
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 12, 2008


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 6 - The gift of virginity

All their earnings went to pay for the building of the superstructure of their new caravan so that at every place they stayed they were adding one feature after another. First of all they built the vertical structure composed of eight posts on which they built the faired roof. Then they made the eight panels with the windows the doors and the hinges. Then they made the floor. After all that they started to make the two folding beds at the two ends of the caravan with the chests of drawers, the closets for their clothes and the shelves for their tools. They painted walls and furniture and sewed the curtains, the sheets and blankets. And finally they inaugurated their new caravan that they called "Rogasi 1". One of the beds was used by Zanko Marko and Mateo and the other one by Tomaso and Patrizio.

While they were travelling southwards they performed their shows with success in every place they went. They were performing almost always in the village parish theatres - they had found a chain of theatres, which other entertainments followed in sequence and they followed it too.

They then started to take the old caravan apart intending to redo it like the new one.

Marko and Zanko were more and more often talking about the new tribe to be founded and when they conceived a new idea they discussed it all together, in the evening around the fire.

Marko started to take part in the shows where they also introduced some traditional Romany dances that Marko taught them. Also their wardrobe of costumes was growing with new, richer costumes. The old caravan was gradually transformed and was becoming modular like the new one, so that they could connect them when they camped somewhere.

It was the end of the year and they were camping near Amantea in a place provided for the Romany. The day after they arrived a group of Mrzarija Romanies arrived at the camp. The two groups greeted each other. As usual when the new group had made their camp they invited the five friends to a party. They ate, drank, sang and danced all together. This Romany group was of ousari and the group was wealthy. The men and even more the women showed off beautiful solid gold jewellery made by the men of the tribe.

During the party Tomaso met a young man just four years older than him whose name was Dule. He looked less than his twenty-two years. All through the party they chatted and joked like two old friends.

At a break in the conversation Duke asked "Tomaso how come that at your age you are not yet married? Or did you leave her somewhere with the rest of your tribe?"

"No we are all here. But there is no hurry. Don't you think I should be happy as I am."

"Usually we Romanies marry quite young..."

"But you are not yet married either are you?"

"Oh actually my family is exerting more and more pressure on me to choose a wife."

"Don't your parents decide it in your tribe?"

"No not in our tribe. We are not KhorakhanŽ Muslim. We are Kanjarja that is Orthodox. The pope will never agree to celebrate an arranged marriage. Luckily for me..."

"And why haven't you chosen a wife?" Tomaso asked him.

"I don't feel like it. As you said there is no hurry. But it's becoming more and more difficult to stand out against my parents, uncles and aunts... Mainly the aunts! They tell me - if you don't like any of the girls of our group just leave and do a tour of the other groups of our tribe and choose the girl you like. Well... I like the thought of touring to meet the other groups... but not to look for a bride!"

"Well but... don't you ever feel somewhat lonely... especially at night?"

"But surely that happens to you too?" Dule asked him instead of an answer.

"Ah... there are ways and means of avoiding feeling too lonely..." Tomaso answered in an unconcerned tone.

"Yes you're right." Dule quietly answered then said, "There are several of my female cousins who pretend not to look at you... You're a handsome fellow Tomaso. Moreover it makes us curious about how it happens that a Sinti decided to live as a Romany."

"Do you really think I'm handsome?" Tomaso asked studying his expression.

Dule looked at him but didn't answer. They changed the subject.

But after a while Dule said "Yes, you are very well made..."

"But the most beautiful person in our group is beyond any doubt Marko..." Tomaso said looking in his eyes.

"He's not yet a man; he's just a boy... How old is Marko?"


"He seems younger..." Dule said looking over at Marko.

"Ha he just looks like that if you just look at his body. But he is fully mature. And a little brother that..."

Dule laughed and asked "And how can you possibly know about it?"

"I see him when he undresses of course."

"Do you undress in front of each other?" Dule asked stupefied.

