
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 31, 2007


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 3 - Revenge and forgiveness

They left the camp and all the Shiftarija waved them goodbye and set off to the south. Rasim gave Patrizio a nice leather armband he had made in poker work.

While he was driving along the main road Zanko said "I bet you would have liked to have sex with Rasim."

"Of course I would - yes. But with him there was no chance. But you're right he was a really handsome man. Wouldn't you have had sex with him if you had had the chance?"

"You me and him? Why not? A threesome would be fun. I would like to try it one day."

"You're a real mandrill!"

"A what?

"A monkey famous for uninhibited sex."

"Oh. Then yes. I really like sex. But you're pretty wild yourself you never draw back do you? We haven't yet had a single night without sex."

"Are you complaining?"

"No, no absolutely not. On the contrary! I never felt better. Your arse is just delightful Patri. I'm ready for more already ... Feel how hard it is!"

Patrizio smiled and stretched out a hand to feel it through Zanko's trousers. "Yes so you are; nice. But now watch your driving."

"But we could stop at the road side and get in the caravan and..." Zanko suggested with a wink.

"No drive! It would be dangerous stopping here. It is all bends and nowhere to park. We will do it tonight."

"We can do it tonight as well... But I want to do it now. I can just find a straight stretch and..."

"Are you really unable to restrain yourself?" Patrizio asked putting a hand on his leg.

"No! You feel it... and certainly not if you go on touching me like that... Can we stop then?"

Patrizio didn't stop fondling him "Yes, if you really want to..." he said.

Zanko smiled. When they were on the next straight stretch, he drove onto the grarsey verge and stopped. "Let's go then!" He said his eyes shining with desire.

They both got out and went to the back. Zanko climbed the ladder, opened the door and went in. He let Patrizio get past and shut the door behind them. Then he seized the boy from behind hugging him tight and pushed his demanding erection against Patri's arse and licked his ear. He put a hand on his friend's fly and fondled him.

"You too have a good hard-on..." How nice! He whispered.

"Sure. Take me here standing as you did with that Sinti... but without cutting my trousers..." Patrizio said sexily pushing his arse against his friend's projecting erection.

Zanko unbuckled Patrizio's belt and undid his trousers and dropped them to his knees. Then he pushed down Partizio's briefs and hugged him again and fondled his balls and his twitching prick.

"Come on! Get it out. Let me feel it some more before putting it in."Patrizio said eagerly.

"Yes my beautiful little man. Here it is. Can you feel it?" Zanko asked pushing it against Patrizio's little tight buttocks.

"Yes Zanko; lovely! Where is the cream?"

"I always keep it in my pocket ready for use..."

"Well then, get me ready and fuck me!"

Zanko carefully lubricated his prick and then between his friend's buttocks, pushing a finger with the gel on it into the hole and out again. Patrizio shuddered.

"Your finger is too small... put in your nice little brother. Go on! Sooo... yes... go on... goooood... sooo... Push it all in..." the boy panted meeting Zanko's thrust with his own. "oh, Zanko... ooohhh! Go on..."

When Zanko was right in as deep as he could go he hugged Patrizio tight and began vigorous thrusting with Patrizio pushing back to meet each thrust. While he was pumping Zanko was caressing Patrizio's chest and belly, teasing his nipples and massaging his cock and balls. Patrizio was reacting with his arse against Zanko's groin and increasing their pleasure. Zanko's cock didn't seem too big any more but just right to give the maximum pleasure.

When Zanko shot his load he at once pulled out and turned round to offer himself to Patrizio while he was still hard and ready for it. Patrizio took him passionately and vigorously. Their moans of pleasure combined to make an erotic symphony.

"What the hell; we seemed to be in hurry..." Patrizio exclaimed in satisfaction as they were tidying their clothes.

"Well tonight we will do it at length and more restfully Patri don't doubt it." His friend said with a mischievous smile as he buttoned his shirt.

"I hope so. I like it like this once in a while just for a change. But... for a really good time I like to make it last."

"Yes! Quite right. It's lovely to be able to do it whichever way we want as often as we want."

"It certainly is. This is the life! Nothing like my life at the village. The Gadje don't have the faintest idea how good a Romanys' life can be." Patri said.

