Man I love butt-fuckin

By Gunter Ragen

Published on May 12, 2009



"Man I love butt-fuckin"

Usual disclaiimers. Comments welcome

Las Vegas, NV: "Man I love butt-fuckin," he said. The drippy southern drawl of Alabama's voice raged through my head as my itchy raw hole clenched shut, squeezing out his warm seed between my ass cheeks making me feel dirty.

It had all started earlier tonight in the bar at Fitzgerald's Casino on Las Vegas's seedy Fremont Street strip. I was passing the time, getting drunk on free beers while pitching quarters into the video poker machines at the bar. Simple, easy, cheap. When I run out of quarters I stop drinking.

In my mid 30's, I stand about 5'10 with dark buzz cut, goatee and a slender build. I am pretty good with an athletic masculine but boyish thing about me. My body is in shape and I come in at about 165lbs. So picking up some cruise is not all that hard when I try. Tonight I was just planning to get a good buzz on and crash. I had a long day at the convention I was here fore and I was wiped.

About 6 beers in I grabbed a cigarette from my half crushed pack of Marlboros and went to light up. My fuckin lighter was sparking but not working. It was finally empty. Fuck. As I fidgeted with it I waved to the bartender, asking if he had any matches. "Here bud", I heard out of my right rear peripheral. A deep smooth southern voice sounded like "Haaauyeeer Bouuud". As I turned I heard a Zippo cover flip open and the sound of the wheel striking the flint.

"Let me help you out there bud", he said as a flame jumped out of the metal lighter and flickered before my face. I leaned forward and stuck my smoke into the fire and inhaled. He gave a friendly smile and nodded his head hello and pulled up a stool next to mine. The bartender came over with the matches and set them down, but I was already taken care of.

"Thanks", I said looking this young stud over. "No problem bud", he replied in the thickest drawl I'd heard in a long while. "I'm Jimmy but my friends all call me Alabama cuz that's where I'm from." He smiled and ordered himself a beer by pointing to mine and whipping his finger in a circular motion to the bartender. He then pulled out some smokes and lit one of his own.

Alabama was in his mid to late 20's with reddish light brown hair. He wore a tattered red baseball cap over short wavy hair that curled out from under it on the sides and the back. His face was nice and square with a thin mustache with legs all the way to the bottom of his jaw. It was just standing out over the day's growth on his muzzle.

Very cowboy, very butch, very blue collar. His blue eyes sparkled in the haze of the smoke and my mild buzz. He looked like a southern farm stud in a small package, about 5'8", could not have been more than 175lbs. He had a faded grey Tool band T-shirt on over a pair of jeans with a pair of patinad work boots on down below. While he has small in stature he had a pretty pronounced V-torso and big hairy arms.

"You from around here or on vacation", he asked confidently. "I'm here for a convention", I replied. "Shane by the way". I reached out and shook his hand. His rough hand responded with a confident firm handshake. With that southern style he smiled and said, "Nice to meet ya". "What about you?", I asked. He took a deep draw off his fresh beer and replied, "I work inc concrete down at Hoover Dam on the new Colorado River Bridge. There's a bunch of us here from all over the place. That's why they call me Alabama." He took a drag off his cigarette and continued, "That's why we got a Tex and a Jersey and a Montana on our crew too".

He was pretty buzzed himself I could tell by the way he floated himself up in a socially lubricated way. He was being one of those forward guys who made a point to latch onto you in the bar and talk, but one I welcomed. He was a looker and a nice friendly one at that. Who knows, maybe I'd get lucky. We continued some get to know you conversation for the next hour or so while we downed more beers.

I had hit about the 9-10 beer range and was feeling somewhere between drunk and sloppy. I still had enough of my wits to keep steady, but going away fast as I had increased the speed of my drinking since Alabama showed up. I was starting to think about hitting on him but still hadn't quite spotted him on yet. Sex hadn't come up yet and he seemed totally straight. He wasn't interrupting our conversation and pointing out every piece of pussy that walked by like most rednecks at the bar do though. He was focused on me and wanting to keep the party going. I finally ordered another beer and said, "Well, this is the last one for me tonight. I gotta be alive for the convention tomorrow". He looked a little disappointed and ordered another as well.