"Eh we have to share just one caravan for the moment and we are five..."

"But... don't you undress behind a curtain?"

"And why? There are no women with us."

"I see. But we are taught not to let anyone see our nakedness after we start to get mature neither women nor men. Only children may be seen between their legs without shame."

"Why? Would it be a problem for you if you saw the little brother of another man?"

"I don't know... perhaps not..." Dule said thoughtfully.

Tomaso was getting the idea that the boy maybe could be a new member of their tribe but didn't feel like exposing himself, and the boy wasn't giving him clear hints so he could not be sure of that. The same night he talked about Dule with his friends.

Mateo declared "No I don't think he is... It is just that you like the look of that boy Tomaso. That's the reason you hope he is one of us. Don't let your desires make you confuse the wish with the fact. Dule never looks at a man in that peculiar way..."

But Tomaso was not convinced. He would not be able to say why but he could "feel" that Dule was one of them. The next day he went to look for the boy. As soon as Dule saw him he greeted him merrily.

"Dule I never saw an ousari at work. Would it annoy you to let me see something you are working at and how you work the gold?"

"Willingly! I'm just making a gold necklace. Come with me..."

Dule took him to the side of his caravan where a workspace had been made of two movable wooden walls and a roof with a curtain as door. He took him inside and opened a chest. First of all he showed him his tools explaining their use as he was putting each of them on the bench. Then he asked Tomaso to wait a moment, went inside the caravan and came back with some scrap gold and a piece of a necklace he had already started to make.

"Here you see? I've to make more rings like these and weld them gradually connecting them to those I have already made. First of all I make a double ring flat. I then make it go through here bend it in the flame then weld the two free ends. Then again with a double ring and so on until I weld the last one with the other half of the clasp."

"It's a really beautiful necklace. Who will you sell it to?"

"To the Gadje. If I can sell it privately I'll get more for it. Not like a jeweller who just trademarks it and sells it."

"And where do you find the gold?"

"Oh it has various origins. We can buy old jewellery from a jeweller or from other Romany groups. You know some of them... at times go to... a Gadje house and search for gold and so..."

"Ah I see."

"Well we melted everything and made those pieces that we call scraps. Then we work it."

"Do you like working gold?"

"Ah it's like magic. Transforming a shapeless lump like that into a beautiful object like this... It is very satisfying. It's way more interesting working gold than courting a girl believe me!"

"I see that you are really skilled at working gold. But what about courting?"

"No I'm absolutely hopeless at it. Girls make me shy and nervous like an unweaned baby when he's far from his mother... I'm different from my brothers... They are more skilled with girls than with gold. Exactly the opposite to me."

"I understand you. I too would not know how to start something with a woman. I feel much better with a friend than with a girl." Tomaso said hoping that Dule would rise to the bait.

But Dule started to work the gold. After he shaped a double ring and made it the right shape he threaded it into the last link of the chain twice round and bent and flattened it then welded the two ends and polished the joint until it couldn't be seen.

"That's done. Did you see?"

"Yes you are really skilled. You have skilled hands."

"Well I too have heard that you're skilled with your hands even though it is in another field. Do you now that I never saw a juggler working? Not from near at least."

"Would you like to see some of my exercises?"

"Oh yes I would..."

"Why don't you come to my caravan this afternoon then? I can show you some of my tricks..."

"Oh willingly. But isn't it too much trouble?"

"Of course not. You showed me your work didn't you?"

"Thank you. You're a friend."

"I would really like to be one..."

"Oh but you are one!" Dule protested.

"I like you very much Dule and I would like to become really close friends. But in a few days we will have to part you following your road and we ours..."

"Yes true. But that's life my friend. Each group has to follow its own path. It has been so since the world began since the beginning of time." Dule answered seriously.

They met again in the afternoon. Tomaso took the boy into caravan 1 while the friends were working on the other one. First of all Tomaso showed Dule his costumes.

"How beautiful they are!" the boy exclaimed feeling the cloth with his fingers. "And they should fit perfectly on you."

