Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Jun 18, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-15 still apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to thank Jon, my proofreader, again for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but most of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

Chapter 16: Doubletake

Lidda said, "That's what I'm wondering also. Where could he have gone, Shane?"

We could hear Doc on the speaker reply, "He could be anywhere. He is a grown boy and can go where he wants, but it isn't like him just to get up and leave like he did."

I said, "I guess I just bring the best out in him. I would think Justin might have an idea though."

Lidda said, "What makes you say that?"

"Anytime I have been around, he seems to get uptight and looks at me like I'm the new plague of the south."

Doc said, "We know that part Marcus, but why would you think Justin might have an idea?"

"Oh, they were having a rather heated discussion when I arrived at the clinic."

Doc said, "Let's go have a chat with him then." Shane started the truck. I liked how he just took control and decided he was going to drive my truck to the farm.

Shane said, "We'll meet you at the farm in a few minutes then."

As we left the parking lot of the diner, I happened to glance over at the rear of the diner and saw someone who looked familiar getting out of a rental car. I just couldn't place where I could have seen him before. I got a tingling sensation running down my arm. I thought to myself, "I don't know anyone around here except these guys."

Sarah touched my shoulder from the back seat and said, "What is it?"

"Just thought I saw someone I knew, but it couldn't be." I whispered back to her.

Shane said, "Sam's attitude since you left has been more erratic and out of control. As soon as you left, I turned around to find him crying by the barn. He wouldn't tell me anything about why he was crying. He says things that are just mean spirited and has been shutting us out. "

"Odd, I thought he only did that when I was around. What do you think is happening to him?"

Shane said, "I think he is developing dual personalities."

"Wouldn't your dad know if he was medically unsound?"

Sarah said, "I think he is in love with someone and that person isn't returning the emotion or acknowledging he exists. Shane, have you met any of his friends?"

We both looked at each other with serious doubt in our faces then back at her. She rambled on with a few more observations then looked at us for the first time since talking about it. She looked around to make sure she didn't have a spider on her and then asked, "What?"

I asked, "How can you tell someone is in love when you just met the guy?"

"It's easy to tell on any guy. He gets real uptight, emotionally angry, and acts mad at the world."

Shane whispered to me, "How long have you known her?"

I shrugged, smiled at him and said, "Where did you get that type of information?" Sarah pinched my arm for doing that.

"Watching you and your friends."

Both of us said, "Whatever."

We pulled into the farm just as everyone was returning from their search, Lidda and Doc were closer to us.

Sarah said, "Tom and Lidda, this farm is absolutely beautiful. It looks so relaxing, just like Marcus described it."

"You're more than welcome to stay as along you like also. 'The more the merrier,' they say," Lidda told Sarah.

"Thank you, but I think a couple of days will be all I can do then I have to get back."

I noticed everyone was perspiring more than usual. The humidity shot up since we were here earlier in the day.

I was standing next to Doc and said "When you guys get a moment, when you get things settled here, I would like to talk to you in private."

"Sounds serious." Doc looked at me quizzically.

I said, "In private."

Justin had walked with Alex, Susan, Toby and Larry. Eric and Spencer came from another direction. I noticed that Eric and Spencer's shirts were on backwards. I thought, "They must of took them off looking around for Sam."

Doc asked Justin, "Do you have an idea where he might have gone? You two tell each other just about everything."

"We discussed work and that's about it. He didn't seem upset at that time."

Susan started giggling.

"What is so funny Susan?" Lidda asked her.

"No they didn't, they talked about the fee for bowling and finding coral up at big shit creek and there's a funny looking dog in the barn."

"What?" nearly everyone said looking at her.

Justin rolled his eyes and said, "She overhead some of what we were talking about and severely condensed it. Sam didn't want to tell you but we joined a bowling league with a group from work. Coral is the administrative assistant who is taking the fees from the team. The big shit creek comment was directed towards Marcus when he arrived. Susan got the whole context messed around. The dog is Marcus's."

As he was talking I just got the feeling that he wasn't exactly telling us the truth. I could see it in his eyes. Sarah even pinched my arm. I said, "Oh, that is Shadow my dog. Was he ok in the barn?" Susan smiling shook her head yes.

