then winked at her.

She smiled and put her hand to his cheek and said, "Exactly. I will be back sometime, now get ready for a sharp turn."

The plane took a sharp bank, the lights blinked out and just about everyone was thrown to one side of the plane. The noise of the plane engines roaring drowned out the foul language of almost every passenger being thrown around.

Logan landed on someone. The lights came back on and he was staring into the eyes of Ryan. They both grinned at each other. Logan said, "You did that just for me, right?"

"You bet, I planned it just that way." He winked at Logan.

"I guess I better let you up so you can attend to the....startled and shaken."

"Yeah, for now. We can always try that again at a more convenient time." Logan got to his feet and helped Ryan up.

"You think you might need any help with these people?"

"You may want to help your new friend there, Mrs Varanda, she looks like she's rather shakin and a slight cut on her lip."

"Anything to help out. Talk to you when we land"

Mrs. Varanda asked, "Logan, could you help me and my husband?" as she faked a limp back to her seat.

"Help me, Help me!!" my thoughts raced while under water.

I felt a rush of air down my throat and then water spewing out. I spat the water out and inhaled deeply with my arms reaching out from me. I felt someone there. I then could hear Shane telling me to remain calm and breath lightly. I opened my eyes and he was just above my face with his hands on my cheeks.

I said, breathing fast, "Thanks ... for showing up!"

He smiled and said, "I was getting home when I heard some wild noises coming from here. I knew it was you. You're the only one I know that has some odd sleep patterns and trouble follows you."

I laid there breathing lightly to catch my breath again and thinking what could of happened.

"Thanks again Shane." I sat up slowly and hugged him tight. He hugged me back.

He smiled and said, "So how did your shorts get way over there?" as his hands slipped around my back

I realized I was butt naked and said, "Um, I was just trying to exercise."

"Odd time to pick to exercise and drown don't you think, let alone doing it naked."

"I had a bad dream." As I let loose of Shane's defined body, I felt better but shivered on and off.

Shane asked, "Do you think we need to get dad to check you out? Sleepwalking can be dangerous."

"No. I had the dream first; then I woke up and came down here after I knew I couldn't get back to sleep."

"But do you think he should check you out anyway after almost drowning?" His eyes went from my chest down to my feet, slowly down for a moment at my dick.

"I think you checked me out just fine. I'm breathing and talking. That is definitely a success on your part." I checked out his wet khakis and noticed his crotch was bulging.

"Do you feel like talking about the dream? You seem a bit upset about it."

"Not right now. Later would be better. Help me up and to the bench. Why were you just getting home this late ... or early?"

"You're good at changing the subject. I just went to hang out with some friends." He scooped me up, walked over to the bench and sat me down.

"Well, must be some friend to get all snazzed up like that." He was wearing khaki dress shorts and a nice fitting hunter green polo with a small gold chain that I never saw him wear before. He looked very hot in it.

"We are just friends. So how come you didn't you use the harness?" He just kept smiling as he sat next to me and untied his shoes.

"I didn't think about it. I just want to get my ankle back in shape."

"Didn't Doc say to take it easy starting out? Did you stretch or rub it down before you started?" He slyly grinned, checking out my semi-erect cock.

"Are you volunteering to help me out; to be my trainer to stretch that is?"

"You betcha, anytime bud. I think we decided we didn't quite finish that last time."

I grinned and said, "This is exercising for me to restrengthen my body, not play time."

"It can be both." He put his arm around me and squeezed slightly

"So how will the harness help me with my ankle?" I put my hand on his upper leg

"Remember how we used it last time except now you won't be sitting in it but laying flat so this event tonight doesn't repeat itself."

While he was talking about how this was going to work, he was slowly taking off his shirt and shoes. I didn't mind him doing that; I love looking at his defined body.

He was sitting in his shorts now and said, "Since you're naked, I might just as well fit in to and lose the shorts."

"I can handle that."

"I'm sure you can." He stood up and dropped his shorts and put them near mine. I sat in awe looking at his perfectly shaped ass. He is smooth and no tan lines either. I just wanted to drop to my knees and start licking.

He turned around and dropped down to one knee in front of me, his eyes staring right at my crotch then moving up to my eyes. He said, "I'll start with rubbing your foot and leg, you tell me if it has any spasms."

