Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on May 7, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-12 still apply.

I welcome feedback on the story, comments and suggestions, and can be directed to me at ...

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Chapter 13: Missing

Marcus' father was in the doorway and told his family and friends outside, "All of you please leave my property or I will call the police to have you removed for trespassing. If any of you ever step foot on this property again you will be prosecuted."

Marcus' mother was behind him in tears, shaking her head in total frustration while Patrick had her in a bear hug to keep her from running out of the house.

Marcus' dad paused then added, about as loudly as he could, "Marcus, you take your faggoty gay ass back to that hick farm, and never, ever let me see you around this place again. You make me sick!"

Marcus just looked at him, snorted a laugh and flipped him off. So did Marcus' Grandma and Grandpa.

"Good boy," Maryann said under her breath as she watched her son drive away.

Joe said, "Shut up woman, you aren't a saint either. Now go get Patrick to the ER; that leg looks like hell."

Maryann replied, "Fuck you Joe! I think I am going to spend some time at my mother's and try to apologize to Marcus. You take your ass of a son to the ER."

Joe put up a finger and said, "You leave now, you don't get a dime of anything. If you even talk to Marcus, don't expect a pleasant ride home either."

"Why the hell are you always so cryptic with what you have to say? Just say what you mean like this: 'I think you're a fucking total moronic ass for what you did to Marcus and I hope you rot in prison when the time comes!'"

"You're drunk, woman. It's impossible to get through to you when you're like this. I'll get Patrick to the ER while you wear off that little drunk attitude of yours, and by the time we get back, you better be sober. We have work to do."

Maryann turned without saying a word, walked to the sun porch, sat in her favorite recliner and started reading her book.

Joe told Patrick to get in the car and he'd be there in a few moments.

Joe made a quick trip to his office to make two phone calls. The first one, he told the other person on the other end that they needed to get back to the pharmaceutical lab and try to reformulate that medication, since the effects on older women is erractic, and with younger men it appears it has no effect. He told them to double it without being traceable. Joe listened for a moment. His face turned red and he said, "Listen, we don't have the time to do the lab testing, or I lose my funding. Now do it! I don't know how much longer I can keep them off my back." He slammed the phone down.

He felt his eye where his dad hit him. He looked in the small mirror he kept in his desk and said outloud, "Dam, Dad, I didn't know you had it in you. I'm sure I won't disappoint you next time."

He picked up the phone again and dialed. After the other person answered, he said, "Dean Astor, I have a deal for you......"

****** Memorial Day at the Nobles' was an event.

Doc and Lidda invited about everyone they knew to share in the party events. Everyone from neighbors, to co-workers and family attended much of the day.

Sam and Alex lead horseback riding through the trails of the hills surrounding the farm. They stopped at various points for swimming and some hiking. This was the first light walk Sam's new horse, Tangerquay, got since being born. He already has a curious personality about everything, stopping quite frequently to smell new things and eat various morsels.

Spencer, Eric and Larry got involved with the volleyball, baseball and basketball, and a family obstacle course race.

Susan and Toby set up a drink station. She's learning to be a bartender, but he would rather be a barback or a customer like Norm from Cheers.

Lidda, Paige and Krystal did the children's games.

Doc and Shane set up the fire pit and grills. Doc and Jon took turns at being Chef.

Ryan showed up later in the day after getting in from his flight. Lidda asked Paige if she could handle him being there. She agreed as long as he kept his distance.

Shane was the DJ in the evening for the dance party and Ryan turns out to be well versed in several dance styles. He taught dance moves and lead off the various dances. Several times he did dance routines by request especially by the ladies who found his moves quiet sexy. Andrea got the gang into some country line dancing. Everyone agreed Lidda and Ryan, Doc and Paige were the best Salsa and Country line dancing.

The party was heading into the late evening. The entire family and a few remaining friends were sitting around the bonfire drinking and chatting. Susan was in Lidda's lap sleeping and Alex was sitting against Doc's chair half alsleep.

