Malibu Hearts

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Jan 15, 2014


Malibu Hearts 6

{Malibu Hearts is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Here is the link to all my story where you can find future chapters before their posted on Nifty:

Chapter 6

JR and Danny stood there looking at Chief Carson walking out the store.  They knew they were in for a dirty fight but they weren't going to back down from the chief of police's threat.  They also wasn't going to worry about it for now, they have plenty of time to worry.  Right now JR needs to find out what's going on between Danny and his father and if there's anything he can do to help.  Once Chief Carson was gone, JR turned to Danny with a serious look on his face.

"You and I need to talk Danny." Danny nodded in acquiescence and led JR to the lounge room for some privacy.  After shutting the door, Danny leaned back against the counter.  The two boys looked at each other sizing themselves up, one with concern and the other with determination. "I know there's something going on in your house because I could hear it in your voice over the phone last night Danny.  I need you to tell me what is going on so I can help you with it."

Danny gave JR a convincing smile, or so he thought. "Everything's fine JR.  You don't need to worry about me; Davy and I will be fine.  Yeah, there was some things going on at home but I took care of it.  I won't let anything happen to myself or my little brother."

JR slowly stepped closer to Danny and put his hand on Danny's chest. "Please tell me what's going on baby?" JR lightly stroke Danny's chest in hope of convincing Danny into telling him what's happening. "I want to help you in anyway I can.  I don't want you going through all of this alone."

As an added persuasion, JR kissed Danny sweetly on the lips before Danny could refuse.  The kiss lingered for a minute before JR broke it. "You don't play fare do you?" Danny wined in surrender.  JR just smiled in sweet victory and Danny sighed and rolled his eyes in defeat. "Alright, I'll tell you everything."

JR gave Danny another kiss before Danny started telling him the situation. "You know I take care of myself and my little brother right?" JR nodded yes. "Well a couple of days ago..." Danny told JR everything that happen the past two or three days that led up to this afternoon as JR hung onto every word.  Danny didn't tell JR about the part of him and Davy not having anywhere to go though, instead he made it seem like they were staying with a friend until he found an apartment.  JR didn't believe that part but he didn't push for the truth.  He wanted Danny to tell him in his own time.  Danny already has too much on his hands at the moment.

When Danny finished explaining everything, JR looked at him sadly. "I knew something was troubling you, but I didn't know it was this bad.  What are you going to do now?  I'm not sure you can get an apartment because you're underage.  And even if you do, your parents can force you back home because of you being underage and legally in their custody."

Danny pulled JR close to him and wrapped his arms around him.  JR laid his head on Danny's shoulder and returned the embrace. "I'm not sure but I have to try." He admitted. "Davy and I need a place to live and we can't go back home because it's not safe there for either of us.  Don't worry babe, we'll be fine, I promise."

"I hope so." JR sighed worryingly. "Because if your parent's finds out they have the law on their side, then there's no doubt in my mind they will force you and Davy back home and there will be nothing you can do about it."

Danny thought about that for a minute.  He too had the same concern as JR but then an idea popped into his mind.  "Maybe there is something I can do after all.  I'm not sure if it will work but it's worth a try."

Danny told JR of his idea and JR listened carefully.  He thought it sounded a little risky but agreed with Danny that it was worth a try. "I may be able to help you with that.  I know someone who did the same thing you're talking about and got it done.  Maybe if I talk with them they can point me in the right direction."

"I'll appreciate any help you can give me.  I agree with you that my parents will try to force Davy and me back home so I need to get this taken care of before my father can pull a fast one on me.  Once I get the first part taken care of I can move to the next part." Danny kissed JR on the top of his head. "I'm happy I have you in my life JR, you're really are a great guy."

JR looked up into Danny's eyes with affection. "I'm happy you're in my life too Danny.  I'll do anything to make you happy." Danny brought his head down and the two met in a passionate kiss.  When the kiss was broken, it left them both breathless and weak in the knees. "I better let you eat your lunch.  I'm pretty sure you have to warm it up now."

"Can you stay a little longer?" Danny gave JR a peck on the lips. "Please stay a little while longer.  I don't want to see you go." He gave JR another peck. "Please baby, stay with me a little while longer.  I want to see that gorgeous face while I'm eating." Danny kept giving JR pecks in between sentences.

"Okay, okay, I'll stay a little longer." JR surrendered. "After all, I can't resist a beggar.  Something about it just makes me want to have my lustful ways with them knowing they're under my control.  It just turns me on so much!"

That caused JR a slap on the ass. "You're not too big to be bent over my knee for a spanking you know?  I'll leave your ass burning hot for a week." JR had a gleamed in his eyes that said he like for Danny to do just that in more ways than one.  Danny slapped him on the ass again when he saw the gleam in JR's eyes and smile on his face. "Snap out of it you horn dog!"

JR winked at Danny indicating that the invitation was still open.  Danny winked back and went to his office to get his brother.  When he walked in he found Davy surfing the net. "Have you eaten yet kiddo?" Davy said he didn't because he was waiting for Danny. "Then come on into the lounge so I can heat up the food."

