Man of Steel

By rmwarde

Published on Aug 14, 2006


Disclaimer: I know nothing of the sexuality of Brandon Routh and this character is owned by Warner Bros studios and DC comics. The usual rules apply. If you are under 18, exit this site now. The following story has sexual content with m/m actions.

Part 1:

Mike was walking out of the Iowa premiere of Superman Returns. He had driven 2 and a half hours to be there from his hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. But when he heard that there was going to be a big premiere for this movie relatively close to home, he knew he would have to be there. Mike knew it was sort of silly for a grown, 37 year old man, to get so excited about a Superman movie, but he didn't care. The "original" Superman movie had come out when Mike was 11 years old and he remembered the excitement he had felt then and still felt about Superman today. Mike was not one of those huge, fanatical, comic book fans that went to conventions and knew every single facet of the characters "life". He just knew that he would thoroughly enjoy a new Superman movie, especially with this unknown, but totally hot, young actor, Brandon Routh playing the Man of Steel. He was a gay man's dream come true. And since Mike was a gay man, this was an added bonus to seeing the new movie.

Mike had been lucky enough to snag a ticket to the premiere through a cousin of his is Des Moines, who had known Brandon's parents. His cousin, Tim, knew he would be out of town and would have no use for his ticket, so he gave it to Mike.

The premiere was so much fun! They had a red carpet and all the stars of the movie, Brandon, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey were all there, but it was Brandon's big moment since he was from the Des Moines area, and of course, the star of the movie. Mike though that Brandon was the perfect man to play Superman. He looked eerily like Christopher Reeve, the actor who had originated the movie role, and even sounded a lot like him. He just was the perfect embodiment of Clark Kent/Superman. Brandon had been shaking hands with the crowd before the movie, but Mike was too far back to participate. The crowd had all really enjoyed the move, and cheered for Brandon when the final credits rolled. The attractive young actor had been extremely gracious and friendly to everyone who asked for an autograph or a picture.

Now Mike was off to dinner with his cousin's wife, Linda, and their 2 kids, Tanner and Will. They had enjoyed the movie too and all of the excitement that went with the whole premiere. When dinner ended, he kissed Linda good bye and headed back to his car parked in the lot behind the theater.

As he was about to cross the street toward his car, little Tanner shouted good bye and waved to him. Mike smiled and waved back, while putting his foot out to cross the street, almost stepping right into the path of a speeding car, when he felt a strong hand pulling him back towards the curb.

"Whoa there, buddy" said the strong male voice. Mike turned around into the deep mahogany brown eyes of none other than the Man of Steel himself, Brandon Routh! "That was a close one!" said Brandon. Mike just stared at the younger man, speechless. Brandon was smiling and looking at Mike with concern on his face. "Are you all right?" Mike stammered a bit, but then did manage to get out, "Yyyes, I am fine, thanks to you." Mike was surprised to see that Brandon was alone, not with his "entourage" like he was before the movie began. Brandon looked around and you could tell he didn't want to "get caught" by the reporters and TV people possibly still in the area.

"Hey, I know this sounds crazy, but do you mind giving me a ride? Brandon asked Mike. Again, Mike was so shocked, but shook his head in agreement. If I leave in your car, I won't get recognized, Bandon said to Mike. "It is right over there," Mike said while pointing to his silver VW Jetta. The two men quickly jogged over to Mike's car and got inside. "Now where to?" Mike asked the young actor. Mike knew that Brandon had grown up in the Des Moines area so he figured he must know some out of the way area where he could go without being recognized.

"Take Hwy 60 out of town and head towards Bilton, a small town outside of Des Moines, that is where I want to go." Brandon directed Mike. Mike followed Brandon's directions and within 20 minutes they were pulling up in front of an older, a bit run down house in the middle of nowhere.

"Pull behind the house into the garage, please." Brandon asked Mike. Again, Mike did as he asked pulling the car out of sight of the road. The two men got out of the car and Brandon pulled the garage door shut. The he walked over to the back door of the house, lifted a broken flower pot and produced a key for the door. "I am glad this is still here" Brandon exclaimed, while moving to the back door and unlocking it. "Where are we" Mike asked Brandon, still not believing he was "hanging out" with this "Super" stud he had just seen on screen. "This is my grandparents old house, they have moved down to Florida, but keep this for times when they want to come back to visit our family in Iowa."

