March Fantasy

By Dustin King

Published on Jan 11, 2023


March Fantasy

My submission continues and goes beyond my wildest dreams

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Chapter 3

I scrambled to my feet, the front of my body wet with throat slime, cum, sweat, and spit. My long brown curly hair was wet and messy. "Go get cleaned up," Carson said as he pinched the nipple suckers and removed them, "Fuck!" I screamed, that hurt like hell and I just wanted to rub my nipples but could not reach them as my hands were still tied behind my back. I looked down and my areolas were red and sticking out about an inch from my body, I could not even see my nipples as they had become hidden inside the swollen areolas. "Look," Tyrek said as he laughed out loud "His titties look like a 10-year-old girls". I felt humiliated, I felt feminized, my penis locked away, hidden and straining against the cage, the black lacey panties soaking wet from their cum spit and my own dripping, the pink tube top also wet from throat slime, and my swollen chest that did not look like a man's chest at all, but girls, like a sissy gurls' with tiny swollen and ultra-sensitive titties. I walked to the bathroom hands still tied behind me, I was thinking of my situation, about everything that had happened already this night and what might be yet to come. The last 2 hours were more action, more cocks, more cum, and more humiliation than I had imagined in my entire life! But somehow my head was telling me that I wanted more, that I wanted to serve more cock, to swallow even more cum; was it the ecstasy messing with my head? Was it the smoke from the joint making me high and horny? Was this my true self, something that I always dreamed of, always wanted but never dared to do? I simply don't know. Stepping into the shower, I struggled to turn on the water as my hands were secured behind me, but I did it and the warm water began to wash my body, and my hair and wash away my humiliation, it soaked my pink top and my girly black panties, the warm water stung my tender swollen nipples something awful. But as I stood there getting clean, my penis began to twitch in the cage as I thought of the three horny men and their huge heavy cocks waiting for me in the other room. They were there smoking, drinking, and laughing, planning what they were going to do to me next. My mind kept repeating to me You are here to service them with your two orifices that they have successfully turned into fag holes or pussy holes', to let them do whatever they want, to satisfy their primal urges, to humiliate me, to feminize me, to call me names and to degrade me. It is scary and exciting at the same time. My mind is in a haze, again I don't know if it is the ecstasy, the 420, or just my hormones and my long-standing urges to scratch this itch to serve cocks and real Alpha men. I stepped out of the shower and onto a towel, standing there dripping wet, no good way to dry myself off. I looked pathetic in the mirror, hair hanging in my face, wet black sissy girls' panties, wet pink tube top, and two swollen titties protruding from the holes in the tube top. I looked like a full-on, fully feminized cock loving sissy. My thoughts were interrupted when Carson came into the room, "Well, that's better" he said, "now it's time to make you into a real sissy-faggot, a real gurl. We are going to remove all that body hair to make you smooth as a babies butt". My mind quickly raced and went to my girlfriend, what would I tell her when she saw that I had no hair on my chest, no hair on my arms, no hair on my legs, and no pubic hair at all!? I could never explain that to her, never explain that I looked like a girl, especially with my penis locked in this cage. I protested to Carson, "Please don't" I said "I like my body hair, my girlfriend likes my body hair, I NEED my body hair, please no!, please!" He grabbed me by the arm and led me to the bedroom, he grabbed a can of shaving cream from his bag and threw a disposable razor to Karl and one to Tyrek, he spread a couple of towels out and holding me steady began to lather my arms and legs up with the shaving cream as I stood there in disbelief. Tears again filled my eyes as the two black men began to shave the hair from my body, one leg and then the other, one arm and then the other, under my arms as well. Karl then removed the panties and the tube top and began to spread the cream on my ass, in between my ass checks, on my taint, and all over my dark curly pubes, he pushed me over forward on the bed and slowly shaved the sensitive areas. He was humming as he was doing it and Tyrek and Carson looked on saying "Yeah that's It, I like my pussy smooth and shaved clean, I want it smooth and tight, I don't want hair anywhere on her body" He stood me up and slowly shaved my pubes off, tears ran down my cheeks as I saw the last of my manly traits shaved off and fall to the towel. I felt cold and humiliated, with no choice other than to be and do whatever they want. However, I also felt kind of