Marcus and Caden

By Mark McElroy

Published on Jun 4, 2022


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Mihangel was a blonde hair, blue eyed, Celtic boy from Britannia Secundum just like Caden. He was also 10 seasons old when Marcus bought him in the Lugdunum Slave Market.

Silenus was a Hibernian, taken as a slave during a raid, and brought to Gaul and Marcus bought him in the Slave Market. Silenus's original name was Parlan which means one who plows or plants. Marcus earned his gold from his Vineyards. In Rome the God Bacchus's companion was a Satyr God named Silenus. When Marcus brought home Mihangel, Silenus trained him how to please the Master. Now Mihangel will train Caden to please and serve Marcus.

Recognizing the Talents in both boys as they grew enabled Marcus to free them both and offer them their positions. Silenus could grow and press the most delicious of Wines. Mihangel took over the daily operations of running the Villa. Instead of disfiguring a valuable slave, Marcus had Torcs made for every slave. All of Marcus's Slaves were male.

The slaves that served Marcus personally wore solid gold Torcs, and the Slaves that worked the Vineyards wore Silver Torcs. Marcus saw the Torcs in Britannia and decided that marking a Slave permanently was barbaric.

Arriving at the Masters Bath Mihangel once again took charge.

Picking up Caden he set him on a marble table, then turned and went over to a shelf, taking a Strigil and a jug of the Masters finest virgin olive oil, a pumice stone and a novacila.

Mihangel: "Small one watch me closely as you will one day do this for Dominus"!

Taking first the pumice stone Mihangel began to rub the stone over Marcus's face. Then using the novacila he scraped the hair off. Taking a small cup of every use olive oil Mihangel coated his Dominus. After coating Marcus from the neck down, he took a Strigil and used it to scrape off the oil and dirt. Pleased with his treatment of his Dominus, he smacked Marcus's muscled butt cheek, laughing and taking Caden by his much smaller hand led them down into the heated water.

Mihangel: "Tell me the truth little one, do you know how to swim"? "While I bathe Dominus amuse yourself with a swim, l will bathe you after and let Dominus relax"!

Taking great care Mihangel washed Marcus while keeping a eye on Caden. Mihangel: "Dominus, he is very small, has he any experience pleasuring a man"?

Marcus: "Little Caden's father was the instigator of the rebellion, but he said his father has trained him with his mouth, tomorrow I want you to begin his training with the Ivories I had Silenus train you with, and use plenty of the cheaper olive oil"! "Once you finish with me, wash him and take him to the kitchen and instruct him once of how I wish to be served, I will see how smart this boy is"?

Once Mihangel finished Marcus's bath he placed a embroidered robe on his Dominus and quickly gave the man a kiss. For a minute he watched Caden playing in the heated water. Laughing at the boys joyfulness at the amazing hot water, he beckoned Caden to him and led him to a strange device. It was a suspended wine skin with a strange tube running from the skin down to the floor. There was a chair with a hole in the seat, under the chair was a large bucket.

Mihangel: "I am going to put this hose in your cute little bottom, I will fill you with water and you will hold it as long you can, then to release sit on the chair and go"! It took three flushing's before the water came out clear.

Mihangel took the boy back to the bath washing him thoroughly. He even pulled the foreskin back and cleaned it up. Once they left the bath and Caden was dry, Mihangel combed the boy's hair.

Mihangel then rubbed patchouli oil into Caden's neck and his legs.

Mihangel: "Caden listen to me carefully I want you to serve Dominus his supper, when you serve the Wine stand on Dom's right side, every dish you take to him you offer it to him from the left"!

Putting another shade of blue silk tunic on the boy and dressing himself, Mihangel hurried Caden to the kitchens.

Mihangel: "Mama Ceres, this little beauty is the new slave of the Master, Dominus wants him to serve his supper, now before Master comes to eat, tell us if Master calls for Wine or water what side do you serve from"?

Caden was a highly intelligent boy, and answered correctly. Mama Ceres placed a pitcher of Wine on the side table with a beautiful gold goblet. Then she placed four dishes on the table. Mama Ceres: "When Dominus arrives Mihangel will tap the floor with his staff, you will serve the Wine, two rapid taps and you will start with each dish until his plate is full"!

Caden made no mistakes and when Marcus was finished eating, he reached out and nuzzled Caden's neck. Marcus: "I am very pleased that you are so intelligent, have you eaten"?

After Caden had a little food and some yummy wine he felt very relaxed. Taking his hand Marcus lead Caden to his chambers. Removing his own toga he pulled the boy to him and pulled off the tunic Mihangel had dressed him in. Sitting Caden on his lap he put his hand behind the small head and gave Caden's rose colored lips a tender kiss.

Marcus moved his large hand down and cupped both little half melon shapes in the palm of his hand. Caden rubbed Marcus neatly trimmed beard.

Making out with the boy gave Marcus a very hard and throbbing erection, with precum running down the 9" inch thick uncut shaft. Lifting and swinging Caden over onto the goose down mattress, he moved so his back was against the wall.

Caden waited until Marcus had settled and slowly crawled between the man's legs. Caden: "May I show you how my Tad taught me to pleasure a man, Dominus"?

Marcus: "In a minute little one, first let me ask you a question? Do you remember the first night we were alone"? Looking puzzled, Caden: "Yes Dominus why do you ask"?

