Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on May 20, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-13 still apply.

I want to thank all the fan club readers who continually email me about how they enjoy the story. Those emails are very motivating and helpful. I try to share those with Jon, my proofreader, also.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to thank Jon again for all his time and help in editing this story. I know I can run him ragged at times with some of the changes. Thanks Jon

Chapter 14: He's back

I said gasping, "Logan? What the hell are you doing here?"

Logan laughed louder and Sarah was trying to regain her composure while staring him down.

Logan took off the mask laughing harder and gasping for air after each word he said.



"BOTH... hahaha"


"SHIT... hahahhahahah"

"A BRICK.. hahahha"

I said, "Screw you, you sick freak!" It felt as if my heart was about to explode from that shock and felt like my face was overheating.

"Oh little brother, I love you too. Take a breath and relax. Damn, you look like hell by the way. That pretty face isn't so pretty these days," Logan said with a huge grin, and then kissed me on the cheek. I just rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue.

Sarah said, "What are you doing here Logan?"" looking at him like she could either strangle him or poke at his eyes.

"You know my firm sent me to Africa to get the new location started and running."

"Duh, we know that dumbass." I said shaking my head.

Sarah rephrased her question, "What are you doing waiting for us in this truck? How did you know we were here?" as her hands were still a bit shaky

He said, "I was visiting an old friend and saw you when you pulled in. So I used my new gadget from work to play this prank on you."

Sarah then said, "We haven't seen you for nearly 3 months and that's how you say hi again."

"Yea but don't they let you use a phone to let anyone know how your doing?" I asked

Logan said, "It wasn't exactly the most civilized location. So what the heck is going on around here? I got home this morning and visited the house to find Dad in a raging fit and Patrick with a cast on his leg."

"Oh crap, I broke his leg!" I looked at Sarah.

"You? Mr. Sweety pie?" Logan said in surprise.

"Well you have to hear the whole story to understand that."

"I got Dad's version but it didn't make much sense."

"Sarah, are you calm enough now to drive?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Um, Logan, we need to get to the police station now; we will fill you in on the way."

I quickly filled Logan in on the short version of the past few weeks and finished just as we pulled into the station.

He sat back with a look of total awe and said, "No way!"

"Way!" I said trying to hurry out of the vehicle.

We made our way to where they were keeping Adam. He wasn't in handcuffs or anything but sitting in a room by himself. We were allowed to go and talk to him.

"They told me to wait here until they got more info from the school."

"What are they trying to find out?" Logan asked.

"I don't have a clue."

"Let me see if I can speed this up," Logan replied and left the room and started talking to the Captain, who lead him to another room.

I thought to myself, "This is a rather young police force in this town and I think Logan and the Captain went to school together. I am a bit surprised that this guy is at a desk rather than on the street. Logan and he ran track in school and both of them still look like they do it every day. Nobody ever could tell that Logan and me were brothers. He is 7 years older than I am. None of us brothers resemble each other much. Whereas Patrick is average joe, Logan was in the good looks line at the right time. Patrick and I have dark hair, Logan is beach blonde. He is also taller than either of us. Dad and him never had a close relationship either, Patrick got that distinction.

I told Adam, "You seem rather calm about this right now."

"You should have seen me about 1/2 hour ago. Then I took your advice and calmed down since I couldn't do anything about it until someone got here. Where did your brother show up?"

Sarah and I looked at each other with a slight grin and said, "He was waiting at the truck." Adam kinda looked at us odd.

About twelve minutes had passed when Logan and the Captian returned, and the Captain said, "You're free to go, Mr Wooler, thanks to your friend here."

Adam said, "Thanks!!"

We all exited the building as fast as we could and got back to the truck.

"What did you do, Logan?" Adam asked.

"Oh, I just know how to access this university surveillance faster than they do."

I decided we should head back to Grandma's and let them know what was happening.

I said, "I really need to get a cell phone again. This running around wears me out. Where is yours, Logan?"

"Um, I think I left it at Dad's, or more likely on or around the Captains desk by accident." as a slow mischievous smiled raced across his face. That is another big difference between Logan and I. He is just a natural at being a flirt at anytime, kinda like Shane.

"You and Captain Green are still best buds I see."

Logan just smiled and raised an eyebrow and said, "Yea, I can usually get him to listen to me!"