"Hey but you are one of them - you are a Gadje!" the gypsy retorted with a laugh.

"Well yes. But I don't feel like a Gadje any more. Even though your people don't want me as a Romany."

"It's not that we don't want you. And I would really like it. It's just that one is born how he's born do you see? And anyway we are now blood brothers."

"Yes blood and bed brothers!" Patrizio exclaimed and laughed.

They resumed their journey. Spring was not yet in the air and although they were going southwards the weather was still cold. They stopped at the outskirts of Terracina. Zanko as usual went to the parish church to see if there were banns for a wedding hoping to offer to play at a wedding reception. Meanwhile Patrizio cleaned inside the caravan.

From the caravan window he noticed a boy who was peeping into the windows of the car. He thought he might be a little thug looking for something to steal. He silently got out and cautiously crept round behind the boy.

He poked a wooden stick between the boy's shoulder blades and speaking loudly and angrily said "What are you looking in my car for Gadje?"

The boy stiffened and without turning round hurriedly said "I'm not a Gadje. I was looking for a friend of mine a Romany, and I was thinking that..."

"A Romany friend? But you aren't a Romany." Patrizio interrupted him.

"No I'm a Sinti... put away your knife I was doing nothing wrong."

"Romanies and Sinti aren't friends." Patrizio said keeping the stick pressed firmly against the boy's back.

He liked passing himself off as a Romany, which was why he continued the charade.

"But I'm friends with a Romany and I thought... maybe this could be his car, his caravan..."

"Oh, really! And why?"

"Look, this is the registration number... it's the same..." the boy said handing him a crumpled piece of paper without trying to turn round.

Patrizio took it with his free hand and checked it - it was the right number. "Alright. Do you know any more?"

"His name's Zanko..." the boy said.

Patrizio shoved the wooden stick in his pocket before the boy could see it wasn't a knife and said "Turn around!"

The boy turned. Patrizio thought he was handsome and probably was more or less the same age as he was, himself. "Who are you Sinti?"

"I... but who are you? You aren't Zanko."

"Who are you! I said." Patrizio demanded.

"I... my name is Mateo Alegra. I'm a Sinti."

"Of the funfair or of the circus?"

"Of the funfair."

"Ah... Zanko told me about you... maybe it was you."

"About me?"

"You're the one that he... that he fucked behind the bushes aren't you?"

The Sinti blushed but shook his head.

"Come on! He cut your trousers and briefs didn't he?" Patrizio insisted.

"But you aren't a Romany." The boy said without answering him.

"So you are the Sinti he fucked in the arse."

"Why are you with Zanko? Who are you?"

"Hey kid. Are you asking me to practice some knife work on you?" Patrizio asked sternly.

"When will Zanko be back?" asked the boy; plainly he was not scared any more.

"What do you want from him?"

"To challenge him to a fight with knives."

"And why?"

"An old outstanding matter."

"Then you really are the Sinti that Zanko fucked in the arse! You said your name is Mateo?"

"What's your name? Who are you?"


"What kind of a fucking name is that?"

"Mine! Why do you want to fight him?"

"Because if I don't I will not be respected by my people. He brought shame on me as he took my cherry when he raped me."

"What bullshit! He may well have brought shame on you as you say but for sure he wasn't the first! He told me that you let him in as easily as a hot knife in butter... and that you liked it." Patrizio said with a laugh.

The boy looked sulky. Then said, "Anyway he had no right to rape me."

"Come on! He raped me too he really took my cherry but I'm not ashamed!"

"You? He raped you and you stay with him?"

"Come inside and let's talk."

"Are you going to harm me?"

"NO! Come in! Come inside!" Patrizio said and led him into the caravan. They sat down and he asked: "Do you want a glass of wine?"

"No. One shouldn't drink in the house of ones enemy."

"I'm not your enemy."

"But you're his friend."

"Didn't it happen about three years ago?"

"So what? I've been looking for him for three years."

"Holy shit! Just to challenge him to fight you?"

"Of course."

"Beware! He's really skilled with his knife. You're going to lose."

"Then I'll lose. At our camp they keep on saying that if I don't try to get my revenge that I must be a fag."

