Man in the Mirror

By John Josept

Published on Sep 18, 2005



The following story deals with explicit gay sex between men. If this type of material offends you, or you are under the age allowed by the state or region you reside in or you live in an area where this type of material is not legal, you must please leave and not go any further.

This is a work of fiction meant for private enjoyment and in a fictitious world as this story is, HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist, and so safer sex is not needed. Unfortunately, in the real world these diseases do exist, so please do yourself a favor and everyone you come in contact with, practice safer sex, use a condom.

I dedicate this and everything I do to my partner, who goes through hell just to be with me.

Legal Stuff:

The author, John Josept, reserves all copyright privileges. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use and may not be linked to any other site or webpage, without the written permission of the author.

Man in the Mirror

Chapter 16

by John Josept

We pulled into Chandler and Tony's driveway nearly an hour and a half late. Friday night traffic was worse than expected.

"God I hope they won't be too pissed at us," I said to Royce as we got out of the car with our suitcases in tow.

"I don't think they will, they know what traffic can be like here and besides we called them every 10 minutes with updates," Royce laughed as he replied.

Just then the front door opened and Chandler and Tony came out to greet us.

"Hey. Hey, there you are," Tony yelled. His Italian emotions were in high gear as he came up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the lips. "How you doin, Eric?" He said. Tony obviously had started to party before we got here. "Royce you doin ok too? Good." Tony asked the questions and answered them before Royce or I had a chance to reply.

I looked at Royce and gave him the 'boy I think we are in for one hell of a weekend', look, then I smiled. Royce smiled back as Chandler put his arm around him and we all walked into the house.

"So sorry we are late, the traffic was murder," Royce said.

"Yeah, we saw on the TV, there was this big accident," Tony said, "and the fact you called us with updates every 10 minute. Not to worry, though, the food can be ready at anytime."

Chandler was unusually quiet, I thought, and figured something might be wrong between him and Tony.

"Hmm, something smells wonderful," I said.

"Yeah that's my famous pasta sauce," Tony said, proudly, "It's been handed down generation to generation. This weekend we get to taste it but it wont be ready until tomorrow. Tonight we eat Steak on the grill. I marinated it in my own secret sauce. If you are good to me I will share the recipe with you."

We all laughed and I wondered just what Tony meant by that statement. I just shrugged my shoulders and figured what happens, happens.

"Come on, let's go out to the back, you have to see this view," Tony said as he led us to the back gardens. I heard Royce ask Chandler what the problem was but Chandler denied anything was wrong. I saw the concern on Royce's face for his ex-lover and best friend. I heard Royce say, "We will talk later."

We walked out to the back and the first thing we saw was the magnificent view of the ocean. The back of the garden ended at a cliff. The sound and the force of the waves that crashed on the rocks below, showed just how powerful Mother Nature could be.

The landscape architect came out in me when I become aware of the beautiful gardens, with their trees and flowering shrubs meticulously manicured.

"Wow, Tony this is a fantastic view and I love what you did to your garden. Who does your work for you?" I asked figuring he had some landscape company come in to maintain it.

"Hell, I did all this myself, I don't need anyone doing things for me," He yelled, almost like he was scolding me for asking a question like that.

"Wow Tony, you are doing a wonderful job on your own," I said trying to make amends.

"Thanks boy," Tony said and he took me in his arms are gave me a kiss on the lips, "that means a lot to me coming from a famous landscape guy like you."

"You're way too kind Tony, 'famous landscape guy' Ha!" I said trying to make light of the wonderful compliment he gave me. Tony had a strange look on his face.

"Where are my manners," Chandler said. He looked like he was trying to control himself because of Tony's boisterous behavior, "here let me pour you some wine. Tony has this flown in from Italy."

"Yeah, nothing like Italian wines. That French crap is too watery. Give me a good Italian wine any time," Tony bragged.

Chandler poured us some wine and we all sat down to drink it. I do have to admit the wine Tony picked was excellent.

"It's damn hot out here tonight," Tony said as he took off his shirt. His thick hairy chest didn't hide he was in excellent shape. His body was more like a man in his 30's and not a man in his 50's. Tony gulped down the glass of wine that Chandler just gave him avoiding the dirty look that his partner shot his way.

