Marcus and Caden

By Mark McElroy

Published on Apr 16, 2022


The very small boy was laying on the ground and a leather sandal pressed on his back. He refused to cry even when he saw his two sisters and Mamm carried off by Roman Officers.

Marcus: "Boy observe your Tads punishment for rebellion against mighty Rome"!

Caden turned his head and looked as his Tad was pulled backwards by a Roman Centurion and as a was drawn across his throat killing him.

Bending down the very large Roman picked him up off the ground and held him with surprising gentleness. Grabbing his War Horse's reins the man vaulted onto it's back. They rode back to the Soldiers camp. They arrived and the other soldiers went to their own camp.

Marcus: My name is Marcus little one, when we are alone you may call me by my name. But when other's are around you will call me Master, do you understand"? "Also I can't call you boy, forever what name do you have"?

Caden: Yes Master my name is Caden, may I ask you a question? receiving a Nod yes, he continues, "why me, why take me, when you could have a girl or a woman"?

Marcus: "First I am in need of a House Slave, you will serve me my meals, assist with my bath, and help warm my bed, and to answer your question I prefer boy's to girls or women"!

"Tell me truthfully did your Tad, teach you anything about how to please a man, and what does Caden mean"?


"My name is from the Celt's and it means Spirit of Battle, My Tad had only recently begun to teach me, I have given suck, and he told me to cover my teeth, and two moons back he had used goose grease to make pushing his fingers in my bum easier"! What does the name Marcus mean"?

Marcus: "Marcus means dedicated to Mars, the God of Rome and of War, tell me Caden do you know anything about farming"?


"Nay Sir, I never worked the fields, Tad said if men saw me they would take me away"!

Marcus: "I don't doubt that, I have no doubt if I had been offered your pretty sisters or you I would still have chosen you"!

Caden being a little boy only 10 summers old couldn't help himself and began crying. Marcus was a Roman but he was also a sympathetic man who understood what the boy was feeling. A idea suddenly came to mind.

Marcus:. "Caden do you know how to start a fire? I'm going into those woods and fetch us our supper. Then he picked up his bow and quiver full of arrows and walked into the woods.

A overwhelming urge to please this Roman rose up in the small breast of Caden, and if he were honest the thought of giving suck to that hardness that pressed against his bum when they rode here was exciting. He truly missed his Tad who has always loved him. His Tad, Aiden was a man similar to Marcus, in appearance and size. And his Tad had a cock like a Bull. So he ran around gathering quite a bit of wood and by the time his Master walked back to the camp, Caden had a nice fire started. He had two possessions, given to him by his Tad, a small piece of steel and a short flint the shape of a knife.

Marcus had shot 3 very fat Black Grouse which is a fine meal when he returned from the forest. Caden plucked and with a borrowed knife fixed the birds to roast. Walking around the camp woods Caden pulled different wild herbs and a whole bunch of wild green onions. Marcus sat back drinking a Goblet of wine. Just watching and approving of Caden's actions.

Later that night after Caden had eaten a whole grouse by himself, Marcus ate the other two, the boy was simply exhausted, his head kept nodding while he tried to fight off sleep. Picking the boy up Marcus carried him into the tent and took off the boy's homemade garment. Marcus had to fight off the urge to just take this most beautiful creature here and now. The boy was just perfect in every way, strawberry blonde curls, eyes the color of emeralds. Skin as soft as a newborn and the color of fresh cream. Marcus laid down and spooned the boy and fell asleep.

Caden awoke first and turned and observed Marcus while he slept. Caden knew he should hate this Roman for what happened to his family, but Caden knew his Tad's resentment towards the Romans had brought this about. The Druids had warned the villagers the signs predicted failure. He and his Mamm along with his pretty sisters were now slaves because of stupid pride.

Rising up quietly he walked outside and began building another fire, taking a small pot filled with water he placed it on the fire for tea. Looking down at himself he realized he needed a wash, he walked down to the river and wading out to his waist. He scrubbed his little boy parts making sure his foreskin was clean, taking a handful of clean sand he washed his tender bum. Enjoying the coolness of the water he was startled when he heard his name called by Marcus.

