Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Jun 8, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-14 still apply.

I want to thank all the fan club readers who continually email me about how they enjoy the story. Those emails are very motivating and helpful. I try to share those with Jon, my proofreader, also.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to thank Jon, my proofreader, again for all his time and help in editing this story. I know I can run him ragged at times with some of the changes. Thanks Jon

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but most of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

Chap 15: Mixed emotions

I slowly raised my head, squinting from the bright early sunny day, clutching my arm where he had run into me, making it hurt under the cast. I saw a stranger sprawled out on the ground in the opposite direction rubbing his chin. Sarah was standing between us, looking back and forth to see who would say something first. I said, "Who are you?"

He said, "Who are you?"

I thought I'd try to fool him and see what he would say. I said, "I am Edwardo. A friend of Pete and Nancy's."

Looking really confused, he asked, "Edwardo? Pete? Nancy? Nobody by those names lives here. Who are they?" the stranger asked.

I sat up and said, "It's not fair that you keep asking the questions. Who are you?" Shadow decided to sit next to me and put up his paw like he was introducing himself.

The stranger sat up also. "I'm Justin, a friend of Sam's."

"Ah, so you know the Nobles?"

"Yeah, through Sam. We work at the same airline. So you were testing me?"

Sarah helped me get to my feet. As I was dusting myself off I said, "Yeah I was. I wanted to make sure you knew them. I'm actually Marcus, this is Sarah, my cousin and my dog Shadow. I was here for about two weeks when I crashed my car in that ravine"

Sarah gave Justin a hand up also. He said, "I heard about you. You look like you're better." He put his hand out to shake mine. Justin is shorter than me, I would say he is about 5' 7", very short dark blonde, some faint freckles, a thin but toned build and cute. He was wearing dark worn jeans and a faded tank top that was black in front and green on the sides.

I asked, "I'm getting there. By the way, where were you going in such a hurry?"

His face turned red, he looked a tad embarrassed. He said, "I just had tied my shoe and this back area echoes loudly, it sounded like a bear or something and then saw your dog and thought it was chasing it. So I was going to help it. As I see now, it was just your dog barking." We all had a good laugh over that.

I asked, "Where is everyone?"

"Um, that's what I was wondering also. I got a frantic call from Sam about an hour ago to meet him here and I see no sign of him."

"Have you checked everywhere?"

"Yeah, I was going to head back to the clinic thinking something drastic may have happened there."

"Drastic how? How bad did Doc and Lidda get hurt?"

He pointed behind me towards the open field and the bonfire pit. The grass around it was charred about 2 feet around it. He said, "I think we should get to the clinic, and that way you can hear it from them."

"How did you get here? I didn't see any other cars around."

"My motorcycle is behind the barn, where I thought Sam would be."

I put Shadow in the stall next to Tangeray in the barn. He sat amazed at seeing his first horse. On our way to the clinic. I told Sarah, "This isn't sitting well with me. Something more has happened than Shane told Grandma."

"What do you think it is?"

"If I had to guess just knowing these folks, I sure hope nothing happened to Susan or Alex. Those two young kids are very special."

We got to the clinic and I noticed most of the Nobles' vehicles in the lot. I also noticed the name on the clinic this time and remembered what Doctor Green said about Doc. This clinic was Doc's: The Noble Clinic of Dale Hallow. The three of us walked in and asked Marta, the receptionist for information about the Nobles. Marta gave us the room number. It was the same room that I had been in when I stayed here.

We got off the elevator and looked down the carpeted, dimly lit hall to see Susan standing next to Sam holding on to his leg. Sam just happened to look over at us and did a double take. His face became very serious and he whispered something under his breath. If I had to guess from his expression, I would say he muttered, "Oh fuck, not again!"

Susan looked over at me and you would have thought she was seeing Santa in her house at Christmas. Her eyes popped wide open and she threw her hands up in the air and screamed, "HAM BURK LAR, you're BACK!!" She came running down the hall toward me as fast as she could and jumped into my arms. She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheeks. She finally looked at me and said, "YOU CAME BACK!! I mhhissed you so much!"

