Mall Meeting

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Nov 24, 2008


This is a story of a meeting of two strangers, both adult women and their developing friendship which evolves into a sexual affair. It contains descriptions of sex between two females. If that isn't to your liking or you are underage or reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. The story is the property of the author who retains all rights and it may not be reproduced or published in any way without permission of the owner.

Mall Meeting part 4

I arrived at almost exactly seven thirty. I pushed the doorbell button and in an instant the door opened. I stepped in and she immediately hugged me and I hugged her.

She was in a pair of green shorts, a light yellow tank top and barefoot. Her hair was neat and she was wearing a touch of make up. I was in navy blue capris, sandals and a red sleeveless cotton pullover. I pulled off my shoes and left them by the door.

We ate, drank juice and coffee, stared at each other a lot and talked a little. After we cleaned up and shoved all the dishes into the dishwasher, she showed me around her condo. Really nice, town house style. Two bedrooms and a bath up, master bedroom and bath down and a half bath off the eat in kitchen and a living-dining combo which over looked the patio and lake through french doors.

We both sat on the sofa and I said, "Felicia, .... we need to talk."

"About what? .... "

"About us, .... you .... uh ..... what do you want from me? You started all this when you kissed me and called me Annie. Then you seemed to .... not want to let it go.?"

"Oh me. Well .... after I found out you weren't Annie, I was a bit disappointed not to mention embarrassed. When I saw you sitting in the food court, I felt compelled to apologize again. That's when I learned that you are an interesting, intelligent young lady and I thought we might become friends."

I paused a second or two and then said, "But we seem drawn ... beyond mere friendship ... into the fringes of a somewhat .... romantic .... encounter. Don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying it is all your fault. I am shaken, yet, intrigued by the closeness I feel, .... and I am not sure how to handle it. Never been here before."

"I have noticed that. Or at least I thought I had. .... I am a pretty open person , Rita, and I seem to like you more each time we meet. As I have told you before, I am more comfortable with women than I am with men. Does that make me a lesbian? I don't think so. What do you think?"

"Quite honestly, I don't think of you .... or me .... as being lesbian. But then, I never thought I would enjoy being kissed by another woman."

"You have a funny way of showing that," Felicia laughed.

"I know. I have enjoyed the few kisses we have shared ..... but .... frankly .... after the way I was raised .... it scares the hell out of me."

"Have I been too pushy?"

"Not sure ... if I am too shy ... or you are pushy," I said with a wide grin.

"I will try to be a little more reserved. Won't be easy for me though. And .... I am going to confess this to you .... eventually I hope for us to reach the level of 'friendliness' that I told you I was involved in before."

"I had the feeling that's where you were headed. I will be totally honest, Felicia. I am not a prude .... nor am I horrified by women being with women. It happens. Don't expect me to embrace your goals .... at least not right away. If I do .... it will take me a while to wam up to that way of thinking, if I ever do."

Felicia stood up then got on her knees in front of me, leaning on my knees with her forearms. She smiled up at me and just looked into my eyes. Neither of us spoke for probably a half minute.

Then she said "OK, so is this where we are? .... I want to make out with you. And I am ready to run with it. You may be alright with it but you're not quite ready to let it happen?"

"I'd say that is a reasonable assessment. Yes. Can you put up with me being like that?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes. .... just as long as you know .... I won't give up."

"Fair enough, ..... just as long as you know .... I won't be easy,". We both laughed.

She straightened up and leaned forward seeking a kiss. I leaned toward her and our lips met, softly pressing together. Her fingers squeezed my knees and I felt that shiver again. She felt it too I am sure.

She pulled away first and said, "Let's go find a bathing suit for you. I must warn you, there aren't any one piece suits here."

I laughed and said "I didn't expect to find any like that but I hope the cloth patches are at least as big as my hand."

"Maybe, ..... your hands are kinda small," and she laughed too.

We entered her bedroom and on her king bed I saw three bikinis. Sky blue, pale yellow and mint green. All three just alike, all brand new and all .... SKIMPY .... at least to my assessment.

"You rat, Felicia. You bought these just for me didn't you?"

She instantly became a revealing shade of red as she said "Well, yes, .... but they will fit me too if you don't like them."

