Mancunt Memoirs

By Xerxys Syxrex

Published on Nov 22, 2021


ManCunt Memoirs 02 Doubling Down

By Xerxys

Hey everyone, welcome back again. It's been another long wait, but hopefully this will have been worth it. I'm really hoping to build a story that is both intensely sexual whilst maintaining a realistic emotional integrity. Pretty lofty aspirations, I know! Once again, I have several other stories on Nifty, most can be found searching for `xerxys' although I've gone through some now-defunct email addresses, but take a look at them if you're interested.

So, as you may already know, this is complete fantasy, but also has graphic man-on-man sex, so please make sure that it is legal for you to be reading this. Nifty is an amazing resource that allows us to explore fantasies like few other places, so please do think about donating and helping to keep this site open and free.


"Evan, it's Frank. Am I... am I disturbing anything?"

Evan had been snoozing on the bed, the rumpled sheet tossed lightly over his naked body. As he sat up, the sheet fell away from him and settled onto his lap. A light mat of chest hair, highlighted with a few silver threads, spread outwards from the valley between his pecs and down across the gentle undulations of a six-pack. For someone just the (supposedly) wrong side of fifty, he had a body men half his age would love to have. His dead husband, Dennis, had kept him on a strict workout schedule and after his death Evan had been sorely tempted to gorge himself on ice cream and donuts, to wreck years of work and progress he had never really wanted nor had much say in; one more middle finger to the man who had oppressed him for so long. But instead, he found that he could turn it into a hobby that he could actually enjoy; going a few times a week on a casual basis was simple compared to daily training kept it up, whilst still maintaining an impressive physique. It certainly gained him plenty of attention in the gym showers.

"What? Oh, Omar? Jeez, he left..." He at his Apple watch and did the math. "An hour and a half ago. It was fun, I guess, but that young man was so worried about getting caught that I don't think he could have finished much quicker. I really don't think he's been doing this kind of thing for very long, he's as timid as a rabbit. But I'm just blabbering away; you called me." Even knowing Frank for just the short time that he had, he suddenly realized he'd heard something very strange in the other man's voice and it made Evan sit up immediately. "Wait, is everything okay?"

"Well, yeah. You remember the receptionist, Cliff? He checked us in yesterday." Whatever Evan had been expecting, this completely random direction was not it. His brow knotted in confusion.

"Um, of course, he was the size of a barn. Why?" Silence hung on the line between them, until Evan's face suddenly lit up with realization. "Frank, no! Did you...?"

"He just left my room, Evan. He's been here since just after I left you." Frank was talking quietly and in clipped sentences and Evan thought for a few moments that it was shame or trepidation in the other man's voice, but there was no mistaking the huge grin he could hear slapped across his new friend's face. Evan's face, in contrast, looked like he'd been slapped.

"Downstairs, pool bar, NOW! I have to hear everything!" Without even waiting for Frank to respond, he threw down the phone and leapt out of bed. His mind quite literally blown by Frank's revelation, he quickly went into the bathroom and washed his face, staring into the mirror as he wondered at this very sudden and very unexpected turn of events.

Evan hadn't expected to make such a strong connection to anybody like he had with Frank in the last two days. This holiday was simply meant to be his own howl of freedom, booked on a whim simply because he could. Dennis, almost suffocating him with a psychotic need to control and suppress, had dropped dead and the thrill of release from an emotional prison he hadn't even fully realized he had been trapped inside of had been indescribable. However, to recognize such a kindred spirit in that sweaty little minibus from the airport had brought him down to earth with a bump. In such a short space of time, every interaction and every barbed remark had brought back such painful and dark feelings. Frank had lapped up their friendly banter, while Lorna had immediately thrown up defenses and tried to wall him off from them, to keep her husband, her possession, isolated and ignorant of her manipulation.

But Evan knew those tactics all too well from first-hand experience and Lorna was nowhere near as aggressive or overt in her tactics as Dennis had been. Evan had felt instant loathing for the obese woman, whilst her mousy husband had made his heart ache with pity. For years, he had been as ignorant as Frank. For years, he had not realized that he was barely viewed as a person, let alone as an equal. Dennis had kept him shut away from the world and anyone that could have held a mirror up to his miserable life and shown him what it really looked like from the outside. The ease with which he'd been able to deconstruct the framework of control Lorna had built around him had been astounding; he had no doubts that Frank had been coming close to finding his own way from the situation, but Evan had helped give him that final push.

But what a push it had been; apparently shoving him right into bed with the very tall, handsome and imposing receptionist Evan himself had certainly noticed. The timescale with which it had all happened was what he couldn't wrap his head around; just before leaving his room Frank had made a comment about how quickly Evan himself had found someone, then apparently immediately trumped him. He dressed and left the room. Stepping out of the elevator and crossing the reception area, he cast a significant look over at the wide stone desk, where the receptionist -- currently an older woman -- stood tapping on the unseen keyboard. Omar had finished his shift at 3, so it made sense that most others did as well. It was a little past half five. Two and a half hours in Frank's room? Evan was bursting with questions.

He went out to the pool area and ordered a beer, then made his way over to the far end of the terrace. There were just a couple of people sat at tables, it being the quiet time just before dinner, but nobody would be able to hear what the two men were talking about and he felt that privacy was going to be essential. A few minutes later, Frank walked out as well. He scanned the terrace, spotted Evan, then made his way to the bar. Grabbing his own bottle of beer, he made his way over.

"That's a spring in your step if ever I saw one!" Evan crowed cheerfully before Frank could even sit down. Frank looked like a rabbit caught in headlights, once more whipping his head around. "Buddy, nobody can hear us and besides, nobody knows who the hell you are or what we're even talking about, so you can relax. Anyway," Evan said, his voice now lowering as Frank sat opposite him. "You and Cliff. Together. You're serious, aren't you?" As Frank took a pull of his beer, he couldn't help but smile. As he placed it back down, the smile broke into a full-on grin.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am."

"Well, what the fuck happened? Did the fuck happen? Why am I doing all the talking here? Look, just start from the beginning."

So, for the next half an hour, Frank related his story, haltingly at first but finding his footing quickly. Evan tried his best to let Frank just tell the story, but couldn't help peppering questions throughout.

"You literally swallowed the whole thing in one go? First time?! And he's how big?!" Frank placed his hands resting on the edge of his palms onto the table, a fair distance apart, a good approximation of Cliff's impressive size. Evan's eyes almost bugged out of his head. "You must be a cocksucking virtuoso, to handle a slab of meat like that on your very first go. I mean, did you gag? Please tell me you gagged." Frank couldn't help but smirk a beaming, pride-filled smile. "Beginner's luck, I'm sure," Frank said, his voice filled with mock affront.

"The whole thing in one go and I just wanted more! I couldn't believe it either, it was like something out of some porn film! Something in me just gave way and suddenly I was a man possessed, but I could only take him all the way because he hadn't gotten fully hard yet. I wanted to do it again, but he was worried he'd hurt me."

"Frank, it sounds like when it comes to sucking dick, you may have won the lottery. All of that without gagging, even if he wasn't hard? You lucky fucking bitch. So, then what?"

Frank continued for a little longer before the next interjection.

"He seriously rimmed you for that long? Man, I can never find anyone who eats ass like that."

"It's called rimming? I think I've heard that word before, but good to know. But yeah, it felt amazing."

"Of course it fucking did! Nobody dislikes getting -- Oh, wait," Evan cut off quickly as he indicated the waiter already halfway towards them. They took a minute to get new beers. Clinking bottles, Frank continued for a while longer, answering a few more quick questions, until Evan stopped him once again.

"Hold up, wait a second, he gave it a name? He gave what a name? His dick?" Frank shook his head in response to the last question but his face was getting redder by the second. Nervously, he couldn't help grinning, but was too shy to say anything else. "You told me you deepthroated that nameless beast the moment it saw daylight, then had him eat you out for an eternity, then he rode you with same said beast for what is a marathon fuck session no matter who you are, but you can't tell me what `it' is or what he named it?" Evan asked incredulously. "I think we've come a little too far along in this story of one hell of a hot dick-down for you to lose your nerve now," he said, goading Frank.

"For fuck sake, keep quiet! Okay, look, at the beginning, what I didn't say was that he told me right at the start he was going to turn my ass... well, he was going to turn it into a man-cunt. Well, he damn well did!" Frank blurted out before he lost his nerve, throwing up his hands in defeat, his face still crimson.

"Are you kidding me?! He said that? Man-cunt?!" Frank immediately shushed him briskly, despite nobody still being anywhere near there table. His face turned even redder, if that were even possible. "Jeez, relax, Frank! Fucking hell, you said that first bit was like something out of a porno, but this whole thing is. A really fucking HOT porno!" Frank's eyes were darting around like a spy in a bad movie, making sure nobody else was hearing the words he could hardly believe were coming out of his own mouth. Evan reached out a hand a gave Frank's forearm a squeeze for a moment, a tender gesture that helped calm Frank down. "Seriously Frank, chill buddy, there is really nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Breathe and take moment. Damn, you obviously are not used to this kind of raunchy talk, which is understandable. Up until now, you've been in a conservative straight marriage and I'm gonna swing for the fences here, but I'll bet there's not been a lot of sex and it was pretty bland anyway. Am I right?" Frank nodded solemnly as he took another pull on his beer. "But gay, straight and everything in between, there is a huge number of people that really enjoy some kind of dirty talk, verbalizing desires and kinks that they can't reveal in any other part of their life. Even the most out-there stuff you can imagine, it can get intense and really venture into some typically forbidden territory, it just depends on you. I'm telling you, there are millions of people, myself and obviously Cliff included, who fucking love that shit and I gotta say, I'm pretty sure you yourself weren't half as shy when you were up in your room taking that big black dick." Evan leaned forward, smiling salaciously. "In your man-cunt," he teased, smiling wickedly. Frank was just about to wind up to tell off Evan again, but instead gave him a wicked grin back as he realized the older man's words matched his memories exactly. Evan gave a cackle of triumph as he held up his beer and the two men clinked bottles.

"Lord, fine, but do you want to keep interrupting or hear the rest?"

"Jesus, there's more? Of course there's more, that certainly wasn't enough already."

Frank continued his story and finally finished, recounting how he had taken the lead at the end, riding Cliff's cock until he made him cum. Evan drained the rest of his second beer, then blew out a lungful of air.

"Jesus Christ, I don't think I've heard of such a hot scene in a long while. I've had some great sex in the past, buddy, but there's not much that can top that, especially for a first-timer! Seriously, I gotta tell ya," he said, leaning in and whispering conspiratorially. "I am fucking rock hard right now!" Evan began sniggering and Frank soon joined in laughing, despite an initial flush of embarrassment at Evan's abrupt honesty. Frank couldn't get over how nice it felt to talk to someone like this, to have someone he could call a friend. It left him with a really good feeling inside, to go with the good feelings he had from all that great sex he'd just had. Evan signaled to the waiter for two more beers, but his face suddenly darkened. "Wait, this happened in your suite, right? Did you manage to straighten the room up? It must look like a brothel! What about Lorna?" Frank drained his own beer, smiling easily. Evan's concern was touching, but after the emotional purge his recounting of events had provided him, Frank felt way more relaxed about the entire situation. The beers had also made a noteworthy contribution to his sudden serenity.

"That's the best part. So, I told you how Cliff had said he'd arranged this whole thing even before I'd even known what was happening, with the extra-long spa package for Lorna?" The waiter had already arrived with two more beers for them, which they sipped as he cleared the old bottles away. Frank's eyes suddenly went wide in alarm. "Shit, do you think that's why we got the upgrade on the suite? Can he do that?"

"With everything I've heard so far, I'm starting to think that Cliff might just have superpowers. But it sounds like it's possible. Maybe he wanted to make sure that he was going to turn out that man-cunt in absolute luxury. You said that there was a view of the whole thing in the mirrors by the bed, right? But anyway, what's with the room now?"

"As soon as we finished, he checked in with the spa; Lorna was still there, but will likely be back fairly soon. But then he called housekeeping: no sooner had he showered, dressed and left then they were there. I sat on the balcony as they made that room look like nothing had ever happened in record time! We got out of the shower and even I could tell that it smelt like an orgy had gone on, and I've never been to any orgy."

"Well, come on, you did do enough fucking to put three or four couples to shame," Evan countered.

"But now it smells like a fucking rose garden! Jesus, I have to sleep in that bed with Lorna tonight. That's gonna be surreal."

"And what about Lorna? What's going to happen?" Frank took a long drink of his beer as he thought how best to answer. Things were moving fast, he wasn't used to dealing with life coming at him so quickly, but Evan's question got right to the heart of things.