I had tears in my eyes at her happiness to see me. I said, "I missed you too little miss."

She asked, "Why are you crying? Who is she? Why is Justin here? How long...."

"Whoooaa, little miss, take a breath, you're blazing again."

Sam walked up to us. I noticed his arm was wrapped from wrist to shoulder with gauze. and he asked me, "Why did you come back? Didn't you get enough the first time around?" The he grabbed Justin by the arm and said, "Justin, I need to talk to you in private."

Sam and Justin walked down the other way.

Susan was smiling from ear to ear. I said, "I see your brother is chipper as usual. This is Sarah, my cousin. Sarah this is Susan. I think you two will get along great."

They smiled at each other and shook hands.

I asked Susan, "Where's your mom and dad?"

"They are in your room."

"Can I see them?"

"You prolly have to ask Nicky."

"Where is..."

Doc Nick came walking around the corner looking at a chart and casually glanced up. He focused for a second and then realized I was here. He got this huge grin and said, "Well, looky there, it's Marcus. I almost didn't recognize you without...."

"Oh you don't have to say it." I started laughing looking at Sarah. She was looking at him about to drool. I whispered to her, "I did the same thing. Just wait, there's more of them."

I put Susan down as Nick came up and hugged me. He said, "I'm guessing you're here to see the Nobles or to get that cast off."

"You are correct Doc, both." I introduced him to Sarah.

He said, "Let me take you in to see your favorite folks."

We entered the room and the lights were low. As I entered I saw Doc and Lidda in separate beds both with a bandage on one side of their faces and gauze similar to what Sam had on on each right arm. I was taken aback at what I saw. I also had flashes of memory from my own wreck again. The sensation of panic started slowly and then exploded in an instant. I started to cry at the mounting emotions flooding my memory and bent over feeling helpless. I could hear voices but the flood of emotions running thru me didn't make much sense at the moment. Sarah grabbed my arm and Nick guided me over to a chair and said, "Breath deeply."

I heard Lidda ask, "Marcus, what it is honey?" I heard Doc moving around on his bed and he said, "Son, you will be OK, just take deep breaths."

It took me a couple of moments to get calmed down. I felt like I had another anxiety attack and I was instantly perspiring.

I said, "How was my entrance that time?" as I slowly grinned at Doc and Lidda. They both shook their heads.

Nick said, "I should have warned you."

"Not your fault; I didn't know things could still trigger those memories."

Nick added, "That may happen at the most oddest moments or just looking at something, they will taper off over time."

I then made my over to Doc's and Lidda's beds and sat down on Lidda's. She put her hand on my shoulder and I could feel I was calming down more. I looked at her and we shared a smile between us. I introduced them to Sarah.

Doc said, "Damn glad to see you again. How have you been this past week? Did you have another fall from your headache? Your temple is still bandaged."

Sarah interjected and said, "Let's just say, it's been ... interesting. I haven't had an adventure like this ever."

Both of them looked at me and Doc spoke first, saying, "So he is just as exciting at home as here I assume. Kept you on your toes did he?"

I said, "I will fill you in on that later. How are you guys doing? What happened?"

Doc looked at Nick and said, "Our Memorial day was a bit of a blast. We most likely will be discharged this afternoon."

Lidda said, "You came all the way here just to see how we were doing?"

I looked at them both and said, "That was the main reason."

Doc said, "But... I can see it in your eyes you have more to tell us."

"I think you had good instincts about my dad. Things went from bad to worse after I got home. You said I would be welcomed back anytime. Is that offer still good?"

Both of them smiled brightly and said, "Of course, how long would you like to stay?"

I looked at Sarah and then back at them and said, "I'm thinking until I graduate." Doc winked and said, "Shouldn't you be in the family waiting room telling everyone of your plans? You have 2 huge fans that haven't stopped talking about you since you left."

Nick said, "I have to do a final check up on these two, so you should have time to visit all of them." He guided us out of the room.

Sam walked down the hall with Justin far enough to be out of earshot.

Justin asked, "What is the big emergency about? I got to your house and ran into that guy and his girlfriend."

