Marcus and Kyle

By moc.loa@NOCIsvNOCI

Published on Oct 23, 2004


A Shift in the Universe Christian Mitchell Copyright 2004


I've always known that Kyle and I would be lifelong best friends ever since the second grade, when my family moved to town about a month into the new school year. I was a bit nervous about the fact that I had started school later than the other kids and I feared that I might not fit in. However, Kyle quickly put my worries at ease and befriended me during lunch at my new school. Our friendship became much stronger over the years and he quickly became the brother I never had.

Kyle and I planned to attend the same university and live together in an apartment off campus. Neither one of us had decided what we want to major in but we were both excited about being involved with sports at college. I always pursued baseball with a passion while Kyle played on the football team. I guess many people considered us to be typical All-American jocks. We were both star athletes at our school and we had been working out at the gym since our freshman year. Yet, I liked to think that we didn't act foolish and imma ture like some jock types tend to do.

My name is Marcus Conrad Anderson. I have light short brown hair that is need in of a trim and it tends to lighten during the summer. My eyes are hazel but sometimes they will change color depending on my mood. I'm just an inch shy of being six feet tall. My body is pretty defined and muscular because I've been working out for the past four years. I'm really happy and proud of the fact that my abs have finally developed and I have a ripped six-pack, which is actually an eight-pack, if I'm to be completely accurate about muscle groups.

A lot of girls seem to think that I'm a very good-looking guy. Perhaps I'm insecure, but I consider myself to be simply handsome. I always thought Kyle was better looking than I am. He is six feet tall and has the same muscular body as me except he probably has a little less body fat than I do. He has very clear blue eyes and flawless light skin but his hair is pretty dark so the combination of the three really makes his eyes stand out. There are a lot of girls at school that drool over him but he doesn't seem to take notice of the attention directed at him. He's dated the same girl for the past two years and they pretty much fit the mold of "high school sweethearts". I've dated off and on throughout school but also spent a lot of time being the third wheel on dates with Kyle and his girl, Ashley. Yet, they never treated me as if I was invading their time and space because we're all pretty good friends.

My friendship with Kyle took a turn I never expected on the night of my eighteenth birthday. My parents agreed to allow me to have a party at my house to celebrate. We live in a large house in a ritzy neighborhood. Everyone thinks that my family is rich and I agree that my parents have a lot of money, but we're not millionaires. For my eighteenth birthday my mother informed me that she and my father decided that I could have a party and that they would pay for everything in addition to a gift of money for my bank account. (Since I would soon be in college they wanted me to be financially secure and responsible.)

Kyle was excited about the party and arrived at my house early to help me get everything ready. It was around five o'clock on Saturday and we had just finished setting up for the party when Kyle opened some Corona for us to drink. My parents allowed Kyle and me to drink beer at the house as long as we stayed home and did not leave the house intoxicated or drive. My mother walked into the kitchen and when she saw the beer in our hands she immediately said," boys, I don't know about all your friends, but remember the rules. If you drink then you're staying home. I don't think it would be wise to allow your friends to get drunk and drive home either. So make some smart decisions tonight, okay?"

"Of course," Kyle replied with a smile. "Always."

"Good," she smiled and walked over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Your dad and I will be out for the evening but we'll return home about eleven o'clock. We'll come in the back and go straight upstairs so don't worry about us spoiling your party."

I nodded and took another drink of beer.

My mother turned and looked at us before she left the kitchen. "And please keep an eye on your sister."

"Yeah," I replied.

My sister Vanessa is fourteen years old. We have a good relationship but since she had become a teenager our relationship wasn't quite as close as it used to be. I had become somewhat distant with my family once I celebrated my twelfth birthday. I guess I should have anticipated that Vanessa would do the same. So I wasn't looking forward to being her watcher for the evening. However, I was happy that she would actually be leaving around eight o'clock to spend the night at her friend's house.

Because the party was supposed to begin at nine o'clock Kyle decided that he was going to go home and change his clothes.

"I'll be back in about a hour and a half," he said as he put his empty beer bottle in the trash can under the sink.

"Okay," I smiled. "Are you going to eat dinner or do you want to order something when you get back here?"

"Let's get some food from that Italian place," he responded. "I can pick it up when I'm on my way back here."

I agreed and followed him to the kitchen door, which led to the driveway.