Davy nodded okay and Danny walked over to his desk and picked up the bag containing the food.  They walked back into the lounge and Danny transferred the food that needed to be warmed from the paper plates to flat ones.  While the food was heating, JR went to the food course to get some drinks and utensils for them.  When everything was ready, they all sat down at the table.

They all engaged in casual conversation while Danny and Davy ate.  They kept the conversation light because neither Danny nor JR wanted to upset Davy and have him worrying about their situation.  Danny wanted Davy to have a normal teenage life and let him do all the worrying.  There was no need for Davy to worry because Danny was worrying for the both of them.

Once Danny and Davy finished eating they started on the cake.  When they took their first bite, they closed their eyes and savored the moist and yummy treat.  JR tried to suppress a smile but couldn't manage it.  The look on Danny and Davy's faces was one of pure sureagne, like they didn't have any worries at all.  After swallowing, Danny turned and opened his eyes, and smiled at JR.

"Who made this cake?  It tastes so delicious." JR told Danny that his uncle's secretary ordered it from a bakery. "I'll have to order one for my birthday in a few months and have a small party with you, me, and Davy."

JR made a mental note of that.  He remembered hearing a few roomers from the football team saying that Danny's birthday is the same day as Christmas.  Several ideas were running through JR's mind on what he could do for Danny's birthday but he couldn't settle on one.  He didn't have to since he still had about three and a half more months to think about it.

JR stood up saying that he had to go Just as Danny and Davy was finishing their cake.  After throwing away his trash, Davy thanked JR for the lunch. "You're welcome buddy, I'm glad you enjoyed it." Davy agreed he did and said goodbye to JR before going back to Danny's office.  When he was gone, Danny pulled JR to him and kissed him for several minutes. "Wow!" JR said breathlessly. "I just might bring you lunch everyday for a thank you like that."

"Then I'll just have to keep thanking you for the lunches." Danny smiled. "Come on, I better get you back out front before your security starts thinking I tied you up or something." JR told him he wouldn't mind doing that.  Danny stared at JR then shook his head exasperatedly. "I should have known better then to give you a line like that."

JR just gave Danny one of his trade mark smiles. "Let's go before you make me late in getting back to work." Danny sighed and grabbed JR's hand and walked him out front. "Get him out of here now before I do something I shouldn't be doing here."

Russell looked at Danny daring him to try anything.  Then he saw the smile on JR's face and knew Danny wasn't talking about anything harmful but naughty.  He winked at Danny and grabbed JR's hand to escort him out the store.  When they were gone, Danny went back to work breathing a sigh of relief.  He didn't think he could control his hormones any longer if JR was still there.  JR was getting Danny so hot that he was about to over heat.

When JR and his security reached the truck the smile was still on JR's face.  After climbing in, Russell let out a hardy laugh. "You shouldn't tease your boyfriend like that JR!  He looked like he was close to dragging you back to the lounge and having his way with you."

"That's suits me just fine!" JR laughed himself. "Sooner or later I'll get him to break and let me explore that gorgeous body of his.  And when I do, he's going to enjoy every bit of the exploration as will I!  I'm going to leave him so exhausted he won't be able to get out of bed for a couple of days!"

Everyone laughed at JR's exuberance. "But that can wait though, now I need to go and talk to my father so let's head over to his office.  I need to get his advice on something that Danny told me when we were talking."

Russell nodded okay and started the truck.  As they were leaving the mall parking lot, JR pulled out his cell phone and called his father.  JR told Justin that he needed to talk with him about something important if he wasn't too busy and was heading over to his office. "I'll make time for you JR no matter if I'm busy or not, you know that."

"I know dad but I don't want to disturb you from something important.  I need your advice on a problem, but it can wait until you get home if you're busy with work.  The problem will still be there but work might not be."

"You let me worry about work." Justin stated firmly. "My son will always come above everything else.  No matter if it's work or anything else, I will always have time for my son.  You just get your ass over here and tell me what the problem is so I can see what I can do to help you."

JR gave up on trying convincing Justin that it can wait if he was too busy with work.  He knew there wasn't any way of talking his father out of putting off work to listen to his problem. "Okay dad, I should be there in about twenty minutes.  I promise not to take up too much of your time, but I do need your help with this."

Once again Justin told JR not to worry about the time and he'll see him soon.  JR said okay and disconnected the call.  He sat back in his seat hoping that his father can help him with Danny's situation before it gets any more out of hand.

Fifteen minutes later he reached his father's office and walked in.  The secretary told him to go on in because his father was waiting for him.  JR thanked her before walking into his father's office.  Justin stopped whatever he was working on and came around his desk to give his son a hug and rub his back; he could see the concern on JR's face.  Justin held the hug until his son was feeling less tense before letting go.