Sam said, "Don't worry about him, he won't be around long. I'm going to make sure of that. So anyway, have you heard the new information about our big deal coming up?"

"You mean the airline or our other deal? Oh yeah, that's right. The airline doesn't want us back after what you did. Now our other deal, except that the minimum to put in is 20 grand and I put that up in good faith since we agreed to go fifty/fifty in this. How much do you have?"

"I swear I'll have it for you but I only got a fourth of it now."

"Your lagging behind a bit don't you think?"

"Well, I just got word from Lee that they increased the fee and moved the deadline up a week, so now the fee is 30 grand and the deadline is in two days. Where the hell am I going to get that?"

"What kind of bet did you get us into anyway, this is getting nutso. Why don't you ask your brother? If you told him what it is for, I bet he let you have it."

"Yeah, right and if I lose it all on top of what I owe already, then I'd be up big shit creek. You know if this doesn't pan out, how much I'll be owing Lee. He is already breathing down my neck enough."

Justin said, handing Sam a slip of paper, "Oh, btw, here is the address of Coral that you were wanting. It's not easy to find."

I walked out into the hall and glimpsed Sam and Justin still chatting. I noticed they were having quite a serious conversation and then Justin handed him something. Susan was still latched to Sam's leg. I cleared my throat and Susan came running back to me. It was looking intense between those two and then I heard the voices of the family around the corner. I grabbed Sarah's hand and started walking to the room. I told Susan, "Let's go surprise the rest of your family."

I glanced in and saw Shane, Alex with his back to me, and Eric playing cards. Spencer was on one of the couches watching TV. Larry and Toby were napping on another couch.

I told Susan to go jump on Spencer and say, "TA-DA" She did it with enthusiasm. They all just glanced at her, thinking she drank too much caffeine or something.

Shane said, "You usually say 'TA-DA' at the end of a cool magic trick."

I heard Sarah beside me whisper, "Eye candy heaven!" I shook my head.

I walked in the room at that moment and said, "TA-DA!"

Susan was jumping up and down on the couch yelling, "HE's BACK!!"

Everyone just looked for a second with surprise on their faces and then they all came running up to me hugging me. Alex had the best surprised look on his face but also had an eye patch. He had his arms around my waist and seemed to be crying. I looked down at him and said, "I told you I would come back."

"I knew you would too, and thank you for not taking long. I really missed you."

"I missed you and everyone else also. What happened to your eye?"

He looked embarrassed and covered his eye patch with his hand. He said, "Um, nothing much." I looked at Shane and he shook his head and said, "He doesn't want to talk about it."

I introduced Sarah to everyone and we sat down to chat. They welcomed Sarah and got to know her.

Shane said, "So you finally found our clue?"

"Actually, it wasn't hard to miss since I arrived with nothing. Trying to get it to work was another story."

Eric pinched Spencer and said, "Told ya you made it too difficult to crack."

"Ya whatever, all he had to do was unzip the side pocket to find the directions" Spencer squeezed Eric's face.

Shane finally asked, "How long are you planning on staying?"

"Well, I was hoping all of you would like to have me around for awhile, until I graduate."

Alex jumped up and down and said, "That's would be ... 2 um 3 or 4 years?"

"Something like that, since I have to start fresh again. I want to tell everyone at the same time what happened when I got home." They all agreed. I've never seen two children more happy about something.

Nick came to the door and said, "Marcus, are you ready for your checkup? Tom and Lidda should be ready to leave in about an hour."

"Was I scheduled?"

"I just did for you. I'll help you to the exam room."

As we were leaving, Sam and Justin returned to the room. Sam looked at me like I was a plague. Justin had a cute flirty smile. Paige walked in behind them with a big smile looking at Justin. She said a quick hello to me.

Nick opened the door to the exam room, handed me a gown and had me sit on the exam table.

He said, "I'll be right back. I need to go get some supplies." He left the room and closed the door.

A couple of seconds later the door opened and in walked Jeff. He was smiling and looking as hot as ever in his tighter than normal scrubs.

