Malibu Hearts

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Aug 4, 2016


Malibu Hearts 9

{Malibu Hearts is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Here is the link to all of my story where you can find future chapters before their posted on Nifty:

Chapter 9

On Friday morning Justin awakened to feelings of light kisses upon his lips. As his eyes slowly opened, a smile formed upon his face when a vision of handsomeness came into view. The sparkle coming from those eyes relayed the nonverbal message that they both was feeling, yes, both men was happy to be waking up beside the one whom he was falling deeply in love with. Although Timothy tried to hide his sadness that tonight he'll be sleeping alone, it was to no avail. Justin could feel it from each tender kiss.

After giving Justin a few more kisses, Timothy climbed out of bed pulling Justin along with him and headed for the bathroom to start their morning ablution. Once they were dressed, they went out for an early morning breakfast at IHOP. After being shown to a table and placing their order, Justin pulled out his phone to call JR to confirm with him on the time to register for classes and to get the passes for their security. Although he didn't need to be there, Justin thought he should be just in case Danny might have any problems. He had just finished the call when the waitress brought their orders.

At the condo JR had just put his phone back on the nightstand and turned around. When he did, he saw Danny sitting on the bed with a glazed over look in his eyes. From the region Danny was looking in and the hard cock he was sporting, JR had an idea as to what was going through Danny's mind. He straddled Danny's lap and started kissing him hungrily as he grind their cocks together. Danny automatically wrapped his arms around JR pulling him close as he fell back on the bed bringing JR down on top of him. The kiss went on for several minutes before JR breathlessly pulled away. "I think we should stop before we get carried away."

Danny gave JR a glare that made him feel sorry for even starting that little escapade. "It's not that I don't want to boo, because you know I do. I just don't think we should be starting something we don't have time to finish. I want us to take our time and enjoy it all and not rush through it."

Danny sat back up groaning in sexual frustration as he tried to cool his libido. "Of course you're right, and we should wait until the time is right. I just can't help myself whenever I'm around you. I never felt like this before, and I just want to show you how much you mean to me."

That declaration from Danny sent tingles all through JR's body. "You show me that every day Danny. Please don't ever doubt that. Just being in your arms is enough to make me feel completely contented. We'll take that step when the time is right, and it will be the ultimate bonding experience that we both can be sure of."

After giving him one more kiss, JR stood up pulling Danny along with him. "Come on, let's get dress so we can get some breakfast before we have to meet dad at school."

Once again Danny groaned and smacked JR on his ass when he turned to get dressed. They then joined the others in the kitchen. The camaraderie during breakfast made for a leisure time that Danny knows he will need to keep his energy up. He hates having to deal with his winy schoolmates trying to con him into using his employee's discount to lower the prices of their purchases which always irritate him to no ends, but he needs the job to support him and his brother so he puts up with it. An hour or so later they finished breakfast and was heading out the door to open the shop.

One hour after opening Danny put Angie in charge so he could step out for a bit. Since business was moving rather slow, he could use some of that time to register for classes. They drove through the light morning traffic reaching the school in short time and quickly found a spot to park. When they walked into the guidance office, they found Justin already there waiting for them because JR had called him on the ride over . They informed the secretary of their arrival before finding a seat to wait. Ten minutes later both counselors came out to escort the boys back to their offices.

It only took JR fifteen minutes to walk out with his class schedule in hand. Danny and Davy however, were taking much longer which started to worry Justin. Just as he was standing up to check on them, Danny's voice was heard over everyone's walkie talkie alerting his security team of trouble coming their way that threw everyone into action. As the teams quickly secured their charges, Justin pulled out his phone to call for reinforcement while the receptionist watched in total confusion. By the implementation of Danny's alert, they were going to need the help if Justin is correct with his assumption as to what was going on.

Twenty minutes later Scanner arrived at the school and walked into the guidance office looking around for Justin. He located him in one corner of the room and approached. Justin quickly explained what he thought the trouble was, and just as he finished, the people whom Justin expected to show up came strutting into the office followed by several police officers.

The secretary heard someone clearing their throat and looked up to see a batch being flashed at her. "Excuse me, I'm Chief Peter Carson, and this is my wife Mary. We were contacted about our sons Daniel and David Carson who was reported as runaways being here. Can you please inform their counselor that we're here to pick them up?"

That was Scanner's cue to stand and walk over to make his presence known. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Carson, nice to meet you. I'm Robert Scanner your son Danny's attorney. Will you please follow me so we can straighten this matter all out?"

Without waiting for an answer, Scanner turned and walked towards the counselor's office. Chief Carson glared at Justin and JR before following Scanner pulling his wife along with him. One of the men guarding the door saw the small group coming their way and knocked for it to be open. When it was, the counselor saw the boy's parents and assumed the others were with them so he stepped aside and waved everyone in closing the door behind him before sitting back down behind his desk.

Scanner stood beside Danny and immediately took charge. "Now that we're all here, we can settle this all at once." He looked around seeing everyone's attention fixated on him before addressing the man behind the desk. "Now sir, can you please tell me the reason why you're holding my clients in your office?"