Just before he closed the door behind him he turned back to me and said, "okay, buddy. I'll see you soon." Then he gave me a hug, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, close to my ear. "Happy birthday," he said, squeezing me close to him before he walked out the door.

At the time I didn't really think anything of it. I admit that I was a bit surprised by it, but I didn't become uneasy over it. Kyle and I are very close and we do share affections with each other, but nothing uncomfortable. I closed the door behind him and went upstairs to my room to shower and change clothes.

The party was fun and everyone had a good time. People were dancing, eating and, of course drinking. As difficult as this may be to believe, one girl from school ended up being the designated driver for at least ten people. Kirsten is one of those really smart girls destined to be the class valedictorian. She is actually kind of nerdy and plain looking but she fit in with the popular crowd and was accepted as part of our group. Because she didn't drink, she demanded that certain friends allow her to drive them home. She actually made about five return trips to my house to pick up our intoxicated friends and drive them home safely. (My mother would have been very pleased by this act of generosity.)

It was a little after one in the morning when my mother came downstairs to check on us as she was walking to the kitchen. Normally it would have been sort of embarrassing but my friends really seemed to like my mother so I didn't mind. There were only a few people left and they were about to leave soon anyway. Everyone said good-bye and then Kyle's girlfriend said that she and Tina were going to leave. They each gave Kyle and me a kiss before they left. My mother returned from the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand and a cigarette in the other.

"Are you boys going to be up late?" she asked as she exhaled a long stream of smoke.

"No," I said with a yawn. "I'm kind of tired."

"Me too," Kyle chimed in.

"How many beers did you drink tonight?" Mother asked with a nurturing tone. I simply shrugged my shoulders while Kyle removed his car keys from his pocket and gave them to my mother. "Alright, I'll see you boys in the morning then." She kissed us goodnight and retreated to the patio to finish her cigarette since she didn't like to smoke in the house.

Kyle had spent the night at my house countless times since elementary school so it was not unusual for him to follow me upstairs instead of driving home. Once we were in my room we started talking about some of the better moments from the party. Two of our friends had gotten into a fight over some girl and Kyle had to break that up. Plus one of the girls spent much of the night bawling about some guy that had been treating her badly. She had broken up with him earlier that afternoon so a lot of the girls concentrated on comforting her. All other scenes from the evening were rather pleasant and entertaining.

Kyle took his shirt off, twirled it in the air above his head and threw it across the room. I looked at him for a moment and noticed the moonlight shining on his chest then he ran out of the room. A couple minutes later he returned with two more beers. He handed me one and sat on my bed. "Happy birthday," he smiled and lifted his beer to toast me. Our bottles clanged and we both gulped the cold Corona.

I kicked my shoes off and removed my shirt. As I was bending over to take my socks off I swayed with intoxication and fell to the floor with a thud. Kyle laughed and raised his beer again. "Happy birthday!"

I had landed in a squatted position but I surrendered to my clumsiness and sat on the floor to take my socks off. Kyle stood up and removed the rest of his clothes until he was standing there in just his white 2(ist) boxer briefs. As I looked up at him I couldn't help but notice the big bulge in his underwear. I had seen him in this state of dress many, many times and seen him naked as well. He has a nice cock that hangs at least four inches when flaccid and I never paid too much attention to the idea that I was looking at some guy's penis. Occasional nudity seemed to be normal and not worthy of anxiety. As I glanced at his concealed cock, I found myself admiring his body differently than I had done in the past. I guess I never really paid attention to his physical beauty before. I don't know why and I can't even explain it now, but something made me take attentive note of him.

Kyle was sort of reclining back on the bed and using one arm to support his self in a semi-seated position. He continued to drink his beer and quickly finished it. He placed the bottle on the floor next to his clothes. "Drink up, buddy."

I also finished my beer then removed the rest of my clothes. I sat on the bed next to him and suddenly felt quite a bit more intoxicated than I thought I actually was. I exhaled a wind of breath that I tend to do when I know I'm drunk. "Wow," I smiled," I think I'm drunk." I released another breath of air, as if doing so would magically make me feel better and less intoxicated.

Kyle laughed and placed his hand on my shoulder. "You're becoming a lightweight in your old age."

"Ha," I replied with mock laughter. "You're older than I am. How are you feeling?"

