Marcus and Kyle

By moc.loa@NOCIsvNOCI

Published on Oct 31, 2004


A Shift in the Universe Christian Mitchell Copyright 2004


I woke up the next morning with a headache. My mouth was dry and I was slightly nauseous. I desperately needed water to replenish my body and brain. I tossed the sheet aside so the air conditioning would cool my naked body.

Kyle was still sleeping. I looked over at the other bed and Paul was still asleep as well. He had kicked the bedding to the floor so his body was completely exposed. He had his right arm resting across his face, as if shielding his eyes from too much sunlight. When I sat up I noticed that his cock was hard and resting against his stomach.

I quietly got of bed and walked toward Paul's bed. I glanced at his full lips. I couldn't help but admire the tight body that swimming had blessed him with. His abs were so defined that I doubted he had any body fat at all. Just before I retreated to the bathroom I let my eyes wander and focus on his hard cock. I knew that it was inappropriate, but curiosity held me in its grasp. I was impressed because I had never seen Paul's erection long enough to actually study it. I estimated it to be nearly eight inches long and somewhat thick.

As I washed my face I returned to the vision of Paul masturbating while Kyle and I had sex. I had noticed him stoking his cock for quite some time. By the time I had started to fuck Kyle I lost interest in glancing over at Paul. I don't know if he came or simply fell asleep at some point. I could hardly remember much about my own ejaculation.

I was convinced that the alcohol and pot had influenced Paul to give in to his impulses. If he was comfortable jerking off while Kyle and I had sex then I was happy that he was at least open enough to take care of his needs. Yet, a part of me wondered if Paul had started to stroke his cock because the sight of Kyle and me had turned him on.

I smiled and pushed those thoughts out of my mind.

I turned the shower on and waited for the water to get hot. As I was about to pull the curtain aside Kyle walked into the bathroom. "Good morning," I said.

"Good morning," he smiled and quickly kissed me.

He stood at the toilet and waited for his morning hard on to subside. When he finished urinating he got into the shower with me.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Pretty good," he grinned. "I'm starving though."

"So am I," I responded. "And I need a gallon of water."

We heard the door to the hotel room close shut. It was followed by Tyler's voice.

"Man, cover up that woody," he complained.

"Shut the fuck up, man," Paul retorted. "You jealous mine is bigger?"

"Not by much," Tyler quickly responded.

The bathroom door opened. "I need to take a piss," Paul said.

"Fine," Kyle replied. "Don't flush the toilet though."

"Don't turn the water off when you're done taking a shower," Paul requested.

Once I was certain that Paul had walked out of the bathroom I started to whisper. "Do you remember Paul jerking off while we were having sex?"

"Kind of. When I woke up this morning I wasn't sure if I was thinking correctly or not."

"You were," I replied. "I mean, I don't care. I was just surprised. I didn't think he'd do it without trying to be secretive about it."

"We've all jerked off together before," Kyle responded.

"When we were fifteen!" I exclaimed.

"I don't think it's a big deal."

"Oh, I don't either. I was just surprised."

"Well, I don't blame him," he smiled. "He probably thought watching us have sex was fucking hot."

I shrugged my shoulders. "To each his own."

When we returned to the room Tyler was looking out the window. Paul was still nude as he lay in bed. Once he saw us emerge from the bathroom he jumped up and headed for the shower.

Tyler turned around and looked at us. "Oh, thank God. At least you guys have towels on."

"Paul's a show off," I replied. "You know he'd pull his dick out and show anyone who wanted to see it."

"That's true," Tyler laughed. "Well, Jordan is taking a shower. Then we're going to get something to eat."

"Are those girls still with you?" Kyle asked.

"No, they left about a hour ago."

"Did you have a good time?" I asked as I put on a pair of jeans.

"Yeah," he smiled. "Those girls were wild."


"They were all over each other. Jordan and I fucked them both."

"Well, I hope you used condoms," Kyle replied.

"Of course," Tyler responded loudly. "My mama didn't raise no stupid boy."

"Good," I grinned. "I guess we'll meet you at the buffet when Paul is ready."

After spending a few hours walking through Central Park we decided to shop for some clothes. Naturally ended up at Diesel and Armani Exchange.

The five of us always wore Diesel, Armani Exchange or Abercrombie and Fitch clothes. It was kind of pathetic in a way because, to people who didn't know us, it may have appeared that we were showing off. We didn't want to project an image of a spoiled rich kid or attitude. We just liked those clothes more than any other brand.

