Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Apr 17, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and the story is progessing into installments. I plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story.

I welcome feedback on the story, comments and suggestions, as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

I was quite surprised by the response to the trivia contest. It was not a big turnout so I decided to those who did respond, even though they may have missed 1 or 2 will get advanced copies of the story until the story ends. So congrats to.....

Andy, my most vocal fan. Martha, Joliet Gary from Houston Porky from Canada Acequeste, Indianapolis

Chapter 11: An explosive moment

Spencer and Eric started early in the morning at Paige's house roof, working to repair the storm damage. They knew that by 10 or 11 the heat would start getting to them. They heard Larry working on the roof of the detached garage. All of the guys had there shirts off by 9 since the temperature was rising fast.

Eric said to Spencer, "He sure is solid for a big guy like that. He would be known as a bear, right?" Spencer just looked at him and shook his head grinning.

Paige and Toby were inside cleaning up debris that had broken out the windows. Paige came out with another box of garbage and put it in her truck. She looked at the 2 men on the main house with sweaty and glistening chests and said, "Guys, I got water on the porch for you. If you need anything else just let me know."

They said, "Thanks"

As she was walking back into the house, she muttered under her breath, "Good lordy, what a waste of 2 men with bodies like that. Why did they have to be gay?"

The guys decided to take a break for a few minutes and get some water.

Eric opened 3 bottles of water and turned to Spencer whom was looking away at the moment. He looked like he was about to hand it to him when he decided to just splash him with it . Spencer looked stunned for a moment when he heard Eric break into laughter. He said, "You shit, I'm going...." and started chasing after him.

He caught Eric and tripped him. As Eric did a backroll flip and stood up, he put his hands up in a boxing defense to block Spencer's playful hand slaps. Spencer surprised Eric by taking ahold of his wrist. Eric's eyes did a double take and said, "Oh no, not the wrist shocker!!"

Spencer slyly snickered back with, "Oh Yeah, You may be quicker! But I'll get the upper hand."

Eric pleaded, "Oh no, anything but that, anything ... OOOUCH" and dropped to the ground as Spencer found the right wrist nerve that he always was sensitive to.

Spencer straddled him holding his hands while grinding his crotch into Eric's chest.

They heard Larry behind them, "UM guys, the boy is in the house. I would prefer not to have him...."

"MOMMY they are fighting!? Make them stop! Daddy will find out and will be mad" Toby yelled to his mother.

Spencer and Eric quickly jumped up and turned to see Paige and Larry staring at them with an annoyed look. Spencer said to Toby, "Hey, we were just playing around, we didn't mean to upset you." Toby ran back into the house.

She said, "I appreciate your help, but doesn't your own house need more repairs than mine?"

Spencer replied, "Yes, but we've got time for that later, we've got a good hour left to finish up your roof."

Larry said, "Thanks, I think I will help you with that part so we can get done faster."

Forty-five mintues later they finished. As they were cleaning up the mess, Paige came out and asked Larry if he could watch Toby for a bit. She needed to take a walk alone to clear her head. He agreed. She took off into the woods.

As the guys were cleaning up their roof mess, Doc and Lidda drove up with the smaller children and asked if they wanted anything from the grocery. They all said, "Anything is good, except no more peanut butter and jelly." Toby asked Larry if he could go with them, so he could talk to his best friend, Susan. They got Toby in the truck and off they went. The three workers finished filling the large truck with the roof leftovers.

Larry looked at them and said, "Thanks for your help, it's great knowing we have neighbors that help out. However, Toby is very sensitive still about things in the past and has never seen two grown men play like you two do. So next time you visit us here, please keep that to yourselves in private time."

"We apologize so much, and you have our word on it."

The guys headed back to the farm via the path thru the woods. They got to the creek and forgot the rocks that had formed a walking path over it had moved because of the high waters from the storm

Eric said, "Well, I guess we wil..." as Spencer pushed him in into the creek.

"Oh you fag, I'm going to get you for that!" Eric exclaimed as he stood up quickly, soaked.

"Yeah, Yeah, I always hear that, blah blah blah..." as Eric grabbed his arm and pulled him in with him.

Spencer said, "Ah, someone is being tough guy now, someone have some pent-up frustrations huh?"

Eric pounced on him and had his tongue in Spencer's mouth as fast as he could. They had each others' clothes off as fast as they could move.

As they were playing, moving their hands all over each other and having a heavy makeout session, they heard a loud crunch from the bank and heard Paige say, "You two sure are horny fuckers." She turned and kept on walking towards the Nobles' farm. Again they could hear her mutter, "Damn Damn, cute hot fuckers are gay."