Marcus: Remember what I asked you to call me when we were alone"? Blushing prettily the boy nodded.

Caden: Yes Marcus, but it's difficult because you are my Master and to use your name even when we're alone seems wrong"!

Marcus: "Yes I am your Master, that is why I said to call me Marcus whenever we're alone, Romans are not very understanding of a slave being familiar with his Master"!

Marcus: "Now sweet one, you may demonstrate your oral skills, and come over Mihangel did you bring the Ivories"?

Marcus had noticed Mihangel standing just outside the bedroom and had acknowledged his presence.

Mihangel: "Yes Dominus I have it here and also the lubricating oil, do you wish me to begin"?

Marcus:. "One moment Caden, Mihangel I sense you are wondering why I give honor to Caden that I have never given you, am I correct"?

Mihangel: "I am ashamed for having thoughts of jealousy, Dominus, please forgive me, you have been a Paragon of generosity"!

Marcus: "I beg your forgiveness my friend, and you are correct, I have shown little Caden a favor that I never gave you or Silvanus, maybe it's because you were bought by me, and I took Caden after I executed his rebel Tad. But henceforth you and Silvanus will address me as Marcus, but only when we're alone"!

Mihangel: "Thank you Marcus, we will always serve you, and love you"!

Marcus put a finger under Caden's chin lifting until his eyes were on Marcus. Marcus: "Show me now how talented you are, Mihangel let me know when you are going to penetrate him"!

Caden began by licking up the copious amount of pre-cum off of Marcus's cock. Then he began tonguing the sensitive frenulum, causing Marcus to close his eyes to the pleasure. Caden slowly wet Marcus's cock, and his eyes widen at the sudden entry of the smallest Ivory dildo. Marcus could tell when the phallus brushed Caden's boy nut.

Soon Mihangel was thrusting the dildo in and out finally pulling it out, then he held up the next size and looked to Marcus to proceed.

Marcus: "One moment Mihangel, Caden look at me, Mihangel is going to try a larger size and I don't want you to bite down on me if it hurts you, he will be as gentle as possible"!

Telling Mihangel to proceed, he placed his finger on Caden's saying one word, "wait"!

Mihangel after oiling the larger size Ivory slowly slid into the boys passage. Watching Caden's beautiful eyes for any signs of pain saw none.

Marcus: "How does that feel, my little one"? Caden: "I feel full, but there's a spot inside me that when the ivory rubs it makes me feel tingly"?

Marcus told Mihangel to speed up the thrusting and Caden to resume the pleasuring of his cock.

Mihangel stopped and withdrew the Ivory and began to rim Caden's little pink hole. Caden surprised Marcus by sliding his entire 9" inches into a very snug throat. Marcus having been celibate for a month could only take so much of the delightful suckling, he was able to at least warn Caden he was going to cum, Caden swallowed the shaft all the way till his nose was pressed to the pubis.

Caden was able to count each pulse that shot cum straight into his stomach. 8 shots went down before he pulled back so he could taste his new Master. Caden's Tad had taught him how sensitive the glans was after ejaculating, so he licked the frenulum very gently.

Marcus: "Turn over sweet boy and pleasure Mihangel to thank him for training you so that I might make love to you"!

Mihangel: "Marcus I beg your leave, but my Silvanus is waiting for me to join him in the bath, and we're going to our room if you permit it"?

Marcus: "Of course my dear friend, you will resume your training with little Caden on the Morrow, I suggest after his flushing you use the largest Ivory in the bath. And I will be ready to deflower him during the siesta"!

Mihangel: "I will do as you ask Marcus and I will bid you a good night, sweet Caden I will awaken you in the morning so you may be ready with Marcus's breakfast, one last kiss sweet boy and now a return to the formal, good night Dominus"!

They both watched Mihangel depart, and each smiled at the other. Caden traced his fingers down both sides of Marcus razor thin very Roman beard. Then their lips meet in a sweet and passionate kiss. Marcus took Caden's hard little nail and putting a couple of drops of oil on his fingers masturbated the boy while returning to kiss the boy. Looking in Caden's amazing blue eyes Marcus began kissing his neck, moving slowly down to the hard tiny nipples.

A Roman man could make love to a slave boy but there were limitations. Such as the Roman was a total Alpha, no self respecting Roman would play the passive role. But Marcus did enjoy sucking a boy's hard little nail. So with oil on two fingers when he took Caden's nail in his mouth he inserted the fingers in his beautiful butt.

Moving the fingers as he sucked he found the hard nut and taking it between his fingers gently milked it, Marcus felt Caden's anal walls undulating on his fingers and Caden cried out he was going to pee.

Marcus: "No you aren't my sweet boy, you are having a dry cum. And on the Morrow when Apollo is directly above I will pluck your pink flower"!

Caden: "Marcus I don't know this Apollo who is he, and why would he be above us"?

Marcus: "Apollo is the Sun, who sees All, brother to Luna the Moon"!

Caden:. "Ohh my people say the Sun is Lleu Llaw Gyfees, and his sister is Cerridwen the giver of great Wisdom. So when the Sun is directly above you will take me in the arse"?

Marcus:. "Yes my sweet boy, now the light is gone to sleep and so must we, may the Gods and Goddesses give you pleasant dreams"!

Caden: "Good night Marcus and keep me in your arms tonight, I feel so safe and protected"!

To be Continued in Chapter 3. Please consider donating to Nifty.

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