"I'm here Sir, I was cleaning myself in the river"!

"I woke up and you were gone, but I saw the fire and the water heating up, do you know how to make tea? I have some in the cart, start making that while I go bathe, I also have cups so get those out as well"!

When Marcus returned as naked as Caden but he had two large trouts in his hands. Caden's eyes got big and he said "how did you catch those with no net Sir"?

Winking "I guess I will just have to teach you, put these on that flat metal pan with the handle while I get dressed"!

The fish had begun to cook and Marcus stepped out of the tent and sprinkled some wild herbs on the fish and turned them over and then sat down on a stump.

"Come here little Caden, I have something for you to wear home, now when we stop before we get to my villa I want you to take it off so you don't look like a street urchin"!

Marcus held up a tunic of sky blue material and Caden could scarcely believe his eyes. Never had he seen such a beautiful garment. The cloth was so delicate that Caden was afraid to touch it. Marcus had bought it from a Jewish merchant in his home of Lugdunum. Lugdunum is the Capital of the Roman Gallia.

Pulling Caden close Marcus slid the silk tunic over the exquisite little body, the color of the garment matched the boys eyes perfectly. Marcus knew what he wanted before he journeyed from Gallia when he came to Britannia Secundum (Wales). When he first saw the boy he was running to help his father or "Tad", it was brave but didn't matter.

"Now I can show you off with pride, You will have a very good life and I will teach you every day. I will also have my most favored Freedman teach you also, your numbers and how to write letters. My Mihangel has been with me since he was 5 years old". "I freed him and he chose to stay and run my Estate, he is your fellow countryman and is bonded to another Freedman in my employ"! "His name is Silenos and he was born in Lugdunum his parents were Celts and what you call Druids, he is my Chief Vintner and before you ask he grows the grapes that makes all my wines"!

Within 3 days they arrived at Caerdyf (Cardiff) and they went aboard a Roman "Trireme" Caden tugged on Marcus's kilt, Marcus looked down and raised a eyebrow "Yes Caden"? Bending down Caden whispered to Marcus.

Marcus picked up the boy and walked over to the side of the ship, Caden had never seen the ocean and he was amazed, it looked like it went on forever.

"Will we anger Llyr for being in his kingdom, asked Caden"?

Looking in Caden's beautiful eyes "hmm what did you say little one, I'm sorry I got a little lost in my thoughts"?

At that moment a very imposing man in a uniform approached and said "Avī Salvī my General congratulations on suppressing the Metal rebellion before it really began, and I see you have a new friend"?

"Avī Salvī my friend yes we caught the rebels and promptly dealt with them, I brought in another village to man the mines and posted troops to maintain the flow of metal's to the Empire"!

During this exchange Caden laid his head down on the man's shoulder and began to cry softly. The man sensed the boy crying and said to the other large man that he was going to his quarters below.


"I am sorry you are unhappy but I promise you will never be harmed, you are now my slave. I will place a slave collar on you, to mark you as my property, if you serve me faithfully when you reach the age where hair grows on your face I will free you"!

Caden: May I ask you something Master"? Nodding his head yes, Caden continued l was wondering how many slaves have you freed? And you said you wouldn't hurt me, does that mean you won't spank me"?


"Nay I will spank you, when you deserve correction, observe my hands Caden, since one of my hands covers your whole bottom I won't use them for discipline"! "Instead I will use this, Marcus (holds up a small leather paddle) and I can assure you it will sting like fire"!

They ate that night in the"Captains" cabin and Caden stood beside Marcus chair and was fed by the men directly from their plates.

They were awaken the next morning with the Captain's boy informing Marcus that they were within sight of Lugdunum. They would dock within a hour.

Caden, standing besides the Roman General tried to keep his awe at such a mass of people under control. He was dressed in the blue silk tunic given to him by his Master. Just before they left the ship Master has placed a fine leather collar with a silk leash around his tiny neck. Marcus: "Stay just behind me and keep pace with me, also do not speak to me or anyone else, if a Citizen asks you a question you will look to me for permission to speak is that understood"?