Shane snickered and said, "He is bowling? The last time I tried to get him to go he didn't enjoy it much. As a matter of fact, he threw the ball down the wrong lane and said something about bowling being for retards."

Justin said, "He is an adult, I'm sure he will show up when he wants, he really doesn't need to seek permission from his parents."

Doc got this look in eye and said, "Justin, I appreciate your comments but your family life is different from ours. He is also choosing to live here and we have an agreement between all of us of how things work here. Geesh, who turned on the humidity. I'm going in." He turned to walk into the house. Justin just looked at the ground, knowing he had said the inappropriate thing to Doc.

I wanted to cut the tension and asked, "Is anyone else as hot as I am? I could use a swim to cool off."

Susan and Alex started jumping up and down with there arms waving and said, "ME, ME!!! Let's take Shadow also!!"

Eric said, "I'll get the truck. Everyone coming, hop in the back."

Doc looked out the kitchen door just when we were all about to get in the truck and said, "Marcus you have a phone call from your brother? Logan?" Everyone stopped and looked at me.

I said, "Yea, Logan is my older brother, much different from Patrick." as I quickly walked in the house to pick up the phone.

I said, "Hey Logan!!"

"Marcus bro, how are you doing? Made it to timbucktoo ok?"

"Good, yea made it here earlier today. Where are you?"

"Just calling from the port, just wanted to let you know I'm headed back to the job for a couple weeks. I think when I fly back, I will fly in to see you."

"When will that be?"

"Most likely Fourth of July weekend. Would that work for you?"

"Oh hell yea!! You can come as often as you like!!"

"Awesome, just wanted to let you know I was off and that grandma and grandpa are well also. They worry about you a lot, as do I little man. You be careful and watch your step."

Smiling, I said, "Aye captain, love you man. Just wish we could know something about mom."

"Love you too bro. I know, but she had to do it. She will find a way to contact us sooner or latter. I gotta go now, its boarding time. You take care of yourself, see you in a few weeks!!"

"Thanks, bye Logan" I hung up the phone and as I turned to Doc I got this strange feeling run up and down my arm like I did at the restaurant. This time I started shivering.

Doc walked up to me and said, "Son, what is it?" as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I... just.... suddenly ..feel...not well." I said as I shivered and felt nauseous.

"You probably overdid it today, you really need to get some rest. You can use our spare room in the back now." As he quickly lead me down the hall into what I thought was his and Lidda's bedroom. He looked me over real quick and helped me undress to get into bed. He left for moment and came back with some medication that would help me sleep and rest. It didn't take long for it to kick in.

Sam walked out of the restaurant and walked to the corner of the building. He stood there fuming at how nice his mother was being to Marcus.

He then walked to the back of the building and punched at the fence. As he slowly walked back to the front of the building he said, "Damn, usually one of them follows me out."

He then noticed a car moving faster than normal through the parking lot. It made a quick turn and stopped right in front of him. The car was just a mere inch from him. He looked up at the driver in the car and rolled his eyes and said, "It figures."

Ryan popped out of the mustang and said, "Hey bro, whatcha doing? Is everyone here?"

"You're a little late. They're just finishing up and everyone is heading to Wilsons lake for a swim."

"Now that's a fun place. Damn, I forgot my trunks, think I can borrow some of yours?"

Sam looked at him and shook his head, "They would be a tad tight on you, but I was going to Brodys Swimgear and get a new pair for the summer. By the time we do that and get to the lake, everyone should be there."

"I got the 'Stang, let's roll!"

They hurried back into the car and zoomed off to town.

During the drive Ryan asked Sam, "So how come you haven't come back to work, everyone is asking about you?"

"I didn't think accusing me of what I did was morally right. I am not sure I want to come back there."

"I never quite got the whole story about what happened and I've been wanting to talk to you about something from that night at the party regarding your house gue...." Ryan's pager went off. "Damn, I agreed to be on call again and every time I do, this happens."