The counselor felt his position was being undermined and decided to show this lawyer who had the authority here. "Well, Mr. um..." Scanner gave the counselor his name but nothing else. "Yes, Mr. Scanner, Danny and Davy came to register for classes which wasn't a problem. But when I pulled up their files, it showed they were reported as runaways. Under that circumstance I had no choice but to call in their parents."

"That's right Mr. Big shot lawyer." Chief Carson remarked condescendingly. "I called the school and reported it knowing they had to come and register for classes. I informed them to call us when that occurs and we'll come and pick them up and take them back home where they belong."

The mischievous smirk that Scanner gave the counselor made him feel unease. "I'm guessing that you never checked that out with the LAPD did you sir? Because if you had, you would have found out that the boys were never officially reported as runaways or missing." Then his smirked grew into a devilous one. "Plus Danny here has legal documentations that declared him as an emancipated minor with temporary guardianship of his brother Davy."

The office immediately went into an uproar as Chief Carson and his wife denied that being legal without a court order. Scanner then nodded to Danny who in turn also smiled as he pulled out the documents and handed them to his counselor. After reading them carefully to verify their validity; the counselor handed them to Chief Carson who read them with his face getting redder with anger as Scanner and Danny's smile grew even bigger.

Seeing how things weren't going his way, Chief Carson tried the intimidation tactic. "Listen here, I don't know where you got these forged documents from, but it's not going to work. There was never a case to remove our parental rights so we still have legal custody and that's the way it is. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Actually sir, there was a hearing in which neither you nor your wife attended." Scanner argued back ignoring the attempt of intimidation. "And before you tried to dispute that, let me remind you that you were served the papers in which your wife signed for. You can always call the judge that presided over the case to verify it. None the less, those are nullified, bonafide, and certified documents stating that the boys are no longer under your custody."

He then turned back to the counselor not giving the Carson's a chance to respond. "Now that that's all taken care of, I insist on you showing these people out and helping my clients with what they came in here for without any more harassments."

Knowing he had no other choice and not liking it one bit, the counselor walked the Carsons out. Chief Carson glared at Justin and JR with discuss and anger as he was escorted out which put a smile on both of their faces. As Danny and Davy registered for classes, Scanner stayed with them to insure that the counselor did his job and everything else went smoothly. On their way out of the building, they made sure to stop in at the main office to change the number and address in Danny and Davy's files plus fill out the paperwork for their security's passes.

After dropping his wife off at home, Chief Carson returned to the station to make some calls about the emancipation and custody orders. No one bothered him unless it was an emergency. They could all see he was angry and it wasn't good for anyone to be around him when he was in that type of mood. In the meantime, the boys went back to the mall so Danny could return back to work while Davy and JR went to the arcade.

Around noon JR and Davy decided to break for lunch. They stopped in at the food court to pick something up before going to the shop. They noticed Danny with a customer as they headed towards the lounge to set it all up. Five minutes later Danny joined them and they had a leisurely lunch with no one mentioning the morning's event. After everyone's stomach had been refilled with substances, they all continued on with their day.

The afternoon went quickly for everyone, and before they knew it, it was quitting time. Justin hurried home to get dinner started and the boys stopped by the condo for Danny and Davy to pack a few days worth of clothes. They arrived at the house just as dinner was about ready so the boys dropped their bags off in their rooms before helping with dinner wherever it was needed. Soon they were sitting down to eat.

After dinner everyone found themselves in the theater room kicking back and watching a movie. But after the first movie had ended, they all decided to call it an early night and headed for bed. No one was in the mood to watch another one.

Early the next morning Justin was awakened from a peaceful sleep by the sound of the phone ringing. He rolled over to answer it not even bothering to check on who was calling only to hear a very tiresome voice belonging to Tyler. Right away Justin knew something was wrong because his best friend didn't sound like himself. "Ty, what's wrong bro? You don't sound like yourself."

For the next several minutes Tyler informed Justin of Maria Lopez's heart attack and her current condition. By the time Justin was updated on everything he was fully awake. Tyler then asked if Justin could come and stay with her for a while so he could take care of some things at home. Justin told him that he will be there within an hour or an hour and a half. First he has to break the news to JR and that was going to be the hardest part and take a while to do.

Tyler told him he'll see him then and not to rush. JR comes first and he will need his father's love and support to get through all of this. They talked a little longer making sure they were both holding up okay and seeking comfort in the brotherly love that they shared. After hanging up and settling his nerves, Justin slowly made his way towards JR's room.

He stood at the door for a moment to gather his thoughts before hesitantly knocking. A minute later he heard JR's sleepy voice. "Come on in, it's open."

As soon as Justin opened the door and JR saw his father face, he knew that something was wrong. Justin stepped in the room and closed the door behind him before walking over and sitting down on the bed. All the while father and son never broke eye contact. Danny, who was lying behind JR, could also tell that something was wrong and held him even tighter as Justin began speaking. "Son, I need you to stay calm and listen to what I have to tell you, okay?"