Lidda said, "I sure wish Marcus could have stayed and joined us for this family event. It just doesn't seem right that he isn't here."

Doc replied, "Yeah, he is an interesting young man. I'm sure he could have added a little fun to this day also. I just wonder why we haven't heard from him."

Shane added, "I had Spencer and Eric give him all the necessary information to contact us, unless his father did something with the suitcase."

Sam said, "You what? Why do you think he would want to come back here? He was only here for two weeks. He didn't like it here that much." He got up after feeling like he was going to spew if he heard anything else about Marcus this and Marcus that. He told his dad he was heading to the barn to check on Tanqueray since she was limping earlier in the day.

He got to the barn to find the door had been locked from the inside, which he thought was weird.

He walked around to the other entrance and found it was open, but the lights were off. He fumbled his way to check the inside of the main door, turned on the light and found the door had been tied shut by a belt. He walked back to the back door and saw Ryan and Eric hurrying around the side of the house.

Doc went to talk to Sam about Tanqueray. Sam was brushing the young horse when he asked his father if he could get the medication the vet prescribed for him out of the cabinet.

He opened the cabinet and saw the prescribed bottle and was about to reach for it when he noticed something out of place. He moved a couple of items and found another bottle. He picked it up and got a strange look on his face.

He turned back to Sam holding the bottle and asked, "Do you know what Marcus' medication is doing in this cabinet?"

Sam stopped what he was doing and looked away from his father.


He looked back up to him and said, "Marcus didn't want me telling you, but he didn't take that with him because he felt he didn't need it anymore. You know how stubborn he can be and how he thinks he needs to be in control of himself."

"Really? Is that what you two talked about before he left?"


Doc looked at him quizzically, knowing Sam wasn't quite telling him the truth and said, "Let's get back to the bonfire; we don't want to seem rude."

Sam still had the belt with him and as he past Ryan and a friend talking, he handed him the belt and said, "I do believe that is yours, the RW kinda gave it away on the buckle, hope you had fun."

Doc and Sam arrived back in time to hear Lidda's mom asking questions about Marcus. She asked, "Who is this Marcus we kept hearing about all day?"

Lidda and Doc shared the two weeks that Marcus stayed with them. Everyone listened attentively and was in awe. They started asking Sam questions. Sam got up frustrated and said he needed to get a drink. He was stopped at the barrel of drinks by his cousin Ricky.

Ryan was walking by when he heard the story of the young man that stayed with them. He asked a few questions about the young man since he hadn't hear the entire story.

Doc looked at him and said, "You look like you saw a ghost. Is there something that you know about Marcus, Ryan?"

Ryan slowly looked over at Sam with a questionable look talking to Ricky by the volleyball net.

Paige finally got up and said, "Lidda, Doc, I'm sorry but I just can't take this anymore." She looked at Ryan and said, "Why did you have to show up again around here you creepy shithead? I could barely stand seeing you around here today. Now...."

They heard the bonfire make an odd crackling sound and the coals started burning bright.

Doc said, "Oh crap, everyone quickly move away."

Everyone moved quickly back but the bonfire erupted faster than they thought it would. Sam looked over the second the flames exploded and it blinded him, keeping him from seeing anybody but heard various screams.

I awoke to the sound of Adam's stomach gurgling and growling. I looked over at him and he was sound asleep. I thought I would be funny and give him a wet willy in his ear

He quickly moved in surprise and forgot exactly where he was. His arms pushed out right into me. We both flailed about on the bed and fell off on opposite sides. He ended up face first on the floor. Luckily, my grandparents' room is upstairs and they are heavy sleepers. Otherwise they would have heard a lot of banging and some cursing from us.

I was able to get seated on the side of the bed checking my temple. He slowly crawled back to the side of the bed and said, "Find a new annoying trick, you always thought that was funny when we were younger too."