"Why don't you all take off your shirts, its private here? Hell take off all your clothes no one would see us unless they have a helicopter." Tony laughed loudly as he removed his shorts and stood there naked. His big 12-inch dick was starting to grow.

"Tony, don't you think you should start the steaks on the grill?" Chandler said trying his best to keep himself under control.

"Yeah, the grill is warming up babe, it wont be long before they go on. Is everything else ready in the kitchen?"

"Yes, everything is ready except the steaks." Chandler really seemed upset about something. "Tony do you think you should be grilling without your clothes?"

"Hell, babe, I will put my apron on, before for I start. Don't want this big dick of mine catching on fire, although, maybe it won't make a difference soon." He laughed out loud. Royce and I just looked puzzled at Tony's remark and Chandler had a far away look in his eyes.

"Come on you guys, take your clothes off, it's too damn hot to have anything on tonight. Hell, they will probably come off later anyway." Tony laughed really loud again. He was definitely feeling his wine.

I looked at Royce and he seemed to be feeling uneasy.

"Chandler," Royce whispered to his friend, "what is going on? Tony is acting really strange."

"He's just excited, he will calm down soon," Chandler said, obviously holding back something from Royce. Chandler didn't look Royce in the eye because Royce could tell when Chandler was upset about something.

I stood up, "Well, I for one, am pretty warm and I intend to take Tony's advise and get naked."

"Yeah, that's the spirit," Tony said, "come on babe and you too Royce, get out of them clothes."

I downed my wine and removed my clothes and threw them over the back of the chair.

"Hmm Eric, how I remember that dick of yours," Tony said and he came up to me and tugged on my half hard cock.

"Tony," Chandler said, "don't forget the steaks, dear."

"Ah don't worry hon, I will start the steaks as soon as you two Brits get naked." I laughed along with Tony, hoping things would start to liven up here. Something was bothering Chandler and that was affecting Royce. My baby expected and needed a stress free break.

I signaled Royce to get up and get in the swing of things.

"Come on Chandler, we have to defend our British honor and get naked for our American friends," Royce said as he stood up and started to remove his clothes.

"That's the spirit," Tony yelled.

Chandler reluctantly got up and started to remove his clothes, as well.

Before long we were all naked and standing around trying not to be too self-conscious.

I looked at the three men in front of me; each one had something special about them, although, Royce's body was perfection.

"What we need is more wine to relax us," I said as I first filled Royce's glass, then went over to Chandler.

"Don't give Tony anymore wine, Eric." Chandler whispered, "He really is not supposed to be drinking."

"Ah ok," I said, wondering what was going on.

"Ok Tony," Chandler said to Tony, "we are all naked, so you can put the steak on now."

We were all standing around not knowing what we should do, feeling very vulnerable in our nakedness.

"Ok here goes," Tony said putting on his apron, that covered up his massive dick, but it was half-hard and it tented out. Then we heard the sizzle of the meat being put on the grill.

"Eric, how do you like your steaks?" Tony asked.

"Rare please," I replied.

"Great, I knew you would. I know the Brits like their meat well done, so I put theirs on first," Tony said as he came over to us.

"Wow, look at you guys," Tony said. His voice and his tone became very serious, as he looked over out naked bodies.

"You guys, have to be the three best looking men on this earth," Tony said, then he turned his back to us, his head was handing down low. I could swear he was crying.

I looked over at Chandler and Royce. Royce had his arms around his ex-lover. I went up to Tony and put my arms around him.

"Hey, what's up my friend? You ok? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm ok, Eric. I better put our steaks on or we will never be eating."

"Let me help," I said as I followed Tony to the grill. "How does he keep that ass of his so firm?" I wondered to myself.

Tony, put our steaks on the grill and turned over Chandler's and Royce's. I looked over at my lover, he and Chandler where deep in discussion.

Tony looked up at me from the grill and smiled. He walked over and put his arms around me.

"Hold me for a while Eric," He said with his eyes closed. I could feel his massive dick tug at the apron and push at my thigh. My dick started to rise too.

"Later, after dinner would you let me fuck you?" Tony said. I was kind of taken by surprise by his casual request.

"I never had a twelve inch dick up my ass Tony, I don't know if I could take it. Besides, what about your partner, wouldn't he have something to say about it?" I said actually fishing for some kind of clue as to what was going on between him and Chandler.

