Manuel and Me

By moc.loa@zijxemvol

Published on Aug 27, 2011


I am a 50+ year old white man that moved into my home about 20 years ago. About 5 - 6 years ago the duplex behind my home was remodeled and a latino family moved in. Not quite sure what the arrangement is, but Manuel, their son is the only one living there on a consistant basis. Manual is the typical light skinned Mexican-American. Late 20's, flat stomach, flat ass, black hair, and a boyish smile, nothing to write home about. He has always been very cordial when I see him in the yard, always speaks, waves, and keeps to himself. We probably have said 20 words all together in the years that he has been in the house. Never had a big party, but has friends over for BBQ's and pretty much stays to himself.

That is why I was so surprised by our encounter a couple of months ago. Our alley has a common dumpster that we all use. I was taking out the trash and ran into Manuel at the dumpster. He asked me if I would like to come over for a beer. I thought what the hell, and accepted his invitation. I returned my trash can to the house and went over to his place. He already had the beer on the front stoop and we just sat around visiting about the neighborhood, our dogs, and nothing important. It was obvious that he had already had a couple more beers than I and announced that he had to take a leak. He just stands up, turns his back to the street, which left him facing me, reaches into his cargo shorts, pulls out his junk, and proceeds to piss. I am a believer in if you want to show me, I will look and didn't look away. He had a nice 4 inch cut dick and hairy balls. The way he acted you would have thought he was standing at a urinal somewhere. When he was done, he just pulls his waistband out and everything popped back in. He then runs into the house and returns with some more beer. I am like WOW, did that just happen?

The day was going along well and we were getting to finally know each after all those years shile finishing the beers. At that point he does the same thing, back to the street, him facing me and he reaches in and out comes cock and balls again. This time I noticed that his cock had grown some and he wasn't in all that big of hurry to put it back. He made sure that he shook every last drop off of the end and pulled on it a couple of times to make sure he was dry. This extra manipulation had the desired affect and he was 3/4 hard by the time he was done. This time he had a little more difficulty trying to slide it back into his shorts and you could see a definite tent when he succeeded. Like I said before, I never diverted my eyes, he wants me to see his cock, I will look at it. He went in and snagged a couple more beers.

When he came out he asked me if I was gay. I looked at him and ask "Why would you ask me such a question?" He just smiled and told me that he never sees any ladies going to my home. I turned it around and asked if he saw any men coming to my house and he had to admit I was right, that he didn't. We let it go for a while and I then I asked him "why do you want to know if I am gay?" He told me that he really wanted me to suck his cock and thought that I would do it. I told him, he was drunk, I needed to go, and got up and left.

Several weeks went by and it was back to the normal greetings, Hi, how are you stuff. One night I was sitting in the backyard and could see that he had people over. One was his brother, some other people that I had seen in the past and they were throwing a frisbee around, just being boys. I look up and here Manuel is at the gate and he asked me if he could come in. Sure I say and he comes in and stands next to me. I am wondering what is up, when he announces that he isn't drunk. Sometimes my blonde kicks in and I look up and he has his hand in his pants and is pulling out his cock and jacking it all at the same time. He was now up to a good 7 inches of young man meat and who am I if I didn't help out a neighbor. He walks over to my chair, takes my head in his hands and proceeds to give me one hell of a face fuck. A couple of times I thought I had him over the edge, but he would pull out of my mouth in time to cool off the action, so I would like the head of his cock and suck on his hairy balls. This did not go on long enough for me, but he finally announced that he had to do and grabbed his dick in one hand tipped my head back in the other and told me to open my mouth. He shot squirt after squirt into my open mouth then had me lick off any remaining before popping his cock and balls back into his shorts.

As he was walking back to his friends, I heard them yell out where he had been. He shouted back that he was getting head from the neighbor, where the hell do you think I was. They all just started laughing at him saying, "Yeah right". I guess sometimes it pays to tell the truth.

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Next: Chapter 2

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