Malibu Hearts

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Jul 17, 2017


Malibu Hearts 12

{Malibu Hearts is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 12

Tuesday morning Justin woke up early very tired. He just had his second night of restless sleep but didn't know what to do about it. All he knew was that he had to do something before he wasn't able to function which will cost him a lot in the long run. He got out of bed reminding himself to contemplate on it later and headed for the master bathroom to start his day. Once he was dress, he went down to the kitchen for some coffee and to catch the early morning news before making breakfast.

Timothy was also up early from a lack of sleep and was making breakfast when Anrícé came into the kitchen. The two greeted each other good morning then Anrícé started setting the table while Timothy finished with the cooking. Once they were seated and had their plates full, Anrícé noticed the tired look on his father's face and enquired about it.

"I just had some trouble sleeping is all. I'm not getting sick or anything so it's nothing for you to worry about." Timothy assured his son. "I just need to get some sleep then I'll feel better."

Anrícé stared at his dad for a moment debating over whether or not to press the issue. Deciding against it, he nodded in acceptance and started eating. When they had finished and had tidied up the kitchen, Timothy drove him to school.

In a repeat performance of the day before, they arrived behind Justin and JR who arrived behind Tyler and Christian. Timothy went straight to Justin who wrapped him up in a huge bear hug. Their boys looked at each other finally putting the pieces together as to their parent's tiredness. A couple of minutes later the two men finally broke their embrace once they felt contented enough to let go. They stood around discussing JR and Danny's decision when he and Davy arrived joining in on the conversation.

Sometime later the bell rang signaling the start of school. The boys were sent off with their usual hug but the Carson brothers received a smile and handshake from Justin although all three wanted to hug each other as well. The boys headed into the building still getting curious looks from almost everyone around them but shrugged it off. They were all wondering just how interesting the day was going to be with their schoolmates trying to decipher the relationship between JR and Danny. Their fathers watched them go a little concerned with their safety but had faith that their security will protect them. While they were all still together, Timothy told Justin, Christian, and Tyler that he has something that he wanted to discuss with them and asked them to meet with him at his pool hall that afternoon. He told them that it should only take about an hour then they can pick up the boys afterwards. All three men agreed to be there then departed for their perceptive jobs.

After walking the younger boys to their homeroom classes, JR and Danny headed for their own. All eyes fell upon them when they walked in together and took seats side by side to one another but still no one had the courage to ask any questions. The two boys gave each other mischievous smiles because they knew why they were staring but neither boy gave any clues or explanation as to why spiking everyone's curiosity to find out.

When the bell rang, they got up and left for their first period class continuing to walk together. They went to the three boys classes and escorted them to their next one before going to their own and finding a seat. They chose seats in the middle row deliberately putting them in the spotlight therefore attracting attention. They wanted to see the expression on Josh's face when he comes in and see them sitting together like two old buddies. Just as the final bell rang, Josh walked in freezing in his tracks nearly causing Eric to collide into his back.

"What the fuck Josh?" Eric asked with some anger but got no response. He stepped around Josh to see what had him so transfixed then turned back to him snapping his fingers. "Snap out of It Josh. This ain't the first time we seen them together for god sake."

Josh shook his head to clear it of his befuddlement and followed Eric to a desk. Eric sat next to JR leaving the other side of him free for Josh. Eric greeted them in which they returned but it took a second for Josh to get his voice to work. Outwardly JR and Danny kept a composed expression but were inwardly smiling at his reaction. JR wanted to keep him befuddled a little while longer so he quickly delivered his uncle's message.

"By the way Josh, Uncle Ty wanted me to let you know that he and Uncle Chris have some free time Friday night if you wanted to work some more on the painting."

By that time the teacher rose to begin the class so Josh had no chance to respond leaving him to catch up with the other students. The smirks between JR and Danny went unnoticed having them to bite their lips to hold in their laughter. They knew that Josh would be like everyone else in not asking any questions and instead try to get them to confess it all. They decided to enjoy the amusement while it lasted because sooner or later someone will have the guts to ask them the questions that everyone is determine to know the answer to but not seeking it.

Anrícé's first period started out differently than the two older boys had. As soon as he walked into the room he saw a cute boy sitting close to the front with empty seats all around him. Taking the desk on the boy's right, he softly introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Anrícé Michaels. What's your name?" He didn't get a reply and tried again this time a little louder. He still got no reply and tried a third time adding in. "Are you new here?"

