Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Apr 5, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and the story is progessing into installments. I plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story.

I welcome feedback on the story, comments and suggestions, as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

I apologize for the last chapter for looking choppy or confusing, it wasn't meant to be that way. The spacing locators didn't save as expected. It was suppose to be double spaced with ***** inbetween. I am trying to correct it in this chapter.

Check out the Trivia contest at the bottom of the chapter.

Now let's find out what happened from the last chapter................

Chapter 10: It's a blast

We then heard a loud bang from where Shane had gone to turn on the solar power. Everyone stopped laughing and Sam ran towards the sound.

"What the hell was that?" Doc looked stunned, obviously never having heard that before.

Spencer, Eric, Larry and Alex had already taken off behind Sam while Doc told everyone else to stay put. I didn't listen to him and took off with the others, but I was stopped by Doc. I looked at him and said, "I gotta know!"

My new crutches hampered me. I don't think I'll get used to these. And I was still a bit queasy directionally. I stopped and Lidda walked up to me while I was showing frustration and held me and said, "I know, I know honey."

We heard Alex yell, "Oh shit, Shane get up!!"

I could see from here that the outlook wasn't promising. We heard a lot of commotion from what appeared to be an oversized outhouse but was the generator room. Also there was a bit of smoke coming out.

The next thing we saw was Larry (whose clothes were smoking) carrying a limp Shane outside and laying him on the ground. All the guys were ready to pitch in to help with whatever Doc told them to do.

Doc was immediately on him, ripped open his shirt and checking his vitals. He cleared something out of his mouth and you could see Shane flinch. Doc then looked up at Lidda and she knew what he meant. She whispered to me, "He's going to be fine." I thought to myself, "That is too awesome how they can just look at each other and communicate so much, my family aren't that in tune with each to know when were mad."

Alex came walking up to us, crying his eyes out. He tried to say something but was too choked up but Lidda went to hold him and kept saying to him, "You're going to be fine. Just take a couple deep breathes." I got the impression that maybe Alex was so connected to Shane that he was feeling what Shane was experiencing

Then Shane sat up unexpectedly, breathing in deeply and yelled out, "OHHH fuck that hurt!" while his arm shook in spasms and tears streamed down his face. I thought to myself, "OK now I'm convinced, it just floors me that maybe they are that emotionally attached."

Then I noticed Larry's face loose color and passed out right into Sam. Sam didn't have a chance of catching him. Larry just used Sam as a landing pad. We heard Sam groaning from the weight on him. Spencer and Eric carefully rolled Larry over off from Sam.

By then Lidda, the rest of the group and I had made our way closer.

Little Toby ran to his Uncle and said, "Don't you leave me too," while Spencer and Eric were attending to him.

I looked down at Sam, and he was lying there trying to catch his breath again. He looked at me and said, "Why does this keep happening to me?"

I held out my hand to help him up, but he just looked at me and slowly got up on his own.

Doc asked Shane, "What happened son?"

Shane said, more slowly than usual, "I just touched the power switch and it blew."

Sam groaned, "You didn't release the backup flow, but good thing you were standing on the shock resistance mat. Larry took the brunt of the current once he grabbed you. That's what hurt you the most."

Alex and Susan both took over from Doc, holding Shane as carefully as they could so Doc could attend to Larry. Toby was laying his head on Larry's chest and wimpering. Doc told him, "He's going to be OK, he just got a little shocked and he's resting from it." This is the first time I had seen this kid acting like a real child.

Larry came around in a few moments and looked a bit dazed. Now what was weird was that Paige had been standing behind Lidda and me the whole time, not saying a word. If that was my brother, I would be showing just a tad more emotion.

Doc said, "I think I may want to take them both back to the clinic for safety's sake. Any volunteers to drive?"

Sam just turned and walked quickly to the truck and pulled up to them, waiting for everyone else to get the guys in the truck. Alex gave Shane a light hug and kiss on the cheek since he couldn't go. Paige and Toby went along.

Doc said to Spencer and Eric, "We shouldn't be long. You guys helped install that generator, think you could take a look at it?" as they drove away.

Eric said, "I'll go take a look; I think I can work out the kink."

Lidda asked me, "Are you tired? We can help you into the house if you need it."

"No, I am sure up for a shower though. I've been sponged bathed overloaded and it just doesn't do the trick."