"No, he won't mind. I want to fuck you here under the stars, ok?"

I felt like I was on the spot. I would love to see how that big dick of his felt in my ass but I wasn't sure if this was the right time for it.

"We will see how we feel after dinner," I said.

"Oh, Damn, the steaks!" Tony said as he released me to tend to his grill.

"Chandler!" Tony yelled across the yard, "the steaks are just about ready.

"Ok, Tony, I will bring out the rest of the food." Chandler seemed to be holding back his emotions, damn the British reserve.

I helped Tony bring the steaks to the table on the patio and Chandler and Royce brought out the rest of the food.

We sat down pretty much in silence and started to eat. Royce and I tried to make conversation but to no avail. We finished our meal with very little said.

"Look, did Royce and I come at a bad time, guys? There seems to be tension and I hope its nothing that we did to cause this," I finally blurted out, not sure what was the response would be.

"No, No, its nothing like that, Eric, sorry we are acting so strange tonight," Chandler said, looking over at Tony.

"Is there something wrong?" Royce asked.

Chandler again looked at Tony.

"You tell them babe. It's ok, they're family," Tony said to his partner.

Chandler looked down at his plate and moved some of his food around.

"We got some rather unpleasant news earlier today. Tony has... ," Chandler hesitated, "There's a good chance that my wonderful Tony has prostate cancer."

"Oh fuck," I blurted out. I reached over and grabbed Tony's hand. Royce grabbed his other hand. My partner looked over at Chandler and grabbed his arm.

"Tony, God I don't know what to say." There are few times I am tongue tied and when I hear a good friend, someone I care about a lot, has cancer, is one of them.

"Tony are they sure; did they do all the test? My God, this is so upsetting," my Royce said, visibly taken aback by our friend's plight.

"Yeah, they pretty much did all the tests. They may have to remove my prostate or maybe seed it with, this radioactive crap, I don't know what the hell is going on. Shit, I don't want this to ruin our weekend. I have been looking forward to this for a long time."

We were all very silent, then Tony continued, "Look, I am going to be frank with you guys. Maybe, in a few weeks they are going to yank out my prostate and this 12-inch dick of mine will only be good for taking a pee. This weekend I want to have a perpetual hard-on and Eric I was serious about fucking you tonight. Sorry, if I am being too blunt for you but I figure what the hell, I may not get a chance to do that if we wait, because if my prostate goes I may not be able to get a hard-on again. This thing is not going to get me down and I don't want you all to get depressed over this either, especially you my love." Tony looked over at Chandler who was desperately trying to hold back tears.

"I will try, Tony, but I can't promise anything."

"Here," I said, "I think we need more of this fine Italian wine. I poured each of us some wine filling our glasses as much as I could.

I glanced over at the garden reflecting ball that sat in the nearby flower bed and their looking very round was the Man in the Mirror.

"Eric, can't we do something for Tony? We cant just let this happen. He's our friend. He means a lot to us."

The Man in the Mirror was acting strange again, like he had a conscience but I knew he couldn't because he was my conscience.

"I don't know what we can do for him right now," I said in my head, "but I will try and think of something. I'm glad you are concerned for him."

"Why shouldn't I, he's our friend," the Man in the Mirror said looking at me very funny, then he disappeared.

"Salute," Tony said at the top of his Italian voice, then he gulped down nearly the whole glass. I, in turn did the same. I looked a Royce and signaled for him to drink.

"Bottoms up, babe," I said to Royce. He smiled at me and drained the whole glass. Chandler did the same. I filled our glasses again.

"Yeah, bottoms up," Tony said," That's just what I want, our bottoms to be up," he laughed. Tony stood up swaying a bit from the wine. His big dick stood out in front of him hard as a rock and was dripping precum on the remains of his dinner.

"Damn, look I am hard already," Tony said with a chuckle.

I noticed my dick had gotten hard too, by just looking at Tony's massive tool. The wine made me dizzy and I forgot about Tony's plight, least for a little while.

"Royce and Chandler," I said, trying not to sound like I was a bit drunk, "would you mind if Tony and I went off somewhere, to, hummmm to talk for a while?"