"It's still a bit sore."

He opened a small chest under the bench and got some type of lotion. He said, "I'll put some heating oil it to get it loosened up." I got to look down his nicely shaped chest to his cut semi-erect fat cock.

He put the oil on my shin and drizzled down to my foot.

I said, "I didn't know you're a licensed masseur."

"Well when you live around doctors a lot, you pick up a lot of information."

He started very lightly putting both hands around my leg and slowly sliding down to my foot. He asked, "Where was the most pain?"

"Right where you hand is now." I winced at the soreness still lingering which he noticed and let up on the pressure he was applying.

I said frustrated, "Fuck man, how long will it take for me to get back to living normally again."

"Hey, you survived a horrifying experience which I don't think most people could have done. You have a fire in you that didn't let you quit. It's only been about over a month and you're making awesome strides in your recovery. Dad said he was impressed to see you up and about so fast compared to similar accident victims. I can understand how you feel though. I broke my arm in high school and sat out the season of football. I thought that was the suckiest part of my life."

"You played football? I thought you were a track guy?"

"I played junior year because they needed a fast runner but because of my injury, I went back to track. Dad did say it could take up to 3 months for you to feel back to normal both physically and mentally. Don't worry, Ill help you out as much as I can"

"Thanks. You've been so good to me ever since I showed up here, while your brother who actually saved me acts like I am a plague."

"You are a great guy, someone who shows great strength and doesn't give up. That scares Sam I think." He was rubbing my foot and leg in an interesting way that had the soreness quickly fading. He then started switching back and forth between legs.

"You think I scare him?" I leaned back against the bench and was enjoying the rub down so much that I just now noticed I was totally erect. Shane noticed also, and smiled. His hands slide up further to around my knee for a few moments then back down to my ankle.

"Sam, yes. Your hard-on, no" he laughed and subtly licked his lips.

"He totally confuses me. He is real edgy. I feel like I put a wedge in your family."

"He will get over it; we won't allow him to run you off. So how is the leg feeling?"

"That felt awesome. The soreness has subsided." I had my eyes closed as his hands moved about on my feet then back up further onto my legs. His hands slide up to my upper leg and stopped at the base of my balls. He slide them back slowly down to my feet again. I was getting nervous showing off a hard-on that was right in front of him and not quite knowing if he really wanted to play or not.

"Ok, now to get it ready by doing some stretching."

I was super horny and all I heard was, "get it ready" and started stroking my cock lightly.

I heard Shane laugh and say, "Stretch your foot out, not yank your cock. We will work on that latter."

I felt my face heat up from embarrassment while I opened my eyes and said, "Your doing such a great job on my foot that my cock got excited. I know back to business at hand."

He showed me several different ways to properly stretch my leg and foot before trying swimming again. I noticed his 8inch dick was at full mass now.

He then said, "Think your ready to try the water again?"

"As long as you're in there with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. You want to walk over there or shall I help you?"

"I would like a little assistance. Let me just put my weight on you." I stood up and babied my sore foot for a few moments before slowly walking to the spa with my arm around Shane's tight waist.

Shane said, "Have a sit on the step while I readjust the harness." He dunked himself under to get all wet.

I watched him closely. I loved the way his wet body muscles flexed with every movement he made and his ass swayed. The flowing water also enhanced his body shimmer. He glanced at me once, knowing I was checking him out, and he just winked.

He then motioned for me to come over to him and he said, "I'll demonstrate how this should work." He put on the harness and showed me his technique. I stared at his muscles flexing in his back while he stroked in the water. I put part of my hand on his lower back and his ass. I really wanted to let my fingers slip into that creamy tight ass and finger him silly.

It was my turn. He guided me into position which he had his hands on my lower back and chest to help balance me.

I said, "Is the flow too slow?"

"No, this will work, you will be learning to rebuild inner core strength also. Now start off slowly."

I began my slow swim training. I could feel the pressure building again on my bad ankle and told Shane about it. He just nodded and had me keep going. I felt his hands moving slowly around on different areas of my body including my ass checks

After about 10-15 min of this workout, I was breathing heavily. Shane said to stop.

He helped me get back on my feet and told me to slowly stand and put weight on the affected foot. As I did, it did not feel too bad. It felt good to have our arms around each other.