"Well, since the generator is out, the only option we have is the springs. Alex, you want to help show Marcus where it is? We will be right behind you."

"OH yeah, you're gonna love it Marcus, I'll get you started on the tour of the ol homestead."

"Coolness, but let's just take our time. I'm still not the best with this things." Clicking the crutches together.

"Boys, you be careful. Susan and I will be inside getting your room ready."

"I'm going to check on Eric and will back there soon," Spencer said.

Alex is a very good host. He started pointing out all the neat details of the farm as we stopped here and there. We came around the canopy of the spa and started walking to the woods.

I asked him, "What exactly is this springs?"

"OH, you'll see in a few minutes, it's just back this way."

We were behind the house now and the whole look of the area was very updated and private. A lot of shade trees and walking paths. We headed for the trees and then I noticed we were walking to a covered footbridge. This was a very unique type of bridge I have not seen in quite while. My grandpa showed me one of these when I was about Susan's age. I think that is about the time I really took an interest in architecture. You really feel you're being taken away to another place. I loved the way the sound of our shoes made thumping on the wood. We got to the other side of the bridge to an area that was very lush with greens, with a path leading up to what sounded like a small river.

We made our way up the path and came upon a rock formation with an indented cave opening. We walked up a flight of steps to a deck that lead to a waterfall overlooking the forest. It was very secluded and private. I was in total awe of the scenery.

"Alex, this is too awesome. How did you guys build this?"

"It was here when we moved in. Dad, Shane and Sam built the bridge, the path and deck, but everything else is just nature at work."

"WOW. I want one of these"

"OK. Over there is the dry area, you can change there. Try to stay on the decking to the waterfall, because anywhere else is slippery." as he took me on a complete tour of this springs.

I said, "This may sound odd, but what about towels to dry off with?"

As Lidda and Susan were fixing the room for Marcus they heard a knock at the door.

"I wonder who that could be?" Lidda said outloud

"Well, if you answer the door you might find out, mamma" Susan said seriously

"Your right once again darling"

"I usually am"

Lidda walked to the porch door with Susan in tow and opened it to find the Fishers standing outside looking at the scenery. (The Fishers are the neighbors that were not home)

"Jon? Krystal? Are you folks OK? I was getting worried about you."

They turned and smiled at Lidda, Jon said, "Oh yes we are, we just came to let you know we are home and see how you guys are doing after that ordeal of a storm. We worried about you also."

"Things are getting back to normal little by little. We had a rough few days but came through it OK. Where have you two been? We stopped by the other day and you weren't there."

"We made our trip but couldn't make it back here because of all the damage so we stayed at my parents' for a couple of days until things cleared up."

Susan ran out to them and said, "We got a new houseguest out of it though. He is really great, you're gonna like him."

"Well that's great to hear, sounds like you made a new friend."

"You wanna meet him now? He and Alex are out back."

Krystal replied, "We would but we need to get back to the house and start cleaning up. But we will be back later in the week. Is that ok?"

"Ok, promise?" Susan said sulking

Krystal smiled at her and said, "Promise! You could even bring him to visit us if you want."

"Lidda, we just wanted to stop and say hello and if you need anything just come by ok"

"Thanks, Jon and Krystal. You do the same also, your always welcome here"

Jon and Krystal left. Susan and Lidda went back to getting the room ready when they heard a knock on the door again.

Lidda looked at Susan and said, "My, My aren't we just popular today." Again they walked out to the porch and opened the door.

This time it was Paige's brother, Ryan.

Alex replied to Marcus, "I was just getting to that. We don't use them here since Sam installed this neat gadget."

We walked onto this interesting platform and Alex said, "Hang on to your hat, it turns on by pressing that lever with your foot."

He tapped the lever, and all of sudden a gust of wind came down from above and increased speed. I thought my clothes were going to blow off. He pressed the lever again and said, "That's how you dry off."

"Well, that's about it to show you. I'll be back in a bit with something to drink if you want; that way you can enjoy yourself."

"Wait! I may need some help keeping my balance."

Spencer quietly walked into the generator room while Eric was checking out the fuse box. He looked really caught up in what he was doing.

Spencer slowly walked up behind Eric and put his hands on Eric's ass.