They stopped and looked at each other for a moment and moved quickly out of the creek. Paige was about 15 ft away when Spencer said, half snickering, "We wouldn't mind if we shared the creek with you. And I'm sure Eric wouldn't mind if you wanted to taste his hot cock." He got firmly elbowed by Eric

She stopped and turned with a shocked look on her face and said, "Eeww gay cock, you never know where that has been! Well ok, I have a very good idea but still ... eeww" and she walked away heading to the back way of the springs.

Shane made he his way up his apartment and got dressed. He just happened to glance out the window and saw Sam standing in front of the horse barn with a man he had never seen before. Shane scanned the area and noticed a car in front of the house with a lady standing next to it looking at the scenery. He was about to head back down when he saw Sam and the stranger shaking hands.

He decided to casually walk down and take a closer peek. By then, Shane heard Marcus exclaiming his parents were here. Shane took a position near the barn where he could see Sam inside patting down his horse and slipping something into his shirt pocket. He heard Sam say, "Oh this is going to be good, Martini" and he turned to walk back to the house.

Shane found a window to look into without being seen. He watched the unfolding confrontation between Marcus and his parents and then saw Sam walk into the room behind them.

My parents walked in behind me, and my mom grabbed me and gave me a hug. I wanted to fight her off but I just couldn't and I started crying. My dad put his hands on my shoulders and carefully squeezed. My mom said, "No matter what happens to you, we always love you."

I choked up trying to sound mad and said, "You have the weirdest way of showing it."

Sam said, "Mr and Mrs. Cooper, you're more than welcome to use the kitchen to talk to your son."

He lead us to the kitchen and pulled out a chair and nodded to me sit. It was more of an order than a request since he already told me to leave.

Sam introduced himself to my parents and left the room.

As we sat around the table looking at each other, Dad said, "Marcus, we know you've been hurt, not just by this accident but for the last couple of years you feel we've been ignoring you. Is that right?"

I shook my head.

Mom held my hand and said, "This may be hard to hear but it is a two way street. You haven't been too willing to share much about your life."

I thought to myself, "I know where this conversation is headed and I better cut it short."

So, I took my time responding, acting like I was collecting my thoughts and really thinking about they were saying.

"You know we can continue to point fingers as much as you want but learning to get back to being a family can start now. Instead of letting this loom over our heads, we can start fresh today, with no hard feelings and no leaving each other out of our daily lives."

Mom shed a tear and said, "That's exactly what we were thinking too."

Dad said, "Son, again we are sorry for not being here when you needed us most. So, when will you be ready to leave?"

In the back of my mind I thought, "Give it a week or 2 and things will be right back to the way they were. By then I should be done with school and ready to move again."

"I have to wait for Doc to get back for one last check up. So in the meantime, where did you go for your vacation?"

My mom's face lit up as it usually does when she's ready to brag about these trips and she put her new handbag up on the table as if she thought of it as a new trophy in her hunt for the best bargain.

I said, "Oh, wow mom nice bag, is that new?" and as usual she either ignored what I asked or didn't hear me.

She dug around in the bag and pulled out photos and trinkets. My mom showed me the rolls of pictures and other stuff they got from their trip to Hawaii. She had bought new perfume and let me smell it. It smelled like cream coconut but not as overpowering

I closed my eyes and pictured what Hawaii would look like while Dad was describing a road they took that overlooked the ocean. I seemed to fall into a daydream of this scenery they described.......

Present Day

"Is that my mother's perfume? Am I in Hawaii?" I thought to myself as I gradually gained awareness. I could not remember what happened after running into the hospital and seeing Alex slumped over in a chair. Everything after that was a blur.

My head was throbbing but I couldn't seem to open my eyes. I could hear some rustling and scratching sounds but couldn't make them out too well. I wanted to raise my hand to my face to see why my eyes wouldn't open, but my arms wouldn't move.

I tried to speak out loud but all I could get out was "Uggh!" This was starting to get scary! What was happening to me?

I felt a hand on my hand and shoulder, and it felt very familar. I hadn't felt that kind of touch since I was younger at home. I got another sniff of that perfume and decided it was my mother. My mother was here with me now. I tried to speak again and get another "Uggh!"

I was really getting upset and scared and I started trembling.

Then another hand held my other one and I heard more inaudible sounds. It feels as though my ears are plugged with ear plugs.

I finally could make out her words very softly, "Marcus" "Mom" very softly but crackling in my ear, and then, "Be patient" and "I love you."

I still trembled and cried to myself. I hadn't heard her say that since four years ago.

I recognized the other hand that touched me and then I heard his voice, that voice I adore and love to all ends say softly, "R e l a x."

