
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 4, 2008


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 4 - The family grows

The most aroused of the three boys, while they were undressing in the caravan, was definitely Zanko although he did his best to look unconcerned. When all three were naked they looked at each other and smiled at what they saw.

Zanko asked "Who's going to be the first bottom?"

"You!" Patrizio and Mateo said in unison and laughed because they had spoken together and had the same idea.

"I? Have you two been planning this behind my back?"

"No! Come on. Lie down Zanko go on!" Mateo said.

"Ah I see you want to take your revenge fucking my arse! Well I'm sorry but it won't be revenge for you because I like being fucked." Zanko said lying down on his belly and pushing his nice arse up in the air.

"No turn on your back." Patrizio said to him winking at Mateo.

Zanko turned on his back. He was surprised. "What's that? Do you want to make my little brother dance for a while first? It's already nicely stiff don't you see?"

"Do you want to take care of his... little brother Patri?" Mateo asked.

"Yes certainly." Patrizio said and sat on the edge of the bed by his friend's crotch.

He took the nice column of stiff meat in his hand and pulled down the foreskin to uncover the turgid glans. Then he bent down and started to lick it.

"Oh... what are you doing? Oh! That's good... but what... Oh, Patri... who did... who did taught you that?" Zanko moaned all a-quiver and shivery, tense and twitching with pleasure.

Then Mateo bent over him and while stroking his belly and chest started to suckle and nibble a nipple.

"Oh yeaaaah... you two are... you want... make me die... Oh, how good... God how good! Oh Mateo... Patri... you're making me... die... It's way too... too good... Oh..." Zanko was moaning his eyes closed waving his head about, moaning loudly and enjoying the pleasure, which was more intense than he had ever experienced before.

The young man was stretched tenser than his violin strings and now and then his body jerked feverishly. His pole in Patrizio's mouth who was moving his head up and down while gently kneading his hard testicles and teasing his throbbing anus was bigger and harder than ever.

"Oh god... god... it's too... too good! Too much... oh... ooohhh..." he moaned. He was delirious with pleasure.

The two boys doubled their efforts excited by the moans of their consenting victim. Zanko was clawing the mattress with his hands right on the edge of a spasm. He started to tremble.

He moaned aloud "Patri... take it out... I'm about... oh god, I'm... get off..."

But Patrizio went on quickly and slipped a finger in Zanko's anus and this set off his orgasm.

"Ooohhh... I'm coming... oh... oh... I'm... I'm... coooming..." he panted jerking his last spurt into the welcoming mouth of Patrizio. Then suddenly he was totally relaxed while his friend was swallowing the last of his seed.

Zanko's body trembled again from head to toe a couple of times and he was still panting loudly and his eyes were still closed. His two friends went on caressing him all over gently.

"Oh Patri! I'm sorry... I tried to..."

"But why? It was tasty..."

"Tasty?" Zanko asked widening his eyes and looking at his friend in amazement. "Tasty? You mean that you... you wanted to... drink it?"

"Yes certainly. I wanted to see what yours tasted like. It's good - different from Mateo's but really good. I like it!"

"Different from... You mean that you have already swallowed his come?"

"Yes before you two met. He taught me. Did you like it?"

"Did I like it? Wow! I never experienced anything so... so strong... so good... You drained me."

"Well did you enjoy my revenge Zanko?" Mateo asked.

"My fucking goodness yes! You can take your revenge like that as many times as you want. But does it really taste good Patri?"

"Yes really. You can try it if you want?"

"I? But I..."

Mateo made him shut up. "Yes Zanko you too. Maybe tomorrow... This was my surprise. Now it's up to you to direct the games. What would you do now?"

Zanko smiled and nodded, "It's up to me to choose?"

"Yes sure."

"I'm out of contention for a while... so while I recover you, Mateo, can take Patrizio's cock in your arse. Then when you are finished I will be ready again and I can put mine in your nice arse..."

"Alright. Then sit at the top of the bed and make room for us."

Zanko moved to the top of the bed. Mateo lay down on his back with his head in Zanko's lap.

"Hey turn around! That way he can't get it into your arse he can only suck you..." Zanko said.

"No I want him to take me from the front."

Patrizio was amazed and said "But you aren't a woman. Your hole is behind not in front!"

"Oh fucking hell! Do I have to teach you two everything? This way you can take me from in front. Kneel between my legs Patri. So. Now rest my ankles on your shoulders... well and good... Do you see that now everything is in the right position? Shove it in me go on!"