"Choose one for me to wear for you and I will put it on!" Tomaso offered impulsively.

"Really? You're very kind... Then, I would like you to wear this one..." the boy said pointing at a light blue leotard with silver sequins making a beautiful decoration.

Then Tomaso started to undress... he had in mind a plan... While he was undressing, he explained:

"You see, Dule if I wore the leotard with my briefs on they would show here and there and that would not be nice it would seem ridiculous. Therefore we mustn't wear them. But if we wore nothing under the leotard the shape of our little brother would show too obviously and it would be (at this point Tomaso was totally naked) too cheeky. So we have to wear this cup underneath that is called a box. You see how is it made?" he said giving it to Dule to look at and so remaining totally nude in front of him.

Dule took the cup and examined it then glanced quickly towards Tomaso's prick then again looked at the cup.

Tomaso without taking back the cup said pointing between his legs "And if my little brother would by chance awaken during the show the box wouldn't allow the audience to see it so I wouldn't get embarrassed. Do you see?"

"Yes I see. It's a nice trick..." Dule said and threw again a glance to his friend's member and then to the cup. Then he asked "But if he... awakens does it stay inside?"

"Yes it will be held in. At the same time the cup has another advantage. If one had too small a little brother wearing the cup nobody would know therefore he would not be ashamed."

"Well you certainly don't have that problem..." Dule said with the hint of a smile.

"No you're right. Even though it is not really very big."

"Well... I should say you are well endowed enough from what I can see..."

"Didn't you tell me this morning that you have never seen other peoples... little brothers?"

Dule seemed slightly embarrassed. Then quietly said, "I've seen some to tell the truth. And also... well awakened..."

"And were they nicer than mine?" Tomaso asked in a confidential tone.

"Well... yours is beautiful..."

"And... how is yours?" Tomaso asked.

Dule blushed and didn't answer.

Tomaso insisted "Come on! It is between friends... I am not ashamed to let you see me naked am I?"

Dule was visibly embarrassed. Tomaso took the cup from his hands put it on and then started to put on the leotard in silence. He had just put it on when Dule lightly touched his arm.

"You aren't offended with me... Are you?"

"No." Tomaso answered purposely terse and took out of his equipment chest the coloured balls.

"I didn't intend to offend you. It's just that I..."

"Forget it. I don't care. I'll show you a couple of tricks now."

"Yes..." Dule hesitantly answered.

Tomaso started to juggle with three then four, five and at last six balls.

"I can't use more balls inside here because the ceiling is too low. Outside I could handle more than that." He said throwing them rapidly up and down.

He used all his tricks to amaze the boy. Then he put down the balls and picked up the sticks. He made them rotate and spin and twist between his fingers with great dexterity. Dule looked fascinated.

"You are incredible... it seems impossible... And you never slip..."

"I do make mistakes at times. Particularly in judging people." Tomaso said curtly.

His tone hit home. Dule looked pained. Tomaso put away the sticks.

"Well I think that's enough. Did you enjoy the show?" he asked without smiling.

"Yes you are really unique..."

Tomaso nodded briefly in assent and started to take off his leotard. He was about to take off the cup when Dule again gently touched his arm. Tomaso looked at him seriously.

"Tomaso I... I did offend you, didn't I? Tell me the truth."


"Yes I see what I did... I didn't intend to offend you really. If you want..."


"I think that... I should not feel ashamed to... to let you see me..."

"Are you sure?" Tomaso asked maintaining his serious expression (but inside he was silently rejoicing).

"I would like to show you that... that I really am your friend..." Dule almost stammered.

Tomaso took off the cup and put it on the leotard. "How will you do that?" He asked maintaining his gravity.

"Well if... if you want me to... I could... undo my trousers to let you see that I'm not ashamed for you to see it... I will do it if you want..."

"Really?" Tomaso asked in a gentler tone.

"Yes... sure..." Dule said in a whisper.