"I think it's pretty obvious that Lorna has been manipulating me and making sure that things work out to her advantage, no matter what the cost. I also have some strong suspicions about some of the other events that we've gone through. I need to work things out in my own head, but I think after this afternoon, it's pretty clear my life is going to be heading in a whole different direction. I just need to figure out what that is and how to do it."

"Well, if there's any way I can help, just let me know. So, tell me then, you and Cliff... what's happening there? You say the guy was showering you with compliments like you were a prince, but he has this place sewn up so tight he basically has crime-scene clean-up on call."

"I know what you're getting at, but don't worry, I get it. I think."

"Look, just saying it like it is, two days ago you were in a monogamous straight marriage to your high school sweetheart of fifteen-odd years. Cliff has an endless stream of tourists and the resources -- rooms, cleaning, a dick gifted from the gods -- to do this kind of thing on a daily basis if he wanted to." Frank pulled a face, but processed his words as he sipped his beer.

"Jesus, you're really shooting from the hip. He was really nice and put me at my ease whilst making me want it even more, but I know what this is, Evan. This is not a love story. I know Cliff enjoyed it and fuck knows I did too, but this is obviously something he's done plenty of times before, almost certainly on that very same bed; those mirrors were really kinda hot. Likely half the staff are in and out of that room with guests so often they should install a revolving door. Besides, he's now got two days off, which is just as well; I have a lot of thinking to do, figuring out what my next steps are and having him right there wouldn't be any help."

"Not least because you would be straight under the desk and back on that big-ass Bajan dick?" Frank actually looked genuinely stunned again for a moment; this kind of banter was completely new territory for him.

"Shit, who am I kidding. You got me there, you know I would!" They clinked bottles once more, laughing, but Evan wasn't done yet.

"But take it from someone with a lot more experience in this: that might be all you get. He could have enjoyed this afternoon even more than you obviously did, but for some men, especially those who love to fuck the way he does, it's about collecting trophies. Whole `notches on the bed-post' kinda thing. You get your one roll in the hay and they move on. Especially if they have access to a sweet set-up here like him and Omar obviously do, complete with a never-ending supply of men. He might even see it as for the best; less complications if you keep anyone he goes with at arm's length, especially when wedding bands are involved. You say you aren't gonna fall in love, but that doesn't mean you might not already be expecting more than Cliff's gonna give you and it can really be a kick in the nuts when it happens. Anyway, sermon's over, finish your beer and we'll have a last one." He reached over and clinked Frank's bottle again, who hadn't made a move.

"You give good advice and I guess we'll have to see. You've really turned up for me, Evan. I owe you and I consider you a friend."

"Same goes for me, Frank. Here's to friendship and new beginnings." The two men raised their bottles in salute, then drained them. Frank gave a gave a contented sigh.

"But, to change the subject, I'm thinking that Lorna seeing us two being so friendly, or me getting day-drunk, is certainly not the best way for things to go right now. I'm not blowing you off, but she'll be back soon, so I'm going to head in and grab some dinner and wait for her, okay?"

"Loud and clear, buddy, I completely understand where you're coming from. You need to keep your head down and not get Lorna's suspicions raised while you work out an exit strategy."

"If that's ultimately what I need," Frank replied. Evan's eyebrows shot up and his mouth worked as he tried to figure out a response, actually short of a smart-ass response to that one. "Don't give me that look, okay? Like you said yourself, two days ago I was straight and married. In the space of 48 hours, I met you yesterday, came out at lunchtime and for the rest of the afternoon I'm getting fucked by the biggest dick I'm ever going to see! I know that all this should be game over for my marriage, but I need to make sure I'm doing the right thing before throwing away those fifteen years. I mean, I have my son to think about, for crying out loud." Evan's eyebrows still hadn't come back down.

"Okay, I get that things are kind of moving fast, but cut the bullshit. Three facts for ya." Evan held up three fingers. "First," he stated, tucking in his thumb to leave a V. "You came to me; like, totally out, gay. Homosexual. Your words. Now, I'm pretty sure that one of the fundamentals for a successful marriage is actually being attracted to that particular gender. Otherwise, it's just a really nice friendship with some legal red tape at best and I don't think there's much friendship happening here anyway. And fun extra point, you aren't even the kid's father."

"Wow, harsh, asshole, and I am every bit a father to Luke as any man could be, so take it down a notch, ok?" Frank felt himself pouting. But Evan had a point, no matter how blunt it was.

"Meh, I'm from New Jersey, not Wyoming, buddy. As for your son, plenty of kids grow up with gay parents and split homes and in even weirder situations than that and they do fine; but the rest of that bullshit you just came out with? I don't need to keep up appearances and pretend to care too much about a little hurt pride. Especially when it's true," he said, grinning and winking to soften his words. Then he dropped the middle finger. "Second, with the experience I've had, now a year out from the other side of that hell I went through and being able to look back and see all the scheming and controlling that I wasn't even aware was going on right in front of my face, I could tell within minutes what she was doing and by now I am absolutely convinced that although we may not have exactly the same experiences, what you're still calling a marriage isn't a world apart from what I went through: nothing more than a cage." With the index finger he still had raised, Evan pointed it at Frank's chest. "But when you're raised in a cage, how do you ever know anything different?"

Frank gave a heaving sigh. Evan wasn't wrong; ever since yesterday, it was like a fog was lifting and every memory he had of him and Lorna together, he could now start to see the web of control she had wound around them both, but it was still too much to fully comprehend, along with everything else. Frank considered himself a good person, someone who kept his head down, found the compromise, kept the peace. He would never be able to do anything so cruel and manipulative to another person, which is no doubt how he had been so easily fooled, but it also meant that simply accepting the enormity of it all in a matter of hours was simply beyond him.

"Evan, right now I just have no idea what to think, so I'm not burning any bridges if I can help it. I'll make those decisions soon, I can actually feel myself getting closer to them already, but that is all shit for me to deal with another day. Look, I need to get into the restaurant before Lorna gets back and try not to act like I've been having so much fun hanging out with you. But what's point number three?" Evan held his index finger back up, but didn't drop it as he spoke.

"Frank, my friend and star pupil, that may be one hell of a hung black stallion who pounded your ass into a man-cunt. Hey! Don't look so defensive; again, your words!" Evan laughed at the offended shock on Frank's face, which now seemed considerably more feigned than before. "But I know this, you really must be new at this if you think there aren't bigger beasts lurking in those waters you spent a steamy couple of hours splashing around in this afternoon." He now held up his other index finger next to the first, then slowly moved the two apart, ever wider, past what Frank had shown him, a salacious grin turning into a wicked laugh as he kept moving the fingers impossibly far apart. "You just have to go deeper. And I know you will. Now, go get your dinner. We'll catch up again soon."

He watched Frank go as he slowly finished the rest of his beer. It really had sounded like an incredibly hot scene; Frank had obviously hit the ground running, skipping several chapters ahead in the whole `Coming Out Late' handbook and packing in several years' worth into one afternoon (and about nine thick inches, by Frank's estimation).

He knew he'd been blunt to the point of callous with him, but Frank needed brutal honesty right now, especially if they had to keep contact discreet and to a minimum. All he'd known for 15 years was bullshit that was going to keep him blinkered and doing what that fat bitch wanted. She'd managed to dominate him so much he hadn't even realized he was gay! He also knew that Frank needed to be careful; if she was that cunning, then she was not going to be distracted by spa days for very long. But Frank seemed to understand that as well, ensuring Lorna didn't see them being too friendly; he'd likely already had to use plenty of subterfuge, maybe without even realizing it, just to get through his sham marriage. From here on, though, he was going to have to take it up to a whole new level.

But Evan knew he was going to do whatever he could to make sure that Frank didn't get pulled back into her clutches. At the very least, the big-dicked tops of this world needed natural born bottoms like Frank and himself to make sure they were kept well-serviced!

Smiling to himself, he cheerily ordered a tequila sunrise. He was feeling great: a nice fuck with Omar and seeing his new friend Frank blossoming -- quite literally, if his own testament was anything to go by. It was time to turn his day-drinking up a notch!

Frank's instincts had been spot-on, as he had only just ordered his drink (non-alcoholic, after the several beers he'd just tucked away) in the restaurant when Lorna arrived. He could immediately tell that she must have enjoyed her day, as she had come straight from the spa and looked very relaxed and at ease. Or, as Lorna herself would have said some other woman, `bedraggled and not taking pride in her appearance' if she'd turned up to dinner in a similar manner. She was fully without makeup, although she rarely used more than just the fundamentals anyway and her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail that she would never have left the house with had she been at home. She came in beaming and oddly, Frank thought that he had not seen her look so genuinely pretty for a long time, even though inside he felt no stir of emotion that a husband should feel for his wife at such a thought. He also made no move to actually voice the compliment, either.

Lorna happily ordered a meal along with Frank, despite having just eaten a hearty salad at the spa (which she dismissed as `hippy rabbit food' just moments after talking about how tasty it had been) and proceeded to gush about the day she'd had.

"I mean, it wouldn't stand up to any of the spas we have back home, but that was a thoroughly enjoyable day. Your day must have been positively boring in comparison. I must have had at least a dozen different treatments, they treated me like a celebrity! I'm certainly not complaining, but back home that would have broken the bank and here, they give it away for free! It's a wonder they haven't gone bankrupt already."

Two days ago, this would have been typical behavior that her subjugated husband would have meekly accepted. But even as Frank sat there eating his lamb chops, he couldn't help but feel a bizarre mix of emotions. He recognized Lorna's blithe disregard for him now and it made his angry, but at the same time he also felt fierce triumph; despite Lorna's casual dismissal, this had without doubt been the least boring day of Frank's entire life and the only reason Lorna's had been so good was so that the big, black receptionist could spend the afternoon fucking her husband in the suite he'd purposely upgraded them to in order to do in style.

After two hours opening his throat, his ass and his whole way of thinking, Cliff had transformed a meek and inhibited man into one that had not only begged for his cum but made him physically draw it from his balls himself with the crowning glory of his transformation: Frank's man-cunt.

So, Frank wanted to laugh into her face, to tell her every sordid detail and watch as her carefully constructed world crumbled. But he couldn't, because to tear down her world so casually and recklessly would bring his own crashing down around him and he already knew that he was determined to emerge from whatever purgatory she had held him in far better than she would. Just a short while before he had seen Evan's complete bewilderment at his reluctance to talk about the end of his marriage in absolutes, but within one simple conversation it already felt absurd. The wizard behind the curtain had finally been unveiled a greedy, manipulative witch and he had finally discovered his courage. But his eventual emancipation and victory would be so much more than a tornado of mutual destruction.

So he sat and ate his meal and pretended that nothing had changed. Which was almost torture as he sat there, a physically painful erection throbbing incessantly in his khakis as flashbacks to his hedonistic afternoon of fucking assaulting his mind, unstoppable, as his wife twittered on about her day.

He laid down his knife and fork and apologized, explaining that he had some sudden stomach cramps and needed to use the bathroom. Lorna immediately commented that he had been acting a little funny (and the food was too rich for him, but waved him away whilst simultaneously reminding him that his meal was getting cold. He stood awkwardly, turning away as he subtly rearranged his iron-hard cock and made his way to the restrooms at the rear of the restaurant.

It was just a single urinal with a cubicle beside it and Frank hustled into the cubicle, locking it behind him. As though he were desperate to piss, he tore open his pants, but the sigh of relief as he took his raging hardon into his hand had nothing to do with that kind of release. Finally, he allowed the memories to fully wash over him: his throat stretched open as it accommodated the huge black cock, not even half-hard; Cliff eating his as for the longest time, before fucking him with an almost brutal fervor; Cliff finally unleashing his huge load inside him and completing the transformation of his virgin ass into a man-cunt, which he now began to clench and release as his hand flew up and down his stiff cock. The rhythmic pulsing of his man-cunt now somehow amplified the sensations from his jacking and he could feel every nerve in his body singing as his climax started to build, another new and incredible feeling.

Since the monumental events of that afternoon, Frank had still not cum; at the time, it had not even occurred to him, even as they showered together. As they had continued to fuck, Frank had been overcome with a need to have Cliff's cum in him that had totally eclipsed his own body's needs. As Cliff had pounded his ass into a sloppy man-cunt Frank's need had become a fixation. Frank had given a great feral cry of triumph as he himself had at long last brought about Cliff's orgasm, which had exploded through them both and he had felt his brand-new man-cunt gorging itself on what even he knew had to have been a huge load. It had been an incomparable sensation and no orgasm of his own had been necessary. He had basked in contentment and even pride as they'd shared those intimate minutes together afterwards, washing away the sweat and cum. Even as he and Evan had spoken about it, there hadn't been anything like the feeling that hammered through him now, like waves of supercharged summer storm heat pulsing through him, his clenching man-cunt producing waves of feelings in his ass that crackled through his balls like electricity and diffused through his entire body. He almost expected to smell ozone. Now a tornado was on its way, but he was already very much in Oz.