That instantly put me at ease and I felt myself drift back into sleep, remembering how I fell in love with this man.

(4 years earlier)

Shane kept watching the events from the house and noticed Sam walk away towards Doc's office. He stood outside the window and watched Sam exchange bottles on the desk and turn to go back to the kitchen.

Shane then felt a hand on his shoulder and nearly jumped out if his pants.

"Shane, what are you doing?" Spencer asked with Eric peering over his shoulder.

"Shhhh. Sam is up to something with Marcus' parents." He told them what he had seen and also noticed they were soaking wet.

Both of the guys became angry and said, "Let's go kick Sam's ass once and for all."

"NO, wait, we can't let them know we are onto them. I don't think Marcus is in any danger. Think of it from Marcus' parents' point of view. Besides, Marcus is a smart guy, he will tell us in some way if he thinks something is wrong."

At that moment, Doc and the family pulled up in the drive. Doc saw Shane waving him to be quiet and join him. Shane told his dad what was progressing.

Doc said, "I assume since you're being so James Bondish about this that you have a plan."

"Yes I do." He turned to Spencer and Eric and told them exactly what he needed them to do and told them to do it quickly. He told everyone else we just needed to act normal going into the house.


"Marcus, did you hear what we just said?" My dad asked me something but I seem to have wandered off mentally for a moments.


"Marcus, would you care to tell us what happened to you?"

The door to the kitchen opened and in walked Doc, Lidda, Alex and Susan with Shane in tow, carrying grocery bags and all talking about something. They stopped in their tracks when they saw me with my parents.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt," Doc said looking surprised.

I stood up and said, "Hey guys, I want you to meet my parents, Joe and Maryann Cooper. Mom and dad, this is Do.., I mean Tom, Lidda, Shane, Alex and Susan Noble. You met Sam a few mintues ago."

They all greeted each other and eventually we sat down or stood about the kitchen in small chats when Sam decided to rejoin the group.

He came up to me and said, "I would like to talk to you for a minute please, alone, in the other room, now."

"I can understand what you mean with one phrase, sorry if I'm not fast enough getting up."

Doc and Sam exchanged a look, and it wasn't a nice one.

We walked back into his room and he closed the door.

He turned to me and asked, "What kind of bull hockey shit did you feed to your parents? You didn't sound very convincing to me."

"What business is it of yours anyway, you've been a dick since I got here! Besides your elated that I'm leaving here tonight. So I guess you can scatter back to your little hole and show your butt to the next passerby."

"Listen you little insensitive, unappreciative shit. I saved your ass while putting my own life in danger. You could be a little more...."

"Hero worshipping? Put you on a pedestal to admire? My soul belongs to you?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"The way you've been acting, you think I should be throwing petals at your feet. I owe you my life and I thank you over and over again, but one thing I will not do is let you think you control me. Are you sure you and my brother aren't related, because you both need drama in your life. Why am I in here talking to you anyways, I gotta go." And I turned for the door.

Sam's face was getting redder by the minute. "I swear you will never see my family again as long as I am around."

I turned to look at him and shook my head, "Shithead, that isn't for you to decide, besides I'm turning your mom down for the job so that way we won't ever have to meet again." And I walked out the door.

"I'll be more than happy to help you out to parents' car, so you can leave faster," Sam muttered behind me. I just flipped him the bird.

My mom looked back up at me as I came back into the kitchen and said, "So you two have a good chat, hope you're keeping in touch since you should be good friends now?"

I noticed the Nobles give each other that look of "is she all there." I answered, "Good chat mom. I can't wait to talk to him again soon."

Doc walked over to me and said, "I'll check you over once more and make sure you're ready to go. We can go to my office this time. Shane would you be willing to help pack Marcus' things into his parents' car?"

Doc and I walked to his office. He shut the door and turned to me with an unusual look.

He said, "What was that all about?"

"My parents don't like confrontations too well...."

"Not that, Sam and you."

"Just saying our goodbyes, sir"

"Fuck, what the hell did that kid say now? And since when did you start calling me sir?"

"Doc, can we just get to the final checkup please? I...." and I couldn't finish that without feeling a lump in my throat.


"I ... I just get back to my life and...."

"Don't you dare say '...stop interfering with ours'."

"But ... the friction...."

"Marcus, you will always be welcome into our home. Hell, Alex and Susan can't stop talking about you. You're giving Shane a run for his money."

"Your son is more important than..."

"Stop there, Stop. Sam needs to get his head on straight or I'll kick his ass out of here."

He sat down his chair and motioned me to do the same in the other one next to his and he just put his hands in face.