We got into the drive and saw that Grandpa's car was smashed up in the rear.

We hurried in and saw them at the kitchen table. Both of them jumped up when they saw Logan and hugged him for a long moment. Grandma smothered him with kisses. Shadow was happy to see him also when he started his screeching hello howl and jumped into his arms.

He asked, "What happened to your car?" as he held Shadow and was licked like a lollipop.

Grandpa started talking about this drunk driver and how it all happened so suddenly and how they got surrounded by a bunch of thugs.

The light went off in my head when I just realized that I left those letters in grandpa's car from the night before and didn't even think to take them with me to the Dean's office.

Before he finished, "They didn't hurt you but probably took everything out of the back seat, right?"

"Yes, how did you know?" they both asked.

I filled them in on what the Dean had done to me.

Grandpa said, "The bastard sure knows how to cover his ass fast and not leave a trail."

Both Adam and Logan said, "Fuckkk!!"

Sarah said, "There's always a trail, some are just off the beaten path."

I said, "What I don't understand is why he is doing this to me? What is he going to gain from it?"

Logan said, "Have you ever wondered why he didn't ever push Patrick or me as much, but has always pushed you to the limits?"

"I never noticed that."

"Well, keeping you distracted that way, he has a plan in mind for you. I never could put my finger on it but after all this, it's starting to make a lot of sense."

I said, "I'm not sure I want to stick around and find out what it is."

Then Grandma muttered, "That father of yours." She picked up the phone and dialed someone. The person answered and she said, "Get your ass over here now, I have had enough of this nonsense," and slammed the phone down.

I started to head to my bedroom and said, "I'll be in my room when he gets here. I don't have the energy to even talk to him."

Grandpa said, "Oh by the way Marcus, I made a call this morning to an old friend on the force to see if he could dig up any information on your inquiry. He just called back before you all arrived with some information."

The phone started ringing again and grandma answered it.

"Thanks, Grandpa, what....", then I felt the room started spinning and I felt really hot. I heard Grandma say, "You say your name is Shane?" Then I remember grabbing at the wall and lying there seeing feet running over to me and then blanking out.

****** (Present Day)

I felt a cool cloth on my forehead and without opening my eyes I hoarsely said, "Lidda, could I have some water?"

For some reason, I could feel pressure on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes and the room was blurry and very dim.

I said, "Adam, Logan, Sarah? I think I fell and hurt my head again."

"Hello, anyone here?"

I heard that damn clock beeping again. I whispered, "Someone shut that damn alarm off, it's driving me nuts."

I moved my hand to my face and felt a bandage around my forehead and jawline. Maybe that's why I can barely open my mouth.

I felt for the call button. I should know where one of those is since I seem to be in this place often. I pushed the button several times. I heard the door open and a large figure quickly moved into my view.

"Marcus, how are you feeling?" I knew the voice and it slowly came to me.

I slowly and quietly muttered, "Justin, I'm glad you are here. I feel like I've been run over by a bus,"

He gently touched my hand and said, "It's late right now and everyone is getting a bit of shut eye. You should be also, you need your strength."

"Will I live?" I squeezed his hand back.

"Of course, you always do!! I wouldn't let you die on me. Who makes me the most awesome apple pie ever?"

"Susan," I said slowly. He laughed.

"You better get more rest. You have a long day tomorrow," he said with tears in eyes.

I heard the door open again and another figure came into view.

"Marcus, you really need to rest more for that swelling to go down. Dr. Noble and Nick will be back shortly," Jeff told me

I slurred a replied, "Aye captain, I'll beam right back up!"

"O.K., still groggy from the last sleep med. Back to dreamland you go," Jeff said as I felt a needle in my arm

I looked over at Justin and said, "Thanks again, I love you."

I heard him start to say, "Marcus, I ...." But the med sent me back into sleep. .

************ (4 years earlier)

I felt a cool cloth on my forehead and without opening my eyes I quietly said, "Lidda, could I have some water?"

"Lidda, Doc, Susan, Shane? I think I fell and hurt my head again." I squinted open an eye. I immediately recognized the sandy beige ceiling color and knew I was in my room at Grandma's house. I felt my face and could feel a bandage around my forehead. I said to myself, "Not again."

I raised my head and looked around. Logan and Adam were in the corner recliners of the room snoozing. That damn headache was thumping right in the back of my head again.