"Oh why? Aren't you one? I'm a fag."


"Yes I mean that I love having sex with a man. And Zanko is a man... you know that very well don't you?"

"But the Sinti don't want fags amongst them."

"Therefore you've to show them that you aren't one. And probably to do that you will have to get married too."

"Of course."

"But tell me the truth just between us two... You like sex with men don't you?"

"What the fuck has this to do with it? He raped me!"

"Well Zanko is rather a rash instinctive guy... And you provoked him didn't you?"

"Just with words. It always like that between Sinti and Romanies; we insult each other."

"No you spat between his feet. Spitting is not 'just with words'. Anyway you enjoyed the fuck didn't you?"

"He didn't have to cut my clothes. It was doing that that made it certain that I would be ridiculed."

"Yes he said exactly the same to me."


Patrizio looked at the boy hard then said, "Listen... would you like to have sex with me?"

"What? I came here to take my revenge... and you seriously suggest I screw with you?"

"You can rape me and cut my trousers in pieces if you like. If that will make you even..."

"You're out of your mind!"

"No it's just that you are a pretty boy and I would like to have sex with you. And I would like to stop Zanko from making a hole in your belly or slashing your beautiful face..."

"But if he slashes me I can go back to my camp and hold my head high."

"Good heavens what an idiot you are! Are you really keen to go back to your people and pretend you like women? And furthermore probably with a slash on your face... or worse if you're not lucky."

"What else can I do?"

"You can come away with us join us. Make love with us. Wouldn't it be way better?"

"That's just bullshit! I should be raped again... maybe by both of you..."

"No way! I told you he's impetuous but he's fundamentally a kind boy. Me... he raped me the first time but when we make love now I really enjoy it. Zanko's not a violent guy... Listen think about it. If you want come back and tell me what you decided. If you want a duel you can have one. That would be a pity for you. If you feel like coming with us then come."

"You're a strange piece of work!"

"So you would you like sex with me to see what it's like?" Patrizio asked.

Mateo burst out laughing. "I didn't mean to encourage you but... maybe I would like it. If I go now will you tell Zanko I'm looking for him?"

"Will you promise not to ambush him?"

"No on my word of honour. I'm a Sinti not a pig. If it is to be a duel it has to be fair."

"Alright! Then I'll tell him nothing. But you have just three options - you renounce your revenge you come with us or you challenge him to a fair fight. Do you agree?"

"Yes I agree. I like you Patri. Yes... that way too. I'll think about it."

"Mateo... I really would like sex with you..."

"I'll think about it." The boy answered standing up.

Patrizio offered him his hand. Mateo looked at it for a moment without moving, but then looking him right in the eye shook it and went away.

Patrizio looked at him as he ran off. "Come with us Mateo and we will make you forget all that honour crap..." he murmured then went back to his cleaning.

Zanko came back. "The day after tomorrow there's going to be a wedding. Tomorrow I will go and see them and agree the arrangements. I think we can get the job. If they hire us we will get some money and a good meal. I went to the restaurant and they said tomorrow night we can go to play there at supper time. Today it's their day off. So we will stay here for three days. Are our costumes ready?"

"Of course they are, Zanko."

"Is supper ready?"

"Not yet, I only just finished the cleaning. But I will fix it in a moment. Tell me Zanko what was that Sinti like? You know - the one you told me you raped?"

"What made you start thinking of him now?"

"Nothing ... what was he like?"

"Pretty. Black wavy hair falling over his forehead. And a delightful little arse."

"Nothing else?"

"I don't remember much more. Besides the fact he was enjoying it a lot. I bet my balls on that."

"And... would you like to fuck him again?"

Zanko laughed, "Well yes of course."

"What about raping him again?"

"No... no, I'd prefer to have him in bed. I would like to enjoy him quietly..."

"You me and him?" Patrizio asked with a mischievous smile.

"Why not. If you saw him you would agree with me. He had a delightful little arse. You would like it I'm sure."

"Better than mine?"

"Oh Patri your little arse drives me crazy as you know!"

"Yes but was it better than mine?" Patrizio insisted in amusement.

"How do I know? It happened three years ago and it was quick and soon over and only once so I don't really remember it... I know yours on the other hand quite well. How can I compare them?"