"Sit down and tell me what's going on." Justin pointed to a chair.  JR sat down and Justin sat beside him.  JR then told Justin about Danny's situation not leaving anything out.  Justin sat there in shock listening to everything JR was telling him.  When JR finished Justin quietly sat there thinking about what to say to his son before speaking. "You're right about Danny's parents being able to force him and his brother back home due to them being underage." JR nodded in agreement. "I know someone who can help him on what he's planning, but it will cost him and the price is quite high.  As for him finding an apartment, Danny probably doesn't make enough to afford a nice one and the nice one will want a cosigner to guarantee the rent will be paid.  That cosigner will need to be eighteen or older, and with a good credit line and income.  All in all, Danny will be spending a substantial amount of money."

"We can help with some of those can we?" JR asked Justin pleadingly. "I think Danny's already putting himself in debt." Justin asked JR what he means by that. "Danny told me he was staying with a friend but I didn't believe him.  I think he's staying in a motel or something until he finds an apartment for him and Davy."

"If that's the case, then yes, he's already putting himself in debt." Justin confirmed. "Sooner or later that bill will have to be paid which will take money away from his plans." Justin could see that JR was getting really worried and didn't like seeing his son worried. "Tell you what, here's what we'll do..."

For the next five minutes Justin explained his plan to JR.  Justin told JR how he could help Danny and what Danny needed to do to get everything started.  By the time Justin finished, JR had a big smile on his face.  He had no hesitations in participating in the plan. "I like that plan.  I'll get started on it right away and let Danny know what he needs to do.  I'm sure he won't have any problems with the plan either."

Justin insisted that JR tell Danny to call him if he has any problems with the plan and he will explain everything to him.  JR agreed and they ended their conversation.  After leaving his father's office, JR went home.  When JR was gone, Justin made a call to the person whose name he gave to JR for Danny to call.  He explained the situation to the person and asked if he could give Danny a low rate on his services.  The man agreed and Justin thanked him before hanging up.

Justin then went back to work but couldn't concentrate on anything.  He sat behind his desk thinking about Danny's situation.  It angered Justin that Danny had to give up his childhood to take care of his little brother when his parents should be doing that.  It makes Justin's blood boil when he hears about parents neglecting their children and only showing them any attention when it suits their purposes.  Justin vowed to himself to not to turn into one of those parents.

Knowing there was nothing he could do until JR talks to Danny; Justin put his focus back on his work.  He'll just have to wait for Danny's call if Danny needs his help.  Justin didn't think it will take for Danny to call.  After all, Danny sounds like a smart mature young man and is willing to face any problems head on.

The rest of the workday went fast for Danny.  His visit from JR earlier this afternoon put him in a good mood, now Danny just wants to go home and relax.  Suddenly he remembered that he had no home to go to and his mood became a little solemn.  Danny knows he have to do something about that ASAP, but for now, he needs to get him and Davy some dinner.  Danny just hopes that he'll have a couple of good prospects on finding an apartment tomorrow.  After clocking out and gathering his brother, Danny left work less happier then he was five minutes before.

On the way back to the motel Danny stopped at McDonald's for him and Davy to get something to eat.  Not wanting to be at the motel any more then he has to, Danny decided to eat inside instead of driving through the drive through.  After receiving their orders and finding a table, Danny began explaining to Davy about his plans for tomorrow.

"After I open the store tomorrow, you and I will go and look at a couple of apartments." Danny took a sip of his soda. "I'm not saying we will find any we will like, but I'm hoping we will.  I'm not filling out any applications unless we're both comfortable with the apartment so I want your honest opinion when we see them."

"Okay, but I hope we find one soon.  I don't want you ending up paying a huge motel bill once we find an apartment to live in.  I know a motel is cheaper than a hotel but it still cost money every night to stay there.  We'll be better off in an apartment than a motel."

"You let me worry about that.  All you need to worry about is being a kid." Danny stated firmly. "I mean it; I don't want you worrying about anything except enjoying your childhood.  That's something I never had and I don't want you missing out on yours."

Davy nodded a little sadly.  He felt bad that Danny missed out on his childhood because Danny has to take care of him.  Davy wishes he could turn back time and give him and Danny loving parents but he knew he couldn't do that.  Davy's glad he has a big brother to care for him because he don't know where he would be if he didn't have Danny.

Danny could see that Davy was feeling sad and change the conversation to something more pleasant.  Danny wanted to keep Davy's mind off their living situation and keep him happy not sad.  Danny has enough sadness in him for the both of them to last a lifetime.

As soon as JR got home from talking with his father, he got on the computer to do some apartment searching.  As he was searching, JR started thinking how lucky he is to have a father like Justin.  He wondered how many children are being neglected by their parents like Danny and Davy.  JR hopes he is as good of a parent as his father and uncles are if he has children.  He can't understand how Chief Carson could find fault with his race or sexuality when he's an unfit parent.

After an hour and a half of searching the net, JR found three apartments that might be promising for Danny.  JR can't believe how expensive apartments are in Malibu although he hopes Danny will like the ones he did find for him though.  He made a list of the apartments and their amenities before turning off the computer and going to start dinner.

