Mall Meeting

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Nov 23, 2008


This is a story of a meeting of two strangers, both adult women and their developing friendship which evolves into a sexual affair. It contains descriptions of sex between two females. If that isn't to your liking or you are underage or reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. The story is the property of the author who retains all rights and it may not be reproduced or published in any way without permission of the owner.

Mall Meeting Part 2

Back at my apartment, I was a bit bushed after all that walking and the stresses of being kissed by a strange woman and all the thoughts that flew through my mind afterward. I poured myself a glass of wine, sat down and flipped on the TV.

Mindlessly surfing the channels, my thoughts kept returning to that kiss .... remembering how soft her lips felt against mine even as she pulled us together quite tightly. Unconsciously I put my fingers up, parallel to my lips and kissed them like another set of lips.

"What are you doing?" I asked out loud.

I couldn't shake away the thought of being kissed by another woman .... and seemingly .... liking it. Do I have a desire to be with a woman? Do I have lesbian tendencies?

"No," I told myself, "it is just the lingering excitement of something pleasureable but unusual happening to me."

My mind was far, far away following a second wine, when the phone rang and I almost jumped off the sofa.


"Hi, this is Felicia, I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, .... I was just watching some boring TV."

"Good, .... I .... uh .... just wanted to ask .... if you were busy Wednesday evening."

"Actually, that is the only one this week that I do have free, how on earth did you know?" I tittered.

"Psychic," she laughed, and went on "would you like to have dinner with me then?"

After several seconds of thinking about it, I said, "I would. I would like that."

"Great, so do you want to meet me or for me to pick you up, or you pick me up?"

"Tell me where and I will meet you there, say about seven thirty?"

"It's a date. Are you familiar with Andy's Steak and Cask?"

"Yep, I have been there and it's a wonderful place," I stated, then asked "You're calling it a date?"

"Well .... it is isn't it?" she laughed, "we have set a time and a place to meet. Doesn't that qualify as a date?"

"Logic. Guess I can't argue with that," I said flippantly.

"OK then, I will see you on Wednesday at seven thirty .... oh and in case you don't remember me, .... I will be the blonde wearing a big smile," bye bye.

"Bye, Felicia and thanks for calling."

All of a sudden I was upbeat, elated actually. I think she must have had some magic potion in her lip gloss that has affected me.

The next day, Sunday, was my usual cleaning and laundry day. This one was no different except that I kept thinking ahead and manufacturing visions of my upcoming 'date'. Each vision seemed to end with a kiss. Each time that brought me back to reality but I couldn't get those thoughts of us kissing out of my mind.

I managed to think about other things but then I wondered what I should wear on Wednesday. Next thing I knew, I was in my closet searching for the perfect outfit to wear. I was like a teen getting ready for her first date. I found my form fitting black skirt, short with a short slit, to go with my beige silk blouse with the narrow but deep vee front. No jacket necessary since it was still early fall and the weather was warm. My small black purse and black pumps would round out my attire. I hung the skirt and blouse on the door hook to allow any small wrinkles to fall away.

Then my mind caught me again, asking me why I was so intense about how I would look? I answered with the thought that "a girl should always look her best when meeting others in public. Plus, this is a classy place and I shouldn't be looking too casual anyway."

Knowing I had to work the next day, I had to turn in for the night. I had a tough time getting to sleep. I kept playing different scenarios in my mind, trying to plan how I would act in her presence. Finally I dropped off sometime after midnight which was the last time I remember looking at the clock.

I was a bit more collected in the morning as I showered and worked on my hair a little. The day went well and passed more quickly than I had imagined it might. Tuesday was similar and I got through it with flying colors as well.

Wednesday rolled around and I was a little on edge but my twenty four students kept me occupied until the final bell of the day. After preparing Thursday's lesson plans, grading the days papers and straightening my desk, I headed home. Arriving about five o'clock, I figured I had ample time to get ready for the evening.

I took a slow shower, ensuring that I didn't miss a square inch anywhere. I admonished myself when I realized that I had spent and inordinate amount of time cleansing between my waist and my knees. Running my fingers through my cropped pubic hair felt good as I reached under and liberally soaped front to back and up my bottom to my tail bone. All in all one of my more memorable showers of late since they are mostly a ... dash in and dash out type because I am always in a hurry.