My giggling turned to a full laughing fit. He looked at me and said, "I'll get you for that!"

"Yeah Yeah, I always hear that. Or as my odd little friend Toby would say, Blah blah blah...," and I started shaking my head, remembering the boy's obvious obsession with me thinking I was his dad.

Adam, still kneeling next to the bed, said, "Blah blah blah ... what?"

I told him of Toby's odd behavior and the things he said to me.

Adam smiled and said, "Yeah, I could see you being a father figure. And as much as you play around, I'm sure you have a few other kids somewhere."

I punched him lightly in the shoulder and said, "Screw you, I'm not the whore you think I am. I do have my standards and they don't include girlfriends." I snapped my fingers in a zigzag.

We both burst out laughing. He said, "You're weird."

He continued, "You know, I am a bit hungry. You think your folks left anything out?"

"Its like 3 am, Adam. Granny usually does and wraps the crap out of them with aluminum foil, so we might just have grab some stash and bring it back here."

We slipped on our shorts and made our way out to the kitchen. As expected, she had left a lot of stuff on the table, wrapped tightly but neatly labeled. We grabbed what we could without dropping anything and made our way back to the bedroom. I nibbled on a few things but Adam seemed to have not eaten for a couple days. As he was digging into some pudding, I took a spoon and got some.

I made it look like I was about taste it when I decided to flick at him. It smacked him right in the midde of his forehead and slowly oozed down on his nose

"You are just a too funny guy, geekboy!"

He overturned the bowl holding the remaining pudding and plopped it on my head. Pudding oozed down my face, chest and back.

"AAAHH I see, Daniel son," as I reached behind me and grabbed the whipped cream can and I quickly pulled his shorts open and sprayed it in as much as it could be filled until it started seeping out the edges. I then patted it down so it would seep into all crevices.

"Oh you fag, now you're going to get it!"

He quickly opened the chocolate syrup can he had in his crotch and splash it in my face and all over my chest and groin. I grabbed the powdered sugar bag that he was going to use on the donuts and squeezed it hard to make it blow sugar all over him.

I said, "Look, your white and I'm black now." As I grabbed my crotch and then added, "and hung like a horse"

"You shit!" He lunged over at me but since I was slippery with pudding and chocolate he slipped back onto the floor. I again laughed my pants off at him.

As I was laughing he grabbed me and pulled me down off the bed. I been practicing clinking the cast together to make them sound like something bad happened. My face landed right in the middle of his crotch. I didn't move. I felt his bulge thur the thin silky briefs and it was growing. I moaned, but I knew I wasn't hurt.

He quickly sat up and looking down at me said, "Oh are you OK? Did I hurt you? Marcus, Marcus....?"

I groaned again.

His tone got serious and he put his hands gently on my shoulders and said, "Oh Marcus, talk to me talk to me, where does it hurt?"

With my face in his crotch and my nose right on his dick, I breathed in deeply of his aroma and my own dick went hard. I saw his left nut dangling out of his briefs with whipped cream seeping out. I started to slowly rise my head but then opened my mouth and crunched his dick thru his briefs with my teeth. Not too hard, just enough to surprise him and I didn't want to let go.

That apparently startled him and grabbed my face gently and said, "Who taught you to bite like that? No wonder you don't get much dick time, you're not suppose to bite it!"

I started laughing once again and said, "You got pudding and cream drippin from your balls," I let go of his dick and sucked up his nut into my mouth, licking the pudding off it. That made him groan with pleasure.

"You're such a tease!" he said.

"Yeah, I learned from the best."

We then heard the door open then the light turned on and heard Grandpa say, "UM, yeah, ... you two ok down here? Holy smokes what happened down....."

Shadow made his way into the room and immediately sat next to me staring at me like he could say, "AH ah you been caught." He then licked my nose.

I quickly flipped over with a full hard-on in plain site and saw grandpa standing over me looking around the room

"Sorry to wake you, Grandpa."

