
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 8, 2008


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 5 - Marko's idea

They gradually tuned up their show. Tomaso adapted some of his costumes for Patrizio.

At night on their wide bed, they all four made love together. But as Mateo soon became aware they had two different ways to do it. At times they did it all four together mixing up partners and swapping their roles and positions. When they loved like this they were always trying new and different combinations. Two of them for instance were sucking each other in a sixty-nine lying on their sides while the other two at their back penetrated them. Or one of them was on all fours taking a prick in his arse and another in his mouth while the fourth one lay down under him and sucked him. Or else all four sucked each other in a circle, or penetrated each other in the so-called "train"... and they enjoyed it very much.

But at times they made love in couples side by side and this happened more and more often. In this case Zanko was usually with Mateo and Patrizio with Tomaso. They found it very exciting having sex in this way in couples while each couple could look at the other two. When all four had sex together they were wilder. But when they made love in couples they did it more tenderly and were gentler with each other if not less passionate.

They toured with their new entertainment of gypsy music and juggling and saw that they were doing good business mainly in the little countryside towns and villages. They were performing less and less in restaurants and more and more in such places as the squares outside a church after mass and at times even in parish church theatres when the priests let them use them. The money collected this way was better. They also got references from some of the parish priests and this helped to open the doors of other parish theatres.

They improved their acts and started to alternate between juggling and music with satirical sketches and jokes then with proper theatre. Zanko and Tomaso tailored new costumes. Mateo turned out to be a very good clown. He was straight-faced and looked clumsy - but wasn't. Patrizio had become quite a good juggler but soon discovered he had a real talent as a conjurer. He found a box of prestidigitation tricks in one of the parish theatres that the priest let him take away.

Doing shows in the parish theatres brought a big change in the style of their performance and also bigger earnings. They were presenting themselves as "The Itinerant Rogasi Company" and they had some playbills printed with an empty space where they could write the place and time of their performance with a felt tip pen.

Of course the parish priests didn't have the least suspicion about what kind of "performance" the four boys (they always introduced themselves as cousins) did in secret in their caravan on the wide folding bed.

As Patrizio was becoming more and more skilled in his act as a conjurer when they were travelling near Milan on Tomaso advice they went downtown to buy new tricks for him and went to visit two or three shops specializing in magic. Mateo carefully examined the more costly equipment so as to understand how it was made. Then he tried to make a copy and he often succeeded.

Then they started to travel south stopping mainly in the small towns and villages.

As the equipment for their shows was increasing and the amount of space in the caravan was really inadequate for four people they started to think of getting a second caravan. Mateo was very keen to buy just a flatbed trailer on which they could build their own wooden structure. Zanko suggested instead that they buy a caravan perhaps from another group of nomads; and Tomaso suggested a motor caravan with its own engine maybe a second hand one. They discussed the three possibilities looked at prices... and at last they made do with Mateo's idea.

So Mateo started drawing one design after another for how the caravan could be built discussing them with his companions and modifying them as new suggestions arose. At last they agreed on a plan they were all enthusiastic about. Mateo had planned to build a caravan with a modular structure made of three squares of 210 x 210 cm mounted side by side so that the total length would be of six meters thirty. The door would be on one side instead of being in the back as in traditional Romany caravans and it would be in the central module. The panels dividing the three modules could be opened to connect two different caravans.

They agreed to build a new caravan according to that plan and buy a second hand car to tow it. Then they would take their old caravan (where they were now living) apart and rebuild it making it rather like the new one so that they could connect them on any camp site. The whole process would take a long time but all four were keen to do it. Now they only had to find the right flatbed or an old caravan with a worn out superstructure that they could demolish.

In their wandering they met two Romany groups but those didn't have anything suitable for sale. But when they got to the outskirts of Rome they met a group of Gergarija Romanies. They not only had a half ruined caravan that they sold for a low price but as they were soon going to celebrate a wedding they invited the four boys to stay with them for a few days.

They were Kalderash Romanies and Patrizio was spellbound by their skill in working copper. Zanko offered to perform their show in honour of to the couple that was getting married and the offer was accepted with gratitude.

But Zanko had caught sight of a really handsome eighteen year old Romany Marko Sejdovic. Mateo whispered to Zanko that in his opinion Marko could be like them. The boy seemed rather withdrawn and he only opened up a little with Zanko.