He leaned in and said invitingly, "Hey bud, you smoke weed?" My heart raced briefly. "Yeah sure. Why you got some?", I replied. He smiled and nodded, "Sure mayan, I got some killer stuff. Blow your fuckin head off". I smiled and took a drink, "Don't they drug test you guys on a job like that?" I asked. He gave me a nod and a wink, "Yep. Sure do", but I got a month vacation staring today, catchin a plane to Birminham in the morning. Even if they piss test me when I get back it aint gonna be there".

I smiled and gave him a wink saying, "You're just a devil aint ya". We clinked our beers and downed the rest. "Why don't we head to my room and we can spark up there?" I offered. "Sure bud", he responded in that southern drawl. As we twisted off our bar stools and began heading through the maze of the dirty old casino toward the elevators my mind was reeling.

In the elevator lobby I pressed the button and we began to wait. Then he popped the question, "So a good lookin dude like you you got a girlfriend back home?" He looked at me with a judging expectancy. "Nope, do you?" I replied matter of factly. "Just rosy palm for now". We both laughed passively as the elevator door chimed and opened. On the way up he said jokingly "Yeah, I cant wait sink my cock into somethin besides my hand. I'm damn sure willin to fuck just about anything that moves about right now".

I was drunk and willing to have fun back at him. "Well shit man you got a big enough cock I'll let you fuck me", I propositioned jokingly. "But you aint got the shit, you aint getting none from me". He stepped back and made a dramatic point to look up and down my backside and let out a admiring sigh. "Mmm, Mmm. You do got a nice ass on ya, but I'm a picky man". I looked at him with a smiled, "I thought you said you'd fuck just about anything right now?" The doors opened and we bounded down the hall laughing out loud.

When we got to the room I flipped the light on as we stumbled in. I had a King bed room with two small chairs and a table. It was a dump, but whatever. All of Vegas is a dump. I grabbed the remote and tuned on the TV while Alabama sat on the bed in front of me and pulled out half a joint, partially smoked down. Waving it at me he motioned for me to take it. As I put the reeking roach to my lips, he flipped open his Zippo and sparked it up.

I took a slow drag to test it out and got hit with a pretty strong wave of fuck this this shit is wicked. I don't smoke weed much so it could have been crap. But my eyes watered and I almost choked. He took it and drew a deep long hit before passing it back. After one more I had enough and passed on the next turn. He smiled, "Told you this would blow your fuckin head off". He toked the roach one more time before smashing it off in the ashtray.

Then he laid back on the bed and let out a deep sigh, rubbing his stomach with his hand. "Maaayan I'm fucked up good now boooouud", he drawled at me. He turned his head and looked at me with his blue eyes, watching for a reaction. I was blasted, almost not able to answer at first. "Yup, I'm pretty baked I must say", I mustered. "Thanks". We both just gelled silently for a few minutes letting the THC course through our heads.

He then sat stood up and headed for the bathroom to take a piss. Leaving the door open, I heard his stream of beer water draining into the toilet. He was full as it seemed to take forever for him to finish. It reminded me of our conversation in the elevator. As he stepped out of the bathroom buttoning up his Levis, he peeled off his grey Tool T-shirt and threw it on the chair next to me, exposing his nice V-shaped torso lightly fuzzed with his reddish medium brown hair. "You don't mind do ya bud, it's hot in here maayan".

I gave him an inviting grin and said. "Not all, make yourself at home and hang out a while." I then stood up and hit the can myself as listening to him piss made me need to in the worst way. On the way there I laughed and said over my shoulder, "I still gotta see if you got a big enough cock to get some off me tonight". Leaving the door open while at the toilet I unbuttoned my 501's pulled out my 7" snake and let her flow. "Ummmm, that feels better", I thought to myself.

When I came out of the bathroom Alabama had his dirty leather work boots, jeans and underwear off in a pile on the floor next to the bed. Shocked, I looked up to see him sitting proudly on the corner of the bed stroking his thick meat and looking at me with his glazed blue eyes. Confident and sexy, he nodded at me and invited, "Here you go bud. This big enough for ya?"

He was handling a nice thick piece of grade a meat before my eyes, slowly jacking it up to size. It had to be at least 8", maybe more. He had a fucked up grin on his hairy face from ear to ear that made me laugh out loud. I realized that this straight redneck wasn't gonna clean my clock for being queer. "Waaayyl?", he chided. "Whuuudwa thank?" he drawled at me. "Damn dude", was all I could say as I walked over to him.