"I think I had a few too many. I'm okay though," he responded. "And, dude, I'm only a few months older than you are."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

It was hot in the bedroom. The Los Angeles weather had started to gradually warm the spring season, but it was one of those unusually warm evenings.

"Hey, let's watch the porno," he suggested.

When Kyle's older brother had moved out of the house to attend college he had given Kyle some of the tapes in his secret porno collection. I guess he thought that doing so was creating some sort of brotherly bonding moment. Naturally, Kyle and I had watched them and at some point he had given me one to take home.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Hell, yeah! Ashley and I haven't had sex in a week and I want to bust a nut."

I jumped up from my bed and walked to my closet to retrieve the tape from the box I kept hidden so my mother wouldn't find it. My parents were pretty lenient about some things, such as alcohol, but I certainly wasn't going to solicit their possible disapproval of pornography. I would have been entirely too embarrassed to have a serious conversation with them about it. So the porno video was a secret that Kyle and I shared.

I turned the volume down on the television because I didn't want to attract my parent's attention. Despite the fact that their bedroom wasn't even close to my room, I was paranoid about possibly getting caught with an X rated film.

There was an attractive blond woman on the screen getting pounded from behind while she sucked some other guy's dick. I had seen the film so many times that I practically had all the moaning memorized. It may have been the alcohol in my system, but the porno didn't have the affect on me that it usually does. Normally it would have made me horny but this time I was just staring blankly at the screen. I had jerked off to the tape many times in the past but this time was different. It wasn't Kyle's presence didn't forced me to be shy either. Once we had started to become more interested in girls and sex we had jerked off together many times since junior high.

Just as I turned toward Kyle to complain that the video had no effect on me I saw that he had his right hand in his underwear and he was rubbing his dick. He glanced over at me and smiled. He pushed the waistband of his briefs down below his balls and stroked the length of his cock and held his hand at the tip for a couple seconds. He released his cock and allowed it to fall against his stomach. Then he ran his hand across his abs before grasping his dick again.

In the locker room after gym class or baseball practice guys were always making comments about dick size. Usually the guys who thought they were big were always waving their cock around for show. Kyle had a nice eight and a half-inch cock while mine was just a little over seven inches long. We had measured our cocks one day a few years ago when we had been talking about sex and curiosity about penis size had gotten the best of us. I think that may have been the first time we jerked off together. If not, it was soon after that.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up to look me in the eye.

"Um, well I'm either too drunk or I've seen this video so many times that it no longer makes me horny. Or both."

"Oh," he smiled. "Well, I'm horny."

I glanced at his stiffening cock. "I can see that." I started to rise from the bed but I felt his hand on my arm to stop me. A chill danced up my spine and I shuddered as his hand moved up my arm to my shoulder. He rested it there for a second then he began to knead my shoulder gently before he ran his hand slowly down my back. Once he reached the fabric of my underwear he slipped just the tip of his fingers in the waistband.

I continued to look into his blue eyes while he did this, never breaking the gaze between us. I thought that he was going to tell me to play with my dick until it got hard so we could jerk off together. However, he straightened himself up so that we were face to face, just inches away from each other. Then he leaned toward me and kissed me on the lips. "I love you, buddy."

I was completely surprised and my immediate response was to stand up as quickly as possible. "What the fuck!" I exclaimed, but I realized that it was only a thought that I heard in my head. When I turned to look at Kyle he was already standing beside me. He placed one hand on my arm and the other reached up to brush hair from my face. His touch was so gentle and loving, but he also appeared a bit nervous. It seemed odd to me that his touch seemed to be so sensual because, for the most part, he wasn't touching me any differently than he always did. Yet, the emotion behind it was very affectionate rather than the usual slap-on-the-back kind of gesture.

He positioned himself directly in front of me. He said my name as if he had to repeat it because I hadn't heard him the first time he said it. And that was possible because I was still in a semi-shocked state of mind about what had just happened. I snapped back to the reality of the moment and I looked him in the eye. He leaned in close to my ear and whispered," I want you." I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "Let me love you," he said.

When he stuck his tongue in my mouth it felt very soft. I had kissed many girls before and I guess it was because I had a guy's tongue in my mouth that made me pay attention to every detail. His saliva tasted kind of sweet and it was warm. He slowly moved his tongue around my mouth then in and out as he was kissing me. The urge to resist his advances subsided and I pushed my tongue into his mouth and we were fully French kissing. At that particular moment I thought that it was very sexy and I noticed that my dick was hard and sticking straight up and resting against Kyle's stomach, straining to escape the confines of my briefs.

