Man of My Dreams Series

By Robb Z

Published on Jun 9, 2009


This is a work of fiction containing gay consensual sex. If it is illegal to view this material, you are offended by this material, or you are underage, please leave immediately. The events are purely fiction.

Man of my dreams - Part 2

"I really love this dress, what would I do without your guidance?" Carrie said, staring at herself in her floor length mirror. She was wearing a short white cocktail dress. It really did look great on her, and she wanted to make sure everyone knew it.

"I don`t know, you'd probably be a poorly dressed, emotional wreck." I said with a grin.

"You're so funny, NOT. Anyways, you never told me why Paul answered you phone. I was like "what the hell?" in my head; I obviously didn't say that to him. I wouldn't want him to be like, why is she all "what the hell?" I was just so confused. And then you were so like, weird on the phone, and you guys skipped class together, and everyone noticed, because it's not like you guys are friends or anything." She said, not really paying attention to reaction, she was too busy applying a pound of make-up to her face.

"It really wasn't that big of a deal, I just didn't, um, feel well after lunch, and he offered to take me home. Then he wanted to make sure I got in okay, so he like, stayed for a little big and watched television, it wasnt that big of a deal." I said, trying to make my story sound believable. She wasnt buying it.

"Bull shit. What do you take me for? An idiot! I can tell when you lying to me Blake," She said turning around to face me. "Now let's pretend you didn't just lie to your best friend, and tell me again."

I was in a really bad position. I had promised Paul that I wouldn't tell anyone. Especially Carrie, because he was worried about her ability to keep a secret, and to be completely honest, it wasn't one of her stronger suits.

"Carrie, you have to promise, I mean really promise to me that you won't say anything. It doesn't matter how "juicy" this may seem to you, or how much you may want to tell the other girls on the squad, but Carrie if I tell you, you cannot, and I repeat not tell anyone." I said, giving her a very serious look.

"Blake! How could you even think that I, Carrie Moore, your best friend of like, forever would tell anyone a secret?" She said, dramatically flailing her arms around.

"Paul is gay." I said it. Out loud. It felt so weird, but it sounded so amazing.

Her mouth literally fell open. She just stared at me for what felt like five minutes before a huge smile crept across her face.

"I fucking knew it! I knew it, I knew it! Oh my god, this is so exciting, like, oh my god, I'm so excited for you!" She said, jumping out of her chair and throwing all 110 pounds of her onto me. "You two would be so adorable together! I'm going to cry."

"Carrie, back up! Just because he's gay doesn't mean, anything happened."

"I never said anything happened, I said that you - wait."

Oh shit.

"Something did happen! Oh my fucking god. I'm going to die." She screamed, her jaw was basically on the floor.

"Carrie... I really, I promised him..." I was stuttering. I really didn't know what to say. It was basically impossible for me to lie to Carrie.

"Whatever, like I fucking care if you promised him anything! Now tell me what happened, I want all the details! Wait, well maybe not ALL the details. But did you guys kiss? Did you guy's make out? Oh my god, did you give him a--"

I cut her off. "Carrie! This is so utterly embarrassing. I refuse to give you the intimate details of my sex life!" My face was flushed. Carrie on the other hand was enjoying every minute of my discomfort.

"This is just so adorable! My life Blakey is all grown up. And c'mon Paul James, what a fucking catch! All the girls are going to die when they find out!"

"Carrie I told you nobody can find out! Never ever! I promised him!"

"Well I mean, I would never tell anyone, but if you two date, he's going to have to come out eventually right? That's so not fair to you!" She said, beginning to do her hair. "That would be completely unfair, you wouldn't be able to hold hands in public, go on dates, or even go to prom together"

"I know, and it sucks so much. But I don't want to push him into anything he's not ready for. Look at me, it took me so long, you knew for almost four years and that was it! I just want him to do it when he's ready. Anyways, I don't even know if anything will come of it. Maybe he only fooled around with me because I'm the only gay person he knows." I said, pulling a clean polo on.

