Man of My Dreams Series

By Robb Z

Published on Feb 21, 2009


This is a work of fiction containing gay consensual sex. If it is illegal to view this material, you are offended by this material, or you are underage, please leave immediately. The events are purely fiction.

Reviews are very welcome!

I have no regrets. Why shouldn't I be honest? It's not my fault that people are ignorant.

"Sweetie, why couldn't you have waited until you graduated, isn't that we agreed on? You would wait." My mom said, holding my hand, while the doctor stitched up my forehead.

"It wasn't fair mom. I was so sick of lying to everyone. It's not like people hadn't figured it out anyways. All of my close friends knew, so why not tell everyone else?"

"Because B, not everyone accepts it like me and your father do. People are mean, and I wanted to protect you." She said, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Oh mom, please don't cry, that's the last thing I need right now. And I know you wanted to protect me, but I'm going to have to face a lot of this on my own." I said, squeezing her hand tightly.

"Just be careful baby, please, be careful."

A few days later I decided I was ready to go back to school. My mom told me that I could've waited until the next week, but I was ready to get on with everything. When I got out of the car, it felt like everyone was staring at me. Word had gotten around pretty quickly about what happened to me.

"Blake! Baby, are you okay!" My best friend Carrie screamed, almost tackling me as she grabbed me into a bear hug.

"Wow girl! And yeah, I'm okay, my heads a little sore, but I'm tough." I said with a laugh.

"Well I'm glad, because I missed my best friend, and I need your advice, you know that you're the only person I can talk to about Johnny." She said, looping her arm into mine as we walked towards the school.

Johnny was her boyfriend. I didn't really understand what she saw in him. He was a big dumb jock. Attractive, sure, but that was about all he had going for him. Carrie could have had her pick of any guy. She had long blonde hair, a perfect tan, and a great body. I guess love does strange things to you.

"What did he do now?"

"Why do you think he did something, you think he's such a bad guy, but he's really isn't! Even he did do something it doesn't mean anything. Nobody's perfect! Anyways, he forgot out eight month anniversary! How do you forget something like that! I sure didn't forget..."

When she starts talking about her relationship problems, it's hard to get her to stop. She does most of the talking anyways, I usually just nod my head, or throw in the occasional "no he didn't". We were standing at her locker when I saw him, Paul, the boy of my dreams. Ironically enough he was a jock, and I was so into him. He was walking towards us, my whole body tensed up. For a minute I felt like it was just me and him, him walking towards me, ready to take me into his arms. Then I was pulled back into reality. He was with Johnny; they were here to see Carrie, not me.

"Hey queer, how you feeling?" Johnny said, leaning up against the locker.

"Johnny! You're so insensitive. You have to be nicer to him, he's my best friend!" Carrie said, going off on one of her tirades.

"Yeah, I have to go, text me later okay?" I said, grabbing my books and walking down the hallway.

I was about halfway down the hallway when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was about to turn around a hit whoever it was. I can't take any chances. Then he spoke.

"Hey, Johnny was just in a bad mood, I'm sure you know what's going on between him and Carrie, you're her best friend."

"I, ugh, yeah, ugh, well, um..." That was all I could get out. I couldn't stop staring at him. He was so beautiful, such masculine feature's. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Everything I loved in a man.

"So how are you feeling? I hope those guys get what's coming to them." He said, walking beside me.

"Yeah, I'm okay, my head hurts, but, like, it'll get better. And I really don't care what happens to them, I just want to get on with my life." I said, holding my book close to my chest. It was such a surreal feeling being next to him. I could smell his cologne, so sexy. He walked me all the way to my class; I really didn't know what to say when we got to the door.

"Don't worry buddy, I've got your back. If anyone bothers you, let me know alright?" He said, looking at me with those big brown eyes.

"Yeah, um, sure, thanks a lot." I mumbled. I went into my classroom and took my seat. People were still staring at me, some with curiosity, and some with disgust. I was officially out now. It wasn't a secret anymore; everyone knew that I was gay.

By the time lunch came, I was starving. Carrie had texted me, and told me to meet her and Johnny in the parking lot. When I got there, they were all over each other; I guess they had made up.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said, trying to act like I wasn't at all uncomfortable at their PDA.