He thought for a moment, and looking directly into my eyes said, "I want you to understand, you always have another place to call home and a family that will welcome you with open arms no matter what. We have grown so attached to you in such a short amount of time, you're almost another member of this family."

I stood up and the tears just started flowing and I was total loss of words. He stood up in front of me and hugged me. All I could get out was, "Thanks" and hugged him back even harder.

Doc did his final check on me and the only thing he was worried about was making sure I kept doing the exercises recommended by Nick for the vertigo.

"Take this medication now and this bottle should take care of you until your doctor can get you another prescription.. You should rest as much as you can. You call me in a couple of days and update me on how you're feeling, OK?"

"Of course, Doc."

We walked back into the kitchen where everyone was still chatting.

Dad said, "Sam invited us to go out and see his drinking horse and little friend."

"His what? Oh, Martini and Tangeray!! Yea, beautiful horses. Let's go then"

We made our way out to the barn where Sam was brushing the baby. My dad loves horses. He had 2 or 3 when he was young, but for some reason he wouldn't ever let us have any. Of course, my dad talked to Sam like they were best friends. Lidda and my mom were discussing recipes.

Shane made his way over to me and said, "I really wish Sam didn't piss you off and make you want to leave so soon. I'm going to miss you until you get back"

"The kid has some serious issues to sort through and it's not helping that I am here making it worse. I think you guys have your hands full. I told him earlier that I am declining your mom's offer."

Shane grabbed my arm and in a raised voice everyone could hear, said, "You're doing what?"

I looked at everyone staring at us. Dad walked up to me and said, "You were planning on coming back here?"

"I missed the interview in Nashville and Lidda was very kind to offer me the same position at her firm...."

"Not a chance in hell you're coming back here, not after nearly killing yourself and defying us."

"Dad, I'm not in the army, you just can't order me to do this or that. Besides, I thought we turned over a new leaf."

Mom interrupted and said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you both. Grandma told me Dad called Mr Sullivan at the firm and they are more than happy to reschedule you for that job."

We just both stared at her since she always has that knack of interjecting some news that conveniently popped into her head to diffuse the situation.

Dad looked at his watch and said, "Well, better get going, we'll be late for that flight."

Doc said, "Excuse me, Joe, but I thought I made it clear Marcus isn't to be on any type of aircraft for the next 3 months. It could cause a relapse or another injury. You will have to drive him home from here."

Dad looked at him and asked, "What is the percentage rate on that?"

"Percentage rate on...?"

"What are the chances that something like that could actually happen to him?"

"It's unclear of the chances since every person is different and it's not good to take chances with someone with that condition." Doc showed more uneasiness.

"You're right, thanks for reminding me."

My dad backed down too easily I thought.

"Well guys we've got a long drive ahead, we better get going."

Dad turned to Doc and Lidda and said, "Just send us the bill for all the expenses you occurred for his medical care."

Doc said, "It's all taken care of" My dad just looked at him oddly.

Lidda said, "You are more than welcome to spend the night and join us for the holiday party tomorrow."

Dad replied quickly with, "Great offer but we really need to get home."

I turned to notice Alex and Susan in tears and it was hard looking at them with those faces.

Alex ran up to me and said, "Please don't leave, PLEASE." Susan hung on to Lidda's leg with her face wet with tears and mouthed "PLEASE".

"I will come and visit again soon or you guys will visit me; you haven't seen the last of me."

"I love you, Marcus." I was taken back just a tad. I haven't heard anyone genuinely say that to me since Matt, my first love whom I miss so much. If he hadn't gone on that spring break trip, he would still be here today and we would have told everyone about us

"I love you too, Alex." Those words really do mean something now. I am going to miss this family so much.

I heard Sam clear his throat and mutter, "Bull, who would."

The entire Noble family gathered around me and we had our first and last group hug and said our goodbyes.

Mom said, "Marcus dear, aren't you going to say one final goodbye to the boy who saved your life?"

"Of course mother, I couldn't leave without letting him know exactly my feelings"

I made my way over to Sam. I dropped the crutches and pulled him into a hug. I whispered into his ear, "Fucker, get your shit together before you really piss everyone off." Then to put the icing on the cake, I kissed his cheek to chalk up points with my mother.

We got into the rented Lincoln and started pulling away.

I look past the entire family waving at me and noticed next to the barn was Sam sitting on a bale of hay, he looked like he was crying.

Dad said, "That was fun dear, my kinda people, NOT" and half laughed to himself.

We made idle chatter for a couple of miles and then Dad asked, "Are you hungry? We've got about 2 hours till our flight."

"Flight? You heard Doc about me on airplanes."

"Yes, I heard him, but there's no way I'm going to drive 12 1/2hrs."