He said, "I heard some noises from here when I was getting some water, so I thought you were having a nightmare or something but...."

"Sorry to wake you, Grandpa"

I haven't seen his face this confused or slightly embarrassed since the time he walked in on Patrick in the shower pounding his meat with a playboy taped to the wall.

"Um, I'll go back to bed now, but I suggest you get this cleaned up before your granny shows up in the morning with breakfast in tow. Come, Shadow, bedtime." And he slowly walked out the room, with Shadow, glancing back only once more and then softly chuckling while he closed the door behind him.

Adam said, "Oh fudge, we are in trouble."

"Naw, he wasn't expecting it, and he sure won't tell Granny, I'm sure he wouldn't know exactly how to say it."

I heard a big sigh from him and he said, "I didn't mean to disrespect them in their house."

"Hey, calm down just a hair, we just got a little out of control, but we do need to get this clean before Granny sees it."

We quickly cleaned up our mess in the room. I like this room because of the bathroom attached to it, unlike my room at my parents where I had to walk down the hall. We decided to share a shower together and not make it sexual, for the most part.

We once again made it back to bed and quickly fell asleep.

I was awakened by some noise in the other room and voices growing louder. It sure didn't sound like Grandma and Grandpa arguing to each other. I looked over at Adam and he was sound asleep. He usually is a heavy sleeper.

Then I heard a big crash and Grandma screaming something about 'get out you bastard.'

Adam was startled by the sound and sat up quickly looking around.

By the time he looked at me, I could hear footsteps getting louder coming to this room.

I sat up also and looked at Adam and said, "Oh shit, what does he want now?"

The door burst open with my father in the doorway and Grandpa behind him.

His expression went from searing eyes to a startled deer seeing Adam and me sleeping nearly naked in the same bed..

He pointed his finger at me and said, "You sick bastards, get some clothes on and get out here! NOW!" He turned to head out to the kitchen again.

I quickly added, "It never bothered you before when Adam and I slept together, what's changed now, you twisted fuck?" He kept walking into the other room.

Grandpa looked in the room and said, "He is raging on about your mother."

I got out of bed as fast as possible, forgetting about the cast, and plopped right on the floor.

Adam and Grandpa came quickly and pulled me up and I put on some clothes and hurried to the kitchen.

Dad turned to me and yelled, "Where is your mother?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act more stupid with me, I want to know where your mother is and now!"

"I thought she was at your house with you."

"I think you came back for her after watching me take Patrick to the ER, didn't you?"

Adam was right behind me and said, "He's been with me all night, so go accuse someone else for running her off."

I asked, "How do you know she just didn't go shopping or something?"

Dad's face got redder and shook his finger at me and said, "Who takes suitcases to go shopping and leaves a note that says, "Guess where I am?" as he put the note in my face.

I shook my head and said, "Well, she finally came to her senses and saw what an ass you are, I hope she's off in some place where you will never find her. So how do you like it when someone plays with your mind?"

Dad picked up a glass and threw it at me but since he was never good at throwing, the glass whizzed by me and hit the fridge. I didn't flinch nor take my eyes off him.

He said, "Someone sure grew a backbone in a short time!"

"I always have had one It's just that now I realize how much of a twit you are."

Dad then got this look of pain on his face and said, "OH, Fuck, that hurts." And pulled a dart from his back leg.

I looked over and saw Grandpa in the doorway with darts. He was about to throw another one when Grandma said, "Joe, you will not act like this in my house. You either get manners or leave now.

"Gladly, old woman." He turned to walk out the back door to his car, glancing menacing at Grandpa.

I said, "Oh, expect a visit from a friend of mine. You are going to get yours!"

"What are you blabbling about now?"

"Wait and see."


As we watched him drive away I turned and everyone was looking at me


"Do you know where your mother is?" Grandpa asked.

"Not at all. I'm just as surprised as you. I don't have a clue where she could be."

