
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 5, 2008


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 12 - The Rogasi, real manush

Jojo and Odisej therefore were the first to celebrate the new rite. There were two parts to it. The first one was the "announcement" that was to be made during Saint Andrew's day or Saint John's or Saint Sylvester's day; that is on one of the so called Love Festivals. While the whole tribe held a party the two fathers of the boys in this case Marko and Tomaso came and toured the camp at length pretending to search among the bottles for a special bottle that had been previously prepared full of the best wine and with two different rings hanging from its neck. It was the so-called plotcka. And as they searched they kept on saying aloud "I've lost a colt who knows where it is now?" Then finally when they had found the bottle and had it in their hands they pointed at the two boys and said "Here he is!"

Then Marko took one of the two rings from the plotcka and gave it to Odisej and Tomaso took the other and gave it to Jojo. The two boys exchanged the rings and then each put one on the other's index finger. The two fathers opened the bottle and the elder drank a sip and passed it to Zanko who also drank then to all the others so that each drank a sip until they emptied it. After that the plotcka had to be kept empty until the wedding day. Then the party went on with songs and libations and only Jojo and Odisej were keeping very straight faces sitting side by side to show their regret at not being allowed to make love with the others. On the following love day that is about four months later the wedding proper was celebrated.

Meanwhile one of the beds was separated from the others and the curtain replaced by a cupboard with a door - that bed would be for the exclusive use of the new couple, who started to use it that night. In fact the rite that was called "union rite" - the one after the "Announcement" - was only allowed if the union already existed in fact.

For the union ceremony the two boys wore their best clothes; the plotcka was prepared again by filling it and hanging identical rings at its neck. During the party the couple went in front of Zanko together with their fathers sat together and declared they wanted to live together and to sleep "we two alone". They then withdrew to their bed and united in a sixty-nine each drinking his partner's seed saying to each other "I'm now in you and you are in me."

The following morning music woke up the whole camp. The two boys again wearing their best clothes went out and when all the tribe was gathered declared "Jojo is in me" and "Odisej is in me". The plotcka was brought there and they exchanged the identical rings putting one on his companion's medium finger. Everybody drank from the plotcka and while the others started a party the couple sat under an ornate tent where all the members of the tribe one after another brought them their presents and food and drink and wished them good luck. Then Zanko gave them a small loaf made in the shape of two half spheres and a handful of salt. They sprinkled some salt on the bread broke the bread and ate it while everybody hoped they would be able to stay united as the bread was with the salt.

Then the couple was escorted to the "tent" that is their bed. They entered in it and locked themselves inside. This time the older of the two that is Jojo took off all his companion's clothes and threw them out of the door to the awaiting friends. He then said to Odisej "I will mow put my salt on your bread." And penetrated him until he reached orgasm. Then the younger one that is Odisej, undressed his companion. Threw the clothes out to the awaiting friends and repeated the rite with Jojo.

Meanwhile their friends were tying together the couple's clothes; the two shirts together the two pairs of trousers together and so on as a symbol that the two inside the "tent" finally were really united.

The following morning all the members of the tribe starting from the eldest one by one entered the "tent" to greet the new couple who had to be on the bed naked and hugging tightly and put on the bed his present which should be something that the new couple would find useful.

Then the couple wearing their Rogasi attire got out of bed and for the first time started to use the cupboard putting their clothes their working tools and the presents they received in it. Now they were officially married.

When all the celebrations were over Jojo and Odisej again withdrew into their "tent" that is into their bed behind the closet.

Jojo then asked him "Are you glad my love to be only mine?"

"Yes Jojo I'm happy you are my man and I'm yours. Would it be a burden for you not to make love with the others?"

"No not as long as I have your love."

"But if one day you felt desire for one of the others too strongly I want you to tell me before anything happens Jojo not afterwards..."

"I swear it Odisej."

"Also if it is someone from outside..."

"I would do it only if I had to adopt him and only if you agree my love."

"But now that the rite is over do you feel like making love with me Jojo?"

"Yes I certainly do. Come here..."

