Manhattan Doms

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 17, 2021


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This story takes place in 2016, approximately three months after the conclusion of "Southern Chastity". While the previous story does not have to be read to understand and enjoy this text, I encourage you to read it if you are interested in understanding more about the character of John who is referenced here.

Manhattan Doms - A Southern Chastity Novella - Part 7

Sunday morning, Drew got off the floor and turned to see that his masters were still fast asleep. He crept into the kitchen to brew some coffee to try to wake up and while he was doing so, he heard the chair move behind him and it startled him. He turned around to see Stephen walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, hey, Sir," Drew said. "You scared the heck out of me. Did you sleep ok?"

"Not too bad, boy," Stephen said as he pulled the chair out and sat down.

His cock was swinging as he sat down and pulled his legs open wide. He leaned back in the chair and put one hand on the table and used the other to rub his face.

"Grab me a cup of that when it's finished dripping," Stephen said.

"Sure thing," Drew replied.

Once the coffee was ready, he poured some in a mug and brought it over to him. Stephen sipped it and sighed. He reached down and scratched his balls and looked up at Drew.

"Get on your knees, boy. I could use a morning blow job."

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied.

Drew got on the floor and crawled over to Stephen. He was at least four inches (10.2 cm) soft and his balls hung low and dangled off the front of the chair. Drew reached up and held the man's testicles in his palm. They were heavy. He brought his face down and took a deep breath in. His scent was intoxicating and Drew licked Stephen's ball sack and let one ball fall into his mouth and roll around on his tongue. He saw Stephen's dick start to move and blood begin to fill the shaft. It slowly got harder as Drew reached up and grasped it and brought the head over to his mouth.

He sucked on it and brought it to the back of his tongue. As the erection filled out, he felt Stephen's cock head hit the back of his throat and swell till there was no space left. Drew backed off quickly but choked in the process.

"It's a mouthful, isn't it boy?" Stephen said with a smile.

He reached down and rubbed Drew's head and ran his fingers through the boy's hair. Drew went back down on the fully engorged cock and started to bob up and down on the first third of it. Stephen reached down and pushed him down further, encouraging him to take as much as he could. Drew gagged a few more times but managed to make it down halfway before he could take no more.

"Suck that cock, boy," Stephen said as he used his other hand to hold Drew's head and face-fuck him.

Drew was the man's fuck toy. His face was being shoved up and down on the long, hard cock and spit started to flow down Stephen's shaft and balls. He threw his head back and closed his eyes as he fucked Drew's mouth. He started to moan and Drew could taste the precum as it flowed out and down the back of his mouth.

Drew was trying to concentrate on his breathing. He was by no means an amateur when it came to deep-throating, but Stephen's cock was probably the biggest, most massive one he had ever taken. Spit was running down his beard and he felt it as it dribbled on his chest. His nub started to swell and he felt a little pain in his balls as the cage trapped them and pulled forward.

Stephen brought Drew's face down on him faster, he was fucking him deeper now and Drew was starting to gag. Stephen did not stop, though, and let the boy power through it. He was nearing the edge and felt his balls stir. The first volley of cum came soon after and it shot down Drew's throat. He gagged and choked at the same time and it ran through his sinuses and out his nose. The second volley filled the back of his throat and came out the sides and the third coated his upper mouth and then ran down his beard.

Stephen groaned loudly and let go of Drew's head and the boy reached up and took control and sucked on the head to get the last bits of cum out. He looked up at Stephen, who was grinning at him. Cum was coming out of Drew's nose. It coated his mustache and was running down his beard and chest.

"Looks like you missed some there, boy," Stephen said with a chuckle.

Drew smiled and brought his fingers up to his beard to try to collect and swallow what he could.

"You came a lot, Sir," Drew replied.

"I tend to do that," Stephen said. "Come up here."

Drew got to his feet and bent over and Stephen leaned in to lick his beard and face. He brought his tongue over the boy's mouth and tasted his load. Drew opened his mouth and their two tongues intertwined and explored each other's mouths. Stephen reached behind Drew's head to bring him in closer and made out passionately with him. Drew's nub was fully swollen and leaking and precum started to drip down onto the floor.