Grandpa said, "All we can do is wait for her to contact us or her parents."

I said, "Well, she will not go to anywhere he will find her. Obviously this was his first stop."

Adam said, "You don't seem too upset about it."

"I am actually relieved she didn't stay. She is better off wherever she went off to. When the time comes, she will let me know where she is. She could be gone for a while."

"How can you sound so sure and not be flipping out?"

"What else can I do? Besides, mom used to work for the...." I hestitated for a moment while I looked at Grandma and Grandpa. They both had the same idea.

"She what?" Adam asked.

"Does she?" I asked them both.

"We don't know anything you're talking about. You know how she felt about ever going back to that job."

Adam again asked, "She is a what?"

"Mom worked for the FBI in the Federal Witness Relocation/Identity division."

Adam asked, surprised, "Your mom is FBI!?"

Grandma replied, "No dear, she quit a long time back, but I would assume she kept contacts."

Grandpa said, "If that is true, then all we can do is wait for her to contact us."

I said, "I feel a lot better now knowing she will be safe, I will miss talking to her though."

Adam then said, "WOW, that does makes sense now, she was very clever getting information from me all those times."

I started laughing and said, "You're always easy."

Grandma winked at him and then asked, "Well, until then, are you all ready for breakfast?"

"Yesss!!" we all replied.

"Well, you all get out of my kitchen then and get to doing something, I'll call you when it's ready."

Adam and I made our way back to the bedroom. I sat on the bed and shook my head. Adam sat next to me with his arm around me and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I feel like this is all a dream. How can someone's life change so dramatically over just a 3 week period?"

"Tell me about it, I never would have thought this would happen to you or your family. I'm still in shock about all this."

"Thank you again for being here with me...."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Sarah peeked her head into the room covering her eyes and said smiling, "Is it safe to open my eyes now?"

"What did you think you would be walking in on? Two guys in the shower or something?"

"Well you just never know with you." She put her hand down and walked into the room.

"You're up early," I said.

"We had an angry visitor stop by a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, he was here too."

"So do you know anything about your mom then?"

"No, and won't unless she contacts us."

"I came to spend the day with you and Adam if you'd like the company. I was lucky to get the day off."

"Sure, I have several things to get done today, and if you guys don't mind helping me out...."

"That's why we are here for you, buddy," Adam replied.

"Hey, that reminds me, I need to look into that suitcase." I stood up to open it up.

Again I opened the suitcase, took the laptop out, opened it up and started to boot it up.

It got windows started and when I went to press start, it shut down immediately.

"What's up with that?" Adam asked.

"I think it may be passcoded." I replied

"So how do you find the passcode?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe I should listen to my Ipod."

"I thought you lost your Ipod in the wreck?" Adam asked

"Yes, I did" I replied again

"Are these Nobles, superspys or something?" Sarah asked

"No, I don't think so." I replied

"How did they know you were leaving then?"

"OK, I think I can explain it better without all the questions." I told them both about how I lost everything but had with this suitcase when I woke up the other morning.

I put the earpiece in and started the Ipod. "Unbreak my heart" was playing, Lidda's favorite. I started crying. Both Sarah and Adam asked, "What?"

"I need to call Doc at least and let him know how I am doing."

But at that moment, Grandma called us for breakfast.

"After breakfast then. That is a no brainer."

We all ran up to the kitchen and ate breakfast until we were stuffed.

Grandpa said, "We have a meeting to attend to, so if you go anywhere, remember to lock up."

"I have some errands to run. Adam and Sarah are taking me, so it will probably be late this afternoon by the time we get back. Oh, do you you mind if I make a long distance call?"

Grandpa handed me a key and said, "Welcome home."

Grandma came and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said softly in my ear, "Look on my night table, it's for you."

Grandma and Grandpa left

"What do you have to do today?" Sarah asked

"After the call with Doc, I have my last final at school, then I need to get a new cell phone, laptop and shop for clothes."