Kyle cupped the back of my head as we continued to kiss. His other hand was running up and down my back. Then he pushed my underwear down so that my ass was exposed and he ran a finger along the crack of my ass. He started to walk forward, forcing me to bump into the edge of the bed and sit down. As he continued to move closer toward me I laid back on the bed and pulled him with me until he was on top of me.

It may have only been a few minutes, but it seemed like we had been kissing for fifteen or twenty minutes. Our hands were constantly caressing each other's bodies. I placed my hand on his muscular chest, rubbing his pecs and softly pinching his nipples. When I did this he allowed a moan to escape his lips as he continued to kiss me. The thought that he liked this inspired me to use both hands to pinch his nipples and he moaned more loudly a couple times then whispered my name. "Oh, yeah. Marcus."

This turned me on. Yet, at the same time, I questioned myself. "Am I gay? Am I bisexual? How come I'm not totally turned off by this? What am I doing? Do I even know what I need to do to make Kyle feel good?" I tried to ignore all the random thoughts echoing in my mind.

Kyle pulled my underwear off and tossed them to the floor then he stood up to fully remove his briefs. His cock was rock hard and thick. He lowered himself on top of me again and placed both his arms at my sides to keep his weight from totally being on me. Our cocks were touching and I could feel the heat radiating from our tools as they rested against my stomach. I had never felt Kyle's dick before. It seemed more inflated and heavy than I would have imagined it to be. In comparison to my dick, his was a little thicker and I found myself intrigued by it.

I grabbed his cock and tugged on it softly. Kyle moaned and kissed me harder. I pulled on his dick a couple times and he stopped kissing me. "I'm sorry," I said. "Did I pull too hard?"

"No," he smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Good," he said and began to kiss me again. He maneuvered our bodies into a better position so that we were completely on the bed and our legs were no longer dangling over the side. The contrast between the softness of the pillow under my head and the weight of his hard body felt good.

Kyle worked his lips down my neck and chest then sucked on my nipples. The sensation was incredible. I knew that the girls I had sex with really liked to have their nipples sucked and pinched but I never knew that my nipples could generate so much pleasure. I placed my hands on Kyle's head as he continued to suck and kiss my nipples. Then he ran his tongue down my stomach, licked the grooves of my abs and worked his way around my navel.

I knew that Kyle was slowly, but surely approaching my cock, yet I hadn't completely convinced myself that he was actually doing it. He reached the edge of my trimmed pubes and remained motionless for a second. I could hear him breathing heavily then he looked up at me and smiled. It was as if he was taking one last look at the Marcus he knew before we had become intimate. He looked so happy, like a young boy content to be playing outside, running free and having fun on a hot summer day.

I smiled in return as I watched him lower his mouth to my cock. He hesitated for a second then stuck his tongue out to lick the head of my dick, which made it jump with excitement. He sort of sucked the head of my cock into his mouth and used his tongue to explore my tool. Then he slowly began to take in more and more of my dick until it was almost entirely in his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, sucking and using his tongue.

Kyle hadn't been sucking long when I thought about what our gay friend at school had told us once. "A guy knows what a guy likes," he said, explaining why he thought men gave better head than women do. As Kyle sucked my cock I discovered that I was in agreement with Roger. It took a couple minutes for Kyle to really get into it but yes, a guy really does know how to please another man.

I was concentrating on the sensation of having Kyle's mouth on my cock and the pleasure that it was creating when I noticed that I was moaning somewhat loudly. I was so caught up in the moment that I had forgotten that Kyle and I were not truly the only people alive at that moment. I began to panic that my father or mother might hear us and walk into my room to investigate. I gently pushed Kyle away from my dick and stood up. He looked at me with a frown of disappointment. "Wait a second," I said as I stood up. I quickly locked the door then returned to the bed. I pushed Kyle back so that he was lying down and I climbed on top of him. I wanted to give him the same pleasure and satisfaction that he had been giving me.