"Oh don't be silly! You're hot and you know it. And so does Paul. Look at you! Any guy would be lucky to have you!" She said, pinching my cheeks. "Who's my little Blakey, yes, who's my little Blakey!"

"Oh stop it! I'm nothing special. Look at him, what would he want with me! He basically has the body of a Greek god, and don't even get me started on his dick." I said with a devilish grin, I really loved to tease Carrie. The look on her face was priceless.

"So you did fuck! I knew it, I knew it!" She was back screaming and flailing.

"Well, not technically, I mean I gave him head that was it. In the parking lot at the deli nonetheless, I felt so rebellious!"

"You are such a slut!" She said, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Whatever, I know about all the funky shit you and Johnny have done!"

We both broke out laughing; we finally composed ourselves long enough to finish getting ready for the party. We drove to Johnny's house were we left Carries car, Johnny was the designated driver tonight, the football team had a game the next afternoon, and Johnny didn't really have good morning afters.

"Oh baby you look so fucking hot!" Johnny said, grabbing Carrie as we walked through the front door.

"Jonathon! That is no way to talk to a young lady!" Jonathon's mom yelled from the kitchen.

Johnny may have been an asshole but his mother was the complete opposite. She was the nicest mom out of all my friends, and it always baffled me on how she had given to birth to such a pig.

"Blake! Carrie! I haven't seen you two in so long! Oh and Blake, how are you feeling sweetheart? When Jonathon told me what had happened to you I was appalled! I was ready to go find those boys and give them a swift kick in the butt!" She said, grabbing me into a bear hug.

"Thank you Mrs. Thomas, I'm feeling a lot better now, and I appreciate the thought!"

"Well, you know you're always welcome here, and it will do Jonathon a little good to have some friends who aren't all meat heads!" She said, swatting him on the back with the dish towel.

"Ma, we got to get going! I still have to pick up Paul and make a stop at the store before the party!" Johnny said, shuffling us out the front door.

When I heard Paul's name my heart stopped. I figured he would be there tonight, but I didn't know he was going with us. When he has left my house earlier this afternoon he was still a little nervous after the whole Carrie thing, and about "us". And now that Carrie knew what really happened, I was nervous that she was going to say something accidentally.

"Well drives safe, and you all have fun!" Mrs. Thomas said, waving from the door.

"Bye!" The three of us said in unison.

Johnny and Carrie sat in the front of the Range Rover; well I sat in the back cradling the three bags of booze, and keeping my arm on the two cases of beer to make sure they didn't go flying when Johnny made one of his abrupt stops. The "store" Johnny had to stop at before the party was the liquor store. He was the one of the few guys on the football team that had a fake I.D, so he usually ended up buying the liquor.

"I'm so excited for tonight!" Carrie said, turning around in her seat to talk to me, "We haven't been to a good party in a real long time! I just hope that dumb fucking whore Kelly doesn't step out of life, or who knows what going to happen!"

Kelly Saunders was Johnny's ex girlfriend from sophomore year, and lately she's been trying to weasel her way back into the picture.

"Carrie, please no drama tonight! I just wanna have a good time, be with you, chill with the guys." He said, reaching over to grab her hand. Sometimes I couldn't tell if Johnny was being sincere or not, but for Carries sake I hoped her was.

We pulled up to Paul's house, which was massive. His dad was some hot shot heart surgeon and his mom was an attorney. I had never been inside his house before, only seen the outside when I was with Carrie and Johnny. A smile crept across my face as I wondered to myself if I would get to see his bedroom anytime soon. Johnny honked the horn, and a few minutes later my dream boy stepped out the front door. He looked amazing. He was wearing a tight fitting white t-shirt, his letterman jacket, and a pair of ripped jeans. Carrie turned around a grinned at me. I mouthed "say anything and die" to her right before Paul climbed into the back, sitting literally ten inches away from me.

"Paul man! What's good boy!" Johnny said, turning around to do some weird guy handshake with him.