They knew what I meant, and smiled. Royce said, "If its ok with Chandler, my sweet love, then its ok with me."

Chandler looked at Tony and smiled. "Yes, its ok with me."

"Hot Damn," Tony said, "come on Eric, I know just the place we can, hummm, talk."

He grabbed my hand and I stood up and there was no way I could conceal my hard cock so I just smiled and went along with Tony.

Tony and I went into the yard and turned behind some trees and out of sight of Royce and Chandler. Tony stopped and looked at me and held me in his arms and kissed me. "God could that man kiss," I said to myself.

"You're a hot number, Eric. Is it ok if I suck your dick for a while?"

"No need to ask permission, Tony, my dick is all yours."

"Well I don't want to waste too much time sucking you cause I want to fuck that hot ass of yours and right here under the stars."

Tony bent down, flipped a switch hidden beneath a nearby bush and soft accent lights went on around the parameter of a large open space. In the middle that space was a round mattress complete with pillows under an open canopy with the top pushed to one side.

"Wow, look at that, " I said with a smile.

"Yeah, Chandler and I come out here a lot and just lay out here naked and watch the sky and the ocean. Sometimes we can see dolphins and whales in a distance," he said, "then we make love." We looked at each other and kissed again. Tony slowly got on his knees and looked up at me. He held my hard cock in his hand and smiled as he slowly swallowed it until his nose was buried in my pubic hairs.

"Oh, Fuck Tony," I said feeling the warmth of his mouth on my manhood. Tony's eyes looked up toward me. I looked down at this handsome man as he pumped my dick in his mouth.

"Damn that feels so good," I gasped. I felt I was getting too close to cumming and I pulled my dick from his mouth, bent down and kissed his lips.

"That mouth of yours nearly made me cum. I want to see if I can take that big dick, before I do."

Tony smiled and I helped him stand up, "Damn knees are giving way too. Don't get old Eric, the golden years suck," Tony said with a bit of sarcasm.

He grabbed my hand and we went over to the round bed in the middle of the open space.

"Look up Eric, you can see the stars from here, ain't this a great spot?"

"Yes, it really is a great sight, Tony, but right now the great sight I am looking at is you." We looked at each other and kissed with passion. My dick was still hard from Tony working it with his mouth. I reached down and grabbed Tony's massive dick. It was hard and very heavy. I was beginning to wonder if I really wanted this big thing in my ass.

"Lay down on the bed, Eric," Tony commanded. I did as I was told. Tony stood on the ground at my feet, his dick was now harder than I had seen it before. All 12-inches were pointing straight out at me. Tony smiled while jacking his dick.

"This thing is hard like this because of you Eric. I been dreaming of fucking you ever since that day in your Jacuzzi room."

I spread my legs for him and he lay on top of me and we kissed with passion, and caressed each other's bodies. That big enormous cock of his pressed against my stomach.

Tony knelt in between my legs, grabbed hold of my calves and pushed them over my head.

"I want that hole of yours nice and relaxed before I stick my dick inside it," he told me. Then he leaned down and plunged his tongue deep into my pucker.

"Oh Fuck," I gasped. His tongue was working magic on my rosebud. I began to relax my sphincter muscle and let his tongue go even deeper than it was. I swear that tongue must be as long as his dick.

He knelt back up; salvia was running down his chin. He wiped it with his hand and smiled

"I think you are ready, Eric," he said softly. My heart jumped.

"I just hope I can handle that monster," I said, I started to tense up again and that was not a good thing when faced with a 12-inch dick.

Tony reached under one of the pillows around the bed and pulled out a tube of KY lube. Squeezed a large portion in his hand and spread it on his dick concentrating on his fat mushroom head.

"I'm going to start now Eric. If it hurts to much let me know and I will stop."

"I don't think I would want you to stop, even if it hurts," I said with anticipation. My dick was hard as he pushed my legs up again and lined that big piece of meat with my hole."

"Relax, now Eric, and before you know it, you will be riding this thing," Tony said with a smile.

I could feel the huge head push at the ring of my sphincter . I took a deep breath and relaxed my muscle and the head popped inside. I had never felt anything that big inside my ass before. It was painful but yet it was stimulating.

"Oh fuck," I said softly.