Frank chuckled briefly as the most random thought -- even more than his bizarre Wizard of Oz allegories -- entered his head, despite the screaming need for release. In a day absolutely filled with firsts, he now knew what blue-balls felt like. Having always been a well-behaved and docile husband, Lorna's influence so great it had apparently even suppressed his very libido, he'd had no idea just how all-consuming a man's need to cum could be.

He didn't get to experience the new feeling for very long at all, though. Trying to keep as quiet as he possibly could but failing gloriously, Frank grunted and whimpered, no longer caring if anyone walked in on him as his orgasm blasted through him. His knees almost buckled beneath him as he shot two ropes of cum against the tiled wall, the first streaking the wall near crotch height but the second landing almost level with Frank's face. His breath came through gritted teeth as yet more cum slapped onto the toilet's cistern and seat lid in ever smaller spurts. Frank had never, EVER contemplated jerking off in a public restroom, yet here he stood, having just unleashed arguably his biggest and noisiest load ever all over the place and he not only felt a thorough sense of relief, but also thought how incredibly hot the entire thing had been.

He gave a delighted chuckle of relief and release as he started wadding up toilet paper to clean up his mess. It took him a while.

An hour later, they were sat out on the terrace by pool, enjoying the warmth of the Caribbean dusk. A short while earlier, Evan had stumbled by from where he'd still been sat after Frank had left him, bidding them a drunkenly effusive good night, which had given Lorna plenty to say. Frank had gamely played along, saying that they'd only shared a beer or two before dinner and putting anyhow drunk he'd become in such a short time, agreeing that his behavior was unbecoming for such a high-end resort and giving her assurances that he would minimize his contact with him. Lorna commented that he seemed to have latched onto them in particular and Frank readily agreed, eager to reinforce his wife's belief that any contact was instigated by Evan rather than himself. He felt bad throwing his new friend and only ally under the bus like that, but he knew Evan would understand and likely even encourage or even applaud him. It was strange, thinking tactically around his own wife like this, but at the same time it didn't feel wrong. It was increasingly clear that Lorna had been doing so for years. Why shouldn't he?

They enjoyed one last cocktail before heading up to the suite. As he opened the door, a mad thrill entered his head: somehow, the bed and surrounding area would be back as it was just after Cliff had finally finished fucking him and emptied his balls deep inside Frank's man-cunt. The air would still reek of sweat and sex and the oversized white polo shirt of the huge black receptionist would still be laying discarded on the floor just a few steps from the door, his name tag proudly shining in the soft occasional lighting, right next to the pair of shorts Frank couldn't even remember shucking off. There would be no mistaking what had occurred here.

But the place was pristine, just as the cleaners had left it. Frank couldn't help but look over at the bed, with the mirrored wardrobe behind it. He felt his groin stirring once again as he remembered how he had looked just a few hours before, right there in the middle of the huge bed, pinned down by the thick pillar of black cock that had plunged almost incessantly deep into his guts, utterly conquering and transforming him.

Lorna, obviously still feeling relaxed after her day of pampering, simply undressed down to her underwear and climbed into bed. Frank kicked off his shoes and padded over to the bathroom.

"Hey, do you need the bathroom? My stomach still isn't so good, so..."

"No, go ahead. I hope it isn't the food. If it is, you can be sure that I'll be making a complaint. We might even get another upgrade! Although no more coupons for the spa. It's lovely, but I don't want to have spent my entire holiday in there!"

Frank closed the door, more annoyed than he could ever remember feeling. Not a shred of concern for his own (made-up) problems, just the usual entitled crap he'd become so used to, he hadn't even realized how awful it sounded.

Pushing Lorna's arrogant words from his mind, he turned on the shower, then pulled off his clothes. His dick sprang up, slapping his lower abdomen, surprising him at how hard he already was. He gave a soft snort of laughter as he wrapped his hand around the stiff length; he couldn't believe his own behavior. Like any other man he jerked off, but it was an irregular thing, maybe once or twice a week, like an afterthought or even a chore. Less than two hours since splattering an impressive amount of cum over a restaurant bathroom's wall, he was once again pumping his shaft like a man possessed. This time, he looked over at the shower cubicle as the steam began to rise and fill the room, remembering how Cliff had stood behind him, wrapping his arms around him, his soft dick pressing gently into the small of his back. Frank stepped under the hot water and continued stroking himself and, almost without thinking about it, his free hand reached back as his fingers delved into his crack. His index finger brushed against his ring and he shuddered; a moment later he felt precum surging up through his shaft. His finger stroked around his ring, amazed at how different it felt, now so smooth and tight again, unlike the puffy, greedy lips that Cliff had left him with as they stood beneath the torrent of water, spent and satisfied. He pressed at its center but even with the water sluicing over it, he realized his finger alone wouldn't be able to penetrate it without a certain degree of pain or discomfort. The change was incredible! He'd not even really thought about that aspect of things, but he'd not expected to recover so quickly. In fact, he hadn't even really had any idea what to expect. Cliff had totally ravaged him, but Frank was pretty much as he was before, just a few hours later!

Well, he was in fact very much changed from the man he was a day before. As he stood in the shower jacking off, he spat a small glob of saliva into his hand, before reaching back and applying it to his hole. Now, with just a little pressure, his finger slid inside. He had no idea if this was because of his earlier encounter as this was the first ever time he'd fingered himself. Frank gasped and felt his cock surge in his hand, more precum leaking as he jerked even faster, his finger now fully inside him and jabbing furiously. Just a couple of minutes more and Frank staggered, his breath ragged pants as he came once more. The first shot slapped against the glass stall panel, surprisingly powerful for his second orgasm within an hour, the next three shots dripping heavily onto the tray where they were quickly washed away. He gave a groan of satisfaction, then grinned, before giving a surprised gasp. He hadn't even realized he'd done so, but he had in fact ended up stuffing three of his fingers, to the very knuckle, into his ass.

No, not ass.

"Man-cunt," he murmured softly as he gingerly pulled the fingers from inside him, feeling the reluctance of his man-cunt to let them go and the feeling of emptiness once they'd gone.

Huffing with the exertion, Frank cleaned off the glass then slowly washed himself, still grinning. He felt like a damn teenager! Before this vacation, he would never even entertained the thought of jerking off in a public restroom and he sure as hell couldn't remember the last time he'd cum twice in one day, let alone barely an hour apart. A short while later, he slipped into the bedroom. He hadn't even expected Lorna to ask after his upset stomach, so slipped quietly into bed and switched off his lamp. On the very bed he was now laid next to his wife, Cliff had fucked him so damn good, just that very afternoon. His whole life had been upended and his marriage over, all within the space of little more than a day.

`Good' thought Frank as sleep quickly took him over, the exertions of the day finally catching up with him.

For the next two days, Cliff may have not been at the hotel working, but he was never far from Frank's thoughts. Ironically, Lorna and Frank's relationship appeared to have improved immensely; Lorna was relaxing into the holiday, whilst Frank was finding it far easier to let go of any comments and jibes she did make. Frank's libido had also improved greatly, however, like a zoo animal suddenly released from its enclosure. It seemed that he was unable to take a shower without inevitably jerking off, whilst throughout the day he would feel himself stiffening and heading to either their suite or the restroom beside the pool bar. On the first day, for example, simply walking back through reception after lunch and seeing the desk had been enough for Frank to `helpfully' offer to go up and fetch extra sunscreen, only to be in the bathroom minutes later, his pants hastily shoved down, one hand around his cock whilst the fingers of his other sought out his relentlessly greedy man-cunt.

Because that was how he thought of it now, at least when he was feeling horny, which was an astonishing amount of the time. It was his man-cunt and he was so eager to feel it stretched open and filled with Cliff's big black dick again. Or any other cock, if he was honest with himself. The Bajan receptionist had unlocked a whole lot more than just his ass.

The two days without Cliff there saw Frank jerking off like a horny teenager; he started looking at other men in a whole new light, wondering what their pants concealed, or sneaking glances at the bulges of other hotel guests as they laid by the pool. He'd passed Omar in a hallway on the second day and the man had seemed surprised by the wolfish grin Frank offered him, the two men sharing a backward glance as they passed each other and Omar offering his own smile in return. But, thinking of Evan, Frank faced forward and continued on. When they'd later found a half hour alone to talk, Evan had laughed at Frank's `admission,' telling him he was more than welcome to have whatever fun he wanted with Omar, although he commented that, as enjoyable as it had been with him, he thought Frank might find the man lacking in comparison to Cliff; although by no means small, he certainly didn't measure up to Cliff's supposedly prodigious dimensions and he was far more nervous and less self-possessed than Cliff.

Evan's complete nonchalance towards Frank's interest in Omar opened a stream of questions and Frank found himself learning about how casual someone could be towards sex and multiple partners, friends with benefits, random hook-ups and so much more. Monogamy could be had, but gay men seemed to be far more open to the idea of sexual encounters as simple gratification, that even the best sex didn't need to come with emotional baggage, strings attached or any form of connection beyond what had already been enjoyed.

Frank wondered whether Cliff would feel no more need for another encounter. He actually felt slightly rattled, having spent the past two days fantasizing about once more having Cliff fill his man-cunt once more, suddenly wondering if he was just a trophy already collected and if another man was already in the black man's sights.

"From the sound of it, Cliff had just as good a time with you as you had with him, Frank. When it's that good, you don't turn down another helping, even if he does have interest in other guests. He seemed pretty damned earnest about your own prowess, so I would place money on him coming back for more," Evan said reassuringly. "I have to say, though, I admit to more than a little envy. If he thinks you're that good then it looks like me or anyone else won't be getting a chance until you've gone home! That is, of course, if you don't mind?" Frank had actually laughed at Evan's question.

"Well, I think that I'm certainly not the first guest to have enjoyed Cliff, so I can hardly claim any kind of rights to him. Besides, an hour ago I almost considered hooking up with Omar so I have zero moral high ground here, my friend. Plus, why wouldn't I want to share him? The man is amazing!"

"I hope you're right and you aren't saying that just because it's your only experience. But I'm just saying that cos I'm so fucking jealous!"

"Well, here's to hopefully finding out soon whether it was a fluke, huh?"

"I gotta say though, you've really leaned into this whole situation and it really fucking suits you, buddy." Evan raised his beer bottle and the two men clinked. Shortly after, Frank made his way to meet Lorna, but not before stopping by the restrooms at reception, to relieve the pressure that the conversation had created in his balls. It was the third time he'd cum that day and he'd cum once more that evening before going to sleep. It would have beaten a record unbroken since his teenage years, had it not already been for the previous two days of record breaking.

The next morning, Frank and Lorna made their way down to the restaurant for breakfast. In the elevator, Frank suddenly felt a wave of panic rush over him. What if Cliff wasn't there? What if Cliff was there and totally gave away what had happened? What if Cliff was there but didn't show any interest? All these scenarios and more suddenly began playing out in his head in a matter of moments and Frank wasn't sure which one would be worse. But there was nothing to be done; the elevator doors opened and they stepped out into the reception area.

Cliff was stood behind the desk. Having now seen other people standing in that exact spot, he could immediately appreciate just how large Cliff was; not just his height but his whole stature and presence. His thick frame pulled his polo shirt tight across his torso and the crisp white cotton highlighted his smooth dark skin. Frank's mind bustled with memories, events and sensations coming back to him all over again, already familiar, golden memories he'd replayed again and again. Having the actual man there in front of him, though, somehow made them all the more visceral.

Those thick, pinkish lips had locked themselves to Frank's man-cunt before he even knew it was a man-cunt.

Those powerful arms had been planted firmly to either side of him as Cliff had relentlessly pummeled his man-cunt.

That friendly face had transformed into a brutal, sweaty grimace of pleasure and release as Frank had slammed himself downward onto that huge column of thick Bajan cock one final time and finally felt Cliff unleash his load deep inside of him. God, Frank had never felt anything even close to it in his life.

Cliff looked up from the computer screen, still holding a phone to his ear. His smile was pleasant enough, but Frank knew him well enough to know that this was his `work' smile.

"Good morning!" Cliff exclaimed cheerily as he hung up the phone. "I do hope you've been enjoying your stay so far. Have you found the new suite to your liking?"