"But you would like to have him again wouldn't you?"

"Are you trying to get me all sexed up? If you are hot... just tell me."

"No it was just an idle thought. Let me fix the supper now."

"Don't you want to do it now?" Zanko insisted his eyes lit up with lust.

"No later. Don't have a one-track mind!"

"But it was you who made me that way!" the young gypsy said, sitting on the bed.

They ate and then played some music to rehearse their repertory. Patrizio had become quite skilled with the tambourine. It is apparently a simple instrument to play but like many things that seem simple was really quite difficult. Then they went to bed and made love at last. Patrizio tried to guess what a threesome would be like and hoped that the Sinti would accept his offer. He was certain that Zanko would be happy with it.

Next day after more practice Zanko went to the village to agree arrangements for the wedding. He had just left when Patrizio heard a light knocking at the door. He answered it - it was Mateo.

"I saw him go away..." the boy said without entering.

"Did you recognize him?" Patrizio asked.

"Yes of course. Can I come in?"

"Yes come in." Patrizio said.

The Sinti came in and instead of sitting on the chair he went to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Well then?" Patrizio asked sitting on a chair in front of him.

The boy scratched his head "I thought about it... I'm not sure... I... Listen, do you feel like having sex now? If I like you... if you persuade me... I might come away with you - if Zanko wants me too. I can give it a try."

"Zanko would be happy."

"How can you tell?"

"I asked him."

Mateo jumped up "You promised me that..."

"I didn't tell him you're here! I just asked him if he remembered you."

"Ah. And what did he say?"

"Of course he remembers. And says he liked you."

"Yes. And he enjoyed me like a pig!"

"Why didn't you enjoy it?"

"I... well... yes I enjoyed it too."

"And he said he would like doing it with you again but this time in bed gently... and with me too all three together. Well then?"

"I told you... do you feel like having sex with me now? Do we have enough time?"

"Now? Why not?" Patrizio answered with a smile and went to sit on the bed by the side of him.

Mateo stood up and took off his quilted jacket then his sweater then his shirt and finally his sleeveless vest. Patrizio appreciated his smooth strong hairless chest and the perfect pink. Mateo unbuttoned his tight jeans and slowly lowered them and his briefs together uncovering a nice bush of thick curly black hair and then a good tool already half erect. He then pushed his pelvis towards Patrizio.

"Lick it! Go on! Make it hard..." he said looking seductively into Patrizio's eyes.

Patrizio widened his eyes "Lick it? Are you joking?"

"Of course I'm not joking. First you lick it then you suck it. What's the problem? Don't you like that?"

"I never anything like that! Putting it in my mouth... what an idea!"

"Have you never heard of a blow-job? Women do it to men... and also men between themselves. It's good."

"Have you done it before?"

"Of course I have."

"And would you do it to me?"

"Yes afterwards. Now you have to do it to me if you want me to stay..."

"I don't know if I would like doing that..."

"Well! You've just to give it a try."

Patrizio looked at him hesitantly but then crouched before him. He took it in his hand and looked closely at it.

"But... doesn't it taste... of piss?"

"I washed it. Go on!"

Patrizio stuck out his tongue and just touched the tip of the boy's foreskin. The prick gave a violent twitch and Patrizio's head jumped back too.

Mateo laughed "Hey, it's not going to bite you. It has no teeth. Lick it go on..."

Patrizio leaned forwards again and gave it a lick. It had no taste. He licked it again. It wasn't bad. He licked it two or three times more and smiled at seeing it getting harder and beginning to throb. He thought that feeling the firm warmth of that rod with his tongue was pleasant.

"Take it between your lips and let it slip inside..." Mateo suggested rubbing his chest and belly.

Patrizio looked upwards at the boy and thought he was hot. He opened his lips and closed them round the tip of Mateo's hard prick. Mateo gradually began to rock his pelvis gradually pushing his rod into Patrizio's mouth.

"Don't let me feel your teeth... Move your tongue Patri... Taste it savour it relish it... Think it's the best piece of meat you ever had in your mouth... Suck it as if it was a dummy... press it with your tongue..."