"Oh shit you're right!" Zanko giggled.

Patrizio pushed nearer Mateo's little arse and lubricated his anus then leaned against him and started to penetrate him. He sank inside with only one push smooth and easy.

"Oh, so... good. Before starting to fuck me Patri bend down to kiss me on my mouth..."

Zanko was looking at them intrigued and felt he was already getting aroused again looking at the two boys intertwined like that. Mateo kissed Patrizio on the mouth and at first he felt awkward but then by imitating his companion he understood how to do it and returned the kiss with growing pleasure. Mateo touched Patrizio's nipples with his fingertips and teased them. Patrizio did the same.

After a while Mateo excitedly murmured "Good! Go on - start fucking me now..."

Patrizio straightened up a little to get more leverage and started to pump inside him vigorously. Zanko more and more aroused was fingering and caressing the two bodies enlaced in front of him.

"How beautiful you are boys! You've made me hot again already. Go on Patri quick as I want to start again..."

"Zanko go behind Patri and shove it in him..." Mateo suggested.

"Yeah right... his nice arse is free, now..." Zanko merrily said getting off the bed.

"Patri come down and kiss me again while Zanko shoves it inside you..." Mateo suggested.

The boy at once complied and while his tongue was playing in his companion's mouth he felt Zanko's strong hands seizing his waist while kneeling at behind him. Zanko aimed his hard pole at Patri's hole, which was already lubricated and started to push. Patrizio welcomed it with real pleasure and his own cock which was completely inside Mateo twitched uncontrollably.

"Now you Zanko stay still. Only Patri will move back and forth so he fucks me and meanwhile is fucked by you."

Patrizio nodded and did as he was told. He really enjoyed the double sensation of penetrating and being penetrated at the same time.

"How good, Mateo... You know more tricks than the devil!" Patrizio panted bouncing back and forth between the two bodies. He didn't last long, He was too excited so after a short time he unloaded inside Mateo who waited for him to cool down a little then slipped away from under him.

"Go on like that you two. I'll now get on Zanko's back and put my cock in his arse. So now it will be for him to move back and forth while Patri and I stay still... Is that alright?"

"Yes go on..." Zanko answered. When he felt the Sinti leaning against his back he said "Hey wait a moment! Put some cream on it..."

"No not this time. Maybe next time. The first time you fucked me you shoved it inside without even spit. So I want to do the same now..."

Zanko just said "That's fair..." and tried to relax as much as he could.

Mateo stood up at the end of the bed and got ready to penetrate the nice male arse in front of him. He had to give a few strong pushes that had repercussions on the arse of Patrizio who was waiting still on all fours. Zanko grimaced in pain but didn't let out a single groan. Patrizio felt that at each of Mateo's strokes Zanko's pole was swelling so he realised that Zanko was enjoying double penetration too. When Mateo felt he was firmly inside he told Zanko to start moving. While Mateo was teasing his nipples Zanko threw himself into a wild gallop. First Mateo came then Zanko for the second time moaning aloud.

They then lay down on the little bed tight one against the other. Mateo was against the wooden wall Zanko in the middle and Patrizio near the edge.

After a while he said "I feel that in this position during the night I will fall out. So maybe I should go and lie on the floor straight away."

"No I'll sleep on the floor." Mateo readily offered.

Then Zanko got up from the bed "You two, get out of bed!" he ordered with a smile.

They got up looking at him with curiosity. Zanko lit the lantern. Then he took the mattress and dropped it onto the floor. Under it there was another one.

"You see? Once I stole a mattress that was being aired in the sun ... So whoever sleeps on the floor will be more comfortable than the other two."

"You sleep on the floor Patri. Tonight I want to be with Zanko. I have to get used to him..." Mateo said with a mischievous smile.

"Heavens knows what you two will do, as soon as I fall asleep..." Patrizio jokingly said, putting out the lantern.

The three boys harmonized with each other very well. Mateo first of all made the new folding bed where they could sleep and make love all together without being too cramped. He then started to restore and rebuild the interior of the caravan making it more functional and agreeable. Meanwhile he learned to play the tambourine too and Zanko tailored his gypsy costume.

With the fine weather they were finding more and more occasions where their presence as musicians was appreciated so they were earning good money. This meant they could eat and dress better and Zanko also decided to buy a small transistor radio. Mateo then decided to install an accumulator in the caravan connected to the old car's dynamo so that they could have electricity inside the caravan. They could then also buy a small fridge and they did all that without touching to the money still hidden in the wheel hub.