When Stephen pulled back, Drew had his eyes closed and when he opened them, the man was smiling.

"You are a very hot boy."

"You are very attractive too, Sir," Drew replied. "Thank you for the privilege of taking your cum."

"You're welcome, boy," Stephen replied.

Stephen picked up his coffee cup again and took a few sips and leaned back and rubbed his balls. They were much lighter now and his soft cock dangled off the chair again. Drew returned to the kitchen and poured himself a cup, and the two chatted while Drew got breakfast started for everyone.

An hour later, Wes opened the bedroom door and walked into the kitchen. He was in his underwear and had the scent of the lavender soap he liked to use on him. Wes walked over to Drew, who was frying some sausage, and kissed his neck. Drew leaned his head over and felt his master's beard against his face and smiled.

"How're things going, cubby?" Wes asked.

"Just about there, Sir," Drew replied. "Is Master Bart up?"

"He's in the shower now," Wes said as he grabbed a coffee cup and filled it.

Wes walked behind Stephen, who was still sitting in the chair with his balls and cock hanging out. Wes grinned. He always admired how much of a 'show-er' his friend was. He reached down with his free hand and rubbed Stephen's shoulder.

"You look relaxed there," Wes said as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Your boy drained my balls well this morning," Stephen replied. "I'm feeling great."

"That's good to hear!" Wes said with a wink.

James stumbled into the kitchen next and was scratching his stomach. He raised his hands above his head and stretched them and yawned and then walked behind his husband and kissed his neck.

"Morning, babe," James said.

"Good morning," Stephen replied. "Get some rest?"

"I slept like a log," James said as he sat down.

Drew turned to grab a new mug and filled it with coffee and brought it over to James, who smiled.

"Thanks, boy."

"Breakfast will be ready shortly," Drew replied as he went back to finish cooking.

"Something smells good," came a voice from the bedroom.

Stephen looked over and saw Bart come into the room. He had a towel around his upper back and his fur was still moist. His cock was swinging and he walked over and grabbed Wes's cup and took a drink.

"Hey!" Wes replied, reaching up to grab the mug. "Get your own!"

Bart smiled and finished drying off and threw the towel near the wall. He then walked into the kitchen and poured him some coffee while Drew turned to start plating the food. Bart reached over and snagged a piece of bacon as Drew was putting it on the plate.

"I'll bring it over to the table in a moment, Sir," Drew replied with a sigh.

"Someone's sassy today," Bart replied, squeezing Drew's ass.

"Let the boy finish," Wes called out to Bart. "Get your ass over here and sit down."

"Yes, ma'am!" Bart replied with a smile.

Wes rolled his eyes as Bart came over and sat next to him. Drew brought their plates over to the table and sat them down in front of them. He had cooked eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and buttermilk biscuits with white gravy. He brought the utensils out next and then set out some cups with orange juice.

"Now I know we need a boy like him," James replied, as he picked up his fork to try the eggs.

"I'll see about gift-wrapping a boy for you for your birthday," Stephen replied with a smile.

James chuckled and they all dove in to start eating. Drew had set aside his portion in the kitchen and was eating there and watching so he could attend to any of the needs the men might have. Everyone was very complimentary about the food and after thirty minutes, the plates were empty and their bellies full.

"Very well done, boy," Bart said as he rubbed his belly.

Stephen brought his plate back into the kitchen and grabbed his morning pills and rubbed Drew's ass. He leaned in and kissed the boy and smiled.

"Thank you."

Drew smiled back at him. "You are welcome, Sir."

"So, what is the plan today?" James asked.

"We have the Street Fair to go to over on Little West 12th Street in the Meatpacking District," Wes replied. "The Highline is there too, which I think you two will find neat."

"That's that elevated park area, right?" Stephen asked.

"Yeah, they turned an old railroad line into a public space," Wes said. "It's really pretty. Lots of trees and plants. It's a unique couple of miles."

"Cool!" James replied.

"Boy, why don't you put the bed away and we will go and sit and chat while you clean up," Bart said to Drew.

"Sounds good, Sir."

Drew went into the living room and put the pillows in the closet and folded the bed back into the couch. He then picked up some of James and Stephen's clothes and set them in the corner of the room. As the men came in to sit down, Drew turned to James.

