Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Jan 29, 2006


NOTE: (This story has been resubmitted by me due to concerns of some editing errors. Thanks to the readers for pointing this out to me. This does not change the events of the story at all, just a better flow.)

The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and hopefully the first of several planned installments.

I hope/plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

Enjoy the story....

Chapter 1: A bump in the road (Present Day)

"There's been a terrible accident!! pleeeeeease hurry!!!"

That's what kept running through my mind as the limo drove into the hospital entrance. Even before the limo came to a full stop so the driver could open the door for me, I was out of the car and running into the busy lobby. I was searching frantically around in the large area for anyone I knew.

I kept thinking to myself, "Oh please, Oh please, how could I..." I finally caught a glimpse of Alex sitting slumped over in a chair. I ran to him and touched his shoulder. Alex slowly looked up at me and his eyes were red and full of tears.

I sat next to Alex and put my arms around him. All he could say was, "Marcus, he's gone....." I felt so torn up about what happened, that I must be physically getting ill over it, the pain I feel in my head and side is steadily getting worse.

A family friend approached us to follow her to the chapel, where the rest of the family was waiting.

I could feel my anxiety level climbing and my heart racing as we rounded the corner to the chapel. Alex walked in first and was immediately in a hug with his mother. Then she looked at me and put her other arm around me as we all cried together.

As I was in the group hug, the pain I was feeling for the family was too much. I felt another hand touch my other shoulder from behind me. I looked to see who it was and said, "Its youuuuuuu!!!"

It felt like all the air rushed out of me.......

I felt a warm cloth over my face. I was lying on a bed in a room that had a bit of chill to it. Someone else was here also; I could hear movement.

When I opened my eyes the cloth was obstructing my view. I could see the bright lights in the ceiling through the cloth.

A shadow came into view and wiped my forehead, then removed the cloth. I was squinting from the light and was dizzy. I did notice she was a nurse. She said "Marcus, you visit us too often. Do you remember anything that happened today?"

My mind was still a swirl of visions and I just heard myself say, "I was in an accident!!!??? How could I have gone? It's all my fault!"

The nurse said, "That must of been one heck of bump I got from passing out in the chapel. Your accident was 4 years ago."

"OOOOOWWWWWW the pain in my side is awful... OOOOWWWWW" I moaned in agony.

I heard a door open. The nurse looked over at the figure in the doorway and said "He thinks its 4 years ago, when he had his accident. How could he feel the same pain in his side?"

I felt a sting in my temple and my side felt like it was going to explode as the lights blinked out and I heard his voice fading away... "Thank you N u r s e... Hhhhh e' s I n g o o d h a n d s wi...."

**** (4 years earlier)

This has been a very trying day for me. What was suppose to be just a 2-hr flight from Tampa to Nashville has turned into a 12-hour event. Delays and cancellations of flights were beginning to strain my nerves.

My cell phone was pretty much useless. These severe spring storms kept it in no roaming or no service mode most of the time, much like everything else on this day. Even trying to find a connection via my laptop is frustrating. I figure Ill just just play poker and spyder on my laptop while waiting around. Luckily, I downloaded my favorite new songs to my Ipod before I left town. Now I'm stuck in Knoxville.

As I was the first to board this last flight, I was greeted by a very handsome dark haired flight attendant named Ryan. He looked to be a couple years older than I, probably 21 or 22. I'm about 5'9" and he appeared to be about an inch shorter than me. But he looked damn good in his uniform, the way it clung to his fit well tanned body. He was very attentive helping me get to my seat.

As I sat down he said, "You have the most intense puppy dog blue eyes I have ever seen."

"Thank you, I seem to get that a lot. I think they look normal though." I said with a sly grin and added, "You have a great tan for this time of year."

"I get around a lot!!" he winked back at me. He asked, "Would you like a snack while the plane gets boarded?"

"I'm dying for some Reese's Pieces if you have them."

"Will M&M Peanut Butter do?"

"Most excellent!!" I said. He reached in a box next to the doorway and handed me two packs.

"Ill be back shortly to check on you while I get my other duties done."

"OK thanks!!" I said with a big smile while I was able to watch him walk up the aisle.

A young couple sat across from me and we began to chat some. I found out they just got married and were having a miserable time getting around just like me.

I kept nervously checking my watch as all the passengers finally boarded. I kept thinking to myself, "Come on, come on, lets go!!"

The couple noticed me getting restless and said to take a couple deep breaths and relax.

I was gazing out the window noticing the storm that apparently never lets up as we taxied out to the runway and stopped. I could hear the engines starting to rev up and then a pop and the plane made a sudden jolt and everything went quite.

The captain then made an announcement that it should be a few minutes for them to get the plane back to normal and we should just relax in the meantime.

A few moments latter Ryan came back to where I was sitting and sat next to me. I said, "I thought we were getting on our way again in a few minutes."

He whispered in my ear, "I don't think so, I have seen this too often and it's usually a long delay or the flight gets cancelled."

