Mancation Turns to Gaycation

By Joe B

Published on Dec 22, 2014


Chapter 2 of Mancation turns to gaycation

This is fiction and a gay fantasy, if you are under 18 or offended by gay sex fuck off and do not read and why would you read if you were offended?

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We both went to our separate showers to get cleaned up and ready to go out on the town for some partying. As I showered I thought about everything we had been doing and wondered what is going to happen when we head back to our own towns. My wife wouldn't think that I would do any of what I had done during this trip and would i feel guilty when I got home? then I remembered that I have not heard from her since I arrived. I shot her a text "hey, how's it going?" put my phone down and walked in to the other room to grab a beer. I strolled back to my room and started getting dressed for the night.I yelled over to John "ready when you are dude" John came out and said "lets go" i checked my phone and no text from my wife which was odd but did not concern me enough to worry.we walked out of the hotel and down the street to the first bar and had some drinks, not much going on here so we moved to a bar that was extremely busy and loud. We made our way in went to the bar and ordered a couple shots and beers. I looked around and saw that this place was full of men, not many ladies at all. we were at a gay bar and from the looks of it not many clothes were being worn. "John did you know that this is a gay bar?" " I do now and love it, " lets go dance and have some fun" we went to the dance floor and started dancing with the rest of the men. I couldn't imagine myself doing this in a million years but this was no normal weekend. we danced together and even with other men and I was turned on by the whole experience. after several tunes I needed some fresh air, I was sweating and needed a cold drink. I went outside, grabbed a beer from the bar, and sat at a table where I got a good breeze. John was still inside dancing and said he would be out later. while drinking my beer a guy came over, sat down, and handed me another beer. " you looked hot and thirsty so I thought I would buy this for you". "thanks, my name is Joe" " I am Andy and not to insult you but you look out of place here" " if you only knew" we both laughed and started a conversation. the whole time I am thinking is this guy trying to pick me up?15 minutes later John walked up with a guy named Bob and he and Andy were friends."you guys want to got swimming at our place? we have a private pool and drinks" I looked at John and said "i could go for a swim" John said "i am in" we all left and started walking to Andy and Bobs house. We arrived at a nice sized house and walked in and went to the backyard, the pool was good sized. Andy handed me a beer and said "cheers" I held up my beer to Andy, replied cheers, and took a swig. Andy excused himself to get some towels and Bob followed. I walked over to John and said " what is going on here?" John answered " I don't know and don't care, lets have some fun and see where this goes" I walked over to a double lounge chair and sat back. Andy came out stripped down naked and jumped in the pool. " come on in guys the water is great" I got up walked over to the edge and dipped a toe in " Come on Joe join me!" Andy yelled. I got undressed and dove in and the water was refreshing, Andy swam over and said " I told you it was nice" I smiled and was nervous because I was not sure what to do.

we swam for a bit and i climbed out, wrapped a towel around myself a laid back on the lounge chair, Andy followed me and laid right next to me. I did not see John anywhere, stay cool Joe i thought to myself and make conversation. " so why did you think I looked out of place at the bar?" you just don't seem like you swing this way" Andy said " you are attractive and i would like to kiss you on the lips but you seem pretty straight to me" " why don't you kiss me and see what happens" Andy leaned across me and gave me a kiss on the lips, it started slow like a first date and I could feel my cock growing. Andy pulled back and kissed my neck, worked down to my chest and give my nipple and nibble. his hands moved to my towel and exposed my hardening cock. my heart was racing and my mind was going crazy. he grabbed my cock gently and started stroking it, he came back up and kissed me some more while stroking my leaking cock. he gave my dick a squeeze and a huge bubble of precum formed at the tip of my dick. he took his finger scooped it up and fed it to me, I sucked on his finger tasting my cum.Andy stood up, removed his towel and and proceeded to suck my cock, I was getting a blowjob from a guy I just met A GUY! I came down here to maybe make out with my best friend but this has turned in to something else, I have had the most amazing sex of my life in the day I have been here and now I am getting a wonderful blowjob.Andy worked my cock like a pro, he pulled off and made his way up to me now straddling me. He reached back and placed my cock in to his hungry ass. slowly he rode my cock while while kissing me, he sat up and i noticed that John and Bob were standing next to the lounger both with erections.