"Would you like me to wash your used clothes for you, Sir?"

"That would be great," James replied. "It will mean we won't have to clean as much when we get back home. I'll pile everything in the corner there for you while you clean the kitchen."

"Thank you, Sir," Drew replied.

As the men sat down to talk and enjoy the morning, Drew cleaned up the dishes and wiped down the surfaces. He then grabbed James's and Stephen's clothes, along with the towels on the floor that had been used over the weekend, and threw on some shorts and flip-flops to go out into the hall to get them in the washer. Once they began to turn in the machine, he returned to the apartment and undressed again, and went into the bedroom to make the bed and sweep the floors.

Wes stuck his head into the bedroom as Drew was finishing. The boy had some sweat on his forehead and Wes wiped it away and rubbed Drew's shoulders.

"How are you coming in here?" Wes asked as he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Just about done, Sir," Drew said as he fluffed the pillows and turned around to grab the trash bin in the bathroom.

Wes put his toothbrush down and turned around and smiled at Drew.

"Come over here, cubby."

"Yes, Sir?" Drew said as he walked over and stood in front of him.

Wes turned on the water and wetted a washcloth and put some soap in it. He then turned around and ran it through Drew's beard.

"You still had some of Stephen's cum in there," Wes said with a smile. "Arms up."

Drew held his arms up and Wes ran the washcloth over his pits and then down his chest. He then rinsed and re-soaped the washcloth and ran it over Drew's cage and balls.

"Ok, go get in the shower and clean your butt out so you are ready for the day," Wes said. "You can empty the trash after."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew said.

Wes turned and rinsed the washcloth again and hung it up and then went back to brushing his teeth while Drew stepped into the shower and used the attachment to wash his ass and colon out. When he was done, he got out and Wes handed him a towel that was hanging over the door that he had used earlier. Drew brought it to his nose and smelled it and smiled.

"Still smells like you."

Wes smiled and ran his hands through the boy's hair and then slapped his ass.

"Hurry up and finish your chores, boy."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew replied as he dried his ass off and then grabbed the bin to empty it.

By noon, Drew had washed and folded James and Stephen's clothes and put away the clean towels. As he walked into the kitchen to grab some water, he saw Bart walk into the bedroom and turn to him.

"Come in here, boy," Bart said.

Drew put his glass down and walked into the bedroom.

"Close the door behind you," Bart replied.

Drew closed the door and Bart grabbed the lube and started to stroke his cock.

"Wes told me you are cleaned out," Bart said.

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied.

"Good," Bart said.

Bart grabbed a towel and put it on the bed and motioned over to Drew.

"Come lie on the bed face down."

Drew walked over and climbed on the bed and got on his stomach. As he did so, he made sure the towel was under his caged balls. Bart grabbed Drew's legs and put them together and crawled onto the bed, straddling the boy. He sat down on Drew's upper thighs and continued to stroke his cock as he pushed his thumb into the boy's ass. Drew moaned and crossed his arms and put his head on them. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as his master opened him up.

Bart pushed both his index and middle finger into Drew's ass and started to move them back and forth. With a little more lube, he was able to get the boy loosened up and he slapped his cock on Drew's ass cheeks. He then pointed his rock-hard dick at Drew's hole and pushed forward. His shaft slowly disappeared into the boy and Bart put his hands on both sides of Drew's waist and waited till he was fully inside. He then balanced his weight on his knees and arms and then started to fuck the boy.

The bed started to creak as Bart began to thrust. Drew felt his body bounce on the mattress as the cock impaled him and filled him. He moaned in pleasure as Bart started to hit his prostate.

"How's the angle, boy?" Bart asked, as he breathed heavily and thrusted back and forth.

"Perfect, Sir," Drew replied with a moan.

"You know the drill," Bart said. "You may drain your nub, but not until I drain my balls first. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied.

Drew was well aware of this rule. Bart often would fuck him in this position, as it normally gave enough stimulation to the boy to drain his caged genitals. But, he always had to wait for Bart to go first. This was no easy task. It meant that Drew had to pay attention to what was going on deep in his groin. If he felt he was near the edge, he knew some ways to shift his body and squeeze his ass to reduce the sensation. He usually was successful, but there were a few times where he went over the edge first. The punishment was no draining for a month at a minimum, and the last time that happened, Drew nearly went insane from blue balls.