When we were satisfied that we had some clothes to wear out that night we headed back to the hotel for dinner.

It had been decided that we would check out the bar at the Henry Hudson Hotel. It was very nice. There was a library/bar with a fireplace and billiard table. The Hudson Bar had lighting in the floor and an enormous mural on the ceiling. It was decorated with comfy sofas, lavish chairs and a giant log with chair backs. Along one wall was a long bar that was completely crowded with stylishly dressed people.

The green lit glass floor made me somewhat nervous because I feared it might not support all the weight in the room. We sat down on the last available sofa and pulled a chair near so that Jordan could sit with us. A pretty dark haired cocktail waitress appeared and asked what we wanted to order. Nearly five minutes later she returned with our Corona and the shots that Jordan had ordered.

We had been there for over one hour when three girls sat down at the table next to us. Soon Paul and Tyler had them engaged in conversation. Within a half-hour the girls had invited us to join them at a friend's party on the Upper West Side. So we quickly finished our drinks and filed outside to get two cabs to drive us to Eighty-sixth Street.

The apartment was obviously owned by someone who was more than financially secure. It was large with three bedrooms and hard wood floors in every room. The kitchen was quite big and the dining room was set formally. There was also an office, but it was off limits to guests at the party.

The apartment was rather crowded with people in various styles of dress. Most of them looked as if they had just stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine. This caused me to feel somewhat insecure. I wasn't sure if five guys from Los Angeles would be able to blend in with the trendy crowd of people.

It wasn't long before we parted ways in order to mingle.

Kyle and I joined several people outside on the balcony to enjoy the cool air. Most of them were smoking cigarettes and discussing various topics.

I leaned up against the brick wall and smiled at Kyle. "Are you having a good time? You look kind of bored."

He dismissed my observation. "No, I'm fine."


"I just want the others to have a good time."

"They are," I insisted. "If they weren't, you know they would tell us and we'd be out of here."

"Yeah, you're right."

A tall blonde woman approached. She stopped in front of us and pulled a cigarette from out of her purse. "Do you have a light?"

"Sorry. We don't smoke," I replied.

"Good for you," she smiled. "I'm going to quit soon. But, at the moment, I need a light." She sighed and glanced around. Her eyes spotted a candle in a glass vase that normally would have held a bouquet of flowers.

"Would you hand that to me, please?"

I handed the vase to her. She placed her cigarette between her lips, titled the flame towards her face and inhaled. "Thank you," she said as she returned the vase to the small table.

Kyle and I didn't say anything. We just stood there and smiled at her.

"Are you boys enjoying yourselves?"

"Yeah," we replied. "Are you?"

She shrugged, which caused the strap of her dress to fall from her shoulder. "I guess. It's an okay party. It's kind of boring though. And the people are kind of boring, too." She exhaled a stream of smoke and chuckled. "I don't even know the person hosting this circus."

"We don't either," Kyle replied. "Some girls invited us and our friends."

I noticed dark red lipstick on the butt of her cigarette when she withdrew it from her lips. "Hey, my name is Samantha."

We shook her hand and introduced ourselves.

"You're not from New York," she stated.

"No, we're from Los Angeles," I responded.

"Yeah," she smiled. "I would have guessed that."

"Because of the way we look?" Kyle asked.

"Well, pretty much. Plus you don't even have the subtle hint of a New York accent."

"Is that good or bad?" I questioned.

"Oh, please. I'm grateful to run into the two of you. If I have one more New Yorker or wannabe New Yorker in my face tonight, I'll scream."

We nodded and sipped our cocktails.

"Your friends are running around inside with the girls, huh?" Samantha asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. Or they've moved on to other girls. You never know with them," Kyle answered.

"Why aren't the two of you chasing women around the place? You're both very attractive. I'm sure you could find someone in there."

Neither Kyle nor I immediately responded.

"Oh!" she exclaimed with a smile. "You're together?"

"Yes," I responded.

"Good looking couple," she replied. "Why aren't you guys in Chelsea with all the other men?"

"Chelsea?" Kyle questioned.

"You don't know Chelsea? It's the West Hollywood of New York," she explained. "Except it's better."

"I see," I said.

"Will you excuse me? I need to refill my glass and look for my friend."

"Sure," I smiled. "It was nice meeting you, Samantha."