I leaned down and kissed him. I licked his lips and kissed the side of his face, working my way to his eyebrow then I nibbled on his earlobe. I kissed his neck and slowly worked my way down his chest. He smelled incredible. The musk was strong and kind of sweet. I don't know if it was the sexual energy or Kyle's natural scent but his aroma was making me more excited. As I moved closer and closer toward his cock I savored his scent and the slightly salty taste of his sweat.

I stared at his cock for a moment and contemplated the fact that I was about to do something I had never before imagined doing to Kyle. I was a bit nervous but excited as well.

I grabbed his cock and moved it toward my mouth. Kyle was rock hard and there was a spot of pre-cum glistening at the tip. I slowly placed his dick in my mouth and realized that it was much softer than I would have thought a hard cock would be. I wanted to take it all into my mouth but it was too long and I was too inexperienced at giving head to a guy. I think that my teeth may have grazed his cock a couple times but Kyle didn't complain. He moaned. "Oh, yeah, buddy. Your mouth feels so good, Marcus."

This turned me on even more so I attempted to give him the best head I could. I guess I was doing a pretty good job because he was moaning more and more as I continued to suck on his big dick. I soon discovered a good rhythm and worked his cock with my mouth for quite some time. He started to thrust his hips, pushing his dick in and out of my mouth. I'm not sure if he was concentrating on the thrusts or my newfound skills at sucking cock, but he didn't seem to notice that my finger was playing with his asshole.

I quickly stuck my finger in my mouth to wet it and returned to paying attention to his ass. The wetness provided a decent amount of lubrication and I was able to insert the tip of my finger into his hole. He grunted and tensed up for a second before he relaxed again and let me push my finger deeper into his ass. Once my finger was all the way in he started to moan with more frequency and volume, calling out my name with rushed breaths. Soon he was moving his ass so that when I pushed in he would slightly push to work in unison with me. I was amazed that I was actually finger-fucking Kyle and this got me excited so I decided to use two fingers. He let me do this for a few minutes then he quickly pulled away, grabbed me, turned me around, threw me on my back and was positioned on top of me before I even realized what had happened.

Kyle quickly took my cock into his mouth. He pushed my legs up so that my knees bent and allowed him access to my ass. He used his tongue to lick my balls and work his way on the inside of my legs and under my ball sac. Then I felt his tongue in the crack of my ass, lapping away at my virgin hole. It felt so good and I wasn't prepared for the sensation of having his tongue in my ass. He pushed his tongue in and out of me just as I had used my finger on him. The sensation was unbelievable and I was soon stroking my cock. As he continued to do this I thought I was going to burst with my biggest load of cum ever.

I guess he realized that I was going to cum soon because he stopped and returned to kissing me. I could taste myself in his mouth and I could smell the musk of my crotch on his face. I was breathing heavy and it seemed awfully hot in the room. Then Kyle pushed my bent legs closer up to my chest and positioned himself perfectly between my legs so that the head of his cock was resting against my asshole. I sighed heavily and let my body relax more.

Kyle was looking into my eyes and he leaned in closer to kiss me. "I love you so much, Marcus."

"I love you, too."

A part of me was very excited about what was happening. Still, deep down inside I was becoming confused. I almost felt guilty; as if I was doing something that I shouldn't be doing or might soon regret. But the passion of the moment motivated me to surrender to Kyle's advances. I wanted to be with him intimately.

He was rubbing my chest and kissing me passionately. I could feel his cock pressing harder and harder against my ass. I placed my hand on his chest to indicate that I wanted him to stop and I spit into my other hand. I grabbed his dick and used my saliva to get his dick wet and slippery. "Okay," I whispered.

"Are you sure?" he asked. The expression on his face was so caring and sincere that I thought I might actually fall in love with him.

"Yeah, but go slow," I cautioned.

Kyle nodded and placed his cock against my ass again. Initially all he managed to do was poke me with his dick where he mistakenly thought my hole was. Then he very gently started to push it into my ass and then I felt the head of his cock enter. I immediately clenched my ass more tightly around his cock. There was a slight burning, stinging sensation, similar to a pinch. It felt like he was tearing me as he entered. And for a second I worried that he might very well be doing just that.

"Relax," he whispered and kissed me.

I let my body calm down from my increasing anxiety so that I could accept his cock into my ass without making it more painful. Kyle started to suck on my nipples and that made me relax more and not concentrate solely on the pain of his dick entering my ass. Soon he had penetrated more of his cock into me and I was convinced that he had nearly the whole thing in.