He said, "I bet you could use another sponger soaker, you look a bit worn out." he let go but held me by the elbow to reach over for the equipment.

"Yea, that...." Then my foot just electrified with pain again and I just tried to grab onto the closet thing and it was Shane's leg and balls when I slipped back into the water. I could hear him gasp at the sudden pain of me pulling on his balls and lost his footing also.

He quickly gained control and pulled me up under my arms. He said, "Relax, just relax. It will subside. Oh what a place to grab onto pal, those babies can't be replaced to easily."

I muttered, "Sorry, I'm such a dork."

As he spoke to me, I relaxed and the pain subsided. I put most of my weight on my good foot and turned to him to find his hard-on touching mine.

He said, "You don't give up do you? Why don't I readjust the harness so you don't have to put all your weight on it."

I just shook my head.

He said, "I'm going to turn up the flow of the spa, it will make the experience of the massager even better."


Once again, he stood behind me, put his arm around me and put his hand firmly right below my navel, with his touch my hard-on became stiffer than I am use to, the type that begins to sting.

I felt the sponger touch my shoulder and then he flicked another button on the control panel and it started vibrating.

He said, "How are you doing? Your ankle in pain?"

"That feels greats. No pain at all."

"Just put your arms down and I will hold you. Just relax and enjoy"

I put my arms down into the water and let them gradually attached themselves to his thighs.

He took his time moving the massager from my shoulders down my back and back up again. He shifted a bit and moved the massager to my chest and slowly went down to my stomach. Since he shifted, a major part of my weight was leaning against him now. I could feel his perfect cock sliding around on my back and my cheeks. It felt as if his cock was wanting to move nearer my ass, which I was hoping it would do.

He shifted once again to put the massager back to my shoulders and again slowly moved down my back. Only he didn't stop and kept moving down to my ass.

He said, "How does that feel? You want me to stop?"

"It feels really relaxing. I got one massive throbbing hard-on though. You keep on doing what you like."

"Yea, I noticed"

As he used the massager on my back and ass, he let his other hand slip down to my raging hard-on.. He started slowly stroking it from the base and gradually moved up to the top of the head.

He again whispered in my ear, "Feel good?"

I simply moved my head to see his eyes and shook my head. I moved my hands further up his thigh to find his balls and started massaging them.

He moved that massager around to all parts of my body and then stopped. I could tell he removed something from it with his mouth and put the massager back on my ass and slide it between my legs so the tip was vibrating against my balls. I did not realize since the accident that area has become super sensitive.

I yelped, "YYYOOOHOoooo Hoooooo OHHH holy fuck man, that will just about get me to shoot in a second!!!"

I heard him laugh a little and said, "Didn't mean to shock you like that"

"Just a little surprised, it feels fucking awesome."

"Hmm, You are one fucking sexy guy. Hmmmmmm" as I felt him drop the massager, slowly slid his hand between my ass cheeks and starting rubbing my hole.

He put his chin once again in the cranny of neck so he could whisper in my ear and able to hold me in his own unique way.

He then sped up his stroking of my shaft and used his thumb to rub around on my cock head. His other hand was busy trying to enter more fingers into me. I could feel the pressure of an orgasm building.

He said, "I want to see you shoot cum till you are out of breath. How does this little stroke feel?"

He had two fingers in my hole and I could feel them moving in without allowing me to adjust, so the erotic feeling was amazing. He used those two fingers to press into my prostate. That feeling alone sent shivers through me and I said, "I'm cumming!"

I heard him groan, press my prostate harder and tightened his grip on my cock.

I could feel him pull my cock up towards my stomach so the cum would shot onto me. The cum shot out like I never seen before it was the most intense I ever felt and I yelled out shaking "OHH Shane that feels fucking awesome!!" I felt cum all over my chest and shoulders.

He kept his fingers in place as I squeezed them which only added to the pleasure I was feeling, he didn't let go of my dick either. He just kept on stroking me.

He whispered, "I want all of that cum out" He moved his fingers deeper into me and put more pressure on my prostate and then moved two fingers to my dick head which was super sentive now and rubbed it a couple times. My knees buckled under the sensations he was giving me.