"Hmmmpfff... not much there to like or dislike. Did you get them in the little girl's department?"

Laughing now, she said, "Oh, don't be so hasty .... wait until you try one on. You will be surprised how much they actually cover. They stretch you know?" then added, "plus .... you don't want to look like your Grandma when she went swimming do you?"

"Alright .... OK .... so leave me be with .... these .... uh .... three things. I will try one and see."

"Will you let me see too?" she said with a smile and a wink.

"Well .... yeah .... I guess. If I am going to wear one today you are going to see me anyway. I will call you when I'm ready."

She grinned at me as she backed out and closed the bedroom door.

I pulled my top over my head and then unfastened the faux belt of my capris, letting them fall to the floor. I picked them up and dropped them on the bed with my top. My sports bra was next, over my head and freeing my breasts, which were quite firm with quarter sized areola and small darker nipples. I looked down at them and lightly ran my hands over them, feeling my nipples tense up a little. I stopped that right away not wanting them to be so obvious to Felicia.

My bikini panties were next as I hooked my thumbs in the elastic and pulled them to my knees and then kicked them to the floor. I was taking my time, being a bit unsure of what I was getting myself into here. But then I turned and saw the closet was partially open and one of the sliding doors had a full length mirror. I pulled the door to expose the mirror ... and there I was ... in all my nakedness. I did a couple of sideways turns, admiring my body. Then a knock at the door.

"Are you sleeping in there? It doesn't take that long to put on a swimsuit."

"Give me some time. I am enjoying myself."

"Let me in to help you .... enjoy yourself."

I laughed and said "I didn't mean that way. Dirty minded woman."

"OK .... OK .... I am just anxious ...."

"Just be patient with me."


I picked up the bottom of the yellow suit .... held it up and stretched it out. Whewwww.... not much there I thought .... but all three are exactly alike so I don't need to check the others. At least they weren't STRING bikinis. I slipped my feet through and pulled it up. Actually it felt really nice, and covered most of my bottom .... well .... maybe not most .... and the front, which was lined, covered more than enough. It had the lace up tie by my left hip and when I snugged it up and looked in the mirror I decided that .... just maybe .... it would be alright. It did cover more than I initially thought .... but I wasn't pleased with the color.

I pulled it off and chose the mint green. I put on the bottom piece and moved it into position before I attempted to lace it up and tie the cord ends. I turned to take a peek in the mirror and liked what I saw. The mint green pleased me more than yellow.Then I put the bra neck string around my neck and tied it then the back string. My next thing was to adjust the cups to cover what they would of my B size breasts. The bra was unlined and my small nipples showed through. I liked the green. I thought it looked good with my skin tone and my dark brown hair.

After deciding to stay with the mint green, I opened the door and stepped into the living area. Felicia heard the door and as she stood and turned around I could see her eyes widen and a big grin spread across her face.

"My god Rita, .... you are beautiful .... absolutely perfect .... damn .... I knew you had to have a nice body .... but ... oh my ..."

"Does that mean you like the green on me?" I asked in a childish voice.

"No. I love it. Girl, you have a classic bikini body and some great legs to go with it. You're awesome."

"How much wine have you had while I was in there getting dressed. You must be totally wasted and going blind."

"Phhfffftttt (stuck her tongue out), I am as sober as you are and you know it."

"OK. Now it's your turn to surprise me."

She nodded and headed for the doorway but stopped when she got beside me and said "Is it alright if I hug you right now?"

"No. It isn't. First you have to be properly dressed ..... in your bikini."

Into the bedroom she went with a pouting lower lip but turned and grinned as she closed the door. About three minutes later she emerged wearing an orange, satiny looking bikini that didn't cover as much as mine. I could see her nipples through the thin material. She did a slow pivot on her toes and I think I gasped just a little at the rear view. The bottom piece was almost a thong style but not quite. I was sure the small amount of material in the back could easily be pushed between her rounded cheeks to simulate a thong. Why did I think about that?

"Do I get that hug now?"

"Not until I am able to catch my breath after looking at your mesmerizing body. That color just seems to make you glow all over, Felicia. If I had a blue ribbon, I would give it to you because you win hands down in the body department."