"Great! We made up! So what were you guys thinking for lunch?" Carrie said, fixing her lip gloss in her compact mirror.

"I want chicken." Johnny said, he was such a meat head.

"Johnny! I'm a vegetarian, you know that! It feels like you don't even care about me!" She whined.

Here we go again.

"Yeah, but Paul and Blake aren't." Johnny said. I wasn't really paying any attention to their antics until I heard Paul's name.


"Yeah, I guess he wanted to eat with us or something." Carrie said, not really paying attention to the confusion on my face.

They were still arguing about god knows what when Paul showed up, "What are they arguing about now?" He said, crossing his arms across his muscled torso.

"Um, I really don't know, I think chicken?" I said, trying to act casual. My heart was beating so hard it felt like it was going to come out of my chest. His arms looked so strong. He looked so strong. I wanted him to hold me so badly.

"Oh wow, those two really like going at it. Well I'm hungry and I don't feel like waiting around for those two, did you just want to come with me in my car and go grab a bite to eat?" He said casually.

I wanted to scream yes. I wanted to be alone with him. But I had to contain my excitement.

"Sure, by the time there done, lunch will be over."

We walked over to his car, well truck actually. He was such a manly guy; it was such a turn on. We decided to on sandwiches, so we headed towards the local deli. It was a really quiet ride, until he broke the silence.

"So... how did you figure out you were gay?" He said, keeping his eyes on the road.

I was so surprised by his question. I was at a loss for words.

"Well I guess I always knew. You just know that stuff. I've never been attracted to girls like other guys." I said, looking down into my lap. I was so embarrassed, not only was I alone with him in his car, uncomfortable as can be, we were talking, and about how I figured out I was gay!

"Yeah that makes sense. So have you ever been with a guy?"

"Well, no, not yet, but I'm not rushing anything." I said, feeling a little more at ease.

"Yeah, it's the same for me. I haven't, you know, been with anyone yet."

Now this caught me a little off guard. People at my school like to gossip, and from everything I've heard this guy was a player. I wasn't buying it.

"Sure, sure." I said, laughing.

"I really haven't! I've kissed girls, but nothing more. People like to make stuff up, and I guess I thought it made me look cool, but I felt like such a fraud."

"Why would you feel like a fraud? It's not like you made up the rumours yourself."

"Yeah well... I just... I'm gay."

I thought I was imagining things. I couldn't have heard him right. Paul wasn't gay, he couldn't be gay. So many things were running through my head right now.

"Blake, did you hear me? I'm gay." He said, looking at me.

"No, you can't be. You can't be gay!"

This got him to laugh. "How come? You're gay!"

"I know, but like, it's kind of obvious. You on the other hand, I would have never expected."

"Don't judge a book by its cover." He said, and he flashed me a smile. Oh wow, he had the most perfect smile.

We drove the rest of the way in silence. When we got to the deli he went and in ordered for us, and came back with our food. We ate in silence as well. There were so many things running through my head. What should I say to him? He had just told me his biggest secret. I was probably the only person that knew.

"So, the weather is nice." He said with a grin.

"Are you really going to talk about the weather," I laughed, "You just dropped a bomb in my lap, and now your acting as if nothing has changed."

"Nothing has changed. Well, at least not yet."

"What do you mean?"

And the he did it. He climbed over and kissed me. Not just a peck on the lips. He really kissed me. My eyes closed, it was the most surreal experience ever.

"Wow... that was, that was... amazing." I said, still trying to get my head around everything that had just happened.

He smiled. "You're a great kisser Blake."

"You are too." I said. I was ready to go in for seconds when my phone started ringing. It was Carrie, she was probably really pissed that I had just left her. Paul grabbed my phone before I could answer it and turned it off.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice!" I said, grabbing for my phone.

"If you want it go get it." Then he did the unthinkable. He put the phone down his pants. I really didn't know what to do.

"Okay, now you're just being mean!" I said, hitting him on the arm.

"I said you can have it, but you have to get it." He said with a devilish grin.