Patrizio was following the Sinti's instructions and started to enjoy doing it even though he wasn't used to it. Mateo started to thrust back and forth in his mouth. Patrizio started to get aroused but he was somewhat awkward so after a while he let Mateo slip out.

"Drop your trousers and lie down on the bed. Come on. I'll show you how to give a good blow-job!" Mateo said taking his trousers right off.

Patrizio complied. When he was lying on the bed his member was already hard and pointing upwards. Mateo sat on the edge of the bed and seized Patrizio's rod between his thumb and index finger holding the palm of his hand flat on his groin and lowered his head. Patrizio was looking at him and waiting. Mateo put out his tongue and licked the half uncovered glans - it was a gentle, tantalising contact and Patrizio shuddered from head to toe enjoying the unusual feelings. Then Mateo licked all along the hard rod from end to end giving his companion amazing sensations. He licked up and down several times. Then he gently unsheathed Patrizio's glans and licked it lingering on the little slit. Patrizio shuddered trembled and closed his eyes.

Then Mateo slightly parted his beautiful lips and put them round the tip of Patrizio's prick and lowered his head holding it between his tight lips and tonguing it as he moved. Patrizio opened his eyes and watched his rod emerging from and disappearing into that sweet warm mouth, while Mateo was pumping up and down with gentle determination.

"Fucking hell! That's good..." Patrizio moaned in rapture.

Mateo let it slip out and Patrizio twitched. "Why?" he moaned.

The Sinti smiled "You're the one who has to persuade me not the other way round... Now it's your turn to blow me! Go on. You understand what to do now don't you?" he said standing up and poking his erection towards Patrizio's mouth.

Patrizio sat up and leaned over to take it in again and did his best to make Mateo enjoy it.

"Yes so... not bad... Suck it! Go on - and I'll fill you with my cream..."

Patrizio stopped and moved backwards at once. "Hey what's that? You aren't thinking of coming in my mouth, are you?"

"Of course I am. It's good and that's what I want."

"But... what does it taste like?" Patrizio asked.

"Taste it. It's warm, creamy and sweet..."


"Yeah! Suck it!, Go on! Make me come!"

Patrizio hesitated for a moment but then thought it was worth a try. So he started to suck it with a will thinking that afterwards he would fuck that boy's nice arse...

After a while Mateo took his head between his hands keeping him still and vigorously and determinedly started to fuck his mouth. Patrizio felt him shudder and vibrate and realised that soon he would get the load. He prepared himself to receive it. Now Mateo was fucking his mouth with stronger strokes and at times his pole reached back into Patrizio's throat and this was making him gag. So instinctively he circled the root of Mateo's cock with his hand so that it didn't reach so far into his mouth. That way it was better. Mateo was fucking with increasing energy and his muscles were stiffening. Patrizio pushed his free hand between Mateo's buttocks, found out the hidden hole and pushed a finger against it so that each time Mateo pulled back the finger was forced into his rear entrance.

This rapidly brought Mateo to orgasm and so at last the boy started to unload in his companion's mouth filling it. Patrizio soon understood that he had to swallow all the cream to avoid it dripping out and dirtying everything. So, he gulped all that cream mouthful by mouthful and finally he sucked the last drops until he was sure it was all gone.

Then Mateo let go of Patrizio's head and pulled out. And Patrizio became aware of the taste of cum. He wondered if Zanko's tasted the same and promised himself he would find out!

"Well for a first blow-job Patri, it was not bad at all..." the Sinti admitted.

Patrizio then grabbed his arm and pulled him on the bed "But now come here... so that I can shove my little brother all inside your nice arse and I can enjoy myself too..."

"Not now later eventually. Instead I want to make you come in my mouth..." he slyly said and sitting on the bed again pushed Patrizio down and resumed doing what he had interrupted.

He worked Patrizio's rod so well that when Patrizio came he yelled aloud in ecstasy and his whole body violently shook and trembled on the bed. Then he lay down exhausted and breathing heavily.

Mateo was looking at him with a little smile. "Good. I liked doing it with you Patri. Let's wait now for Zanko to come back and let's see if he really wants me to stay with you..."

"Yes... But now it will be better if we tidy up."