Justin arrived at home half way through cooking.  After changing clothes, he assisted JR with the rest of dinner.  Once it was all done, they all sat down to eat.  Conversation around the table was light but lively.  Neither Justin nor JR wanted to talk about Danny's situation.  They felt that should be a conversation they should have in private.  After dinner JR wanted to talk with Danny so he left the cleaning to the others and went to call Danny on his cell phone.

Danny and Davy were sitting in their motel room watching television when Danny's phone started ringing.  When he looked at the caller ID he saw that it was JR calling so he answered the phone.  After getting through the greetings plus a little small talk, JR got to the point of his call.

"I talk with my dad and we came up with a way to help you with your situation." JR then told Danny about his whole conversation with Justin not leaving anything out.  Once he finished with that, JR told Danny about the apartments he found for him on the internet and told Danny he should take a look at them. "I have plans with my dad tomorrow but I can go with you on Sunday during your lunch break to take a look if you want?"

"That will be great because I'd like your opinion as well." Danny agreed. "I plan on having you at my apartment a lot so it's only natural that you feel comfortable at my place.  I won't get an apartment that you or Davy isn't comfortable with.  I don't care where I live as long as you and Davy are happy with the place.  I'll be happy just having a roof over my head."

"You won't be getting a dump!" JR sat up bolt right on his bed. "You deserve to have a nice place to live as well.  I won't have you thinking you don't deserve a nice place to live, not if I can help it!  So get that thought out of your head right now Daniel Carson!"

Danny felt all warm and tinkling inside from the care JR was showing him.  It made Danny feel good that someone actually cared about him besides Davy.  That was something Danny never had before and always wanted. "Okay, you're right, I shouldn't be thinking that way.  It's just I never thought I was good enough for anyone until you and I hooked up.  I honestly didn't think I had a chance with you."

JR settled down a little and lay back down on his bed.  He never knew Danny had a low self-esteem of himself.  Every time JR saw Danny, he looked so full of confidents whether it was at school, the mall, or anywhere else.  JR knew he have to help Danny raise that confidence before it dropped any lower.  Not only did JR need the confident Danny back but so did Danny and Davy.

"You have the chance to be with anyone you want and you know it!" JR was hoping the concern and care was showing in his voice. "No one in their right mind would turn down the opportunity to be with you Danny or less they're crazy or something.  You have your pick of anyone in Malibu to be with and that's the truth.  I'm just glad you pick me to be the one for you to be with."

"How could I not?  You're gorgeous JR, and smart, and kind, and funny.  Anyone with an ounce of brains would see you as the perfect partner.  If they don't then they're not to bright to begin with and you don't need them.  I'm happy to take their place."

JR wished Danny could the big smile he had on his face right now.  The two talked for a couple more hours.  Before they could say goodbye a song came on the stereo that JR loves.  He went over and turned the stereo up a little. "I love this song." Danny asked him to turn it up more and JR did before he started dancing around the room singing.

Danny just sat on the bed listening to JR beautiful voice.  JR hit every pitch and key just right and Danny love hearing him sing.  By the time the song had ended, Danny was smiling brightly.  He felt like JR was singing the song to him and he felt like the luckiest person in the world.  After a few minutes of total silence from both boys, Danny told JR he'll call him tomorrow and they said good night.  After hanging up, Danny looked over and saw that Davy had fallen asleep so he undressed him and put him in bed.  He then turned off the TV and undressed himself before getting into bed and quickly falling asleep thinking of JR.

JR woke up the nest morning in a good mood.  He enjoyed singing to Danny and he could tell Danny enjoyed it as well.  He lay in bed a minute longer before getting out and getting ready for the day.  Wile taking a shower, JR thought of how he would love to sing for Danny again.  Maybe he could get his uncle to host a karaoke night at his club.

Once JR was fully dressed, he went down for breakfast.  He saw everyone dressed as he was when he walked in and sat down.  JR greeted everyone good morning as he started to make his plate and greeted him back. "Where are we going first dad?"

"First we're going to go and buy a couple of bikes for the guys, and then I need to drop something off at Ty's house.  After that, we' can just play it by ear for the rest of the day.  None of us need to be anywhere so we don't need to be on a schedule.  We can just enjoy the day and have some fun."

JR's mouth was too full to speak so he nodded in agreement.  When Justin looked around the table, he saw everyone else also in an agreement with the plan.  When they finished breakfast and cleaned the kitchen, JR went to do some more apartment searching for Danny while Justin took the guys to buy bikes.  One hour later they returned home to drop off the truck and to pick up JR who was just finishing up his apartment searching.

JR walked outside and locked up the house.  When he turned around he found everyone including Justin wearing motorcycle helmets that matched their bike.  He walked over and climbed on the bike behind his father. "What's with the helmets dad?"

"I brought them to keep our identities hidden while we're riding." Justin handed JR his helmet. "I don't want anyone following us because of them recognizing who we are.  I even brought one for Ty and his guys and drop them off at his house.  I want to tour around Beverly Hills for a while and I'm not taking any chances."