During their free time Zanko used to tell them about Romany traditions and legends. He taught them some Romany words and phrases too. Mateo and Patrizio taught him to read and write. And thus they shared what each of them knew with both the others. Mateo as he was a Sinti of German descent taught them some German dialect he had been taught by his grand parents so their speech between themselves gradually became a mixture of Italian, Romany and German. And Mateo one day had a brainwave and wrote, over the door at the back of the caravan the word "Rogasi" made from the three initial pairs of letters of their origins - Romany, Gadje and Sinti. And they got into the habit of talking about themselves as "we Rogasi". They were in fact feeling that they were something special something different from other people although they hadn't started out with that intention.

Zanko and Patrizio wanted to know when Mateo realised what his sexual preference was and how he had come to realise it.

"I was thirteen that is it was one year before I... so to say 'became acquainted' with Zanko. My group was in Modena with their fairground stalls and rides. One day my grandfather fell ill. As soon as he was on the mend my parents decided it would be best for him to go back home where my grandmother and my aunt could take care of him better than we could. And they decided I had to go with him by train. They gave me the money for the train tickets and we left the camp. I accompanied my grandfather and delivered him to our relations. Then I decided to keep the money for the train fare for myself and to hitchhike back.

I was lucky with my first ride as I was brought a bit further than Florence. But then I waited for more than three hours; nobody stopped although there were plenty of cars. How I cursed those drivers! If the curses had worked that stretch of road would have been littered with wrecks! I was beginning to think that I would have to take the train after all when finally a car stopped a little beyond me. I ran towards the car and told the driver where I needed to go. He opened the door and told me to get in. I threw my bag on the rear seats and settled at his side. And off we set.

He looked about nineteen,. He had wavy brown hair a little ruffled a cheerful face and a nice smile. He asked me what I was doing and showed some interest when I told him. Then he told me about himself. He was a professional soccer player in the C league he liked jazz, didn't have a girlfriend and liked boys' company better than girls'. I was really interested; he was an engaging storyteller. Every now and then while talking he was looking sideways at me and smiling. He asked me if I already had a girlfriend. I told him I didn't. He asked me if I already was mature. I didn't understand what he meant so he grinned and asked me if I beat my meat and if I could come and if my tool was already well developed. I amusedly answered him "Yes and yes and it is this big." and held my hands up to show him.

"Hard or soft?" he asked me.

"Well... hard..." I answered.

He then said "Can I check that?" and before I could say anything he put a hand on my fly and began feeling it. He kept his left hand on the steering wheel and went on to grope me and fondle it through my trousers with his right hand. What's funny is that his action didn't bother me at all; rather all his touching made me relax so I shifted on the seat to get more comfortable and spread my legs to give his hand room. I felt it hardening and pushing against my briefs so hard it was almost painful as it was imprisoned by the clothes. At that time I was already masturbating but touching myself never got me as hard as that and wasn't nearly as delightful.

After a while he asked me to pull it out as he would like to see it. I just thought I liked how he was touching me and that it was so tight and uncomfortable that it was starting to hurt so I unbuttoned my fly opened my belt and pulled the waistband of my underwear under my balls so my dick jumped out hard and erect. He looked at it and then put his hand on it again gently taking it between his fingers. The feel of his hand on my skin aroused me terribly. I really enjoyed the feeling! He pushed my foreskin back and brushed the glans with his fingers. I sighed and trembled. He asked me if it was okay to stop in a quiet place. I was feeling weird like a knot in my throat a strange heat all over my body and answered that it was alright with me.

He made a detour taking a secondary road then a dirt road then a narrow lane between hedges and stopped there. He stopped the engine. Then he wet his fingers with some saliva and spread it on my dick fingering and caressing it. I thought he was going to toss me off so I closed my eyes and relaxed to enjoy his attention and the marvellous sensations of it. But a new sensation on the tip of my dick made me open my eyes - it was his tongue licking round it. With one hand he was kneading my balls and with the other he was fondling my pubic hair and my belly.

Then I saw him taking its tip between his soft warm lips then slid the whole of my dick into his mouth, and started a long up and down stroke... nothing like just beating it by myself! I was incredibly excited and felt that I was going to come very quickly. My legs almost by themselves were opening and closing jerkily in time with his strokes. Then I felt my body stretching taut like a bow and I trembled and then I was arching in spasm. And something like cramp started from my balls went up my spine like lightning and exploded in my brain like a dazzling flash and I unloaded inside that lovely warm wet mouth.