"Ahh, I little hiding place for you to ditch the craziness, or should I call it your "Fortress of Solitude"? referring to the movie. Mike asked Brandon. "That is exactly what it is, my place to escape the press and all of these old "friends" of mine who have hounded me ever since the movie came out."

"I can't stay at my parents house or even the hotel, since the fans stake those locations out, trying to reach me"

"I can't even begin to imagine how insane your life must be now that the movie has been released and your picture is plastered all over the TV and newspapers" Mike said

"It is every actor's dream and at the same time, nightmare" said Brandon

"Don't get me wrong, I love all of the attention, and playing Superman has been my dream since I was like 10 years old, but I am just a regular guy, not some big Hollywood Romeo"

"Speaking of which, what happened to your girlfriend I saw you with before the movie began?" Mike asked of Brandon

"Courtney? Oh she isn't really my girlfriend; she is just an actress that the studio hired to "play" my girlfriend, so I wouldn't get bothered by every single female in America." She slipped out about halfway through the movie.

"Hey do you mind if I change out of this suit? I need to get more comfortable," Brandon told Mike. "Sure, Mike said, no problem. "

Mike assumed that Brandon would go up to one of the bedrooms and change, but much to his surprise, and enjoyment, Brandon just went over to a large duffle bag and grabbed a tee shirt and some jeans and started to peel off his shirt and tie. Now Mike had especially enjoyed the scene in the movie when Superman had been taken to the hospital and they had removed his costume exposing his large chest muscles. Now Mike was able to see them in person, he instantly got some growth in his tight dress pants.

Brandon quickly changed, pulling on some old cowboy boots under his nicely snug jeans and invited Mike to relax in the TV room. "Would you like something to drink?" Brandon asked Mike, "I know I could sure use one!"

"Uh, sure, that would be great!" Mike told him. "What do you have?"

"Well, that would be a choice of beer or vodka" Brandon told Mike while looking through the cabinets. "What about both? I am feeling pretty invincible tonight" Brandon declared.

"Sounds good to me!" Mike said and smiled at Brandon as he brought over the beer cans and the bottle of vodka. The two men started talking about Brandon's career and the enormous impact his playing this part would forever have on his career. After a couple of beers each and a few shots to follow, Mike asked Brandon, "Is it OK if I smoke in here? I usually don't smoke, but when I drink, I like to have a few" "Actually, if you don't mind, why don't we go outside for that? If my parents came over here and smelled smoke, I would be busted" Brandon said with that incredible smile of his.

So they went in the back yard and sat down on an old bench leaning against the rickety garage. Mike pulled out his pack of Winston lights and lit one. He took a long drag and blew it out. Brandon said, "Do you mind if I bum one? Just like you, I never smoke on a regular basis, but when you hand around a bunch of actors all the time, there is a whole lot of smoking going on. I had to be really good during my training before and during the filming of Superman, but now I can relax a bit. Mike tapped out another cigarette from the pack and gave it to Brandon. Then he leaned in to light it and their eyes met briefly. "Aaah" Brandon let out a long sigh and a plume of smoke." I know I shouldn't, especially now with the whole squeaky clean image of Superman to maintain, but the occasional smoke is so satisfying, don't you think? Brandon exclaimed. "Damn straight, amigo!" Mike laughed.

Mike was in a state of euphoria. He still could not believe he was hanging out in a back yard in Iowa with Brandon Routh, Superman himself! While Mike was sort of zoning out, Brandon said: "I can't thank you enough for sneaking me away from the theater and all of the media. I just needed a break, And for hanging out with me, it feels good to just act "normal" again, if you know what I mean?

"I can truly say it has been my pleasure, Brandon, my pleasure" Mike said.

The two men just kept talking and drinking for the next few hours.