While they were dressing Mateo asked, "But have you really never had a blow-job before?"

"No, never. But I think we will have to teach Zanko you and I and convert him."

"Then I bet that you don't even kiss each other."

"Kiss? On the mouth you mean?"

"Of course and all over the body as well. Have you ever done that?"

"No never. But only men and women kiss each other on the mouth..."

"Two men as well dumbass! A mouth is just a mouth. And sucking each other's nipples?"

"You mean" Patrizio thought he was teasing "to get some milk!"

"No to enjoy it. Good heavens I really think you need me to teach you how to make love properly. Anyway... I like you Patri."

"I like you too Mateo. But I would like to put it in you nice little arse..."

"One thing at a time. We will do everything don't worry. I like both ways too both taking it and giving it."

"Did you have a lover amongst the Sinti?"

"Are you joking? No way! But once in a while I did it with some of the boys from the funfair. I fucked with many of them..."

"But how did you manage to understand who was game?"

"Very simple. I always wear very tight trousers, so that my basket is very noticeable. And so if one of those boys was looking at me with his attention on my crotch it was clear what he wanted. So I looked at him and smiled and encouraged him... If he didn't approach me I would approach him... and the game could start."

"What was your job at the funfair?"

"Lot of things I was joiner electrician and painter... then I worked selling tickets too and I did other things."

"What kind of attractions do you have?"

"My family you mean? The Alegra have always had a maze I'm sure."

"Did you like that?"

"After a time it's boring. Anyway it's a job like any other. But I liked to travel. It was a lot more fun than when we were at home."

"Where is your home?"

"In Tuscany Terontola, close to lake Trasimeno. The whole of my group have houses there. They have lived there for generations."

They were still chatting when Patrizio heard the whistle, which Zanko used to announce himself. "Here he is it's him!" he merrily said standing up.

"Who Zanko?"

"Yes. Let's go to meet him. Come. Let's see if he recognizes you and watch his face when he sees you..." Patrizio said getting out of the caravan followed by the Sinti.

When Zanko saw them walking towards him he carefully looked the unknown boy who was with Patrizio.

When they were near Patrizio merrily asked him, "Hi Zanko! Do you recognize him? Do you know who he is?"

Zanko was curious and studied him some more and then said "No... who is he?"

"Come on how can you not remember him?" Patrizio insisted.

Mateo was looking at Zanko with a serious expression.

Zanko looked again at him from head to toe then in his eyes "No, I don't remember ever having seen him."

"But yes you have seen him..." Patrizio chuckled.

Mateo grinned and said "maybe he would remember something else better than my face!"

Patrizio understood and laughed.

Zanko shook his head and asked "Why should I remember him? Who is he?"

"Mateo. His name is Mateo with only one T."

"I've never met anyone called Mateo. Does he say he knows me?"

"Yes I know you Zanko. Rather... intimately." The boy said.

"No we never have been friends or else I would remember you. Moreover you aren't a Romany."

"I didn't say we were friends. Rather enemies I would say. About three years ago... behind a bush... up to the north..." Mateo said evenly.

Zanko widened his eyes. Looked at of Patrizio's smiling face then at Mateo's serious face then again at Patrizio. "Now I see why all those questions... You knew he was here."

"Yes Zanko. I knew."

"And..." Zankos started to say, then became silent and looked at Mateo. And then asked "Why are you here now?".

"I have been looking for you for three years. I came to take my revenge. But then... instead of you I met him. We talked. My duty would have been to seek my revenge... you know how it works don't you? But he... he made me realise that it would have been just crap carrying out a duty that I really couldn't care less about. Patri made me change my mind. Yes I changed my mind but thanks to him not you. Because I liked Patri..."

"Well then?" Zanko asked worriedly.

"Well nothing! I was pissed off with you really pissed off not so much for the fuck..."

"Yes you enjoyed it I was aware of that... And I was not the first one up there..."

"... but because you cut my clothes you forced me to tell my people what happened... If you hadn't I would have kept silent after all."

"Yes just as I thought..."

"... well then afterwards I was bound to seek revenge as you must know. Now the situation is as follows - I can go back to my group to my family but I have to show that I took my revenge; or else I don't go back to my people but then... then what Patri suggested to me was that you might take me with you... and you will earn my forgiveness by showing me that you can treat me well..."