"Nothing really, just excited to party tonight!" Paul said stretching his arm out over the head rests casually; his arm was basically around my neck. He turned to me and started to talk in hushed tone, a smile creeping over his face. "How are you Blake?"

My face flushed with embarrassment, "Oh I'm, ugh, fine."

"Nobody ever pays any attention to me! Poor little me sitting up here all by myself, I get all dolled up for nothing!" Carrie interjected, she gave me a wink. This was why she was such an amazing friend, she always had my back.

Oh shut it Carrie, you're such an attention whore." Johnny said rolling his eyes, him and Paul busted out laughing. Carrie was definitely not impressed, even though she was only doing it to take the attention away from me, she was pissed off with Johnny's reaction. She crossed her arms and began to sulk.

"Oh c'mon baby, I was only kidding! And don't frown; you'll put wrinkles on your pretty little face!" Johnny said, reaching over to grab her hand. They began to bicker back and forth which left me and Paul sitting in the back in silence, with me and staring down at my shoes.

Paul broke the silence. "So I really enjoyed this afternoon."

I looked over at him, he was smiling. "Oh yeah, it was fun, getting lunch and um, watching T.V."

"That's not what I meant silly, and you know it. I'd really like to get together and talk some more soon." He said, brushing his knee against mine, and then he quickly added, "Maybe do some more of what happened in my truck."

My heart was racing. He was being so forward about everything, which was completely unexpected. I assumed he'd be the one who was uncomfortable, but for different reasons. He was turning me on so much. I love the fact that he was so straight forward about everything.

"Yeah," I whispered, "I'd really enjoy that."

We arrive at the house a few minutes later. Carrie and Johnny were obviously pissed off with each other, so we ended up separating from the boys which was kind of a downer, but I figured I'd see Paul a little later. Carrie headed right for the bar where some guy was pouring shots of tequila and she started throwing them back.

"Wow Car, slow down!" I said, grabbing the fourth show out of her hand.

"Ugh, I'm just in such a bad mood. Johnny is such an asshole, like, fuck I just like." She said, already starting to slur her words. I grabbed us each a bottle of water and lead her outside to the pool area were people were hanging out, talking and dancing.

"I just wanna drink, fucking forget about Johnny and his bullshit!" She said, grabbing a beer from a cooler near the barbeque.

"Nobody said you can't! Just take it easy, it's only 9 o'clock." I said grabbing myself a vodka cooler out of the cooler.

"Whatever, I just wanna get so drunk tonight that I can barely talk." She said, leading me over to the group of cheerleaders who were drinking and smoking. The three girls were already pretty drunk, and when Carrie told them what had happened with Johnny they all got pretty loud, and they all ended up yelling about how retarded guys were, but threw in that they loved me because I was gay. I excused myself to go use the washroom and wandered into the house. I had no idea where I was going so I wandered around the hallways for about ten minutes until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I've been looking for you." A familiar voice said. I turned around to see Paul there with a smile on his face.

"Oh, well you found me." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"I really wanna talk, but we can't right here. Follow me; I know where we can go." He said, grabbing me by the arm and leading me down the hallway to a door, which turned out to be a guest room. I went in and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking around at the different paintings on the wall. I heard a click, and noticed that Paul had locked the door.

"I just don't want anyone to come and disturb us." He said, coming over and sitting next to me.

"Good idea, it would probably seem pretty strange for the two of us to be alone together." I said, taking a sip of my drink.

Paul grabbed my hand; he had such a firm grip. I looked over and him and looked into his eyes. It sounds so clich‚ but my heart melted. He brought his other hand up to my cheek and placed it there. He slowly moved in and placed his lips on mine. I could taste mint which I guessed was probably the remnants of toothpaste from earlier, and beer. He slowly forced his tongue into my mouth and our tongues began to intertwine. I put my drink down on the side table and slipped one hand up his shirt and began to play with is nipples.

"Oh fuck yeah," Paul groaned, breaking away from our kiss. "I wanna lay back, come over here."