He then took a deep breath and gently squeezed his son's hand before explaining the phone call he just gotten from Tyler. As JR was told about his grandmother's heart attack, Danny could feel his body beginning to tremble and pulled JR even closer to him. When Justin got to the part about Mrs. Maria's current condition, JR put his face into the pillow and screamed out his pain as he cried. Justin and Danny just let him cry himself out and waited until he was calm enough for Justin to continue.

"Now you need to get dress so we can get to the hospital boys. Your Uncle Ty is there now but he needs to go home and check on the boys then get some sleep because he's been there all night. Don't worry about Davy; I'll get him up and explain everything while you two jump in the shower."

The boys nodded as Justin squeezed JR's hand one more time before getting off the bed and leaving the room. JR just rolled over and clung onto Danny as he cried even more tears. Danny held onto him just letting him get it all out and giving him soothing words of comfort. Once he was sure that JR was okay, Danny picked him up out of bed and carried him to the shower. Thirty minutes later they along with Davy were waiting in the foyer for Justin who had to let everyone know what was going on to finish getting dress. They were only waiting for five minutes before Justin came into the foyer ready to go.

Traffic was light for a Saturday morning so it didn't take long for them to reach the hospital and find a parking space. Justin already knew Mrs. Maria's room number so there was no need to stop at the information desk to find out. They just headed straight for the elevators and up to the room.

A nurse stopped them as she was coming out from checking on Mrs. Maria's vitals. "I'm sorry guys, but you can't go in without wearing the proper attire." She pointed in at Tyler. "You need to put on a gown, cap, and gloves like he's wearing."

Justin apologized and followed the nurse to the located items. He and the boys then suited up and entered the room while their security took guarding position around the unit. After kissing Mrs. Maria's on the forehead, Justin and JR pulled Tyler into a comforting embrace. They held on to each other drawing the strength they needed before letting go. Once they were seated, Tyler informed them that there was no change in Mrs. Maria's condition nor did the doctors think there would be.

Tyler stayed for another ten minutes before leaving for home. Knowing that none of the boys was going anywhere, Justin sent some of the security guys out to pick up some breakfast for everyone. He then began telling the boys some stories of his and Tyler's childhood with Mrs. Maria while they waited to pass the time. By the time the guys returned with some carryout from IHOP; the boys were smiling and feeling a little uplifted. Since no one could eat in the room the food was laid out in the lobby area. As soon as it was, everyone started grabbing what they wanted while the security detail came in pairs to get their shares then returned to their post.

As they ate, Justin continued telling stories to keep the boys spirits up and not fall back into depression. By the time they had finished eating and the trash had been thrown away, it was time for Danny to head to work. Danny argued that his place was by JR's side in his time of need but Justin insisted that he go open the shop and put someone in charge for the day. Knowing that Justin was right, Danny acquiesce and gave JR a kiss telling him he'll be back as soon as he can before leaving to find his security guys while the others returned to the room.

About that same time the Brady twins had just arrived at Néné Incorporated for a joint photo shoot. They were let in the building by Eric who came to watch because he and Josh were going to spend the day together afterwards. After greetings were given, they made a little small talk as they went up the elevator. Eric could see that Josh wanted to talk about his suspicion he have over the relationship between JR and Danny but that was a subject he didn't want to get into again. Fortunately he didn't have to because just as they walked into the studio, Josh and Jason were sent off to get ready.

A few miles from there, Danny had just walked into the shop to open. Half way through his usual morning duties, the others started arriving with the first one being the person whom he was waiting for. He finished up what he was doing as he let the employee clock in and ready their station before asking her to join him in his office. Seeing the serious look on Danny's face, the female employee didn't hesitate to follow him.

Once Danny made sure they couldn't be overheard, he asked his favor. "Angie, I need you to run the store for me today because I need to get back to the hospital. I need to be there with JR and I can't do that here."

Instantly Angie became concern. She knew who Danny was talking about because she seen JR with him and his brother in the shop several times. "Sure Danny. You know I have no problem covering for you if you need me to but is there something wrong with JR? You look like someone had died or is dying. It's not anything serious is it?"

Danny knew Angie could be trusted with the information so he told her everything about Mrs. Maria. "We don't know when or if she'll ever wake up; so the whole family is taking it in shifts to be with her. I'll still come in to open and close the shop, but other than that, I'll be at the hospital. You can always call my cell if there's an emergency though."

"You just take care of your man and don't worry about anything here. I'll only call you if I need to." Realizing what she'd just said and seeing the shock and panic look on Danny's face, Angie rushed to put his mind at ease. "It's okay Danny. I've known about you and JR for a while now and it doesn't bother me. I can see that the two of you are very much in love and I'm happy for you both. You can always depend on me to be a friend."

Danny lost the expression and slowly a relieve smile started to form. He asked Angie if she could keep that a secret because no one knows except for JR's family and his brother. "I guess we can add you to that list now as well. Although a friend of his suspects, but JR isn't ready to let him or anyone else know yet."

"No problem Danny. My lips are sealed." She made a sealing motion across her lips which got Danny laughing. "Now you get out of here and back to the hospital where you belong. Tell JR that I hope his grandmother wakes up."