This time the boy turned to him replying with a little sarcasm. "Wow, did it take you long to come up with that lame line?"

"Looks like someone forgot to take their Midol this morning!" Anrícé shot back. "Is it that time of the month or are you just a naturally born bitch? I can always show you how I handle bitches if you like?"

The boy tried to think of a comeback but couldn't. That remark had him not only stunned but feeling tingly all over. He'd realized about a year ago that he was different from others causing him to become weary in getting to know kids his own age. His sarcastic demeanor had always pushed others away which prevented him from getting hurt by them for being himself. Now here was a kid that wasn't easily intimidated by that sarcasm sending shivers throughout his whole body making him feel exhilarated but he wasn't going to let it show.

"Listen dude, you don't know me and I don't know you, so let's leave it that way. I don't need nor do I want your pity for the new cripple kid so you can feel good about yourself for trying to become his friend. We both know how that will turn out in the long run so let's just pretend that this encounter never happened, okay?"

"All I was trying to do is make a friend because I'm new at this school." Anrícé stated firmly but politely. "But if you don't want a friend, then that's fine with me. After all, I'm not the one who will have to go through life feeling alone and lonely. It sounds like a pitiful way to live but it's your decision however sad it may sound."

Just then the bell rang ending the discussion however Anrícé couldn't stop thinking about that encounter. He'd never gotten the boy's name nor did he think the boy looked crippled to him. In fact, Anrícé thought he looked cute. That's why he wanted to be friends with him and perhaps more than just friends one day in the near future. Throughout the period Anrícé started to put the puzzle together as to what the boy meant by `cripple' but the final piece came at the end of class.

When the bell rang ending class, JR and Danny left the room leaving both Eric and Josh staring confusingly at them. "You still want to tell me that there's nothing going on between them?" Josh asked shaking his head in disbelief as he put his books in his backpack.

"I never said that there wasn't." Eric replied standing up. "I only said that you were going at it the wrong way to find out which could ruin your friendship with JR. But if you really want to know, then ask him straight out, instead of beating around the bush in trying to get him to confess. It's obvious that he realize that's what you're trying to do and not giving you the answer that you're looking for."

Josh shook his head in denial. "No I'm not. I'm just trying to show my best friend that he can confide in me about anything including his relationship with Danny Carson."

"If that was the case, then why did you clam up when he turned the tables and asked you that same question?"

Josh didn't have an answer to that question so he just left the room with Eric following behind. Meanwhile, JR and Danny met up with Anrícé coming out of his class and they headed for Jeff and Davy's. The two older boys noticed that Anrícé was distracted by something on his mind but didn't mention anything about it choosing to wait until he brings the subject up. After escorting the boys to their next class, JR and Danny separated to head to theirs.

While running the police station, Chief Carson was plotting ways to get his sons back home and under his control. He realized that there was only one way to accomplish that so he contemplated on different scenarios including one he wasn't completely set on using but wouldn't rule out as a possibility. Not only didn't he approve of his eldest son's homosexual relationship with that nigger; which was a double abomination in his eyes, he also needed them home to take care of his wife after her surgery instead of a private duty nurse which will cost him a lot of money to employ. He can make further plans once he had accomplished his first task.

At Cramer Agency, Justin's concentration was split between work and wondering how things were going on with the boys at school. He wish that he was there giving them his support but he knew that they needed him not to interfere until he was asked for his help. He was hoping that day wouldn't come and their peers will accept them for who they are regardless of who they love. He understands that not everyone will accept them considering that Malibu is consisted of mostly Caucasian who are heterosexual, and a high percentage of the community are either homophobic or deeply in the closet, but there are other races with different orientation among them as well. Since there was nothing that he can do about it, he tried putting it out of his mind and focusing on the portfolios he had lying on his desk.

When the bell rang, Danny went to put his books away so he could meet the others in the cafeteria for lunch. When he closed his locker door, he nearly jumped out of his skin seeing one of his friends standing on the other side staring intensely at him. He returned the stare with equal intense and a little anger for being startled. His friend continued to stare at him waiting for him to confess but Danny just raised an eyebrow in question leaving his friend to do a little prompting.

He began asking the small questions first like how was his summer, how was his second day of classes going, and was he rejoining the team this year, etc etc etc, before asking the big one. "So, anything new with you?"