I then felt another wave of pleasure run thru me and I exploded with another round of cum. I clinched my teeth but muttered, "Oh fuck Shane, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh"

He slowly let his fingers slip out of my ass and he moved to the front of me. He took my hand and placed it on his cock. I loved the feel of it and with my hand on it he put his hand on top of mine and we stroked him together. In just a few seconds, he shivered and huge amounts of cum shot out and all over my neck, chest and stomach, joining my own dripping cum

He looked into my eyes and said, "Now to finish what we started."

He moved down to my stomach and started licking the out cum off me and then moved up to my chest and nipples, lapping it all up.

He slowly moved up to my neck and then looked in my eyes. The electric feel between us was intense. He then put his mouth on mine and to my surprise, shared the cum we just spewed to slip into my mouth. The taste was amazing and I sucked as much I could from him. Our tongues wrestled until we heard....

"OH holy shittin crap"

We released each other from our lip lock and looked to the door to see Sam standing there with his mouth hanging open

He said, "What the holy fucking crap are you two doing this early in the morning? What fucking pervs, I knew something was wrong with you two. Good god, you couldn't ...."

"SAM...." We both said in unison "Shut the hell up."

"What did you 2 say to me?"

Shane eyes narrowed and said, "Shut the fuck up, close the door and go away or ..."

Sam said, "OHHH you sick freak, don't you go there."

"Well then, if your gonna stand there and gawk, you might as well get naked too."

Sam slammed the door shut and we could hear him cursing and throwing objects.

I said, "Maybe we should get dressed, you know with that much noise from him, everyone will be up."

Shane, looking more angry than I have seen him, said, "Damnit, why do I always get interrupted, and it's always by him, that screwed up freak!"

"Shane, take a breath, calm down, it's going to be ok. Lets just get dressed and go talk to him."

He looked at me and said, "A piece of my own advice." The anger left his face.

He quickly helped me washed the remaining cum off me and out of the water to dry off. He kept extra outfits in that chest and helped put one of them on me.

By the time we had dressed and gotten outside, Doc and Lidda were running out the door to see what the noise was about. Sarah was behind them.

"Sam, for goodness sake, its 5 am. What the hell is all the noise about?" Doc asked him then looked around us and saw us walking back to the house.

"What is everyone doing up at this hour?"

Lidda walked quickly to Sam and held his face, "Where have you been honey? What happened to your eye and face? Why are your clothes ripped? Are you hurt?"

Sam cried while she held him. He said, "I can't live here like this anymore. This is too much for me."

"What are you talking about?" Lidda asked

"I hate living here with this family and everything that is unseen by you two."

Lidda started crying too and said, "Honey, tell me what exactly is making you hate us this way."

He broke away from his mother and looked at Doc. He pointed at him and then at Shane and then at me. "You!! You are all so full of crap. You make me wanna puke when I look at all of you. So full of crap." He started running toward the field crying and cursing.

Doc and Lidda both had tears in there eyes when they looked at each other. Sarah's face looked in shock at seeing this display.

We then saw Spencer and Eric come around the house dressed only in lounging pants.

Spencer said, "What is going on?"

Lidda walked up to Doc and both of them embraced. She said, "What are we going to do about him? Even I can't get thru to him."

"I think first I need to give him a sedative so he calms down, then we may need to take him to the clinic and have a full medical check up done on him."

Sarah said, "I don't think that is the problem sir."

We all looked at her and said, "WHAT?"

"I tried to explain it earlier to Shane and Marcus but not very well."

Lidda said, "What is your thought?" as we heard Sam still screaming to himself in the outer reaches of the farm and near the creek.

Spencer said, "I'm going to make sure he doesn't hurt himself." He started running to the creek.

Sarah said, "Now that I seen this display, I hope you can handle the problem. "My brother went thru a similar period in life. He had to hit bottom first before anyone knew what was happening to him."

"What is it?" Doc asked

"He has some type of addiction. It could be drugs, gambling, eating or something. You noticed his clothes and his face. Something did that to him."

"We should be able to know that, he lives here with us."

"So did my brother. Marcus never knew this, because we didn't want to feel ashamed."

I said, "So Hank was actually in rehab instead of spending a summer in China?"

She shook her head yes.

Doc asked, "What did you do for him?"

"He got to the point where Sam is now, he obviously needs to talk to his mother, since he didn't point at you. You need to ask him direct yes or no questions."