Angie gave Danny a hug in which he returned. They headed back out front after Danny was sure his office was locked. He then gathered everyone around and informed them that he would temporarily be on personal leave and that Angie was acting manager until he returns. He noticed mischievous looks on some faces and made a mental note to have Angie keep an eye on them. He made sure they knew there will be consequences if things were not as they should be when he returns.

"Don't think I'm joking!" Danny commanded. "I won't put up with any bullshit! And if my shop is in an uproar when I return, well, let's not find out what those consequences are, shall we? I can promise you that you won't like them."

Once he was convinced that everyone understood he meant what he said, he nodded and dismissed them. He then pulled Angie aside and privately informed her of his suspicions. Angie told him that she'll observe them and keep him informed. Danny thanked her before walking over to his security and leaving the shop when he was once again fully covered.

Back at the studio, Eric was completing another grant paper for Tyler while occasionally watching Josh and Jason hard at work. Every now and then he could see that Josh's mind was somewhere else and not on poses. Eric can't believe how determine Josh is to discover the relationship between Danny and JR that it's almost becoming an obsession with him. He knew he would have to convince Josh to drop it one way or another before Josh does something that will ruin his friendship with JR.

Eric doesn't know why it bothers Josh so much when he hasn't even told JR about his relationship with Eric. He's sure that JR suspects something is going on with him and Josh but isn't trying to force them to confess something they're not ready to do yet. Suddenly, he was snapped out of his thought when a frustrated tone came from the photographer.

"Josh, what's going on with you? Your mind is somewhere else and I need it here right now." He sighed as he removed the camera from the stand. "Everybody take five while I reload. Eric and Jason, you guys have a talk with him and find out what's bothering him."

Shaking his head in annoyance, Eric walked over to Josh and grabbed him by the arm. "Come with me, we need to talk. We'll be right back Jason." He then dragged Josh off leaving Jason wondering what was going on.

Back at the hospital things were still the same. No changes had been made in Mrs. Maria's condition and Justin was still telling the three boys some stories. Occasionally JR would tell one or two himself but mostly he just listen to his father's. As it got closer to lunchtime, Justin asked the boys for their orders before arranging with Russell on having it picked up. Instead of hearing any more stories, the boys optic on playing their handhelds.

No one was in a talkative mood so lunch was quiet. An hour after lunch Tyler returned accompany by his sister Tyeceonna. Both Justin and JR greeted her with a hug then Justin introduced Danny and Davy who shook hands with her. After that, they visited a while to give Tyeceonna a chance to know Danny and Davy and catching up with her before Justin and the boys had to leave because Danny wanted to check up on the shop.

After going over some paper work that was on his desk and seeing that everything was going well, Danny decided he didn't need to stay. They went back to the Cramer's and put away the groceries they had picked up before Danny chased everyone out of the kitchen so he could start making dinner. Justin tried to talk him out of it but Danny insisted. An hour or so later when they all sat down to eat, Justin was glad he gave in because everything looked and tasted delicious. They had all stuffed themselves so full that there were no leftovers and dessert had to wait until later.

As they were getting up from the table, Justin sent the boys off while he cleaned the kitchen and Russell called for a security meeting. Justin then joined the boys in watching a movie in the living room while letting their food digest. Half way through the movie the security guys joined them in the living room for dessert. By the time the movie was ending, the boys were starting to nod off so Justin sent them to bed while he locked up. Once that was done he went to bed himself.

Just as he got into bed Shake Your Ass by Mystikal came from his cell phone. He answered it with a big smile on his face. Although he tried to sound cheerful, Justin didn't sound like himself and that worried Timothy. He asked Justin what was wrong and Justin told him all about his grandmother's condition. Timothy then asked if Justin wanted him to come over and Justin didn't hesitate to say yes. Timothy told him he'll be right over as soon as he pack a change of clothes. Thirty minutes later Justin was letting him in.

As soon as the house was once again locked up, Timothy pulled Justin into a comforting hug. Justin held onto him tight trying not to fall apart. Once he had his emotions under control, he let go and led Timothy up to his room. They undress and Timothy told Justin to lie on his stomach so he could give him a massage.

Timothy straddled Justin's butt and started at his shoulders. He worked his way down from there adding just enough pressure to knead and relax every tense muscle. By the time he reached Justin's lower back, not only was Justin semi relax, but also semi hard. Timothy then had Justin roll over and repeated the process with his front. He worked his way up Justin's legs further relaxing and arousing him only this time he didn't stop when he got to Justin's midsection. Instead he went further down and massaged Justin's cock until it was hard.

By this time Justin was completely hard and totally relaxed, but that didn't last long as Timothy gently took Justin's cock into his mouth. Suddenly Justin's eyes snapped open and he shuddered. "Oh Tim baby, that feels so good! Please don't stop!"

Timothy had no intention of stopping! He slowly sucked until he had every bit of the nine and a half inches in his mouth and throat. Justin couldn't believe how hot Timothy's mouth was; the warmth surrounding his cock sent shivers of ecstasy through his whole body. As Timothy started slowly bobbing his head up and down, he reached under Justin and started massaging his ass. After a few sucks, Timothy pulled off dragging his tongue along the underside. "I don't intend to boo. You just lay back and enjoy it, okay? Let someone take care of you for a change."

