Marcus and Kyle

By moc.loa@NOCIsvNOCI

Published on Oct 27, 2004


A Shift in the Universe Christian Mitchell Copyright 2004


Naturally we ended up at my house. Tyler arrived a few minutes later. We hung out in the kitchen for a while eating whatever food we were craving at the moment. The kitchen had become messy in the process and I convinced everyone to clean it up before my mother returned home from work.

We were sitting on the patio, not saying much of anything. Paul started to remove his clothes so he could go swimming. He suddenly stopped undressing and turned towards us. "If I jump in the pool naked are you guys going to get turned on?"

"Dude, shut up," I replied. "Get your sorry ass in the pool."

He shrugged his shoulders and pulled his jeans off. Then Kyle suddenly laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" Tyler asked.

"I just realized something," he chuckled.


"Marcus and I experienced our first gay bashing this morning."

No one said anything for a second. Tyler walked up behind Kyle and squeezed his shoulders. "Actually, that makes the whole ordeal seem much more fucked up. Keeping that in mind, let's hope it's the last one."

Paul shook his head. "Man, what the hell is wrong with Brandon? He's become such an asshole."

"I don't even think he's the same guy I knew last week," I said.

Tyler removed his shirt and placed it on a chair. "Fuck him, man. He royally fucked up. He's gonna have to kiss a lot of ass before he's welcomed back in this group. For now, I don't care about him. He's out of the picture."

"I never expected it," I sighed. "I knew some of our friends wouldn't be too happy with the news. I just never thought that one of them would be so pissed that he wanted to fight."

"Yeah, it's sad," Kyle replied.

"Don't let it get to you," Paul said. "Like Tyler said, he's out of the picture now. Forget about him. I have."

Tyler and Paul were standing in their underwear. I could tell that they were reluctant to be naked in front of us.

"Guys, stop being so fucking stupid. We've showered together countless times and seen each naked on other occasions. Trust me, Kyle and I have no interest in either one of you."

They both removed their underwear and Paul threw his briefs at my head. They dove into the pool with an emphasis to cause Kyle and I to get wet. Paul swam to the edge of the pool and looked at us. "You guys don't think I'm attractive at all?"

Kyle looked at me and laughed. "I'm going to go get some towels," I replied.

When I returned Kyle was already in the pool. I removed my clothes and joined them. We spent nearly one hour splashing around and jumping on each other. Then we raced laps for a while.

Of course Paul beat every single one of us.

When we got out of the pool we lounged around trying to soak up some sun.

Paul was lying next to me. He looked at me and smiled. Then he reached out and touched my cheek. "That's going to be one hell of a bruise."

"Yeah, I know. C'est la vie," I replied.

"Hey, what are we going to do for our summer getaway?" Tyler asked.

I shielded the sun from my eyes and looked at him. "That's a good question."

"This may be the last summer that we really get to see each other and hang out," he replied. "We need to plan something fun. Something we'll always remember."

"Yeah," Kyle chimed in with excitement. "We should take a trip somewhere instead of just camping out like we did last summer."

"Where?" Paul asked.

The four of us were silent as we brainstormed.

"Joshua Tree," Tyler suggested.

"Big Bear," Kyle said.

"No, let's really go somewhere," I responded. "Out of the state."

"Vegas!" Paul exclaimed.

We pondered the thought.

"Camping in Arizona. New York City or somewhere," I rambled.

"I like Vegas or New York," Tyler said.

"Yeah," Kyle smiled. "Which place do you think we'd get into more trouble at?"

Paul laughed. "Both."

"I don't know where, but we need to make a decision relatively soon," I declared. "School will be over before you know it."

"YES!" Kyle shouted as he threw his hands in the air. "Thank God!"

"Okay, if I fall asleep, someone needs to wake my ass up so I don't get severely sunburned," Paul said.

"Dude, your ass could use some color anyway," Tyler joked.

The four of us laughed. Then we returned to being silent and relaxing in the sun.

Following lunch at my house Tyler and Paul announced that they were going to leave. It was nearly two o'clock and they both wanted to prepare for telling their parents that they had been suspended from school.

"I'm sure the office called and left messages with all of our parents," I said.

"Shit, I forgot about that!" Tyler complained.

"My parents are going to seriously kill me," Kyle replied.

"We should get together tomorrow night," Paul suggested. "Maybe at my house."

"Okay," I smiled.

"No, wait a minute." Paul paused then looked at Tyler. "Will and Grace is on tomorrow night. Maybe Friday night instead."

Tyler quickly grabbed Paul around the neck. "Tomorrow is fine."