"It was nice meeting you, too," she beamed then pointed at me," Marcus and Kyle. But I'll be back."

She politely pushed her way through the small crowd of people and walked into the apartment.

"She was nice," Kyle said.

I agreed. "Very pretty, too."

"You wanna go back inside?"

"Sure," I answered. "Let's see what the others are up to."

We found Tyler and Jordan in the kitchen talking to two girls. At first they didn't notice us approaching. Then Tyler spotted us. "Hey," he shouted.

"Where have you guys been?"

"On the balcony," Kyle answered.

"Marcus and Kyle, this is Katie and Shannon."

We exchanged hellos and handshakes.

"Where's Paul?" I asked.

"I don't know," Jordan replied. "He's probably hooking it up with some girl."

I nodded and glanced into the living room. I did a quick scan of the room but didn't see Paul anywhere. "I don't see him."

"He's here somewhere," Tyler smiled. "If not, he has a key to the hotel room."

"Does anyone know where the bathroom is?" Kyle asked.

Katie told Kyle where to go. He had been gone for less than a minute when he suddenly rushed back into the kitchen. "Paul's getting into a fight out in the hall!"

Tyler, Jordan and I leaped through the crowd and followed Kyle out into the hallway. Paul was shouting at another guy. They were inches away from each other with their hands clenched in fists.

An auburn haired woman was trying to break them up while people stood around watching the scene. "Greg, stop being an asshole!" she yelled.

Tyler rushed up and bumped his chest into the stranger's shoulder. "What's up?"

The guy glared at Tyler. "Fuck you. This is between your friend and me."

"Not anymore, it's not."

"Everything's cool," Paul said. "This dick just needs to calm down."

The girl kept one hand on Paul's chest and the other on Greg's chest. "This is fucking ridiculous, Greg. Leave us alone."

"What?" the guy shouted.

"Leave us alone. You and I are not together anymore. Get over it."

"What the hell do you wanna fool around with this son of a bitch for?"

Greg was a tall, muscular guy. His biceps were huge. He looked like he was on the verge of steroid overdose. He probably could have knocked Paul out with one punch.

"You heard her," Paul said. "Your girl don't want you anymore."

The guy turned toward the girl. "Come on Lisa. Let's go somewhere and talk about this. Don't get mixed up with this guy."

"No, I don't want to talk," she responded.

"You know what? Fine. Fuck you, bitch!" Greg shouted. He pushed Paul out of the way and walked down the hallway and disappeared around a corner.

"I'm sorry," Lisa pleaded with Paul.

"Screw him," Paul sneered. "He's a fucking asshole."

"You okay?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, it's cool," Paul replied. He glanced at us and chuckled. "Thank God you guys showed up. He could have kicked my ass."

We laughed and huddled around him.

"Nah, we got your back, buddy," Tyler said.

I turned around towards the apartment and saw Samantha standing in the doorway. She motioned for us to approach. I nudged Kyle in the side and we returned to the apartment.

"I see you guys found your friends," she smiled.

Tyler and Jordan appeared at our side. They both smiled at Samantha.

"We're going back in," Tyler said. "Paul's going to that girl's place."

"Okay," I replied.

Once they were both in the apartment they turned towards us. Behind Samantha's back Jordan held his hands in front of his chest to indicate that he thought She had big breasts. Then they made their way through the crowd.

"I think I'm going to leave now," she said.

"Not having a good time, huh?" Kyle asked.

"It's kind of boring. I don't really know anyone in there," she explained. "I'm going to go back to my friend's apartment. She lives on the sixth floor."

"Well, have a good night," I replied.

"Thank you," she smiled. She kissed me on the cheek then kissed Kyle's cheek. "Enjoy the rest of your time in New York."

"Thank you," Kyle replied.

She waved good-bye as she started to walk away. Then she turned on her heel and looked at us for a few seconds. "You guys can come with me, if you want." She tilted her head to the side and smiled at us.

Once again Samantha had rendered us speechless.

She laughed. "I'm not going to rob you or anything."

I looked at Kyle and scanned his face for any kind of response.

"Come on. We can have a few drinks on her terrace," I suggested.

Kyle quickly glanced toward the party. "Should we tell the others?"

"We all have room keys. And we each have our cell phone."

"Okay," Kyle smiled. "What the hell."

Samantha stood between us and slipped her arms through ours. "The elevator is this way," she giggled. "We can have a party of our own."

Next: Chapter 20

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