Eric jumped a bit and said, "Damn, you just about got a shock."

"That's what I was hoping to get out of you." As he slowly slid his arms around Eric's waist and was rubbing his stomach.

"Aren't you worried some wandering child could simply walk in unannounced and be shocked at what they saw?"

"That's why doors have locks smartypants." As he slowly pulled Erics shirt out of his pants.

"My pants aren't smart, but what you might find in them might be of interest to you." Eric slyly smiled back at his horny lover.

"Well, I might need to find out then what is in them. What could you be hiding in them?" As he turned Eric around to face him and pushed him against the wall.

"OHH someone is Mr rough and tough today, are you experiencing some .... pent up frustrations?" Eric pushed back on Spencer playfully.

"Aww shut up fucker, I'll show you frustrations" as he pulled Eric close to his face. He stared into his eyes for a few moments and licked his lips. Then they both enjoyed a long tongue lashing while both of them pulled at each others clothes.

"Dam, you been so fucking hot to see in all those tight and sweaty clothes the last couple days, I could barely control myself." Spencer whispered in Eric ear as he just about had Eric naked except for his boxers briefs which were straining with his huge cock to get out.

"Yea I noticed Marcus noticing you do that."

"Yea that little hottie needs a good fucking from us doesn't he?" as Spencer had Eric's pulsing cock in his hands, slowly stroking him

"What makes you think he would want that?" as Eric hands were playing with Spencers chest

"Are you blind, do you see how he acts around Shane? And that swim they had, I swear Shane had an orgasm." As Spencer started to go down and lick on Eric's cockhead

"Hey, wanna go have some different fun? Let's test your theory out. If you are right, I promise you can have your way all night tonight." As Eric looked down at him smiling and raised an eyebrow

Spencer looked up at him with an even bigger grin, "OHHH, you have an evil side!!, I love it, lets go."

Alex replied to Marcus, "You want me to stay and help you? I'm not as strong as the other guys in case you slip and......"

Then I heard Eric from behind me say, "Spencer and I can help you out with that. I don't think Alex could handle you if you fell."

I turned to see both men already taking their shirts off, looking sweaty from there project in the generator room.

"Done with the generator already?" Alex asked.

"No, we need to get to town to get some parts. But it's awfully hot in there already and we needed to shower before we did that," Eric replied.

"Marcus, do you need some help out those clothes?"

"Well I need more help putting on the waterproofing wraps"

Alex took the bag from me and pulled them out. "You might as well get out of the clothes first so they don't pull this stuff off."

"Makes sense." I tried pulling the shirt off but I was still too clumsily. Spencer saw what I was doing and came over to help me, with Eric coming up behind him. They already had their clothes off. I thought to myself, "Damn, this family is not shy at all and all built very nicely. Now I get the view I missed out on at the lake the other day."

He said, "I don't think you're ready to try much on your own until you gain your strength back."

Eric came up behind me and held my hips while Spencer and Alex helped me out of my clothes. I was getting kinda turned on by this close attention.

Alex said, "Hey don't worry about your big guy there, we all seem to sport those a lot around here." We all chuckled over his straightforwardness and then he took off his clothes. I thought to myself, "Well he sure is giddy about getting naked, and he will be taking more after Shane than Sam in body tone."

"I take it your family does this often?" as Alex wrapped my cast

"Not all the time," as Spencer smile back at me

They helped me over to the falling water while Eric remained behind me helping me keep my balance. His dick was at full attention now and touched my ass cheeks and back every so often. Spencer helped take a sponge device similar to what Shane had at the spa and started helping me scrub down. They were very gentle and caring in how they treated me. I had figured them to be the gruff and tough farm boys after what I had seen them go through the last couple of days with those chainsaws. Now this is a totally different side of them and it was turning me on every time they touched me. Eric held onto me like he did this on a regular basis, and also helped wash down my back and backside. My dick was throbbing and I said, "I seem to get worked up over the smallest things lately."

"That could happen I guess when your body is beaten up and trying to heal. It would seem something normal to happen. Thomas could probably answer that for you. As you can see, we joined you in the hard cock club. Being naked and in this place seems to encourage that to happen."

My legs became silly putty and Eric was quick to keep me from falling. "Well seems you need to get your rest, you're overexerting yourself."