After the wedding ceremony where the groom put a handful of salt on the bride's knees as a symbol of the seed he would soon deposit in her the two spouses withdrew to his wagon to consummate their union. Meanwhile outside all the tribe were celebrating noisily, drinking, singing and eating. Zanko after he had finished playing his violin went to sit near Marko. The boy kept adjusting himself between his legs every few minutes.

"You play your violin wonderfully Zanko."

"In the tribe where I was born we all are taught to play it from childhood. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I did very much. While you were playing you were often looking at me."

"Yes of course as I was playing for you cousin."

"For me? Not for the newlyweds?"

"For them officially. But for you in reality."

"Why were you playing for me cousin?"

"Because I noticed you were sad."

"No..." the boy weakly said.

Then after adjusting himself again he stood up and moved away from the fire going off in the dark. Zanko looked at him as he went. Marko didn't turn back not even once. After a short while Zanko stood up and went off in the dark as if he was going to his caravan. But when he was far enough out of the light he went around the camp towards the point where Marko seemed to have gone. In the dark crouching down from time to time to scan around him he looked for Marko.

He soon saw a dark silhouette leaning against a tree on the other side of the camp. Zanko very cautiously drew nearer. When he was near enough he crouched down again and clearly saw that it was Marko as he had guessed and Marko was masturbating. Zanko got aroused. Being very careful not to make any noise he drew nearer that tree. He looked towards the camp then towards Marko. Then he finally stopped concealing himself and rapidly reached the boy.

When Marko heard his steps he tried to put his cock into his trousers but Zanko was already in front of him and held his hand back.

"Leave it out Marko... I want to take care of your nice little brother..."

"You... I... Why?" Marko stammered in confusion without moving his still hard member in his hand still half out of his trousers.

Zanko's hand held on to it gently pushing away Marko's hand and pulled it out again fondling it with his whole hand round it. The boy trembled and panted but didn't try to get away. He seemed to be unable to move.

"Marko you are one of the most beautiful Romanies I ever saw. I like you. I want to make love to you..." Zanko said looking straight in his eyes and kept on fondling his prick.

"You know it's forbidden..." Marko panted in a whisper.

"It's so for your people but not for my people... And then... don't you like it?"

"No! Yes..."

"Yes or no?"

"I... I did it with my cousin... the one who just married..."

"Did he take you?"


"Many times?"

"Yes... for four years... but now that he is marred he's not interested in me any more..."

"That's why you're sad?"


"Well why don't you come with us? So you can do it any time you like without problems."

"Can it really be true that it's not forbidden in your group?"

"Yes. In my group doing it with a women is forbidden."

"Really? No way... you're just pulling my leg."

"No Marko. Why don't you push your trousers down now? I want to take you..."

"No... I'm scared..."

"Scared? What of?"

"I have to go back to the fire now or else... who knows what they would think." Marko said agitatedly.

"As you like. But remember Marko - you will be mine!" Zanko said determinedly.

"Let me go now, cousin... Please..."

"Yes you can go now. But you will be mine Zanko's word!" he said, letting him go.

The boy tidied his trousers and quickly disappeared towards the campfire. Zanko watched him going. Then he quickly went to his caravan took out a bottle of good brandy and he went back to the bonfire too.

"I couldn't find it... Well my cousins let drink this in honour of the newlyweds!" he said aloud.

A chorus of hurray welcomed his offer and the bottle passed from hand to hand. Zanko sat down and looked at Marko. The boy, who was looking at him lowered his eyes. Zanko smiled.

Suddenly the door of the wagon where the newlyweds had withdrawn opened just a little a naked arm appeared and hung a handkerchief stained with red on a hook by the door. The arm disappeared and the door closed. An explosion of joy greeted the signal and everybody started to dance and sing. Patrizio asked Zanko what was the meaning of that handkerchief.

"It is the diklo - the proof that the bride bled that is that she was a virgin and that the groom took her. Now their marriage is sealed."

"Ah I see. And you?"

"I? What?"

"Did you take Marko? You disappeared almost at the same time..."

Zanko laughed and said "No, not yet. But I will take him I'm sure. I'll tell you and the others about it later. Now let celebrate the validity of the marriage..."

They went on celebrating till dawn. Zanko often looked towards Marko who often returned his glances. At dawn everybody went to their caravans at last. Then Zanko told his friends about his meeting with Marko.

"I told you he was one of us!" Mateo said.

"Yes you've a good eye brother. But that boy is scared even though he is dying with desire. But I really do like him a lot. I really want to fuck him. And I will."