He said in that sexy Austrialian accent, "I heard you were back. How are you, mate? I have missed you." He walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and choked up a bit and tears started running down my face.

He said, smiling, "Hey, I knew you were glad to see me but you don't have to cry about it. Wanna talk about it?"

Still hugging him, my face buried in his shoulder, I just nodded.

"While you get your thoughts together, I'll help you out of these clothes, so Nick can exam you better."

I finally said, sniffling like a baby, "I've been wanting to call you."

"Actually, I thought you would have called sooner."

I told him of the events that had taken place since I left while he undressed me and covered me with a small sheet. There was no need for a gown since I had told him I was comfortable enough around him and Nick to just be naked. They'd both seen it all before.

He said, "That is one of the most horrifying stories I have ever heard. You have held up rather well under the stress. I would be freaking out if that happened to me. Nick and I will help you anyway we can, since you have decided to stay here."

Nick came back in, and put his arm around Jeff.

He said, "I heard everything from the intercom. Like Jeff said, we will be here to help you any way we can. Any request before I start your exam?" Both of them had very sly sexy smiles emerging.

I said, "Not at the moment. I'm just itching to get these damn casts off."

"Yeah. I'll take some x-rays to make sure they are ready to come off. We can do all your tests in this room now since we did a little upgrading. I can lock the door also if you like, I know how you and Jeff prefer to talk that way." He winked at me.

I looked at Jeff and he said, "We tell each other everything," as he put his on hand on my leg.

My dick was suddenly getting hard. I said, "This seems like a very personalized exam if I am not mistaken, so I would request, if it doesn't cross medical boundaries, that we all strip down during this ... exam."

Jeff didn't waste a second shedding his scrubs. I let the sheet fall to the floor. My dick was stiff as could be and so was Jeff's. Nick was taking some vitals on me and slowly started removing his lab jacket and shirt between readings. I finally got to see him half naked and I was impressed. Jeff has a very well developed tight smooth swimmers build, while Nick had the nice well-toned body of a runner. He has some chest hair but I loved his happy trail that ran from his belly button down to into his pants.

Nick had me lie back on the table while he checked my scars and my temple. Jeff gave me his special sponge bath. I thought I was about to blow when he had my dick in his hands using that sponge on my groin around the stitches. Both of them allowed my hands explore what I could touch. They then took x-rays.

After Nick looked at the x-rays he said, "I think those casts are ready to come off, but you may need to wear a splint for awhile just to be on the safe side."

I said, "Thanks, I am about to itch to death under them."

They had the casts off in record time. I felt odd and kinda naked without them.

Nick said, "You really need to be careful for a while but you can also strengthen them back to normal with gradual exercise, which I am sure you can get either at the Nobles or at our place. We have a full array of exercise equipment in our basement at the house. Swimming will be most beneficial for you. You may want to take at least one crutch for the time being also. So we are done for now. I will want to see you back here in two weeks."

I said, "Thanks and for making me feel at ease with you two also."

"Oh you're a great guy yourself, we like being around you," Jeff said.

I sighed and said, "Damn, now we have to get dressed don't we?"

"Unless you have another request." Nick said grinning.

Jeff was standing behind Nick now with his hands around his waist, rubbing on his stomach and starting to head down to the bulge in Nick's pants. But I think he was waiting on for my request.

Being coy, I said, "I'd like to see more, but if you two kissed, that would make my day."

They didn't waste a second getting into each other and making out. I loved the sight of it so much that I came all over Jeff's arm. They laughed and Jeff licked it off. Jeff started to unbuckle Nick's belt when there was a knock on the door.

Nick walked over to the door and we heard a female voice. He walked back over to us and said, "I got an emergency, lets get dressed."

They helped me get dressed again, and then dressed each other before we left the room.

We made our way back to the waiting room and everyone was there ready to go home.

Doc said, "Since it's late afternoon, anyone hungry?"

A resounding "Yes" came from everyone. Doc asked, "Marcus, any request?"

"We have to take Sarah to that pit stop we visited once before."

She looked at me with that look of 'what are you talking about?'

Susan was holding Sarah's hand and said, "It's a restaurant for locals."