And enjoy Justin did! The blissful torture that Timothy performed on his cock was like nirvana to him. The slow suction along with the alternating massaging of his ass and balls had Justin squirming on the bed in seconds. Timothy licked, sucked, and nibbled until Justin was about to cum before withdrawing the cock from his mouth to give Justin's balls some attention too. He switched back and forth to prolong the pleasure as he edge Justin along until Timothy had Justin begging with both hands full of bed sheets.

"Oh Tim, oh baby, please let me cum! I can't take it any longer, it feels so good." Justin moaned through the exquisite torment his lover was giving him. "I need to cum now before I go crazy. Please let me cum!"

Feeling it was time, Timothy increased his suction bringing Justin closer to the edge. The spasms began in his toes and worked its way through his whole body. By the time it reached his cock, Justin was shaking in an orgasmic bliss. The force was so powerful hitting the back of Timothy's throat that he had to back off a little so not to lose any of the precious fluids but kept the suction going until Justin's balls was completely drained.

Once he was sure he had every last drop, Timothy release Justin's cock and crawled and snuggled up with his head on Justin's chest and his arm and leg around him. Justin wrapped his arms around Timothy and pulled him in closer as they both fell asleep contented with their developing relationship towards one another. The last thought that went through Justin's mind was that he was gonna have to tell his boys about him and Timothy. He couldn't keep it a secret any longer nor did he want to.

The next morning the sun shined brightly through the window as Justin and Timothy awaken still wrapped in each other's arms. Before getting up to start their morning ablution, they shared a long passionate kiss. While showering, Justin brought up the discussion about letting the boys know about their relationship. Timothy had no objection to that; he was just waiting for Justin to be ready to take that step. After all, Justin was the one with children not him.

After dressing, they headed to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. They found all the fixing they needed so began making strawberry pancakes, hash browns, sausage links, and scrambled eggs. Just as Timothy was putting a platter of toast on the table the boys walked in and froze in their tracks. They looked over at Justin who was just finishing making the pancakes. "I'll explain everything later boys. Let's just sit down and have a nice relaxing breakfast first."

The boys nodded at him curiously and sat at the table as the security guys came in and joined them. All through breakfast everyone kept glancing at Justin and Timothy in wonderment but both men avoided them which made the boys even more curious. Once breakfast was over and everything cleared away, Justin had them sit back down at the table then explained the relationship between him and Timothy. When he was finished all but one face looked surprised. Justin looked at that face with a questioning smirk.

"Well it's about time you admitted it." JR returned his father's smirk which an answering one. "You don't think I've noticed the change in you lately. Ever since we met Timothy on our riding day with Uncle Ty you had been happier than I've ever seen you before. I also noticed the glances you and Timothy kept giving each other that day and was just waiting for you guys to confess your feelings for each other."

"I wasn't trying to hide our relationship son." Justin said softly. "We just wanted to be sure of our feelings before I announce it to the family. Ever since your mother..." Suddenly Justin's throat constricted as he closed his eyes from the emotions running through him.

JR went to his father and wrapped him in his arms. He held on to him until he thought Justin had his emotions under control before letting go and looking him in the eyes. "You know as well as I do that mom would have wanted you to go on with your life and find happiness again. Don't dwell on the pass and miss that second chance of happiness.

I know you'll always love her and so will I, but she's gone now. You always told me to not let the memories of the pass to keep me from having a future. Now it's my turn to tell you the same thing. You have someone who loves you very much and would do anything to see you happy. Don't give that up just to hold on to someone who's no longer with us."

Justin lovingly smiled at his son with a sense of pride and joy. "When did you get so smart without me knowing?"

"I've always been smart." JR returned the praise with a smile of loving admiration. "After all, I do have the two best role models in the world. How can I not learn something from them when they always give the best advice?" He hugged his father again before turning to Timothy. "All I ask is for you to treat him right and give him all the love he deserves."

Although JR showed Timothy respect and friendship, the glare of warning could not be mistaken. "That's something you'll never have to worry about JR. I love your father too much to intentionally hurt him in any way. I've been alone all of my adult life and probably will make some mistake every now and then, but I promise to do my best to make sure that my family is safe and happy."

JR smiled and nodded in understanding. Seeing the tremendous love between Justin and JR had Danny and Davy wishing they have gotten even a slight amount of that love from their own father. As Justin pulled both guys into a hug; he gestured for the two boys to join them which neither hesitated to accept. They couldn't nor wanted to resist the invitation to relish in all the unconditional love of a family that was being offered.

Not wanting the moment to end so soon, they just stood there holding on to one another. But after five minutes had past, Justin broke the embrace because they had things to do. "Okay guys, one last thing then we need to get going." After getting nods from everyone, he continued. "I need you to keep our relationship a secret for now. Uncle Chris and Uncle Ty don't know yet, and we want to tell them when we have the chance."