"Thank you, it's absolutely lovely. A marked improvement on the other one, we really couldn't be happier," Lorna gushed, then continued to praise the hotel and the spa. Frank wasn't sure whether he should laugh or roll his eyes, so he simply smiled as they continued on past. Cliff returned his attention to the computer screen, but as Frank made to check his watch, he glanced up and caught a glimpse as Cliff's eyes flicked from the screen to meet his own. The wide, bright white smile -- definitely not his `work' smile -- and quick wink told him all he needed to know. He'd once again splattered a load against the shower's glass wall less than twenty minutes before, but his cock throbbed in his underwear as they made their way out of reception. Cliff returned to his work, still smiling. Frank's own matching smile would have made Lorna quite suspicious, had she bothered taking notice of her husband.

After breakfast, Frank made his now-usual trip back up to the room to grab their towels and other things to go pool-side. Cliff was checking out some departing guests and remained professional the entire time, not even looking his way, but Frank couldn't help feeling as though Cliff knew that he was there, grinning a little to himself as he made his way to the elevator. Just as the doors were closing, the couple began to move away from the desk and Cliff's eyes immediately found Frank's and again another wink. Frank felt himself blush, like a damn schoolgirl, but his grin only got wider.

Frank picked up the things for the pool and considered for a moment whether to head back to the bathroom and jerk off again. At that moment, the phone rang, making him jump, almost dropping the beach bag.


"Good morning, sir. This is Cliff, calling from reception." Cliff's tone was completely professional, but the grin spread across Frank's face once more. When Cliff spoke again, his voice had changed, now a little lower and more like the voice he remembered when they had been locked together. "I want to see you again. I will wait for you in room 212 after the end of my shift, at three o'clock. It is at the end of the building and nobody else is in the surrounding rooms. Is that okay?"

"Absolutely," Frank replied without even a thought.

"I'm happy to hear it. I know that it may be difficult to arrange and I completely understand you may not be able to find the opportunity to come, but I hope you can. I will wait for thirty minutes." Without another word, Cliff hung up. For the second time in as many minutes, Frank seriously considered heading back into the bathroom to jerk off again. This time, he had a very good reason not to.

He wanted to save it.

`SOS!! Cliff wants to meet again this afternoon @3. How do I get away?! HELP!!'

Frank had been playing some silly mobile game for half an hour, trying to keep himself distracted, before firing the message off to Evan. They'd exchanged numbers the previous day, but had agreed to only use it when it was safe to do so -- as in, when Lorna was not around -- or in an emergency. This definitely fell into the latter category. It was already eleven o'clock and he didn't dare try and tempt her with more spa days. She'd already said she didn't want any more for the time being and it might make her suspicious, trying to sideline her so much.

`Where r u now? And L?'

`By the pool. L snoozing next to me.'

Frank had never understood the stress one could feel from waiting for a response to a text message, but he knew it now. Minutes passed. He'd read the message, but why wasn't he answering?!

`Have an idea. U sure about this? Riskier than last time by a long shot.'

Evan had a point and it had been a big reason why Frank had taken so long just to ask his friend for help. But it was time to double down and Frank knew he would regret never trying, even if everything went wrong.

`Sure. What's the plan?'

`OK. See u in ten. Act surprised, but be ready to go with it.'

In terms of answers, it was pretty lacking, but Evan had already proved himself to be intelligent and knowledgeable, so despite his burning desire to grill his new friend as to what his grand plan involved, he switched back to his game and waited.

A few minutes later, Evan appeared at the pool, carrying a towel and a small bag. He was wearing short running shorts and some kind of vest with thin straps that left a lot of his shoulders and sides showing. He quickly found Frank's gaze, gave him the slightest of nods but headed over to a lounger at the opposite side of the pool, nearer the bar and away from the edge of the terrace that overlooked the beach. Frank heard him ask the barman for a beer as he laid out his towel on the lunger and stripped off the shorts and vest. Frank knew that Evan had a good figure, but he hadn't realized just how good it was, the defined chest and stomach really drawing his eye. In just a pair of red speedos, he looked like a male model.

The barman brought over Evan's beer and he took a drink before setting it down. He walked over to the edge of the pool and gave Frank a broad smile as he dove gracefully into the water. Like a torpedo, he cleared the breadth of the pool underwater, appearing at the edge of the pool in front of Frank. His muscles tensing briefly, he lifted himself effortlessly himself out of the water and strode over to the loungers where Frank and Lorna lay.

"Good morning, my Evanston friends!" Evan proclaimed brightly. Beside him, he heard Lorna give the softest of tuts as she came out of her doze. She looked up and whatever had been on the tip of her tongue seemed to evaporate. A not unattractive, dripping, very well-built man had apparently the same effect on Lorna that it had on most people, regardless of her personal feelings towards him. Evan didn't give her chance to regroup. "Well, I've really gone to town these first few days but it is definitely time to balance things up, before all this starts going to seed and heading south," he said brightly, giving his chest a gentle couple of taps. His voice had lost its artificial cheeriness and he smiled easily, not being the brash caricature he usually was around Lorna. He turned to her fully and took a step closer to her lounger. She sat up a little straighter as he approached. "I have a favor to ask you, Lorna," He said almost conspiratorially, leaning in a little closer still. "Would you mind terribly if I borrowed Frank for an hour to help me in the gym later? I have a personal trainer back home and while she's basically there more to make sure I don't kill myself under a pile of weights and to give me someone to chat to, I'm so used to her that I'm really looking for a gym buddy." Evan stayed close to Lorna's lounger but twisted his torso to face his friend. "And Frank: I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, but I'm guessing you don't do much fitness? Please don't get worried, it really wouldn't be a lot of work for you, just do as much or as little as you want to but if you like, I could show you how some of the machines work. I started when I was about 30 and never looked back and my doctor say I'm fitter now than I was in my twenties. But no pressure. How about it?"

Frank was very impressed by the show Evan was putting on. He had adjusted his character to be more pleasing to Lorna and positioned himself almost at her side, making her think that he was her ally as he made the subtle jab at Frank's lack of fitness. If he hadn't known this was all a ruse, he would have no idea that this was anything other than an innocent plea from a charming man. Lorna certainly seemed to think so.

"Well, Frank isn't getting any younger and I suppose we really should both consider being a bit more active," Lorna piped up quickly. Frank felt himself wanting to sputter at the audacity of her words, but kept his mouth zipped as he realized that she was lapping it up. Her comment about them both `being a bit more active' sounded very ominous, however, as if Evan's plan was about to derail. Lorna looked up at Evan and said in a voice that was just a little too sweet, "I'll let you borrow Frank for an hour on one condition."

"What would that be, Lorna?" Evan smiled pleasantly down at her, but both men were waiting to see just what Lorna's condition would be and where it left them both.

"That by the end of this vacation, he has a body like yours," Lorna pronounced in a regal voice, then started to actually laugh. Both men couldn't help but burst out laughing along with her, but Frank's laughter was more relief and amazement than anything.

Had it really worked; was it truly that simple? Evan just shows off some body and smiles sweetly and Lorna begins acting like a schoolgirl? Frank could hardly breathe, he felt elated!

"I'll tell you what, Lorna. By the end of the holiday, Frank will know at least enough of his way around the gym here to be able to start a simple workout routine by himself when he gets home. Who knows? It could be a whole new lease of life for him. I know that making the change to improve my fitness was one of the best decisions I could have made. Well, Frank? You heard your good lady wife, you're gonna start pumping iron. That okay with you?"

"I have absolutely no idea what I'll be doing and I'm sure you can lift five times what I could manage, but why not? Besides, it'll make me feel less guilty for all this wonderful food and drink we're enjoying. Will you be okay by yourself, Lorna?"

"Of course. I was thinking I could take a walk in the gardens at some point, they seem to be very popular. So that can be my start to a healthier lifestyle."

"Look at all of us, making healthy changes even while enjoying a luxury vacation. Don't worry Frank, I'll go easy on you, but be prepared to sweat! How does three o'clock grab you? Give you enough time to have lunch and relax a bit before I put you through the grinder?" Frank was so astonished at how blithely Evan had charmed Lorna, he didn't need to act bewildered by the pace of the entire conversation. He just let himself get swept up in it.

"Well, sure! Whatever you say. You're the boss!"

"Excellent! Anyway, I shan't keep you, I have about fifty lengths of this pool I want to get out of the way before lunch."

With that, Evan strode back to the water a dove back in. Lorna watched him for a minute or two, her brow furrowed a little.

"Maybe he isn't so bad after all," Lorna said softly, almost to herself as she laid back down. Frank couldn't help but smile for the longest time.

At five minutes to three, Evan knocked on the door of Frank's suite. Frank opened up and Evan bounded in, wearing the same shorts and vest top from earlier. He looked around the suite, obviously checking for Lorna.

"She's still down at the pool," Frank confirmed. Evan gave an excited squeal and gathered his friend up into a beg bear-hug. Frank leant into the hug and could really feel just how firm Evan's body was. Evan took a step back, holding Frank at arm's length.

"I cannot believe that worked so well. I mean, I can turn on the charm when I need to and god knows before today all I wanted to do was piss her off every time she saw me, but I had her practically drooling! Oh my god, is this where it happened? This bed right here?" Evan was like a hyperactive kid, talking a mile a minute, but Frank confirmed that this was where it had happened. "Oh man, I can see why Cliff loves these mirrors, it's like seeing the whole show in widescreen HD."

"Evan, focus! What happens next?"

"Well, we go down to the gym together. We'll take the lift down and walk out to the pool to both confirm that Lorna is still on-board with you being my `gym buddy' and to let her know that we're doing exactly what we said we were doing. Then, we'll head back in to the gym and you'll do the warm-up with me, enough time that if Lorna should want to check in on us she can. After ten minutes or so, you'll leave, heading up the stairwell that's near the end of that corridor to the second floor and you figure out the rest. I'll continue with my workout -- I just made up that personal trainer bullshit, like Dennis would have allowed anyone to be that close to me for so long -- and if Lorna happens by later I have an excuse that should hold her. You said that you've been telling her about some stomach upset, to cover for your emergency jack-off sessions?"

"Elegantly put as always." Evan just shrugged.

"Well, I'll say you were caught short and needed the bathroom. You already established the groundwork on this story and the best part?" Frank raised his eyebrows, encouraging Evan to continue. He was interested to know how he was going to cover for him, but he was all too aware that it was already gone three o'clock. Cliff had finished his shift. "I will tell her you rushed up to the room. If she goes off looking for you, I can call you. You have about five minutes to sort yourself out and get back here, where you'll say that you didn't think you were going to make it to the room, so you used the bathroom in reception. It's the worst-case scenario and it'll fuck up your fuck completely, but it's plausible and should keep Lorna blissfully unaware." Evan folded his arms, giving a smug look. Frank picked up the bag he'd hastily thrown together with his `gym' clothes. He suddenly realized another great point to Evan's scheme: he could get as sweaty as he liked and even if he needed to rush away for whatever reason, he just needed to say that it was all the exertion in the gym. As long as nobody noticed the smell of cum, of course.

"Okay, that actually sounds like a pretty much watertight plan."

"After years of the kind of suppression we've been through, you learn to get sneaky when you need to. Hell, I didn't even realize I was doing it most of the time; now, harnessing my powers for `mostly' good, I can get away with just about anything. Now, let's go. Any more questions, ask them on the way. Jesus, buddy, you're so excited you look like you're gonna piss yourself -- and I gotta say I would be too in your place -- but you got to hold on a little longer before we get you that big black cock again. Come on!" Evan laughed heartily as he slapped his friend on the back and they left the suite together.

Even before they'd arrived at the elevator, Frank could feel himself breathing way to fast and blinking like the lights were too strong. It wasn't just excitement; the moment he left the room it felt like he was in some kind of spy movie. What if Lorna changed her mind suddenly? What if Cliff couldn't make it? What if he was seen going into the room? What if...

"Frank, if you do not get your shit together you will have a heart attack and then nobody will be fucking you. Jesus, calm down! If everything goes to hell, you know what? You tell Lorna you'll see her in court then you head to room 212 and get that man-cunt stuffed, buddy!" A couple of days previously, such talk would have had Frank shushing and tutting like a matron in church, but now it was just conversation, albeit in Evan's inimitable style. They stepped into the elevator and Evan punched the button for the first floor.

"I know it sounds crazy, but what it she was double-bluffing us? What if she's somehow figured out everything and I'm going to end up like a sacrificial lamb? She takes all my money, I never see Luke again..."