Mom said, "We will have a real doctor with a real degree tell us what you need at the airport."

Dad said to Mom, "Patrick was right about this one again, these country hicks are just plain stupid."

I raised my voice and said, "Patrick? That son of a bitch! I think you should take me back there then because...."

"Marcus, we know what's best for you. Besides, you should feeling sleepy in a few minutes and then the next thing you know, you will be safe back in your own bed at home. Sam did a good job replacing your muscle relaxers with what I told him to give you before that doctor noticed."

"Marcus, we can bullshit you more than you us. We mastered that way before you ever did. So just relax and we will be home shortly. Grandma and Grandpa will be excited to see you."

"This isn't going to work. You can't control me after we get home also."

"Oh we aren't controlling you. You just need a light push in the right direction, but you're still your own person. You've been seriously hurt and confused about what is right and wrong since you've been cooped up in that hickville place."

I don't remember the drive to the airport or the flight home.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. It felt like I had slept for an entire day. I sat up and looked around my room. It seemed like it had been months since I was last here. I just had recently painted it the past 4 months in a navy blue with a bing cherry border and added a lot of lighthouses and netting as accents. My parents hate it, they say it doesn't blend with the rest of the house. So I told them, Ill keep the door shut. It definitely makes Sam's room look drab.

I heard a knock at the door and my mom came in with Shadow my black and white rat terrier mix dog yelping like he hasn't saw me in months. He is quite a character. He thinks he is a small child and doesn't have to do the things like a dog needs to do. He made it quite clear that he no longer needed to be crated when everyone was gone. About 3 months ago I came home to find him across the other side of the kitchen. He somehow slid his crate bottom out and moved the entire crate. He somehow was able to pull my mom's favorite recliner pillow into the crate with him. He stood there on the pillow while in every direction for about a 2 feet he was able to launch what I call, the end all of end all smells of a lifetime. Plus he knows he isn't allowed on counter tops so he does the next best thing and does a dance on his hind legs looking at what is on the counters but doesn't touch. I guess he figures he can't be yelled at if he just looking and isn't touching. Finally he loves riding in my blazer, he sits on the armrest which I call his perch because he can see in every direction that way.

She said, "You're finally awake! You've been sleeping for 10 hours. We have a lot to do today, so don't waste time on your computer."

"I lost my laptop in the crash."

"What is that in your suitcase then?"

I opened the suitcase and it was Spencer's laptop. "Who put that in there?" I wondered.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Then it hit me, that wasn't my suitcase either. I arrived at the Nobles' with nothing at all. I started putting together what Shane had done.

"Are you sure you are OK? You hardly ever forget things like that?"

"Still a bit foggy at times, but getting better. It was quite a bump I took, and the doctor said I would have some memory problems."

"Well, our doctor will get you in tip top shape right way. That's our first stop tomorrow. We need to go shopping for your father's company party today."

"Thanks Mom. Then I need to stop by the school to drop off some of my finals."

"Marcus, it's Memorial day, nothing is open. Oh, your father is making a mess cooking your favorite breakfast so hurry up so it doesn't get cold." and she left the room.

I just stared at the suitcase for a few moments and wondered what this was about.

I opened the suitcase once again and saw the laptop, some clothes and an Ipod and wondered, "What are they trying to tell me? Well, I better make it look like my parents won for now."

I walked into the kitchen in only my underwear to see my father in full chef gear having a ball what he was doing. He was chatting with me like we were best friends forever. He said, "Nice shorts there buddy, what does 'insert quarter here' mean?" as he laughed while reading my shorts and pulled a stool out for me to help me sit down. He then added, "I thought you always wore briefs."

I looked around and said, "UM, is this a new kitchen Dad?

"Yea, we had it done when we were all gone. You like it?"

As I looked around at all the green gray marble counters, the cherry glass frosted cabinets, the deluxe range and microwave and the new tile on the floor, I was impressed, it looked expensive. "Heck yea, a major improvement over the last one, it looks hi tech too."

"Yea, top dollar." He then asked, "OK What shall it be this morning, pancakes galore or the french toast special?" He rambled on with the list of stuff he was going to make. I started to eat the french toast special when I needed sugar. He handed me the sugar jar and I added my usual amount.

We were having a good conversation when my mother walked in from the hallway and about dropped her makeup kit.. She asked, "Why are you nearly naked!? You know we never walk around the house that way! People can see your ... stuff." She looked embarrassed while pointing at my shorts and made a gesture to dad for him to say something.

I looked around and said, "What people? Besides, it's easier for me until I heal better." I heard my dad snicker.