"You ok, Eric? Damn I just got my head in there but your ass feels so fucking good."

"Oh I am doing fine Tony. Take it slow and push inside me," I instructed.

Slowly Tony pushed that dick of his inside my ass. It seemed to keep sliding and sliding inside me. My ass was being stretched to its limits. I was in the middle of pain and ecstasy. I didn't know whether to scream out with pleasure or with terror.

"Damn, Eric, you are taking my dick really good. Fuck I am nearly all the way in."

I couldn't say anything, I was concentrating on the big cock invading my bowels. The pain was starting to go away and I felt that big monster of his start to rub my prostate.

"Of Fuck, Tony, you feel.... fuck," I said not believing this could feel so good. My ass was burning but there were also the pleasure that overshadowed any pain I was going through.

"I knew it would feel good for you," he said smiling. His sweat dripped from his forehead and onto my chest. "I'm all the way in Eric," Tony announced.

"Oh god, I have never felt anything like this before," I said. It was like having this huge tree limb stuffed all the way inside you, ready to come out your mouth.

"I am going to fuck you hard now, Eric, you ready?"

"Oh yeah, ready as I'll ever be. Fuck me Tony, Fuck me," My lust overshadow the pain I was feeling. My softened dick was getting harder and harder. It felt wonderful, yet I was terrified at the same time. It was a regular Rollercoaster of emotion.

Tony, pulled out what seemed like forever, then he plunged back in.

"Oh Fuck," I yelled, half from pleasure and half from pain, I couldn't tell one from the other.

Again, Tony, pulled out then slowly pushed back in. I yelled out again but this time I knew it was from pleasure. He did it again then again and again, picking up speed as he did. My dick was hard as a rock from getting that work out on my prostate. I felt I was going to cum but Tony showed no signs of an orgasm.

"Oh god, Tony you have me ready to cum!" I yelled.

"Not yet my friend." Tony stopped pumping me so I could catch my breath. His big dick was still inside me. I was afraid to move because the urge to cum was still there. His dick was resting against my prostate and I felt the slightest move could make me explode. I took several quick deep breaths, hoping that would slow down my orgasm.

I looked at Tony and held his head in my hands.

"Fuck me, Tony, cum in my ass," I said while looking into this eyes. He leaned down and kissed me. His lips were salty from his sweat. I knew I was ready for him to assault my willing hole. He pulled out and then rammed all 12 inches back into me. I yelled out in pain. He didn't stop, he just kept ramming me, but the pain turned to pleasure again, my body was sweating, I new it wouldn't be long before I would cum.

Tony was breathing heavy as he was pumping my ass harder and harder. I felt pain, then pleasure; all I knew was I wanted to cum.

"Tony I cant hold it anymore," I yelled.

"Hold on just a bit more, Eric," he pleaded.

"Oh Fuck, I don't know if I could," I replied as he thrust into me faster and faster. May hands gripped the fabric on the mattress and I held on for dear life.

"I want to cum first, Eric. It won't be long."

He took that big dick of his and pulled it all the way out of my ass then plunged it deep into me. My hole was open enough where only the pleasure swept over my body.

"Oh Fuck!" Tony screamed as I felt the first wave of his hot cum shoot into my ass. Over and over his spunk jetted into my being and I loved every second.

"Fuck," I said, as I started to shoot my load all over my body. I hadn't touched my dick once. I didn't need to because Tony dick was doing it for me.

I shot four or five times all over my chest and stomach. Tony and I were breathing hard as he collapsed onto my body. His big dick was still inside me.

I held onto Tony. He didn't talk, he just lay on top of me breathing hard. I felt his dick soften in my ass and he pulled out slowly. He rolled off of me onto his back.

It was a while before either of us said anything.

"You ok, Eric? How's your ass?"

"Right now, it feels a bit numb," I turned on my side and rested on my elbow and looked at him.

"Tony, that was one of the best fucks I ever had in my life."

"I knew you'd like it and I knew you could take it too. Like my Chandler did the first time we made love."

Tony stared up into the night sky and was silent for a moment. " Did you ever look up into the sky at night and feel like you were being taken up into the air, like you were flying on your back?" There was silence again, just the sound of the waves crashing on the rock below the cliff. It was a soothing sound. "I don't want to die Eric," Tony said, as tears started to run down his cheeks.