She stepped closer and extended her arms as I moved toward her being drawn in like a magnet. Both barefoot we were almost exactly the same height. Our arms wrapped around each other and our lips met as our thinly clad breasts pressed together and the soft, bare skin of our thighs made contact. I was immediately engulfed with intense heat, which in a few seconds, faded and I broke out in gooseflesh all over.

I broke away, breathing rapidly and said "We should get out of here and go to the pool."

"I agree. That was quite an all consuming hug wasn't it?"

"Oh yeah, and more .... I .... uh .... you do have some sunscreen I hope? .... sorry but I had to change the subject."

"I'll get some beach towels and sunscreen. Don't go away, I'll be right back."

I laughed a little nervous laugh and said "I think I'm too weak to go anywhere by myself right now."

Towels and a couple of plastic bottles with sunscreen in her hands, she said "Let's go get wet and get some sun."

I followed her through the French doors and we walked a short way to the pool. We were the only ones there. I asked her about that.

"Most of the residents are older and not many even use the pool. There are a few, maybe in their forties, who come out on weekdays but not many."

"So, .... even out here .... we are alone?"

"Well, duh .... yeah .... but we're outside .... in public .... you worry too much. Don't worry until the irises in my eyes turn either red or yellow," she said with an evil laugh.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that, then I spread a towel on a chaise, sat down and started rubbing sunscreen on my legs.

"I could help you with that you know?"

I smiled sweetly and said "Thank you but I am doing fine with it. If you want, I will let you do my back in a few minutes."

"I hope you mean your whole back .... including the backs of your legs?"

I thought a few seconds and answered, "I guess that's what I meant. Yeah, you can do my legs too."

"Will you do mine for me?" she queried.

"Of course .... I will."

I finished with my legs, belly and chest while Felicia watched and did the same to herself.

"On your belly," she ordered, then added, "and don't be complaining all the time when I am touching you."

"Yes Ma'am," I quipped as I rolled on to my belly and laid my head on my hands.

She discreetly applied lotion to my back and shoulders and spread it all around, even moving my bra strap aside to apply under it. Then she moved to my legs and I know I cringed a little but I tried valiantly not to do that. She held my ankles and spread my legs a bit , hooking my feet over the sides of the chaise. It seemed she spent extra time working on my legs but her hands and fingers felt good as they massaged my muscles.

She smacked my butt with one hand and said "You're done."

So then we reversed roles and I basically did for her, what she had done to me. I must admit I admired her legs and smiled as I ran my hands over her smooth skin applying the lotion.

We sunned a while, splashed around in the water on several occasions, kissed a few times while in the pool and made body contact a number of times which involved brushing an arm across breasts and legs getting tangled. I knew what she was doing and I played along since we were at least outdoors. Actually it kind of reminded me of teenage days at the pool with the boys. I liked her .... but .... I was a bit reluctant to let myself relax too much. Yet.

Later she said "Ready for lunch?"

I looked at the clock on the pumphouse wall and it was one thirty pm. Time had passed quickly.

"Yeah, I guess I am. But not much, I usually just have a salad or some veggies."

She pulled me up and we went arm in arm back to her condo. We each ate a salad, a piece of Italian bread and unsweet tea. During our lunch break we talked more about our relationship and where it was going and how fast. Nothing solved though, except that I began to realize that this gorgeous woman really did want to ..... to do things with me. It excited me a bit and I tried to push it aside but it wouldn't go.

"Rita, I am going to say this and I don't want you to freak .... I .... want you to stay here with me tonight."

I gasped but before I could say anything she continued, "Don't fret, you can sleep upstairs if you like. Or I can and you can have my bedroom. Or .... and I mean this whole heartedly .... you can sleep with me in total safety ... I promise to be on my best behavior regardless of which option you choose."

"I didn't expect that. Let me think about it and I will let you know my decision .... when I know my decision," I said with a nervous chuckle.

"OK. But you are staying for dinner, no ifs ands or buts. I have some huge shrimp I want to grill for us along with some brown rice, salad and white wine. Just nod if you understand me because I can see your mind is out somewhere around Neptune right now."

I nodded my mindless head.