"How can you be so confident?" Patrizio asked him.

"Because I told you what I said to him. Now he won't be able to think of anything else and before long he will be ready to become mine."

"Marko is really beautiful. I too would like to make love to him." Mateo said.

"After he has done it with me I'm sure he will feel like doing it with you too." Zanko answered self-confidently. "But now come here and start to suck me; you do it so well! ..." And he pulled Mateo towards himself.

Patrizio looked at Mateo crouching with a pleased smile between Zanko's legs and saw him bend down to suck it. He then went down on Tomaso giving him the same treatment and Zanko turned towards Tomaso embracing him and they kissed.

When they woke up it was already lunch time. The Gergarija camp was starting to get lively. All four ate with good appetite, then Zanko and Mateo went to talk with the tribe's men to ask them if they could tell him where he could find and buy a cheap car to haul the old caravan they bought. Meanwhile Tomaso and Patrizio had started to take its superstructure off.

The men discussed the car problem amongst themselves and then told Zanko and Mateo about a Gadje's place which was cheap and where they had often done business.

"I'll take you there cousin..." Marko offered.

Zanko nodded with a smile. When they got in their car Mateo sat behind and Marko in the passenger seat. Marko told Zanko which way to go. As soon as they were out of the camp Zanko reached out a hand and rested it on Marko's fly and gave him a good feel. The boy stiffened and looked worriedly towards the rear seat and Mateo.

Zanko smiled "Mateo is my boyfriend my lover Marko. You don't have to be ashamed of him. Am I right Mateo?"

"Sure! And I can assure you that Zanko is really good at making love. You just try him and see!"

Marko blushed but his prick started to react to Zanko's manipulations. They came to a built-up area and Zanko withdrew his hand. Marko told him where to go and finally he made him stop in front of a garage which was near a wide meadow full of old wrecked cars.

"Hey friend! I'm Marko of the gypsies!" the boy announced himself as he went into the garage.

"Oh you dreadful fellow! How are you? How is this wretched life?"

"Fine. And you? And your wife?"

"Oh, that person; nothing gets to her!" the man answered laughing.

They talked for a while exchanging news. Then Marko told him why they had come to see him.

"I've a Fiat 2000 that hauled a trailer. It has many kilometres on the clock but it's still running well. I have just overhauled it..."

They went to see it checked the engine and bargained over its price for a long time. They took it on a test drive too and then they discussed the price again. Marko negotiated and the price was lowered again. But Zanko was worried. In Romany so that the garage owner couldn't understand them he explained to Marko that he liked the car but he didn't have enough money. Marko asked him how much he could pay and then the boy took the man to one side and they started a long and animated discussion in a low voice.

Then they went back to Zanko and Mateo who were waiting near the 2000.

"Alright this time I will accept your price. Bit I'm going to lose money on the deal I promise you!" the man said.

They shook hands. Zanko said he was going to the camp to get the money and would be back soon to collect the car; the man said he would get all the documents ready meanwhile.

On the way back Zanko asked "How did you manage to persuade him?"

"My tribe has regular dealings with that Gadje and he makes a good profit overall. So I told him that if he didn't lower his price my tribe would stop trading with him."

"But your tribe haven't authorised you to threaten such a thing!" Zanko said.

Marko laughed. "I know! But he didn't!" he exclaimed.

They all laughed. At one point Zanko took a detour and passed under the bridge of the Great Ring Highway.

"Hey cousin our camp is in that direction not this way..." Marko said.

"I know... but I want to spend some time with you... Here is a good place." He said, stopping the engine.

"But..." Marko tried to object.

Zanko made him shut up with a brusque gesture. "Mateo get out and go to keep cave. Warn us with a whistle if you have to."

Mateo winked at him got out and went away stopping at a good lookout position. Zanko at once started to open Marko's trousers. The boy was trembling.

"No cousin... Not here please..."

"Here is good. I told you I would have you and now I'm going to take you. Here."

"I'm scared cousin..."

"But you weren't when it was Omer to take you were you? Where did he take you?"

"He did it in the night... He went out of the camp and called with the owl cry. I too then got out of my caravan and reached him in the dark... But never in daytime like this..."

"Well, now I can see you that is better than in the dark. Your little brother is already awake I feel. And mine too. Pull out my little brother go on!" he said fondling Marko's cock that he had just pulled out of the boy's trousers.

Marko didn't move. So Zanko guided the boy's hand to his fly. Marko started to unbutton it looking at him bewitched opened it searched inside and pulled out his rod. It was erect and hard.

