Mall Meeting

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Nov 24, 2008


This is a story of a meeting of two strangers, both adult women and their developing friendship which evolves into a sexual affair. It contains descriptions of sex between two females. If that isn't to your liking or you are underage or reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. The story is the property of the author who retains all rights and it may not be reproduced or published in any way without permission of the owner.

Mall Meeting part 3

It was late but I felt the need for a relaxing shower before I went to bed. I stripped in my bedroom letting my carefully chosen clothes tumble to the floor. I peeled off my panty hose and looked curiously at the damp spot I knew would be there. I brought it close to my face and inhaled.

"Hmmm, not too bad," I told myself, "actually a rather enjoyable aroma. It's been a long time since I sniffed myself. I wonder if Felicia does that? I wonder what hers smells like?"

"Damn girl, what has gotten into you lately? Kissing other women, wondering what their pussy smells like, now ... talking to yourself. Get a grip."

I finished undressing as I watched myself in the full length mirror. I stood and turned slowly looking myself over. The image became Felicia in my mind. She was smiling back at me. I shook my head and went to the shower.

The water was on very warm, I stepped in and almost screamed at the hot stream pounding onto my body. As I became accustomed to the temperature, I noticed that my nipples were hard and erect. I touched them as I closed my eyes and imagined Felicia there with me. I needed release and knew I was going to masturbate right then and there. I am not an frequent masturbater. Once a week or if I get really needy, I may do it twice.

My one hand slid down my wet skin to my soft pubic hair, then over the hump and into my slit. My legs moved apart and my knees bent a little as I reached lower and got my hand in position for what I wanted. Two fingers slid inside me and I shook all over with the thought of them being Felicia's. My knees felt weak as I stroked rather viciously in and out with the base of my thumb rubbing against my clit.

I slowly slid down the wall of the shower into a sitting position with my legs wide and knees up, heels against my butt cheeks. The hot water was hitting my rib cage and navel. I moaned and squirmed as I serviced my wanton pussy with my hand. In short order I felt my orgasmic release beginning. The heat coursing through me was intense as my hips worked with my hand and my clit had swollen to it's full length of nearly a half inch and had emerged seeking its own attention. My thumb rubbed it sending shock waves through me as my body erupted into a most violent orgasm. I shook and squirmed for what seemed like at least several minutes but was probably no more than thirty seconds.

I collapsed on the shower floor and just laid there like a mass of jelly until I felt the hot water turn to cool then to cold. I pulled myself up and got out as I fumbled for the switch to turn on the heat lamp while I sat on the commode and dried myself as best I could.

I sat until I felt that I could navigate to the bed without falling over. I flopped onto the bed, nude and just laid there, resting.

Next thing I knew, the light was streaming in the window. I looked at the bedside clock and it read 7:31. I jumped up in horror. I was going to be late to school. Then I thought, .... well I had a shower, of sorts, last night, so all I have to do is get dressed, brush my hair a bit and I'm ready to go. I can just make it by 8:00 and first bell is fifteen minutes later.

So I rushed through, slapped on a touch of lip gloss and jumped in my car. In the parking lot, as I exited my car door, Joanie (Ms. Milton), another teacher, said "Looks like I'm not the only one running late today. What happened to you? You're always on time."

"I was just up too late and forgot to set my alarm. But I'm here."

Joanie laughed and said "Same thing happened to me. Oh well, 3:30 will be here before we know it. Good luck."

"Thanks and same to you."

The day passed unevenfully, at least as far as the students and classes went. My mind wandered to thoughts of Felicia all through the day. A few times I was caught in a daydream as students asked me something. On my free period I went out to the parking lot and sat in my car to avoid interruptions.

With the radio on, I just leaned my head back and listened. I don't know if I dozed or was just lost in space but I heard a horn and I snapped back to realize that I had my hand between my legs and had been rubbing myself through the pants I was wearing. Fortunately they were dark blue and the dampness I felt didn't show through.

The day finally ended and I scooted out quickly to go home. Inside, I looked at the phone, no messages. I turned on my computer and checked my email, then the stock market. I saw a link to a 'girls' site. Curiously I clicked it and up came a page with pictures of nude girls, hugging, kissing, squeezing boobs and pussies. I quickly clicked it off.

How can these people do that sort of thing and have it posted on the internet?

Just then the phone rang and I answered.


"Hi Rita, I was just calling to check on you and see how you are doing today?" Felicia said.

"Oh hi, Sweetie, ... I am fine. I overslept this morning but I woke up in time to keep from being late. How are you?"

"Great. After last night I just had to wonder. We both kind of got caught up in the moment."

"It's OK. I don't know what came over me. I am not usually that forward, .... but you do excite me Felicia. I can't deny that."

"If I did anything to offend you ...."

I cut her off, "No, not at all, .... it was all quite enticing. I realized that and had to shut it down. I am just not ready to progress too quickly into the unkown."

"Your unknown is my unknown too Rita. As I told you before, Annie and I never moved into the realm of .... actually .... having any real sex together. It was all just kind of superficial and .... teens having fun, experimenting."

"I understand what you're saying but I have never even been at that stage with another woman and I am reluctant to go there at this point."

"I know what you mean ..... I am just so into you right now .... I don't know .... I hope I don't offend you .... "

"Don't worry. I am not offended. I am in the same predicament here. You are so unlike anyone I have ever known .... anyone I have ever been close to .... kissing and being so tight together .... it's all new to me and exciting and I get .... you know .... worked up .... then I get scared ..... "

"I know. I know, Rita. Calm down, OK?"

"I'm calm, I am alright for now."

"What do you have planned for the weekend?"

"Not much. Cleaning and laundry is my usual schedule, ... why?"