"Don't get wise cracky with me young man, you're in my house and will follow what I believe is right. Now go get dressed!" Mom shouted pointing her finger at me

I thought to myself, "Am I in the twilight zone or what? Dad is usually the crank and mom is nicer than pie." I walked back to my room as mom ordered.

I heard Dad say, "I thought I'd take Marcus and Patrick to see my new office while you get the shopping you need done, then we all will head to big party."

Mom threw something and sarcastically said, "Oh you men, fine. Go have fun then."

I was about to step into the shower when my dad just walked in without knocking bringing me his fishing seat. He said, "This should help with the shower so you don't slip." This was the first time he seen me naked in quite a while. He stopped and looked at my cuts and bruises and said, "You're one lucky kid, someone was watching out for you." Then he smirked and said, "Looks like your taking after my side of the family."as he glanced down at my cock and walked out of the bath.

I took my time getting showered. I let my hands wander over my chest and slowly slide down to my hardening dick. I thought, "Geez, when was the last time I let loose" I thought back to the spa with Shane and kept that image in my mind while I stroked my wet cock. I slide my other hand between my ass and pushed in the same area as Shane did and I about lost my footing. I tried again and this time I found the right spot and shot my load all over my stomach.

I finished the shower and made my way back to my room. I sat on my bed in the towel, looking in the suitcase and kept wondering what Doc or Shane was trying to tell me.

The door burst open and Patrick came running in as he always has done in the past. He said, "What is taking you so long, little bro? We are ready to go!!" He paused a few moments while looking at my bruised body. "Damn, Marcus, you really were in one heck of a wreck. I sure hope all those scrapes don't scar you."

I was kinda staring at him in awe for a moment because he never is that nice.

I stood up and said, "I'm hurrying. I'm still not quite up to speed." He usually leaves about this moment when I am about to drop the towel and get my shorts on. This time he didn't, but kept rambling on about stuff like my dad had done earlier. I dropped the towellI turned to pick up the shorts and he said, "I never noticed you don't have any body hair. And what is that thing on your ass?"

I looked at him, shook my head and said, "I think I'm going to call it my mouse tattoo."

I also noticed as I was putting on my shorts that he kept staring at my dick. Out of the blue he said, "I can't believe you're bigger than me," as he adjusted his dick in his shorts

I said, "Um, let's not go there." And I dressed as fast as I could, feeling rather uncomfortable around him.

My dad drove us around town to see the different stuff he'd been working on. He talked to both of us as if we were all best friends. He told us jokes and kept the conversation fun. I was totally confused by what was happening, and felt something fishy was going on. He finally looked at his watch and said, "Oh crap, we need to get home, I told your mother we'd be back 20 minutes ago. Boy, am I going to get an ear full."

When we got back to the house mom was in the kitchen having a fit. It didn't help that she was drinking. As soon as I saw her face, I said, "I need to get a nap in per doctor's orders" and made tracks for my room. I heard her and dad having a heated discussion.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, thinking of all the things I need to get done in the next couple of days. I must have really spaced out, because I felt my dad shaking me and saying, "Hey sleepy head, are you ready to go?"

We went to some party that my dad's company was throwing, and it was so dull. I was the youngest person there and the most fun part of the whole thing was the bingo game. I did walk away with the jackpot of the night, a hefty 266 bucks. We did kind of leave early. Mom used the excuse that I still wasn't feeling well.

My dad made a quick stop at the video store and picked up some movies. He actually picked my favorites...Blazing Saddles, Caddyshack and Lethal Weapon.

We finally got home. To my surprise, Grandma and Grandpa were waiting for us. They were happy to see me and kept telling me they were sorry for not coming to get me sooner. Dad stood up for them, making them feel they did exactly what they should have. Dad and grandpa made all the movie snacks possible. My grandparents even stayed to watch the movies. My mom sat in her recliner with a book and ignored the fun dad was trying to project.

I didn't even make it through the first movie. The next thing I know is dad is carrying to my room. He helped me get out of my clothes and made sure I was comfortable before shutting the door behind him.

I laid there thinking, "something is really whacked around here."

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. It felt like I had slept for an entire day. I sat up and looked around my room. Shadow was sprawled out on the part of the bed I didn't use.

I heard a knock at the door and my mom came in.

She said, "You're finally awake! You've been sleeping the morning away."

I looked around some more and she said, "Honey are you ok? You look a little confused."

"Just that feeling when you get when you are quite sure what day it is."

"Well, our doctor will get you in tip top shape right away. That's our first stop today. But first I got something special made for your breakfast."

"Thanks Mom. Then I need to stop by the school to drop off some of my finals."