sexy as both Tyrek and Karl ran their hands over my smooth body, over my ass and smooth red aching balls. Go shower again they said. I walked back to the shower turned on the warm water and stood there while the remaining hairs that were stuck to my body went down the drain with my manhood. I rubbed my smooth ass with my tied hands, it felt wonderful, actually. Just like my girlfriends! I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, my long hair in my eyes, but I could clearly see my transformed self, so feminine, all manly traits and traces completely gone, smooth all over, my cock constrained and straining against the chastity cage as if it was not there at all, just a clit in a cage. Carson came back in and pulled on the panties and tube top once again quickly pinching my exposed red swollen titties that were again sticking out of the holes cut in the pink tube top. He stepped back into the doorway and motioned to the others to come to check it out. I stood there looking in the mirror, I was completely smooth, dressed in pink and black, I was a gurl! Forcibly feminized for their enjoyment. There was no manliness left whatsoever. I was startled by the 3 of them in the doorway admiring their handiwork, admiring their newly created sex toy, their sissy, their faggot, the sexy gurl that they had made out of me in just a short time. Just a few hours ago, I was a man, I had a beautiful girlfriend, and a good sex life and no one knew of my internal desire to serve men, to be submissive, to be a cock slave, or swallow a man's cum. But in just a few short hours, I had been transformed like I could have never imagined. This was not the life I wanted; this was just a fantasy that I wanted to play out to satisfy an urge I have had since I was a teen. I was scared, I could not see a way back now, what would I tell my girlfriend when she saw me? What would my mind be thinking when I kissed her with a mouth that had sucked men's cocks and swallowed another man's nut? I could not go to the gym like this, I could not let my girlfriend see me, could not let my friends see me, I could not go to the beach, I could not go back to my life, I was trapped. "A perfect sissy faggot" Karl said, "Sexy little bitch" Tyrek added as he admired his handiwork and Carson just stood there with lust in his eyes stroking his quickly swelling sausage. "Fuck Yeah! he said, you look awesome! Just like the sissy bitch I knew you could be" My head dropped down in embarrassment. Karl came forward and with his thumb and middle finger roughly flipped my swollen areolas. "Oww!" I said as the pain radiated through my chest "What the fuck" my titties were so sensitive and painful. Karl laughed as he slapped my ass hard, "Get used to it bitch" he said. Tyrek was next, he bent down his large full lips wrapped around my pink areolas one and then the other sucking, biting, and licking. The pain was excruciating, but somehow erotic as well. "where are those nipples?" he said as his teeth searched for my nipples that were embedded in the center of the areola. "I have a fix for that," Carson said and disappeared into the bedroom "bring her here" from his duffel bag he grabbed two smaller suction cups that were obviously made just for men's nipples. He pinched my areolas so that he could see the nipple in the center and attached the small suction cup to the nipple, one side and then the other. The pain immediately returned as they began to pull my nipples out from my body, out from my areolas. "Let's give those about 15 minutes and you will have a beautiful set of little gurly titties with perky little nipples," Carson said as he led me and then pushed me onto the bed. I landed on my side and adjusted myself so I could see the three men and the gay porn playing on the TV. They were obviously high and drunk and by the look of their hardening cocks still horny as hell and ready to go again. Carson took another big gulp of his whiskey and then came and re-positioned me so that I was on my side, legs together but bent at the hips and knees, ass close to the edge of the bed, and my head close to the other side. He grabbed the butt plug and slowly pulled it out with a 'plop'; I then felt some sort of slippery oil being squirted all over my body and all three of them began rubbing every inch of me, rubbing the oil into my skin, into my ass, on my hole on my swollen balls. It felt awesome! So sexy, so smooth! Karl then squeezed my balls hard and that ended the nice feeling of their hands very abruptly "Ready bitch?" he said as he moved aside and then Carson positioned me on my back, arms underneath me, his cock at my waiting and lubed up hole, teasing it, pushing it at the entrance to my pussy and then withdrawing it, rubbing his hard cock on my ass an up and down my crack. "Oh man, this is gonna be good," he said. Tyrek then came around the other side of the bed where my head was, I was looking up at his big balls, his swinging dick, seeing his heaving muscled chest and protruding nipples above that, and then his