He moved back onto the pillows and I climbed on top of him. I only weighed about 150 pounds so I wasn't that heavy. I ran my hands over his strong pecs, and then moved down to his strong stomach. He moved his hands around to the small of my back and began to massage just above my ass. I could feel his cock hardening underneath me through his jeans.

This time I broke the kiss. "Is it okay if I take it out?"

"You can do whatever you want." He said, a huge smile appearing on his face.

I unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants, which left him in a pair of boxers that were visibly tented. I began to massage his dick through the fabric. He started moaning loudly, and put his arms behind his head, revealing his armpits. I'd never really though armpits were sexy, but to me, everything about Paul was. I had this strange urge to lick his pit. It seemed so taboo, which excited me even more. Without even thinking I moved my face towards his pit, and stuck my tongue out and licked. They tasted like sweat, and man. His eyes popped open and there was a look of shock on his face. I pulled back, nervous that I had freaked him out. Then a devilish grin crept across his face.

"Oh, so you're a kinky little boy aren't you?" He said grabbing me by the back of the neck.

I blushed; it felt so good for him to take control. He pushed me off of him, and then flipped me onto my back. I really didn't know what he was doing, but he started to pull my pants off, which made me nervous. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this. Sure, I had "played" with myself before, but I hadn't even gotten his cock wet or anything, and I wasn't sure if he even had a condom. What came next was completely unexpected. Paul spread my cheeks apart and I felt his tongue flick across my hole.

"Oh my fucking god." I said, moaning in pleasure. I had never felt anything like that before.

"Who said you were the only kinky one?" Paul said, and then proceeded to go back to eating out my ass. I had heard about rimming before but wasn't really sold on the idea. It seemed kind of weird to lick someone's asshole, but now I completely understood why people loved it. Paul continued to lick and probe my hole with his tongue for a few more minutes, and then I felt my phone vibrating against my leg. I guess Paul felt it as well, because he lifted his head and looked at me.

"Is that your phone?" He said, looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but I should probably get it just in case something is wrong."

"No, no, it's cool, go ahead!" He said with a smile.

I flipped over and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. My display said it was Carrie, so I answered it guessing that she was probably just looking for me.


"Blake! You need to get the fuck out here, Carrie and Kelly are killing each other and she won't stop for anything!" The voice belonged to Johnny. Shit, the one chance I get to be alone with Paul and Carrie and Johnny's dumb drama has to ruin it.

"Okay, I'll be right there!" I said, hanging up the call and pulling up my pants. "I'm sorry Paul, I guess Carrie went after Kelly, I don't know, but I have to go and see what's going on."

His smile turned into a frown. He looked like a sad little puppy dog, and it was breaking my heart. "Oh alright, well I'll come with you, I'm sure Johnny is flipping out."

Paul checked the hallway to make sure nobody saw us come out together, but there was nobody there. We both assumed everyone was outside trying to catch a glimpse of the girl fight. We were right. I squeezed way through the cheering crowd, and finally pushed my way to the front.

The two girls were rolling around on the ground, slapping, kicking, and even biting each other. They were yelling things like; "You fucking whore!" and "Get the hell off me!" at each other. Johnny was standing there not making much of an effort to separate them. Nobody else was either though. I grabbed Carrie but the waist. She was small enough that I was able to pull her on the other girl, who was lying on the ground with a bloody nose. Carrie was kicking and screaming as I attempted to drag her away.

"Let me go Blake! That dumb slut tried to kiss my fucking boyfriend!" Carrie drunkenly screamed, holding a clump of hair which I guessed to be some of the other girl's hair extensions. "Dumb bitch! I'm going to fucking kill you!"

People moved out of the way so I could get through, and some of the other girls friends had ran to her to tend to her wounds. Carrie got out pretty much unscathed, except for being covered in dirt and booze. I dragged her into the house where I set her down on the floor. Then I blew up, not only was I mad about her getting into a drunken cat fight, but she ruined whatever was going to happen with Paul.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Do you want to go to jail! You probably broke that girl's nose!" I screamed at her. She was a mess, her hair was all over the place, her dress was covered in dirt, and she was still seething mad.