"You really suck at this cloak-and-dagger shit, you know? Listen, if there's one thing I know, it's that people who have gotten away with manipulating people for so long always think they're the smartest people in the room. If they second-guessed everything like you're doing now, they wouldn't last five minutes. So Lorna thinks that I'm still some dumb New Jersey rat but she just misjudged me and I can at least be charming enough. The fact that she couldn't stop looking at my body made sure she certainly wasn't wondering if I was running interference so her newly-gay husband could go get the biggest, blackest dick he could find." Frank gave a huge gush of breath he'd been holding and was surprised to feel a little better than he had. Much better, in fact. The elevator gave a soft `ding' and the doors opened at reception. The older woman who usually took the afternoon shift was now there; Cliff was nowhere to be seen.

"Seriously, for such an asshole, you are wiser than you look." Evan looked at Frank with an expression that Frank could only have described as pure New Jersey.

"Did Frankie boy just make a joke at his friend's expense? Jesus, you really aren't the same man who arrived here in a minibus four days ago. Right, let's do this."

So, they circled out to the pool and once again Evan took the lead, assuring Lorna that he wouldn't break her `fragile' husband but promised that it was the first step on her path to acquiring her own chiseled Adonis. Frank could dissect the subtle ways Evan was aligning himself with Lorna and subconsciously feeding into her own views that Frank was little more than a thing to be sculpted as she desired. If Frank had any doubts about Lorna's acceptance of their cover story, it was blown away as he saw the wide, beaming smile Lorna gave Evan. Just for a moment, but it was a more genuine, warm and dare he say flirty smile than he thought he had ever seen his wife give him. A husband could fly into a jealous rage at the kind of smile Lorna had just given Evan, but all it meant to him was that he was almost certain of his time alone with Cliff.

Five minutes later, they were in the nicely-equipped gym and, like many gyms in resorts where the distractions and alcohol were plentiful and free, it was empty.

"Good. Right, you just copy me as I go through my warm-up stretches, make sure Lorna doesn't come to offer me a shoulder rub or something. Buddy, your wife is hot for me!"

"I kind of got that already. Good thing I recently found out I'm pretty hot for somebody else anyway, otherwise I'd be honor-bound to fight you and I'm pretty sure I'd be out cold in a minute flat." Evan grinned; Frank was really starting to get comfortable in his own skin finally.

"That's my boy! Anyway, today the only workout you're gonna get is to that man-cunt of yours, but I'm gonna make sure you actually come in here a few more times before you go. You're slim built, which means you can get a lean swimmer's look without even trying. A year or two of not even hard training and you could look really good. Believe me, the attention you get when people can see you look after yourself is incredible. This ass and these arms have got me more dick than I care to remember in the last year."

So, the two men went through a warm-up routine, Evan explaining a few things about stretches and what to think about in terms of cardio and eating better, but Frank was seriously distracted.

"Well, I don't think Lorna's suddenly gonna come in here demanding to know what we're up to, so I guess it's time for you to go get that cock you've done nothing but fantasies about for the past three days. But keep your phone on; if things go sideways I'll do what I can, just remember to get to the restroom in reception. Now go, and I'll try to pretend I'm not jealous as all hell."

"Seriously, thank you. I'll be back in about an hour."

Grabbing his bag, Frank left the gym. He couldn't help but smile; everything he'd known for his entire life had been upended in a matter of days, but things had never felt more right. He was sneaking around behind his wife's back to go have sex with a man he'd met three days ago, with another man he'd met three days ago acting as co-conspirator and mentor. He didn't even recognize himself, but that was absolutely fine; he didn't much like the man he'd been anyway.

He pushed the door to the stairwell open and headed up the stairs. Coming out onto the second floor corridor, he saw that room 212 was indeed right there at the end of the corridor. He took a deep breath and tapped gently on the door. A moment later it opened and Frank stepped inside. Cliff closed it behind him, smiling warmly at Frank.

"I'm very happy you could make it," Cliff said as he swept his lover into his big arms. Frank practically fell into the embrace and as Cliff turned his face downwards, Frank snaked an arm around Cliff's neck as they kissed hungrily. Any trepidation Frank had was gone; this felt so right and he wanted so much more of it, he almost burst from raw need. Frank heard himself groaning with pleasure, but too soon, Cliff broke the clinch and took a step back. "I understand that Lorna is not in the spa today, so we must be brief?" Cliff asked as he already began to pull off his polo shirt, exposing his broad chest and thick waist. Frank was quick to follow suit.

"I've told her I'm at the gym with my friend Evan, that we're doing a workout. We have an hour." Cliff by now already had his belt undone and was opening his fly as he kicked off his shoes. Again, Frank copied his motions. Cliff's briefs came into view, drawing Frank's gaze inexorably to the impressive bulge cradled by the clean white fabric. Frank was already unashamedly hard and he thought that Cliff's bulge also seemed a little fuller.

"I have been looking forward to meeting and feeling you again and I would like nothing more than to take an hour or even longer to fully enjoy you like last time and to give you the pleasure you deserve. However, I have unfortunately had experiences of the situations that can come from pushing our luck too far." Frank thought of other husbands and boyfriends before him, standing in an unoccupied hotel room -- likely this very one -- with Cliff already half-naked. He knew Cliff had done this many times before and rather than allow that thought to diminish his own experience or feel any envy, he understood what this was and he knew that, however silly it may have sounded, Cliff was sincere and kind and his attraction to Frank was real. "We must unfortunately be as brief as possible. I would not even want to arouse the slightest suspicion with you wife; she is an intelligent woman who likes to hold you closely to her." Frank gave a rueful laugh. Jesus, he thought, was he the only one hadn't been able to see what things between him and Lorna were really like?

This train of thought was instantly derailed as Cliff pushed down his pants and underwear to his ankles and stepped out of them, his dick and balls tumbling heavily before him as he straightened, his cock already thicker and longer than when he had last seen it: in the slowly fading afterglow of sex Frank already knew would be etched into his very best memories, he and Cliff had enjoyed a long, hot shower together, the two of them still almost complete strangers yet already totally at ease in each other's company.

Just like the last time he had encountered Cliff's cock for the first time, all thought fled from Frank's mind and his own attempts to undress abandoned as he dropped to his knees in front of the large black man. Wrapping a hand around the shaft, he marveled at the heat radiating from it and felt it throb powerfully as his mouth closed over the large head and he began to eagerly gorge himself once more. With the experience of their encounter three days' before he was insatiable, needing to feel Cliff deep in his throat, even though Cliff was throbbing and growing larger by the moment. With a grunt of effort, Frank rammed himself down onto Cliff's length, feeling his throat stretching to fit the thick black meat deeper and deeper. Tears streamed from his eyes and he could feel how much thicker, longer and harder Cliff was this time, his gullet stretched to what felt like its absolute limit, even as he tried to take the last inch or so. Even though it was far from comfortable, to feel such a huge powerful cock conquering his throat felt incredible, but a moment later Frank gave a gurgling wretch as Cliff's entire length was expelled from his throat , thick strands of mucus dripping from Frank's slack mouth, his breath hoarse gasps.

Before him, Cliff's member was now almost fully hard, it's ominous length wanting to arc upwards but it's own prodigious weight causing it to arc back down towards Frank's upturned face, his eyes glistening with tears of exertion. To see it so huge, knowing it had been almost entirely down his throat, Frank smiled widely and Cliff smiled down at him.

"It is truly remarkable the things you are already capable of, Frank. I would love nothing more than to take the time to train your mouth further, to feel myself buried completely in your throat as your entire throat massages my member until you give me no choice but to feed you your first load of cum. I know you are capable of it." Cliff reached down and with his large strong hands gently pulled Frank to his feet, following through into a tender yet brief kiss. "But today is not that day. Please, get on the bed. I must have you."

Thoughts of sucking Cliff further instantly forgotten, Frank couldn't believe how excited he felt as he turned and moved to the bed, kicking off his pants and underwear as he clambered onto the bed. Without a second thought, he positioned himself as Cliff had wanted him last time: on all fours at the foot of the bed, his knees shoulder width apart to expose his pink hole that winked eagerly at Cliff's approach. His Bajan lover ran a large, dark hand Over the smooth globe of Frank's ass, the thumb grazing across his pucker, which made Frank not only whimper softly, but drop his chest onto the mattress, further gushing his rump up and out. Cliff chuckled. Without even knowing it, Frank had discovered the `face down, ass up' position.

"You are as eager as a puppy, Frank, as well as a fast learner, but also a person with a rare innate talent. Are you ready?"

"Yes! Please, Cliff." Cliff's other hand grabbed Frank's ass and together pulled his cheeks wider apart as his tongue lapped deeply across Frank's hole in long, wet strokes. Frank gasped and groaned as the familiar, incredible wave of pleasure began to wash over him. Cliff's thick, pink tongue zeroed in on its target and as his thick, soft lips pressed into the space between Frank's cheeks, his tongue forced it's way into Frank's ass, prizing him open and making Frank give a low, almost animalistic groan. As Cliff hungrily feasted on Frank's ass, thrusting his tongue slowly deeper and deeper, Frank felt as though he was cast adrift from himself, his inhibitions melting away.

"Ahh, Cliff! Oh, fuck. Open up my man-cunt and fuck me. I've wanted nothing else. I need this so much." The dirty talk came so easily this time, every word so full of hunger. Cliff had been so forceful with his rimming that Frank was by now sprawled flat on the mattress and Cliff had mounted the bed to follow him, now the one on all fours as he hunched over his smaller white lover like some kind of beast as he continued to tongue-fuck Frank's man-cunt, noisily licking, sucking and lapping his hole as he felt it relax, already puffing slightly from the aggressive attention it was receiving.

Unlike the last time, Cliff wasted no time on words. Frank could feel the black man's own need as his hands roughly grabbed his hips and pulled them upwards, once more putting Frank into the face down, ass up position. With a loud spitting sound, a wad of warm liquid spattered his fluttering hole and a moment later Cliff moved forward, still holding Frank's hips in place as he crushed his shaft into the crack of Frank's ass, sawing its thick length up and down the slick crevice, once, twice, a third time, each time the strokes longer until on the fourth stroke he pulled down enough that the big, round head bumped over Frank's man-cunt, lodging in place. For a moment, Frank wondered at the feeling, once more begging for Cliff to fuck him, then he felt Cliff pulse powerfully against his hole and with that he pushed out his core muscles and felt his man-cunt engulf the huge round head and first inches of Cliff's cock.

In unison, both men moan long and low. Frank's breathing turned into pants as he struggled to accommodate the sudden intrusion, but Cliff held perfectly still, Frank's man-cunt pulsing and almost sucking around the length it had already swallowed as Frank's breathing slowly calmed a little.

"My god, Frank, you are exceptional. I had brought lube, thinking we would need it to save time, but once again you exceed all my expectations." With one hand, Cliff stroked up and down Frank's back as he spoke. This simple gesture was one of the purest, most intimate shows of affection Frank had felt in... well, in a lifetime. "Are you ready?" Cliff asked once more. Just after he spoke, he applied a generous gob of spit to the junction of Frank's hole and his shaft.

"Please, I need you," was Frank's earnest reply. He then let out a lungful of air and pushed out with his core muscles once again. As Cliff felt this, he rocked his hips forward ever so slightly. There was a slight moment of pressure, then Cliff was sinking deeper, the warmth bathing his huge black dick as it slid almost effortlessly into the darkness of Frank's hungry man-cunt.

Just as Cliff had shifted forward to continue feeding more of his length into Frank's ass, they both felt a familiar resistance, bringing him to a halt. He once more grabbed Frank's hips with both hands and planted one foot onto the mattress, elevating himself as he gyrated his hips in rolling motions, applying very gentle pressure as he changed his angle of approach, now looming over Frank's slight frame with his own. Frank moaned louder, mentally leaning into the mounting feelings of pressure, willing it home, then giving a loud cry of pleasure as Cliff burst through, now driving downwards into Frank's upturned man-cunt, burying himself deeper and deeper, slamming into Frank's ass-cheeks and pushing Frank flat against the bed, his full weight on top of the smaller man and his thick black dick throbbing hard as it belched another fat glob of precum deep inside Frank's completely stuffed man-cunt. He gently kissed Frank's neck, who was somewhere between panting and whimpering. They really had wasted no time.

"Once you have found the way the first time, it is always so much easier after that," Frank moaned deeply as Cliff's arms wound tightly around him. The larger man's hips began to grind and roll and his solid, thick shaft shifted inside of his man-cunt. For a short while they stayed like this, Frank now pushing back to meet Cliff, wanting more than even his big black lover could give him.

Cliff's rolling hips transformed into long, smooth strokes and the two men uncoupled, Cliff planting his hands either side of Frank's shoulders as Frank reached back, feeling first his man-cunt stretched wide open around Cliff's huge cock, then pulled his cheeks apart.

"Fuck my man-cunt, please. Give it to me, Cliff."