"You're not going to die Tony," I said, not knowing if that were true or not. I put my arm around him and he laid his head on my chest.

"I'm scared, Eric," he sobbed quietly. I drew him closer to me.

Tony gained control of himself. "Don't tell Chandler I broke down like this. I don't want him to worry about me. I love him so much," Tony sniffled.

He turned his back to me, and before long I heard him breathe steady and rhythmically; I knew he had fallen asleep. There was a blanket on the bed and I covered him with it. I got up out of the outdoor mattress and set out to find something to clean the cum off of my body.

Poor Tony, I wish there was something I could do, but I didn't even know what to say to him, let alone how to help him.

I went up to the patio where we had our dinner. All the dishes were cleaned off the table. I saw a towel draped over a chair, so I took it and cleaned my spunk from my body. As I was doing so, I heard moans coming from inside the house. It was the moans of someone in the throws of sexual passion.

I walked into the living room and there on the floor was my lover, with his ass up in the air and his dick planted deep into Chandler's butthole. They didn't hear me come in. What a sight ... my lover's hot ass pumping in and out of his ex-lover's rosebud.

Royce's ass was hard and firm and his hole was opening and closing as he fucked Chandler. I was getting hard again and I just had to join in, so I got on my knees behind my lover, spread his cheeks and ran my tongue inside his hole.

"Oh Fuck, that must be my Eric's tongue," Royce said as I took him by surprise.

That's all Royce needed and he started to shoot his load into Chandler's ass. He grunted with each shot until he was drained. In the meantime, Chandler did the same thing I did when I came with his lover, he shot all over his chest and stomach.

I stood up and wiped the saliva that was dripping from my mouth from chewing on my lover's ass.

Royce, pulled his dick out of Chandler and relaxed on top of him. Chandler wrapped his arms around Royce. I laid down on the floor next to them.

"Well you two look like you had fun. You doing ok?"

Royce looked over at me and smiled. Chandler winked at me.

"What about you?" Chandler asked, "that must have been an experience for you with my Tony. By the way where is he?"

"He fell a sleep on the bed out there. I needed to clean myself and I came up here. And yes, it was one hell of an experience. I envy you, Chandler for going through that all the time. You are a better man than I," I smiled, as did Chandler and Royce.

"It's getting late and I better go get Tony and put him to bed. I don't want the old man to catch his death out there."

"What old man are you talking about?" Tony said as he walked into the living room as we were all getting up off the floor.

"Looks like I missed something," he said.

"Just our boys fucking, that's all," I quibbed.

"Oh is that all," Tony said smiling.

Chandler went over to his partner and put his arms around him. "You doing ok?" he asked Tony sweetly.

"Yeah I'm fine. Not to worry about me. Hey Eric, how's your ass, hope I didn't hurt you too much.

"Well," I said as I started to yawn, "that was one hell of a ride, Tony, thanks for experience."

"Oh it was my pleasure, but the weekend ain't over yet," he said with a big grin.

We all started to yawn, "Let me show you to your room," said Chandler, "it has a private bath if you want to take a shower."

"Thanks, I am getting a bit weary," Royce said. After all he had been up since before the sun rose this morning and it was after midnight now.

Chandler and Tony took us to the guest room and they each gave us a hug and a kiss.

Tony took me in his arms, "Thanks, Eric, for everything," he said softly.

"No problem, Tony, thanks for being so gentle with me. And I won't mention anything to Chandler or Royce." We kissed and he turned and left the room. Chandler and Royce were kissing and I could see tears in Chandler's eyes. He looked at me and left the room, too.

I shut the bedroom door and took Royce in my arms.

"You ok babe?"

"Yes, just a bit tired though, let's shower and go to bed," he said.

"Yeah, I think I could use it. My butt really is hurting," I smiled and Royce turned me around to look at my ass.

"Hmm it is a bit on the red side, let's get you under the shower and I will clean you up."

We got into the shower and held each other under the spray for a while. Royce then cleaned my sore butt and then the rest of my body.

After we showered, we went into the bedroom and crawled in the bed. Royce turned out the lights and we got into our usual spoon position with Royce's dick resting in the crack of my very sensitive ass. His arm wrapped around me and rubbed my chest.