"It's beautiful..." he murmured.

"You like it don't you? Now kneel on the seat and lower your trousers."

Marko looked at him hesitantly. Zanko knelt on his seat facing him, his rod pointing at the boy's face.

"Now Marko I'm ready. Don't keep me waiting." He said firmly with a smile.

The boy complied at last. He pushed his trousers down to his thighs and knelt on his seat rested his arms on the edge of the open window and with his head outside stretched his arse towards Zanko. Bending over him Zanko lubricated his hole with some saliva seized his hips and started to push his rod in.

"Well Marko at last I'll get to take you. Are you ready?"

"Yes... but go gently please... yours is bigger than Omer's..."

"That just means I will give you more pleasure than Omer... Relax! Now it will be good. Do you feel it?" he asked starting to push inside him.

"Oh... oohh... yes... oh..." the boy moaned closing his eyes.

"I'm getting in... You don't belong to Omer any more. Now you're mine! Tell me you're mine!"

"Yes... I'm yours... Oh Zanko... ooohhh... I'm yours... You're a real man! Oh... oh..."

"You are a real man too that's why I like you that's why I want you! And I will never leave you for a woman as Omer did... Here I am... all of me is inside you Marko. You're mine!"

"Yes I'm yours... I'm yours Zanko... fuck me!"

"Yes certainly. I'll fuck you now as nobody ever fucked you before! I'll make you enjoy it Marko. Do you feel how much my little brother likes you?" Zanko asked him starting to hammer his arse with a will.

Marko was tossing under him seized by fierce pleasure that rapidly increased when Zanko seized his hard member and began to wank him while his other hand teased his nipples. Zanko continued pumping inside with his blazing rod.

From his lookout place Mateo occasionally glanced towards the old car. When he saw Marko leaning his head out of the open window and that after a short time the car began to rock rhythmically he smiled imagining the scene and got a hard-on.

Zanko was vigorously moving back and forth in the boy's warm channel and Marko, now forgetful of everything, was enjoying his energetic fucking in the sunlight.

"I like you Marko. You're still tight enough in spite of your having taken it for four years. Omer's little brother was not a big thing was it?"

"Oh no not like yours! Oh Zanko, how good it is! Oh what a marvellous fuck! Do you like fucking me? Do you like my arse?"

"Of course I like fucking you. You've a delightful arse. And now it's mine all mine this nice arse isn't it Marko?"

"Yes it's yours! Yours! I'm yours!"

"Oh... oh... I'm coming... I'll fill you... how... I'm... coming... coooming!" Zanko panted pushing even harder into that stretched little arse pushing himself deeper into it and spurting all his warm seed inside it.

Then also Marko emptied himself spurting his come on the car door and on the seat and moaning in a low voice. When Zanko had poured in him also the last drop of his seed he went on moving gently back and forth a few more times then gradually slipped out of the boy. He tidied his trousers then gave a piece of cloth to the boy.

"Clean that mess come on..." he gently said.

"I'm sorry Zanko, I didn't want to..."

"No no it's alright don't worry. I like you Marko. I want to do it again with you..."

"Yes Zanko any time you want... Any time..." the boy said in a determined tone while he was tidying his clothes and getting back into his seat again.

Zanko whistled loudly and Mateo came back to the car.

As soon as he was on the back seat again he merrily said, "Do we have to hang outside the... what's the name of that handkerchief?"

"The diklo?" Zanko asked laughing.

"Yes the diklo."

"No he wasn't a virgin." Zanko answered and seeing that Marko was blushing, laughed again and started the car and carried on driving back to the camp. And he added "He wasn't a virgin any more but we both enjoyed it to die for. Am I right, Marko?"

The boy blushed again but vigorously nodded and it was evident he was happy. When they were at the camp Zanko got the money then all three went back to fetch the new car. Marko was quiet but his face was happy. Zanko every now and then glanced at him without saying anything. He paid for the car and signed all the documents Mateo drove the Fiat 2000 and they all went back to the camp.

On their way back Marko said "I was speaking seriously cousin when I told you that I'm yours."

"I too was serious cousin. So are you meaning to say you will come with us?"

"I will."

"What will you tell your family?"

"That I decided to come with you."

"And if they ask you why?"

"I'm not bound to tell them. I've the right to go. At most I would have to renounce my share."

"Marko... we don't have fixed couples. We sleep all together and... and we also make love all together."