While my spurts were flooding and filling his mouth he was moaning. For a moment he remained still, my dick deep into his mouth. Then he started to swallow, and sucked until there was nothing left and my dick started to soften. He then straightened up and my dick fell on my hard tight balls. He stroked it very gently and looked at me and smiled. And said "Thank you!"

I was stupefied and said that it was me who ought to thank him because it had been great. He then ruffled my hair and said that if I agreed he would buy me lunch and then take me to a safe place where we could do even more enjoyable things. I accepted at once. While I was tidying myself he restarted the engine and drove on. He asked me if that had been my first time and I said yes. He told me he only liked to have sex with boys and asked me if I would like to try it with him after lunch. I answered "Yes please." During lunch time just thinking about what he had done to me I got a hard-on. I was consumed with curiosity about what would happen next.

After a while we drove on again. Then he stopped at a motel and took a room. First of all we took a shower and washed each other and so I saw his naked body. It was really nice. We both were aroused. Then he took me to the bed and made me lie down on my belly. He caressed my shoulders, back and arse and fingered my buttocks. I let him do what he wanted as I was enjoying it more and more. I felt his tongue licking up and own my crack and it was great. Then his tongue lingered on my hole and licked it for a long time; it made me tremble with excitement. And I would never have imagined that part of me could give me such delightful feelings.

That young man was really skilled and I totally abandoned myself to his caresses and trusted him completely. After my hole was thoroughly wet with his saliva, he started to work on it with his fingers giving me very good vibrations, and alternated his fingers and his tongue. Then he slipped a finger inside very gently. He asked me if I liked it and I answered yes. He said I was really beautiful and that he wanted me and wanted to make love to me. Then I felt his hard pole pressing along my crack and he lay down on me rubbing up and down. I was enraptured. I enjoyed it a lot.

Then he said he wanted to put it inside me and I was so much aroused that I just told him to go ahead. I felt his nice pole reach my slippery hole and starting to push... he was opening me and I liked it. Happily he was not too big and anyway he was good at it so I didn't feel any pain. He was pushing sliding in slowly stretching my hole open and he slipped inside filling me and invading me and it was great! I was almost crying with happiness. At last he got all of it inside me. I felt that his cock was deeply buried in my channel and his pubic hair was brushing my arse and his balls were squeezed between his thighs and my buttocks...

He lay still for a moment telling me he liked me a lot then made me turn my head and kissed me on my mouth. Gosh how beautiful that kiss was with that cock right inside me! He then started so move his magnificent rod up and down inside me and I was really in ecstasy. It didn't hurt at all not even when he pulled it all out then vigorously plunged it in again. I was happy to give him my arse. I loved feeling him on top of me and inside me. I was happy to feel that he liked me, too.

To begin with he took me with great gentleness and then later with a wild and wonderful rush. He went on for a long time and I enjoyed it to the full appreciating and relishing my first proper sex. He made me lift my bum up a little so he could hold my dick and stroke it while going on to fuck me. I never imagined I could have such a great experience!

I remember that the pleasure I was feeling was so strong that I felt overcome by giddiness while the young man pumped faster and his hand was beating my dick in the same rhythm... My heart was racing and I was pushing my arse upwards against him. My whole body was in ecstasy while he was stroking me inside with his cock. My orgasm came suddenly and unexpectedly in his hand wetting all the sheet under me and soon after that he unloaded pushing his prick right in and filling me with such strong spurts that I could feel each of them, one after the other.

We then collapsed joined together like that breathing heavily. We stayed like that glued together. I felt his weight on me was something beautiful. But after a while he pulled out... and I was quite sad to feel his rod abandoning my arse... He asked me if I enjoyed it and smiled at my enthusiastic yes. And he was amazed when I told him that it was my first time. He then embraced me and kissed me again for a while and told me he was really glad he had been my first man.

We got dressed again and resumed the journey. He took me almost all the way to Bologna and with two more lifts I got back to where my family and group was.

But I had discovered something that I liked very much and that I would experience again. But it was not easy at first. The second man I found hurt me because he had a huge tool. But I liked doing it too much to stop so I looked for more and found them. Then I met you Zanko... and after you many other men and I liked it more and more. I learned other ways of having sex between men and in short I feel I am completely homosexual. But unhappily I knew that I had to keep it secret and that sooner or later I would have to marry and start a family even though I didn't like the idea... Until I had the luck to meet Patri... and then you know the rest of the story. Anyway I have no doubt I am really homosexual..."