We went back to the pool for a while. There were a couple of women without men and one older couple sitting at a table by themselves, all out just sunning a bit. At least I knew as long as they were out there the afternoon would be rather calm for us. The sun intensity waned as it began to sink lower and we decided to go in and shower away the chlorine and the sunscreen.

"You can use the shower upstairs if you want and I will shower down here," Felicia offered, "body wash, shampoo, deodorant, towels, it's all up there. If you don't see what you want then open drawers and doors until you find it."

"OK. Thanks," as I took off up the stairs. Inside the bathroom, I peeled off the bikini and plopped it into the lavatory full of water to soak out the chlorine.

I found a large, thick towel and hung it on the hook by the shower. When the water got warm I stepped in and let it pound on my head and the back of my neck. I turned it hotter. Then the lightning hit. The only clothing I had up there was the soaking bikini. I had neglected to bring up the clothes I had worn over here. The shower felt so good, I ignored the problem and enjoyed the shower for quite a while. Deal with that later.

After drying off and blow drying my hair to a damp state, I opened the door and yelled down, "Felicia, will you please bring me my clothes ... I forgot to get them."

I waited and heard nothing. She must still be in the shower I thought. So .... I wrapped myself in the towel and went about half way down the steps. I called to her again and still heard nothing. I looked around and saw nothing. I eased on down the last few steps and peeked around. Still no Felicia. Her bedroom door was open so I went to it and called out. No answer.

She is here somewhere, she has to be. The bathroom door was open and I could smell the shower and sense the moisture but she wasn't in there either. I turned and looked around the bedroom and my clothes were nowhere to be seen. In my haste to search for them, the towel dropped off me and I didn't stop to retrieve it. I stood with my back to the door, hands on my hips, mind wondering ..'where are my clothes?'

I heard something beeping somewhere outside the bedroom. Then I heard Felicia's voice but I didn't understand what she was saying. Then I saw her through the doorway, dressed and holding her cell phone to her ear.

"Yes, thats what I said. I just discovered a naked woman in my home, .. in my bedroom. Yes, 2901 Concord Place. Hurry please."

I was so stunned I couldn't move. Then she started laughing and I charged out at her like a bull at the rodeo. She ran and I chased. She laughed more. Here I was totally naked, chasing a clothed woman in her own home, my breasts bouncing and swinging side to side as I ran. My damp hair hanging in clumps. I must look totally ridiculous I thought. I stopped on the stairs and just stood there. Then I saw her head as she peeked around the corner to find me. I shook my fist at her and she laughed again. Then she stepped out into my view, at the top of the stairs. I stared, I know my chin dropped and my mouth was wide open when I realized that she was wearing my clothes. I dashed up the remaining steps and crashed into her before she could react. We both fell to the carpeted floor and grappled a few seconds. I rolled up on top of her and sat on her pelvic area, leaned on her and held her hands above her head.

We stared into each others faces and then she started laughing. I tried to keep a stern look on my face but I couldn't and I started laughing too. But I didn't let go of her.

"What is going on with you? You are one crazy, insane woman." I said with a chuckle.

"I was possessed. I saw your clothes on the bed and knew you would be naked. I saw it as an opportunity to see you naked and it worked. The phony 911 call was just an impulse."

I leaned down slowly, my face just millimeters from hers, then my nose touched her nose. I stuck out my tongue far enough to touch her lips. Then we were into a full blown, passionate, tongue sucking kiss. I squirmed around on her as she struggled to get her arms free. Then I pulled my head back and just stared at her with an evil grin on my face.

"Is that what you want? Me to take some initiative?" I said calmly, "you have finally pushed me over the edge."

I let go of her arms and stretched my body on top of hers. Her arms and legs went around me and hugged me so tight to her that I could barely breathe. She relaxed her hold on me and let me sit up on her.

"I knew there was fire in you Rita. I wanted to see it but I didn't know how to get you to let go. I guess I found the key, huh?"

I laughed and said "I guess you did. I was furious at first, until on the steps I realized you were playing another of your games with me. I decided it was time for me to win one. And I did. So .... are you going to give me my clothes back or shall I go get some of yours?"

"Why don't you go pick out something of mine but be sure to go with NO underwear because that's the way I am right now in your clothes."