I dried off, toweled my hair to a damp state and proceeded to give it a little styling with the curling iron and brush. Deodorant in the right places, a little scented powder here and there and I was ready to do my face. I spent about a half hour getting my eyes and lips just right before I went to choose my under garments.

An ivory colored, lacy bra was selected and matching bikini panties to go with. I looked at the clock and thought "Better hurry girl, it is almost seven and it will take fifteen minutes to get there."

I peeled off the bikini panties and replaced them with black fish-net panty hose which I liked a little better. Then on with the blouse and the skirt followed by the earrings, pendant and chain I bought at her shop. Blouse tucked in neatly and my belt in position I was ready for my pumps. I slipped them on, did a quick check in the mirror on the closet door and smiled at my presentable image.

Without another thought I grabbed my purse and headed out to my car. I drove sensibly, attempting to arrive safely, which I did. After parking, I went in the front door and was greeted by the hostess, who was gorgeous and about eighteen years old.

"I am meeting Felicia Taylor, is she here yet?"

"Yes, she is. Follow me please," she said with an enticing smile.

As we neared the table, I could see she was in a darker blue a-line, dark pumps and just a couple of baubles on her wrists. Felicia stood and reached out her hand to me as she said "Right on time. I like punctuality," then she turned and said "Thank you Melissa."

Melissa nodded and left.

We complimented each other on looking so nice and expressed our thanks for being there together.

A waitress appeared and Felicia ordered a bottle of wine for us after asking me if I drank wine. In what seemed like only seconds, she reappeared with a bottle of red and poured a small sample for Felicia to approve. She did, with a smile and the waitress, Angie, filled our glasses to about half way.

Felicia held out her glass across the table, I in turn did the same as she said "A toast to a long and enjoyable friendship."

We clinked our glasses and I said "I second that," as we both took our first sip together.

Felicia smiled and said "Oh and by the way, .... lovely jewelry you're wearing."

"Thanks, I bought it from a friend," I said with a chuckle.

We chatted along and turned Angie away saying we hadn't made our selections from the menu yet. She smiled and told us to take our time and just signal when we were ready.

Finally we both ordered filet mignon, mine with rice pilaf and Felicia ordered a small baked potato. Caesar salads appeared in front of us shortly and we began to stuff our faces as we continued talking about anything, everything and ... nothing.

After we were finished with our filets and the dishes cleared, the wine bottle was emptied into our glasses by Angie. Felicia shook her head to another bottle. I was glad.

The conversation ran to a little more personal vein as we began to feel more comfortable together.

"So .... have you ever been engaged or even close with any of the guys you dated?" she asked me.

"Nope. Just dates was all they were, nothing serious at all."

"But .... you did .... uh .... invite some of them in, or did you not?"

I felt the heat in my face as I knew I was turning red. No one had ever asked me that before. I replied "Well, .... yeah .... I can't deny that I thought enough of a few of them that I let them stay for breakfast."

She smiled and said "I was afraid you weren't going to answer that one. I am glad you were a bit adventurous that way."

"Why is that?"

"It tells me that you are not a prude, just very careful and selective. I think you and I are a lot alike in that regard," she answered.

"OK. So what about you? Any adventures you care to reveal?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She proceeded to tell me of a few guys she had dated in college, a few overnights and a weekend or two away somewhere but never anything too serious or lasting.

"I see and understand all that. But what about ..... Annie? .... you knew I wasn't going to forget that didn't you?"

"Hmmmhggmff... (she cleared her throat) .... I should have known I couldn't avoid that forever. Well, as I said we were teens and we were close. Close to the point of being pseudo lovers, " she looked around to see if anyone was close by, then continued, "so close that we kissed and made out together on many occasions. And I do mean really HEATED making out. We each acted like the other's boyfriend ... if you get what I mean ... but we never moved beyond just kissing and playing around, including some .... shall we say .... manipulation of private parts to make each other feel good and help to reach that .... emotional level.... that is so satisfying."

I guess I looked to be in shock from the way she stared at me. I felt like I was anyway. I hadn't expected such a vivid explanation. Finally I kind of shook my head to wake myself up.