"Yes we are well aware of that aren't we Patri?" Zanko commented with a smile.

The three friends arrived at Pesaro. There they saw that there was a circus of Italian Sinti. They asked permission to stay near their compound and it was granted. They began to go round the restaurants of the town playing their gypsy music and begging. Late at night after the circus performance was over and when the restaurants were closed the Sinti, who were a very open group often invited the three boys to join them at their bonfires. Or when the Rogasi lit a fire near their caravan and played, some Sinti joined them to listen and brought things to eat and drink and sat in a circle with them.

That is how they met Tomaso Pittaluga. He was a boy of twenty-four who was one of the circus jugglers. He also designed some of the circus costumes. He was a merry boy very likeable and witty. Mateo at once felt attracted to him and told his two friends that he thought Tomaso might be gay as well. But there were others of his group with them when they met so Mateo never dared to try to hit on him. But one day he got an idea and went to look for him.

"Tomaso please would you come to my caravan and advise me about decorating my gypsy costume?"

"Yes of course..." Tomaso quietly replied.

Zanko and Patrizio watched them going off together and exchanged knowing glances- they guessed what might happen next.

Inside the caravan Mateo took out his costume.

"I'll wear it; that will make it easier for you to see how it fits me..." Mateo said slyly.

"You don't need to... It's a beautiful costume. Did you make it?"

"No Zanko made it. He's the tailor. Are you sure you don't want me to wear it?" Mateo asked and took off his shirt leaving his chest bare.

Tomaso looked at him and his eyes lingered longer than normal below his navel and on the bulge in Mateo's very tight trousers. Mateo casually adjusted his basket.

"You are well built... Wouldn't you like to come and work with us in the circus?" Tomaso asked him.

"I'm fitting in really well with my friends... moreover I know nothing about circuses..."

"Our circus is still small. We just split from the Pittalugas circus, which is really big. But as soon as we have paid our debts we plan to expand. So I would like you to come with us."

"Thank you. I think that I would like staying with you too ... But I don't feel like leaving my friends." Mateo said and undid his trousers and pulled them off leaving only his briefs on.

His tight briefs were fully filled in front revealing his half erection. Tomaso again stared briefly between Mateo's legs and gulped. Mateo slipped a hand in his briefs and adjusted himself more comfortably.

"Well, do you want see how I look with my gypsy costume on?" he asked with a lecherous look.

"As you want..." Tomaso answered and Mateo noticed that the bulge in the young man's trousers was getting bigger.

"Or else... you can undress and try it on... I'd like to see how it would look on you." Mateo suggested and started to unbutton Tomaso's shirt. He felt Tomaso shudder. When he had undone the shirt he said "You've got a nice chest Tomaso..." and caressed it with one hand.

Tomaso shuddered again and finally he put his hand gently on Mateo's swollen briefs stroking him there without uttering a word. Mateo smiled unbuckled Tomaso's belt unzipped his fly and touched his cock through the underpants. It was already hard. Tomaso closed his eyes and he put his trembling hand into Mateo's briefs and fondled him with one on his swollen genitals and the other on his small tight arse.

"Undress Tomaso... and lie on the bed while I go to lock the door. I'll be back immediately..."

"But... what about your friends?"

"They know and will leave us in peace."

"Do you three make love?"

"Of course we do."

"You're lucky. I've nobody I can do that with in my group... I wanted you the first time I saw you... You're a really handsome boy Mateo. Are you game for a nice sixty-nine and then putting it in my arse?"

"Yes Tomaso that's a good idea..." Mateo said quickly taking off his briefs and getting on the bed where Tomaso was waiting for him already naked.

They began by licking each other's tools. They were both already erect and hard and each took the other's cock in his mouth and began to suck it passionately lying on their side head to toe. They were getting even more excited. Mateo realised that Tomaso was really skilled with his mouth. When he felt ready he stopped sucking his companion's tool and began to lick his testicles and then further round to reach his anus that throbbed at once as soon as he touched it.

"You like it Tomaso, don't you?" he murmured between two licks.

"Oh yes... lie down on your back. Now I want to impale myself on your rod." Tomaso said.

Mateo complied and held his prick pointing upwards. Tomaso got astride him and positioned himself and pressed his well salivated anus onto the tip of Mateo's rigid prick then lowered himself taking it all really deep right to its root as soon as Mateo moved his hand out of the way.