"Almost there," he said.

When I heard those words I was about to say that I wanted to stop because I assumed that he wasn't in as far as I thought he might be. I wasn't eager to experience a big rush of pain again but before I could say anything I felt his dick slide all the way in me.

"I'm all the way in," he said. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head as I took a few deep breaths. "Don't stop," I protested. "If you're all the way in then keep going."

He began to slowly thrust. He would pull his dick nearly all the way out and then push it all the way in again. Initially the pain was intense and I thought I might pass out from the combination of heat, alcohol and the pain. Then suddenly the aching subsided and it started to feel good to have Kyle's cock thrusting in and out of me. We were both moaning so I knew it must have felt good for him as well.

I was concentrating on the expression Kyle had on his face while he thrust in and out of me. He kept his eyes closed and clenched his teeth together then he would smile when he looked into my eyes.

I realized that I was telling him to fuck me harder. "Yeah, fuck me harder, Kyle. Harder." Hearing my request made me chuckle because I realized that I was actually pleading with my buddy to fuck me like he probably fucks his girlfriend.

He began to pound me more aggressively and I could feel all his muscles rubbing against mine as our bodies worked in unison. His legs and balls were slapping against me. Every once in a while the impact would create the sound of a clap in the room. Again, a part of me was worried that the noise in my room would attract the attention of my parents. However, at that point I didn't care and kept throwing my head back and saying "fuck me."

I don't know how long we had been having sex but there was a lot of sweat dripping off our bodies. For a while I let my cock bounce up and down on my stomach while Kyle plowed my ass with his eight and a half inches. I started to stroke my dick again and that sensation coupled with the pleasure of having Kyle fuck me sent me over the edge. My body started to tense up and then I shot a load of cum that was more intense than any ejaculation I had ever experienced. The first glob landed on my neck. I shot another six ropes of cum onto my chest and stomach. Kyle watched me cum and when my ass clenched more tightly around his cock he began to pant and moan. Soon I felt his hot cum shooting inside me. The warmth of it inside me felt so good that my body began to shake as if I was about to cum again.

Kyle quickly leaned down to kiss me long and hard. Then he rested his head on my chest and let his body relax on top of mine as he began to lick some of the cum decorating my chest. I could feel his cock becoming semi-soft and limp but he didn't immediately pull it out. About a minute later he pulled himself up and then his dick slipped right out.

He gently kissed me on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you, baby," I replied. I was a little surprised by the fact that I had called him baby because I was certain that I was actually going to call him buddy. I soon drifted off to sleep with Kyle partially on top of me and at my side.

When I woke up I noticed that it was almost five in the morning. Kyle was still nuzzled up next to me, holding me in his arms. He was quietly snoring.

I took a few minutes to reflect on what had transpired between my best friend and me. I was in a state of disbelief. Yet, I was also very clearly aware of what we had done and I discovered that I was really happy that we had sex. "I wonder if I'm gay," I thought to myself. I knew that I was still attracted to girls and at that particular moment I couldn't envision myself swearing off women from that point on to be homosexual. Then I began to wonder if Kyle might be gay. If so, I wouldn't feel any differently toward him because he was my very best friend and I loved him for being exactly who he was. I was also confusing myself more the longer that I allowed myself to struggle with all the thoughts racing through my mind.

I didn't want to analyze all the thoughts running around in my head. I needed to piss and I wanted to take a quick shower to wash all the sweat and cum off my body. Kyle looked so peaceful that I contemplated not leaving the bed at all, but I soon maneuvered my way out of his grasp. Before I walked to the bathroom I glanced at Kyle and smiled.

I never really appreciated the fact that my bedroom had it's own private bath. The luxury finally dawned on me while I was looking at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess, as if I had not showered in days. I turned on the water in the shower and then started to take a piss. Just as I flushed the toilet Kyle entered the bathroom in all his nude glory. He was smiling and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walked up to me and gave me a quick kiss on the back of my neck before he started to pee.

I got into the shower and tilted my head back to let the hot water rush over my face and body. The warmth of the water felt really good and I became conscious of the fact that my ass was sore from the pounding that Kyle had subjected me to. I put my finger in the crack of my ass, as if I possessed the ability to heal by touch. When I glanced at my fingers I noticed a small spot of blood. I leaned against the tile wall and allowed the water to splash down on me. Kyle's voice awakened me from my sluggish condition.