"Oh crap, no way..., this can't be happening now."

"Way... Why the long face? Don't you want to talk to me more?"

"Oh, I am enjoying your company, trust me. It's just that I have this big interview for an internship first thing in the morning. I can't miss it, because the spring semester ends in 2 weeks. I'm cutting it close as is. If I don't get it, I will have to be back in class in the fall."

"You seem rather excited about it."

"I am!! It will the first time I get live away from home on my own. I never lived in another state or town before."

"So how long will you get to stay if you get this internship?"

"Six months!!" I said rather eagerly.

"Well, seems you are anxious to break away from your parents."

"I'm 19 and lived in Florida all my life. I want to learn to stand on my own two feet. I love my parents with all my heart but, they are a bit overprotective and constraining much of the time."

"So how did you get them to "allow" you out of the house? Are you on some athletic team? You are built for it." He said winking at me and his eyes checking me out.

"Thanks, I played soccer and tennis most of my schools years and it seems my parents must of passed on good genes. But I'm going for an engineering internship. I just explained to my parents logically and how it would only enhance my future job opportunities and would increase my salary latter on. They enjoy hearing that kinda of stuff instead of how I just want to live on my own and learn to be me instead of their shadow."

Ryan had a huge grin on his face and asked, "And who do you want to be?"

"I'm sure you can understand that one." As I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back.

Ryan and I kept chatting and I glanced at my watch again. I didn't realize two hours had passed when the captain announced the flight was cancelled due to a maintenance problem. I looked at Ryan and said, sounding a little angry, "It was just a half hour flight to Nashville. Can't they fix the dam thing there? Now how am I going to get there this late and everything is closed?"

"Take a deep breath; I can help you with that. I know this airport fairly well. The captain will come on in a few seconds and say something like, "We will get you to your destination in the morning, please see the ticket agent as you exit the plane." Sure enough, less than 10 seconds latter that's what the captain announced.

On the tram back to the terminal, the young couple asked Ryan and I, "How long have you two known each other?"

We glanced at each other grinning and Ryan said, "Oh I think about 2 - 2 1/2 hours."

They both looked stunned and said, "Well the way you have been chatting away it seemed like since you were kids. As soon as he came and sat next you, you calmed down and stopped fidgeting. It seems you may have a start to a great relationship"

"Thanks!!" We both said

We got back to the terminal and Ryan left me in the waiting area to take care of his promise. He said he would be right back.

I made my way over to the vending area and was surprised to find they had Powerade Option in the drinks machine and plenty of Reeses Pieces in the candy machine.

A few moments latter, Ryan came back with good news about being able to get a rental for me. He said, "We have about 20 minutes till its ready, would you care to walk with me, there's something I want to show you?"

I said, "Sure!!"

We entered a stairway and walked up a flight of stairs. He didn't turn on the lights, since the runway lights illuminated the room just enough. It looked like a small lounge for a businessman needing to get away from the main terminal.

Ryan turned to me and said, "I've been wanting to kiss you the moment you stepped on the plane, your fucking adorable, very easy on the eyes!!"

I jumped at the chance to explore my sexuality and my attraction to Ryan I replied, "I wanted to do the same!!"

He approached me and unbuttoned my shirt. His hands were warm while he felt my pecs and stomach. He said "DAMN, just the way I like them. Smooth and taut. I can't wait to see what is behind these jeans!!"

I smiled and said "Slow down just a notch! It's now my turn, you just enjoy as my way of saying thanks for your help."

I gave Ryan a long tight close hug, all the while slowly sliding my hands down Ryan's firm back, buns and thighs. I slowly made my way from nibbling on Ryan's ear to his lips, and gradually slid my tongue in to meet Ryan's. I was enjoying this very much and could tell Ryan was too, because I could feel Ryan's excitement pressing against my leg. Ryan seemed to melt over this attention. Ryan again mentioned how my eyes were so puppy dog loving, with those dark (but not too long) eyelashes. As much as I was enjoying Ryan's company, not to mention getting to feel just about every part of him through his clothes, I knew I had to get on my way.

I then told Ryan we would have to continue this on my way back. Ryan said "I'm looking forward to it, if that was the preview, I can't wait for show!! I'm on a 2-day layover. So we could meet up again when I get back" I told him he could join me and they could continue their conversation from the plane and enjoy some other fun on the way. Ryan said we would love to, but had to stay for a training session.

"Damn it!" I thought, "I was looking forward to giving this guy some well-deserved attention." At least, we did have a chance to swap cell numbers.

Ryan walked me out of the lounge and to the rental car, where we kissed passionately. I finally had to say, "As much I am enjoying you. I really have to get going. I will be back later tomorrow and we can meet then."

"I'm counting on it, good luck with the interview!!"

I still had a 2 hour drive and the weather was not letting up. Imagine one of those nights when its pitch black and blowing rain from every direction, and its feels your just traveling at 20 mph when your actually going 60.

