Man of Steel

By rmwarde

Published on Sep 4, 2006


Disclaimer: I know nothing about the sexuality of Brandon Routh and the character of Superman is owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. If you are under 18, exit this site now. This story involves M/M sexual activities.

Part 2 begins now...

The next morning, Brandon and Mike ate a quick breakfast and headed out to begin their road trip.

"Are we going to take my car?" Mike asked Brandon

"No, we can take my grandparents jeep stored in the out building. I just hope it has some gas in the tank." Brandon told Mike. Brandon showed Mike where the rickety out building was and they headed in that direction, towards the rear of his grandparents' property. Brandon whipped open the door to the ramshackle building and they went over to the Black Jeep Cherokee. The car was unlocked, luckily for the pair. Brandon jumped in the driver's seat and looked at the gas gauge. "Yes, we are in luck, half a tank!" Brandon happily exclaimed to Mike. "Jump in Mike, let's get this show on the road!"

"With pleasure, I can't wait!" Mike said as he smiled at Brandon. Then Brandon put the Jeep in reverse and backed out of the "garage". "I'll close the door." And with that Mike jumped out of the car and ran over and shut the door to the building, erasing any trace that they had been at this house.

"Well, where to first?" Mike asked his young tour guide.

"First, we need to get you some less formal attire, sir." Brandon said as he looked over at Mike in his white dress shirt and black dress pants.

"That sounds great, I hate having to wear a suit anytime, much less two days in a row." Mike replied. "Where can we do that? especially without you attracting all kinds of attention?"

"I know the perfect store for us to get some gear." Brandon told Mike " It is about an hour away and only a half hour from our cabin. Very remote. The people who work at this store will not care about me, just making a big sale, which is what they will be doing!" And then Brandon lit up that smile of his that just melted Mike's insides; so sweet and sexy at the same time.

"Brandon, as thrilled as I am to be going with you on this outing, how did you manage to get some time off? I would have thought that the studio would have had you booked up from now till forever promoting the movie." Mike asked the young star.

"That is normally true, Mike." Brandon said. "But as part of my coming to my hometown to have the big premiere, the studio promised me a week afterwards to have to myself, to rest and recover. This non-stop schedule has been getting to me. I love promoting the movie, but a guy can only take so much smiling and hand shakes before he goes a little batty!" With this Brandon laughed.

The two continued their friendly banter the rest of the way, getting to know each other.

"Mike, I have a question for you." Brandon said.

"Shoot, ask me anything." Mike replied

"If you are from Milwaukee, what were you doing in Des Moines for my premiere? Isn't that a little out of your way for a new movie?" Even if it is MY movie." Brandon said laughing.

"OK, somebody is just a little full of himself, now, isn't he? Mike said and started laughing while poking Brandon gently in the ribs. "To answer your question, I was here because my cousin Tim lives in Des Moines with his wife and kids, and he knew he would be out of town for the premiere He knows that I have been a huge Superman fan since we were kids and called me to see if I would like his ticket. In fact, Tim knows your parent that is how he got the tickets."

"Really? What is Tim's last name?" Brandon asked.

"Wilson is his last name, do you know him?" Mike asked of Brandon.

"The name sounds familiar, maybe from church. I haven't lived at home in seven years, so I don't know all the same people that my family does anymore." Brandon told Mike.

"I am not sure myself, to tell you the truth. Tim just told me he was friends with your parents. But I bet the church connection is probably right. Tim and Linda are very involved in their church and school. They have two great little guys, Tanner and Will." Mike said.

"Ah, there it is, up on the right." Brandon said to Mike, pointing at a large store in the middle of nowhere. The shop was called "Pete's Hunting and Feed Store". Brandon pulled into the dirt parking lot in front of the store.

"Are you sure you want to outfit me like this?" Mike asked "I can always just buy a couple of tee shirts and a pair of jeans."

"No way, Mike. For all you have done for me, I want to outfit you with anything you might like. It will be my pleasure. What is the fun of making a lot of money for the first time in your life if you can't share it with your friends?" Brandon said.

