Marcus and Kyle

By moc.loa@NOCIsvNOCI

Published on Sep 3, 2005


Marcus and Kyle: A Shift in the Orbit by Christian Mitchell Copyright 2005

Chapter Three

Thankfully, Tyler successfully inspired Kyle to smile and laugh more than I had been able to. During the drive to Devon's house Tyler bitched and moaned about terrorists, Mariah Carey's emotional breakdown, and needing to get laid. "If they drafted my ass today I'd totally be able to hunt down some terrorists," he stated. "My blue balls would fuel the fire to kick some ass!"

Kyle seemed to be in much better spirits by the time that we parked the car. I wasn't sure about the true extent of his mood. He could have been acting for Tyler's benefit. I hoped that he was genuinely happier. I did not like to see him depressed and sad. It affected me and caused me to be concerned about him.

As we entered the house I recognized several people from school. I did not immediately see Devon. The three of us walked through the extremely crowded house in search of alcohol. Once we walked into the kitchen Devon suddenly appeared and practically jumped onto my back.

"Hey, you fucking made it!" he shouted.

I twisted my body so that Devon was forced to stand on his feet. "Yes, I'm here," I replied as I punched him in the stomach.

"Oh," he winced and brushed a few strands of blonde hair from his eyes. "A couple more beers in my system and you would have made me throw up."

I glanced at my watch. "Drunk by ten o'clock, huh?"

He waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Nah, I'm fine."

"Good," I smiled. "These are my friends Kyle and Tyler."

The three exchanged greetings and shook hands. Then he grabbed Kyle's bicep. "Damn, boy. You got some guns on you."

"Thanks," Kyle beamed.

"He's on the football team," I smiled.

"No, shit? Good for you. I'll have to get my ass to a game so I can watch you in action," Devon replied with a wink.

The wink instantly attracted my attention. I didn't expect it. Kyle's facial expression informed me that he didn't either. I assumed that it was to be considered a friendly gesture. Yet it still caught me off guard.

"There's plenty of alcohol on the counter and table," Devon said as he motioned toward the dining room. "And there's a shitload of beer in the fridge."

"Thanks," Tyler responded and quickly grabbed a plastic cup. He instantly walked to the table to create an alcoholic concoction of some sort.

"Yeah, thank you," Kyle smiled.

"Don't mention it," Devon replied. "Make yourselves comfortable and have fun."

Kyle, Tyler and I walked around the house until we decided to step outside to sit on chairs placed in the backyard. The area was not fully illuminated. The kitchen window provided little light. Lit cigarettes danced in the darkness as people tried to converse over the music that blared inside the house.

"How do you know this guy?" Tyler asked.

"We're in Algebra together," I answered. "One of the few friends I made at school so far."

"Ah," Tyler responded as he tilted his head back and looked skyward. "Where the hell is the moon?"

I glanced at Kyle. "We definitely know who won't be driving the car home tonight."

Kyle laughed and opened a second beer. "Don't worry, buddy," he said to Tyler. "I'm right behind ya." He consumed half the bottle in one gulp.

At that moment I knew that Kyle intended on becoming intoxicated by the end of the night. "Okay, I'll get the three of us home safely."

"Thanks, baby," he grinned.

"Ah, how sweet," Tyler cooed. "Young love."

I had returned to the kitchen to get another beer. As I closed the refrigerator door I saw an acquaintance from high school. He was leaning against the wall near the hallway. I approached with my hand extended. "What's up, Javier?"

He greeted me with a smile and shook my hand. "Not much. How are you?"

"Good," I replied. "Are you going to UCLA?"

"No, my girlfriend is. I'm in San Diego."

I did not know Javier well, but we talked about school and the summer for nearly ten minutes. Tyler appeared at my side and slapped Javier in the stomach. "Dude," he nearly shouted at me," I think Devon is trying to hook it up with your boyfriend."

"What?" I asked incredulously. "He's straight."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "People think you're straight, dumbass." Then he walked into the living room.

"You and Kyle are still together?" Javier asked with raised eyebrows.

I offered him a smile in return. "Well, if someone doesn't steal him away," I laughed. "I need to check on him." I grabbed two beers from the refrigerator.

"Its' cool," he shrugged. "It was good seeing you, man. Good luck at school."

"You, too," I replied as I turned on my heel to walk outside. I spotted Devon and Kyle seated next to each other on a bench by a tall bush.

Devon noticed my approach first. "Hey, there you are. Why didn't you tell me that Kyle is your boyfriend?"