Danny shrugged his shoulders noncommittally as he turned to head to the cafeteria with his friend following. "I did get a promotion at work among other things. Anything new going on with you?" He quickly turned the tables knowing where this was going.

"Na, everything's just the same old, same old. How are things between you and Lesley?"

"I haven't seen her. I don't think she came back from Ireland yet." Before his friend could say anything, he carried on. "By the way, I'm having lunch with my brother so don't expect me at the table." He nodded at Davy who was standing outside of the cafeteria waiting for him. "Well, I got to go. I'll see you later."

He walked away and met up with his brother not giving his friend a chance to say anything else. They quickly went through the line grabbing their lunch and headed out to the quad where they all agreed to sit. By the time his friend had reached the cafeteria and had gone through the line, the two brothers were nowhere to be seen so he joined his friends at their usual table a little frustrated that he didn't get the answers he was looking for.

Meanwhile, the two brothers found the other three sitting at a table near the outer edge of the quad. Many eyes followed as they joined them and was included in the conversation like they were there all along. This spiked everyone's curiosity even higher to get the scoop on the group. As far as anyone knew, JR and Danny haven't been seen together since the eighth grade so what was the difference now?

At the same time the boys were eating their lunch, Timothy was sitting in a Burger King eating his and outlining a plan for his new hall when someone sat down at his table. When he looked up, he was staring at a familiar face with the mischievous grin that he knew so well sitting across from him.

"Hey Timmy, How's it going? Did you miss me?"

"As much as I missed a hemorrhoid!" Timothy snarled sarcastically. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I just stopped in to get a bite to eat and saw you sitting here all alone so I decided to see how an old friend was doing. Is everything going alright with you?" The newcomer asked again.

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes, everything is fine with me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do so I'd appreciate it if you'll find somewhere else to sit."

With that, Timothy went back to his planning and eating his lunch. He has no interest in a friendly conversation with his uninvited guest nor did he have time for it, but his guest wasn't going to be dismissed that easily though! The individual pulled out their meal and began eating right there while still trying to engage Timothy in some conversation but he was being completely ignored. Timothy was hoping that the person will get the hint and leave but the message wasn't getting through annoying him to no ends so he just kept ignoring the pest.

Once he was finished eating, he got up throwing away his trash and left the restaurant without saying a word leaving the pest sitting there dumfounded over the term of event. He didn't know what made the person think he would want to talk to them after what happened between them a few years ago but he wasn't going to encourage any misbelieved notion that will ruin everything that he has now.

Fortunately for everyone, especially the boys, the afternoon went smoothly and soon school was over. They all met up at the front door and headed out to meet their parents. As they walked up to them, Justin noticed an apprehensive look on Danny's face and asked him what was wrong. Danny shook his head unsure stating that he had an uneasy feeling of being watch ever since they came out of the building. Everyone was concern about that but it was Justin who voiced the question.

"What, or should I say who, do you think it is that is watching you?"

"I'm not exactly sure to tell you the truth." Danny said shaking his head once again. "But, if I take a guess at it, I would say that good old Chief Carson has some of his boys floating around here keeping an eye on me and Davy. I don't think he's given up on trying to get us back under his control yet and just waiting for me to make a mistake where he can capitalize on it."

"In that case, I'm making a change in plans with you driving to and from school." He then stated what that change was. "If he really wants to trap you, then that'll be the best way for him to do it and it will be hell to get you out of it."

Danny nodded in understanding agreement and didn't put up any arguments. Since that was settled, Anrícé took that opportunity to ask his question. " mean, Mr. Jackson...?"

Tyler could see the boy's hesitation in regards to calling him uncle and smiled encouragingly at him. "Anrícé, you can call me Uncle Ty if you want. We're all family here so I won't mind it a bit. In fact, I'll feel honor that you consider me as an uncle."

That put Anrícé at ease and he returned the smile with everyone else joining in. "Okay then, Uncle Ty. Have you ever thought anyone was trying to be friends with you out of pity, or that they were being nice to a cripple to make themselves feel better?"

Tyler was surprised at that question but admitted that he haven't. "Why do you ask that question kiddo? Have you met someone with a disability who thinks that way?" Anrícé nodded his head in affirmative and explained the new kid in his first period class. How the kid thought he was doing something like that when he introduced himself, how the kid sounded very judgmental but really wanted a friend in spite of it all, and how he didn't know what the kid meant by being cripple until the end of class. "I see, well, all I can tell you is to try again but assure him that your offer of friendship is sincere and genuine with no strings attached. It might help if you told him that you can introduce him to someone with a similar disability who went through some of the same things as him who can help."