The two men walked up the wooden steps and into the store. "Mornin' gents, how can I help ya?" asked a young man in his mid twenties or so. About 6'2" tall, blond hair, large chest and arms, this man was a northwoods stud. At least that is what went through Mike's mind

"We need to buy some clothes to spend a few days at my cabin." Brandon told the man.

"That should be no problem. My name is Troy." The young man said while extending his hand to Brandon. Brandon shook it firmly and replied.

"My name is B.J. and this is my buddy, Mike" While letting out this wide grin of his towards the stranger. "Nice to meet you, Troy!" Troy then shook hands with Mike and led them over to the clothing section of the store.

" What size are ya looking for Mike?" Troy asked the older man.

" I wear a size 32 waist in pants and usually a size Medium in shirts." Mike told the young salesman."

"What about in shoes?" Brandon asked Mike. " You can't hang out at my cabin in your dress shoes for the next few days."

"Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten about that. Duh!" Mike said. " I wear a size 9 and a half or 10 depending on the fit."

"Why don't we get you outfitted in some shirts and jeans and then we can pick out some boots for you." Troy suggested. Brandon and Mike went through the racks and picked out some tee shirts, long-sleeved shirts and some "Wrangler" jeans. "You can try on those clothes over there, Mike." Troy said to Mike pointing towards some fitting rooms.

"Thanks Troy, I will." Mike said.

"While you are doing that, I will start to look for some boots for you, how is that?" Troy asked Mike.

"Thanks a lot, Troy. I appreciate your help!" Mike told the young stud, admiring his backside in his Wranglers.

"Hey, do I need to be jealous?" Brandon laughingly asked of Mike.

"Sorry, I can't help but notice. I get so horny when I see a stud like that in some nice tight jeans and boots. Woof!" Mike said while looking a little guilty.

"Get in there, you horn dog!" Brandon said while pushing Mike into the fitting room "Let me see you in those tight tees and Wranglers..."

After Mike had started to change, Troy came back with a boot box. They were some super sexy "Olathe" buckaroo type boots. Troy happened to be wearing the same ones. "When you get those clothes on, Mike, come on out, I want to try to fit these boots on you." Troy called out to Mike.

"I am on my way out, boys." Mike said With that, Mike came out of the fitting rooms in his new tee and snug jeans. "These fit great, Troy! Mike told him.

"I would have to agree with you there." Troy declared "Now let's try on these boots to see how they fit."

"Wow, those are so cool!" Mike told Brandon and Troy. "I thought you would only have hiking boots here."

"No way, man. We have a huge boot supply since we are the only clothing store around for 20 miles." Troy told them.

"Are these boots like the ones you are wearing?" Mike asked Troy.

"You bet. They are Olathe brand boots. Very comfortable, and super sharp looking, if I do say so myself." Troy replied.

Mike slipped in the 9 and a half boot and it fit perfectly. "Now let's see you walk in them, Mike. These boots do have a higher heel than most boots." Tory advised Mike. Mike stood up and walked around the store. The wooden floor making loud noises with each step that Mike took.

"Wow, these feel great!" Mike exclaimed excitedly. "And they look HOT! I definitely want these boots!"

"Then they will be yours!" Brandon told Mike. "You know, after seeing Mike in those boots, what about a pair for me? Do you have them in a size 13?" Brandon asked Troy expectantly.

"Let me check but I am pretty sure we do." Troy replied and headed towards the back stock room to look for the boots.

"I just love a hot pair of cowboy boots!" Mike told Brandon. "Plus, I love that little bit of extra height they give me, now I am over 6 feet."

"They really look amazing, Mike, like they were made for you." Brandon told him.

Troy returned to Mike and Brandon. "You are in luck, amigo. We do have the black and the brown triads in size 13. Try them both on and see what you think." Troy advised Brandon.

"Wow, decisions, decisions." Brandon said with that he slipped on the tall black boots and stood up.