"Well, being presumptuous as I am, .... I have Julie to run the store for me .... and I thought maybe you and I could just spend most or all of Saturday together. Aren't I a pain?"

"Yes you are ... but a very enjoyable pain. I can do cleaning and laundry on Sunday I guess. What do you have in mind for us?"

"Well, I thought maybe you would come over about ten, we could have an early lunch, spend the afternoon by the pool with a drink or two and sun ourselves, then ....I could whip up a dinner for us and we could decide later what the evening might bring. What do you think?"

"Oh .... Felicia ..... this is all happening so fast .... it is kind of scary for me. Can I get back with you tomorrow about that?"

"Sure. I am going to be here, Julie has the store under control. All I need is .... you. I hope you will consent to come over."

"I will let you know tomorrow. I hope you understand."

"I do. Talk to you later."

"OK , bye for now."

"Bye Rita."

This is all happening so fast for me. I want to continue but I am apprehensive at the same time. I looked at the clock and it was nearing five o'clock. Too late do what I was thinking, which was to call the high school about their annuals from years past. If they had any, or if they had lists of graduates names.

I picked up the phone book and looked up the main public library's number. I called and asked for the information desk.

"Information, how may I help you?"

"I would like to know if you have any high school annuals from Central High School in your stacks? I am particularly interested in the mid to late nineties."

"Hold on a minute. We don't normally get things like that but sometimes people donate things and we find a place to keep them if we can. Be right back."

I was on hold for about five minutes before she came back to me.

"Are you still here?"

"Yes I am. Did you find anything for me?"

"Your lucky day, Ma'am. We have some. Let's see ... the years are 1992 through 1998 and then we also have 2001, 2002 and 2003."

"Wonderful. What time do you close this evening?"

"We are here until 8:30 tonight. Would you like me to hold these for you at my desk?"

"Oh my, I would. That would be very helpful. Thank you so much. My name is Rita Langdon and I will be there within the hour."

"OK Rita. Glad to be able to help. My name is Karen in case I am not at the desk when you come in."

"Thanks Karen. See you shortly. Bye."

"Bye Rita."

I quickly threw on some jeans, a sweatshirt and sandals, grabbed my purse and headed out. In the traffic it took about twenty minutes to get to the library. Finally inside I followed the sign to the information desk.

"Are you Karen?" I asked.

"Yes. You must be Rita."

"I am and I am glad to be here after fighting the evening traffic."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Here are the books you asked for. If you want to take any of them home, you can check them out at the desk by the front door."

"Thank you," as I picked them up and found a nearby table to sit down.

A quick mental calculation told me she had probably graduated in 1995 but maybe '94 or '96. I found the '95 edition and opened it first. Thumbing through the pages of photos I finally came to the "T" pages. Lo and behold, there she was. Third one down the page, preceded by William Tabor and Jane Tanner. I looked her over closely. Her hair was longer and straight. Her face looked much the same but younger of course. Quite a pretty girl then as well.

"Now, let's see if Annie is in here," I mumbled to myself.

Going backward to find the "B"s, I found her on the second page I looked at. Anne Marie Bowes it read under her picture. I stared intently at her picture. She definitely did look a lot like me. I picked up the 2001 edition and fumbled through to find my picture, folded the book along its midline and compared the two photos.

I sat back in my chair and said, "Oh my god, .... this is incredible."

I didn't think we actually looked like twins but assuredly we looked as though we could have been sisters. Same shaped face, same mouth, eye separation and size were quite similar. Her nose looked to be a bit narrower than mine and we both had a rather square chin. Our hair was about the same color, as best I could tell in a black and white picture and the hairline at the top of the forehead was very close to the same.The resemblance was remarkable except that back then, I wore glasses but she didn't. I understood now that Felicia was indeed telling the truth and I saw how, being excited, could have made the mistake she made. Also I could see that Annie was very pretty and the legend under the picture said she was homecoming football queen her senior year, which in turn made me feel good.

I took the annuals back to the information desk. I kept the '95 edition to check out and take home so I could scan and save copies of their pictures on my computer.

After spending a quiet evening alone, Friday was a better day for me. I didn't feel so on edge and was able to think more clearly. Something I hadn't done in almost a week.

After school, I called Felicia.

"Hi it's Rita. How's your day been?"

"Pretty good I guess. Nothing exciting but OK."

"I spent a lot of time thinking about tomorrow. I want to come and visit with you. If we are going to be outside by the pool though, I will go and get myself a new bathing suit tonight. I only have one and it is almost as old as I am," I snickered.

"Don't do that. If you don't need one often it is silly to spend that kind of money for one. I have about a dozen suits here. You and I are so close in size .... it would please me greatly if you just wore one of mine."

"Are you sure about that? ... bathing suits are pretty personal items."

"True .... but I know I have at least three which are still new and I have never worn. Please? Just say you will."

"Oh alright. I will look at them. If I don't see anything I want to wear then I will go pick one up before we do the pool."

"Fair enough. You are so sensible. Is that why I like you so much?" Felicia asked and I could almost hear her smile.

"Baloney, who knows why you like me. I certainly don't. I'm a nut case and about as predictable as the weather." I said, "what time do you want me?"

"All the time," she laughed "come now if you want."

"Ahhhhh, I don't think so. I better spend this evening at home."

"OK, ... party pooper. Come early in the morning and I will fix breakfast for us. Is that a better offer?"

"Not sure it is better," I laughed, "but it may be less stressful for me."

"You know better than I, .... so what time you gonna ring my bell? .... door bell I mean," she snickered.

I laughed too and said "You are a crack up. I will be there at ..... how about seven thirty?"

"Sounds great. See you then."

"Until tomorrow then, bye bye Felicia."

"Bye .... and don't be late."

-----to be continued-----


I hope you enjoyed my story.

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Next: Chapter 4

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