JR put the helmet on and made sure it was fully secured before pulling up the visor. "I agree, and I'd love to tour Beverly Hills today.  Let's have lunch there also.  I'm sure the guys will enjoy it." He pulled the visor back down.

Justin agreed and the other nodded in affirmations.  They all then started their bikes at once and left home for a trouble free day of adventure and lunch in Beverly Hills California.  At least JR was hoping it will be a trouble free day although he wasn't betting on it.

As JR, Justin, and the guys were heading for Beverly Hills, Danny and Davy just arrived at the mall to open the store.  Right away Danny clocked in for work and surveyed the store before counting and exchanging the register drawers.  Just as he was finishing up, the other employees started arriving for work.  Not long after the shop was opening for customers.

The morning went by pretty fast because the store was busy with customers.  Soon Danny was getting Davy and clocking out for lunch so they could check out the apartments he was interested in leasing.  The drive didn't take long and soon they were pulling in the parking lot of the complex.  After parking the car, Danny and Davy walked into the leasing office.

When they walked up to the receptionist desk, the receptionist asked if she could help them. "Yes ma'am, my name is Danny Carson and this is my little brother Davy.  We have an appointment to view your two bedroom apartment."

The receptionist looked down at the log for the appointment. "Ah yes, here you are." She then looked back up at Danny. "Let me get the keys and I'll show you around the property.  I'll be back in one moment."

Danny thanked her as she went to get the keys to show them the model apartment.  A minute later she was back and the three of them left the office to take a tour of the property.  While touring the property Danny asked how close was the bus stop, bank, grocery store, etc...  The receptionist answered all questions in detailed form adding in other places that Danny might want to know.  When they reached the model apartment, the Receptionist let Danny and Davy view the apartment.

Once Danny and Davy got a good look, they headed back to the leasing office.  When they walked in the manager asked Danny how he liked the tour. "The property is nice and so is the apartment, but I haven't come to a decision whether or not if I want to apply.  I still have another place I want to look at before I make that decision."

"I understand completely." The manager gave a little nod. "Why don't you take an application with you to look over?  If you decide to apply for one of our units then just drop off the completed form with the application fee and we'll get started on processing the application." She looked at the receptionist. "Please give him one of the applications?"

The receptionist pulled out an application from her desk drawer and handed it to Danny. "Thank you a lot for the tour.  I'll give you a call in a couple of days once I have seen the other places and looked over the applications to make a decision."

Once again the manager confirmed to Danny that would be fine.  Danny and Davy shook their hands and said goodbye before walking out to the car.  On their way to the next apartment complex they went through the drive through at McDonald's for lunch while discussing the complex they just saw.  Both brothers like the complex but couldn't voice any pros or cons to the discussion because they didn't have anything to compare it to.  Twenty minutes later they were pulling into the parking lot of another complex and parking the car.

After touring Beverly Hills and admiring the houses of some of Hollywood's famous celebrities, Justin, JR, and the others went to lunch at Planet Hollywood.  Some of the guys wanted to see some of the famous celebrities that dine there.  Justin was hoping that they would get to rub elbows with some of Hollywood's rich and famous and teased them not to mob every celebrity that they might see but was hoping they wouldn't deep down inside.

After a leisurely lunch and leaving a generous tip for their waitress, the guys headed back to Malibu and the mini mall.  The drive going back took a little longer because of midday traffic but no one minded though.  Everyone was enjoying the relaxing day.  When they reached the mini mall, they parked the bikes and headed for the movie theater before going to the pool hall for a couple of hours.

As soon as they walked into the pool hall, Justin immediately but nonchalantly scan the area for the hot guy he saw there the first time.  Not seeing him anywhere made Justin feel disappointed and a little down, he was hoping to see that gorgeous face once again before they leave.  What he also didn't see was his son watching him curiously from the corner of his eyes.  JR was still trying to find out what made his father's eyes twinkled the other day when they were making plans for the weekend.  JR never saw his father's eyes twinkle before and he had been watching his father all day to find out what caused it.  By the disappointed look on Justin's face, JR knew it must have something to do with the pool hall, but what, he didn't know as of yet.

After everyone had received their drinks from the bar, they all took a seat at a table.  Justin made sure to sit facing the door so he could see anyone coming or going.  As soon as they sat down JR cell phone rang so he pulled it out to answer it.  When he saw it was Danny calling a smile came across his face. "Hey there stud, how's the apartment shopping going?"

Justin breathed a sigh of relief when Danny called JR.  JR was so wrapped up in the call that he didn't see the object of Justin's desire walking in the door a minute later but someone else did though, that person have had their eyes on Justin ever since he walked in.  While JR talked to Danny, the others got up to play a game of pool or darts.

After quickly but casually downing his beer, Justin went to the bar to order another one. "Can I get another beer please?" He gave the guy behind the bar his most charming and sexiest smile.

Tim, the owner, looked at him curiously for a moment before getting the beer. "Haven't I seen you in here before?" Justin confirmed that he had with a smile but gave no further information. "You were here with Christian and Tyler about a week or two ago, weren't you?" He slid the beer over to Justin.