"Cool," Kyle grinned. "Let's plan on it then."

We all agreed then said good-bye.

Kyle helped me load the dishwasher and wipe the kitchen counters. Then he and I retreated to the living room to watch television.

"How's your elbow?"

"It's better," I smiled. "I'm tough."

"Brandon was out of his mind."

I nodded and sighed. "I can't believe it. I'm really confused. I don't understand why he acted that way. I'm completely surprised."

"So am I," Kyle replied. "But it's over and done with now. He better stay away from us. That's all I have to say."

"And I don't know why Tom Whitman was there. He doesn't even really hang out with any of us."

"Ah, forget it," Kyle responded. "Come over here and sit next to me."

I crossed the room and sat next to Kyle on the sofa. I grabbed his hand and held it next to my leg. Then I leaned in and gave him a long kiss. When we separated Kyle was smiling. He pulled me closer to him so that I was practically lying on top of him. He situated himself so that he was more comfortable and we were lying side by side.

"I just want to lie here and hold you for a while."

Kyle had gone home soon after four o'clock. I was upstairs in my room when I heard a knock on the door. It was my sister Vanessa.

"Hey," I smiled.

She looked at my battered cheek and gasped. "It is true! You got in a fight with Brandon."

"Yeah," I sighed.

She sat on my bed and clasped her hands together in her lap. "I guess the other thing that everyone is saying is true, too."

"What's that?"

"That you and Kyle are gay. That's why you guys were fighting in the parking lot this morning."

I had not anticipated the fact that she would hear something at school. Since she was a freshman it shouldn't have surprised me. I scratched the top of my head and nodded. "Yes, it's true. Kyle and I are together."

"Oh," she replied.

"How do you feel about that?"

"Well, I think you guys make a good couple," she smiled.

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yeah, Kyle's beautiful," she blushed. "You know that I used to have a crush on him when I was ten years old."

"Yeah, I remember," I smiled. "You're not upset or disappointed or anything?"

"No," Vanessa answered. "We're part of the Echo Generation."


"You know, our parents are the children of baby boomers. That's why they call us the Echo generation. If you were born between 1980 and the early nineties then you're an Echo child," she explained.

"The grandchildren of baby boomers, huh?"

"Yeah, our generation is a lot more tolerant and accepting of people's differences," she smiled. "I mean, think about it. We pretty much moved passed the stigma of AIDS being a gay disease created by God as some sort of population cleanser. Madonna's sexual exploitation, Ellen DeGeneres on television, George Michael, Will and Grace and the list goes on and on. Homosexuality has been a part of our lives forever, basically."

Vanessa's insights nearly made me speechless. "Yes, you're right," I replied.

"Still, we don't live in a perfect world. I know some people might say some mean things about you guys. And I'm not going to like that very much. But what can I do? If they have a problem then it's something they have to deal with. Not me."

"Yes, that's right," I replied. I was quite stunned that my fourteen-year old sister seemed to be so mature about the issue. "But I hope no one gives you a hard time about this. I don't want you to be embarrassed."

"I'm not," she insisted. "It's fine."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah," she stressed. She smiled and stood up. "A couple of my classmates came out of the closet in, like, junior high."

"That's early!" I exclaimed.

"It's kind of cool, actually."

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way," I beamed.

Vanessa walked up to me and leaned down to give me a hug. "You're my big brother and I love you."

Hearing those words made me feel good. I held onto her tightly. "I love you too, Vanessa."

I talked to my parents while we ate dinner that night. They were very supportive but disappointed that I had been suspended from school. My father planned to call Principal Michael the following morning. He believed that he could talk to him and possibly get the suspension erased from my transcript.

My mother seemed more concerned with my injuries. Before she went to bed she gave me some Vitamin K gel and a pure Aloe Vera cream that she swore by. "The bruises will be gone in no time. It's like magic."

"Thanks," I chuckled. "Can't you use your magic wand to make all this drama disappear, too?"

"Oh, honey, I wish I could."

"Yeah, I know," I sighed.

My father entered my room with the phone. He was holding the receiver to his chest so that the caller wouldn't hear what he was about to say. "It's Kyle's father."

My mother's eyes widened with surprise. "What does he want?"

"He wants to talk to Marcus."

"I think he's said enough to Marcus," she objected.

"No, I think it's fine," my dad replied.

I accepted the phone when he handed it to me and then they left the room.

I took a deep breath. "Hello."

"Marcus. It's Mr. Levine."

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"I'm just calling to tell you how truly awful I feel about last night. I'd like to apologize for the way I treated you. I'm sorry, Marcus."