"I guessed it. It's alright. I'm yours. I will do anything you'll tell me. You are the chief of the tribe aren't you?"

"Well... we have not yet elected a chief..."

"To me you are the chief anyway."

"... moreover ours is not even a tribe..."

"A Romany without a tribe is impossible. Such a thing cannot exist you must know that."

"I know but we are a mixed group. Now if we include you we are two Romanies a Gadje and two Sinti. And yet we are all brothers there is no difference amongst us."

"We have just to go on next year's pilgrimage and ask to be recognized as a tribe."

"Without women or children? A very odd tribe don't you think?"

"Nobody ever said there have to be women and children..."

"Yes. Well we will have plenty of time to talk about that. When will you tell your family you decided to come with us?"

"This very day. I will try to ask for my share anyway. Who knows they might give it to me. My father is a fair man and my family has no money problems."

"What sort of work do you normally do?"

"I'm a coppersmith of course. But I can do anything you teach me."

"Your cousin Omer... won't he object?"

"He has no rights over me not him. Moreover he already let me go when he told me that after his wedding he wouldn't do it with me any more."

They got to the camp. Marko went straight to his family caravans. Mateo went to hook the Fiat 200 to the caravan they had bought helped by Tomaso and Patrizio and meanwhile told them about Marko. Zanko was sitting on the steps of his caravan polishing the boots of his costume when he saw Marko arriving.

"Well then?" he asked him.

"My father gathered my brothers and spoke to them. They will let me come and will also give me my share too but they want first talk with you."

"What about?" Zanko asked frowning.

"I told them that you will be the chief of the new tribe; that's what they want to talk about."

"Good. If they want to talk with me as a chief there are just two possibilities - either they want to pay their respects to me; or else they have me summoned to appear before your chief and then I will come."

Marko looked at him with admiration "Well said this is really talking like a chief. I'm going to tell them..."

Zanko went to get his pipe and a bottle of wine. Then he put his boots away, took out a chair and sat smoking in front of his car to wait for them. After a while Marko's father and brothers arrived.

"Zanko we would like to talk with you."

"Good" the young man answered with an appropriate smile "but first let us drink some wine..."

He uncorked the bottle with his teeth and spat away the cork to indicate that the bottle was going to be emptied. He took a mouthful wiped the neck of the bottle with the back of his hand and passed it to the older of the brothers. Everybody drank from it carefully leaving the last bit for Zanko. the younger brother gave it back after wiping it with the back of his hand. Zanko emptied it down his throat and put it down on its side.

Then Marko's father said "I am a lucky father because I have four sons and three daughters so far. The eldest one and the second are married and I have grandchildren on the way. My third son says he wants to join a different tribe. This is unusual but can be done. But as his father I would like to know what tribe he wants to join."

"It's a new tribe not yet started."

"You mean that you want to found a new tribe Zanko?"

"Yes that is my intention."

"Isn't it rather a weird way to start a new tribe with a Gadje and two Sinti."

"He isn't a Gadje any more: they are not Sinti any more."

"Impossible; how can that be?"

"When a tribe takes an infant Gadje and adopts him the child is not Gadje any more is it?"

"But that is what happens with an infant a baby who then grows up with the other children of the tribe."

"As we don't have newborn babies we have adopted people already able to care for themselves."

"You have no women with you."

"We haven't it's true. But it is early. Before the tribe is founded women would not be appropriate in the group. You know the old proverb?" Zanko said quietly.

The men gravely assented. They talked about some more details and Zanko's responses reassured them.

At last Marko's father said "Good this same night we will celebrate Marko's transfer. And from tomorrow he will come with you." And he sealed his decision by shaking hands with Zanko.

The other three boys had stayed nearby but not close enough to intrude on the conference and had heard a good part of the discussion. When the men had left they came and asked Zanko "What's all this about a new tribe?" Zanko told them about Marko's idea.

Patrizio excitedly said "But then if you are authorized to found a new tribe I will be a Romany too!"

"It seems you will my brother!" said Zanko cheerfully.

"But do you think it is possible to get us recognized as a new tribe?"

"Marko's suggestion was the first time I thought about it so I don't know. But maybe we could. I just have to be really convincing. You see usually a new tribe is created by splitting a tribe that has grown too large... But it might be possible if I present it well enough..."

"How will you do that?" Tomaso asked.

"I'm thinking about it. I have some ideas. It seems that Marko knows our traditions very well so I'll discuss it with him. Anyway from tomorrow we will be five. The family is growing..."