"Then... let me undo your trousers Dule. That would be a real proof of your trust and friendship." Tomaso said persuasively.

"Well really... I..."

"Why are you scared Dule?" he asked taking a step towards him.

"No I'm not scared but..."

"Are you scared that I might touch you there?"


"Or are you afraid that your little brother will awake if I touch him?" Tomaso asked him putting his fingers on Dule's belt and pulling it to unfasten it.

"Yes..." the boy answered in a whisper.

"And how would that be strange?" Tomaso asked, opening the first button of the fly.

"Wouldn't you think it... weird?"

"Weird? Why?" Tomaso asked and opened the second button.

"Because we are two boys..." Dule murmured.

"Does your little brother awaken at times for other men?" Tomaso asked opening the third button and the back of his fingers brushed against the swelling under the boy's briefs.

"It will, if you touch it like that..." Dule whispered tensely his voice almost choked.

Tomaso dealt with the fourth button and his fingers brushed against Dule's member again through the briefs.

"Do you really mean that nobody else has ever touched it?" Tomaso gently asked and opened the fifth button.

"No... never..." The boy answered and blushed to the tip of his ears.

Tomaso opened the last button and caressed Dule's member through the cloth with the palm of his hand and felt that it was starting to harden.

"But you desired it and you dreamed of it didn't you?" Tomaso asked in a low voice caressing the hardening member more firmly through the stretched cloth.

"Yes..." Dule finally admitted in an almost imperceptible whisper.

Tomaso slipped the fingers of both hands under the elastic waist band of the briefs and started to push them down together with the trousers.

"And you are enjoying it now aren't you?" He asked in a sweet tone.

Dule closed his eyes and had trembled a little.

"Are you enjoying it Dule?" Tomaso insisted uncovering his thick pubic hair as Dule stood there trembling with his eyes still closed.

"Yes..." the boy almost whined now visibly trembling.

Tomaso pushed further down and freed the boy's genitals and Dule's member sprang up half erect. By now Tomaso was fully excited but Dule couldn't see it. His eyes fast closed his breath troubled Dule was standing in front of him his genitals uncovered and his arms hanging lifeless at his sides. He was shaken by tremors he could not suppress. Tomaso caressed the shuddering member of the boy until he saw it nicely erect.

"Dule you know what I want to do with you now don't you?"

"Yes..." the boy panted.

"What? Tell me..."

"You want..." the boy started to say but became silent.

"Tell me Dule if you really believe that we are friends..." Tomaso pressed imposed his desire on Dule taking his prick in one hand and cupping the sack hanging under it with the other.

"You want to... you want to... make love... to me..." the boy said almost hurriedly.

"Yes Dule because I like you. I have desired you since the first moment I saw you. And I felt that you too desired me. And I want to be your friend in this way, Dule and to give you pleasure. Do you want it from me Dule?"


"Why are you so afraid then Dule?"

"I've never done this before never."

"Why not?"

"Because... I was ashamed..."


"Because a man is supposed to desire a woman."

"Who says so?"

"Everybody. But I don't like women. I never felt attracted to one. But I like men..."

"Has someone ever tried to hit on you?"

"Yes twice."

"Tell me about it..." Tomaso asked, continuing to fondle his genitals.

"My older brother... I was fifteen... one night he slipped in my bed touched me and made me touch him. But then I sent him away and told him not to do such things ever again. But I had enjoyed it very much... And again when I was eighteen a man... a Gadje. He was really beautiful. He told me he had some old gold at home he wanted to sell. So I went to his place. And while I was evaluating the gold some old coins and rings he was behind me and he embraced me and touched me between my legs... and made me feel his tool pressing hard on my arse... And I wanted to say yes to him to do more... but I was scared..."

"Did you like feeling his hard tool against your arse Dule?"


Then Tomaso asked "Was it harder than mine?" and guided a boy's hand to his erect member.