"Anything for my darling little boy," and she left the room

I walked in the kitchen with the longest t-shirt I had. It came down to my knees, I didn't really feel like getting my shorts on. Shadow was following right behind me.

My dad was dressed for work and reading his paper. He looked up at me and said, "What the hell is that your wearing, makes you look like a girl? When did you cut your hair so short? And why is that dog in this new kitchen? Get him outside"

My mom said, "Oh honey, you know he isn't feeling well, give him some slack."

He got up from the table, slammed his coffee cup on the counter and walked out the door.

Mom started crying and said, "Oh honey, he didn't mean that, he just wasn't looking forward to work."

I thought to myself, "OK, now I know something isn't right. What's with the switcharoo moods."

I said, "I'm going to get ready and then we can leave."

Mom was waiting for me on the porch and she asked, "Would you mind if we take your Blazer today? My car needs a tune up or something. Your father was suppose to have had it worked on while we were gone."

"Sure, but I'm not suppose to be driving."

My mom and I spent the day going to the doctor and dropping by the university so I could deliver my finals. I would have to return the next day for a written test. I ran into some of my friends and they were all concerned for me and missed me. They all signed my cast also.

My best friend, Adam, asked my mom if he could steal me away for a couple of hours and he drive me home. She agreed to an hour and half, which was weird combined with the way my parents had been acting.

Adam took me to get a light snack and we sat and chatted about all the recent events. He asked if he could see my injuries to see what happened. He never seen an injury like these. He is a premed student, so I figured it would be helpful for him. He will be one of the cutest black doctors that I will ever know. He is 20 years old, and stands at 6'1" and not an ounce of fat on his slim, toned frame. I remember when we were younger and went skinny dippin at his parents house when they were gone, he was a bit on the stocky side. He jumped on the fitness wagon when I bet him he couldn't get his BMI similar to mine. Well he did it and surpassed it.

We went to the bathroom and locked the door. He said, "Why not take it all off, so I can see exactly what happened to you?"

I said, "Sure, as long as you remove yours also" since he and I always shared everything before.

I was stark naked in front of him and he did the same. He started checking out all the bruises and scrapes. While he was checking out my stuff. I checked out his stuff too. My cock looks like a baby compared to his. I think he ranges in the area of 9 inches with a nice mushroom head. The few times we messed around before I met Matt, I once was able to take the entire length in and he shot his load down my throat. That was a day I won't forget for along time.

He said, "You think you may have a lot of scars?"

"I sure hope not except this one around my left nut and this one on my ass may spark interest in the heat of the moment, don't you think?" He got closer to my dick to where I could almost feel his breath and touched my ball sack to see the stiched area. "Wicked" he said He then looked at the mouse trap tatoo on my ass. He had both hands either touching my balls or my ass at the same time. I said, "If you keep doing that, Ill cum all over your face."

"That never stopped you before," he smile up at me.

I said, "Well I wish we could play more. But check the time, we need to make tracks home."

His mood changed on the drive home. I got a strange feeling he was not being quite himself and I felt he was trying to pump me for information to tell my parents. Adam always was my parents' favorite of my friends, and this was just too fishy for me. But I played along.

Adam took me home like he promised and even helped me into the house. Once inside, I turned and got a huge surprise. My parents had thrown me a surprise party. A lot of my friends and family were there, even Patrick. Patrick acted like he was my best friend and nothing had happened between us. I never really felt close to him like I did to Shane and Alex. We really don't look similar. He takes more after my dad. I would almost say he was just the average Joe in every sense. What would make him mad when we were younger was that his friends would always remark that I was the "All-American Boy" and he was just Joe the neighbor. That always irritated him.

Every one at the party was astonished to hear the story of my past 2 weeks in Dale Hallow. I was asked so many questions, and also many people wanted to see my scar areas. My mom wouldn't allow that to happen because then everyone would see my ... stuff.

I was in the kitchen with my cousin Sarah, talking, when she asked for some sugar for her tea. I turned to open the sugar bowl and was perplexed what was in it. It wasn't sugar at all. I pulled out an envelope, and then several more. She asked what it was. I turned them around to look at the address and was again astonished by what I read. Sarah knew something was up, and asked, "Marcus, what is it?"

I said, "First of all, there was sugar in this jar yesterday. Secondly these letters from the firm I was going to interview with, addressed only to my dad."

Sarah looked at me funny and asked, "What's weird about that?"

"I applied to them from the university, and my dad had no interest in it."

"Well open them up and read what they say."