Bart was pounding the boy's ass fast now. Drew felt his master's cock deep inside him and he felt a warm feeling in his balls. He shifted his leg slightly and squeezed his ass muscles and Bart felt it.

"Getting close, boy?" Bart asked.

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied.

"Control it!" Bart replied.

Drew concentrated on his groin area. He gripped the sheets in his hand and held his breath and slightly twisted his hips to throw Bart's cock off from the angle it was moving inside him. It helped, but he still felt the sensation building. He was starting to panic and did not know what to do. He began to moan loudly and squeezed his ass again.

Bart started to groan from the pressure of Drew's grip on his cock and he leaned upward and pushed his cock deep inside the boy.

"Fuck!" Bart yelled as he dumped his seed.

"Oh, Sir!" Drew groaned as he went over the edge.

Bart collapsed onto Drew and let his cock rest deeply inside the boy's ass. His cock was still pulsing as Drew's nub leaked into the towel below him. Drew felt his cum soak into the towel and run over his balls. He squeezed his ass a few more times and Bart felt the grip and chuckled.

"Damn, that ass can grip a dick," Bart said as he pulled himself up with his arms and pulled out of Drew's ass.

Cum started to leak out and he used the edge of the towel under Drew to wipe it away. He got off the bed and rubbed Drew's butt.

"Be honest with me, boy," Bart asked. "Did I cum first?"

"You did, Sir," Drew replied. "But my nub exploded a few seconds after. I barely made it."

Bart smiled and rubbed his finger in Drew's butt and felt the cum inside.

"That's ok," Bart replied. "As long as you gave deference to your master."

Bart slapped Drew's ass.

"Get up boy."

Drew turned and got off the bed. As he did so, he looked down and noticed a huge load had come out of his nub. He grabbed the towel and made sure none got on the bed sheets. Then, he got on his knees and took Bart's cock into his mouth, and cleaned the remaining cum. He then ran his face under Bart's balls and let his scent mark him.

"Well done, boy," Bart said. "Pits too."

Bart raised his arm and Drew rose and rubbed his beard and face under the man's arm. After he was done, Bart walked over and opened the door to head back into the living room, and Drew went into the bathroom. He grabbed the washcloth again and cleaned his nub off and ran a comb through his hair and beard before returning to where the men were. Everyone was getting up as Drew walked into the living room.

"Go ahead and put some clothes on, cubby," Wes said. "We will be heading out as soon as everyone is ready."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew replied.

After everyone was dressed and ready to go, they all headed downstairs to the street and got on the A train headed towards the West Village. When they got back up to the street level at West 14th and 9th Avenue, they saw a group of hairy, chunky men at the intersection.

"Well, it looks like we've found our people," James said with a laugh.

Drew looked over and recognized one of the men as the one he had met on the subway yesterday. As they waited for the light to change, the man leaned over and smiled.

"Good to see you again."

Drew smiled back. "My name is Drew."

"Pat here," the man said as he held out his hand.

Drew shook it and then he turned and started to walk across the street. Bart and Wes were busy talking to James and Stephen, so Drew turned to Pat.

"Are you with the rest of these guys?"

"Not really," Pat replied. "They are just some people I have met here. I came up on my own. I'm from Boston."

"Oh nice," Drew replied.

"You said you lived here, right?" Pat asked.

"Yeah," Drew replied. "The one here with the bald head is my Master Bart and the one with the dark hair and gray beard is my Master Wes. The Hispanic and African-American men are their friends, James and Stephen, who are in town from Denver."

"They are all cute!" Pat replied. "But, I have to ask. Those two are your masters?"

"They collared me," Drew replied, as they got to the next street and turned right. "I'm originally from Orlando. I moved to Atlanta a few years back and met a nice dominant man there that helped me explore being a sub. He trained me for over a year and also put me into chastity. When I graduated from his program, Bart and Wes collared me and moved me up here with them. They are my masters and boyfriends, and I tend to their needs."

"You are still in chastity?" Pat asked.