Once again everyone nodded. They then discussed what they were doing for the day before getting their things. After locking up, Justin joined the boys at Timothy's car to say goodbye and invited him back for dinner. Timothy accepted with no hesitation before getting in and starting the car. Justin leaned in the window and pulled him into a deep kiss before watching him drive away. He then got into his own vehicle with the boys and headed out themselves.

They reached the mall in no time due to the light morning traffic. Danny wasted no time to open the shop and start on some paper work. He was half way done when his employees started coming in so he left the rest to finish later. On his way out the door he checked with Angie on how everything went the previous day and to give her some instructions on what he now needed done. When he was sure they had covered everything, he left with the others.

On their way to the hospital to visit Mrs. Maria, Justin received a call on his cell phone from the manager's office of the complex to Danny and Davy's condo to inform him of a fire in the building. He relayed the message to the boys then had JR informed everyone else of the change in plans. Soon both vehicles were making a detour in the direction of the condo to inspect the damages. As he drove, Justin kept an eye on Danny and Davy to help in any way but let the comforting to JR.

They arrived at the complex to see the parking lot filled with every type of emergency vehicles. Justin searched for the manager and saw him talking to a fireman and headed in that direction. Since the condo was actually in Justin's name Danny let him do the talking. The manager introduced the fireman as a captain in charge and the two shook hands. Justin then asked for information on the fire and an estimate of the damages. The manager looked at the fireman for him to answer.

"Right now we only know that the fire involves your condo, the condo below and next door to yours, and the condo below that one. We won't know the extent of the fire or how it got started until we have investigated. I'll make sure you get the official report once we have completed our investigation. ."

"Is there anything else I need to know?" Was the only question Justin asked, but the fireman told him not at this moment. "Okay then, I'll wait until I get your report before contacting my insurance agency to file a claim."

The fireman agreed and Justin shook hands with both men. He then quickly ushered the boys towards the car because he could see the tears beginning to form in their eyes although Danny tried to hide them. Justin knew that Danny will stay strong for his little brother and will only cry in private so he needed to get them home. Once again he kept an eye on the boys as he drove, but everything was under control as Davy sat between his brother and his brother's boyfriend with tears running down his face and their arms around him.

By the time they got to Justin's house Davy had cried himself to sleep so Danny carried him to the room he was using and laid him on the bed. Danny then went to JR's room where he knew JR would be waiting for him. After closing the door, he sat next to JR on the bed as he let his lover hold him as he silently let the tears out. JR just held him not saying anything until Danny had cried himself out and was ready to talk.

"Are you okay babe? I know this have to be hard on you and Davy, but you know I'm here if you need me. You don't have to be the strong one all the time. Sometimes you need to be weak in order to be strong."

Danny lifted his head from JR's shoulder and copped an eyebrow. "If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, then I don't know what is!" He giggled which got JR giggling as well. "Seriously though, I need to be strong for Davy so he won't worry. That's my job, not his. His job is to remain a kid for as long as he can."

JR gave his boyfriend a loving kissed. "You're a terrific big brother and Davy is lucky to have you, but you don't have to go through this alone. You can lean on me for support just like I'm leaning on you for support about my nanna."

Danny returned JR's loving kiss with one of his own. "I know and I appreciate the support. It's just that I'm not use to someone taking care of me. It was always my obligation to take care of my brother while also taking care of myself, so it's not easy for me to relinquish that to someone else."

"Well, that was before you had me to take on that obligation, and I take it on with great pleasure. We need to lean on each other to get through this difficult time. We need each other and Davy needs us both, so we need to draw strength from each other."

JR scooted to the top of the bed and patted the mattress beside him. Danny joined him and laid his head on JR's chest and pulled him close. JR wrapped Danny in his arms and soon they both fell asleep from emotional exhaustion. They didn't even hear Justin come in to check on them. When Justin didn't hear a response to his knock, he cracked the door open to take a peak. Seeing them asleep on the bed, he quietly closed it and went back downstairs.

A couple of hours later when his movie was over, Justin went to make everyone some lunch. He knew that the boys probably wouldn't have much of an appetite so he made a light meal of soup and sandwiches. Just as it was ready, Simon and Russell walked into the kitchen. Justin asked them if they could set the table while he go and wake the boys. Both men said yes and Justin thanked them as he left the kitchen.

He knocked on JR's door first but got no answer. Guessing that they were still asleep he opened the door and walked in. He carefully shook them both awake and told them to come down for lunch. Both boys began to say they weren't hungry but Justin wasn't accepting that. "You need to eat something even if it's just a little. You have to keep your strength up to keep going."

Both boys nodded their heads in acceptance. They realized that Justin was taking charge because he used his parental voice which he rarely uses. After giving them a stern but loving look, he started leaving the room but turned back around when he reached the door. "All I want to see for the rest of the day is you boys being the teenagers you are. Try to have some fun and leave the parenting to me. You guys haven't done that for a while and it's about time you did."

They just nodded again. When he was sure they understood his command, Justin headed to Davy's room. Davy was flapping around on the bed when he walked in so Justin gently shook him while calling his name to wake him. Davy opened his eyes but it took a moment for them to focus. When they did, he saw Justin standing over him and started to relax. Justin asked him if he was okay and Davy said he was fine. Justin didn't believe him but let it go for now.