Brandon then said, "Mike, man, I am getting pretty tired, I think I need to get some shuteye, let's head inside. "Fine with me" Mike said. They went back into the living room of the old house. "Brandon, I should probably get going, I have a long drive ahead of me." Mike told Brandon. "What? I guess I thought you would stay over here? It is too late and you have drunk a few too many to drive now." Brandon told him. "I guess you are right about that. I can just crash on the sofa and I'll be fine." Mike said. "You don't need to do that, you can sleep in one of the back bedrooms" Brandon told Mike. "Let me just check to see of they have clean sheets and stuff" Brandon left to check the rooms and Mike heard him let out a big frustrated sigh" What is it Brandon?" Mike asked as he found Brandon in one of the bedrooms. "I totally forgot that my parents are having the bedrooms painted, so all of the beds have been moved out. We don't have beds to sleep in. But... we do have one solution." Brandon said and smiled that smile that already made Mike weak in the knees when he saw it. "The sofa does have a hide-a-bed and we can use that!" Come on, let's check it out. The men went back to the living room and opened up the hide-a-bed. It rolled out fine and was plenty big enough for both men. "I'll grab some sheets and a blanket" and Brandon was off down the hall. "You know, I could just sleep on the floor, really, I hate to make you have to share your bed!" Mike half shouted to Brandon. "Don't be silly, I don't mind at all!" Brandon told him. And with his "super vision" Brandon noticed the nice bulge in Mike's trousers. And smiled.

The two men started to undress for bed. Brandon slipped off his boots, tee and jeans. Leaving just his boxer briefs on. Mike took off his dress shirt and pants, but leaving on his undershirt and boxers. Mike was urgently trying to hide his ever growing cock, but it was next to impossible when he was going to be sharing a bed with "the man of Steel" He climbed into the bed on one side with Brandon getting in on the other. "I really appreciate your doing this for me, Brandon." "Not a big deal, Mike. I have really enjoyed spending time with you, tonight. If fact, I would like to "repay" you if you'll let me. Brandon said. "What do you mean by `repay" Brandon? Well, let me show you, and with that Brandon leaned over and planted a passionate kiss on Mike. To say that Mike was shocked would be a huge understatement.

"Whoa, did you just kiss me? "Yes, I did, didn't you like it? Brandon asked of Mike. "Well, yeah, it was amazing, you might even say Super!" Mike said to Brandon, but how did you know I would like that? "Two things, Brandon said, First my gaydar was picking up vibes all night, and second, your large hard cock in your pants was a pretty big clue," Brandon laughed.

"Well, you guessed correctly, I do think you are smokin' hot:" Mike laughed "but more than that. I just knew you were a good guy. When I saw you on the talk shows, I could tell you were a decent, funny guy! And then tonight when I saw you in the movie, Wow! It just brought it all together, you are Superman!" Brandon smiled and leaned in to Mike for another kiss. They embraced and Mike began to feel Brandon's huge chest and torso, eliciting moans of pleasure from Brandon. Then Mike's hand wandered lower to Brandon's hard and from what he could tell, massive member. "Ahh" Brandon moaned loudly, "I see you have found the source of my strength" and laughed. "If that is true, no wonder you are so damn strong" Wow!" Mike said huskily. \

Mike had originally been a little intimidated to be getting intimate with this Super stud, not that he was a total slouch. He was 5'10" tall, lean swimmers body with good muscle tone, and a not too small cock of his own at 7" cut and 4" around. But is his mind, Brandon was built like, well, Superman. His shoulders and chest were huge, with those large biceps that were holding him at the moment. It was all like a dream!