I wasn't tired at all. I was just getting extremely horny from so many hot bodies touching me. But since they aren't interested in guys, I just faked being tired. Ugh.

We walked back over to the platform. Alex pressed the lever and we got quite the blow job from it. I about had an orgasm from that little wind blast. They helped me get dressed and Eric picked up me like Shane does and carried me back to the house.

"Ryan, what are you doing here? I thought you had a flight today?"

"Hi Mrs. Nobles, Susan. I called in sick, worried about Paige. I wanted to see if she will talk to me so we can get over this."

"Well dear, there was a little accident earlier. Thomas took both Shane and Larry to the clinic to make sure they are going to be OK"

"What happened? How serious an accident" Ryan asked.

"The solar generator overloaded and shocked both of them. Thomas felt it was a good idea to get them looked over at the clinic."

Susan interjected and said, "We have a new houseguest, wanna meet him? I think you will like him, I know we all do!!!"

"Susan, what a wonderful offer but I think I need to get to the clinic instead. I'll have to meet your new friend maybe tomorrow OK?"

"OK, promise?" Susan sulked once again.

"Promise, cutie."

"Thanks Mrs. Nobles for the information. I will see you all latter."

"Ryan, your welcome. You're always welcome to visit anytime. Paige will eventually come around. You will be a family again."

As they went back to the bedroom, Susan said, "I think he is cute mamma, I wanna marry him when I grow up."

"Yea, you and me both dear."

"Mamma you think he is handsome too?"

Lidda just smiled at Susan and changed the subject while walking into the kitchen and noticing the boys coming back from the springs.

Lidda came to the back door and said to Marcus, "I knew you should have gone to bed first, you -"

"I know, I know! I've been overexerting myself," I interrupted.

Eric carried me right back into Sam's room and sat me on the bed. He and Spencer helped me out of the special soft-fabric clothes Doc makes me wear except when I'm sleeping.

Lidda and Susan walked in and said, "We will stay with you while you sleep."

The guys shagged my hair and said, "See you latter, get rested."

I don't remember dozing off, but suddenly I was sitting up from a bad dream or something that was quickly fading from my memory. I was breathing faster than normal and perspiring heavily. It almost felt like the anxiety attack I had a couple days ago.

"Marcus, what's wrong?" I heard Lidda's voice from beside me.

I looked over to her and stared at her for a few moments.

"You look a little confused, dear."

The more she spoke the more I become aware and finally said, "Oh, I think I must have had a bad dream or something. Was I sleeping long?"

"Well actually no, probably about 2 hours. Take a couple of deep breaths. Do you want anything to drink or eat?"

"A drink please. It almost feels like an anxiety attack. Have Doc and Shane gotten back from the clinic?"

"You may have a few of those once in a while, it's an aftereffect of your recovery. Your mind is still trying to cope with it. As for Shane, I think I heard the truck pull up a few moments before you woke."

There was a knock at the door and Lidda opened it. It was Doc. He came in and looked at me and said, "Having bad dreams?"

"I think so. Not a normal one for me"

"Well it will take some time for you to heal, so be patient."

I just shook my head and asked, "So how are the guys?"

"Shane is going to be fine, he just has a few nerve spasms in his arm and he went to rest in his room. Larry is spending the night for observation. Even though he is a big guy, his heart rhythm is a bit off."

"Oh, your package from school arrived. It's on the table in the kitchen when you want it."

"Lidda, would you do me a favor ...."

She was already out the door and a few moments later brought the package. Alex was right behind her with my favorite beverage, Powerade.

"Well how did you know what I liked Alex?"

"I was nosy and looked at your menu selections while you were at the clinic. I told Dad to get some on his way home."

"You guys are great. But, you forgot the Reese's Pieces though. Doc, would you care to help me with this package?"

"Actually, I would help you but not right now. I really do need to get some rest before I pass out. You guys keep me on the move too much."

I heard a voice behind them say, "I could help you with it." It was Sam

"Are you sure? I don't want to keep you from anything else."

"As long as we can do it out back on the porch where it is nice out. Besides, I found out I was laid off from work. Looks I'll have a couple of weeks to pitter around."

Doc said, "Well, why the hell did they do that for Sam?"

"I don't have much seniority, so they let me and 2 other guys off"

Lidda half smiled quirky and said, "Drats, now you will get to spend time with Susan and me cleaning house."