At the touch Dule gave a shake but his hand circled Tomaso's pole. Tomaso didn't let go of the boy's prick and caressed his arse with his other hand. Dule trembled from head to toe again and emitted something like a sob.

"Dule... look at me..." Tomaso said in a low voice.

The boy opened his eyes and looked into Tomaso's eyes.

"Dule now you want to make love to me don't you?"

"I'd like it but..."


"I've never done it... it's forbidden... I'm scared Tomaso... scared..."

"Dule if you want we can stop now and dress."

"Yes please."

"But I want to talk to you about it."

"I... I feel ashamed..."

"After what we have already done what can you have to be ashamed of? We saw each other. We touched each other. We also said that we both desire it... And above all we are friends."


"Then listen my friend. Now we will dress again. If you want you can go and think about it for some time. Then when you have got things straight in your head when you feel like it you can come to see me and talk to me about it. Do you agree?"

"Yes alright."


"Yes certainly."

Tomaso let him go and started to put on his clothes. Also Dule tidied his briefs and trousers in silence.

Then he said to Tomaso "I'm going now but..."


"We are really friends aren't we?"

"Yes Dule really friends!"

"It's a secret between the two of us right?"

"Of course Dule!" Tomaso exclaimed understanding the boy's hesitation.

Dule shook his hand to seal the pact and then hurriedly left the caravan. Tomaso put his tools in order.

When he went out to work with the other four they asked him if he had made love to Dule. They had seen him go into the caravan with Dule and stay there for rather a long time.

"No not at all. I just showed him some of my juggling... my costumes... nothing more."

"But you're working on him..." Patrizio said with a sly smile.

"No he isn't one of our kind." Mateo stubbornly said.

"But I would like it if he were like us he's really handsome." Marko said with a mischievous grin and they got back to work.

Dule didn't appear for the whole of that day and evening. All the following day nobody saw Dule around. But two days later halfway through the afternoon he walked past the caravan of the five friends.

"Tomaso I've to go to the village... Do you feel like coming with me?" he asked in a casual tone.

"Yes... Does it bother you if I go?" Tomaso asked to the others.

"No not at all. Rather see if you can find some tobacco for my pipe... this brand." Zanko said giving him an empty pouch.

"Sure. Do you boys need anything from the village?" Tomaso offered.

Nobody asked for anything. So the two boys left the camp walking towards the village.

"Now is the first time I've been able to talk to anybody about it" Dule began in such a determined tone that Tomaso was surprised "and as you're my friend and you have the same problem as me... You have already had sex with a man or a boy haven't you?"

"Certainly and with more than one."

"Many?" Dule asked astounded.

"Well I'm twenty-six. In the last ten years I've done it on a few occasions."

"Ten years? You mean that you began when you were sixteen?"

"Yes that's right."

"But... and how did it happen? Didn't you feel ashamed? Isn't forbidden amongst the Sinti? Do you feel like telling me about it?"

"Of course it is forbidden amongst the Sinti. But no I didn't feel ashamed. Not when I was sixteen, as I had already wanted to do it for a couple years. More or less what happened to you when you were fifteen happened to me when I was fourteen."

"Your brother?"

"No a cousin. We were sleeping in the same bed so one night he touched me and made me touch him. At first I was feeling terribly ashamed so I too told him to stop as you did. And I too afterwards felt sorry that I had stopped him as it had been really nice. Then I realised that while the other boys of my age were always talking only about girls and how much they liked girls, I was attracted mainly by boys. Or rather only by boys. But just as for you I heard everybody say that it is wrong. As it was forbidden I started to think that I was the only one in the tribe that was weird and different from everybody else. I spent two years almost in despair because of that. I would have liked to be just like everybody else. I...

But when I was sixteen things changed. At our circus I knew a Sinti, my teacher of juggling since I was thirteen a man of twenty-nine called Joanni. I was his assistant in our shows and he was already starting to make me do some small numbers alone. He was incredibly skilled and I admired him unreservedly. I obeyed him even more readily than I obeyed my father.