"Good! I hope it is broke, that dumb bitch tried to kiss MY boyfriend!" She yelled, slurring her words as she went. She tried to stand up but didn't last ten seconds on her feet. I had to carry her over to a couch were she ended up breaking down into tears in my lap. I help her well she sobbed. I was such a good friend.

"Is she going to be okay?" Paul said, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Yeah, she's just drunk, she probably won't remember in the morning." I said, stroking her head. I think she had fallen asleep with her head in my lap.

Paul laughed, "If I didn't know you two, I'd think you guys were dating, just because of the way she's laying there."

"Well maybe if he boyfriend acted more like one, I wouldn't have to be doing this for her!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"You're a really good friend Blake. You have a really big heart." He said, grabbing my hand and holding it between the cushions so nobody could see.

I blushed; I hate the affect he has on me. "Thank you."

"I think Johnny is coming in soon. He was just trying to convince Kelly not to call the cops, I'm sure that's the last thing Carrie needs." He said, looking down at Carrie, who was now snoring loudly and drooling all over my pants.

"Yeah, her parents would definitely not be happy!" I said, trying to imagine the reaction of her parents if they had to bail her out of jail for assault.

"Johnny gave me the keys to his car; do you wanna go out there and wait? I can text him and let him know." He said, handing me the keys.

"Yeah, I'd really appreciate that. I don't know what I'm going to do with her tonight. I cannot take her home like this."

"Well, you guys could just crash at my house, I mean; my parents are gone for the weekend, skiing or something like that." He said.

"Oh I couldn't do that to you! Anyways, we have to leave now, and I wouldn't want you to have to leave at ten thirty."

"I don't mind, not at all really. The only reason I came was because Johnny told me that... you were going to be here." This time Paul blushed.

I wanted to kiss him right there, but I obviously didn't. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me. The only reason he has come tonight was to see me.

"That's... the sweetest thing" I said, a huge smile spreading across my face. He looked up at me and smiled back. "Yeah, I don't think staying at your house is a bad idea, not at all."

Paul carried Carrie out to Johnny's car. We laid her in the back seat, and the two of us sat in the front waiting for Johnny to come out. The only light in the car was from the moon. I could only see half of Paul's face, but I could tell he was staring right at me with a smile.

"You're so handsome." He said, leaning into kiss me. I kissed him back, pushing my tongue into his mouth. I kind of forgot that Carrie was in the backseat until she said something.

"You two are so fucking adorable." She said still slurring her words. She had propped herself up on each of the front headrests. Paul quickly pulled back and looked from me to Carrie and back again. A look of panic washed over his face. Carrie noticed this, "Oh don't worry Paul, I'm not going to say anything, I piggy swear."

"Pinkie swear." Paul and I said in unison, forgetting about what had just happened for a second.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, I won't tell anybody." And with that she flopped back onto the backseat and fell back asleep. Paul still looked worried.

"Paul, I promise you she won't say anything, she probably won't even remember in the morning."

"I just, I just... I know, it's just scary, to have other people know. Like only you knew and that was a lot, now the gossip queen herself knows!" He said, pointing at Carrie.

"Yeah, but Paul she also kept my secret for four years! People don't give her enough credit." I said, looking at him with a serious face.

He was about to something until someone opened the door. It was Johnny, and he was visibly intoxicated. He hopped into the back seat, moving Carrie over to the other side of the car. "Fucking bitch had to go and ruin the party, she's lucky that I love her."

The two of them were a match made in heaven. I was actually surprised that Johnny hadn't fought me to drive, but he also knew that I wouldn't have let him so it was a moot point. I drove the ten minute drive to Paul's house, and in that time Johnny had fallen asleep as well. Paul woke them both up when we pulled into the driveway.