Sam seemed to ignore her and said, "Well let's find out what Marcus's school has to say, you going to lay there the rest of the day?

"I'm coming, I'm coming ... I just have to get dressed so I won't be sitting out there in nothing but a smile."

Alex giggled and said, "He does when he thinks no one is watching."

Lidda and Doc just smiled at each other and walked out the room.

Sam said, "Oh shut up Alex, we don't go around telling people your business do we? Unless you want me to tell him about ... " He got a look from Alex and he pushed him out of the room.

Alex turned back to me with a slight red face and said, "Do you think you will still be here for Memorial Day? We always have a big party all day long and you will have so much fun."

"I don't know, I will have to decide according to what my school is requesting of me. And my parents should be back home by then."

Sam poked his head back into the room and said, "I guess you need some assistance getting dressed too?"

"I think I'm getting a handle on it; I'll meet you outside."

After I got everything put on and starting walking through the house to the outside, I noticed that Sam's section of the house was different from the rest. His area seemed like the original look of the house while the living room and kitchen looked very modern. I keep noticing all these great details about this house and I'm just amazed.

Sam was waiting for me while working on some electronic device the size of a keyboard.

I asked, "What is that?"

"Just tinkering with a mobile control unit, something you wouldn't be interested in. Let's open the box."

"OK, let's open this up and see what trouble I'm in."

He opened the box and pulled out several letters. Each of my instructors had sent me my final project paper requirements. I had 5 days to get 4 of them done. Sam then said, "Well you already have one project done. I'll go find the digi cam and get pictures of the bridge that worked. You should ace that one."

"I can't write these out longhand. I need my laptop to get them done faster, but we both know where that is."

"You could always buy a new one and stop blaming me for losing your crap."

"OK dumbass, let me find my wallet and just get my credit card out for that. Ohhhh that's right, that's lost too," I said ever so sarscatically.

"Hey chill out freakoid, I was just joking and getting sarcastic with me wont help, I'm leaving. I have other things to do anyway."

"Go. Fine. Have at it then!" I slammed the crap back into the box. "You're about the most stressed out person I have ever seen. Probably a lack of getting laid."

As he was walking away, he flipped me the bird. I thought to myself, "What a fucking jackass, I think he was adopted or something."

I looked over and saw Spencer and Eric looking my way from the generator shed. I just waved at them. They walked over and sat down with me.

"Well, looks like you two are just getting chummy. By the way, we have a laptop at the house. We will get it for you once we're done with this damn simple project that we cleverly volunteered for," Spencer said grinning.

I said, "He gets bent out of shape out over the littlest things. He's acting like I should be worshipping him or something for saving my life." I think I mumbled a few other choice words too.

Eric interrupted, "Whhooaa, slow down there slick, your letting him get to you. That's probably what he wants you to do."

"Yea, I think your right. Anyway, thank you guys for loaning the laptop. Hey, what's the simple fix that you're having a problem with it?"

Eric replied, "That's the kicker. If it was simple we would have found it by now." We had a good laugh over that.

Spencer went back to talking about Sam again and said, "Sam has been trying to deal with something for a few months now and gets frustrated with himself for not knowing what to do."

"Now that doesn't make a bit of sense. What's he so high strung about anyway?"

"Life in general we think. He is a smart guy, but doesn't know how to apply it too well. I think his mind is constantly on the go. Also, he's not sure what he wants to do with his life."

We then heard a car pull up the drive and stop near the truck. I looked over to see a new red and black mustang. It was Doc Nick and Jeff. They saw us sitting here and started walking over to us. Both were dressed in casual clothing; nice fitting jeans and tank tops. I just now noticed how well Doc Nick was built, but he was not as well built as his hunky boyfriend Jeff. I thought, "He sure does look familiar, like someone famous almost." Then it hit me since he wasn't in doctor mode, he looked very similar to Orlando Bloom.

"Hey guys, what are you doing way out here?" I asked.

"Just wanted to check on our favorite patient," Jeff nodded at me.

Spencer and Eric stood up and shook their hands and patted them on the back. They seemed rather friendly to each other, I thought. Guess they must have known each other for a while.

Doc Nick asked, "How are you feeling this afternoon, Marcus?"