"Well, you'd better call and see what's up." Sam said in a hurried nervous manner.

Ryan got on his cell phone and called work. Sam watched Ryan's facial expressions go from ho hum to a spark in his eye. After he was done with the call, Sam asked what happened. Ryan said, "I was asked if I was ready to take on a bigger responsibility on an international flight. If I want it, I need to be at the airline in an hour and half."

"Do you mean for just this flight?"

Ryan grinned and said, "No, indefinitely. Flying around the world as chief steward in business class!"

"No freakin way dude! What are you going to do?"

"Well, Paige is still angry with me and won't let come to the house to see Toby. Larry will stick up for her no matter what and most of my friends are busy doing their thing now. I think it would be fun to do and expand my horizons!"

"That didn't answer my question."

Ryan made a quick u-turn back to the interstate and asked, "Can you return this car for me?"

******* I was feeling hot and uncomfortable. I pushed the cover away. I was perspiring all over.

The dream I just had was still vivid in my mind. The odd thing was that it was in black and white. I was walking down a street with tall buildings and the only sound was a constant strong wind. I didn't see or hear anyone else. I felt fear of being alone. I tried to say something but the lump in my throat from being scared kept me from talking. I heard someone yelling for help. I still couldn't say anything, no matter how I tried. I followed the sound of the person crying for help. I turned several corners to finally come upon an unusual building, different from the rest and taller. I could hear the person crying for help but couldn't see them because the wind was blowing dust around. I held up my arms to my face to try to look around. I then looked up and faintly saw someone standing on the edge of the roof. He was blurry and yelling for help. Then the wind picked up even more. It took all my strength to move in any direction. I kept my eye on the person while trying to closer but then he just fell. I watched in horror as he plummeted to the ground. I could still hear his cries for help. The wind was hindering me from getting to him sooner. I was almost in arm's reach of him when he looked up at me with a cracked and bloody face and shouted, "Help me!!" I recognized the face. That shock sent me back to reality. I awoke crying.

At first I thought I was dreaming of that night again. I couldn't see anything and it was odd not to hear a sound in the room. I felt my heart race, I was shaking and felt around the bed. Where was I again? It took a couple of moments to get my bearings and to remember where I was.

I tried to say something but my throat was dry and scratchy. I'm usually pretty good about my eyes adjusting to the darkness but found it was taking longer than usual. I then slowly realized on was the Noble farm. I sat up slowly and felt for the water pitcher that Lidda keeps next to the bed for me. I found it and drank some water to cool my throat. I splashed some on my face and chest to help cool me.

I thought, "Fuck, its hot in here. Do they turn off the AC at night." I decided to open the window and get some fresh air flowing through the room. As I took a few steps, I stumbled a bit and felt that my ankle was very stiff. Then I remembered that I had taken the splint off before I got in bed. I opened the window and sat on the ledge to take in the cool air rushing in. The last time I had seen it this dark was during my first visit, all I could make out was the shadows of the farm.

I picked up the clock from the desk and looked at the time. It was just 2:15. I made my way back over to the bed and when I sat down on it, I noticed I had perspired more than I thought. I wasn't going to lie back down on that. I knew I wasn't going to fall back to sleep with that dream still on my mind. I needed to do something that will keep me busy. I remembered what Nick told me about exercising my wrist and ankle and swimming was the best way to do that. I thought I would just head down to the spa and take a short swim.

Doc was kind enough to leave me a little lamp on the desk just in case the power went out again, since the forecast was for some severe storms headed this way. I was going to look for my swimtrunks but decided I was already in my boxers and knew I would just go naked to swim once I got in the spa anyway since everyone was asleep. No one would know.

I made way out the side door of the house and down the path to the spa. I was beginning to think I should have at least brought a crutch since this was putting more strain on my ankle than I thought it would. I made my way in and over to the circuit board and pushed the lighting button and turned on the circulating cycle.

I dropped my boxers and threw them next to the lamp. I was getting a slight hard-on remembering the last time I was in here with Shane. I stepped down in the warm moving water. I was waist deep and the water circulating around my dick was feeling quite good. I tugged at it and stroked it a couple times to try to calm it down. It had it own agenda. I figured I would take care of it after a short swim.