I wasn't sure how people would react if I immediately announced that I was gay. It may have been the year 2001, but I was cautious about possibly setting myself up for negative feedback regarding my sexual orientation. Because Devon asked, I felt as if he had put me on the spot. I could have responded with a witty remark. Yet I believed that I appeared to be an asshole by brushing off his query.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Sorry."

"It's okay," Devon smiled. "Kyle told me that the two of you have been dating for about four months."

"Yes," I replied.

"Awesome," Devon uttered in a very nonchalant manner.

"Happily married," I stressed.

Devon laughed. "Don't worry about me, buddy. I have a girlfriend and a fuck buddy on the side. I'm a one-pussy-and-one-dick-man."

Obviously, my comment about marriage was a warning directed at Devon and he recognized the hint. To erase possible tension in the air, I smiled at him. "Busy guy."

"No, kidding," added Kyle.

"Yeah, well, what can I say? Raging hormones," he chuckled. "Take my seat. I need to find my girl." He stood up from the bench and stretched his arms high into the air. The action caused his shirt to rise and expose his flat stomach. I immediately told myself that Kyle would be unimpressed by a guy without a six-pack of abs on display.

"Thanks," I smiled and sat down.

Devon slapped his hand on my back then patted my shoulder twice. "Later."

I tilted my head to the side and looked at Kyle. "I had no idea he was bi-sexual."

"Yeah, well, maybe everyone is a little gay."

"Ha, try telling Tyler that," I laughed. "He found me in the kitchen and told me that Devon was trying to hook it up with you."

"No, he wasn't," Kyle informed me. "We were just talking."

"Oh," I replied.

"Are you jealous? Or just worried that someone is going to steal me away?"

"I guess, a little of both," I sighed. "I'm not upset or anything. Tyler told me to check up on you, so I thought I should."

"Okay," he smiled and nudged me in the side. "No one is going to steal me away from you."

"Good," I beamed. "Tell Tyler that."

"Where is he anyway?" Kyle questioned. "He was supposed to bring me a drink."

"I think he's on the prowl."

"Oh," Kyle smiled. "Good for him."

Once we returned to our apartment, Kyle immediately opened three beers. He sat on the sofa and consumed about a third of the bottle in one gulp. "Thirsty," he declared as he wiped his brow.

I sipped the beer. "I'm already buzzed, if I drink much more I'll be drunk."

"That's okay," he grinned. "We're already home."

I placed the Corona on the coffee table. "And I don't want to wake up with a headache," I complained.

"Gatorade!" Tyler loudly announced. "When you wake up, drink a bottle. You're headache will disappear in no time."

Less than an hour later Tyler passed out on the sofa. Kyle had become quite intoxicated so I helped him walk to the bedroom. With the grace of a concrete statue, he fell facedown onto the mattress. I chuckled and started to remove his shoes. "I told you that you were drunk."

"Yeah, I know," he mumbled.

"Turn over so I can take your clothes off."

Kyle rolled over onto his back and smiled at me. "You take such good care of me," he laughed.

"Yes, you're right," I noted. "You would do the same for me."

I easily removed his socks and jeans. Kyle did little to help me with his shirt. I tugged at it several times before I was able to finally pull it over his head and toss it to the floor. He smiled during the entire process and seemed to be satisfied that he did not have to take off his own clothes.

I quickly checked on Tyler then undressed and got into bed. Kyle was lying on his side. Once I was situated at his side he pulled my arm across his chest.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

I was caught off guard by the question. "Yes," I replied.

"Do you trust me?" he asked again.

It was possible that he didn't hear my response the first time. "Yes," I repeated.

"Good," he stated.

I wanted to ask Kyle why he asked me. The question seemed to spring out of the blue without reason. Did he do something that I should know or be concerned about? Did Kyle ask me because of the incident with Devon at the party?

"Yes, I trust you," I stated.

"You can hold my dick, if you want," he said.

"What?" I giggled.

"You can hold my dick while we fall asleep."

The statement was another odd moment that I did not expect.

"Oh, okay," I smiled as I grabbed his hard cock and held it firmly in my grasp.

Kyle squeezed my arm more tightly against his chest and chuckled. "I lov e you, baby."

"I love you more," I responded.

Within five minutes Kyle was quietly snoring. In spite of my intoxicated state, I did not immediately fall asleep. Kyle had solicited my interest with his question about trust. I did not understand why he felt compelled to ask me. Of course, I trusted him. I had no reason not to. I knew that he loved me very much. I did not fear the possibility that Kyle might be unfaithful. The thought had never crossed my mind. However, the query surprised me to such an extent that my analytical mind started to get the best of me.

Eventually, I fell asleep with my arm wrapped around Kyle and his dick in my hand.

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