Lidda asked, as tears streamed down her face, "What questions would those be?"

"Questions that you never thought of asking. It was not easy for my mother but she did it and he finally broke down and told her of what was happening to him."

Lidda looked at Doc and said, "Oh Thomas, what do I ask him to get to talk?"

He hugged her and said, "I think you already know what you need to ask. The same questions you asked me about him. You should go and talk to him now. We both know just from the look on his face he is about to explode. We will be right behind you."

Eric walked up to Lidda and said, "I'll walk you to him."

As they quickly walked out to where they had last seen Sam. Sarah whispered to Doc, "You may want to take that sedative you talked about, he could get ugly with her."

The look oh his face was a defeated look as if he felt he failed Sam in some way. He said, "I am already prepared and ready to back her up." And started following her and Eric.

We all followed Doc.

As we got closer to the creek, we heard some yelling and then Lidda screamed.

We hurried to get there as fast as we could. We could hear Sam screaming at Spencer and Spencer raising his voice in return.

We got to Lidda and she had her hands to her face and crying. She muttered, "Oh my little boy"

As we looked down towards the creek bed, we saw Sam and Spencer in a hand to hand struggle. Spencer was trying to calm him down but Sam was acting as if it was an attack.

He got a good punch into Spencer groin and he dropped to the ground. Eric and Shane about took off but Lidda stopped them.

Sam quickly picked up a small log and was preparing to raise it over his head.

Eric whistled something. It almost sounded like morse code. We saw Spencer spring forward from his crouched position and pull Sam's foot up.

Sam lost his balance and fell to the ground, completely sprawled out

Spencer stood and offered him a hand up. Instead Sam swung a big branch at Spencer, smacking him in the side of the face. Spencer fell to the ground, holding his face and cursing.

Sam quickly sprang up from his position and turned to pick up the log once more. Eric had moved quickly to a position around a tree and we saw an arm quickly reach out to punch Sam, knocking him to the ground, unconscious.

Doc was the first to reach Sam. He picked Sam up and started quickly walking to Lidda. I turned to Shane but he was already sprinting back to the house to get the truck.

Doc said, "Get the truck now!!"

I said, "Shane is on it. What can I do to help?"

"I need my bag from my car. Get it and put it in the truck. Then check on Eric and Spencer."

Shane had the truck to Doc in quick time. Doc put Sam in the truck bed with Lidda. Shane handed him his bag and they secured themselves to the truck.

Doc yelled, "Shane, go now." They quickly sped off

Sarah and I went back to the creek and found Eric and Spencer together next to the creek.

Eric was washing Spencer's face.

Sarah said, "How bad did he hurt you?"

"Just a few good scratches, but I think I may need a few stitches for a gash on my forehead. Dam, the adrenaline running thru him about kicked my ass."

"We can take my Blazer." I headed back to get my truck

I pulled up to the trio walking in the field.

I got out and said to Eric, "You can drive."

We piled in and Eric took off speeding. We pulled in the parking lot of the clinic just as the others were entering the building.

We quickly walked in and saw Lidda and Doc hugging each other and crying. Shane was slumped to the floor and crying also.

"What's going on?" Spencer asked

"Sam came around while we were driving and tried to jump from the truck. I had to heavily sedate him to get him to calm down. Doc Nick and a few specialists are with him now."

We waited about 1/2 hr. Doc Nick came out of the one of the room of the ER.

He said, "He is calmed down, we got him as lightly sedated as possible. The only thing I have found wrong with him physically are a couple bruised eyes. He is murmuring something but I can't make it out except he has been asking for one person in particular."

Lidda said, "When can I see him?"

Nick looked to the ground, then looked back at her and said, "I'm sorry, Lidda. He isn't asking for you."

"Who is it then?" Doc asked

Nick looked at me and said, "He is asking for Marcus."

Everyone looked at me with surprise.

"Why me?"

Nick raised his eyebrows and said, "That's what he wants, he won't say why"

I walked up to Lidda and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Her face streamed tears but she managed a smile. She said, "Do as he ask" and hugged me. "You're such a wonderful young man."

I turned to Nick and he walked back into the room with me in tow.

Jeff and 2 other male techs were surrounding Sam. I saw Sam's clothes over in a stack on a dresser.

Jeff said, "Hey mate." I smiled back at Jeff.