"For a while we will be rather cramped..." Mateo said with pleasure at the thought.

"Well we bought our second caravan just in time. We will just have to build the superstructure quickly" Patrizio said with a grin.

That night Marko's farewell party was held. His family gave him copper working tools and some money. The other families gave him various small presents - food, clothes and money. The boy spent his last night in his family caravan. Then the following morning, escorted by his three brothers carrying the bundles with his few belongings he showed up at Zanko's caravan. They invited him and his brothers inside. Then after shaking hands and wishing him good luck they went back to their camp. As soon as they were alone in the wagon leaving his bundles on the floor the four friends pushed Marko towards the bed.

Zanko said "Marko you will now really get to know your new brothers."

"Yes as you want Zanko." Marko quietly answered.

Mateo Patrizio and Tomaso started at once to undress him, while Zanko watched them smiling.

Marko was soon lying naked on the bed his cock already hard and standing out his eyes glossy with anticipation. Then in turn the three friends were getting undressed and Zanko stepped over to him and gently caressed his cheek.

"Get ready for your initiation ceremony Marko the morning will last a long time yet. ..."

"Aren't you going to join in?" the boy encouraged him holding his hand.

"No. We will have lots of opportunities don't worry about it. Now it's their turn..."

The three friends climbed on the bed and to Marko's surprise started to kiss and lick him all over his body fondling and caressing him. He hadn't guessed they were going to do anything like that and it was a totally new experience for him. Soon he was overcome with excitement. Especially when Tomaso kissed him on his mouth while teasing his nipples Patrizio was taking care of his prick and balls and Mateo started to lick his little arse and arsehole.

Marko was squirming on the bed in ecstasy with the intensity of his pleasure. The three boys were stepping up their attentions to maximise his pleasure short of bringing him to orgasm. Marko started to beg them in a low voice to fuck him. Zanko feared that the boy's uncontrolled moans could be overheard from outside so he took his violin and started to play it but didn't stop watching the exciting scene unwinding before his eyes on the bed.

Then Mateo spreading Marko's legs took position in front of his arse and plunged in it with a vigorous push. Marko twitched with pleasure. Patrizio continued to suck his prick and Tomaso kept on kissing him and teasing his hard nipples with his fingertips. Mateo fucked him vigorously in time with Zanko's music. Patrizio took his mouth off Marko's prick before it exploded and pushed Tomaso away from the boy's mouth and offered Marko his prick. Marko took it in his hands and looked at him.

"Go on suck it!" Zanko said.

"Yes Zanko..." the boy said and took it all in his mouth and savoured it.

Then he picked up the rhythm set by Patrizio's hands he started to move his head making it slip out and in between his tight lips. Then Tomaso began suck Marko's prick which was free and throbbing. Mateo accelerated his rhythm keeping Marko's legs well spread out and pumped into his arse faster and with increasing energy as he could feel his orgasm approaching.

Zanko saw Mateo's face transformed in ecstasy as he was starting to unload into Marko's tight arse. When Mateo was sated and slipped out Patrizio stopped kissing Marko's mouth and took Mateo's place and shoved his tool in Marko's open hole and started to fuck it with slow strokes pushing it right in at every stroke. Tomaso turned around and offered his tool to Marko joining with him in a sixty-nine.

As there wasn't room for him any more Mateo looked at Zanko and noticed his swollen and palpitating fly. So while Zanko went on playing his violin standing by the bed Mateo undid his trousers and started to give him a good blow-job.

After a short time Patrizio too unloaded in the welcoming little well reamed arse of their new brother. Then Marko reached his orgasm so quenching the thirst of Tomaso's greedy mouth. And then Tomaso in turn unloaded jet after jet in the greenhorn's throat. Marko after a short hesitation being aware that Tomaso was gulping down all his seed drank all of Tomaso's. Seeing his friends come Zanko reached his orgasm as if it had been a chain reaction and unloaded in Mateo's mouth while his violin made strange broken and discordant noises.

The three boys on the bed separated and looking at the other two burst into laughter. Marko sat up on the bed wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

Zanko put down his violin and smiled. "Well then Marko. How was that?"

The boy gave him a bright smile "That was a fantastic welcome party, Zanko! With music... dances... meat and brandy to satiation!"

They all laughed.

"You are really welcome Marko!" Tomaso said to him and fingered his genitals (which were soft again at last) gently.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 6

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