"I love you babe," I said to him.

"I love you too."

There was a short silence.


"Yes babe."

"When was the last time you had a physical?"

"Hmmm don't remember hon."

"Please make an appointment on Monday. It would make me feel better." He held me tighter.

"Ok, babe," I said as I moved my butt closer into my lover. God I love that man.

It was 5:00 Saturday afternoon and Flip was starting to get very nervous about his party. Darren and Michael, Flip's friends who are attending cooking school, brought over the food they catered.

"Wow, Michael, you and Darren did an awesome job on the food," Flip said.

"Yes, we did, didn't we," Darren bragged as he leaned over and kissed his partner on the lips.

"Well we did it for you Flip, you have been great to us and we owe you at least this much," Michael said.

"Well, you really don't owe me anything but thanks anyway. Now that it's all set up make yourself comfortable and have a drink.

"Hey Antonio, give Darren and Michael a drink." Flip yelled over to Antonio who was behind the bar acting as bartender.

"Flip, I love what you did to your hair, you look even cuter than before," Michael said, as he quickly adjusted an out of place strand of hair on Flip's head.

"Down boy," Darren said to Michael with a smile, "yes Flip you do look great. The long hair was too wild, not that you didn't look sexy or anything, but the short hair makes you like, Hot!"

They all laughed and Flip hugged and kiss them both and thanked them for helping out this way.

Around 7 PM the guest started to arrive and by 9PM the 15th floor was pretty much packed with Flip's friends. Everyone ate and drank and had a good time. Flip was the social butterfly and good host and kept going from one friend to another talking and laughing. He too, was having a great time.

Antonio put the CD player on loud and everyone started to dance to the techno club music. The room got very hot and the guys started to remove their shirts and that included Flip. Even some of the girls removed their tops. This party was turning into quite the spectacle.

Flip danced up a storm most of the evening. He had a few drinks but didn't seem to overdo it. He took a break, got a coke and went to the window wall and just stared outside to cool down from all the activity.

Antonio, who was also bare chested, approached Flip from behind and put his arms around him.

"Great party, little brother," Antonio said and started to rub his hands over Flip's sweaty body.

"I want to fuck you again tonight, Flip. That was good last night."

"I don't think that's a good idea Antonio. I feel guilty about what we did last night. You cheated on Sylvia, with me, no less. I think its best we don't do that any more."

"You don't want to fuck?" Antonio said, very puzzled.

"No, Antonio not with you. You belong to Sylvia now. She loves you and you love her. You are not gay; you just like to experiment no matter who you hurt."

"Fuck you, Little Brother." Antonio walked away. Flip shook his head. He was not happy with Antonio right now.

Around 1AM, Flip sat on the big chair in the living room. He was exhausted. He smiled because he felt his first party was a success. He noticed that the guests had thinned out and just a handful wandered around the room and enjoyed the view. He also noticed that the only ones left were his gay friends, who were mostly shirtless. Somehow they all had paired off in various parts of the room.

Flip felt very alone all of a sudden. He thought of Eric and Royce and how much he missed them. He thought of Paul, the LA County Deputy Sheriff, he was going to call later. Flip's dick was getting hard.

He snapped himself out of his sexual daydream but when he did he looked around the room again and most of his friends were now naked and walking around the room fondling and kissing each other.

He looked behind him and noticed Antonio in the corner making out with his friend, Jake, who was naked. Antonio was only in his boxer shorts. Jake put his hand through the open fly of Antonio's boxers and pulled out his hard dick and started to jack him. Sylvia was nowhere to be seen. "What the hell is going on with Antonio, lately?" Flip wondered to himself.

Flip turned and faced forward again and there in front of him, stood a very hunky friend of his, with no shirt on, revealing a very defined and cut chest and stomach. He was rubbing his hand over his hairless body. He simile at Flip and stuck his thumbs in his pockets of his low slung black jeans. Flip could see the outline of his large hard dick protruding through the fabric.

"Damn, Alex, looking good," Flip said, his dick got harder with each second.

"Thanks Flip, I always thought you were hot, though."

Alex was an extremely handsome young man with straight black hair and deep green eyes. He stood a statuesque six foot two inches tall. He was slender, but muscular. Everyone in that school lusted after Alex, the men and the women. But Alex was gay and loved the company of men.