"Still queasy, but getting better; I'm going by the book of your instructions."

"Good to hear. I would stay in the shade more until you're more healed; that sun can do wicked stuff to you. Anything we can do to help, just let Jeff or me know."

"Thanks again. I think Doc and Shane are in the house asleep, but Lidda may be just doing some light reading. I'll go find her for you."

"Oh that's alright, we heard the solar generator was busted, so we thought we offer these two a hand."

"Once your done with that quick fix, you should check out the springs area back there. It's too awesome!"

"We just may do that, Marcus. I'm sure Spence and Eric will be delighted to show us that." I got the feeling that Nick and Jeff were interested in these two brothers as much as I was interested in Shane.

I got up from the table and took my package inside. I saw Alex and Susan passed out on the couches.

I quietly called for Lidda but got no answer. I heard some rustling going on through a back hall off the kitchen and went to check it out.

I hadn't gotten a total tour of the house yet, since I couldn't climb stairs too well, but I figured I could take a look around before heading back to get some rest. I went to the door that the rustling was coming from and opened it.

"OH. MY. GOSH! So Sorry!" I said, quite surprised at what I saw.

This was Doc and Lidda's room. I walked right in on them 69ing. Doc's ass was right in my view humping his cock in his wifes mouth while he was eating her out. The surprise of this made me stumble backward and I lost control and fell into the hall. I was quite noisy when I did this, and I heard Lidda say to Doc, "OH crap you fucker, you said everyone was busy!"

Lidda ran to the bath while Doc pulled on some pants and came to help me.

I said to him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Son, its OK, you didn't know your away around here. It's our fault for not locking the door. We're just used to everyone leaving doors closed," as he carefully tried to help me up.

Both Alex and Susan came running down the hall saying, "What was that?"

"Marcus is still getting used to his crutches, and he just slipped." Both of them approached me and helped their dad get me up. I heard them whispering to each other about something.

Doc and the kids took me back to Sam's room and put me on the bed. Doc asked, "Are you in any pain?"

I shook my head.

He looked at the kids and said, "I need some time with Marcus, go play please." They did as instructed and closed the door behind them.

Doc asked, "Where are you hurting, Marcus?"

"I'm not, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for walking in on you. I think Lidda is pissed at you and me now."

"Marcus, calm down, I'm not upset nor is Lidda. Maybe embarrassed, but not pissed. It's not every day someone walks in on us. You have nothing to worry about. You can call it even if you want."

I realized that he was right. This whole family had seen me bare naked, but I didn't expect to ever see these two in the heat of passion like that. I walked in on my parents once and it was nothing like what these two were doing.

"You're right. Even. Except...."

"Just even....nothing more said" Doc smiled back

I decided to take another nap and let things try to get back to a normal day.

I was abruptly awakened by someone shaking my shoulder.

I sat up and swatted at the hand on my shoulder without even looking around. I said, "Gee Alex, you're just as bad as my brother doing that. He knows it annoys me."

"Well, now that you admit it is annoying...."

"Patrick, what the hell?" I looked up shocked to see my brother in the room.

"Good to see you too, brother."

"When did you get here?"

"Oh about a half hour ago. I thought that the rocking chair creeking would wake you up."

I looked towards the window and it was dark out.

"Man, you look like you got hit by a bus and then run over by it. Grandma wanted to come with me...."

"Patrick, cut the crap. Don't apologize for them. I am not in the mood to keep hearing excuses. Speaking of which, what took you so long to get here?"

"I know you're not in the best shape right now, but don't shit on me. You're the one that had to come way up here to get away. Besides, I didn't get any message till yesterday and I did come here as soon as I heard. So are you going to get your ass up and come home with me now?"

"I don't know if they explained anything to you, but I can't leave for another couple of days. Otherwise I would have had to stay in the clinic."

"You mean I came here just to turn around and head back? Oh, you got to be freakin' kidding me. I want to talk to this so-called hick country doctor."

I heard Doc behind him standing in the doorway say, "Well, this so-called hick doctor "gaduated" top of his class. Would you like to see my credentials from John Hopkins University and Hospital?"

Patrick stood speechless for a moment. "Well sir, how was I suppose to know, with you living out in middle of nowhere...."

"Son, if you finish that sentence with what I think you're going to say, then I better ask you to leave now."