"Those boots are totally smokin' hot, Brandon!" Mike told him "You think so?" Brandon asked "Walk around in them, B.J." Troy told Brandon aka B.J.

With that, Brandon walked around the store, the boots making loud noises against the wooden floors. "I love the sound the boots make against these floors!" Brandon told the men.

"That is one of the best parts of cowboy boots, I think." Mike told him.

"I can't decide which pair I like better, I'll just get them both!" Brandon told Troy.

"Sounds great to me!" Troy laughed. "Is there anything else you two guys will be needing?"

"What about some jackets?" Brandon asked of Mike. " It gets cold in the woods at night, even in the summer."

"Let me show you some way cool leather jackets over here" Troy said.

The three studs walked over to a rack a few feet away. "We just got this shipment of jackets in and they are so cool!" Troy told them. "Try some on and see what you think."

Brandon picked out a short "biker" type of jacket and put it on. "What do you think of this one?" Brandon asked Mike and Troy.

"You look so hot in that jacket!" Mike told him "Definitely looks great!" Troy agreed.

Mike pulled a brown jean jacket type off of the rack and put it on. "Hey I really dig this one, pretty cool, huh?" he asked of Brandon.

"Oh yeah, Mike. These cool jackets with our new boots and we are set!" Brandon stated. "OK, Troy. I think you can ring all of our new clothes up and we are off to my cabin."

"With pleasure, B.J. Let's head over to the register area." Troy told Brandon.

Troy quickly packed up all of their clothes and boots, except for Mike. He changed into his new clothes and boots and kept them on. Brandon paid for all of them and the two men were back in the Jeep on the road to Brandon's cabin.

"I can't thank you enough for all of my amazing new clothes, Brando! Are you sure you won't let me pay you for my stuff? Mike asked him.

"No way, man. I enjoyed getting them for you. After all of those years as a struggling and poor actor in LA, it feels great to have some money to spend for a change." Brandon told Mike. " Now we just need to stop at a grocery store to get some food for our stay."

"Well, at least let me pay for the food." Mike asked of Brandon.

"If you want to, that would be great; there is a local store, a little mom and pop place, close to our cabin. We will get the grub there." Brandon told Mike. The pair reached the little store about 15 minutes later and quickly shot in and out just getting some basics to eat and drink, including a case of beer and a bottle of whiskey.

Finally, Brandon pulled down a dirt road and up to a small cabin, tucked away from the road. "So this is casa Routh, what do you think?" Brandon asked Mike.

"I think it is so cool. This place looks like the perfect getaway. How long have you been coming here?" Mike asked Brandon.

"Oh, as long as I can remember; it has been in my dad's family for years. My grandparents built in back in the "30s, I think." Brandon told Mike.

"You are so lucky. My family never had a cabin or cottage to visit on weekends and summers. The closest we came was my aunt's house in Waterford. She had a huge above ground pool and acres of land around her tiny house. But we never stayed over there. Just for day trips." Mike shared with Brandon.

"Yeah, I am lucky. We have had lots of fun family vacations at this place. My parents still come out here fairly often, but we haven't all been here at one time in years." Brandon said. "OK, let's unload our gear and the groceries."

"Sounds good to me!" Mike said quickly and jumped out of the Jeep to help Brandon with the gear.

The walked up the front steps and onto the front porch to the cabin. Brandon put his bag of groceries down and unlocked the front door. "Come on in!" Brandon told Mike. The two men walked into the rustic cabin and over to the kitchen area. Mike looked around the cabin, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging right away; it was nothing he had ever felt before.

"Just put those bags down and I can put them away. Why don't you look around the place?" Brandon suggested.

"Sounds like a great idea, I will do that." Mike replied. With that said, Mike started to explore the Routh's family cabin. "This place is so cool! I just wish my family had had a place like this to get away from the world. I can immediately feel how warm and loving your family is, and a sense of the good times you have had through all of the pictures around here." Mike told Brandon.