"I'll give it a try because I really do want to be friends with him." Anrícé replied. *And maybe even more, much more.* He thought to himself.

"You're blushing there kiddo." Timothy teased his son. "Is there something that you're not telling us?" Anrícé's face turned even redder proving Timothy's assumption to be correct which got everyone giggling. "What happened to that I'll never be that mushy kid from last night?"

Anrícé groaned at having his own words thrown back at him as his dad and the others continued giggling. Seeing the confused looks on Tyler and the other's faces, Justin explained to them about his and Timothy's good night kiss including Anrícé's good natured teasing over it. They all saw the humor in it and soon were joining in on the laughter. Once everyone had composed themselves, they all said their goodbyes and headed for their homes.

As they were leaving school grounds, Danny and the security guy that was riding with them noticed the multitude of police cruisers close by. More than usual was patrolling the area which pretty much confirmed his suspicion about Chief Carson's agenda making him glad that Justin had the foresight to change his driving arrangement. He'll have to find a way to thank him for his consideration of their safety. He drove home with a smile in his heart for what he was beginning to accept as his new dad.

When Timothy and Anrícé got home, Anrícé went to get started on his homework while Timothy made dinner. They both finished at the same time and sat down to have their meal while watching the news and just talking. Timothy did ask his son more about his potential new friend and his intentions towards that friendship in overall. Anrícé admitted that he knew nothing more than what he told everyone earlier but was interested in finding out a lot more about him. Timothy encouraged him to do that but caution him on not pushing too hard and letting things develop naturally and at its own pace. To just take it slow and everything will work out alright in the end. Anrícé listened very closely to what his dad was saying while taking mental notes on a few things. It had been a long time since he had a dad who he can talk to making him feel really thankful for having Timothy in his life.

When dinner was over at the Cramer's, Justin pulled his boys into his office to speak with them privately. He explained to them how the process of the investigation involving the fire was going and what to expect next. He also gave them an estimated figure on the settlement from the insurance company and when they should be expecting it. Once he was sure that they understood everything, he asked Danny what he'd wants to do with the money. Danny didn't know so he said that he needed to think on it and he'll let him know when he has an answer. Justin accepted that and ended the discussion. The rest of the night was spent relaxing after the boys finished up what homework they had left for that day.

The next morning groans could be heard all over the house as they were awakened by their irritating alarm clocks. Reluctantly they got out of bed and got ready for their busy day ahead. After a delicious and fulfilling breakfast, they were on their way to school. Since they were starting their martial arts classes today, the boys made sure that they brought a bag of clean clothes to change into afterwards.

The conversation this morning mostly centered on what style of discipline the boys wanted to focus on first. Finding that out, Mark said that he will begin with Taekwondo with JR as his assistance since he's already a black belt in that discipline. He'll work with them for about an hour then take JR and Danny to work with them on the other discipline they wanted to learn while Carlos continues on with the younger boys. He'll work with them three days a week and either Saturday or Sunday of every other weekend including weight training in conditioning.

"So, you guys will have three hours a day per week and three hours every other weekend taken out of your busy schedules. Can you handle that, especially with football season starting soon?"

He directed his last question at Danny who didn't have an answer for him. Not only was football season beginning soon, but he also has a job that he really needs to return to. He loves playing football and is an excellent player; but his priority lays with taking care of him and his brother. Although he and Davy live with JR and Justin, he didn't feel right having Justin support him and his brother. He believes that responsibility fall upon his shoulders and they would be taking advantage of Justin's hospitality if he were to put that responsibility on him. Justin could see his mind spinning in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions so decided to help him out.

"You don't have to answer that right now Danny. You're still on personal time so there's no need for you to stress over it. Just give it some thought and we'll all sit down as a family to discuss it before you make your final decision."

Danny accepted Justin's advice with a relieved nod. At that moment, the bell rang signaling the start of school. The boys got their usual sendoff and headed into the building wondering if anyone will have the guts to approach them with the question today. Justin turned to Christian once they were inside and told him that the four of them needed to talk about Danny's job in which Christian relatively agreed. He too had noticed Danny's dilemma and wanted to help him in any way that he can to take some of the pressure off of the young man whom had worked his way into all of their hearts.