smoldering eyes looking down at me, I was transfixed by the sight. So strong, so masculine, so virile and so sexy, like a dream. He rested the head of his cock on my lips, at the same time Carson pushed his cock head to my hole and then continued to push as the pressure built on my closed and waiting for rosebud, he put more weight into his hips, and pushed forward. Tyrek held my head up and then put a bottle of poppers to my nose, one side and then the other, and said "Inhale" he kept it there for 10-15 seconds per side before he pulled it away. He then pushed his cock into my waiting mouth stretching my lips open wide, my head was spinning, and things went blurry. I wanted that cock so badly! He pushed his cock further into my open mouth and began to slowly move his hips in and out. Carson's pushing and the pressure as my ass continued, "Relax princess, this is going to be a lot easier if you relax, push those pussy lips out, relax, relax, yeah that's it push it out, take my cock into your pussy, I know you want it, I know need it" The entire time he was increasing his weight and pressure on my sphincter muscle, his cock head desperately trying to breech my hole. I wanted him but my ass was not letting it happen. It was resisting being invaded, resisting being turned into a pussy for cock. "Come on", "Ughhh", he said and at the same time slapped my ass hard startling me and taking my attention off of my clenched rosebud, he pushed harder putting his whole weight into his thrust, and POP! his thick meat was in my hole! I jerked my head quickly to the side to get Tyrek's hard cock out of my mouth "ahh fuck, take it out! Take it out! it hurts, fuck, fuck, fuck!, No! No! Ahhh" I screamed. Carson slapped and rubbed my ass and said "There, there, baby; the pain will go away soon, just relax and take this big cock, your pussy has wanted this cock ever since you messaged me on Grindr. You have always wanted to take cock in your pussy, haven't you? You have always wanted a man to make it hurt, to take what he wants, what he needs from you" All I could say was "AHHH, please take it out! Please!" as the pain was searing my insides, my ass felt like it had been ripped wide open. "Shut her the fuck up," Karl said to Tyrek. Tyrek did just that grabbing my head with both hands and pushing his cock back into my open mouth "Open-up fucker" he said as he drove his long smooth cock to the back of my mouth and down into my throat. He put one leg up on the bed to get better leverage and a better angle to rape my mouth. "Yeah, this is what you wanted, isn't it bitch? one cock in your cunt and one in your throat pussy". I could not move or breathe as they both started to push their meat into my gurl-breeched holes, sliding them in and out in perfect unison, like they had done this many times before. I felt as if I was impaled by one long cock from my mouth to my ass. After a couple of minutes, they both suddenly pulled their cocks from my holes, "You like that princess? Then I want you to beg us to fuck your pussies', faggot" I felt as if my guts were turned inside out, I suddenly felt empty, alone, yearning to be filled, wanting their cocks back inside me to make me complete, yet the pain still burned inside me. "I do" I blurted said. "She does what?' Karl asked. "Don't know" Tyrek said with a laugh, "I have no idea." "Please put them back in" I pleaded, "I still don't know what she wants," Karl said. "Beg us to fuck your pussies, beg us to turn you into a sissy faggot, beg us to fuck your pussies with our bull cocks" Carson said. "Yeah, beg us to make you pregnant!, beg us to give you our man nut, to jizz all up in your pussies, to fill you with man-yogurt" Tyrek added with a growl. The feeling of being empty, being incomplete was engulfing my mind, I began to plead, "Fuck me with your big cocks, fuck me with your big white sausage, fuck me with your big black cock" I need you in my pussy, I need you in my cunt" "Ahh, you now know that you have a cunt! or at least soon will have!" Carson said. "Yeah fucker, you have a throat pussy and a cunt between your legs" Tyrek laughed. I could not believe I said that! That was not me talking, this is not who I am! Carson continued, "You will refer to the sex organ between your legs from now on as your cunt and your service hole where you suck cocks as your pussy, understand faggot?" he barked. "OK", I said in a daze; "OK what!?" Carson yelled, "OK, Yes, Sir, Just put them back in, I need them in!" I begged. At that, he began attacking my cunt again pushing his swollen member in nearly to the hilt making me squeal in pain as it searched and hit things deep inside of me that I didn't know existed. At the same time Tyrek now was kneeling above me holding his giant member in his hand and pointing it at my open pussy, "Open up for Daddy, open up for my big black cock" he plunged it in and began face fucking me furiously. "fuck yeah, take that cock down you pussy hole, work for your prize, for that nut, bitch; you know you want it" I was trying