Cliff started slowly, but quickly picked up speed as he continued to fuck Frank in deep, long strokes, Frank's ass completely open to him, his man-cunt hungrily devouring every inch that it's given. The two men slowly move up the bed with the force of their fucking and soon, Frank is bracing himself against the headboard, using it to allow him to push his hips upwards once more, inviting Cliff to fuck him even deeper, his breathless pleading between gasping breaths filling the room as much as the rhythmic slap of Cliff's crotch against Frank's ass and his big black balls against the smaller white man's.

For at least a quarter of an hour Cliff rides Frank as hard as he can, not only aware that time is short but also trying to gauge just how far he is able to push him. He cannot help but grin as Frank tirelessly takes everything he can give it, his man-cunt so open, warm and hungry, Frank still begging for more.

So, he gives it the only other thing he can. With barely any warning, Frank is rammed into the mattress as Cliff gives one powerful, roaring grunt and slams everything he has into his man-cunt. Frank can do little other than issue a mewling wail of joy to accompany Cliff's forceful grunts as his big balls unceremoniously unload themselves, the thick black cock buried deep inside Frank's guts bucking like a raging bull, Frank moaning loudly as he feels each powerful throb that signals yet another surge of cum filling him.

Crushed into the mattress as the big Bajan man above him fills his insatiable man-cunt with his equally big Bajan dick and unbelievable flood of cum, Frank knows he never wants to stop feeling like this.

Just a few short minutes later, the two of them are once more entwined, this time beneath the pulsing hot water of the shower. Cliff is leant over Frank, almost engulfing him, his large hand gently stroking Frank's hard cock. Frank's knees tremble as he begins his own orgasm and, falling completely into Cliff's strong embrace, the black man suddenly kisses him passionately as his cum rockets from his cock.

For a long while, the two men continued to kiss beneath the steaming water, their hands exploring what had now become familiar terrain.

A short time later, both men were putting their clothes back on, a comfortable silence between them. Frank, however, found himself curious about the entire situation he'd inadvertently found himself in. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled his socks on.

"So, I must ask, how many other staff members do the things that you and Omar do? It seems as though this entire place is perfectly set up for these kinds of encounters." Cliff chuckled a little as he pulled his polo top on.

"It must seem as though the hotel serves only for us to do this kind of thing, but there are not as many as you would think, just five in fact: there's myself and Omar, who you know. Hector works as a chef in one of our restaurants and he finds himself kept very busy at times as he is the only one who enjoys being bottom for the guests that like to come here for Bajan ass, as opposed to our famous members. Julian is one of our head housekeepers and he ensures that rooms are available and turned over discreetly and quickly."

"Ah, so he's the one I need to thank for getting the room back to normal again so quickly the other day."

"Yes, indeed. The last of us is David, a very good friend of mine and someone you would have enjoyed meeting immensely. He is a little older than I am and the two of us sometimes pair up when a man is particularly willing and accommodating. You are both, Frank, and I'm not sure who would tire first: you or us."

"You make it sound as if I won't get a chance to meet David. If he is anything like you, I would like to very much."

"Unfortunately, he had an accident several weeks ago and broke an arm. He will be back working soon, but you will unfortunately already have left. He would have enjoyed you as much as I do."

"It sounds as though you and David would have indeed been a formidable challenge, but I am more than happy to have met you." Cliff smiled warmly, then bent down, taking Frank's face gently in his large hands and kissing him again. Frank moaned softly, leaning back onto the bed and felt the comfortable weight of the large black man's body as it pressed against his. They allowed themselves a couple more minutes of kissing, Frank sucking softly on Cliff's swirling tongue as they humped slowly against each other, but eventually they pulled apart. Cliff stood back up, pulling Frank to his feet as well.

"There are a number of men living here on the island who know how to fully appreciate the visitors we receive. In fact, I wanted to ask you something. If you had the chance to meet someone I know, would you be interested? He is my cousin, younger than I am but he is always very keen to meet new partners. I do not often ask this, but I have the feeling that you would enjoy it immensely." Frank thought about it for a moment; up until this point, the idea of having sex with anyone other than Cliff hadn't really crossed his mind, beyond his flirtation with Omar the previous day. But he didn't have to think for very long.

"I think I would like that a lot. But, how will I meet him? Will it be here, in a room? I? Not sure how often I can find time away from Lorna like this." Cliff placed a hand on Frank's shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly.

"He will arrive tomorrow and you will have nothing to worry about. I would not like to spoil the surprise, but rest assured: it will be an experience you will not soon forget. But for now, you must go. I will stay for a whole longer to allow you to return to the gym. Although this was only short, I enjoyed it a lot. You are a surprising man, Frank."

"I don't think there are words enough to compliment you, Cliff. I am changed beyond recognition since I've arrived here and it's in large part thanks to you."

"Your new friend, Evan, is also a good man and it seems fortunate you have found someone else who is able to help you discover more about yourself. Now, you must go back to him, we have already taken too long. Go, Frank, and we will meet again soon." Cliff gave him one more lingering kiss as he walked him to the door and as Frank left the room, he did so with a wide, beaming smile.

He was still beaming as he entered the gym and found Evan laid on a bench, hefting dumbbells into the air above him. He sat up as Frank came in, his vest top now darkened with sweat, his face red and damp.

"Now that's the look of a happy whore!" he crowed. "An hour well spent, if I'm not mistaken? Right, tell me everything."

Frank gave him a brief recap of his encounter. Evan gave a pouting look as he told him about the surprise encounter Cliff was arranging for tomorrow.

"So, let me get this straight. If this David hadn't gone and broken his arm, you would have had not one but two men to take care of your new man-cunt? But not only that, some mystery man is arriving here tomorrow with the express intention of giving you even more dick? And you have no idea who he is or how that's actually gonna happen?"

"Cliff seemed confident that it will work out, so I guess I just have to see. I trust Cliff."

"You are the luckiest son of a bitch I've ever met! Literally days after figuring out who you truly are and you are swimming in cock. If I wasn't so happy for you I'd full-arm slap you out of pure jealousy. But, first things first. Five minutes of running on the treadmill while I finish up here. Can't have you heading back looking fresh as a daisy. Off you go!"

Frank figured out the treadmills controls and for the second time in the past hour, began to work up a sweat.

Both Frank and Evan were on tenterhooks the next day; not knowing who would be coming or how they would reveal themselves was a very strange feeling, but of course they had to be as nonchalant as possible, especially around Lorna. Having done a seeming about face, she'd even invited Evan to join them for breakfast and Evan continued his charm offensive, heaping his attention on her and engaging Frank occasionally, but behaving aloof and even joining Lorna in her inelegant teasing. To any outside spectator, this entire situation already would have seemed strange: Evan had the appearance of someone who was making moves on Lorna, whilst Lorna seemed at the very least to welcome the attention, if not downright reciprocating the advances, all while Frank happily ate his breakfast, allowing the entire pantomime to continue. As they continued to sit, eat and chat, he thought that Evan was maybe laying it on rather thick and it would arouse Lorna's suspicions, but judging by her face, her suspicions were not the thing he was arousing. Sitting there, watching his new friend pretend to come onto his very own wife and feeling nothing but excitement for whoever he was promised to encounter later that day, Frank could have laughed out loud.

An hour later, Evan had taken himself off for a massage at the spa whilst Frank and Lorna settled down next to the pool. Frank Wilde himself to simply relax, but could feel how jumpy he was, his head swiveling at every person and noise. He ordered himself a small beer, Lorna's eyebrows raising in silent condemnation, and tried to let himself enjoy the sunshine.

As he was finishing his beer, the sound of an engine came from the direction of the beach, quickly getting louder, until it became clear that a jet-ski was approaching. Frank had seen some jet-skis zipping around, but this was the first time one had come so close. The engine cut out and Frank, like some other sun bathers, looked around at the jet-ski that was now sat on the white sand. A young black man got off the machine and strode across the sand. A minute later, he had made his way onto the pool terrace and walked up to the bar. He shook the hand of the barman, who he seemed to know, and they spent a minute talking and joking together. Then, he turned around and looked around him. Frank couldn't help but steal glances, wondering if this was what Cliff had been talking about. A moment later, the young man's eyes landed on Frank and he casually strode over. Frank felt his heart suddenly start to beat faster as he approached. To the casual eye, he had seemingly picked Frank and Lorna at random, but Frank had an idea that this was no coincidence.

He was younger than Frank had initially thought, likely barely twenty. Tall and slender, he wore a baggy pair of Bermuda shorts and a loose, faded T-shirt that made it hard to discern his body, but his dark arms had lean, lithe muscle. His hair was a mohawk of short dreadlocks, just long enough that they could be pulled back and tied up with a black band, with the sides of his head shaved extra short. He smiled brightly as he strode up to Frank and Lorna, stopping a little short and throwing his arms open.

"A very good morning, dear guests! I hope you are enjoying your time here at this wonderful hotel. My name is Nelson and I would like to offer you the chance to join me on my jet-ski and see incredible things. I will take you to where we have beautiful coral, to see the wonderful colorful fish we have in our clear waters and hopefully we will even see a turtle or two. It is an experience you will not soon forget!" Frank gasped softly as Nelson repeated the exact wording Cliff had used yesterday, his smile beaming as he spoke. There was no doubt that this was the man Cliff had meant; that he would charge in from the open water on a jet-ski was the last thing he could have expected. "Unlike some others, I do in fact offer this experience for you for no cost. Would you be interested?"

Lorna had by now sat up, but it was clear by her face that this was never going to be something she was interested in, which was just as well as Frank's heart was racing. He took a deep breath and looked over at his wife.

"What do you think, honey? I mean, if it's free, it would be worth doing?"

"He turns up out of nowhere, offering free rides on his jet-ski? Things are seldom free, Frank, and I'm not about to go off alone with some strange man." Frank's excitement at the developing situation was skewered by a sudden desire to slap Lorna, as she sat there, nonchalantly talking about Kingo as if he weren't even there. Kingo, however, took a small step forward, still smiling as he produced an identity card from his pocket and handed it to Frank. King's face smiled up from the card, which had been issued by the Barbados Watersports & Leisure Board.

"I work together with many hotels in the area and receive my payment from them directly, so you have nothing to worry about. I have all the necessary training and safety equipment, so it is completely safe and an experience you will not soon forget," Kingo repeated the loaded phrase as his eyes locked with Frank's, glinting with pleasure as he took the card back, their fingers ever so lightly brushing. Frank's cock throbbed at the contact.

"Well, I'm certainly not interested, but you do what you want to do. This is your vacation as well, of course. But certainly don't take any valuables," she said as she laid back down onto her lounger. The casual way she accused Kingo of being a potential thief to his face appalled Frank and he once again just wanted to slap Lorna for her arrogance. In the past, this kind of comment would have firstly not registered as being as insulting as he now found it to be, but he would have also taken her comment as disapproval of the entire situation and he almost certainly would have declined as a result.

But things were different now.

"You know, this sounds like a really good little adventure, so I'm in. How long will it take?"

"I have a snorkel and goggles for you to be able to swim in the water and take a look at the corals more closely, so it is entirely up to you. An hour maybe, sometime a little more; some people find the experience to be very powerful and don't want to leave." Frank stood and picked up his shorts, but Nelson stepped in and touched his arm. "You will be getting into the water, so you do not need to worry about that."

"I'll be sure to alert the police if you don't make it back for dinner," Lorna said snippily. Frank was a little taken aback by just how cruel the comment was, but he quickly realized that it was because he had defied her implied instruction to decline the offer. He stepped over and leaned in to give Lorna a kiss. She didn't move, so he simply kissed the top of her head.

"We can't spend every day just sat by the pool, honey. We should take every opportunity we have to explore and have some fun," Frank said in his most conciliatory tone. Before he could stop it, he found himself continuing in the same soft, sweet tone. "Besides, it's not like he can mug me if I'm just wearing my trunks, is it?" He saw Lorna visibly stiffen at his comment. This was quite possibly one of the boldest things he had ever said to her and he knew it was reckless when things were so precarious, so he quickly reined himself in. "I'll make sure that I'm back in an hour, like he said. Back in plenty of time for dinner. I'll see you later."

With that, he followed Nelson as he walked down the steps that led to the beach. At this point, although everything so far had pointed to this being the encounter he had been told to expect, Frank still had this thought in his head that it had all been a massive coincidence and that this young, slender man was truly just offering jet-ski rides.