"Oh my. I didn't expect to hear such an intimate account. No wonder you were so happy when you thought you had found her again," then I smiled and said, "Almost makes me wish I was Annie."

"I don't want you to be Annie. I just want you to be Rita. You are beautiful and alluring just the way you are."

I laughed and said "Thanks, .... but ... you wouldn't have thought that if I had knocked you to the floor in that shop."

"I'm glad you didn't."

"Since then, you have spent a lot of time coursing through my mind. You are quite gorgeous also and I have had a difficult time pushing aside thoughts of that kiss."

She reached under the table and came up with a bag from which she retrieved a box. The box bore the label of the shop where we met and she kissed me.

"I have something for you, Rita. I hope you don't mind but I wanted to do this and I am pretty sure you will like it. Please open it."

I was a bit flabbergasted but I tore the tape at the two ends of the box and carefully lifted the lid to peek in.

"Oh just go ahead and look, nothing is going to pop out at you."

I pulled back the tissue and found .... which made me gasp .... the little red dress that I had been admiring when she confronted me at the mall. All I could do was look at it, then look at her and her sweet smile then back again.

"I hope it is the right size. I asked for the size I would need since you and I are pretty darn close to the same build."

"It is perfect. Oh, Felicia, .... you shouldn't have done this. It's just too much."

"Shhhhhh.... I wanted to. Now you have it and you must wear it next week when we do dinner again."

"What if I don't want to go?"

"Then you have a very sexy red dress to wear with someone else," she said in with a somewhat serious tone.

"I was joking, Felicia. Thank you so much for the gift. I wouldn't even think of wearing it for anyone else before you got to see it on me," I said as an image of her taking it off of me skipped through my mind.

Looking around I could see the restaurant was nearly empty.

I said "Do you think we should leave before they throw us out?"

"I don't think that's going to happen, but I am ready if you are."

Out in the parking area, I found that her car was only one empty space away from mine as we walked to my car and she said "Mine is the silver one right there."

We stood by my door, talking more and more before I said "Maybe we should sit if we are going to keep this up. Get in."

"You sure you feel safe without a table between us?" she snickered.

"I guess maybe it is time to find out if it's safe or not."

"How about if we go to my place, not inside, but walk by the lake. There are benches along the walkway. We can enjoy the night air and visit a while longer."

"That sounds good. I will follow you."

She hugged me, without any hint of a kiss, then headed for her car as I got into mine.

We arrived at her complex and walked along the path by the lake. It was dark with a half moon shining high in the sky. We sat on a bench and just looked across the lake at the lights from other buildings reflecting on the water.

"Rita, .... I have enjoyed being with you tonight."

"I have enjoyed it too. I was a bit apprehensive at first but it didn't last long."

She laughed and said "So was I. I was worried what you really thought of me."

"I like you Felicia. A lot .... and I want to get to know you from A to Z."

"Anything you want to know .... just ask .... and I hope I can do that with you as well."

I stuttered a bit and said "I will .... uh .... try. I have always been a very private person and it is hard for me to truly open up. Be patient with me."

"OK. I will. But I will also be my nosy self and ask things you may not want to answer. I hope you won't be offended by my openness."

"Agreed. And I have so many things I want to ask you too. In due time, we will learn as we go."

She scooted against me, put her arm over my shoulders and pulled me to her. Our heads met and we just sat there enjoying our silent time.

"Felicia, .... I want you to kiss me. Kiss me again like you did before. I must know how it feels when I'm not in shock .... and if I will still feel the same afterward."

"Was it a good feeling? Afterward I mean .... after the shock wore off."

"Well, ... I guess I have to say yes to that. I haven't been able to get it off my mind. My first reaction was .... horror at being kissed by another woman .... a big taboo .... but later when I was able to analyze the event .... compare it with .... uh .... past kisses .... I remembered it as soft, yet firm and .... exciting. There I said it. It was exciting to me."

She turned my head toward hers and I closed my eyes as she moved closer. Our lips met and I felt that same shivering that I felt when she touched the back of my neck before. Pressing firmly against my lips, hers were slightly parted, I felt her tongue tip touch my lower lip. Her hands were on my cheeks and we both actively participated in a meaningful kiss.