"Oh Mateo that's good! At last! I haven't done this for four months and never with such a good cock!"

"You like it Tomaso?"

"Yes..." he murmured starting to bounce up and down well impaled on that slippery hard rod.

Mateo was looking at Tomaso's beautiful hard prick bouncing up and down at each stroke slapping on his belly on each down-stroke. Tomaso's body his muscles flexing at each movement was beautiful and exciting. The expression on his face was radiant even ecstatic while he passionately rode Mateo's prick. Mateo got more and more excited and after a little while he unloaded arching his pelvis upwards pushing himself deeper into his mate whose sphincter palpitated in appreciation.

When Mateo had totally unloaded and when Tomaso let him slip out Mateo pulled Tomaso towards him so that he slipped along his chest and, raising his head took Tomaso's nice, hard, unsatisfied cock in his mouth. Tomaso held up Mateo's head and started to fuck his mouth. He was very grateful to Mateo for the chance to do that. He was still strongly aroused from the wild ride he had just had and so very soon he too came into the welcoming mouth of his bed-mate. Outside they heard the beautiful music of Zanko's violin.

While they were dressing Tomaso said "Good heavens, I really needed that! It was great. Thank you Mateo."

"You can come every day if you want and you can do it with Zanko and Patri as well... or also with all three of us if you want."

"Fucking hell you are tempting me. But I don't want to get indigestion... Usually between one fuck and the next one I have to wait for months you see? You're lucky you are always together."

"Come tomorrow too go on!"

"My folk would find it odd if I stay in your caravan too often ..."

"Don't let them see you come. Make a big detour and approach from behind our caravan where your people cannot see you."

"I told you you're tempting me... Maybe I can do that..."

And he did. Tomaso had sex with Zanko then with Patri than again with Mateo day after day at different times often at night after the last performance.

But one night just after Tomaso had gone back to his family caravan to sleep and the three friends had just hit the sack all hell broke loose. The big top caught fire. The three friends put on just their trousers and ran to help the Sinti trying to put out the fire and salvage whatever could be saved. Yells voices orders people running here and there trying above all to stop the fire from spreading to the caravans. Water buckets axes everything possible...

When finally the fire brigade arrived the big top had been reduced to smoking shreds. The backdrop and all the musical instruments the wooden tiers of seats, the masts they had all burned to ashes.

The circus people were milling around the smoking ruins disheartened and dejected. But Patrizio remarked not one of them was crying or seemed to be desperate. There was a kind of dignity in that group of Sinti in their misfortune.

When the fire brigade went away telling them to touch nothing because the next day they would be back for the usual inquiries the Sinti's chief immediately called a meeting. The situation was tragic the insurance money would barely cover their debts. It was absolutely impossible to start again. They discussed it for a long time and at the end they decided to sell their animals to other circuses and to scatter and look for jobs in the various circuses of their relatives or friends.

"We have tried done our best... and we have not been lucky." The Sinti chief concluded when he dismissed the meeting. Every family went back to their caravans to discuss what to do.

The three friends, who had been listening at the edge of the circle during the meeting, went back to their caravan feeling very sorry for those people with whom they had stayed for about ten days. They went back to bed but couldn't get to sleep for a long time.

The next day while the Sinti were starting to strike camp Tomaso called at the caravan of the three friends.

"We are really sorry..." Zanko said welcoming him.

"What will you do now?" Mateo asked him.

"My family decided to try going back to our old circus. They hope there will still be a job... But I don't like the idea much."

Patrizio looked at his friends then at Tomaso and said "Why don't you come with us Tomaso? What do you think boys?"

The other two at once nodded in assent.

"But what work can I do with you?"

"You can be the juggler of course. While we play you can perform your show..."

They discussed the suggestion and the three friends insisted and at the end Tomaso agreed. He went to get his juggling equipment and his costumes and came back to the boys' caravan carrying two big suitcases.

"My family didn't want me to leave... But at the end my father gave me my share of the money. It's not much but... I'm ready to come with you."

They welcomed him with pleasure mainly Patrizio who had a special liking for Tomaso. They packed his belongings away. After lunch they decided to plan and rehearse their new show. Tomaso tried to adjust the rhythm of his juggling to Zanko's music and Zanko chose the most suitable rhythms to accompany Tomaso from his repertory. Mateo accompanied Zanko with the tambourine while Patrizio learned how to be Tomaso's assistant throwing him clubs or hoops as he needed them or taking and handing to him the props which couldn't be thrown.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 5

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