I thought to myself, "I could have sworn I was back at Doc and Lidda's house."

I thought I'd be funny and picked up the remote for the TV, stuck it under the cover with a few peanut butter M & Ms.

I laid back and whizzed an M&M at Adam, hitting him square in the chest.

I heard him grunt and say "Who? What? Logan?" He got up out of the chair and walked over to me and then back to his recliner. "I must be dreaming or something."

Logan is a heavy sleeper even when napping, so nothing wakes him short of a train wreck.

Soon I could hear Adam start snoring again.

I picked up another M&M and whizzed it at Logan, hitting him square in the neck.

I could hear his sudden movement and he said, "Oh fuck, Adam. Adam?" I could hear him stand up and walk over to me and back to his seat. He said quietly to himself, "What the fuck was that?"

I waited until I heard Logan get settled again. I could barely contain my laughter. This time I threw the pieces up in the air at the same time and they hit both Adam and Logan on the nose. I could hear them shuffle around and get up out of the chairs. This time they said to each other quietly, "What are you doing? You'll wake Marcus."

Adam said, "Let's talk in the bathroom." I heard them enter the bath but they didn't quite close the door.

I pushed the button on the tv remote and when it flicked on I quickly turned it off again.

The door opened gently and Logan said, "Grandpa, are you in here?"

I heard Adam say, "Something odd is going on here," and door closed once again.

I repeated the TV on and off.

This time they both walked back into the room and opened the door to the hall.

Logan said, "Grandpa, Grandma, are you out here?"

They closed the door once more and I hit the remote to turn the TV on.

"Ohhh, that's funny, geekboy," Adam said, walking up to me by the bed.

I slowly opened one eye and started giggling.

I couldn't keep it in any longer and laughed until the throbbing headache stopped me.

Logan stood next to the bed with one hand on his hip, the other rubbing the very red spot on his neck, which looked like a hickie, and shaking his head at me.

I finally said, "Well, you did say I needed to come up with a new annoying trick, so TA- DA."

Logan said, "Still doing the wet willies after all these years, no wonder you don't get laid more." Adam snickered and said, "Yea that's what I told him too."

I then asked, "What happened to me now?"

Logan said, "We think you over-exerted yourself and everything is catching up with you. Grandma has her doctor coming over to double check."

"What's with the bandage around my forehead?"

"To try to cover some of that ugly mug," Logan said, smirking at me.

Adam smiled trying not to let a laugh out and then said, "You scraped that cut on your temple again."

"Great! How long have I been out?"

"About 2 hours."

"And Grandma's doctor still isn't here?"

"I guess he is a slow driver. Do you always ask so many questions when you hurt yourself?" Logan said with a slight irration.

I then remembered, "Oh that was Shane that called before I passed out, right?"

"Yeah, but Grandma didn't tell us anything, just that she will tell you."

"So did Dad show up?"

Logan said, "Yeah, It was tense. I've never seen Dad this irate about anything before."

Adam looked at Logan and added,. "Then he and your grandpa went to have a long talk."

"Went where?"

"Golfing, of course," Logan said.

"I thought Grandpa hated golf."

Logan said, "Grandpa is taking care of it with help from Captain Green, if you get my drift. Let's leave it at that for now."

Then there was a knock on the door and Adam went to open it

Grandma and a rather young man walked in. She introduced him as Dr Morgan Fields. He looked a bit surprised to see 3 guys in one room, then said, "Hello. Good to meet you guys." He seemed about the same age as Dr. Nick only much more formal looking. He kept his hair short and neatly combed, wore a tie with dress shirt and slacks but had the same build as Logan.

He asked everyone to leave the room so he could examine me. Grandma was the last to leave and she said, "Now don't hurt him, Marcus." She left the room giggling.

Dr Fields turned back to me and in a soft monotone voice said, "Your grandma is always cracking interesting jokes." He paused for a moment and then with a serious look said, "She was joking, right?"

"Um, just how long have you known her?"

"About a week, I think. I am her new eye doctor."

I looked at him very oddly and started to say, "So...."

He burst out laughing and I could hear Grandma in her high giggle outside of the door. Between laughs he said, "She wanted me to make sure to tell you, always learn from the master."

I raised my voice so grandma could hear, "Good one grandma!!"