As they had established the rite of announcing a union they decided to make some other rules too. First of all a father could not unite with his adopted son or two brothers with each other without having first got the authorization of the chief of the tribe. A couple could eventually adopt a new son together and they could decide which of them would be the father. A newcomer before being accepted only had to make love to the prospective father and to the chief or somebody chosen by the chief. With the other members of the tribe he was free to make love or not.

If a couple wanted to split they had to tell the chief on one of the three 'love days' but had to stay together until the following love day. If the partner who wanted the separation was still bent on separation on the following 'love day' he had to be "caught" in bed with another person. So the "betrayed" one asked the chief to take the wedding rings from him and his partner and the ousari would melt them. The bed the closet and all the couple's goods would belong to the "betrayed" and the "cheater" was given only his clothes the Rogasi ring and his working tools. The procedure was designed with the aim of discouraging separations but without making them impossible.

If one married partner was caught having sex with another except for the rite of adoption his companion had three options - forgive him and say nothing call the Kriss and ask for a punishment or ask for a separation declaring his partner a "cheater".

So the Rogasi tribe was gradually accumulating its rites and its traditions and its laws like any other Romany tribe.

They were camping near Bologna when a new Gadje was admitted in their tribe. His name was Maurizio Sestini and was sixteen years old.

Maurizio was a hustler at the bastions not far from the Cassero. One evening while the Rogasi were going back to their camp after a show Mateo went past there in one of the cars and noticed the boy. He looked something between a good boy and a rogue. Mateo had slowed down looking at him with curiosity and was commenting to Fadil who was in the back seat. He explained to him that that boy hanging about there that late at night was almost certainly a hustler. And suddenly they became aware that the police was preparing a roundup.

They saw Maurizio looking around with a worried if not scared expression looking to see how he could escape. So Mateo opened the passenger door and shouted to him "Here quick!" The boy looked at them hesitated briefly and then got into the car and closed the door. Mateo slowly drove away.

"Go on quicker!" the boy panted.

"No we mustn't look as if we are running away." Mateo answered and then said "If the cops stop us tell them you were with us at our show. Understood? And sit straight up; don't hide!"

"Are you actors?"

"Yes a kind of actor. And we are taking you home. So why don't you really tell me how to get to your place."

"I don't want to go back home!"

"That's your business. But if they stop us I have to say I'm seeing you home. Where do you live?"

"Up on the hill near Saint Lucas. Do you know where it is?"


"Go straight on and at the traffic lights turn right."

Mateo drove. When they had gone far enough and Mateo had turned right the boy said "Danger escaped. Thanks. You don't really need to take me home. Were you looking for a boy? What do you like to do?"

"No we weren't looking for a boy. We went past there just by chance. Fadil hadn't seen any hustlers before so I was showing him some..."

"Fadil? Are you strangers?"

"We are gypsies."

"Gypsies? Wow! I never fucked with a Gypsy... Do you have somewhere to go?"

"Yes we do. But you hustle for money don't you?"

"Well yes but I do it because I like it too. And you rescued me. The police already caught me once and the second time they would send me to a reformatory..."

"So would you have had trouble with your family..."

"No not trouble. My family knows."

"They know you hustle?"

"Yes sure. We brothers do that so as to support Mum and Dad. Dad is always in and out of prison; more in than out. Mum was a prostitute before she fell ill. So we three brothers now are hustlers."

"How three brother? All three?"

"Yes sure."

"But... you all three like it?"

"My brother Renato who is twenty and I we really like it. We both are fags. Michele my brother of eighteen doesn't really like it. That's why he is only willing to be the top. He is not versatile because he likes screwing with women better."

"And your parents are aware that you three..."

"Of course they are. When Mum caught me while Renato was fucking me she told us that instead of wasting time like that we had better to go hustle to help at home. And she wanted us to do it even more after she fell ill."

"Your brother was fucking you?"

"He taught me. My first time I was thirteen and he was seventeen. Now we have been hustling for two years."

"And you like it."

"Well not really with everybody but on average yes I like it. And I would like fucking with you two a lot." Maurizio said and stretched out a hand to fondle Mateo's fly. "Hey friend it's already hard!"

"Yes. Do you feel like spending the night with us?"


"At our camp in our caravan."

"Will you kidnap me?" Maurizio asked in fun.

"No just fuck you." Mateo merrily answered.

"Both of you?"