I was really stuck. I didn't know what to do. Did he want me to reach into his pants? Was this his way of making a move on me. I really didn't know what to think, so I just stopped thinking. I leaped on top of him and shoved my hand down his pants.

"Oh... my... god." Paul whispered with disbelief filling his face. His whole body tensed up.

I really didn't believe what I was doing either. My hand was down the pants of the man I had dreamed about for three years now. And I had grabbed something, but it definitely wasn't my phone. It was a lot bigger.

"Bla... Blake, I, ugh, oh, god." He said, looking right into my eyes.

I decided to take advantage of the situation. I had all the power. I started moving my hand up and down his shaft. He was moaning loudly, and he threw his head back in pleasure.

"Oh fuck Blake, yeah that's it. Stroke me." He said, putting his hands on the steering wheel.

I decided to take it one step farther and take his cock out of his pants. Even though we were in a parking lot, the truck was high enough of the ground, and the windows were tinted dark enough that nobody could see what was going on inside. I got my first look at his member. It was beautiful. He had a thick cut dick, probably about seven and a half inches. I started to stroke him faster and faster.

"Oh Blake, that feels so good. Oh yeah, Blake will you, will you, suck me?" He said, looking over at me.

I hadn't really thought about doing anything else. I had been so wrapped up in what I had been doing that it hadn't crossed my mind to take it any further.

"Sure," I said a smile, "Why not."

I lowered my head to his crotch and took a whiff. He had such a manly scent, sweat and soap. I licked from the base to the tip of his dick. I didn't really know what I was doing, so I took my time licking all around his cock before taking in my mouth. I took little by little into my mouth until I got a steady rhythm. I was bobbing up and down on his dick in no time. It felt so natural. Paul was enjoying it to, he had his hand on top of my head guiding me.

"Oh fuck yeah, that feels so good Blake."

I kept sucking and licking his dick until I felt his balls contract. He started to moan loudly and I knew what was coming. I started to suck faster and faster. I wasn't going to let my prize go to waste. I wanted to taste him.

"Blake, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, oh I'm gonna cum!" He said, holding my head down on his dick.

I felt the first shot blast right down my throat, and then the second, third, and fourth ones followed. When he finally stopped coming, I pulled my head of his dick and looked him right in the eyes. He had the goofiest smile on his face which made me break out in laughter.

"That was amazing Blake. I've never felt anything like that before." He said, grabbing my hand.

"I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, definitely, I guess you earned your phone back." He said, tossing my phone into my lap.

"Thanks a lot," I said with a laugh, "You probably got me in a lot of trouble with Carrie, but I was worth it."

"You bet. So, what do you want to do now? I don't really feel like going back to school."

"Me either. We could just talk if you wanted? My parents work late; we could go over to my house and get something to eat. I've sure worked up an appetite again."

"That sounds fun!"

We drove over to my house. I told him to make himself comfortable in the living room well I went to change my clothes. I checked my phone and I had about ten messages from Carrie. They were basically the same thing, along the lines of: "were the hells are you guys?", and "did you die?" I decided to wear some shorts and a t-shirt, show off a little bit of skin. I was down to my underwear when my door opened up and there was Paul.

"How do you work the remote...?" He started to say until he looked up at me and broke out laughing.

"Get out!" I screamed. I was so embarrassed. This was definitely funny, but he didn't seem to think so.

"Oh I'm sorry!" He said, half covering his eyes. "I figured you were already dressed. But I don't mind you staying like that."

"Get out right now!" I screamed again, but this time I threw a pillow right at his head.

"Well that's not a very nice way to treat your guests! I'm going to have to teach you a lesson mister!" He said. He tackled me to the ground. I was in such a vulnerable position. This hunk had me pinned to the ground in nothing but my skivvies. I kept trying to push him off of me with no luck, he was way too strong.

"Paul! Seriously this is so embarrassing! Can I just put some pants on please?" I pleaded with him. I felt so embarrassed, but I was strangely comforted in his strong arms.

"Awe, but I like you like this." He said, nuzzling his head up close to mine.

"You're not the one in your underwear!" I said playfully.