"And which choice would you like best?" Zanko asked, studying his expression.

"I? Patri told me how you two are living... and so I would like to live with you. If you want me."

"Living with us? You mean sharing... everything?" Zanko asked, going on to study the boy.

"Yes everything. Everything including sex." The boy frankly said.

Zanko nodded and at last broke into a sly grin "But our bed is really too small even for two of us..."

"Ah but I'm a good joiner and carpenter. I will convert it to a king size bed, if you want."

"There isn't enough space..."

"A folding one then. One which can be put against the wall when we aren't using it."

"And what would you do as a job to earn your living?"

"Well... I don't know. I was a funfair worker... But we can think about something I can do. We will think about it all together won't we?"

Zanko looked at Patrizio "You already decided everything behind my back?"

"No Zanko. The caravan is yours and so you must have the last word." Patrizio answered.

"And who can assure me that he won't take his revenge when I least expect it after staying with us on the pretext of throwing in his lot with ours?" Zanko asked suspiciously.

Mateo then took out of his pocket his closed clasp-knife and threw it on the ground between Zanko's feet. "Is this enough to trust me?"

Zanko picked it up. He weighed it in his hand opened it and closed it again. He again weighed it and then put it in his pocket. "We can give it a try... Yes I now remember your big forelock. But you have grown a lot in three years."

"You liked me better three years ago?"

"No you were just a kid. I like you better now at least the look of you. But what a fucking hell my caravan is becoming? A Romany, a Gadje and a Sinti together! Ah, Saint Sara protect me!" Zanko said happy and smiling at last.

"Don't you shake hands now?" Patrizio asked happy that everything went as he hoped.

Mateo immediately offered his hand to Zanko who took it then with a sudden jerk pulled him close turned him round and held him tight in his strong arms.

"So your name is Mateo. I'd like to taste your nice little arse again. You were longing for my little brother weren't you?"

Mateo didn't try to wriggle away and laughingly answered "Not here anyway. And be careful because my little brother wants to get to know you rather intimately too..."

Zanko let him go and said "Welcome on board, Sinti! I like you; you weren't scared."

"Scared? What could you do to me? At most you would fuck me again right? And you know that I like that..." Mateo answered with a sly giggle.

They all went into the caravan. While Patrizio started to prepare their lunch the other two were chatting. From time to time they joked and teased each other but it was evident that they really did like each other and that they had accepted each other. The past was forgotten.

While eating they decided that Zanko would tailor another gypsy costume for Mateo and would teach to him to play the tambourine. And also that Mateo would repair the caravan and improve it.

In the afternoon Zanko showed Mateo all the tools he had.

"They won't be enough. We will have to buy some more and some timber and paint too. I'll come to the village with you and see what I can find."

"And who pays for it?" Zanko asked.

"I've some money. And when we finish it I hope that the three of us together will make enough money. Hey but don't think I'm going to beautify the caravan all by myself! You will have to help me both of you! Is that clear?""

"Of course." Patrizio answered.

Zanko curled his lips and said in a plaintive tone "Dear me! I've got two more people with me and instead of me working less they are making a slave of me!" and when he saw Mateo's perplexed face he burst out laughing.

After the meal they carefully locked the caravan, uncoupled the car and all went to the village together. While Patrizio helped Mateo to find and buy all he needed Zanko went to buy the cloth and ornaments for the new costume.

Back at the caravan they put all their purchases away - they would start work the next day. Mateo explained to his friends the changes he intended to make to the caravan besides the king size folding bed. Zanko and Patrizio gladly agreed. Then Zanko measured Mateo for his costume and took advantage of the excuse to feel him all over while all three were exchanging lewd remarks.

Mateo began to show he intended to make himself useful by fixing supper but then all three agreed that Patrizio was a better cook. Then Patrizio and Zanko wore their costumes and took their musical instruments and went with Mateo to the restaurant to play. For the moment Mateo would only listen and once in a while would go around the tables using his tambourine as a collecting plate for the restaurant's clients to contribute.

They went back late at night merry and looking forward to the first night when they would all be sharing the same bed.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 4

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