"If you feel like it..."

"Sure I really do feel like that. Take me to your camp."

"Aren't your parents waiting for you?"

"No sometimes I spend all night with a john. They know it happens."

"Your elder brother still fucks with you?"

"No not any more. He has a bad crush on another hustler now."

"And you - do you have a boyfriend?"

"I? No. I'm free, free as the air. What do you like to do? In bed I mean."

"A bit of everything."

"Are you boyfriends?"

"No just friends. Even though I'm considering asking him to marry me."

"Marry you? Two men cannot marry. This is not Holland."

"But in our tribe two men can marry." said Fadil who until then had kept silent.

Maurizio seemed interested so they briefly explained their traditions to him.

"Blessed prick! A whole tribe of faggots! What fun! That might make you crazy with pleasure! It has to be great!" the boy commented in excitement.

When they arrived at the camp they withdrew to a bed after telling the others that the young hustler was with them and they had sex all the night long.

"Are the others fucking now as well?" the boy asked during a break.

"It's quite likely..." Fadil answered.

"Just the thought of it is exciting! And... some of you are also married together, you said?"

"Only one couple Jojo and Odisej."

"Heck! Will you introduce me to them tomorrow morning?"

"Yes certainly."

"And that hunk who told us what bed we could use who's he?"

"Zanko our chief."

"He should have a good cock..."

"If you want you can ask him to let you check it..." Mateo said laughing.

"Heck yes! I'd really like that..."

The next day they introduced Maurizio to the others. The boy looked at each of them from head to toe studying all of them. He chatted with Odisej and Jojo about the fact they had married toured the caravans and talked with all of them. He was interested when he discovered that Patri once was a Gadje like him and found Tomaso very likeable or rather fascinating. He spent all the day with them. Then he asked if he could stay the next night too.

"But your parents what will they think when you still don't go home?"

"That the cops caught me. They are bound to have heard about the roundup. But they won't be worried, no... so don't you worry either!"

He stayed with them that night too and had sex with Tomaso and Zanko. And the next morning he asked Zanko if he could become one of them.

"You aren't yet of age Maurizio I would need a written authorization from your parents..." Zanko answered him.

"Is this just a pretext to say no or you would like me to join?"

"No it's absolutely not a pretext."

"But do you want me?"

"To give you an answer we first need to vote for your admission."

"Well then hold this vote. If you want me you come to see my Mum and ask her to sign the necessary papers."

"Alright Mauri, we will do so."

They voted and Maurizio got nine yesses out of eleven. So Zanko and Tomaso took Maurizio home. The boy told his mother he wanted to go with the gypsies and live with them. Hi mother at first didn't agree. She didn't want him to go as she needed him to bring home money. But Maurizio told her that if she didn't sign the documents he would stop hustling anyway and wouldn't bring home anything - not even a single lira.

His elder brother wanted to talk with Maurizio in private and when he saw he was determined supported him. In the end his mother had to give way and signed a declaration authorizing her son to go to work with the theatrical company Rogasi and to live with them, and that she entrusted him to the care of Mr. Tomaso Pittaluga.

Maurizio gathered his few belongings said farewell to his family and went back to the camp with Zanko and Tomaso.

"She entrusted me to you so can it be you that adopts me Tomaso?" the boy asked along the way.

"But if I adopt you we cannot marry in case..."

"Then I'd better ask somebody I don't want to marry to adopt me!" The boy merrily exclaimed.

When they were back at the camp Maurizio studied all of them for some time and finally asked Patrizio to adopt him as he too had been a Gadje. And so they did that. They were then twelve and therefore decided to build a fourth caravan and to buy another car. Also the fourth caravan was made with two beds like the Saint George and they called it Saint Lucas in honour of the place where Maurizio had lived.

Dule and Pero announced that they intended to marry so the second bed of the Saint George was transformed. A few weeks later Mateo and Fadil decided to marry too and one of the beds of the Saint Lucas was transformed for them.

They were camping near Chieti when they met a caravan of lautari Kaloperjia. And they met Boro the herbalist a boy of twenty. Boro was really handsome and at once attracted the attention of Maurizio who decided he wanted to have sex with him.