"Your name is Frank, right?" asked Nelson as Frank's toes sank into the white sand of the beach. He nodded humbly as the last doubt he had crumbled and Frank felt his heart racing with the thrill of possibility. He had no real idea at this point what was going to happen, but this was indeed happening. Cliff's cousin had come striding in as he had laid sunbathing next to his wife and now, just minutes later they were about to leave together, with Lorna none the wiser as to the true intentions of this `coincidental' meeting. Nelson looked back and must have seen the look on Frank's face. "Do not worry, Clifton told me that I needed to be extra careful," he said in a low voice as they walked across the hot sand towards the water. "Your wife will enjoy a peaceful afternoon at the hotel and we will enjoy... something else!" he said brightly as they came to his jet-ski. It was bigger than Frank had expected and Nelson took several minutes to go over how it worked, the controls and the kill-switch. From under the seat, Nelson produced a life-vest, a fairly light thing that he helped Frank shrug into. Outwardly, it all seemed very above board. But Nelson took extra time to show Frank the controls, fingers lingering on his skin as he demonstrated how to control the jet-ski, or checked the fit of the life-vest when it was not required.

Nelson grabbed the handle bars and hauled the jet-ski back into the water, then directed Frank to climb on. He attached the kill-switch to Frank with an arm-band, then climbed on behind him. Frank was immediately acutely aware of the position he was in and couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement, almost tempted to brazenly thrust back against his new companion right there on the beach. The jet-ski started up with a roar and, as Frank cautiously turned the throttle, Nelson's hands snaked around his waist. Frank was already half-hard, he had never done anything so shameless, including his encounters with Cliff. Here he was, riding off in front of an entire beach of people and no doubt his watching wife with a complete stranger to undoubtedly have sex based on a cryptic trail of breadcrumbs left by his new lover. He didn't really think of Cliff like as his lover exactly, but couldn't think of any better term. Although he guessed it fit better, his fuck-buddy or even just his fucker was just too coarse, even for Frank's newly expanded mindset.

"Get used to the feel of it, then once you feel comfortable, go for it! She got some power, but you don't need to hold back none, just hold on and enjoy the ride!" Nelson purred into Frank's ear. Reminding him of when he and Cliff were alone, he heard a distinct shift in the young man's dialect; no longer the polished and practiced English. Even in those few words, he could hear a deeper Bajan timbre pushing through.

`Oh, I will,' thought Frank triumphantly as he gunned the throttle and they suddenly sped away from the shore, the shocking force of acceleration, although Frank had been expecting it, very nearly managing to rip him and his young companion from the machine and dump them into the shallow water.

Frank was exhilarated by the experience; the speed at which they sped across the undulating Caribbean water was incredible. Meanwhile, Nelson's hands were on the move, stroking up and down Frank's body as Frank wove around on the water some, enjoying the thrill of all the new sensations both Nelson and his jet-ski were providing. The young man shifted behind him and Frank felt his hard dick pressing up against the small of his back. He looked around and saw that they were not only a decent way out on the water, but had moved along the coast a ways, enough that the hotel was at a fairly sharp angle to them. Nelson's hands quickly moved down to Frank's ass and, as Frank let the jet-ski slow a little, he stood up from the seat a little, letting Nelson pull his trunks down, exposing his ass. Unlike with Cliff, there was no intimate foreplay, in part because there was simply no space. Frank heard Nelson spit on his hand as he hovered his ass above the seat, then wet fingers probed into his crack, zeroing in on his hole. Nelson repeated this one more time and the second time Frank gave a moan as one, then two of Nelson's fingers sank deep inside him.

"Cliff said that before you arrived to Barbados you had never done nothing with another man," Nelson purred into Frank's ear as his finger stroked in and out in short, sharp strokes. "If I did not trust my cuz, I would not believe him. You is hungry as a lion!" With that, Nelson pulled his finger from Frank's hole and then, grabbing his hip with one hand, encouraged him to sit once more. As he did so, Nelson's hard cock plunged up inside of him. The shock of his sudden and speedy entrance made Frank cry out and he quickly looked around once more, but anyone back at the hotel would have needed binoculars to even see what they were doing, let alone be able to hear them.

Without even having seen it, Frank now sat fully impaled upon young black man's cock. The cry had been an involuntary expectation of pain, but aside from a little initial discomfort as it quickly speared his man-cunt, Frank had taken Nelson's cock almost without resistance and felt a strange kind of pride in that. Sat squarely on Nelson's lap, Frank straddled the younger man's legs as Nelson shifted himself into a better position, pushing a little more of his cock into Frank's man-cunt as both men gave a low grunt of satisfaction. Although it felt to be a similar length to Cliff's own impressive member, digging up into his guts nicely, Frank could immediately tell that Nelson was considerably less girthy than his older cousin and Frank couldn't help but feel a small twinge of disappointment, even as he began to squirm in Nelson's laps, feeling the motion of his hips stirring the young man's prong inside of him.

As Nelson laid back and let Frank have his way, Frank had discovered a little something that helped make up for Nelson's lack of sheer size. By now he was not only squirming, but writhing his hips in all directions, feeling the slender shaft slant and shift inside of him in a way that the thickness of Cliff's cock could not do. It slid against him, then would press against his insides in various places as his own position shifted, Frank couldn't help but have the image of a snake-charmer come to mind. Nelson's hands were now holding Frank's hips again, directing him a little, steering him into more back-and-forth motions.

"Ya, I see you just findin' out how that ass works. Work it like a pussy. Get a little bit a twerking goin' on, enjoy that dick and then we can start the party."

As Frank began rocking his hips back and forward more vigorously, he was suddenly jolted with sensation at the peak of every forward thrust, a delightful sizzling sensation that he could not identify but knew at once what it was: his prostate. Now looking not very much like a twerking woman but instead like a horny man fucking his prostate against another guy's dick, Frank now rocked gruffly back and forth, the lips of his man-cunt sliding up and down Nelson's shaft as it lurched and list inside him before colliding against whatever point inside his man-cunt that was making him pant and gasp and roll his head. By now, the jet-ski had taken up Frank's eager rhythm and it too now pitched back and forth upon the calm waters; Frank's gasps were now cries and moans and Nelson suddenly pulled him firmly onto him. Frank gave a bewildered croak, breathing hard.

"Shit, man, we don' want you pressin' that button till you pop just yet, no?"

"Fuck, was I about to cum!? Just from... just like that?!"

"Mmm, but we still got plenty of time yet, I know I can go a couple rounds at least, but we better keep you and that hot pussy on the boil." Nelson pushed Frank back off him a way and then leant him forward, against the handlebars. Frank complied as if on auto-pilot; his entire body felt overstimulated by his head-long charge towards an involuntary orgasm whilst the word `man-cunt' rattled around in his head, because Nelson kept calling it the wrong thing. It was a man-cunt, not a pussy. He felt a little out of it, but as Nelson began to fuck him against the jet-ski, he couldn't help but push back against his insistent thrusts. "Plus, I got another surprise on its way."

Barely listening, Frank was back to his old, new self, moaning loudly as Nelson picked up the pace even further, his slender fingers pressing into Frank's hips as he thrust his cock into Frank's man-cunt with the pace of a jackhammer, Frank now just hanging onto the handlebars to stabilize himself as the young black man rode him with a speed and ferocity even Cliff had not been able to muster.

In the quiet that was broken only by the sound of Nelson's crotch slapping against Frank's ass, there came the sound of another jet-ski. A spike of panic slammed into Frank's heart as he looked around wildly. He began to try and squirm free from Nelson, but the young man's hands suddenly clamped around his waist as he pulled him heavily back down onto the seat and onto his cock.

"Fuck! Someone's coming!" Frank gasped as he began to writhe like an angry cat, but still Nelson held him fast. "Nelson!"

"Sssh, calm down, before we both end up in the sea. You got nothing to worry `bout." Frank looked around and could now see the second jet-ski, heading directly for them.

For a single crazy moment, he imagined it to be Lorna, triumphantly bouncing across the waves to unmask her husband's new-found animal lust for cock, but for one thing the jet-ski was coming from the opposite direction. It was starting to dawn on Frank what was happening and he suddenly grew still.

"I thought, after my cuz had shown you such a good time and I know how Clifton has a lot to keep a man entertained with, you might be wantin' something more. Besides, he said he knew you wouldn't mind the extra company. I know he was right." Nelson rolled his hips and Frank groaned in pleasure as Nelson reminded him that he was still inside him. He couldn't deny that despite him reaching deep inside, compared to Cliff's cock, Nelson just wasn't the same. This made him laugh. He'd been fucked for the first time four days earlier, this was only his third time having sex and only his second partner, but he was already comparing sizes and wanting more. He could only imagine what Evan would say to that!

As the second jet-ski finally approached, Frank was by now happily bouncing up and down again on Nelson's rod and he could clearly see the wide smile on the thickset young man's face as he pulled up. He was a similar age to Nelson, but they were quite different. Already topless, he was solidly built like Cliff, but with a little more puppy fat and a little less muscle. He was still grinning and Frank felt himself weighed and measured like a piece of meat as the young man looked him up and down with intense, dark eyes. He felt himself flush at being so brazenly ogled, but then he reminded himself that he was still riding up and down his friend's cock as he did so, so he simply grinned back.

"Frank, please meet Kingo, a good friend of mine. I tell you what, why don't you hop over and say hello, he's been wanting to meet you," he said with a grin in his voice. Nelson guided Frank off his dick but, as he stood, Nelson pulled his face around and he kissed Frank deeply, Frank quickly reciprocating the surprisingly tender gesture. Until that point, Nelson had been focused solely on fucking Frank's man-cunt and had done so at a pace that belied over-eager youth. "Mmm, Cliff did not lie, you are a very talented man. I had not expected this from somebody so new. Now, go and show Kingo what you can do." With a last kiss, he swatted Frank on his base ass-cheeks as he began navigating his way over to Kingo's jet-ski.

The young black man had already completely shucked off his swimming shorts and a thick dark column of cock topped with a pale pink head awaited him. Frank leant forward to greet Kingo with a kiss, but he was roughly turned around and shoved against the handlebars of his jet-ski. With one of his big paws against the center of Frank's back, he felt as at least two of Kingo's fingers roughly shoved up into Frank's man-cunt. Frank gave a grunt of discomfort at how brusque Kingo was being, but at the same time he pushed back and swallowed the thick digits to the last knuckle with ease, Nelson's fucking having already made his cunt lips puffy and ready for more, which Kingo was obviously eager to give him. With just a small grunt of satisfaction, Kingo pulled out his fingers and Frank pushed his man-cunt back towards the young man, who needed no further invitation.

Pushing Frank down with the hand planted in the center of his back, Kingo forcefully buried himself to the hilt inside of Frank. The open sea was once more filled with Frank's cries, this time far more shrill. Kingo was not as long as Cliff or Nelson, but he was by no means small and likely just a little less thick than Cliff himself. Even with Nelson having prepared him, his man-cunt now stretched around Kingo's hefty dick was a shock. Nevertheless, he had rammed it in to the hilt and without a moment's pause begun to fuck Frank, who was bent almost double over the handle bars of this new jet-ski as he held on, nothing more than a passenger on this wild ride. Both of these young men were using Frank as nothing more than some kind of fuck-toy, but Frank didn't mind that at all. What else could he have expected from such an impulsive encounter with two men who likely weren't even in their twenties, having brought Frank into the middle of the sea to fuck him based only on the recommendation of a cousin? The absurdity of it all was ludicrous, but Frank couldn't care less as he was loving the feel of Kingo's fat dick. His pace was slower than Nelson's, more deliberate and each thrust powered into him like a battering ram. He didn't reach the depths that Cliff or his own friend could reach, but he felt his cunt-lips greedily caressing Kingo's thick shaft as it pounded away.

A minute later and, obviously impatient at being left out, Nelson brought his jet-ski round to the front of Kingo's. Nimbly, he vaulted between the two and, grabbing onto the handlebars, he landed on the nose of the machine and his long, slender cock appeared directly in from of Frank, who needed no encouragement bending forward over the handle bars to take it into his mouth. It sank deep into his throat and Frank couldn't help sputtering a little as it disappeared down his gullet, but Nelson didn't go anywhere and Frank fought to keep himself from gagging, swallowing hard as tears sprang up in his eyes. As he repeatedly swallowed, Nelson began to match his rhythm and soon the gag trigger had passed and Nelson was fucking Frank's face as Kingo pummeled his man-cunt from behind. It was a very different sensation having Nelson fuck his face than when he had sucked Cliff's cock. With Cliff, Frank had to almost force himself down onto the thick length, feeling it stretch his mouth and throat as he almost brutally devoured inch after inch, leaving him little room to maneuver. With Nelson, the slender length had slid into his throat with even less resistance than in his man-cunt and was the eager young man was already pumping in and out like a piston. Just like when he had been riding it, Frank found he was able to subtly change angle and position, but with his mouth he could also apply suction that Nelson obviously felt; he would pause, buried to the root as Frank's throat worked, both men able to feel Frank's gullet massaging the dark length.