Patrick turned to me and said, "What kind of brain wash bull crap have they been feeding you?" He turned back to doc and said, "I'll be taking him home with me now."

I said, "Patrick, you're my brother but you're a jackass. I would prefer to stay here. You need to go back to whatever you were doing. Doc, would you be so kind remove him from your house? He isn't welcome here anymore."

He looked at me like I was on fire or something and said, "But we're family, we stick together. Now you're coming with me whether you like it or not. I'm tired of this nonsense. I think he has you on some drugs or something," and he started reaching for the covers.

Doc said, "Boys, let's take care of Patrick for Marcus. Patrick, if you touch him even a tiny bit, you will be walking home with one less finger."

I thought to myself, "Dam, Doc has a wicked side to him. I like him even more now."

In walked Spencer, Eric and Shane. Patrick turned and looked at them and said, "Oh, it takes 4 of you to take me out huh? I guess the old man here can't handle himself."


He took one last look at me, snorted, shook his head and said, "Last time I ever pull your ass out of the fire." He pushed his way out of the room.

The guys followed him out and I heard his car take off in a rush.

Doc said, "I knew he was a prick when he arrived by the way he acted. Are you sure you're brothers?"

I kind of smiled and said, "He does have his good moments but I never wanted to hang around him much. Thanks for your help with him." Then I felt tears down my face and I laid back and stared at the ceiling.

Doc sat next to me, took a hold of my hand and said, "You're welcome anytime. You are a good and decent young man." He stayed with me until I dozed off.

I spent the next 2 days working on my school finals with the help of various family members. I started to feel better as each day passed. The headache was nearly gone but I still had an uneasy feeling anytime I walked around.

Larry, Paige and Toby were given the guest house to stay in while their place was being fixed.

On one afternoon Lidda and Doc came in and said, "Anything particular you'd like from the grocery?"

"Ben and Jerry's ice cream sounds extremely good right about now but I know it won't keep without any power."

Doc smiled and walked to the lamp next to me and turned it on.

Lidda said, "Ben and Jerry's it shall be then." I smiled back at her.

Doc then asked, "You think you will be OK by yourself for awhile? Shane is in his apartment working, but the younger kids are coming with us. Sam is at an interview and Spencer and Eric went to help Paige with her house."

"Yeah, I got a lot of school work to get finished. I think it will keep me busy for a while. I need some quiet time to get this done."

"OK, see you in a while," said Lidda as she kissed me on the cheek.

Once they left, I sat and stared out the window. I thought of all the things I needed to do again once I get home. I wanted to call some of my friends but damn, I can't even remember my own cell number half the time.

Then I caught a glimpse of Shane walking around the house wearing only a towel. I thought, "I wonder where he could be going now?"

So I hurried out to the kitchen to have a look just in time to see him heading to the springs. By the time he was walking over the bridge, the towel was only hanging over his shoulder and I got to watch that hot ass sway back and forth.

I thought, "Well, I wonder if this is a good time to see if Shane is interested."

I made my way out of the house and quietly clunked my way over the footbridge.

As I was trying to be clever and sneaky, I came around the corner of the bridge and I looked up and gasped at what I saw.

Shane and Paige were heavily making out under the water. My heart raced and I half smiled and thought, "You got your hopes up too high kiddo, plus you never directly asked him."

I turned to go back to the house with my thoughts racing, I tripped going back over the bridge and I'm sure I was heard with all the clanking and cursing I was making trying not to fall on my face.

Shane was in his apartment working much of the morning. His dad stopped in on him to let him know the power was back and they were heading to the market. Only Marcus was in the house and had school work to catch up on.

Shane figured he needed a break and since Marcus was busy he could enjoy a nice open air shower for a while. He headed for the springs wrapped only in a towel until he got to the bridge. He wanted to enjoy the sensations of the wind that flowed over his body. He then left the towel on the bridge

He made it up to the waterfall and stood there enjoying the view under the water. He was relaxing and started to use his hands to rub his stomach and lowering them to stroke his hardening cock. Then he felt a hand grab his ass. He was a bit startled. He turned to see Paige in all her glory standing there with a huge grin on her face.

"UHH, I didn't know anyone else was up here, Paige. Sorry, I'll come back later." She eyed him from head to toe, giving more attention to his crotch than anything else.