So he started to go with him when Boro was touring the meadows to search for herbs and started discreetly but steadily to pay court to him - particularly after Mateo told him that in his opinion Boro could be interested in men more than in women. As Maurizio was feeling more and more attracted to Boro and feared that sooner or later their caravans had to part he decided he had to lay his cards on the table.

Boro was gathering some herbs for the treatment of catarrh and was explaining how to recognize them to Maurizio who was crouching near him.

Maurizio asked him "Are there herbs that can make a person fall in love with oneself?"

"Yes they say they exist but I don't think they grow here."

"What a pity. I need it..."

"You? There is somebody you want to make fall in love with you?"

"Well I would be happy just to have a good fuck with a certain person without falling in love..."

"Ha! Is she a pretty girl?"

"You Boro do you have a girlfriend?"

"No not yet."

"But you're already twenty years old."


"Have you made love yet yourself Boro?"

"No. We can do it with our woman only after we are married therefore..."

"Ah. I on the contrary did it plenty of times. My first time was when I was thirteen."

"Really? You Gadje are weird..."

"Hey! I'm not a Gadje any more now I'm a Rogasi Romany!"

"Yes sorry... An odd tribe yours."

"A wonderful tribe mine."

"So you made love at thirteen?"

"Yes. It was my elder brother who fucked me."

"Your brother? But how could it be your brother! That's weird..."

"He was seventeen and wanted to have a fuck and we were sleeping in the same bed and so... It was great."


"Yes great. It's good doing it between men."

"Ha... you say so..."

"I swear. And, for example I'd like doing it with you."

"With me? It was for me then that you wanted that herb?"

"Yes you got it. You're a handsome boy Boro. Don't you feel like trying to do it with me?"

"I... I don't think it would be right..."

"Come on Boro! Of course it would be right... if you want it and I want it... Don't you feel anything for me?"

Boro seemed pensive then he said "Well... I... it seems that I have always felt the desire to... to do it with a friend... with a boy... and I like you but..."

"Well then, do it with me! Come on!"

"But... where?"

"Here in the meadow. Nobody can see us..."

Boro said he didn't feel like it notwithstanding Maurizio's insistence. But the day after he went to call Maurizio to ask him to go gathering herbs again together... He took him to a secluded place and there he asked the boy if he could touch him... and in a while they were lying on the grass half naked, and had sex. So Boro also asked to join the Rogasi.

At first his folk didn't want to let him go but when Zanko told the chiefs of the families that they were under the protection of the Baro Mama and showed them her talisman Boro got permission and he chose Marko as his father and was admitted and became a Rogasi.

When they pitched camp near Manfredonia, Tomaso asked Maurizio if he wanted to marry him. The boy asked him to give him time to consider the offer... On one hand he liked having sex with the others but on the other hand he was strongly attracted to Tomaso and felt very happy with him. So in the end he accepted and another bed was transformed for them. So only two beds were still free for the five indomitable singles in their caravan.

They resumed the road towards the north. In the outskirts of Civitanova they pitched camp not far from that of a group of Sinti of the circus. Here they became friends with Sandro, a Sinti who worked as a contortionist and equilibrist. Sandro talking with Mateo asked him why a Sinti had decided to become a Romany.

"I like this Romany tribe... We are all and only men..."

"What's that a gay tribe?" Sandro asked with a giggle thinking he was making a joke.

"You got it. That's why I fit in so well with them." Mateo quietly answered.

Sandro widened his eyes "Then you are gay too?"

"Yes. Why are you too?"

"Yes... And are you saying that... you ALL are gay?"

"Yes certainly all of us."

"And... how many of you are there?"

"Thirteen at the moment."

"God knows what orgies then!"

"Well just in part. Eight of us are in steady couples. But not the five others."

"Well five is better than nothing... some nice orgies can always be organized can't they? And then... from what I've seen you all are rather handsome. And now that I think of it it's true I haven't seen any women at your camp!"

"Sandro wouldn't you like to get to... know us better?"

"Are you proposing that I should have sex with you?"

"No. I'm married to Fadil and I'm faithful to him. But possibly with the others..."

"Well one should never refuse a good fuck. Introduce me to your single friends then... At least I will stop doing blow-jobs by myself."