"You pulled that off rather well, Doc Morgan."

"Thanks, I try to make it a point to break the ice with a bit of humor, and you're more than welcome to just call me Morgan."

I smiled at him.

"So tell me what is going on with you."

I reached over into the side sleeve of the suitcase and said, "I have this file you may want to see." I gave him my file from Doc.

It took him a few moments to read it and then he did a double take on something.

He looked at me in awe and said, "Is this correct, Dr Thomas Noble from John Hopkins? You met him?" I thought it weird that he noticed that first instead of all the crap that I went through.

"Yes, I think he worked there at one time from what I have heard, and I stayed with him and his family for a couple of weeks because of what you're reading."

Again he looked at me with a questioning look, "Dr Noble was my mentor two years ago. I just talked to him 3 months ago. How did you end up in Baltimore?"

"I didn't. He lives in some small town outside of Knoxville."

"So the bugger finally took advice and started enjoying life. He spent too much time working and not enough with his family, even though one of the best surgeons on the east coast will be missed."

"Can we talk about him later? What about me now?"

"Oh so sorry, from a first glance it looks like many of your injuries are healing rather well. However, that gash you have on your temple still looks rather tender."

"Yeah, Doc did say to be careful with it for a while. Of course that is the shorthand version."

"So what are you experiencing right now?"

"That low level headache again."

He was as methodical as Doc in examing me in detail.

"That will slowly fade once the bruising subsides, and from what I was told, you've been under more stress than you should have during this healing process. My thoughts are you need to get plenty of rest the next couple of days and continue the medication you've been prescribed."

"Thanks, so I'm going to live!!!"

"Yeah, for quite a while, as long as you take care of yourself and follow Doc's instructions."

"So Doc Noble was good in his field?"

"That's an understatement. Not only is he good, he invented and patented several advanced medical technologies in use around the world today. He won't ever have to worry about his financial future again."

"That I didn't know. I thought he was just a local doctor with some interesting stories to tell."

"Oh, I'm sure he has a lot to tell; I just hope he doesn't hide out there too long. The medical world needs someone like him again."

"I'll mention that next time I talk to him."

Doctor Morgan left his card and told me to get some shut eye and will call back in the next day to check up on me and then left the room.

I thought I'd give the computer another try, and then I remembered the two envelopes I had not even glanced at from the professor and Grandma.

I decided to open Grandma's first. Inside was a note and another small envelope. I read the note she wrote. "Your mother thought this could happen at some point and she wanted to make sure you knew she will always look after you. She wanted you to have this and it did not come from your father's salary or investments. Use it to get away from your father's reach. She said Logan will have the same when times comes for him to need it but I know that you will most likely share it with him."

I opened the smaller envelope and my eyes about popped out when I saw the amount on the check with my name on it. I sat there in awe at what my mother had done for me.

I put that aside for a moment and then opened the professor's envelope. I quickly read through it. He had written me a very good recommendation letter. As I was about to put the letter back in the envelope, a small key card fell out. It obviously fit a computer media reader.

Adam and Sarah knocked on the door, walked in and said, "What is going on with you? You're supposed to be resting."

"Sit down guys, I've got something to show you."

They both sat on the same side of the bed and I showed them the check. They looked at each other and then back at me and I told them where it had come from.

Sarah said, "What are you going to do with all that money?"

"Just like my mother told me to do, get away from my father."

Just then Grandma knocked on the door and along with Logan made her way over to the bed. She had a rather disturbed look on her face. She said, pointing at the check, "You put that to good use. Your mother was very smart and knew this might happen."

I said, "Logan, you knew about this too?"

"Not until about half an hour ago."

Adam asked, "But where would you go?"

Grandma then added, "This may make up his mind. Your friend Shane called when you passed out. There was a little accident at his parents' Memorial Day party...."

I said, "Oh, no!"

She said, "Let me finish! He said not to worry, everyone will be ok, but his parents will need to spend a couple of days at the clinic for some minor burns."

Sarah asked, "You are going back to the Nobles?"

I shook my head yes and said, "It's the one place I know I would be welcomed besides here and all your folks, plus I know it would have a nice protection from my father's schemes."

Adam asked, "How would you get there? You're not suppose to be driving."

I smiled and said, "I think I'm going to hire a driver and a personal shopper for a couple of days."

Both of them looked down a bit, sadly.