"Okay. Well, lunch is ready so come on downstairs." Davy was about to decline but Justin cut him off. "I won't take no from you either young man. Like I told your brothers, you need to eat even if it's just a little to keep up your strength."

Justin waited until he got an answering nod from Davy before leaving the room. On his way back to the kitchen, he stopped in JR's room to check on him and Danny. Seeing the room empty, he continued on to the kitchen to find them at the table with the security guys. A minute later Davy joined them and they had a lunch that was mild but leisurely. As suspected, none of the boys had much of an appetite but they did eat something.

When they had finished with lunch, the boys tried to help with the cleaning but Justin objected. He once again enforced his parental authority and told them to go have some fun. Knowing his father wasn't going to budge when he gets in that mood, JR pulled the Carson brother out of the kitchen and towards the game room. They had played video games for over an hour when Danny suggested they sit in the hot tub for a while. Both JR and Davy liked that idea so the three of them went to their rooms to changed into their suits and grab some towels.

JR tested the temperature of the water when they got outside and found it already hot. They got in and reveled in the relaxing warmth. Not long after, Justin joined them to spend some quality one on one time with his boys. During that time he learned a little more about Danny and Davy and their relationship with their parents. He deliberately kept their minds focused on other topics so they wouldn't dwell on the condition of Mrs. Maria and the fire. He wanted to keep their minds off those particular subjects but knew that he couldn't when Danny turned to his brother with sympathy and sorrow.

"Soon we need to get dress so we can get to the mall for some new clothes." That revelation made Davy's face fall. "I know this is hard for you because it's hard for me too. Just remember that I'm always here for you; and will always take care of you no matter what."

"I know Danny, and I love you for it. It's just that we lost everything including the new clothes you just brought. It's costing you a lot of money to take care of us both when that responsibility belongs to our parents. I feel like I'm a burden on you."

Danny's face along with his voice displayed a little anger at Davy's statement. "You had never, and will never be a burden on me! I take care of you because I love you and it's a big brother obligation to take care of his little brother. I accepted that obligation and will continue to accept it.

Yes, it should be our parents accepting that responsibility but they don't, and won't. That doesn't mean that you are a burden so get that through your head! I take care of you because I want to, not because I have to. You just continue being the wonderful and loving little brother you always been and leave the worrying to me, okay?"

Davy nodded and lowered his head as tears started forming in his eyes. Danny put his arms around his shoulders and pulled him close. He held his brother tight to him and let him cry out his pain. Justin looked at the brothers with a mixture of sympathy and anger while JR just looked with anger. They couldn't fathom how much the Carson's boys had been neglected but was beginning to understand the severity of that neglect.

Once Davy had calmed down and his tears had stopped, everyone got out of the hot tub and went to their rooms to shower and dress. An hour later they met back up in the entry hall just as some of their security was bringing the vehicles out front. Everyone except Justin loaded up as he stayed behind to make a couple of calls. A short time later he was coming out setting the alarm and locking the door. Before driving off, he checked to make sure everyone had what they needed.

Traffic was light which allowed them to quickly reach the mall. They immediately took a couple of empty parking spaces close to the building and entered. As they walked through the halls, some of the boys schoolmates tried to stop and talk to them but all they got were a subdued hello as the boys kept walking. Just as they were entering the Lucky Shop, they ran into none other than Josh and Eric coming out. They greeted each other but Eric noticed that JR and Danny weren't in a friendly mood but Josh was oblivious and started asking questions.

"Why are you guys here?" Not waiting for an answer, he looked directly into JR's eyes for any signs of deception. "I thought you already did your school shopping. Are you just hanging out browsing the mall?"

JR looked at Josh with a little annoyance. "Sorry guys, but I don't have time to talk now. I'll give you a call later when I have some free time."

He then gestured for Danny and Davy to head inside following behind them; leaving Josh standing there stunned. Josh couldn't believe he was just brushed off by his best friend and it took him a moment to snap out of it. He looked at Eric in bewilderment but Eric just shook his head with a bit of anger and walked away. Josh frowned at his demeanor as he went to catch up with him wondering what made him so angry.

Meanwhile, JR was helping the brother's shop for clothes when Angie came up to them. "Hi Danny, what are you doing here? I thought you already did your school shopping."

"Oh hi Angie, I didn't see you there." Danny smiled as he put on a façade of politeness. "Yeah, we already did our school shopping. We're just here buying a few things that we like that weren't on the rack at that time."

Angie didn't believe one word Danny said; but accepted it for now. "I see. Well, are you going to introduce me to this handsome young man with you? I've seen him with you in here before but was never introduced."

"Sure. Angie, this is JR. JR, this is Angie. She's the assistant manager in charge right now while I'm on leave."

"It's nice to meet you Angie." JR held out his hand and they shook as Angie returned the greeting. "Thanks for covering for Danny in his time of need. I know he appreciates it; as do I."

"It's my pleasure JR. Danny is a great person as well as a great boss. I love working for him and will miss seeing him all day once school starts back up. It's more fun working with him than most of the others here."