Andy started kissing Bob and John was kissing me while my cock was deep inside Andy's ass. John stood up and kissed Andy next, john's cock was in my face so I leaned over and started sucking it, he was leaking a bunch of precum and this made the blowjob very wet and sloppy. I was so turned on watching Andy and john kiss while I was sucking Johns cock i was very close to cummimg.Bob came over and placed his cock close to my face so I would alternate suck Bob then john and jerking one while I was sucking the other. while sucking bob Andy started jerking and a huge load sprayed from his cock all over me, this set off a chain reaction of cumming. I exploded in Andy's ass and both John and Bob started cumming John in my mouth and Bob shot his load on Andy ass.we slowly got up and I said "Holy fuck that was intense, I need a shower". Andy showed me to the shower where I rinsed clean and went back outside to the pool to have a drink and relax. it was about 2:30 in the morning and I was beat, I told John I was heading back to the room and we said our goodbyes and left. Andy ran up and said " there is a party Saturday night that you both might enjoy, here is my number text me and I will send the details".

We both returned to the room exhausted and I was ready for bed, I told John I am taking a hot shower and climbing in bed, he liked that idea and we both went to our separate showers. I could not stop thinking of what had gone down in the past 24 hours and the stuff I had only fantasized about had come true. I wasn't feeling ashamed or embarrassed with what I had done, I was just excited that I had done it. I got out of the shower and dried off and walked over to my king sized bed, I climbed in naked, the sheets felt so good, and the bed was so comfortable. a knock at my door and John opening it slightly asking if I was still awake, I answered "come in on, just winding down" "Can i join you?" john said i answered "yes, but I must worn you I am naked under here" John took off his robe and he wasn't wearing anything. he climbed in bed with me and got close to me and said "pretty crazy day, huh?" "yes it was" I answered. " what do you think this party is going to be like?" " not sure but I wouldn't be surprised at anything that happened" john said good night turned over and backed in to me pressing his ass against my soft dick. I put my arm around him to hold him while we slept, John slowly started grinding his ass against my cock and I started to get hard. "what are you doing?" I said "nothing. just getting comfortable" "stop moving you are getting me hard and I thought we were sleeping?" John turned over and said "sorry, I am still horny and want you inside me" he smiled at me and I felt his hand on my cock teasing me, he leaned in and gave me a very sensual kiss and that made me extremely hard. he turned back around and grabbed the lube from the nightstand, squirted it in his hand and applied it to my shaft, he then applied it to his hole. He reached back and guided me in, my head popped in, he slowly pushed back to get more inside him. slowly I fucked john while laying on our sides, i was going nice and slow and his ass felt so tight around my cock, he turned his head while I fucked his ass and gave me a long deep kiss. The slow fucking turned me on and the kissing was making my cock harder and turning me on so much I could not hold back, John said "Keep going slow, it feels so good I dont want you to stop" I pulled back as far as I could before coming out and slowly inserted back deep in Johns ass. John moaned and looked back and said "please do that some more" "I am going to cum any minute" I said, " I like it slow and deep, keep going" I slid my cock in and out of john a couple more time and the last pump i started shooting my load deep in to Johns ass. "Holy Fuck!" I said as I exploded. I reached around a stroked Johns cock and as soon as I touched it I could feel warm cum all over his cock, I pulled him to me and we kissed more our tongues wrestling in each others mouths, I started sucking on Johns Tongue like it was a cock, this lasted for a few minutes. my cock softened and came out of John, he turned to me and said "what was that session all about?" "I have no idea but I loved it and want to do that again" "we have one more night here and one night in Miami, lets not waste a second" John nodded in agreement, we kissed one more time and dozed off to sleep.

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