So I asked, "Do either of you need a short vacation for a while?"

Both of them looked up beaming and said, "Hell, yes!" Logan just smiled.

I said, "Logan, it would be fun to have you come along too"

"I am about to head out to another job, but I may come to visit if that is cool. How long do you think you might be living there?"

"I would think till I graduate, so visit anytime. I would like to share this money with you though."

"That is a generous offer, but mom left if for you. You use it wisely to better yourself. I have been doing ok in the financial area. So have you had your truck serviced lately, I can take it to get it done from a friend of mine before you leave?"

Grandma said, "Your not going anywhere till tomorrow, I have to have a big supper before you leave once again."

I said, "Yes Grandma, I'll wait till tomorrow. Logan, that would be awesome if you could do that."

I asked Adam and Sarah to stay for dinner. Both of them said they would be back for dinner after they ran home for a few minutes to take care of a few things.

While everyone was out of the room, my mind was racing thinking of Doc and Lidda, what information did grandpa have about Matt, and the best way to get back to Dale Hallow. I took a short nap until Adam was gently shaking me to see if I was ready for dinner.

He sat on the bed with me. He looked a little sad about something.

I asked him, "What is on your mind?"

"This is all happening too fast. I know you need to do this, but it feels like I won't be seeing you again. We haven't been apart more than a week at a time since we were kids."

I said, "Let's eat dinner, and then you can spend the night with me again and we will talk."

He said, "Well, I asked your Grandma if I could do something special for you after dinner at my house, my parents are gone till tomorrow afternoon. So you can spend the night with me. She said she was fine with that."

He smiled, and helped me up out of bed and out to the dining room where Grandma had made the most amazing dinner I have seen in quite a while. We all enjoyed the evening together, eating and sharing stories about each other. We all helped clean up and then everyone went to watch a movie except Adam and I.

We went to his house and walked around to the backyard. He said, grinning, "I have something I want to share with you."

I replied back, "I bet it has something to do with me getting naked."

"That's up to you, but I think you may enjoy it more if you do. I asked that doctor if it would be OK to give you a pool massage. He thought it would be therapeutic. It would help you relax a bit, plus the chlorine shouldn't pose any harmful effects."

He opened the gate and turned on a light switch. He had the pool area decked out in a Hawaiian theme

"OK, how do we start? I know, I know. I need to take everything off."

"No, I will be taking care of that. I think we will start with your clothes on. Just lie back here on the deck lounger, close your eyes and think of something enjoyable."

He started by rubbing my cheeks and neck, then moved down to my chest and stomach. He was very slow and gentle. He then took my arms and did the same thing.

He took my shoes off and unzipped my pants. He got up and I heard him lock the gate. He said, "We don't need another surprise visitor."

He sat next to me again and this time he put his hands under my shirt and did the same gentle rub again from my chest down to the top of my waistband on my briefs. I was feeling a bit excited and so was my dick, which was slowly rising.

He then had me turn over onto my stomach. He slowly and gently glided over my neck, back and playfully slid under my briefs with this fingers stopping right at the edge of my ass. He then decided to slip my pants off. All I had to do was lift my hip just enough so he get them off.

He started at my good ankle and started slowly up my legs. He again rubbed up the edge of my ass cheeks. He then stopped and said, "How about a little warming oil to help you relax more." I felt a cool slippery substance on my legs. It felt so good at how gentle but effective his rubbing had on me.

He moved back up to my back and he slipped my shirt off. I felt more of the oil on my back. He massaged slowly from my neck down to my butt again. This time he slipped his hands under my briefs and used the oil to massage my ass cheeks and every couple times he would slip a finger down my crack very gently.

I said, "You should take off something too" He took off his shirt and pants so he was just in his silky briefs.

He had me turn back over. He applied the oil to my chest and used his hands to spread it up to my neck, over my chest, and over my stomach. He spent most of his time around my pecs and played with my nipples some. As he moved to my stomach, his fingers made there way down under my shorts again and barely touched the base of my cock before pulling back and rubbing my entire chest down again.

He once again rolled my over. This time he removed my shorts.

He said, "Ready for the hottub!!"

He lifted me up and over to the hot tub. He cock was hard and rubbing up against my ass like Shane's did. He slowly let me down in the tub. He then took off his silky blue briefs.