"YOOHOO Shoppingggg, I love shopping with you!!! Go get ready!!" Sarah said eagerly

"I will once I make my call." As I gave her an odd look of being too happy to shop.

I found my "new" wallet in the pants that I don't think I have ever seen before that I think belong to Eric in the suitcase. All I found it in was a crossword puzzle. I am not great with these things and as I found out, neither are Adam or Sarah.

Then the next best thing hit me, the phone system has an information system also.

I quickly got on the phone and soon had the number I needed to call the Nobles.

I made the call and all I got was the voice mail. I tried again several times and still got the voice mail and I finally left a message. I told Sarah and Adam, "They did say someone was always available to answer it."

"Maybe they all took a small trip." Adam replied

"Maybe they decided to come here." Sarah added

I raised my eyebrow slighty, smiled and said, "YEA, maybe. You would both faint seeing Shane in swimgear on the beach."

"That would be fun to see, but didn't you say you were still unsure which way he leaned"

"Well that last time I saw him in that embrace with Paige..."

Adam quickly added, "Looks can be deceiving, you should know that by now!"

"Your right, I may be way off base. OK, lets roll" I said

I made my way into Grandma's room and grabbed the envelope she said would be there and put in my back pocket and headed out of the house.

Adam drove my blazer to school, where I made my way to Professor Duval's office. He stood as I entered and in his usual style he moved his hair back in place and said, "Glad to see you, Marcus,"

"Thanks, I'm just ready to finish out the school year. Thank you for allowing me to make up my final."

"Well, there is a problem now, son."

"What is that, sir?"

"I was given instructions by the Dean to send you there once you got here. I suspect it may not be good. However, before you leave I want you to have this." He handed me an envelope.

"Thanks Professor but...."

"Don't open it until you leave campus. I hope things work out for you. You're a smart young man. You have a bright future ahead of you."

"You sound as if something isn't quite right."

"I've been here for 15 years now and anytime the Dean request to meet with a student, it's usually for the same reason."

I left the Professor's office in a glum mood. Adam and Sarah met up with me and I told them where I was heading. Adam said, "While you're there, I'm going to investigate something at the student job center."

Sarah walked with me to the Dean's office. We didn't say a word, but she kept glancing at me, knowing my anxiety level was rising.

I entered the Dean's outer office and was greeted by Becky, the receptionist. She reminds me a lot of Lidda. She said, "How are you Marcus? I heard about your accident, and I am happy to see you are much better."

"Thanks, and it's always a pleasure seeing you, too."

She smiled brightly then said, "Dean Astor will see you now."

She opened the door to his office for me as I clunked my way in with these damn crutches.

The Dean was already waiting for me and guided me to a chair in front of his desk. He said, "Mr Cooper, good to see you're well again."

"Thanks, Dean Astor, umm may I ask why I am here?"

"I'll get to the point here. I received some disturbing news this morning from one of our sponsor companies that you applied to for an internship and that you offered them a bribe to hire you. Also, the funding for your education here has been terminated by your father."

"Sir, I have the actual letters showing that my father did the bribing. I have them...."

The Dean handed me a letter and said, "Companies don't lie. Here's the documentation."

I read the letter in total awe and saw my signature on the copy they had sent the Dean.

I looked up at him and said, "I can show you proof that my father was ...."

"Son, it doesn't matter what proof you may have, this document is all I need to see and as of this moment, your studies here are finished. Your records will be sealed and we will also not release them because we don't want our good name tarnished. Sorry Mr. Cooper, but please leave my office and this campus immediately."

"You mean, this past year meant ...."

"Yes, it's as if you never attended here."

"Oh fuck!! This can't be happening!"

He leaned toward me. "All I can say now, son, is 'Remember to dot your I's and cross your T's and keep your nose clean from now on.'" And nodded eerily slow at me.

"Umm..... thanks, Dean." I left his office.

I did not see Becky in the outer office and walked out in the hall in a state of confused shock.