"Blowjobs by yourself? What the heck... Oh yes I see you're a contortionist! But isn't it more amusing doing it with someone else?"

"Yes I agree."

"Don't you have a boyfriend at the circus?"

"No. At times I do it with one of the trapeze artists... But he's married and so we have to do it in secret. Occasionally if I'm lucky I can do it with one of the audience but that's rather unusual and anyway those are just one night stands."

"But Sandro when did you realise you are gay and how?"

"Ah... I was sixteen. There was a clown one who is not with us any more ... He sucked me and made me suck him and I liked it. And he did it also with Cesare my trapeze artist friend but at that time I didn't know about Cesare and neither did Cesare know about me because the clown never told us about each other. He only told us on the day when he left our circus. So Cesare and I started to suck each other... and ended by fucking each other. But he unlike me likes women too and so he married. At first I was somewhat jealous of his woman but then I adapted because that was the only way to have him from time to time... And Cesare fucks like a god. I really like doing it with him. I like fucking..."

"Then you really must meet my friends..."

"I'm feeling really eager to meet them too. When will you introduce me to them?"

So Sandro made love with Patri then with Boro and also with Zanko and Marko in a threesome and finally with Mile. When he met Mateo again he was happy.

"I've spent the most delightful week of my life. Your friends are all fantastic. Zanko is inexhaustible... Marko really beautiful... Boro sweet and Mile a little devil. Patri... he simply made my head spin... They really are each one better than the next. I feel that if you want me I would like to become a Romany too and come to live with you..."

And so it happened. Sandro asked Fadil to be his adoptive father and became a member of the tribe. He was an important acquisition. He had immediately added his act to the groups programmes and he had also suggested some improvements. Instead of doing a show consisting of a patchwork of different independent acts why not merge everything and create a musical? They discussed it for a long time and Sandro made a proposal - he would write a script and they would try to execute it. If everybody was happy with the result they would perform it and change to that new style.

Sandro wrote a script about the story of Aladdin and everybody liked it. They then wrote the music, designed the costumes and made the scenery. Again at Sandro's suggestion the costumes were designed to show off their beautiful athletic and sensuous bodies exposing them as much as possible and wrapping or covering with semitransparent veils what had to be covered.

Patri objected "But we cannot perform such a sensual erotic show in the parish theatres."

"In the church theatres we will just cover ourselves a little more and we will cut out some risquŽ details... But we have to aim at more important theatres with paying shows selling tickets and so on... People likes musicals, they like to look at beautiful bodies and to listen to good music. We will perform more erotic dances in the communal theatres and be more decent in the parishes. And we will be very successful in both sorts of theatre you'll see!" Sandro said enthusiastically.

"Yes and we will have a queue of people from the audience wanting to fuck with us!" Mile said laughing in amusement.

Both of them were right. The premire of their "Aladdin" in Modena was a success and after the show they got more than one proposal for a night of sex...

They moved westwards. The time of the pilgrimage was coming again and the fourteen Rogasi with their four caravans wanted to meet the Baro Mama as Zanko had promised her. They got to Les Saintes Maries de la Mer early so that they could find a good place to camp and connect their four caravans. After they had pitched their camp they went to look for the Baro Mama's caravan. The old woman welcomed them with affection. They gave her as a present a collier with fourteen pendants each in the shape of a stylised man one for each of them.

"Chief Zanko my son! You are more handsome every time I see you! And as always you are most welcome."

"It is a joy seeing you in good health, Baro Mama."

"Yes... And tell me, my Odisej is he fine?"

"Very fine Baro Mama. He is there as you see him with his companion Jojo."

"Companion? You mean they are... together?"

"Yes I've celebrated their union. They love each other."

"Ah... good. You know, in confidence even though I helped you... and I am glad I did it... it makes me feel weird when I think that my little Odisej now has a... a spouse. Because this is what you meant to say; am I right?"

"Yes you are right Baro Mama. They have shared bread and salt."

"Yes I see... Good. The important thing for me is that he is now happy. Is he happy with his... spouse?"

"Yes Jojo loves and respects him and makes him happy."

"Good! I've heard you now have a fourth caravan."

"Yes and I think we will soon have to build one more or even two..."