"Yeah," Drew said. "Been in it now full-time for three years."

"Three years?" Pat said with shock.

"Yeah," Drew replied. "But Master Bart usually fucks loads out of my balls, so it's not so bad. I've come to think of the cage as part of my body now."

"Nice," Pat said.

Bart, Stephen, Wes, and James were ahead of him now and they were still talking among themselves. Drew looked down at Pat's crotch as they walked. He remembered how large the man's package seemed yesterday and sure enough, he saw Pat's genitals bouncing underneath the fabric of his shorts. Pat noticed him and smiled. He leaned over and whispered in Drew's ear.

"Caught you staring."

Drew blushed and smiled. "It looks pretty impressive."

"Maybe I'll get a chance to show you later," Pat said.

Drew cracked a grin as they crossed 9th street. Bart finally noticed that Drew was not with them and turned around and saw him walking next to Pat.

"Hurry up, boy," Bart said.

"Go ahead Drew," Pat said. "I'll catch up with you later."

Drew winked at him and ran up behind Bart. Bart put his arms around the boy and squeezed his shoulders.

"Is that someone you know?" Bart asked.

"Someone I met recently that is in town for Urban Bear," Drew replied.

"Ok, I got ya," Bart replied.

As the men approached Washington Street, they saw a group of people gathered near a table where they were taking donations. Above them was the Highline. Green trees poked out above the railings of the former railroad line, and vines cascaded over the edge at places, softening the look of the urban environment.

"Do you all want to go up and see the park before we go in?" Wes asked.

"Sure," James replied.

They wandered around the park and Bart and Wes told them some history about the area. When they decided to head back downstairs, the crowd at the front had thinned out and they walked into the Street Fair area. There were booths with people selling various wares and a scruffy man was in a bear costume (without the head) dancing to some live music coming out of some speakers. A few drag queens walked by and James got caught staring at some attractive men that walked by after them.

"I know where your mind is at," Stephen said.

"Hey, you got drained this morning," James replied. "I didn't."

Stephen laughed and hugged him and they wandered around and checked out the different things being sold. The crowd started to pick up as the drag queens started to perform on a makeshift stage. When they passed by the beer garden, Bart peeled off.

"I'm getting booze. Be right back."

"Bring enough for everyone, hun," Wes replied.

Drew felt someone grope him and he turned to see Pat smiling at him. He grabbed Drew's hand and put it on his crotch and Drew felt the man's large balls and thick shaft. His eyes widened and Pat chuckled.

"I think he likes it," Pat replied.

Drew blushed and Pat hugged him. "Ask your masters if I can borrow you for a moment."

"Ok," Drew replied.

Drew walked over to Wes and told him he wanted to hang out with Pat. Wes looked over and waved at Pat and then told Drew it was ok. When Drew returned, Pat led him over to one of the booths that were set up. There was an attractive man with a long beard selling t-shirts and the booth he was in had curtains set up on three sides.

"Don, this is the boy I was telling you about," Pat said.

Don walked over and grinned and stuck his tongue out.

"You are a hot one. Just be careful back there, Pat."

Drew looked confused and Pat smiled and led him around to the back of the booth. More curtains were set up there and boxes of shirts were piled on one side. Pat motioned for Drew to enter the small area and he came in with him and closed the curtain behind them.

"Don is an old friend of mine," Pat said. "He said we can use this area if we are quiet."

Pat started to unbuckle his shorts and let them fall. He was not wearing underwear and Drew saw his cock fall out and start to harden. It was impressive and had a large head on it. Drew grabbed some cardboard and put it on the asphalt below them and knelt. Pat leaned against the stacked boxes and watched as the boy reached up and fondled his balls.

Drew stuck his tongue out and licked them and then brought it up his shaft and sucked on his head. Pat's legs quivered as some precum started to form at the tip. Drew tasted it and smiled as he looked up. Pat met his glance and winked at him and Drew took the cock into his mouth.

Pat groaned and reached down and ran his hand through Drew's hair as the boy worked the head of his cock. Drew started to stroke Pat's shaft and once the blood had filled the tissues, Drew started to deep-throat him.

"Fuck!" Pat groaned as Drew went down on him.