"Yes, but I'm here today with my son." Justin turned around and pointed at JR. "You might remember him; he was with me the first time." Tim nodded. "We're having a father and son bonding day.  We do this about once a month."

"That's great." Justin could hear the sadness in Tim's voice. "I think it's great that you and your son have a close relationship with each other.  I wish I could have that type of a relationship with my father instead of the one we have now.  You two are lucky to have each other."

"I'm the lucky one to have a great kid like him.  He's been my world ever since his mom..." Justin caught himself before revealing anything about JR's mother. "Well since his mother is no longer with us anymore and I have to be both mommy and daddy."

Justin's statement made Tim curious about what happened to JR's mother but he didn't push the topic.  He felt that if Justin wanted to tell, then he would have, and Tim can live with that.  It wasn't his style to pry into other people's lives and Justin didn't pry into his.  They talked for a few minutes more just making small talk before Justin joined JR again at the table.

While JR was talking to Danny he kept a close watch on his father at the bar.  JR wondered if he was getting closer to finding out if his father's interest has something to do with the owner.  >From what JR could see Justin and Tim were just casually talking and nothing more, but JR wasn't going to jump to any conclusion right away.  No, he was going to get all the proof he needed before bringing it up with Justin again.

The guys spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying themselves at the pool hall.  From time to time they got up to play a game of pool, darts, or various other games that was there.  When it was time to leave, Justin closed the tab he had opened when they arrived while the others headed out to the bikes.  Five minutes later Justin joined them and they all went home stopping at Pizza Hut along the way for dinner.

After stopping for lunch themselves, Danny and Davy checked out the other apartment complex Danny found on the internet.  Both boys liked the complex but Danny thought the apartment was kind of smaller then it was described but big enough for the two of them.  Davy on the other hand didn't mind the size if it would give them a place to live that Danny can afford.  As with the other complex Danny didn't apply for the apartment but asked for an application to take with him before heading back to work.

On the way back, Danny and Davy discussed the pros and cons of the two complexes.  Although they like them both, neither boy could make a decision on which one they liked better. "Well we don't have to make a decision right now.  I have more complexes for us to look at tomorrow.  Maybe we'll find a better one we'll like and can make a decision then."

Davy agreed and the two of them dropped the subject.  When they arrived back at the mall, the shop was just getting into its afternoon rush.  Danny quickly clocked back in and helped out where it was needed.  Since he had nothing else to do, Davy assisted him in wherever he could.

The rest of the day went as normal.  When it was time to clock out, Danny couldn't wait to leave.  It had been a busy day and now all he wants to do is chill for the rest of the day and rest up for tomorrow.  On the way back to the motel, they stopped for some Chinese food for dinner.  Danny needed to make an important call and Davy wanted to play the PS2 so they decided not eat in the restaurant.

Once their stomachs were full, and their trash thrown away, Davy started playing the PS2 while Danny made his call.  When he had the person he needed to talk with on line, Danny explained his situation. "Is there anyway you can help me with this?"

"Yes I maybe able to help you with that.  Can you meet with me in my office on Monday afternoon?" The person asked Danny. "Sure, what time?" Danny asked in return. "How about 1:30 pm?  I need to make some calls and check into some things before I have an idea on which direction to go with this."

"I'll be there at 1:30 sharp." Danny answered. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help with this situation.  If everything all goes well, then it will be a major stress reliever and I can focus on other things.  I don't have much time to get everything taken care of; and I need to get this taken care of before I can do anything else."

"I agree with you on that.  Time is crucial at this point.  But we do have the element of surprise on our side, and that can be the key in getting you what you want.  I think it would be best if we keep this between the two of us for now.  That way it's less chances of it getting out to the public."

"Absolutely." Danny agreed but thought to himself. *There's no way I'm keeping this from JR though.* He knows he will tell JR everything the next time he talks to him.  JR had stood by him through all of this, and already Danny's beginning to realize that it will be difficult to keep anything secret from JR.

The two talk for a few minutes more before disconnecting the call.  Danny then focused on the apartment applications while waiting for JR to call.  A half an hour later his cell rang and it was JR.  After thirty minutes of small talk, JR plunged right in. "Okay, what's bothering you?" Danny let out a sigh as he lay back on the bed before explaining to JR about his phone call he had earlier. "I agree with keeping it on the downlow for now.  There's only three people I would tell and you know who they are.  I know they will keep it to themselves and they might be able to help if needed."

"I know they can help, but I want to take care of this myself before getting anyone else involved." Danny said. "I knew I would have to stand on my own two feet against my father sooner or later, and it looks like it will be sooner rather then later."

The two boys talked for an hour longer about Danny's situation.  In the meantime, Davy showered and got into bed to watch television before falling asleep.  Neither Danny nor JR wanted their call to end but both knew it had to.  Danny needed to get ready for work the next day and JR had to rest up for a photo shoot.  Before hanging up, JR told Danny about the apartments he found for Danny to check out when he has the time.