He stood up to me and we met face to face. Putting his arms around me and clasping my ass, his heavy thick cock pressed against my crotch. His facial hair brushed rough on my lips as he stared into my eyes. "Come on now booouud. You said I could fuck ya if my cock was big enough. Whaaddya say maayan? Is my nine big enough for ya?", he propositioned while holding me tight in his arms. My eyes answered his question.

He then planted his mouth against mine and we kissed passionately for a brief few seconds while his hands pryed my 501's open. "Then let me see your ass", he said with a joking laugh. I kicked off my Nikes and pulled off my jeans and underwear, tossing them aside. Standing there in his tattered red baseball cap and his white tube socks he admired my slender body and rubbed his stubbled chin, nodding in approval. "Now turn around and show me your shit", he said.

I turned around and bent over the bed, sticking my ass out. "Yeah, that's nice boouud", he drawled with a sense of dirty pleasure as he stroked his cock. "You got any lube?" he asked. I remembered the bottles of complimentary stuff in the bathroom and ran to grab the one of lotion. I handed it to him when I came back and eyed his beautiful cock. He had thick red hair bushed all around his fat round balls, and it grew up his shaft like vines. He was already pooling up some pre-cum at the tip as I knelt down to taste him.

"You can suck it a little bud, but I want to fuck that ass", he warned as my mouth and hands descended on his meat. He was ripe with piss, sweat and man musk like I had never smelled or tasted. "Go ahead bud, you wanted it. Suck it mayan", he pressed. His rough hands clasped my buzz cut skull and guided me onto his stink tool.

His fat blunt shaft entered my mouth slowly as I slurped and licked with my flickering tongue as fast as I could to get all of his flavor. My back arched as I tried harder and harder to get every inch of his cock into my mouth. It would not fit though and my teeth were getting a bit in the way, drunk as I was. A minute or two of my shaft wetting went by before he pulled me away and he said, "Get your ass up on the bed mayan. I wanta butt-fuck"

As I made my way up, he said "Lay on your back". I followed suit as he squeezed the lotion from the tiny bottle and began lubricating his meat. He then squirted more on his hands and began fingering it all over my puckered love hole. He drunkly probed his slippery rough fingers into me making me flinch. "Damn bud, your hole is pretty tight. You gonna take my dick OK?" I nodded yes, "Dont worry, I can take it". He let out a gut grunt. "I hope so cuz I'm gonna butt-fuck ya good. I aint had any for weeks mayan. I don't like no whining to slow down and take it easy", he warned with a furrowed brow and a smirk.

I was a little scared, but fucked up enough to let it ride. This guy was as genuine a blue-collar construction worker red-neck as they came and I wasn't gonna shut him down or disappoint him. No, I wanted to get this young buck in me and let him show me his southern might. I wanted him to make me grit my teeth with sexual pleasure, to ache with the pain of raw rough man fuck. I wanted to remember him every time I took a shit for the next week. I was drunk, stoned and in the zone now.

As his rough hand was working my ass ring with lotion and his other jacking his 9" fatty I looked at him and nodded. "Come on, give me that Alabama slamma". He smiled a shitty grin from ear to ear. "That what I like to hear mayan". He grabbed my legs and folded them up over his shoulders and lowered himself down over me. He guided his thick meat against my nest and used his weight to push it in. His wet shiny blue eyes met with mine as he sunk his love stick in deep and rough. The ripping sharp pain broke through my drunken haze and made my body tense up in protest.

In a push-up stance he slowly arched his back up, pulling out and then sliding back in while we gazed at each other's sweaty faces. He leaned down and buried his tongue in my mouth and we kissed rough and sloppy as his hips thrust back and forth slowly getting a rhythm. I wrapped my legs around his back and squeezed him tight as his body lurched forward and back, increasing in speed and force. He wrapped his arms under my back and squeezed me tight and we kissed some more, my face already getting raw from his ruff scruff rubbing against me. He said butt-fuck, but this was almost making love.

Then he changed gears and pulled down on my shoulders toward him, banging my hole harder in a rising pitch. I was rolling in wet sweaty ecstasy with his tongue dancing with mine and his hairy stomach sliding back and forth on my cock. But as he changed position over me and started slamming my chute harder, the burning raw pain started to rise. He was drunk and rough, slamming my hole without regard making me twitch and jump, but I kept jaw clenched shut and kept eye contact with him, inviting more.