I checked the postmarks on the letters. The dates were just in the past 2 weeks with the most recent one arriving the day before yesterday. It started to click why dad was acting the way he was. I started reading the first one. I was shocked at what I read, and then the second and third ones spelled out exactly what was going on

Sarah read them too. She looked at me, as my face grew red with anger, and with great concern she said, "Marcus, I know you're mad but calm yourself a bit and talk to them after everyone leaves."

"NO! This ends now! Everyone will know how controlling these sons of bithches, especially him, really are." As I started for the door to the living room

I burst through the kitchen door as loudly as I possibly could. It definitely drew attention and everyone stopped what they were doing and became very quiet.

My mom and dad stood up from the table where they had been talking to some neighbors and moved closer to me.

I looked at them and said trembling, "Stop fucking right there you screwed up controlling assholes. The goddam fucked up party is over!"

Grandma said, "Marcus, watch your mouth."

I looked at her and said, "Stop covering for your abusive son for once."

Dad said, "Marcus, you need to shut up now or else you will...."

"DAD, you shut up for once. I want everyone to know what kind of person you really are. Mom, I don't know how you ever were able to live with this ...this.. man you call a husband. He's just as abusive to you and you know it."

Patrick was behind me in the hallway. I could see him with my peripherferal vision. He turned the corner and was about an arm's length from me. I could tell he was about to do something. I took one of the crutches and tried a technique that Nick showed me before leaving the clinic in case someone was going to attack you which he called the jamy jamy.. I just about broke Patrick's leg. He fell screaming to the floor. "What the fuck was that for you dick?"

"Oh, I say the past 18 years you cocksucker."

I turned back to see everyone staring at me. I pointed at my dad with the letters and said, "Shall I read these to everyone in the room or do you have something to say now?"

My dad stood speechless, his face growing red and his eyes squinting at me with such an intense mean look. He said, "Go ahead, it only shows how weak a person you are."

My grandpa stood up and with a face just as mad as mine loudly said, "Read them!"

I read each letter to everyone. Basically my dad set up the whole deal up with the firm along with a hiring an assistant to watch me. He had to pay them to create a position for me and bought the apartment I was going to live in and had a network of cameras set up to record my whereabouts. They already sent me a letter and expressing that I didn't meet their qualifications, but with a little bribe and back-scratching they worked it out. My dad was financing them a crazy deal.

My grandpa walked over to my dad and shook his head and said, "I should have done this along time ago you fucking prick." and clobbered him with one good punch.

The looks on everyone's faces were total shock and awe.

My grandma walked up to me and held out her arms to hug me and said, "We are soo sorry for ever letting them treat you this way. Will you forgive us?"

I looked at my grandma and grandpa and for the first time they showed they were on my side. I let tears stream down my face as I hugged my grandma back. I said, "That's all I ever wanted you to say."

Grandpa walked over and hugged me too and said, "You're staying with us from now on until you're ready to leave to do whatever you need to do.."

I said, "Let me get my bag."

Grandma turned to walk over to her son, my dad, and looked at him with disgust in eyes and said, "You bastard of a shithead, who the hell taught you to be such a weasel, even to your own family? That line of work you're in sure didn't help your morals any. I am so disappointed in you!" And then she slapped him.

My dad, the emotionless weasel, just looked at her and said, "Whatever, old woman."

As Adam, Sarah and I were in my room gathering stuff up, I turned to see my dad standing there with my mom. He said, "Take only what you bought with money you earned. Everything else is mine." He turned to walk out of the room then stopped. He turned and eerily said, "You should have gone with Matt on Spring Break, then we wouldn't be having this conversation." and walked out the room. Sarah looked at me strangely, as did Adam. My mother stood there with tears in her eyes. I said, "Until you decide to leave him, I won't bother calling you."

She said, "Marcus, I love you dearly."

It finally hit Sarah and she asked, "What did he mean by that exactly?"

I walked out of the room without saying a word with my belongings and Shadow in tow, then outside where Grandma and Grandpa were waiting along with everyone else at the party. They cheered me for standing up to my father and making him look like the fool that he was and I started crying from all the emotional ups and downs. . Then we heard my father in the doorway say, "All of you please leave my property or I will call the police to have you removed for trespassing. If any of you ever step foot on this property again you will be prosecuted." My mother was behind him in tears, shaking her head in total frustration while Patrick hugged her.

Dad paused then added, about as loudly as he could, "Marcus, you take your faggoty gay ass back to that hick farm, and never, ever let me see you around this place again. You make me sick!"

I just looked at him, snorted a laugh and flipped him off. So did Grandma and Grandpa.

I asked Adam to drive my Blazer as Sarah drove my grandparents' car. I got in the car with my grandparents and as we drove away, I broke down in tears.

Chapter 12 coming soon

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Next: Chapter 12

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