"Very good. I'm glad chief Zanko. Do you see that I always wear your brooch on my heart?"

"Yes Baro Mama. It's an honour."

"I want to give you the money for your fifth caravan. It will be a rather late wedding gift ... how do you call it... the union? of my Odisej."

"We will call the new caravan Baro Mama then."

"No chief Zanko my son. Call it Saint Sara as my fist name is Sara in her honour."

"As you wish Baro Mama."

"And my Odisej has to live in it."

"Of course, Baro Mama."

"And he has to choose the car to haul it... Also the car will be my gift for his wedd... union I mean. Ah maybe I love that great-grand-child of mine too much! But we old people are weak you know. Nobody can help it..." the old woman said with a sly chuckle.

The Baro Mama loaded them with more gifts. She gave some to each couple and then more gifts for the singles. So the Rogasi to thank her decided to offer to perform one of their shows for her and she invited all the chiefs of the tribes and the elders. It was a success and was followed by a celebration that lasted all night long.

During the following days three more Romany asked to join the Rogasi and they chose Boro, Patri and Pero as fathers. They stopped at Les Saintes Maries de la Mer longer than they had planned because they decided to build the fifth caravan there the one to be named after Saint Sara. Although it was modular therefore identical to the others it was more lavishly and beautifully decorated.

Then they went back to Italy to roam the "roads of the world".

Besides "Aladdin" they added to their repertoire first "Faust" then the "Story of the Shepherd" so that if they stopped in a place where they had already performed they could still attract the old audience with a new title.

At that point their tribe was rich and without problems. They built their sixth caravan which they named after Queen Ana. A man of twenty-five who owned a small farm house outside Orvieto joined them. They decided to make the farmhouse their legal residence as this was necessary under Italian law to allow them to establish a theatrical cooperative to borrow funds and pay taxes... This allowed them to add several new facilities. Moreover they had to change the number plates on all their cars so that they all had similar plates with numbers in sequence and this trivial thing increased their feeling of belonging to the same group.

They used to stay at their "house" just once a year but even then they carried on living in their caravans. The house was kept by a couple of Gadje friends of the old owner and also gay but who didn't feel like living a nomadic life. They kept the house and its garden in order and also cared for all the legal and administrative problems of the tribe as one of them was an accountant and the other an expert in commercial law.

Some years elapsed like that. The Rogasi tribe was now composed of ten caravans and counted thirty-one members apart from the two Gadje living in the house. They were now a very large family. They mounted their caravans in threes and fours the couples living in separate rooms and the singles all together using the beds that were still free. But they always ate all together including both couples and singles.

It was a happy tribe. There were very seldom quarrels or disagreements and only once did they have to summon a Kriss and that solved the problem without bad consequences. Zanko was a very good chief admired and respected even venerated, by everybody.

And finally Zanko decided to unite to a seventeen year old Romany who had asked to be admitted amongst the Rogasi because he had fallen for Zanko and Zanko for him.

But the boy whose name was Osman, had left his secret lover who was in his former group in order to become a Rogasi. The lover, a man of twenty-six, was married and had children. His name was Garabet and he chased after them and challenged Zanko to a duel because he wanted Osman back.

"Whoever wins the duel will keep Osman." The man said.

"How do you want to organise the duel?" Zanko asked, as he could not refuse a challenge that was made according to the rules.

"You choose the weapon. But I want the duel to be to the death!" the man roared.

"Ah so! Well if it's up to me to choose the weapon... I choose this one!" Zanko said opening his trousers and showing his member.

All the Rogasi who had gathered around them in a compact circle burst out into loud laughter.

"Don't be absurd! How can we fight to the death with... with that!" Gabaret said in irritation.

"Whichever of us two is able to immobilize the other and also manages to fuck him in the arse has the right to take both the other's life and Osman. Do you accept?"

"Yes I accept. I will take back Osman fuck your arse and then I will slit your throat like that of a pig."

"No you're wrong. I will keep Osman with me I will fuck you in the arse and then your arse will be available for all my tribe. And as your life will belong to me you will remain with us all your life long as our slave and as everybody's whore."

Osman was very pale and said "If you win, Gabaret, before you can touch me I will slit my own throat myself."