His cock was getting harder it seemed, the more he fucked. I could feel my chute pulling in and out of my body, my spincter rolling back and fro with his cock's assault. His head popped out every few times letting the cold air hit my raw insides before he slammed in again. Fuck! This guy was really at it. His sweat was rolling off his forehead and staining his backwards red cap wet as it dripped off in my face. His hairy face contorted in pleasure as his jaw dropped open. "Uuhh man, your got such a nice ass", he grunted.

He pounded my hole raw for a few more minutes before he pulled out and asked me to turn over and get up on my knees. While I took the breather and changed position, he re-lubed his stink meat and stood next to the bed. He then pulled me closer as he saddled up to my fuck hole. His rough hands clasped my ass and pryed my cheeks open. "Ooheee, you got a nice puckered red rose for me now buuuud. You're gonna be sore in the morning buuud. " He then slapped my ass with a loud stinging crack and pushed his fuck rod into my red rose hard and rough.

His hands clenched around my thighs and his full body weight into it, he began dog fucking me harder now. Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap! I was involuntarily letting out grunts of pain and pleasure, both. "Uuh, uhh, uhh, uhh, Ooooh, Aahhh", as my body tried to get away from it's intruder. "Uhh, bud, I love butt-fuckin!" he grunted. His cock felt 12" long as he bottomed out hard inside me, pushing open my inner bowels with a blunt pounding like a jackhammer.

I was sure the neighbors could hear us up and down the hall. The grunting, the "Oh Fuck Mayan", the slapping and the bed rattling against the wall. But fuck, this is Fremont Street. What do they expect really? He began to tire a bit. "Mayan I wanta cum in your ass mayan?", he groaned. "That OK?" Between teeth clenching grunts I replied. "Yeah man, breed my ass good bro".

He then fall into a more regimented and less violent fuck as I could hear his fast panting over his groin slapping my ass now. He was working at it and he had long beer bred stamina. "I'm workin on it buud, I'm comin soon", he comforted. As the smell of man sex filled the room, a little sweat, some shit, he finally turned me over and laid me on my back again, fighting the last bit of lotion from the tiny bottle.

He grabbed my legs and crawled on top of me again, showering me with his dripping sweat. His new angle of attack and the burning smoothness of his newly lubricated meat felt better now as he went for the final stretch. His fuck was now banging my prostate and sending me over the edge. I felt my cock twitch and I grabbed my shaft with a tight squeeze. Ropes of my boiling jizz squirt up between us. This red-neck Alabama stud fucking me bitch style, and I was getting off.

Feeling my warm goo on his belly, we locked eyes again as he raged jack-hammered my red swollen pussy. He leaned down to me for another wet tangle of the tongues. My warm sticky cum smeared between our stomachs and into our chest fur as we slid back and forth against each other. He bucked slow a deep a few times and let out a few grunts, "Ohh fuck bud, I......." I then felt a wet warmth coat my burning chute as he squirt me full of his Alabama seed one pump after another.

I wrapped my sweaty legs around his back and clenched him in again as he spend his final paycheck into my gut. He then fell on top of me and we kissed some more with our eyes shut in the moment. After what seemed like a few minutes in this sweaty musky after-glow he fell off of me and over to my side. We laid there together staring at the ceiling for a moment and he said, "Man I love butt-fuckin,"

The drippy southern drawl of Alabama's voice raged through my head as my itchy raw hole clenched shut, squeezing out his warm seed between my ass cheeks. I felt dirty like a whore as he got up and went to the bathroom to wash himself up. I laid there catching my breath. He came back out and I hit the head to clean up as well. When I came back out he was dressed and sprung to leave.

"I gotta go bud. Got to git to the airport early", he said sheepishly. "Thanks for the good time mayan". He wrapped his big hairy arms around my naked body and we kissed. I nodded and winked at him. "No, thank you!". We shook hands like men, as if that tied the whole thing up right. "I left my cell phone number on the pad over there. You ever get back up here or to Birminham, you let me know bud". He tipped the brim of his red baseball cap and walked out the door.

"Man I love butt-fuckin,"

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