"I'll stop by the mall tomorrow and go with you to check them out if you want." Danny said he would love for JR to come with them.  After all, Danny was hoping that JR will be spending a lot of time at his place. "Okay then, I'll be there around noon."

"Okay, see you then." The two then said goodnight and hung up.  Danny went to shower and climbed into bed.  Not long after he fell asleep with a smile on his face thinking about JR, not knowing that his motel room was secretly being watch.

On Sunday morning, Justin was a little slow in waking up.  He was up late well into the night talking on the phone with someone he's been wanted to get to know for a while, and now is finally getting the chance, but that conversation left him lazy at getting out of bed this morning.  Once he was at full consciousness, Justin showered and dressed before going to start breakfast.

When he got to the top of the stairs, JR was just opening his door and stepping out of his bedroom.  Justin waited for him and the two headed down to the kitchen together.  When they reached the kitchen, they found the guys already there cooking breakfast so they just helped out where it was needed.  In no time they had breakfast prepared and they all sat down at the table to eat.

While they were eating, Justin told JR he had some errands to run this morning but wanted JR and Danny to meet him this afternoon. "I'm arranging something that will help Danny.  Once I take care of it, I'll give you a call on when and where to meet me."

"What is it?" JR had to asked, his curiosity was peeked.  Justin just smiled and told him he'll find out later. "I'll try to get Danny there but I'm not sure I can.  He's working today and we're going to look at the apartments on his lunch break."

"That's okay, I can wait.  Maybe he can get off a little early and you guys can meet me then.  There's no rush and I have some things I need to take care of at the office.  Just let Danny know what's going on and wait for my call."

JR agreed with his father and that was the end of that discussion.  An hour and a half later when breakfast was over and the kitchen cleaned, everyone got ready to head out for the day.  JR hopes his photo shoot won't take long because he really doesn't want to do any modeling today.  He rather spend the day with his boyfriend just being a teenager but he knew that's wasn't possible because Danny has to work today.

As JR was leaving the house, Danny was just waking up from a good night sleep.  After reaching over and shutting off the annoying alarm, Danny showered and dressed before waking his brother.  While Davy was showering and dressing himself, Danny called JR to say good morning.  He needed to hear JR's voice to start his day off on a positive note and put a smile on his face.

When both boys was ready to go, they left the motel room not knowing that they were still secretly being watched.  Instead of stopping at McDonald's as they usually do, Danny surprised his brother to a breakfast at IHOP.  Davy was thrilled!  He loves IHOP, its one place where he can order breakfast, lunch, or dinner at any time of the day so he have a variety of choices to choose from.  After their stomachs had been filled, they headed to the mall and what Danny was sure was to be a busy day.

Justin's morning was going very well so far.  He was able to catch up on the work he needed to get done and signed a new model, now he was in a personal conversation with the person he was starting to fall head over hills with.  Justin was so enamor with the conversation that he almost lost track of time until his secretary buzzed his office to remind him of his appointment.

"Thanks for reminding me Susan, I'll be leaving shortly." After getting a yes sir from his secretary, Justin transfer back to the other line. "Are you still there?" The person answered yes. "I have an appointment that I need to get to now.  How about we meet for a late lunch, say around two thirty?"

"I'm down with that, and looking forward to it as well." Justin heard coming from the other end of the line. "I'll see you then hot stuff, don't be late.  I can't wait to see that gorgeous face again."

"Don't you worry your cute bubble ass about that, okay?  I'll get there as fast as I can.  Nothing can stop me from seeing that gorgeous smile on your face." Justin then suggested a restaurant and the person agreed it would be a good place to have lunch. "I'll see you at two thirty then.  I don't want to, but I have to go now."

They both said their goodbye's and disconnected the call.  As soon as they did, Justin wished he hadn't, but he knew he had to take care of business now and recreation later so he gathered his things together.  On his way out, Justin gave his secretary the rest of the day off which she gladly accepted with a smile.  Justin smiled back at her and said he will see her tomorrow before leaving the office.

Just as soon as his photo shoot was over, JR and his security team headed straight for the mall.  On the way there, they stopped for sandwiches for lunch.  JR also got one each for Danny and Davy because he knew Danny would be just going on his lunch break when they get there and wouldn't have time to get any lunch for the two of them and he figured right.  By the time they arrived, Danny was just walking out of the back room from clocking out.

"Just in time." Danny said when he saw JR and his security waiting for him and Davy. "Do you guys want to follow behind me?  Or would you rather we all go together?" Danny looked at JR when he said the last part.

"I think we should go in the SUV.  After all, it's big enough to hold all of us.  Besides, it'll give us time to have lunch along the way which is waiting in the truck.  We should leave now before it gets spoil and the drinks get warm."

Danny nodded okay and asked everyone to wait for him while he go and inform Angie that he was leaving for lunch.  When he returned, JR's security surrounded the boys and they left the shop.  With the security surrounding them and the crowd of shoppers all around, Danny and Davy was able to slip away unnoticed by their observer who had been watching the shop all morning.