Sarah walked up and said, "Oh my gosh Marcus, what happened?"

"Let's go find Adam first and then I'll tell you guys everything. We need to leave, now."

We made our way to where we last saw Adam. We stopped in our tracks when we saw the Student Union surrounded with police cars and a lot of commotion on the steps.

I said, "Sarah, my vision isn't all that great yet, but...."

She said, "Oh my gosh, it's Adam and he's in handcuffs."

We walked quickly to the perimeter and were able to ask someone what was going on.

The young student said, "We think that guy there set fire to the building and then took a hostage."


I pushed my way through the crowd to the closest cop I could find and pleaded with him to tell me about my best friend.

The cop looked at me shaking his head and said, "Read it in the paper bum, he's a criminal now."

"I need to talk to him, please. He's my best friend, please."

The cop ignored me and I looked over to see Adam crying and looking right at me and shaking his head while they shoved him in the police car and drove away. I grabbed Sarah by the hand, lost the crutches and walked as fast I could to my Blazer.

She said, "What the hell is happening, Marcus?"

"That bastard is trying to ruin everything for me."

"You think your father is doing all this?"

I looked at her and said, "It all fits, doesn't it?"

We stopped to find that my Blazer was not in the parking spot where we had left it.

*********** Dean Astor shut the door behind him, locked it and crumbled to the floor. He let out a moan and the tears streamed from his face. The phone started ringing.

He stood and got his composure back before picking up the phone saying, "Dean Astor."

He listened for a moment and said, "Yes Joe, it's done, thank you for your donation. We will have the lab cleared and ready tomorrow. Please don't show that file on me to anyone, ever. I have done exactly what you asked."

He hung up the phone and stared out the window at the commotion at the student union and shook his head and muttered, "My god, what I have done?"

Sarah and I stared at the spot where my Blazer had been and I erupted in a fit of anger, "What the fuck does the bastard want from me? Why can't he just face me and put an end to it all like a real man?"

"Marcus...." Sarah said

"Why can't he just end it here and now, instead of this goddam game....".


My anger fit continued until I was about to throw a rock at the police.

"MARCUS!!!!" Sarah raised her voice at me


Sarah was pointing the other way and I as I looked over, I saw the Blazer in the other lot.

"Oh" I said quietly embarrassed by my mistake.

She first smiled and then started giggling. I said, "You find this funny?"

"Um no, just the truck. Admit it, you just about blew a rod."

"Ahh, dagnabbit, yeah I was...." then I got the pun and started shaking my head and laughed about the truck but then grabbed her hand again took off for the Blazer.

I started checking my pocket for the key and said, "Oh fuck, I think Adam has the keys. Oh just freaking great, that's exactly what I need right now, another setback. What else could possibly...."

"Don't say it or think it," Sarah added quickly as she pulled the keys out of her purse.

"My, my. Someone sure has lost his cool very quickly." She said smiling

"Sarah, would you...." I gave her the evil eye and then realized she didn't know what had happened.

"Let's get in and I'll tell you about it."

We sat in the truck and I told her what the Professor and Dean said. Then I started to pull out the envelope the professor gave me, then the doors mysteriously locked and the seatbelts tightened.

Then out of the back seat popped up someone with a Ronald Reagan mask pulling out a small sword and yelled "It's a stick up. BOO"

Both Sarah and I screamed our asses off not knowing who it was and quickly tried to open the doors but I didn't have control over them and she didn't have the key in the ignition.

Sarah and I screamed at the sight of this invader for a good minute with him waving that mini sword around and grunting "BOO, Stick'em up!!!!"

Finally the voice behind the mask started to sound like a snickering idiot and then turned to laughing. I knew that laugh.

I said gasping, "Logan? What the hell are you doing here?"

Cliffhangers, aren't they just great!!!

Guess what? Chapter 14 will soon be on its way. HHHURRAAAYYY!!!

Next: Chapter 14

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