Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Apr 27, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-11 still apply.

I welcome feedback on the story, comments and suggestions, and can be directed to me at ...

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Chapter 12: Inside out.

I asked Adam to drive my Blazer as Sarah drove my grandparents' car. I got in the car with my grandparents and as we drove away, I broke down in tears. Sarah drove for grandpa who was not in the best of spirits to be driving. He had just stood up to his one son that he always considered his favorite and kicked him to the curb. I give grandpa huge points for finally doing that. Maybe, just maybe Dad will see what he has done and make changes, otherwise he isn't going to see his family anymore.

It took just 10 minutes to get to my grandparents' house. My grandparents asked Adam and Sarah to come in with us.

As soon as I was inside the door, I plunked down at the kitchen table, exhausted. I was still not 100% back to normal. I still had some queasiness from standing for too long. The doctor earlier today had reminded me not to get too stressed out. I know I am ready for these cast to come off soon.

Grandma and Sarah sat on each side of me and held my hands. Grandpa and Adam leaned up against the kitchen counter. Grandma said, "We know you're hurt. We have a lot of making up to do for the way you've been treated."

I looked at her and said, "Funny thing, Grandma, is that I'm not crying from being hurt but more of a feeling of relief. I feel as though a 2-ton truck is off my back. Maybe a month ago I would not have had the courage to do this, but I survived that wreck and I know I can survive this."

Grandpa said, "You know, I feel that way too. I just hope your father is able to understand what he did and make the changes he so desperately needs to make. Otherwise he just lost his entire family except that prick, Patrick."

"Leo, stop using that word in front of the child ... I mean young adults."

"Grandma, Grandpa, thank you for finally standing up to him and understanding what I have been telling you all this time."

"Well, you pretty much laid it out the table there didn't ya. Patrick was always the hothead of your family and you were always the calm, collected, well-adjusted one. Even tonight with that display of emotion you put on, you still had focus and knew what you wanted out this." Grandma said as she hugged me.

"I feel really bad for leaving mom behind with him though, you can see it her eyes that she isn't hiding her head in the sand anymore."

"Your mother will be safe, he knows we will kick his ass if anything happens to her. He only has Patrick on his side now and that's not saying much."

Adam asked, "Marcus, what did your dad mean, that you should of gone with Matt on Spring Break to Breckenridge to ski? I still don't get how he could miss the 'closed trail' signs in broad daylight and hit a tree ... ohhhh shiiiittt," as he put the pieces together.

Grandma asked, "Why is this friend of yours such a big topic of conversation between your father and you?"

"He never said anything to either of you?"

Grandpa looked at me and said, "He usually doesn't say nice things."

I decided this was the time to relieve the next truck off my back. I couldn't lose anything else; I think I hit bottom already. I took a deep breath.

Adam looked at me with those eyes that expressed exactly what he was thinking and shook his head, knowing I was going to say something. Sarah just squeezed my hand to show her support.

"Grandma, Grandpa, there is something I want to tell you. I just hope what I say doesn't change anything between us."

"We can handle anything you want to tell us," grandma said.

"Matt isn't just a good friend of mine...." I said "isn't" on purpose to let them know I still thought of him in the present. "I consider him my boyfriend, the one person I wanted to commit to like you two did so many years ago."

Both of them looked at me for a long moment then smiles began to emerge across their faces. Grandma said, "So you finally are comfortable knowing who you are. We were wondering when you were going to tell us. I am proud of you and nothing has changed between us. You are always welcome to bring your next partner to visit us."

I asked, a little surprised, "How could you have known?"

Grandma squeezed my arm and just kinda giggled and shook her head. That meant, as she always said when I was young, "You can't fool me."

Grandpa added, "I'm proud you believe in us enough to tell us that. I'm sorry you lost your first love and we mourn with you. But I would rather have greatgrandchildren from you instead of that pric ... your brother."

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better. That brings me to another touchy subject that I think you may not want to hear."

"Tell us. You've got the ball rolling, so you might as well keep it going," Grandpa said.

"Well, this is harder to say than I thought it was going to be. But, I went to Tampa before I left to do some investigating at Matt's dad. We had a long talk and he even thought the police report was a bit odd. I was planning on hiring an investigator to verify the report on Matt's death. I believe Dad was the cause of it. He solidified my feelings on that with those statements he made before I left. If that is true, I want to file charges on him."