"Fuck, you learn real fast, man. You takin' these black dicks like a pro!"

The position itself, leant over the jet-ski, was far from comfortable, but Frank felt a kind of elation: in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, based only a cryptic clue from the lover he'd met just days ago, he was taking two young Bajan dicks, servicing them both with ease and eagerness; Kingo's thick cock filling his man-cunt as Nelson's long, slender cock fucked his throat.

"I got an idea, why don't we find somewhere you can really show us what you can do?" Frank pulled off Nelson's prong and saw him wink at Kingo, who was still fucking away behind him. Frank was pretty sure no such idea had only `just' occurred to him, but he didn't care. He was interested to find out what these two horny young men had in mind. "Frank, you stay with Kingo and both of you follow me."

A minute later, they were racing back towards land, Frank once again speeding across the water with a big black dick up his ass, this time Kingo's, the thick shaft hammering into him with every wave they bounced over. They came towards the coast at an angle this time, still heading away from the hotel. A short while later, they approached a craggy cliff line and it was only as Nelson beached his jet-ski ahead of them that Frank realized there was a tiny cove of white sand nestled against the base of the cliff.

Nelson had already abandoned his jet-ski and the remainder of his clothes onto the tiny little patch of sand. Kingo pulled out of Frank's now well-fucked man-cunt as they approached, to allow him to control his approach and similarly beach his jet-ski. The two men jumped down and immediately abandoned their own clothes, Frank simply having to step out of his trunks and shrug out of the largely ineffectual life vest as they walked over to where Nelson now already laid on the sand, slowly stroking his black cock.

"Take a seat, Frank. We gon' make you feel real good. You gon' make us feel real good, too." Frank stepped over Nelson, straddling his tall, lithe body and lowered himself down. Nelson's hard cock slid easily into his already well-fucked man-cunt and Frank wasted no time taking him to the root. "Man, dat pussy is fire! You already fucked good." Nelson thrust upwards and Frank groaned as he felt the young man's length reach deeper inside of him than Nelson's thicker member had been able to. This time, however, Nelson's lack of girth compared to his friend was even more significant, his swollen cunt-lips effortlessly swallowing up the slender shaft. It still felt good, but Frank couldn't deny that he wanted more. He was beginning to realize that this craving for more seemed to be a significant aspect of his burgeoning new sexual identity and decided to stow it away for consideration at a later date.

A squawk of surprise burst from Frank as he was suddenly thrust forward, almost folded in half by Kingo's strong hands on his shoulders. He immediately realized what the two young men now intended and wanted to kick himself that he hadn't cottoned on sooner. With his mind swimming with thoughts of more, he eagerly bent even further forward, his face just inches from Nelson's, who was grinning up at his even as he continued to fuck. A little of the young man's shaft pulled from his man-cunt as he did so, but there was still plenty buried in its warm softness.

For the first time, Kingo spoke. His voice was low and gruff, with a Bajan accent so incredibly thick that Frank barely understood a word, but he knew that what the young man behind his saw was making him even hotter for Frank's man-cunt. Frank grinned and cajoled him, wiggling his ass and even spitting onto his fingers and rubbing it into the puffy cunt-lips wrapped around his friend's already-buried dick.

Kingo moved into position behind Frank and pressed the thick head of his cock to Frank's eager hole. The spit had helped, but even so he was being prized wide open by Kingo's thick shaft, stretching him further and further, his puffy cunt-lips already straining to adjust to this new assault and Frank couldn't help but moan like a whore as sensations sparked around his body, threads of pain beginning to weave together with exquisite pleasure as the brutish young man forced himself inside to join his friend. With a cry that was definitely now more pain than pleasure, Frank realized that they were now both inside of him. He was panting hard, as hard as if Cliff had pummeled him for half an hour already, but this feeling was new and completely different. There was the sensation of being stretched beyond capacity, almost too full to bear, yet here he was, both young cocks now buried deep inside of him. He was panting as he kept himself from tensing around their dual presence too much; that still caused splinters of pain to shoot through him as he slowly adjusted. He felt Kingo push a little further and although there was a tingle of discomfort, it was more like a dull ache, but accompanied with the feeling of his taut cunt-lips sliding across the smooth dark skin of that thick shaft.

Kingo said something else that Frank didn't catch, not only because his words were all but unintelligible, but also because he was soaring on sensation, stretched even wider than when Cliff had broken his man-cunt open. Below him, Nelson brought him back a little with his words.

"Kingo be right. Can't believe dis pussy was brand new just a few days back."

"Man-cunt," Frank said breathlessly, almost without thinking. "It isn't a pussy, it's a man-cunt and right now I really want you to fuck it."

"Ha! Cuz love his man-cunts and he found one ripe and juicy for us right here. Oh yeah, man, we gon' fill dat man-cunt right up, don't you worry none."

So, they did. Caught between the two horny young black men, Frank merely had to hang on and enjoy the ride as they quickly found their rhythm together. Nelson thrust upwards into Frank from his position laid on the sand as Kingo's powerful thighs held him in a squatting position just a little above Frank that allowed him to pound him from behind. They soon feel into synch with each other as they stroked in and out of Frank's man-cunt, but the variation in angle, coupled with the differences in their length and girth, created an exquisite harmony inside him as they both fucked. Frank himself was panting as he held himself in place, his fingers curling into the white sand and below him his saw Nelson's face twisting and just a moment later he began shouting to Kingo that he was getting close. Kingo quickly pulled from Frank's man-cunt, making Frank gasp at the sudden loss, then rushed around to face Frank. Kingo's dick thrust into Frank's waiting mouth and with those powerful hands, fucked Frank's face in blunt, abrupt strokes. Nelson was now getting loud and his hands were back on his hips, riding him up and down his shaft as he let them both know that he was cumming. Frank slammed down once last time as Nelson began to unload inside of him just as Kingo gave a single, powerful grunt and for the first time ever Frank's mouth filled with the warm, bitter, strongly masculine taste of cum. Like a ravenous baby bird, Frank pulled Kingo forward and the young man's thick, throbbing dick hammered into Frank's throat as shot after shot of cum now blasted directly into his stomach, his throat working, milking Kingo for even more even as the young man let out guttural curses and continued to thrust and cum and throb, his fingers almost painfully gripping Frank's shoulders.

By the time Kingo pulled himself from Frank, Nelson was laid still on the sand, smiling with his eyes closed, his dick still half-hard as he idly played with it. As his friend finally finished, his eyes gently fluttered open.

"My god, I think Cliff done unleashed da monster in you, Frank."

Frank thought about this and smiled down at Nelson. His seed was buried deep in his man-cunt which had been stretched more than ever before by his first double-fuck, whilst the mostly strong and silent Kingo had been all but forced to feed Frank his load directly down his throat, although the two shots of cum Frank had taken in his mouth were another first, a taste he'd never experienced before. He wasn't so sure about the taste itself, but the act of taking another man's cum, whether it was in his mouth, his throat or in his man-cunt, was something he knew was a need he felt as strongly as that indelible hunger for more.

Nelson had it right. Monster, indeed.

A short while later, Frank was swimming in the warm sea naked and happy. Nelson had fished out a snorkel and goggles and he was floating face-down as he looked at the myriad of sea creatures that made their homes in and around the rocks strewn in the shallow waters. From the shore, Kingo and Nelson sat on the sand, still naked as the watched Frank's pale buttocks bob around on the blue water, both of them fondling their crotches. Nelson was going to turn nineteen next month and this was the best early birthday present his cousin could have given him. His friend Kingo was already almost twenty and had been mentoring him how to make good money from the tourists. This mentoring had also involved having to take Kingo's thick piece when they couldn't find enough tourists to keep up with their young appetites, but not only was the apprenticeship developing into a full partnership but Cliff was becoming a reliable source of eager white men, although none had come close to Frank so far. They mumbled comments to each other to this effect and, by the time Frank walked out of the sea, pulling off his goggles, he found the two young men once again fully hard.

This time, they were both laid on the wet, compact sand near the shore, their crotches locked together and their legs entwined. Kingo held both of their dicks in his hand, pressed together and stretching upwards from between them into the Caribbean sun. Frank dropped the snorkel and goggles and smiled as he stepped over to them. Nelson smiled back up at him as he worked a handful of spit across the two mismatched shafts. Frank once more lowered himself down, Nelson's dick piercing his man-cunt first but then he bore down as Kingo's pressed against his hole as well, giving a cry of triumph as it too sank inside of him.

Frank was given full control by the two young men, their hands stroking across Frank's lower body as he rode them simultaneously, his man-cunt singing with pleasure as he bounced up and down their combined girth. Frank stroked himself as he fucked and he could feel his man-cunt clench around the two cocks as he neared his orgasm. Nelson's face was a picture of pleasure as he saw the young man's own climax once again building, before he began to signal to Kingo that he was close. Kingo picked up his pace, thrusting upwards to meet Frank as their breathing became louder and more ragged and with a strangled cry Frank began to cum, a single blast of cum jetting clear over Nelson and slapping onto the wet sand. His man-cunt was going crazy and the two young men couldn't hold back, Kingo letting out another single, powerful grunt as his first shot powered into Frank's man-cunt. Nelson writhed in the sand for a few moments longer as Frank's orgasm massaged his slender length until he was filling Frank's man-cunt with a third load, all the while Frank's own cum dripped down onto his lean, heaving chest. Frank gave a deep groan of contentment and collapsed sated onto the sand.

Just a short while later, Kingo had taken off in the opposite direction, giving Frank a mere nod and grunt of appreciation as he departed. Nelson had directed Frank to go wash in the sea, to help clean off any sex smell and to make it seem as though he'd actually been properly diving. Frank thought about getting rid of the three loads of cum now inundating his man-cunt, but ultimately decided against it. He had a belly full of Kingo's seed that he certainly couldn't get rid of, so a cunt full of his and Nelson's combined loads wouldn't make much difference, as long as he could keep them in. Plus, wasting the loads he'd wanted so badly and worked so hard for seemed somehow wrong. He marveled at how slutty that thought was, but how naturally it came to him. He donned the life vest and his trunks once more and they too headed back. Before long they were back at the hotel's beach, a much wider and prettier stretch of shoreline than they'd just visited, but far less chance of a hot double-fucking on top of these white sands.

Frank hopped off the jet-ski and handed Nelson back the life vest, the two men sharing a wide grin. He gave him a very sincere thanks and simply headed back across the sand towards the terrace stairs. Nelson was already being approached by other people eager to have a go on a jet ski and he faintly heard Nelson quote prices for half-hour and hour-long rides, which made him smirk; he was the only one getting a free ride today. The way Cliff and seemingly so many other Bajan men had this entire set-up for fucking tourists down to an absolute science was incredible. As he climbed the staircase he saw another man now shrugging into the life vest he'd just removed. He wondered quietly whether his ride with Nelson would be anything like the one he had just had. It seemed impossible to tell; an entire world of man-sex he never knew existed had been revealed to him and he saw hints of it everywhere now. He knew that Nelson almost certainly would be able to perform if needed, the young man seemed to need little more than a few minutes' pause before being once again ready to go. They had almost reached the shore when Frank had reached behind and felt his slender length once more rock hard against his back, giving him the wild idea of turning the jet-ski around and charging back out into the open water for an encore. Instead, he had made his way back onto the beach.

As he sat back down on his lounger, Lorna woke up from where she was dozing, shielding her eyes as she looked him up and down.

"Well, how was your adventure? Did you see any turtles?" Lorna was obviously still feeling spiteful and petty in retaliation for Frank's supposed insolence at not doing exactly as she wanted, but nothing was going to shake the incredible mood he was in. In fact, he realized something; although turtles had been the last thing on their minds, just such an encounter was the perfect cover for Frank's overenthusiastic mood.

"We did! It was so incredible, the experience of a lifetime!" He twittered on for a little while longer, shifting to snorkeling, which he had actually done a few minutes of, but it was clear that Lorna was already bored with his story.

"I saw you tearing away on that thing, looked like you were being bounced around for dear life, even though there's hardly any waves."

"It does go quite a speed, so you feel even the smallest of bumps," Frank explained in his sweetest voice. The load of cum in his belly and the three in his well-fucked man-cunt filled his mind and he grinned inwardly at the amazing experience he'd had with the two young Bajan man. "One thing's for sure, I'll be feeling it tomorrow!"

End of Chapter 02

Well, Frank certainly did double down, but his adventure is only just beginning. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always would love to hear your feedback. Just send an email to the address at the beginning of the story. The next chapter could take just as long as I've only got a rough outline of it so far, so be patient but don't worry, Frank and his insatiable man-cunt will be back soon!

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