I was shocked. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

"Kyle explained a lot to his mother and me tonight when we were discussing the suspension. I have a better understanding of how Kyle feels about you. I guess I didn't pay attention last night. Or I was trying to block it all out."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Please understand, I was upset and confused. I admit I was disappointed, too. But I had a long talk with Kyle. He told me that he loves you very much."

"Well, I love him very much, too."

"I know," Mr. Levine responded. "I've always known that. I just wasn't prepared for the two of you to become intimately involved."

"I understand."

"Good. I hope you do. I wasn't thinking clearly. I acted out of anger and disappointment. I wasn't thinking about you or Kyle. I was being selfish by focusing on myself and not the two of you."

I really did not know what I should be saying. I only knew that I was happy to hear the words that Mr. Levine was saying to me.

"Please find it in your heart to forgive me, Marcus. You're still a part of my family."

"Thank you," I replied. "And I do forgive you."

"Thank you, Marcus. That means a lot to me. It is important to me that you and I are able to move past this. Not just to our benefit, but for Kyle's sake. I want him to be happy. I don't want him to be sad or upset. I know he loves you and needs you. I don't want to stand in his way."

"I think that's very smart of you," I said. "I know Kyle would feel lost without you being involved in his life."

"I haven't been the best father to my children," he countered. "But I love my children very much."

"Yes, sir."

Mr. Levine exhaled into the phone. "I don't want to keep you on the phone, Marcus. I just needed to talk to you tonight before it became too late."

"Thank you for calling."

"No, thank you," he replied. "And I'd like to get together with you soon so that you and I can mend these wounds properly face to face."

"I'd like that."

"Good. I'm happy to hear that. Have a good night."

"You, too."

"Thank you," he responded then hung up the phone.

Kyle called me around midnight. We planned on getting together the following day to be out and about Los Angeles.

"Since we're free from school, there's no point in not taking advantage of it," he assumed.

"You're right," I agreed.

"I'm really happy that my dad called you."

"Me, too," I replied. "Surprised, but happy."


"What made him change his mind?"

"Well, naturally, we argued about my suspension. And it got pretty ugly for a few minutes. Then my emotions got the best of me and I started crying. I cried about you and me, and how my parents were acting and all the bullshit at school. And I think it freaked them out that I was so upset."

"But you're okay now?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I feel much better. I just needed to get it out of my system."

"I'm glad," I smiled.

"I'm happy that my dad's finally come around and started to see this for what it really is."

"You and me?"

"Yeah, how much I love you and want to be with you."

I don't know why, but I wanted to cry. "I love you, too."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just really happy right now. I'm sorry, I don't want to sound like a baby."

"It's okay, Marcus. You're not a whiny baby," he reassured me. "You're my baby."

I rubbed my eyes and sighed heavily. "And you're my baby, too."

"That's right!" he exclaimed.

I laughed.

"Okay, I'm going to go to bed now," he said.

"Alright. Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams to you, too. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes, you will," I responded. "Good night."

"Good night."

"I love you more," I said.

"And I love you."

It seemed as if my life was finally going to return to normal. The best friends that I hung out with the most were accepting of our relationship. Kyle's father had called to apologize. Even Vanessa voiced her support. The level of stress and drama seemed to be ebbing. I was beginning to relax and be comfortable once again. My mind was not preoccupied with questions or crazy thoughts to ponder.

The smile I had not exercised as frequently during the past couple of days had returned. And I had started to establish a real sense of identity.

My family was not very religious. Sure, we believed in God - - some sort of Higher Power and Creator. Yet, we did not attend church services on a weekly basis. Therefore I did not have a lot of religious hang-ups to contend with. I did not believe that I was breaking the rules of human nature or divine guidance. Being in a relationship with a man and living a gay lifestyle did not condemn me to the fiery pits of hell.

As a child my parents taught me to be a loving person. The acceptance of people and their differences played a vital role in my social upbringing. My mother often stressed the importance of respecting others in order to earn respect. It was my father who taught me to maintain control and not allow emotions, such as anger, to color my personality and judgement. "If something makes you angry then take the time to deal with it in a civil and mature manner. Then you can get over it and move on with life," he told me. "There's no reason to stress yourself or entertain others by jumping around and screaming like a crazy person. Honor yourself and those around you by having a firm grasp on your emotions, your opinions and your beliefs."

I was ready to embark on the next phase of my life. High school graduation and the beginning of my college career were going to be pivotal points in my life. I wanted to embark on my next journey as a happy and secure man in the world.

Next: Chapter 13

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