"Oh dear! That is serious, Marcus! Are you sure of this?"

"I know he is your son and he has done some disappointing things. If you don't want me doing this, I won't refuse your request. I hope I get your approval. I don't want that bastard thinking is he above anyone else."

Grandpa paced around the kitchen and stopped, looking out the window. He took several deep breaths. I noticed Adam taking some quick looks over at him to make sure he wasn't about to go bonkers on me. Grandma slouched a bit and looked out the window.

She said, "Leo," with a tear in her eye. Here is another example of 2 people who have that communication style that is unique like Doc and Lidda.

After a few long silent moments, Grandpa looked at Grandma and they just looked at each other. He looked back to the front window again and took a breath to speak

He said, "Let the shit fry. I no longer consider him my son. As a matter of fact, I'll make that call myself to get the ball rolling."

We all sat there in total awe at his response. Grandpa always favored my dad over any other family member. So for him to say that meant he was really upset with him.

I asked, "Grandpa, are you sure? ... Grandma?"

Both of them said in unison, another classic commuciation technique, "Hell, yes!"

We then heard knocking on the door and Grandpa went to see who was there. He came back in and said, "Looks like the party has moved."

We looked at him, curious about his meaning, and then the room flooded with everyone from my parents' house. They all came up to me and expressed their thoughts that what I had done was good for everyone. After about 1/2 hour of hearing everyone talk about that whole scene at my parents', I had to tell my grandparents that I was really exhausted and needed to rest. I said my goodbyes to everyone and got the same responses everytime. I was welcomed into any of their homes at any time.

Grandma let me use the bedroom I used when I was younger and stayed at their house when my parents would leave town for vacation or business. She once again said, "This is your home now whenever you want to stay, and that means when you're here, it's your house also, so don't feel you're a guest and have to ask to do this or that."

I smiled at grandma and said, "Thanks and does that...."

"No I don't want to hear any of your bf stories coming from this room either if you happen to have an overnight guest at some point."

"Bf stories?" I said, with a bit of surprised look on my face.

She flicked my arm and shook her head meaning "you know what I mean" as she walked out of the room.

A few of my cousins and neighbors were still chatting with my grandparents so I closed the door. I sat on the bed, removed my shirt and was about to open the suitcase on the bed when someone knocked on the door. I said, "Come in!" Adam entered with a bag over his shoulder.

I looked at him and said, "Hi, I thought you went home. What's with the bag?"

He said, "I only left for a few minutes to get some stuff. Part of it is mine to spend the night with you and the rest is stuff you always liked that I have outgrown."

I half smiled and asked, "What have you outgrown? Your underwear?"

Adam just smiled and said, "Of course," and threw the bag at me

I asked, "You're spending the night with me also?"

"I'm really worried about you and I asked your grandma if it was OK. She just flicked my arm and shook her head. Is she OK or what?"

"She's OK, you're just not use to her ways of communication. You do realize there is only one bed in here and it is a twin." I leaned back and stretched my arms out.

"Yeah I see that. I figure we can sleep together like when you use to stay at my house." I smiled and said, "Adam, you do know that was 8 years ago and we were a lot smaller then?" as I casually looked him up and down, concentrating on his crotch.

"Yeah, but we're still friends and I want to ... Oh, you ass!" as he saw me gazing at his crotch.

"Well, I'm still kinda mad at you for spying on me for my parents." I crossed my arms and gave him my best pouty face.

"Whacha talking about, Willis??" His jaw dropped and he did his best Arnold impression.

"I know you and I know my parents just as well. They suckered you into that." I sat back up on the bed.

Adam lowered his eyes and said, "Yeah I'm real sorry about all that too. Can you forgive me?"

I said, "They got all of us, and you're my best bud, so we're cool."

He sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. I started crying again from another wave of emotional release and he just held me with such care as my tears soaked his collar.

I finally looked up and said, "Your shirt is soaked. Guess your going to have to just ditch it -- room rules!"

"You know I only sleep in my silk briefs, unless your grandparents like walking in like your mom does."

"They are cool. Since my accident, the doc has had me sleeping in nothing at all to help my skin heal. I hope you can live with that."

"Hey anything for a medical cause, and I can do my own checkup a lot easier that way." He winked at me.