"Oh you don't have to go anywhere, you big handsome man you. I'm sure we can find something to do here," as she put her hands on his chest.

"Uh Paige...."

She pulled him into one hot and steamy kiss. She was handling him like he was the last man on earth.

Then they heard a lot of noise down on the bridge.

"That could only be Marcus. He sounds like he fell. I better go help him out."

Paige grabbed him by the arm, "He's a big boy, bring him back up here and we all can have fun."

"Paige you're a very sweet woman but to be honest, I'm not attracted to you that way. You're like a big sister to me."

"Fine!! Be that way! But your cock says otherwise. I know all about you." As She walked away down a hidden path in a huff.

Shane quickly made his way back to the house to find Marcus had gone inside already.

He then noticed Sam pulling into the drive and he hurried back to his apartment.

I heard knocking on the door but I knew no one was going to get it. I'm the only one here.

"I'm studying, Come in" It's not fun getting up from the desk and using crutches to get around.

The knocking continued and finally I said, "Coming!"

I got to the door but not without knocking some things over clumsily due to the crutches.

I opened the door and to my surprise it was my parents... "Mom? Dad? Is that you?"

They looked back at me also surprised and Dad said slowly "We just happened to call Grandpa before we caught our flight home, and he told us what happened to you. So we flew directly here."

"How did you find this place?"

"Mrs. Noble gave Grandpa the address and some directions."

"Oh my poor son, you look so beaten up!" Mom said, taken aback at my bruised body.

"It's looking better by the day. Are you coming in or do you have to catch another flight to somewhere?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Marcus, we know you may be a little upset with us for not getting here sooner...."

"Sooner would have been like 3 or 4 days after my accident. You're approaching two freaking weeks." The hurtful emotions started to race back and I couldn't stop the tears.

"Marcus, we are truly sorry, we know you're upset, but I'm sure we can talk it through. We never want you to feel you are ignored or unwanted."

"Did you just hear what you said? Fuck, do you realize the Nobles have only known me for a mere two weeks, a complete stranger, and they have shown more interest in me than you have in I don't know how long. I am changing things and you're not going to like it."

I heard someone behind me clear his throat and say, "I don't mean to interrupt...." It was Sam and he continued, "But since I overheard what you said, Marcus, you only have one set of parents your whole life and if anything happened to them, I think you would regret saying that. You of all people should realize how precious life can be, after what you have been through.

I turned to Sam and gave him a look that stunned even him. I said, "OH now you decide to talk to me again. This is none of your business, get out."

My dad said, "He is a wise young man, son. Don't regret later what you say now."

Sam replied, "Actually, it sorta is. Without me, you wouldn't be standing here now, so I suggest you allow your parents into my family's house and talk to them."

I walked over to him said, "You just want me to get the hell out of you and your family's lives. I have never seen a more 'jealous Julie' in my life, mr. drama queen."

"Well I suggest you walk out that door and leave then if you don't like it here." Sam stood there with that look on his face he could only do and his arms crossed.

Chap 11: Well traveled: coming soon

Marcus' Twisted Trivia !!!

Marcus' summer twist readers club have voted for a fun little contest. This is open to any reader, not just the fan club. It begins now.......have fun!!!!

The winner will get advanced copy of future chapters and have a vote in the characters photos yahoo group page. Follow the rules and answer the questions and you can win.

Rules 1. You are only allowed to submit once! 2. There is a time limit of 4 days from the day this is posted on nifty, otherwise after that time, your just emailing for fun. 3. Type in the subject line: Marcus Twisted Trivia**10 4. The first line in the body of the email should include your first name ONLY, and city. I want to be able to congratulate the winner in the next posting. . .

Marcus' trivia questions:

  1. How many characters with names have been introduced in the story that we have met? Chapters 1-10 2. Where do the Nobles live? 3. Where was Marcus flying from and to? 4. Where does Marcus live? 5. When was the original house the Nobles bought, built? 6. What airline does Ryan and Sam work for? 7. What is the Nobles favorite phrase? 8. Marcus has been gay for how long?

The twisted part: The last 2 are future questions that will be answered in future chapters but already have been written. Consider these the bonus busters.

  1. Has Marcus had a boyfriend before? 10. How long have Doc and Lidda been married?

Next: Chapter 11

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