"We can change that." He said. Without another word he stood up and stripped of his shirt revealing his beautiful torso. Then he removed his jeans, standing there in nothing but his boxers. He smiled, "Is that better?"

I was so transfixed by his body I didn't even know what to say. He lied back down on the floor next to me and cuddled up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear.

"That's better."

I felt so safe, so happy. He was whispering things in my ear that were making me smile. Telling me how right it felt to be here with me. I was in a trance. The man who I had lusted after was in my bedroom, half naked, holding me in his arms.

"Did you know that I've had a crush on you since freshmen year?" He said, stroking my cheek.

"Really? I bet you didn't know that I came to almost all of your wrestling matches, just to see you rolling around half naked. Carrie never did understand why I liked watching wrestling so much."

He laughed, "Wow, I'm flattered. Did you know that I would go watch all of the drama performances just to see you?"

"Oh geez, I hope you didn't see Peter Pan, green spandex is so not my look!"

"I thought you looked great! The way they clung to every inch of your legs... and your butt." He said, blushing.

"My butt is so flabby. How could you even think that it looks good?"

"You've been spending too much time with girls. You have a great ass. And I play sports, I see a lot of asses." He said, slapping my butt lightly.

"Hey, hands off!" I said, rolling on top of him.

"Oh so you want to play huh?" He said flipping me onto my back. He pinned my shoulders down.

"It's not fair; you're so much bigger than I am!" I whined.

"Don't whine, you sound like Carrie," he said laughing, "but I kind of like the baby voice, it's cute."

"Put your clothes on, I'm hungry." I said, wiggling out from underneath him and standing up. I put on my shorts and t-shirt and went out to the kitchen. I was searching around in my fridge when I felt something press into my back.

"Seriously, I'm so hungry!" I said turning around and slapping him on the arm.

"You're such a drama queen," He said laughing, "Carries on the phone."

I grabbed my phone out of his hands, "Hello?"

"So did you just like, decide to ditch me and go off with meat head? Like that was rude! Whatever I'm so over it. Where did you guys go anyways, like we went to the deli and you weren't there. And why is he answering you phone? Like, is he at your house? You guys aren't even friends! I'm so confused. And you just ditched, and like everyone noticed that you guys were both gone and were there earlier." She said, rambling on.

"What is she saying?" Paul mouthed to me.

"Like are you guy's best friends now? Oh my god. You guys are alone. Oh my god. I knew it. He's never had a steady girlfriend! It all makes sense!" She shrieked.

"Carrie! Calm down! Seriously, shut up."

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to lie to me, I'm not jealous, now we can double date!" She said, completely ignoring me.

"I've got to go!" I said, trying to end the conversation.

"Well, I'll be over around four to pick you up; we have to go shopping for that party tonight." She said, and then hung up.

"What did she say?" Paul said.

"A lot of stuff." I said, not wanting to tell him that she had caught on.

"What kind of stuff..." He said, raising his eyebrow.

"Just wanted to know what we were doing, that's all."

"She knows, doesn't she?" He said, panic in his voice.

"Well, she's not dumb."

"Oh fuck, what am I going to do? People can't know that I'm gay!"

"People don't know anything! She doesn't know, nobody knows!"

"She'll tell Johnny, and then he'll tell all the other guys, and she's a gossip! Oh god, my life is over." He said.

"Calm down, she won't say anything!" I said, grabbing him into a hug.

"Blake, what do I do? I'm so scared, people can't know. Look what happened to you!" he said, stroking my forehead.

"Paul, nobody will hurt you, and nobody has to know anything."

"Are you sure? I mean, I really like you, but I don't think I'm ready for other people to know, about, well, this, me, us."

I was so surprised. He had said "us". I had been so confused about the whole situation. I didn't know what he had wanted. Just sex? A friend to understand what he was going through? No, he wanted me; he wanted an "us".

"There's an us?" I said, still shocked that he had said it.

"Well yeah, I think so, unless you... I thought?" He said, looking confused.

"I just didn't know how you felt." I said, feeling a wave of relief come over me.

Then we kissed. It felt so right. Nothing else mattered. I didn't care what anybody thought. I was the happiest guy in the world; for now.

Next: Chapter 2: Man of My Dreams 2

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