It happened the day of my sixteenth birthday. I remember it very well. He told me he had prepared a surprise for me a gift. I went in his caravan. It was a white leotard with gold threads woven in the cloth. It was splendid. He asked me to wear it. I immediately stripped down naked. Between us two we already had seen each other naked plenty of times therefore I was not ashamed in front of him. But he just that once told me not to wear the box as it was only being put on to see if it fitted me and we were alone. Then he told me that I was really well developed between my legs and that I was really becoming a handsome boy. Of course I was delighted with that compliment.

I put on the costume and he looked at me. Then he made me look in the mirror. It fitted me wonderfully. He adjusted the costume and in doing that touched my body. I felt I was getting a hard-on looked in the mirror and saw that my state was clearly visible. He too looked in the mirror and smiled. "You're getting a hard-on..." he quietly said then added "you're the right age I would have got a hard-on at your age too if I was touched like that..." and he stroked me there between my legs. The he asked me "Have you ever had sex Tomaso?" I answered "No." He said "At you age I had already done it..."Then quietly added "... with my juggling teacher." I looked at him stupefied and he continued to caress me there and asked me, "Would you do it with me?" I didn't know what to answer. On one hand I knew it was forbidden but on the other hand I really wanted to do it with him...

Then he told me "It's good when two friends who really like each other do it together. I know that people say that it is wrong but then many of those who say so do it. Yes I know several people who do it in secret together. They keep it secret. And I would like it very much if we could keep such a secret between you and me Tomaso." He then made me take off the leotard and caressed me all over and I felt it was really good. He then put me on his bed undressed himself and started making love to me.

He was my first man. It was to him that I offered my virginity. After that time I was ready to come to him when he showed me a sign that he wanted it but he would also take me to bed whenever I made it clear to him that I wanted it. When I was older Joanni moved to another circus and I took his place. Good heavens how much I missed the beautiful hours of sex with him! But he had told me that there were many others who liked making love between men in secret so I decided to find those others.

The second man was a Gadje. He was a photographer for a magazine which was doing a colour article about life in the circus to be published in instalments. He made a special visit to take photographs of me going through my act for him. He wanted me to wear different costumes and he stayed in my caravan while I changed from one costume to another. I liked that Gadje so I decided not to go behind the curtain when I was changing. He kept looking at me... and he asked me if he could take some shots while I was naked. "For the magazine?" I asked laughing. And he said "No no just for myself to be able to look at your beautiful body after I have left." I then provokingly asked him, "Would you shoot pictures with my thing hard too?" And he answered "I would love it!" So I said, "Then see if you can give me a hard-on..." I had guessed right. We soon ended on my bed and made love.

After him came others many others. Then one day I met Mateo and we made love and I decided to join his group... and so here I am."

Dule was astounded and asked "You and Mateo make love?"

"Yes certainly."

"But... what about the others? Do they realise what's going on?"

"Of course they know. We all five make love amongst us."

"All of you? You mean that all five of you... all of you are like..."

"Of course. That is the reason why we decided to live together."

"But... Zanko too?"

"Yes he was the first. One after the other we followed him - first Patri then Mateo then me then Marko..." "But then why does everybody say it is wrong and that it is evil. Why is it forbidden?" Dule asked in a rather pained tone.

"Because... You know how much weight women have in the tribes and usually also amongst the Sinti and the Gadje... Every man that prefers another man is one less for the women don't you see? And they don't like that. Thus they spread around that rule that it is bad and forbidden. But we want to start a new tribe now composed of men; only of men loving men."

"Wow! That would be wonderful! But do you think they will let you?"

"We will see. We are beginning for the moment by living according to our rules. And we are living way better than before."

"I would never have thought there would be enough of us... I always believed I was the only one or almost the only one."

"On the contrary... And if it was not forbidden you would see we would be even more. But very few of us have the courage to rebel. You too possibly if you hadn't met me sooner or later you would surrender and take a wife and have children... And what's worse you would even have told your children that it is forbidden!"