I looked at Sam and he was stripped down with a sheet covering him up until his chest. He was looking directly at me. He actually looked quite calm.

He said quietly, "I want to talk to you alone." I looked around at Nick and Jeff.

Nick said, "Sam, one of us will need to stay. No and ifs or buts about it."

Sam looked over at an older bearded male in the same scrubs as Jeff. I didn't know who he was.

Nick said, "We will be right outside the door, Marcus." he subtly handed me a wireless remote.

The door closed behind them.

I looked back at Sam and he was looking directly at me.. I kept saying to myself, "He needs to speak to me, I am not going draw it out of him."

He finally asked, "So your not going away, are you?"

I replied, "No. I was invited to stay."

"This family isn't as great as you think it is."

"Who's is? I cant think of one, but your family seems more bonded than most......"

He rolled his eyes and interrupted me, "You don't have to suck up to me. I have lived with them for 19 years now."

"So why not leave and move away, you have that choice?"

He looked away to the wall and a tear streamed down his face. I could feel my chest tighten. He said, "I need to tell you something. I know you don't like me and I would prefer if you weren't here also."

"It's not that I don't like you, I just don't know how to take you. Your attitude is a roller coaster of emotions. Why don't you want me here?"

He just looked at me and said, "The spa."

"Yea, so, what does that have to do with anything?"

"You left the door unlocked, so Alex or Susan could have walked in! I know my parents wouldn't care for that irresponsible behavior and lifestyle choice."

"Are you trying to blackmail me? I don't take well to that type of ....." I could feel my face heating up.

He chuckled while interrupting me again, "Ahh, the great Marcus does have a breaking point. No, just a complete understanding of where we stand."

"Is that all you wanted to waste my time on?" as I turned to leave the room.

"I am not finished with you. You owe me a favor."

I snorted and felt I was going to explode but contained my anger. I turned back around and said, "I what?"

"If I asked you I needed help, would you listen and do it?"

I drew my hands up to behind my head and pulled at my hair. I thought to myself, "I know he saved my life and I should feel indebted to help him whenever I can but this little game he is playing will get out of control. I need to find another way to understand him. Better try putting it out on the table"

"Sam, blackmailing me isn't the way you go about it. I feel indebted to you for saving my life but the way you act, this little game you want to play will only get out of control and explode in everyone's face. You need to learn to be more communicative and honest to people.

"Like you?" he said very sarcastically for the first time since I been in the room. I even noticed the tech guy wince at Sam's angry question and took a step forward. "That's it bud, I tried ...." And once again turned to walk out the door.

I just touched the door handle when he said, "Marcus, will you please help? I .... Need....your... help." As tears streamed from his face and he sounded genuinely honest.

I didn't look at him but asked, "This isn't another little ploy to insult me again is it?"

In almost a whispered tone he said, "I need your help."

I glanced at the tech and saw him nod. I took a deep breath and stood there for a few seconds to draw out the tension.

Again Sam said, "Help me"

That phrase was still fresh on my mind from my dream. I felt shivers race through me and I started trembling. I felt the tech grab my arm and he asked, "Are you ok?"

"I just need a moment, it was a weird feeling."

I looked over at Sam. He still had tears streaming down his face and turned to look at the wall again.

I asked, "What can I do?"

"I am going to tell you something. I then want you to talk to my parents about t. If I open up to them myself and after what I say, I will probably never be able to return home. I want ....your .. help." As he continued looking at the wall.

"What could be so bad that you can't tell them?"

"I have so much....." he closed his eyes. I noticed his breathing sped up and his face was turning a little red. I got a bad feeling something was about to happen. I pressed the remote and looked back at the tech.

He reopened his eyes and squinted at me like I was the plague again. "What the hell are you doing here?" he said very sarcastically and sat up.

Nick and the others returned just in time to see Sam's face in a rage again. He looked at me like he wanted to strangle me.

Nick said, "Marcus, out now"

Jeff and the other techs had ahold of Sam who seemed to be struggling to be let loose.

I walked back into the hall.

I said, "Doc, Lidda, I think you should go in there now. He has so much pent up emotions about to explode."

Doc and Lidda just moved right into the room and we could hear Sam cursing at everyone.

Chapter 18 is just about done, you won't have to wait long!!!!

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