"Hey, Mike, where did you go?" Brandon looked at Mike quizzically. "Huh? Oh I was just still thinking this was all a wonderful dream and how I never wanted to wake up." Mike replied. "Does THIS feel like a dream?" Brandon asked while taking Mike's hand and having him squeeze Brandon's 10" cock. "No, that feels great. I bet you feel like you can really leap tall buildings with that between your legs." Mike commented "It definitely has been a "friend" to me when I have wanted some action in Hollywood." Mike began to kiss Brandon's nipples causing the actor to moan all the more. Mike was getting more and more aroused, "Uugh, Brandon, I want you in me now! I need you to fuck the stuffing out of me!" Mike said with urgency and impatience. "Nothing I want more, Mike but first, I think I need to get your hole ready for my Supercock." Brandon smiled and laughed. Turn over on your stomach so I can go to work on that tight bubble butt of yours." Brandon ordered Mike. "With extreme pleasure, Brando" Mike said With that Brandon began rimming Mike and licking at his tight little pink hole. Then he reached into his backpack nearby and grabbed a condom and some lube. He squeezed the lube all over his large fingers and Mikes hole. Then he began to move his one finger slowly in and out of Mike's hole. "Ahh, that feels sooo good, Brandon, keep going!" Mike screamed. While he was loosening up Mike's backside, Brandon was kissing Mike all over his back and shoulders. Mike was in heaven, no doubt about it! When Brandon had worked in 3 of his large fingers in Mike's hole, he declared that Mike should be ready for a good fucking! "Ya know Mike, if you are up for something a little different, there is a position I have always wanted to try." "What would that be?" Mike asked with a smirk on his face. "I want to hold you up against the wall while I am fucking the hell out of you, what do ya say?" Brandon asked with lust in his voice. "If you think you can hold me up that long, I am up for it." Mike said. "Oh, I can hold you, you don't know how strong I can be" Brandon happily replied. "Ok" Mike said. "If you get to fulfill a fantasy, then maybe you can do something for me." "What is it? I will try to do that" Brandon asked Mike. "Can you wear your cowboy boots while you fuck me? That has always been a fantasy of mine." Mike confessed to Brandon. "Hell yeah! That sounds HOT!" Brandon said and ran over and quickly put on his boots. Now come over to this empty wall so we can start having more fun!" Brandon instructed Mike. Mike walked over to Brandon and they began to make out, very passionately. Tongues fighting for control and cocks straining for release. "Ok, now I will pick you up and slowly enter you." Brandon said to Mike. With that said, Brandon easily lifted Mike up and eased him against the wall, "Now comes the fun part" Brandon said. He started lowering Mike onto his huge cock and took his time to make sure Mike was OK. "You doing all right?" Brandon checked in with Mike. "Uuugh, Yeah, I am a-ok., better than OK. But are you OK holding me up?" Mike asked with concern in his voice. "Do I look like I am straining?" Brandon asked and smiled that megawatt smile of his. "Damn, you really are strong, super strong, even" Mike laughed. Just then Brandon entered Mike all the way and began fucking him slowly and then full-throttle. They resumed their battle of the tongues and then Brandon began kissing Mike on the neck and behind the ears. "Oh my God, that feels sooo

good!" Mike screamed out in passion. "You like, that? We are only getting started." Brandon told Mike.

Mike was so lost in the passionate exchange he didn't even feel any pain when Brandon would slowly bang him against the wall with each thrust of his massive cock. The Mike felt the heated stirring in his groin and knew he was going to cum soon. Just then, Mike felt Brandon's cock erupt and fill his insides with his gallons of cum, causing Mike to erupt all over his and Brandon's chests. Mike thought to himself, I have never cum this much in my life! Still holding Mike up with no problem, Brandon carried Mike back to the bed and they collapsed in a heap of spent energy.

Mike and Brandon lay there for a few minutes with huge, stupid grins of happiness all over their faces. "Wow! That was the best sex I have ever head in my life! No wonder they call you the man of steel, with that massive tool between your legs!" Mike said to Brandon. "Thanks!" Brandon replied. "Bryan and I used to fool around on the set all the time." "Really? Bryan Singer, the director of Superman Returns?" Mike asked in amazement. "Yeah, you did know he was gay, didn't you?" Brandon asked. "No, I guess I didn't know that. I am happy to hear it, though. Strike one more for our "team" Mike told Brandon.

"We had a lot of fun making that movie, in more ways than one, if you catch my drift..." Brandon said with a sly smile on his face. "It sounds more like you were making "Brokeback Mountain" than "Superman Returns" Mike said to Brandon, with a smirk on his face. "Call it what you want, we had a damn good time!" Brandon said. "Speaking of "Brokeback Mountain, what are you doing for the next 2 days?" Brandon asked Mike. "Well, I was going to drive back to Milwaukee and get back to work, what did you have in mind?" Mike inquired of the younger man. "If you can put off going back to work for a few days, what do you say to going with me to our family's cabin? It is in a very remote area, so we won't be disturbed, and I could sure use a breather from all of the publicity and craziness." "Hmm, let me think. Go back to my everyday hum drum life or continue hanging out with a huge hottie from Hollywood, it's a tough decision!" Mike laughed. "Of course, I would love to go with you, but I do need to get some other clothes."

"That will not be a problem; we will do some shopping for you on the way." Brandon told him. "My treat, it is the least I can do to thank you for keeping me sane!" Brandon told Mike.

End of Chapter 1

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