"Okay guys! It's time to get up, let's go!" He said, clapping his hands at them. Carrie and Johnny both groaned, and I'm pretty sure Johnny cussed under his breath. The two of them only made it to the living room where they passed out of the couch.

"Well, you have two choices." Paul said, turning to look at me, "You can stay down here with these two dingbats, or you can sleep with me in my bed."

It really wasn't that hard of a choice. "I'm going to sleep down here."

His jaw dropped open. His reaction was priceless. I broke out laughing. "I'm kidding obviously!"

"You're an asshole! Maybe I don't want you to sleep with me anymore." He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Oh whatever, like you're going to give up the chance to sleep with me. Alone. Naked." I said with a smile.

"Well, if there's nudity involved I'm down!" He said, running up the stairs, "You coming?"

I woke up the next morning, a little groggy from the alcohol from the night before. I could feel a muscular arm draped across my waist. I rolled over to see Paul fast asleep. He looked so perfect; his hair lightly tussled from sleep, and a little bit of drool forming in the corner of his mouth. I on the other hand probably looked disgusting. I had terrible morning breath, crust rimmed around eyes, and felt like I was going to puke. I pulled the covers down to get out of bed and found myself naked. I looked over at the boy is bed with me; he was naked too. Did we have sex the night before? I really couldn't remember. The last thing that I remembered was coming upstairs with Paul. He has shown me to his bedroom, and we had come in laid down on the bed; fully clothed. That was the last thing I remembered.

"Blake?" Paul said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Hey..." I said, still confused about what had happened the night before.

"How are you feeling thins morning?" He asked, and then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"I feel a little sick, but overall, I'm okay." I said. I felt bad for being so cold, but I was really scared. I wasn't sure if we had sex. I really didn't expect to be drunk I couldn't remember my first time.

"What's wrong?" Paul said cradling me in his arms.

"Paul did we... did we... have sex?"

"Is that why you're upset? Do you really think that I'd do that to you? Have sex with you while you were passed out. I took your clothes of because you looked really uncomfortable." He seemed really hurt that I would even ask a question like that.

"No Paul, I didn't mean that you would! But we both had been drinking!" I said sitting and turning around to look at him face to face.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten upset. But Blake, I want you to know that I want to wait as long as you want for that. I really care about you." He said, holding my hands in his.

"You don't know how much that means to me Paul." I said, kissing him. I really didn't know how I'd gotten so lucky.

In the midst of our kiss, Carrie and Johnny barged in. Carrie wasn't really fazed by our kiss, or the fact that we were naked and she climbed into bed with us, but Johnny on the other hand stopped dead in his tracks.

"What the..." He said, staring at Paul and me.

Paul yanked away from me, and stared back at Johnny. "Man it's not what it--"

"I'm just kidding with you dude!" Johnny said, bursting out laughing. Now I was really confused, Johnny was the last person I had expected to be okay with his best friend making out with a guy naked.

"Wait, you're not mad..." Paul said, the look of fear on his face changing to confusion.

"Nope, I kind of figured that there was something goin' on with you, I mean you haven't had a girlfriend in forever." He said, sitting down on the sofa.

"And like, I guess I kind of warned him before we came up here..." Carrie said.

"Carrie! Do you even know what the word "secret" means?" I said, slapping her on the arm.

"Ouch! And yes, I do. But I didn't want him to like, shit a chicken if he came up here and saw something - like this." She said with a playful smile.

Paul was still trying to take everything in. I guess this wasn't how he had imagined coming out to his best friend. He finally spoke, "Well, I guess it's out in the open."

"Dude, I promise you I won't tell anyone." Johnny said tossing a hacky sack in the air.

"I've heard that one before." Paul said, shooting Carrie a dirty look. She was completely oblivious though.

"Well, now that we all know like, that you two are dating, fucking, whatever, can we go get some food, I'm starving!" She said, emphasizing the word starving.

"Carrie you're not starving, orphans in Africa are starving." I love correcting her, she got so touchy.