hard not to choke, to try and breath in between thrusts of his fleshy 12 inches into my throat pussy. I coughed and choked anyway which seemed to spur him on even more as apparently, it felt good to feel my continued convulsions around his dick. In the meantime, Carson was pounding my cunt with his thick cock in a systematic rhythm, his hands on my thighs rocking my ass back and forth as he thrust in and out of my ravaged pussy. He then grabbed my left leg and lifted it in the air putting it on his shoulder. This exposed my hole, my cunt, even more, and opened it up so he could get every last centimeter of his cock in my upturned hole. This spit roasting seemed to go on forever as they both had stamina which I had never thought possible, and certainly didn't have myself. I thought I was being a champ not choking as much on Tyrek's footlong monster, then suddenly he pulled it out of my throat pussy with a long slurping sound and began jacking it right at my face. "Keep your pussy open wide," he said as his hand worked his long shaft ever faster. "I'm gonna cum, I'm cumming, I'm cumming you want this nut bitch? You want this load?", "I do, give it to me, I need it, I want it, I need it" I begged. "This nut gonna make you my bitch, my gurl, it gonna soak into your guts, into your being, it's, it's, it's, Ahhhh," he said as rope after rope of thick heavy cum shot out of his cock and into my open waiting throat pussy. I swallowed a mouthful, and then another, enjoying the sweet hot taste of his essence. He then pushed his cock into my pussy, pushing it to the back of my throat and I felt another 2 or 3 warm shots coat my throat. He relaxed resting his softening cock in my mouth. Then I felt Carson buck, his thick cock shudder and twitch inside my boi cunt, and then what seemed like a garden hose of warm nut flooded my insides coating my inner cunt, my entire insides, it began leaking out of my hole and onto my taint, and onto the bed, soo much cum!. "Fuck! take that load faggot, take my thick cum, Ahh, that's it, there's your reward, take that load up your cunt, you are a woman now, a fag, you're gonna be pregnant with my babies as my spunk absorbs into your faggot body" his hips thrusting and bucking against my ass, his balls slapping against mine as he spurted his third load of the night into my guts and 2 or 3 onto my balls that are tight and swollen under the chastity cage. I had Tyrek's cum dripping from my lips and down my cheeks, Carson's dripping from my cunt onto my taint, and cum all over my swollen balls; it felt warm, it felt comforting, it felt right. I laid there with two of the biggest cocks I had ever seen slowly softening inside me, absorbing the pain, the nut, the moment. I suddenly realized that normally I felt so done, so humiliated, so wanting to up and leave after being with a man, but this time I felt warm, I felt content. I realized that it was because I did not cum, I did not get off, just the men did. Thus, the after-nut letdown and sub-humiliation were non-existent. I was just as horny as when this all started, even more so. This is why all the sissies and all the Dom Alpha Tops, Femdom's, Masters, and Owners on recon, bdsmlr, or Tumblr said faggots and sissies MUST lock up their clits with no exceptions. Your cock is NOT your primary sex organ any longer, it is useless, your pussy and your cunt are now your sex organs, and your penis is just a distraction from you properly serving real men's cocks. Your pussy and your cunt are your only sex organs now, you will learn to enjoy sex only through them. You will never cum again unless you cum while being fucked, or with a cock in your mouth pussy, just like a girl. I finally understand what they have all been saying. It now all made sense. I don't have a cock, I don't have a dick, I have a clit, I have a cunt and I have a pussy. I am here to serve men, to serve cock to worship their bodies, and to eagerly drink their fluids, a man's precious nut should be my primary source of protein. I was brought back to reality as Carson pushed his semi-hard cock into me one last time and then withdrew it abruptly from my cunt, I felt empty. However, almost immediately, Karl's humongous cock head was trying to gain entrance to my hole....."Now you are really going to be turned out, you're gonna have your ass turned into a real gaping cunt for everyone to see and use. It will never be the same after I tear it open. This dick gonna turn you into a crying, aching, sissy bitch, a true faggot, a cock slave, a cock sleeve, you are now gonna be stretched open by real man meat, by my fat black cock, your cunt, and my cock will become one as I open you up and pound your guts, my seed will soak into your insides, make you pregnant and make you a gurl forever, ready faggot?" Karl grunted as he began to push against my sore red hole with his humongous cock head and he slowly but surely painfully breeched my entrance stretching and filling up my already aching Boi cunt.


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