He once again applied more oil to my legs and rubbed more eagerly than last time. He moved his hands over my ass cheeks again and made gently glides between my ass and touching my hole a couple times. I kept saying, "AAAHHH that does feel good"

He then moved behind me and straddled my legs. He applied more oil to my back and rubbed just as gently but in faster rhythm. I could feel his hard cock pushing against my ass. While he was in this position he also rubbed my arms and fingers.

He stopped and gently turned me over once again. I said, "I'm beginning to feel as though I being buttered up for something." I looked up at him and he just had a big smile on his face.

He once again straddled me with our dicks meshed together. He applied more oil to my chest and used a new technique rubbing from the previous times. He rubbed my face, neck, shoulders, arms and chest that I found so relaxing and took his time doing that. I had such a ragin hardon, I could feel his fat cock pulsing with excitement.

He moved his hands down to my abs and slowly down to my cock. He took both of our dicks and added more oil. The feeling of both of our dicks sliding together was amazing. I could feel his precum dripping on me as he used mine to keep our slickened dicks in motion under this warm bubbling water.

He stopped and decided to flip me over once again and face me the opposite way I had been. His huge dick and balls were right in my face and I started licking at them since I couldn't move. He seemed as he was teasing me with them. Again I felt his hands rub from my neck down to my ass. He then leaned over but without smothering me and started using his tongue on my lower back and slowly moved down to my ass. He had both hands on each cheek rubbing and spreading them apart while his tongue moved closer and closer to my butt crack. I was beginning to moan and said, "I am close"

He decided to flip me once more.

He quickly moved under the water to engulf my ragin dick into his mouth. He plunged up and and down on it and it didn't take long for me to explode in his mouth. He swallowed every last drop of cum that I shot and then licked me clean. He was grinning when he popped back up out of the water.

I said, "That was awesome."

He replied smiling, "I am not done yet."

I looked at him and my eyes widened with excitement.

He said, "You tell me if I am hurting you in any way, I want to show you how much I am going to miss you"

"Um yea, Ill do that" as my dick was started to get stiff again.

He brought his face directly to mine and we shared a long passionate kiss.

He got out of the tub and lifted me and carried me into his room and onto his waterbed.

He went back to a soft caressing of my legs, groin and stomach until he felt me relaxing again. He lifted my legs and started licking the inside of my thigh moving closer to my balls. He engulfed them and massaged them with his tongue. He then moved down further and licked that extra sensitive spot right before my butt crack. My dick went into full hardon mode again at that touch.

He again rimmed me and using his fingers to rub up against my prostate. I was moaning heavily again. He then moved once again and move my legs further up and apart.

I could feel his dick plop onto mine and more oils being applied to both of them. He rubbed them together again for just a moment and then slowly let it slid down between my legs. He then shoved another pillow under my back and shifted my hip.

I then felt a twinge in my leg where my cast was and it kept getting more intense until I realized it was a charley horse and I pushed my leg out from the impeding pain it causes and the tears started rolling down my face.

Adam said, "Oh Marcus, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to cause you pain."

I said in a painful groan, "It's a freaking charley horse under this cast, ohhh freaking shit this hurts." It hurt so bad because you couldn' get to it to at least rub it out.

I began to wonder if I really wanted Adam to continue. I love him dearly as a best friend and enjoy the playtime we have but we never went further than sucking each other off but then I was also thinking of another person that I wanted to share a special moment like this with while Adam was doing all this. My headache returned and I felt so mixed up. I was glad the charley horse was causing the tears so I wouldn't have to explain more to Adam but felt I wanted to tell him.

He sat with me until the pain subsided and I fell asleep in his arms. We woke up early and headed back to Grandmas before breakfast started.

We enjoyed a light breakfast and then everyone helped pack my blazer. Grandma and Grandpa said, " This is still your home whenever you want to come back." I hugged them both and kept saying, "Thank you for everything. Ill be back soon to visit."

Grandma said, "I put the information about Matt in your suitcase."

Logan turned to me and said, "You call me if you ever get into trouble again and I'll be there. I'll visit you soon and hangout."

I smiled and said, "I'm not leaving forever guys, it's just a couple states away, and we can visit each other anytime."

I told Shadow to get in the truck with Adam and Sarah and he was more than ready to go.