"Yeah, we do have a lot of pics, that's for sure. My brother, Dan, is an amateur photographer; he uses us as his subjects all the time. He is the one who developed my first set of head shots, when I began modeling." Brandon told Mike. "That seems like a lifetime ago." Brandon mused more to himself than to Mike. "OK, now that I have the groceries put away, I will show you the room we will use, if that's all right with you?" Brandon asked.

"Lead the way, Brando, lead the way." Mike said. Brandon took Mike down a hall way towards the rear of the cabin and into a huge room with a vaulted ceiling, and a large wall of windows facing the woods. "Wow! I am continually impressed by this place!" Mike told Brandon.

"Pretty cool, huh? My parents added on this addition about 5 years ago and created a master suite. Wait till you see the bathroom." Brandon told Mike and led the way towards the master bath. "Take a look at this." Brandon said while showing Mike the room.

"You are kidding me! This room is incredible!" Mike said. "It has a whirlpool tub with a window facing the woods right above it and a large shower, big enough for two?" Mike said while giving Brandon a sly look.

"I told you that you would be impressed. My dad came into a small inheritance a few years back and put a big chunk of that money into renovating our cabin. He and mom like to have a nice retreat when they come out here on the vacations and weekends." Brandon explained.

"Say, white time is it?" Brandon asked Mike. "I forgot to pack my watch."

"It is almost 1pm, why? Are you on a schedule or something?" Mike asked Brandon.

"Well, sort of. I have planned something for us to do and it is that time." Brandon said while pulling Mike out of the bedroom and towards the back door of the cabin.

"What are you up to Brando?" Mike asked of him while giving him that sexy smirk.

"You will just have to wait and see." Brandon said and laughed. "Follow me, my man." And then Brandon began to run ahead of Mike through a pathway into the woods.

"Hey, wait up!" Mike yelled after Brandon.

"Come on, old man! Keep up!" Brandon called back to Mike.

"Old man! I'll show you!" And with that Mike began to run after Brandon into the woods. He lost track of Brandon and then came to a clearing in the woods. There stood Brandon standing next to a beautiful black horse.

Brandon stood there with that huge grin on his face and said, "Come on over and meet Midnight." Mike walked over to where Brandon and the huge horse were standing.

"What an incredibly beautiful horse!" Mike exclaimed.

"Isn't he? I board him at a farm near here and I asked my friends to bring him over here so we could take him for a ride." Brandon explained to Mike.

"Both of us on the one horse? Is that a good idea?" Mike asked.

"Of course, I won't let you fall, I am Superman, remember? Brandon laughingly said. "Now let's get mounted up and get going. I can't wait to show you the trails that run back here. It is amazing!"

"OK, but remember, I am a city boy. I have only been horse back riding a few times in my life. And the last time was about 20 years ago." Mike cautioned Brandon.

"Stop your worrying. I have ridden horses my whole life, I will take good care of you." Brandon said to reassure Mike. "Now I will mount up and then I will pull you up behind me, OK?"

Then Brandon put his left foot in the stirrups and hoisted his large body onto the horse. "Ok, now your turn." And he put his left hand out to pull Mike up behind him. Mike grabbed onto Brandon's arm with one swift lift, he was sitting snugly behind Brandon. Again, Mike was blown away with how strong Brandon was. He lifted him onto the horse like he weighed nothing.

"Just hang on tight to me and we are off!? Brandon said. He gave the horse, Midnight, a good kick in his haunches and they were off. Brandon guided the horse out of the clearing and onto a path through the woods.

"Does your family own this land?" Mike asked "Some of it, and some belongs to our neighbors, but we all share the upkeep and the maintenance of these riding trails. Now we'll go slowly so you can just enjoy the quiet of the woods and Natures' beauty." Brandon said.

Mike was enjoying the view, but he was also enjoying being so close to Brandon. He didn't even realize it, but he was hugging Brandon a little tighter at times. "Hey, even Superman needs to breathe!" Brandon laughed.

"What do you mean" Mike asked him.

"I mean that you are squeezing me a little too tight."

"Oh, gosh, Brandon, I am sorry, man. I wasn't even aware of it. I guess I am really enjoying this ride. And just getting this time with you." Mike said.