"Don't worry my beloved boy, Zanko will be the winner!" Zanko said to him, self-confidently.

Thus in a circle formed by all the Rogasi the two challengers started to fight in the centre of the circle wearing only a shirt and trousers with bare feet. After a few feints to test each other out they hurled one against the other. For a while it seemed that Gabaret might have the winning hand even though Zanko always managed to escape him at the last moment. The other man was possibly stronger but Zanko was more nimble. They fought for almost two hours. Gabaret was almost always the aggressor but he was starting to show signs of tiredness.

And then Zanko appeared to wake up suddenly. Both had their shirts open and out of the trousers the buttons torn away a long time ago. Gabaret charged Zanko for the umpteenth time but Zanko shifted out of his way and seized his shirt at the level of his chest and with a sharp pull turned it inside out on his shoulders halfway down his arms. Then he turned him over pulled him to himself and immobilised his opponent's arms by tying them first with the tails then with the hanging sleeves of the shirt. Gabaret managed to wriggle away and while he was trying to free his arms furiously charged with his head down. Zanko again shifted out of the way at the last moment and tripped him making him fall heavily on the ground.

He then flung himself on top of Gabaret and with vigorous jerks undid his trousers and pulled them down to his knees. Gabaret was vigorously struggling to free himself roaring with rage and swearing. Zanko sitting on him calmly pulled the man's trousers partly off and tied the ends around his ankles so immobilizing his legs too.

Then absolutely calmly he pulled out his already hard member and spat on the man's furrow salivating his anus. Gabaret was still tossing desperately trying to avoid being penetrated and to free himself from the clothes that tied him up. Then Zanko seized the man's testicles and started to twist them slowly.

"Gabaret either you keep still and let me fuck you or I will tear them off and then I will fuck your arse all the same and then let you bleed to death. What do you choose?" he asked twisting them some more.

Gabaret's face was now purple. "You win... you win... I surrender!" he moaned in pain and lying still.

"Good. Then keep still and let me fuck your arse!"

"Yes, yes do what you want only stop wringing my balls!" the man yelled with a sob.

Zanko let them go spread some spit on his member and shoved it inside the man with a mad push. Gabaret yelled but didn't move.

"Don't tell me you were a virgin! We have to hang out the diklo then!" Zanko said sarcastically and started to fuck him violently under the eyes of all his tribe. After he had unloaded inside him he stood up and said "Now it's your turn to fuck him Osman!"

The boy opened his trousers and took Zanko's place. Zanko tidied himself. Then he said to the others who were watching the boy fucking the man in silence. "And after Osman, I want all of you fuck him including the married ones!"

Then Patri went up to him and looked in his eyes "In the name of our ancient friendship... Let him go now Zanko please."

"He doesn't deserve it."

"Ye,s you're right, he doesn't deserve it at all. And if by chance he had beaten you I would have challenged him and after me all of us to stop him from taking away your Osman and to revenge your honour. But now, now that you have won... be generous. Be the great chief you have always been."

Zanko then looked at the others and said "Alright. One of you bring here the box of red and white stones. Who wants that shit of a man to be allowed to go away put a red stone in the bag. Neither I, nor Osman, will vote so there will be only twenty-nine stones. If he gets at least fifteen red stones, I will let him go. If he doesn't get them he will stay here as the tribe's whore as I swore to him."

Osman had ejaculated into the man and he stood up and he tidied himself too.

Then decidedly he said "Yes, but if he is allowed to go he has first to swear he will never again turn up here and never seek revenge in any way! Or if he won't I will slit his throat with my own hands!"

"Alright my Osman it will be so. Now cast your votes."

There were seventeen red stones. Gabaret solemnly swore he would never show his face to the tribe again and that he would not try to get revenge of any kind so they let him go.

Afterwards they resumed the road to the place of pilgrimage. Zanko introduced his spouse to the Baro Mama and gave her the present that the tribe had prepared for her - a very beautiful arm-band with thirty-one small gold filigree spheres, one for each of the tribe's members.

That was the last year they met the old Baro Mama as a few moths later the old woman died and a new Baro Mama was elected.

After that the history of the Rogasi became part of Romany history. And the Rogasi were given their proper honour as real manush!


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

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