I smacked her on the shoulder and said "You're driving me to be as crazy as you are. Maybe moreso."

"Good. That's exactly what I was hoping for. Now ... may I get up?"

"Only if you take off my clothes. Then I can see you naked. Or we can stay here like this with me sitting on you.

"Hmmmm .... I kinda like having you on top of me," she said with a laugh.

"Pervert, get out of my clothes .... now .... or I will have to take them off of you."


With that I started pulling the red top up to her shoulders, baring her breasts. I stared. Her's were about the size of mine but her areola were larger and her nipples longer and thicker than mine. I continued as I pulled the top to cover her face. Then I started tickling her and watching her breasts bounce as she laughed and tried to squirm away.

Before she knew what was happening, I quickly turned around and got on my knees, straddling her and facing toward her feet. I proceed to undo the top of the capris and work them down over her hips. When she raised her hips and I pushed the capris on down, I saw her hairless, slick mons. Her legs spread as she tried to help me with the pants and I got a full view. Totally void of hair all the way to the perineum. What a beautiful sight I thought.

I pushed until she pulled her feet clear of the capris and I tossed them aside. Her hands were on my hips and I raised up and turned around to finish my job with the top but she had done it for me. We were both totally nude. I felt a wave of heat and dizziness wash over me as I realized where I was and what I was doing. I felt as if I would pass out.

I think I did slip away for a moment because I became aware of her voice saying "Rita ... are you alright?"

I batted my eylelids a few times and said rather foggily "I guess so. Why?"

"I think you fainted for a few seconds."

Then I realized that I was on my back and she was over me, looking down on me. I didn't remember lying down.

She helped me to sit up and I leaned against the wall for support and to gather myself. She sat beside me and our legs touched. That brought me back a little as I remembered that we were both nude and how we got that way.

I started to stand and she got up to help me. I got to my feet with her support and wanted to go downstairs.

"No way, Girl. You are NOT going down those stairs until I think you're ready. We're going into this bedroom and you're going to get on the bed and rest."

She laid down beside me and I felt a shiver through my body once more. She noticed and pulled a light cover over me, up to my chin. The next thing I knew, when I woke up, alone, it was dark outside. I looked around for a clock and found one. It read 6:30.

I got up and carefully went to the door. When I opened it I could see lights on downstairs but it was quiet.

I called out, "Felicia, are you there?"

"Yes, wait ... don't come down by yourself."

She ran up the steps, took me by the arm and led me down. She had me sit on the sofa while she went to get a robe for me. I stood to put it on and I was feeling pretty much back to normal by then. I noticed she also was wearing a robe.

"Are you hungry, Sweetie? Everything is ready except the shrimp which will only take a few minutes."

"I am starved."

So she finished preparing dinner and we ate slowly and I drank tea instead of wine. She wouldn't let me do anything about cleaning up the kitchen. I was only allowed to sit and take it easy.

Felicia came to me, knelt down and hugged me saying "I'm glad you are feeling better. I was worried about you for a while there."

I laughed a little and said "I don't know what happened. I just felt really warm and light headed and .... then I was on the floor."

"Ahhh, no biggie, I have that effect on almost everybody," then she said, "you do know that .... there is absolutely NO WAY I am going to let you go home tonight, don't you?"

"Actually .... I was kind of hoping you would do that. I didn't think I should drive .... at least not tonight."

"OK then, .... it is settled. You will stay here, sleep in my bed so you don't have to use the steps and I will sleep upstairs."

"No. I will sleep upstairs. You can help me with the steps if you want. That's final."

"Hard headed woman. OK. I do think you're alright now."

Later, after some TV and lots of chatter between us, I announced that I thought I should get some rest.

She offered PJs which I refused since I prefer sleeping nude like I do at home. Up the steps we went, side by side, in matching robes, then into the bedroom where I had been before.

We hugged, enjoyed a goodnight kiss, which by the way was probably the greatest, non-passionate kiss, I had ever experienced in my lifetime.

She left before I disrobed and vowed to see me in the morning. I undressed and went to bed. It felt warm and comfortable and I fell asleep almost instantly.

----- to be continued -----


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Next: Chapter 5

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