"Whatever, I'm HUNGRY. There, are you happy Mr. Word Police."

Paul and Johnny started laughing; all the tension in the room was gone. It felt pretty amazing to have my best friend, and Paul's best friend know about us. Johnny and Carrie left to go shower in the guest washroom, presumably together, well Paul and I showered and got dressed in his room.

"Crap, there's vomit on my shirt." I said, picking up my white polo from the night before.

"Hmm, maybe I have something old that might fit you." Paul said, rummaging through his drawers. He pulled out a red t-shirt "Here, this should fit you, it's from when I was like 10, you're so fucking skinny."

"I'm not that small, you're just a fucking beast." I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

He did some really bad impression of the Hulk or a werewolf and said "Argh, I'm going to get you!"

He ran across the room and tackled me to the bed. He started tickling me. I tried to escape but he had about one hundred pounds of muscle on me, and I was pinned. I was squirming all about underneath him.

"Okay, okay, you win! Let me go!" I begged from underneath him, I was beating on his chest with my fists. He grabbed my arms and pinned them to the bed.

"What do you say?" He said with a smile.

"Please! Please let me go, you're crushing me you giant!"

"Well that didn't seem very sincere, and you've hurt the giant's feelings!"

"Oh no, what's the giant going to do about it?" I said sarcastically, Paul had a goofy grin on his face that was adorable.

"Teach his prisoner a lesson." He said grinning. Paul leaned down started to suck of my neck. It felt so good, his body pinned on top of mine, and I loved the feeling of him taking control. He rolled off me and pulled me on top of him, and started to explore bare chest. His touch felt so amazing. He continued to suck on my neck, and he slowly moved his hands to my butt. He slowly pulled of my pants. I removed his shirt, and then pulled of his boxers. We began kissing again but it was a lot more aggressive this time. We kissed and explored each other's bodies for a little bit before he whispered in my ear.

"I really want to be inside of you."

I didn't know what to say. I really wanted to scream yes, I wanted to have him inside of me, I wanted to be his. But another part of me was scared, he was so big, so thick, it was going to hurt so badly.

"I promise to be careful, I'll use a lot of lube, and I'll go really slow, and we can stop if you're in too much pain."

"Okay, I trust you."

He got up from the bed and went over to his dresser and fished around in his bottom drawer for the lube and a condom. He started to rip the condom open when I stopped him.

"No condom, neither of us has had sex before. I just want to feel you. Feel you inside of me."

He tossed the condom into the trash bin, and squirted a large amount of lube onto his fingers. He came back into bed and flipped me onto my stomach. He began to massage one finger into me, and after a few minutes worked another one in. After about five minutes he had three fingers in me and I started begging him to fuck me.

"Oh fuck me Paul, stick your hard fucking cock in my tight ass."

"Whatever you say baby!"

Paul pushed the mushroom shaped head against my opening. I was loosened up, but still really tight. After a few minutes he finally pushed in. I felt amazing. I felt so full and fulfilled, hid dick belonged there. He slowly started move his cock in and out and picked up a steady pace. I could feel him hitting my "g spot", and I felt like I was going to explode; which I did.

"Oh fuck I'm going to cum! You're going to make me cum just from fucking my ass!" I screamed out. I started cumming and my ass tightened into a iron grip. Paul started fuck me harder and harder.

"Oh fuck baby, you're ass is so fucking tight, I'm gonna come in you, I'm gonna fucking come in your ass!" Paul panted; I felt my ass being filled little by little with each blast of hot cum. When he was finished, he lay down behind me and left his softening dick in me. We just cuddle together, basking in the afterglow of the amazing sex we had just experienced.

"I love you." Paul whispered in my ear.

"I love you too."

I hope you enjoyed Part 2! It took me a while to do it, with school and work, and not to mention a major creative block. But now I have some ideas on where to go with the story, so I'm definitely going to continue! I really love reviews, comments, suggestions; it's great to hear what the readers think! So e-mail me at

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