I thought the stream was slower than I knew I could keep up. I went over to the water speed control and turned it a notch up. That speed looked to be good. The faster the water was rushing by, the more my dick was having a field day. I remembered how Shane started his short few strokes, so I mimicked it.

After the first few strokes, I thought I heard something outside. I stopped and stood up, but once I put pressure on my ankle, I got an immediate charley horse in my foot and calf. I moaned a few choices words. I lost my balance from the rushing water and started whaling about in the water. The more I struggled , the worst the pain got. I knew I had to calm down but with the pain and trying to stay above water along with it rushing at me, I was having a difficult time. I had the awful feeling if someone didn't hear me, that I was going to drown in here. The charley horse was not subsiding and the more I fought to stay above and get control, the more I found myself under water and inhaling water more.

Logan hung up the phone after talking with Marcus. He headed for his boarding gate.

Logan was the first to board his flight to Africa. He traveled with this airline enough to know where his seat was located. He was greeted by a new steward at the entrance of the business class who introduced himself as Ryan. Both of them smiled and firmly shook hands but didn't let go.

Logan asked, "You're new to TWA?"

Ryan responded, "No, I have been with this airline for awhile but stayed with domestic flights until this particular position became available."

Logan put his hand on Ryan's shoulder, squeezing slightly and letting it slide down the front of his chest and said, "Well, good for you, I wasn't particularly impressed with Leroy too much. He was a bit slow. Didn't take care of himself very well, like you do apparently!!" and winked at him.

"Thanks, I always like to leave a good impression, especially with the most complimentary and friendliest passengers." As he put his hand up to Logan's hair and pushed some of it off his forehead then added, "I can show you to your seat."

"Thanks, that would make my day."

Ryan showed him to his seat and noticed Logan was itching to ask something. He asked, "Are you curious about something?"

Logan asked, "I know taking this job, you won't be home as much. I take it things not great at home?" and patted the seat next to him for Logan to sit with him.

"I can only sit with you for a moment. Now that is more personal that I am use to answering, but yes, you are correct in that assumption."

"Either your girlfriend or a family member is making things difficult for you then?" Both of there arms were pressed against each other

"Family member definitely, but I actually don't have any interest in having a girlfriend."

"What about a boyfriend?" as Logan gave him a raised eyebrow and shifted slightly to let his other hand rest on his crotch.

"I think he is one mad and upset fellow."

"Why do you say that?"

"I haven't found him yet." as Ryan gently put his pinkie around Logan's pinkie

"I have a feeling he will pop up in the most awkward place and when your least expecting it."

"I thought I had found him about a month ago, but then he disappeared."

"That sucks!" Logan said with a very sly grin and slightly looking towards Ryan's tight pants.

"Yeah, we didn't get that far, 'cause he was being a gentleman. I was looking forward to some of that."

"OH you're a riot man!"

Ryan heard someone clear their throat from the entrance to this cabin. Ryan told Logan he would be back shortly and they could chat more if he wanted. As Logan made himself comfortable, an older couple in there 60's were getting seated behind Logan. She said hello to Ryan and the few others that come in behind them. She was very friendly to everyone around her. Her husband kept to himself.

While Ryan was working with other passengers, Mrs. Varnada became very chatty with Logan. They chatted on and off for awhile and they swapped family stories and she pulled out the pictures of the grandchildren to show him.

The flight was without incident nearly over half way to its destination. Then all of a sudden all the emergency oxygen masks fell from the ceiling and the Captain came on the speaker and told everyone that the flight was experiencing cabin pressure loss. They hadn't found the source but wh....

The speaker cut out and suddenly the airplane was shuttering violently.

Mrs Varnada immediately moved next to Logan and grabbed his hand. Her voice changed slightly and she said, "Logan honey, I love you son. I need to talk to you quickly!"

Logan looked at her in shock and said, "What the ... MOM?"

Chapter 17 is in the works and the story really shifts gears!!!!

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

Thanks again Jon for all your help!!

Next: Chapter 17

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