"Hey, you got your fill earlier today." I started to remove my pants.

"Well not exactly, we didn't finish." Adam bent down to help remove my pants for me.

"Well Grandma doesn't want to hear any bf stories coming from this room." I sat in just my form fitting specialty briefs.

Adam looked at me in a very confused manner while removing his shirt. I laughed and told him what she meant by that.

He said, "Oh ... OH ..." while he took his own pants off and laid them on the dresser.

He looked at the suitcase and asked, "Where do you want this?"

"I have been wanting to check it out and see what the Nobles sent me but I think it can wait till morning. I'm beat. So just put it over there on the other dresser.

Adam came back around the bed to help me clumsily stand up and move to the upper part of the bed. He moved the covers back and helped me in. He quickly turned the light off and made his way to the other side of the bed. Before he got in, he removed his silk briefs and I could make out that huge cock dangling about. He then slid in under the covers with me.

I waited a few moments and said, "You are going to hit me for this...."


"I didn't get out of my shorts."

"I don't mind helping you with those." He quickly got up on his knees and threw back the sheet.

"Dang Adam, I haven't seen you this excited to see me naked since we were kids. Just not too fast, I am still tender there."

"I'll just count this as part of my training. "

I laughed and said, "Anything to get into my pants!" He casually and carefully slid the briefs off me.

"Marcus, I thought I lost my best friend. You really mean a lot to me and I just want to show you how much you mean to me. By the way, is that hard-on part of my training also?"

"Well, you know, you may run into this a lot and still need to keep your cool without looking like you're about to go nuts from not being able to pounce on it and suck it dry."

It took him a second or two to get what I had said after gazing at my hard dick. He then said, "Um yeah, that too," as he slowly laid back down by me.

He moved so he was more on his side and that I could easily slide over into that nook next to his chest.

I said, "Thanks for being here with me, I really appreciate you."

He kissed my forehead and started running his hand very slowly and gently over my chest and stomach and face. When we were younger he found that I would quickly fall asleep when he did that. Only now, it also gave me a raging hard-on.

I whispered in his ear, "You know, it's hard to fall asleep when your dick is so hard it hurts and demands relief." I felt his dick start to pulse against my leg.

He said, "Oh, sorry, I forgot how sensitive you could be with the medication you're taking, but I could help you relieve it if you want, if it is that uncomfortable"

"You're the future doc. I don't think it would take much to get me to unload."

"Ahh, I have just the thing for that then, and won't leave a mess."

He started to sit up and I said, "What could ... ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Before I knew it, his head was at my crotch and my seven inch dick was buried deep in his mouth. I moaned. He pulled off my dick and said, "Shhhh, you don't want your grandparents hearing any bf stories." I nodded. Again, he swallowed my dick. I felt his nose push hard against my pubic hair as my dick squeezed into the small of his throat. He started humming. I grabbed his hair and held him in place and gently pushed deeper. He began slowly moving up and down my dick with his mouth, making almost inaudible sounds. I tried to lie completely still but again I found myself thrusting.

Again, he glanced up at me. "Let me do this" he whispered. As I nodded I heard myself sigh with pleasure.

He began playing with my balls as he again sucked on my dick. He began sucking harder as he began to quickly move up and down my dick. I felt my body flush, my legs tensing, my toes curling. I gripped the sheets and held on for what I knew was going to be an incredible climax.

I again grabbed his hair and held on as I felt my load building inside of me. I desperately tried not to make a sound, but to no avail. He tried to help with putting his hand over my mouth. I was thrown over the edge when he engulfed my dick once more and slid his tongue down to my balls. My moans grew louder as each shot of my cum exploded from my dick . I felt him swallowing as my cum filled his mouth.

As he let my still hard dick slip from his lips I felt him lick my cock head clean and then my balls. He touch became gentle and caring.

He glanced at me as he lay down beside me and said, "I sure hope grandma didn't hear any bf stories."

I giggled and said, "Me too!!"

He laid his hand on my chest once more and I was out like a light.

Chapter 13 is in the works, so watch for it soon!!!

I want to also thank a special guest editor, Jeff Hunter, My Roommate Nick, for assisting me on part of this chapter. Can you guess which part he put his touch on? His story is another great read on this site, check it out!!!

Next: Chapter 13

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