Just as they finished their lunch they were parking in front of the leasing office of the first complex they were visiting.  When they got out of the SUV, Danny, Davy, and JR took a quick look around the complex before walking into the leasing office and straight up to the receptionist desk. "May I help you gentlemen?"

Since it will be Danny's apartment they all thought he should do the talking. "Yes ma'am, my name is Danny Carson and I have an appointment to check out your two bedroom apartments."

The receptionist didn't think Danny could afford the apartment but she showed them the model apartment anyway.  When they got back to the leasing office she answered any questions that Danny asked of her, although in a condescending kind of way.  Even though the receptionist thought Danny was young and probably couldn't afford the apartment, she couldn't help but to be impressed at his maturity.  Before leaving, Danny asked her for an application.

The tour of the second complex went pretty much the same way as the first one did, minus the attitude from the receptionist.  Now Danny and Davy have four complexes to choose from as to where they want to live.  As they were heading back to the mall, JR's cell phone rang.  Expecting a call from his father, JR answered it without checking the caller ID.  Sure enough it was Justin calling.

"Hey dad, what's up?  Did you get everything taken care of?" Justin said he did and gave JR an address for him and Danny to meet Justin after work. "I know that place, what were you doing there dad?  I didn't know you knew anyone there."

"Don't worry about that son, you just have Danny there." Justin told his son without giving anything away. "All will be explained when you get there."

JR assured Justin he will have Danny there before hanging up and pocketing his phone.  He then told Danny about the conversation. "I don't know what this is all about, but my dad wants us to meet him there later.  Can you get off of work a little early?"

"Of course I can." Danny wrapped his arm around JR's shoulders pulling him close to his body.  JR instantly laid his head on Danny's chest and shoulder. "I'll take off thirty minutes early and make the time up another day."

Just as they reached the mall, they had everything sorted out.  JR spent the rest of the afternoon with Davy at the arcade until it was time for Danny to clock out.  They met Danny at the shop just as he was coming out of the back. "Okay, let's go see what this is all about."

JR nodded in agreement with Danny and they left to meet up with Justin to find out what is going on.  JR trusts his father, but his curiousness is starting to get the best of him.  Whatever it is, JR just hopes it really can help Danny and Davy.  As they walked out of the mall heading towards the SUV, the same pair of eyes that had been watching Danny and Davy since yesterday followed them out without anyone spotting him or so he thought.

They drove Danny to where he parked his car so that he, Davy, and JR can transfer to it before disembarking from the parking lot.  The guy who had been following Danny followed three cars behind them not noticing that he's already been spotted.  By the time they got to where they are supposed to meet with Justin; Simon had the description of the vehicle and the number of the tag to trace.

After parking the cars, everyone got out and followed JR.  Danny kept looking at JR for an explanation but JR didn't have one, although he thought he figured it out.  He just shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.  When they got to their designation, JR rang the bell.  When the door opened, Justin was standing there smiling at them.

"Come on in." Justin invited them.  They walked in still wondering what was going on, but before anyone could say anything, Justin continued. "I like you all to check out the place and tell me what you think about it."

Everyone did what was asked even though Danny was still wondering what he and Davy has to do with all of this.  Once they got a good look at the place, everyone gave Justin their opinion on it. "Okay dad, I think it's time you tell us what this is all about."

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Malibu Hearts.  I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it.  Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

I know it's been a while since you gotten a chapter from me and I apologize for that.  Many things had been going on that needed to be taken care of, including my writer's block.  Please bare with me until I can get back into the writing groove again.  Now let's get to the summary.

In this chapter Danny had no choice but to tell JR what was going on at home after the seen his father made at his job.  JR told Danny he would help him in any way he can and meant it.  It worries me what Chief Carson will do to get his way.  It looks like these boys are really in for a big fight.  Can they handle it?

JR spent Saturday with his father as planned.  I didn't name any celebrities of the homes the saw because it's not relevant to the chapter.  After that, they spent a nice lunch at Planet Hollywood before going back to Malibu.

Who is Justin's objective of his desires?  We know he gave that person his number but who is that person and when did Justin give that person his number?  When or will these two get together?  Will JR figure out who it is before the person is revealed?

Danny is starting to get things together in order for him to make a life for him and Davy.  Will everything go as easy as Danny hoping it will, or will Chief Carson put some hurdles in his way for Danny to jump over?

Danny and JR almost got into a hot make out session in the lounge room.  How long would it be before these two can't keep their hands off of each other?  If anyone has any ideas of how Danny and JR first time should go, please let me know.  If I like it I'll definitely write it into the story.

It looks like someone is following Danny and Davy and they don't know it.  Who is following them, and why?  I'm sure Simon will soon find out and have him taken care of before he can harm Danny or Davy.

Justin had JR bring Danny somewhere after work.  What is this place that Justin is showing the guys, and can it help out Danny?  Better yet, does Danny like the place?

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner.  I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out!  New plots are going to open and some will close.  Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy!  Please let me know how I'm doing.  I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Next: Chapter 7

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