Caden: Yes Master I understand, you have my promise that I will obey you in all things"!

They approached what we know today as a Stable. General Marcus kept his Stallion and Chariot there when in Campaign in Britannia.

A very handsome young man approached Caden and tried to question him while Marcus was giving instructions to run to the villa and tell Mihangel to make ready a feast, turning at a raised voice berating little Caden for not answering a question. Looking at the tears on his beautiful face stirred Marcus's wrath.

Marcus: "How dare you approach and question my slave with out my permission, and I have ordered him to Not speak to anyone without My permission"? "Well don't just stand there, first apologize to me for breaking common courtesy, then pose your question to me"!

Taken aback by Marcus outburst over a Slave he finally found his voice, Antonius: I offer my sincerest apologies Dominus, I was simply admiring your beautiful slave and I asked him how would he like to be my Slave"?

Marcus: "The next time you want to know anything about a particular slave, I suggest you speak first with his Master, this boy is my Spoil for putting down a Rebellion in Britannia Secundum, he is definitely not for sale, now be off with you"!

They continued on their way to the General's Villa and once away from the throng of people Marcus felt a small hand encircle his muscular thigh. Looking down he saw Caden with tears running down his face.

Marcus: What is the matter little one, why are you crying"?

Caden: Because of me I caused you to become angry with that man, I don't want to displease you"!

Marcus smiled and looked around then bent quickly tilted Caden's face upwards and kissed him. Marcus straigh ned up and said "you have done nothing but please me since I first laid eyes on you"!

Marcus drove the Chariot up to the steps leading into the biggest building Caden had ever seen. Standing in front was two very good looking young men the younger looking one was a very lithe athletically fit blonde, he had on a white tunic with a ocean blue piping, his legs were toned muscle and he wasn't wearing anything on his feet.

The older one had the appearance of someone who worked out in the fields. He had soft black curls with very blue eyes, he also had a tan to his skin.

Mihangel: Welcome home Dominus we have a feast prepared and if I may say you have the look of a man in need of a bath and rub down"!

The other one simply looked at his companion with astonishment, Silenus: Master say the word and I will spank his cute little bottom for his cheek"!

Laughing Marcus turned and removed Caden's leash. Taking Caden's hand he led him up the steps to the two giggling teenager's. Marcus first embraced Silenus,. Marcus: "How goes the harvest, Silenus"?

Silenus: "We are about half way through, the grapes are so sweet and full we estimate at least 50 amphora (8 gallons per each amphora) per field, and you have 25 fields. This harvest has produced 1,250 Amphora. At 25 Sesterces per Amphora that is double the harvest last year"!

Marcus: Ohh well done my little God of the Grapes, Mihangel the Estate looks wonderful, I see you, like your companion always giving me the best, come and greet me properly"! Marcus pulls both older teens into his arms. Kissing each boys cheek, not as their Master but as their friends.

Mihangel moves around and knelt down so he could look at Caden eye to eye. Mihangel: Dominus have you given him a new name, or will you let him keep his Celt name"?

Looking up at Marcus, Caden wanted to answer but he also didn't want to anger his Master. Marcus smiled knowing Caden wanted to answer, Marcus: "It's okay little one you may answer for me"!

Caden: "My name is Caden, and you are Mihangel, and you are freed, yes? Your name means like a God"!

Mihangel: "Yes you have learned the ways of the Celt's, did you know any of the Druids, and I know what your name means, Spirit of Battle"!

Mihangel pulled Caden to him and hugged him, smelling all natural boy it stored his blood and he knew Masters plans for the boy!

Mihangel: "Very nice Dominus when is the last time either of you had a proper bath, come along little one take my hand, Come along Dominus"!

Stopping Mihangel turned to Silenus and reminded him to bring some of the Wine from last season.

To be continued in Chapter 2.

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Next: Chapter 2

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