Alex put out his hands to Flip and pulled him into his arms and kissed him, practically swallowing his tongue. Their naked torso touched and triggered their sexual desire.

"I been wanting to do that since I first laid eye on you," Alex said. He kissed Flip again, then whispered in his ear, "Suck me Flip, suck me right here in front of everyone."

Flip looked Alex in his eyes and started to unbutton his jeans. When he got to the last button, He pulled Alex's hard dick out and held it in his hand. Flip slowly got down on his knees and pulled Alex's jeans down to his ankles. Alex stepped out of his pants one leg at a time. Alex and Flip's eyes never left each other. Alex now stood naked. He looked down at Flip.

Flip, on his knees, reached up and ran his hand over Alex's chest and stomach. They felt hard and smooth. His hand ran down toward his cock, but his fingers first traced Alex's very sexy treasure trail that went from is naval to the dark bush around his dick and balls.

Everyone in the room saw what was about to happen between the two hottest guys in their school and stopped what they were doing. A couple of them got up to get a closer look.

Flip took Alex's dick in his hand and said, "I been wanting to do this, ever since I bumped into you in class," then he gulped down Alex's cock taking in his precum as he did.

Alex's dick felt good in his mouth and he began to pump in and out. Then he wondered why he did this in the middle of the room. He dropped Alex's cock and was about to suggest they go into the bedroom when he looked up and saw another friend kissing Alex. Then another friend came over and started to rub Alex's muscular chest and abs. Flip smiled and got up off his knees and walked to the window wall. He figured they didn't even know he left. He stood there for a few minutes just drifting off into nothingness when he felt a hand come from behind, caress his chest, then kiss the back of his neck.

"Where did you go," Alex said, holding Flip close to him, enjoying the feeling of Flip's bare-back against his naked body.

"Oh, I thought you were occupied," Flips said as he turned around. Alex kissed him on the lips.

"Only occupied with you," Alex whispered, they kissed again.

Flip looked around the room and noticed all his friends were naked and laying around on the couches and on the floor. Some were sucking each other and others were actually fucking, but most where just laying around beating there own dicks. Even Michael and Darren were on the floor with Michael's cock up Darren's ass.

"Come on Flip, let's join the fun," Alex said and grabbed Flip's hand and led him into the middle of the room.

Flip was mesmerized by all this and followed Alex and didn't realize he was undoing his pants. Everyone noticed that these two hot guys were at it again. They turned their attention to the middle of the floor.

Flip smiled at Alex as he undid the last of his buttons on his tight jeans and pulled them down to the floor. Alex got on his knees and removed Flip's jeans and threw them in a corner. Flip stood there in them middle of the room naked with his big dick pointing at Alex's face. Precum dripped down to the floor.

"Your dick is just like I pictured it," Alex said as he looked up and smiled at Flip.

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing. Those who were sucking dropped the dicks from their mouths. Those who were fucking pulled out. They all watched what Alex and Flip did as they masturbate themselves or the person next to them.

Alex opened his mouth and put his tongue under the stream of precum that flowed from Flip's pee hole. Everyone in the room let out a sigh. Alex smacked his lips, and savored the flavor of the clear liquid that flowed into his mouth.

He swallowed Flip's dick and moved his head in and out. Everyone in the room who had their dicks in their hands started to beat it faster. Flip put his hand on the back of Alex's head and guided him in and out.

"Oh Fuckin A," Flip said to everyone's astonishment. They never heard Flip use any swear words before. Antonio, who watched this whole thing, got very angry with his little brother.

Alex, felt like Flip was going to cum too soon so he stopped and stood up and kissed Flip with his mouth full of Flip's precum.

"I want to fuck that ass of yours Flip, but not here in front of everyone." Alex whispered in Flip's ear while his tongue circled inside. He then walked a few steps to the bar and grabbed a half open bottle of Jack Daniels.

Flip looked at Alex and smiled, grabbed his hand and started to leave the living room much to everyone's cries of disappointment.

"Sorry, guys the show's over, now its private time," Alex announced. Antonio glared at Flip and Flip just winked at him. Then Flip and Alex walked naked into the bedroom with their hard-ons leading the way.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 17

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