I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed for the kiss to break. My breath was released with a "wwhhhheewww" and I was breathing faster while my heart raced as well.

I stood up and she came with me. We hugged for a long time just pressing our bodies together, our heads side by side, not speaking at all, but I could hear her breathing and it seemed a bit rapid as was mine.

"Well," she whispered, "how was it?"

"Awesome. Just like I thought it was going to be," I answered so softly, it was almost like a thought instead of words.

Her grip tightened on me.

"I ..... I think we should call it a night Felicia."

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I just need some time. What I am feeling right now is so alien to me and I .... I just don't want to throw myself into a .... a moment of .... reckless bliss. My mind is on race right now and for me .... that isn't normal."

"I think I know what you mean. By all means let's give you that time. I may need some of that myself. I also have a lot to think about and quiz myself as well."

Arms around waists, we strolled slowly back to the parking area. I unlocked my door with the remote and when I got to the car I turned to face her and leaned against the door. We hugged again as we pressed tightly together. I could feel her thighs against mine and for the first time I was aware of her breasts, pushing against mine. The pressure seemed to generate heat as I felt a warm feeling in my breasts.

"Goodnight .. kiss?" she whispered.

I smiled, nodded and our lips met again. Passion was emerging as I felt her shift a teeny bit and we each had an upper thigh pressing against our mons. Not moving, just constant pressure. My body felt as if it was on fire.

My lips parted and our tongues met, ..... first time .... for a fleeting couple of seconds before I pulled away from her lips, panting, still holding her to me and I felt a wet trickle as it spread into the liner of my panty hose.

"I gotta go, Felicia. I am sorry but .... I have to. Please .... I'm ...." as I opened my door and got in.

I didn't even say goodbye or anything else. I just drove away and headed for my apartment. Along the way was a convenience store and I pulled into the parking lot, left the engine running and just sat, composing myself, trying to calm down so I could drive sensibly the rest of the way.

Arriving home, I noticed the blinking light on my answering machine. I knew it was her before I ever pushed the play button.

"Rita, .... I'm sorry too. Please, please, call me as soon as you get home. I have to know you are safe and OK."

I called her number and she answered before the first ring finished "Rita, are you alright?"

"Yes. I am fine. I am calmed down somewhat. Thank you for being so concerned. How about you?"

"I'm alright too. I was horrified with myself after you left so abruptly and then scared to death that you may be unable to concentrate on your driving. I am so glad you got home safely."

"Felicia ..... I am really sorry for that. I was just in a place .... I've never been before and I was torn between listening to my mind or my body. I hope you understand and are not too upset with me." I said, purposely avoiding any mention of how hot I really felt.

"Rita, I am not upset at all. I know exactly what you were feeling. Been there too. I know I asked for the kiss and was kind of pushing the issue too. Please don't let this .... this rather frazzling episode mar our friendship before it has time to develop."

"Not a problem. I am going to say this while I think I have the strength. ..... I ... oh god .... this is hard .... I want to spend a lot more time with you. I want to explore our friendship and let it blossom. But I need to progress slowly. I hate being panicky like that but that is just me."

"I feel the same way but I am prone to moving more quickly I guess when I get anxious and want something. I will try my best to not be too pushy. I really like you a lot and even though you look so much like .... someone I once knew .... that isn't a factor. You are so, so different, that I didn't think about that at all tonight. I have to believe .... that .... somehow .... Annie has brought you and I together."

"Well, I am fine now. And also with .... us. So I am going to say goodnight to you and suggest that we might have another date next Wednesday? You can let me know if that's alright when I call you tomorrow night or the next night or the next night or... "

Laughing she said "Next Wednesday is fine and your turn to choose. But we should talk every evening just to make sure nothing changes. That's a good reason isn't it?"

"Sounds perfectly sensible to me. Goodnight, Felicia, thank you for the dress, the dinner and for your understanding."

"Goodnight, Rita and you are quite welcome for everything. ... until tomorrow then."

"Bye," I said.

I heard the phone click and go dead after she said, "Bye,"

----- to be continued -----


I hope you enjoyed my story.

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Next: Chapter 3

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