"Yes you are right it really would have been like that. I... I liked how you touched me... and I liked touching you..." Dule shyly said.

"I liked it too. When we get back to the camp why don't you come to my caravan again so we can make love?"

"Yes... I wanted to ask you... But you will have to teach me everything..."

"With great pleasure Dule Omerovic."

"Tomaso... will you take my virginity?"

"Yes if you want. Or else another of my friends... Who do you like best?"

"Oh... Zanko I think. He's very virile very manly."

"Yes he is. Do you want him to do it? I'll ask him if you like."

"No. You must be first. You gave me the courage to... to try it at last. You have to take my virginity." Dule answered with a grateful shy smile.

Back at the camp Tomaso gave the pipe tobacco to Zanko and told him "Now Dule and I are going to seclude ourselves in the caravan for a while..."

Zanko looked at him first with a surprised smile then with a knowing one and nodded.

They went and shut themselves in the caravan. Dule was feeling nervous and determined at the same time.

"You should undress me and I will undress you." Tomaso suggested.

They started to undress each other.

"Mutual undressing is a good way to arouse each other Dule. It gets each of us touching the other. Like this..." Tomaso told him and Dule nodded. "Making love has to be done with one's whole body - hands, lips, tongue and all the rest. With the whole body on the whole body Dule."

"Yes..." the boy whispered already aroused.

When Tomaso undid his shirt and bent down to suck his tits. Dule jumped with pleasure and emitted a low moan. And he wanted to do the same to Tomaso at once. The boy let Tomaso guide him step by step eager to learn how to make love with a man. He was of course somewhat awkward but full of good will. Feeling incredibly excited he let Tomaso gently push him onto the bed and initiate him in his first sixty-nine which he did with great concentration and gentleness trying his best to copy what Tomaso was doing to him and for him.

"I should have let my brother go on that night... or else that Gadje at his house... How many years I wasted how many years of pain and loneliness..." Dule murmured during a short break.

Tomaso kissed him on the mouth and Dule returned a deep and intimate kiss with enthusiasm.

"Tomaso you have to deflower me now!" The boy said.

"The first times it could be a little painful..." Tomaso warned him.

"We will hang out the dilko if you made me bleed..." Dule teased.

"Think what a scandal if we really did it!" Tomaso answered with a giggle.

"Will it be very painful?" Dule asked pensive.

"Sometimes it is sometimes it isn't... but only at first. Then one gets used to it and it gets better and better. So you see I like being fucked more than fucking. Anyway I'll do my best not to hurt you. Don't worry. And if it hurts too much just tell me and I will stop at once."

"No. I'm a man a real man. I'll stand it however much it hurts. It's high time I lost my virginity. I'm twenty-two! And I want you to be the one to take it..." Dule seriously said.

Tomaso took some gel and prepared him for a long time, with care and gentleness telling him to relax as much as he could. Then with extreme tenderness he lifted Dule's legs to rest on his shoulders and started to push inside. Gradually he overcame the natural resistance of that virgin arsehole. Dule's face contracted in a grimace of pain but when Tomaso asked "Shall I stop?" Dule told him to go on at once.

When finally Tomaso was completely inside him and slowly and gently began to rub up and down in his warm hole he saw the expression on Dule's face change. It relaxed and sweetened gradually until it became a pleasant smile a blissful expression.

Then Tomaso began to fuck him less cautiously and with more vigour and speed. He was gasping for breath as the pleasure increased and Dule was panting as well. The boy was clearly fully enjoying the first fuck of his life and his prick which had softened when he had first been penetrated was now rapidly becoming hard again revealing the intensity of his pleasure.

Dule instinctively started to masturbate himself but Tomaso stopped him. "No, my Dule... You have to take me later. I'm longing to have your prick inside me my beautiful man! In a while you will push all of it inside me as I'm now doing with you..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 7

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