Brandon stopped Midnight and leaned around and he and Mike shared a special kiss. "I am really enjoying this time with you too, Mike I have never shared this place with anyone else outside of my family. I just knew you would be able to appreciate it." The two men shared a smile and Brandon kicked Midnight back to a slight gallop. "Now you should hang on tight!" Brandon instructed Mike. About five minutes later, they came to an opening in the woods and there was a large picnic basket lying next to a tall oak tree.

Brandon stopped the horse and said," Are you getting hungry? I know I am so I planned a little picnic for lunch."

"Wow, you think of everything, so smooth." Mike said with a laugh. The two men dismounted from the horse and Brandon tied him up to an adjacent tree. "I suppose your friends arranged this for us as well?" Mike asked.

"As a matte of fact they did; I am pretty well connected in these parts." Brandon replied. "Now let's see what's for lunch." Brandon opened the picnic basket and took out a checkered blanket. "Can you spread this out for us to sit on?" he asked of Mike.

"I think I can handle that" Mike said and began his task, spreading the blanket under the tree. Once that was laid out, Brandon began to lay out the contents of the basket. "Homemade chicken salad sandwiches, chips and even a bottle of wine" Sounds good to me." Brandon told Mike. Mike dropped on the blanket next to Brandon and accepted a sandwich from him.

"I hope they remembered to include a bottle opener for that wine, or we will be thirsty." Mike said.

"Ah, here it is, and here are even two glasses for the wine." Brandon said.

"Then we are all set." Mike replied. Mike took a bite out of the sandwich and declared, "Wow! This has got to be the best chicken salad I have ever had."

"I knew you would like it. Our neighbors run a B&B in Des Moines and this is from their kitchen. Susie has won the blue ribbon at the Iowa county fair for the last three years." Brandon bragged.

"Is that a fact? Well, I can definitely see why, delicious!" Mike exclaimed.

Brandon uncorked the wine and they drank and ate in relative silence, just enjoying the moment and each other. Once they had finished eating, Brandon put away the glassed and packed up the picnic basket, "Hey, do you mind if we hang here for a little while?" he asked of Mike.

"Sounds good to me; I need a little rest before my rear is ready for that horse again." Mike laughed at this comment. As did Brandon. "Why don't you come over here?" Brandon said and motioned to the spot right next to him under the tree. "I was hoping you would ask me to get a little closer." Mike told him. Mike lay back against Brandon and Brandon put him muscular arms around him. They snuggled up to one another and began to kiss slowly and sweetly. "This is so like a dream." Mike said. "I still need to pinch myself that I am here with you. And not because you are a celebrity, or the big star of the summer, either. Just because you are a sweet, wonderful guy, who I could see myself falling for in a heartbeat if the circumstances were different.

"I feel exactly the same way!" Brandon told Mike. "I have felt an instant connection to you the minute we met. But let's not focus on what the future holds, but just enjoy these few days and all that might bring. OK?"

"That sounds wonderful to me. I want to enjoy every minute I get to share with you, Brandon. For such a young guy, you are so mature. And I mean that as a compliment."

Brandon laughed. "I have heard that my entire life. People tell me I have an "old soul" or something to that effect. I have always been more comfortable around people who are older than I am, rather than kids or people my own age. And now that I am a gay adult male, I am always attracted to an older man, not usually men my age."

"Well it is damn lucky for me that you are!" Mike laughed.

"And for me too! So you ready to head back to the cabin?" Brandon asked Mike.

"I think my butt can handle the ride again." Mike said.

"Good, when we get back, we can use the whirlpool tub to soak those sore muscles of yours. How does that sound?" Brandon asked.

"Great, you always seem to know what I need!" Mike said giving Brandon a hug and a quick kiss.

Brandon mounted up on Midnight and pulled Mike up again. Then they were off at a light gallop back to the Routh's cabin.

End of part two...

Positive comments welcome. Email me at and tell me what you think of the story. Ideas welcome as well.

Next: Chapter 3

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