Danny smiled at JR with amusement. "I agree with her. A lot of my employees are stuff shirts that can make you fall asleep while standing up. They're so uptight that it will take a personality transplant to even get them to lighten up."

Everyone had a good laugh at that. They talked a few more minutes before Angie said she better get back to work. "It was nice meeting you JR."

JR returned her sentiment with a smile. Angie then told Danny that she'll see him tomorrow when he comes in to open the shop. Danny agreed and the boys went back to shopping as Angie walked back up front to the register. Danny didn't have much money in his account to buy a lot of things so he just got a week worth of clothes until he got his next paycheck pretending that he like the ones he picked out better. Seeing what his brother was doing, Davy emulated his action. Unknown to the Carson boys, someone else also recognized what they were doing and secretly made a decision.

After paying for the clothes and saying goodbye to Angie, the boys turned to leave to see Timothy standing by the door talking to Justin. As they approached, Justin asked if they were ready to go and they said yes then turned to Timothy with curiosity. "I was invited to have dinner with you guys this morning, remember?"

They nodded their heads in remembrance but their smiles were forced. Timothy noticed that but said nothing about it. The boys thought they would grab something from the food court on their way out and was surprised when Justin headed towards the exit. He gave no indication of where they were going which kept the boys in suspense until they reached the restaurant. Their eyes widened in surprised when Justin entered the parking lot of Karmyn's Place. After everyone had parked and gathered together, they headed inside.

Justin gave the mater d his name and the group was seated at a table in a private area of the restaurant and given menus. Not long after a waiter came to take their drink orders. When he left to get them, the boys looked at Justin for an explanation but only received a mischievous smile as he read over his menu. Soon the waiter returned with the drinks, took their orders, and left to have them filled. Still Justin gave no explanation about the dinner so the boys tried getting something from Timothy but only got the same mischievous smile as Justin.

Accepting that they wasn't going to get anything from either man, the boys resigned themselves to just enjoying the treat to a night out, and enjoy they did! The food was delicious; and the conversation was lively. By the time they had finished with their dessert, the boys had forgotten about their problems and were happy teenagers which is what Justin and Timothy wanted to accomplish. They knew it wouldn't last long but that was alright as long as they took time to recharge their battery. They were going to make sure their boys take every opportunity they have to be kids and not grow up too fast. After Justin had paid the bill, they left for home.

By the time they'd arrived back home, Davy had once again fallen asleep and JR and Danny weren't far behind. Danny started to pick up his brother but Justin told him to go on up to bed and he'll get Davy. Danny didn't want to impose but was too tired to argue so he relented and followed JR into the house and up the stairs. Justin picked up Davy and carried him up to bed while Timothy locked up the house but left the alarm for Justin to set.

Once he had Davy tucked in bed and had checked on the other two boys, Justin set the house alarm and joined Timothy in bed. They talked a little about the events of the day and what they can do to help the boys get through this prying time. Soon the events of the day were starting to catch up with Justin as well and he started to fall asleep. Timothy snuggled up to him with his head on Justin's chest and soon joined him in dreamland.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Malibu Hearts.  I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it.  Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

First let me apologize for taking so long in getting this chapter out. I've been having problems with my computer and have recently gotten it fix. I'm working on getting a new one and hopefully will have it soon so bare with me until then.

We started with Justin and Timothy's morning. It looks like they're getting closer and deeper feelings are developing between them. Let's just hope this relationship will last.

The Carson's tried to pull a fast one with the boys but hit a roadblock. We found out what those papers were that Danny was given by his attorney. It looks like Robert Scanner is a force to be reckoned with in the legal world. What will Chief Carson do next to get the brothers back home.

Mrs. Maria's condition had hit JR hard. I'm glad Danny was there when he got the news because they will need each other to lean on.

Speaking of leaning on each other, Danny will also need to lean on JR to deal with the tragic fire. I didn't see that coming until I started writing it. In one event the Carson brothers probably lost everything they own. What is going to happen to them next?

The boys finally found out about Justin and Timothy's relationship although JR had suspected it for a while now. There's also a hint in there about JR's mother. Can anyone guess what happened to her?

Josh is pushing to find out about JR and Danny's relationship that it's almost becoming an obsession with him. It's also putting a strain on his relationship with Eric. He better be careful before he loses a boyfriend and a best friend all at once.

We're starting to see how much pressure is put on Danny in taking care of Davy. Danny doesn't see it that way though! He loves his little brother and will do anything to make sure that Davy has the childhood that he didn't.

Justin treated the boys to a dinner out after the hectic weekend they had. He achieved his goal in letting the boys be kids. He will have to come up with more special times like that to help them to get through the difficult times.

Keep a look out for Best Friends. I have already started on the next chapter and hope to have it out soon. I want to get back to getting a chapter out once a week again.

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner.  I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out!  New plots are going to open and some will close.  Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy!  Please let me know how I'm doing.  I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editor's Corner:

First let me apologize as well for taking so long to get my edits done.

I believe Romeo covered everything. I would like to hear more on JR's mother.

Maybe the boys could use a weekend of bike riding and maybe camping...

Next: Chapter 10

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