"Keep it down back there!" Don whispered on the other side of the curtain.

Pat gritted his teeth in embarrassment as he looked down at Drew moving back and forth on him. He felt his cock reach the back of the boy's throat and watched as his lips met the base.

"Damn, you can deep-throat a cock good, boy," Pat whispered.

Drew grinned as he continued to work Pat's shaft. More precum was coming out and it tasted sweet. He reached up and held the man's balls in his hand and let them roll from side to side. He felt under them and let his middle finger reach up into Pat's crack. He felt his hairy ass and as it slid further, he reached Pat's hole.

"Oh fuck," Pat groaned quietly as he shifted back to give Drew access.

Drew spit on his finger and started to lube up Pat's hole. He moved his finger deeper and more precum started pouring out of Pat's cock. Pat was leaning back and about to lose his balance when he felt Drew lightly run over his prostate.

"Oh fuck!" Pat groaned a little louder.

Pat spread his legs wider and reached around and guided Drew's head as it bobbed up and down on his cock. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he felt the finger rubbing his prostate. He had not cum since yesterday and he felt the feeling building inside him.

"I'm going to cum, Drew," Pat said.

Drew backed off and looked up at the man.

"Shoot it down my throat."

Drew took Pat's cock deep into his mouth and he pushed his finger deeper and started to rub his prostate more. Pat's legs started to shake again and he grasped onto the boxes and clenched his ass down on the probing finger.

"Fucking hell!" Pat groaned as his cock started to erupt.

Drew started to moan in delight as he felt the cum fill his mouth. He pulled his finger out of Pat's ass and started to stroke the thick shaft and suck on the fluids that were pouring out. Pat seemed to shoot forever and Drew had to swallow three times before the man started to relax and both feet hit the floor.

Pat opened his eyes and looked down at the boy and smiled. His head was spinning from the intensity of the orgasm and he shifted his weight so he did not fall over.

"Holy hell, that was good. Thanks, Drew!"

Drew licked Pat's cock head a few more times and then got up and kissed him.

"No, thank you!"

Pat reached up and pulled Drew's t-shirt up and rubbed his belly. He reached down into Drew's pants and felt his caged cock and the precum that was covering it.

"Damn, you are wet too!" Pat said as he pulled his hand out and licked it.

"Yeah, you got me excited," Drew replied.

"Do you mind if I see your cage?" Pat asked.

"Sure," Drew replied as he undid his belt and dropped his pants and underwear.

Pat kneeled and admired the steel encasing Drew's nub. All he could see was the head and the hefty balls that were suspended below it. Precum was still dribbling out and Pat put Drew's cage in his mouth and he sucked the fluids off. He let his tongue move between the bars and ran it over the boy's caged head. Drew felt the sensation on his nub and it was wonderful. His nub started to swell again and he snapped back to reality and reached down and pulled Pat off him.

"You will have to stop," Drew said. "I'm not allowed to have people pleasure me through my nub."

"Oh, I am sorry," Pat said as he stood up.

Drew smiled and pulled his pants up and kissed the man again.

"No worries. Next time you are in town, let me know and I'll let you fuck me. Maybe you can make me drain my balls that way."

"It's a deal," Pat replied.

Pat pulled his pants back on and adjusted his balls and then walked out of the curtain and Drew followed him. Don was smiling as he counted some money.

"Well, that sounded hot."

Drew blushed and Pat grinned and put his arm around the boy.

"This guy has a talented mouth."

"Stop by later then," Don said. "I might need a private break myself."

Drew grinned and Pat waved at Don as they walked back into the crowd.

"I better find my masters," Drew said.

"Ok, bud," Pat said as he leaned in and hugged him. "Do you mind if we share numbers?"

"Absolutely!" Drew replied.

After the two shared their contact info, Drew waved goodbye and walked over to where the beer was being sold. He looked around for about ten minutes before he found Bart and crew drinking next to a wall. He walked over to them, and Bart put his arm around the boy.

"Where did you run off to?" Bart asked.

"Master Wes gave me permission to go see my new friend Pat," Drew replied.

"And how is he?" Bart asked as he took a drink.

"Tasty," Drew replied with a grin.

Next: Chapter 8

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