I tried to keep my eye on that white line on the side of the highway to keep me from plunging into something, but the short make-out session with Ryan kept replaying in my thoughts. I had a hard on that wouldn't quit.

"In Florida, it's just usually a half hour squall and its over. Doesn't it ever stop here?" I kept thinking.

It was going to be 2 am by the time I got to my hotel, and my interview started at 9 am. By now, my patience was at an all time low. Another setback and I would just explode (mentally that is -- I haven't exploded the other way in the last day). I'm usually very patient, when I want to be.

The interstate to Nashville was not very busy this late in the evening except for the occasional truck driver. Then about 1/2 hr into my drive, I came to where the interstate appeared to be shut down and it looked like I was going to be forced to take a detour.

I pulled up to the officer's car parked in the middle road with all kinds of flairs and lights to warn motorist of the impending problem and asked what was going on. He said a rock slide occurred and traffic was detoured. The signs had been posted, and it should be easy to get back on the interstate in about another 1/2 hr, thru Cookeville.

He suggested stopping at the diner just off the exit to wait it out. According to the weather reports the weather was not letting up and warmed me taking the back roads isn't a good idea during these storms and this late at night could make for dangerous traveling. I almost took his suggestion, at least thought about it, but I told myself, "I can do this. I'm young and an excellent driver, and can't be late for my interview"

Apparently I missed my detour turn when I was fidgeting around with my belt buckle trying to relieve my persistent hard-on, so I just went ahead and unzipped my pants to let it out to have some room. I thought I was heading on the right road back to the highway, but in the poor conditions I drove another 6 miles thru winding roads before I realized I had gone too far.

Just as I was about to turn around, lightening struck a tree and it was falling in my path. I took evasive action to try to miss it, and I thought I had when it struck the back of the car and spun me around. The last thing I remember is that slow-motion feeling, heading over the embankment and flipping over several times.


*** I felt a jolt, and a stinging sensation on my face. I opened my eyes and I saw I was upside down. I heard the rush of water and wind in this darkness. I could hear someone yelling. "HEY MISTER! ARE YOU OK? CAN YOU HEAR ME? WE NEED TO GET YOU OUT OF THIS CAR FAST!"

I glanced around and saw a light in my face through the remains of the car window and felt a hand tugging at me. My head was throbbing but I was able to groggly mutter, "Yeah I'm here!" (Hey, you try to respond sensibly when you just were tossed around like a rag doll!)

The stranger said, "CLOSE your eyes again while I get the rest of the window out. The door won't open." I heard the remaining glass being broken and being blow around me, stinging my face again.

He yelled at me again, "OPEN YOUR EYES AND GET YOUR SEATBEAT UNBUCKLED! I CAN'T REACH THE BUCKLE!" I tried to get it but my hand wasn't responding like it is supposed to. He must have noticed that, and took out a rather large knife and cut the belt. He warned me, "HANG ON."

I felt myself slip down slowly into what felt like ice water. He grabbed me by the collar and started pulling hard and yelling at me, "I HOPE YOU TAKE NEWS WELL. You're injured and you don't have much room to move. It's one hell of storm out here and we've got a little climb to make, SO MOVE FASTER!"


As I realized I must of been in a creek and my ass was freezing. My senses quickly told me to move, and with his pulling and my quick movement, he had me out of the car quickly.

Unfortunately, my shirt got torn from me from a few of the remaining shards of glass from the car and I could feel the sting of cuts from my shoulder to my waist. We struggled hard up the embankment. A couple of times we lost our footing and slid back a couple inches, since he could only pull me by my jeans and most of the time he had to hold me in a bear hug. Otherwise I would have just slipped from him, I was so slippery. And my shoes had no gripping power whatsoever.

It felt like it took forever to get to the top, through the pelting rain, flashes of lighting and howling wind (so strong it seemed like a freakin' hurricane) and the slippery mud and rocky terrain.

Finally he stopped. I was able to get a grip in the sandy ground and stop slipping. He pulled me up closer to the road, near his truck lights, until I collapsed on top of him in his bear hug.

Our faces were just an inch apart, and we were both breathing hard and our chest heaving. I couldn't make out any detail of him except for his dark blue eyes, he was so caked with mud, but I could tell from his voice he was young.

He asked,.. "ARE YOU OK?" (Now let's see... I was nearly naked, soaked and dirty, could hardly breathe, in pain from stinging in my arms and legs, and had a throbbing headache and blurred vision.)

I glanced at the young man's mud-caked face and what appeared to be a muddy yellow jumpsuit.

I rolled my eyes and muttered near his ear, "Noooo, I was just in a wreck."

He carefully rolled me over off him and swung his light down to the car. It was upside down in a creek that was rising fast, nearly half covered.

He said. "IF I had stayed in the car another two minutes, I would have drowned."

I looked at it and said "YEA that would be bad and I'm sure the rental car company isn't going to be happy either since you broke the windows."

I heard him say, "WHAT???"

The throbbing in my head overcame me and everything went black.....


If you like to make a comment about this story just contact me at

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Next: Chapter 2

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