On our first rest stop at the Georgia border. While Adam was in the bathroom, I was walking Shadow with Sarah. She noticed I was thinking about something and asked, "What's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath and said, "Adam planned an interesting night after dinner."

She smiled and said, "I knew about it a little. He said was going to give you the best massage you ever had, so what went wrong."

"Oh the massage was totally awesome and sensual. He was great at it."


"He wanted to take it further than we have before and at that moment, I got a painful charley horse under my cast. It was then I was having mixed emotions."

"So what are you telling me?"

"I love Adam dearly for my best friend but...."

Sarah interrupted and said, "Ohhh, you better tell him how you feel."

"I know I do, I don't ever want to hurt him, he has been so good to me."

"Tell him the truth and you will have your friend for as long as you want."

"I will at our next stop"

We got back on the road.

We stopped again for a late lunch outside of Macon near a very populated business area. Since Shadow wasn't allowed in, Sarah volunteered to go get it and bring it back to us.

While she was doing that, I got out with Shadow who needed another potty break.

Adam was walking with me, I didn't say much so he said, "I know you Marcus, what is on your mind?"

"About last night, I enjoyed very much. You are the closest friend I have ever had, I love you dearly and you are always so good to me"

"and what?"

"When you were doing that all that to me, I was ..." I looked away for a moment.

He took a deep breath and touched my shoulder and said, "Go ahead and say it."

"I was thinking of ... someone else. Someone I wanted to do that with besides you."

"You mean you faked a charley horse so I wouldn't fuck you."

"No that was real, I .."

"Marcus, I thought after all you and I had been thru that you could have the balls to just tell me at that moment that you didn't want to instead of coming up with some lame excuse. That would have been a lot easier to take than some sorry charley excuse." And he walked away towards the road.

"Where do you think you are going?"


"Come on Adam, you didn't let me finish...."

"How does it feel?" as he kept on walking.

"Adam, its 6 hours just driving back, you can't walk all that way."

He held up a hand and said, "Don't worry about it."

Sarah quickly approached me and said, "What is going on?"

"I told him."

"Where is he going?"

"He didn't let me finish what I was going to say, now he wants to walk back home."

"OH, he didn't take that well did he?"

I looked at her shaking my head and said, "You think."

She went running after him. I couldn't hear what they said but he was still adamant about leaving however he could.

She came back to the truck and said, "I think he needs time to cool down, he took everything you said and took it all wrong. He saw a rental car agency a few buildings down and going to rent a car to go home. You just need to give him some time."

"I never meant to hurt him." As I cried heavily into her shoulder.

"I know, and I will check on him when I get back. We can't do anything now so we might as well keep on going."

We made another stop in Chattanogga and visited Lookout Mountain. Neither of us had been here and it was the most amazing site to see. I said, "Next time we take a road trip, we will hit the aquarium, I hear it's totally awesome."

She said smiling, "I thought I saw a mall or two also along the way"

"I just hope Adam will come to realize what I meant and visit also. He would of enjoyed that mountain alot."

We decided to just spend the night here since we spent a lot of time on the mountain.

We finally made our way back to Dale Hallow the next day. I stopped and showed Sarah the area the wreck and other points of interests. Sometime between the time I left and now, the car had been pulled out. She stood there amazed at the view. She looked at me and said, "You are one lucky ass to have survived that."

I said, "Tell me about it."

We drove up the driveway to the Noble's house. She gasped and said, "WOW, you weren't kidding about this place."

She said, "You want me to help you to the door?"


We walked up to the door on the Noble house and I knocked. I heard nothing from inside. I knocked once again.

I said, "That is weird, someone was always here when I was here. Come on, let's try the other door."

I walked around to another door and knocked several times. Nobody came to the door.

I said, "Let's go around back, maybe someone is back there."

We made our way around to the back of the house. Shadow took off into the open clearing of grass and was chasing a butterfly. I knew he wouldn't go that far since he does have a little separation anxiety issue.

As we rounded the corner of the house, I heard Sarah yell, "OH MY GOSH!! LOOK OUT!!" I got a glimpse of a quick motion out of the corner of my eye and then the next thing I realize; I am flat on my back struggling to catch my breath.

I slowly raised my head and saw a stranger sprawled out on the ground like I am and said, "Who are you?"

Find out who it is in Chapter 15 due out very soon!!!!

Next: Chapter 15

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