Lidda was giggling a little and said, "Susan, that's a local restaurant."

Alex and Susan insisted on riding with Sarah and me. They were both talking at the same time and looking back and forth at us. Sarah smiled and kept making non committal comments. When we pulled into the pit stop, both of them jumped out quickly. Sarah said, "Boy, are my ears throbbing, and I thought you talked a lot! But they are cute as buttons."

We all walked into the restaurant and once again, Andrea bellowed her hellos and looked everyone up and down. She said, "The more you guys come in, the more of you are hurt. So who is the culprit this time? Good golly, Thomas and Lidda, you look like the bandage company is testing new crap on you."

She finally got to Sarah and me and said, "So this young chicky is your girlfriend eh? I'm hurt you didn't ask me. I'd make sure you put some meat on your bones. You sure look better now than you did last time you were here. O00-weee, such a cutie! You gonna get that 'IT'S JUST MEAT' this time deary?"

I said, "You know, I think I will, bring it on babe" She stopped and squeezed my cheeks. She said, "I like ya honeey."

As she went to touchy feel Shane again. I said to Sarah, "Make sure you ask her what music they have in the jukebox once we get seated. Remember mom liked those machines. I was thinking of getting it for her."

As we were mulling over the menu, Andrea came by and asked what drinks we wanted.

Sarah said, "I was just curious, what music do you have in the jukebox?"

I started snickering as did everyone else, knowing I set her up for this. She looked around quickly at everyone and gave me a look.

Andrea, in a real country twang said, "Oh Honey, We's have both kinds ............. COUNTRY aaand WESTERN!" and she started laughing like a wild hyenia. Once she stopped laughing she said, "I always get a kick out that question, of course, it's from my all time favorite movie, The Blues Brothers. Hey, you Markepoo, you asked me that too your first visit here."

Sarah's face got that look of 'I'm gonna get ya sucker' look on her and she pinched my leg. Once Andrea left the table, we all started laughing. Doc said, "You gotta watch him sometimes; he's slick."

"Oh I know, ever since we were little, he's all about pulling a joke. Just wait for the wet willy."

Andrea brought my feast out first. It was a huge platter with two pounds of hamburger, ham, bacon, sausage, and chicken mixed together with country gravy. I took one look at it and could feel my stomach go in knots. She said, "You better get started big boy, your gonna need some time to get that all down"

Everyone just stared or had huge grins on there faces.

Shane said, "So you wanted to tell everyone what happened after you left here?"

During the course of the meal, I told them what had occurred in the past week.

Both Doc and Lidda looked at each other with sad faces. Sam sat at the other end of the table not paying much attention to anyone except his friend.

Lidda, who was sitting next to me, said, "I'm so sorry to hear that. Like we said before, you can stay with us for as long as you like."

At that moment, Sam spilled his drink, coughed and stood up. He said, "Oh great!" and walked out of the restaurant. Justin was about to get up when Lidda touched his arm and said, "He's a big boy, he needs to know we won't be running after him every time he doesn't like hearing something. If he wants to learn to speak in front of us, then that is what he needs to do."

Sam didn't come back in the rest of time we spent in the restaurant.

I finally finished all two pounds of this feast. I felt my stomach was about to explode. I was going to say something when Andrea belted my name out. I looked over and she snapped my picture. We passed it around and got a good laugh at the expression on my face.

Once we got outside, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Doc asked Justin to try him on his cell. He got no answer.

I said, "Maybe he just walked back home."

Shane shook his head and said, "He doesn't like walking in heat like this. I'll wait here for him while you guys head home. Just call me and let me know."

I said, "Sarah and I will wait with Shane and drive him back with us."

We sat and chatted in the blazer while the rest of the family headed home. We saw no sign of Sam during that time until Shane's cell started buzzing. He put it on speaker.

Lidda's voice was shaky and could hear the worry in her voice when she said, "We checked everywhere on this farm and he isn't here."

Shane, looking very concerned, asked her, "Where could he have gone mom?"

Chapter 16 is in the works!!!!

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

Next: Chapter 16

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