"Can I get in too?"

"Yeah," I answered as I pulled the sliding door open. I moved over so that he could get in and I reached for the soap. When I bent over the water sprayed directly onto my ass and the hot water caused the soreness to sting. I quickly straightened up and winced with pain.

Kyle placed his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

I sighed and forced myself to come to my senses. "Yeah. I'm really sore though."

He looked at me with concern and grabbed the bottle of soap from my hands. He squirted some of the liquid into his hand and began to wash my back. Then Kyle turned me to face him so that he could lather soap on my chest and stomach. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't know I was going to hurt you so much."

He gently kissed me," I'm sorry."

"I'm okay," I reassured him. "It was my first time, you know," I smiled.

Kyle allowed a chuckle to escape his lips with a big smile. "Yeah, I guess I took your virginity, huh?" He seemed really proud of himself.

I pondered the thought and reflected on the fact that I had lost my virginity about two years ago with a girl I had dated for a while. "Well, I suppose I lost my virginity for the second time."

By this time Kyle was washing my legs and then he kneeled down to take my cock into his mouth. I was immediately hard and enjoying the sensation. I felt Kyle's hands massaging my ass and I thought he was trying to tell me that he wanted to fuck me again but he stood up to kiss me. He resumed his attention to my cock by stroking it so I grabbed his and did the same. He and I kissed for a couple minutes then he opened the shower door. "Let's go back to bed," he smiled.

We quickly dried off and let our towels fall to the floor. I followed Kyle to the bed and he pulled me with him, falling onto the mattress. We were lying next to each other; basically resting for a minute then he grabbed my cock and began to stroke it until it was hard. When I reached over to feel his it was already hard. I started to caress his dick but he stopped me and whispered in my ear. "Fuck me."

I smiled. "Now it's my turn to take your virginity, huh?"

"Yeah," he exhaled. "I want you to."

I positioned myself between his legs and leaned in to kiss his lips and neck. I wet my finger then gently inserted the tip into Kyle's ass. He moaned as I pushed more and more of it into him. After I kissed him again I spit in my hand and used it to lubricate my dick.

Kyle was breathing sort of heavily so I knew that he was nervous about what was going to happen. I waited until I thought he was comfortable and relaxed then I pressed the head of my cock against his ass. Immediately he grunted," ouch" and clenched his ass tightly, just as I did when he stuck his cock in me. He relaxed again. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded his head yes. "I'm ready."

More and more of my cock slid inside of him. He was so tight and it felt so good to be in him that I immediately began to thrust tenderly with slow movements. As I did this Kyle relaxed even more and began to moan and coax me on. "Yeah, you feel so good, Marcus. Keep fucking me, man."

For a while I fucked him gently, doing my best to be careful and mindful of the fact that this was his first time. As we became more caught up in the heat of the moment I began to thrust with more power. Soon he and I were working in a unified rhythm, enjoying every second. There were a couple times that I made him bump his head against the headboard but he didn't seem to mind. Close to fifteen minutes later Kyle informed me that he was close to coming. I pounded him faster and harder then I was ready to cum too. I felt his body tense and watched him shoot a big load of cum onto his stomach and chest. This pushed me over the edge and I too was soon spewing forth inside Kyle's ass.

I leaned in close to kiss him passionately as my ejaculation subsided. "I love you," I said in short breaths.

"I love you, too," he smiled and grabbed me in a tight embrace. His arms were powerful and holding me as if he wanted to keep me from trying to get away from him.

Kyle and I lay in bed a few minutes, continuing to hold each other. I was exhausted and thirsty. My body was craving water so I stood up to put my underwear on.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm going to get some water. You want anything from the kitchen?"

"Get me a bottled water, too."

When I returned to my bedroom I handed him a bottle of water and quickly consumed mine in a few gulps. I removed my briefs and kicked them to the floor before getting back into bed. Kyle wrapped his arms around me and kissed me gently on the shoulder. Within minutes we both drifted to sleep.

Hours later I awakened to the sound of my name. Thoughts of making love to Kyle rushed through my mind and I smiled. I opened my eyes and looked at Kyle who was looking directly at me with a funny look on his face. "What?"

Then I heard my mother's voice. "You guys are going to be late for brunch."

Next: Chapter 2

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