Once the morning announcement was over, the bell rang for first period class. JR and Danny did their usual escorting of the boys to their classes with Anrícé's being last. They wished him good luck with the kid and quickly headed off to reach their own class before the final bell ring. They didn't think that they will have to continue escorting them much longer now that they were beginning to remember the layout of the school. They had just laid out their notebook when Eric and Josh walked in the room.

Anrícé spotted the kid sitting in the same seat as the previous day when he entered his class and took his same seat next to him. To his dismays, the boy was the first to speak. "Back for another attempt at good will?"

"How did you know it was me?" Anrícé asked surprised that the kid knew it was him. "And no, it's not an attempt at good will or anything like that. Your disability won't scare me away and neither will you. I really want to be friends in spite of your negativity and defensive attitude. If you really don't want a friend then just tell me and I'll leave you alone. And don't give me anything like there's nothing we have in common, or there's nothing that we can do together, because I know someone who's in your position and he's doing quite well for himself."

For the second day in a row, Anrícé had the boy totally speechless. Everyone else had usually given up after their first attempt with him but Anrícé's not like everyone else. He's made of much tougher stuff than that and have nothing to lose so he wouldn't be easily scared away. Unknown to Anrícé, his strong disposition was quickly breaking down the boy's walls once again sending those shivers through his body which totally delighted him. He mumbled something that Anrícé didn't hear and was asked to repeat himself.

"Alan, I said my name is Alan." He repeated a little louder bringing a smile to Anrícé's face at finally getting somewhere with him. "Hi Alan, my name is Anrícé but you can call me Rick. All of my friends and family do."

The final bell rang at that moment so they didn't have a chance to say anything more but Anrícé was happy with what he's gotten. There was time for them to get to know one another so there was no need to rush. All Through class both boys were feeling all gitty inside making it seem like the time passed too fast when the period was over. As they were gathering their things, Anrícé asked Alan if he would like for Anrícé to walk him to his next class. Alan nodded yes and told him what class that was just as JR asked Anrícé if he was ready to go when he and the others showed up. Anrícé told him yes and introduced them to Alan as they reached the door.

They made small talk getting to know Alan and he them as they went to their next classes. When they reached Alan's, Anrícé told him that they will be back when class was over to get him for his next one. He tried to protest but Anrícé wouldn't let him stating that they can continue developing their friendship while Alan shows him where his classes were located. That somewhat placated Alan's fear of intruding in on the group and he agreed then the others headed to their class.

At the pool hall, Timothy was taking inventory (inventory) trying not to worry about his son. He hope (hoped) that everything was going okay and the two boys were getting along well. It sounded to him like the kid could really use a good friend; and the same could go for his son although he suspect (suspects) that Anrícé has more than just a friendship in mind, but he hopes that his son will work on the friendship part first. After all, a good relationship begins with a good friendship.

When he was finished taking the inventory (inventory), he came back into the main room to see his unwanted guess from yesterday sitting at the bar partaking in one of the establishment breakfast special. The patron attempted to gain his attention but was paid no mind what's so ever. The patron glared at him with much irritation mixed with a bit of anger. Timothy had never ignored him like that before and it was pissing him off at being treated like he wasn't even there. He decided to nip that in the bud by insisting that Timothy talk to him but still received the silent treatment. The more he was ignored; the louder he got until he was nearly shouting. Timothy had enough and went over and demanded that he quiet down or else.

"Or else what Timmy, you're going to kick me out?" He taunted with a smirk. "You and I both know that won't happen. Now, why don't you cut the crap and have a seat so we can talk. We have some things that we need to work out."

"In contrary to what you may believe Renaldo; that will be a waste of both of our time." Timothy stated firmly then told him about Justin. "So you see; there's nothing for us to work out because I had already gotten over you. I don't know what made you come back to town nor do I care. I've found the love of my life and had moved on so I suggest you do the same because I'm moving forward not backward. You threw away what we had several years ago when you left and there's no trying to rekindle that spark which had flickered out long ago."

A flash of anger came over Renaldo's face before he smirked deviously. "We'll see about that!" He threatened. "We both know that you're like pudding in my hands and will do whatever I say. I'm going to get back what's mine and that Justin guy can't stop me so I suggest you let him know that you're no longer available to him for a booty call anymore."

Timothy returned his smirk with a devilish one. "I wouldn't try anything if I were you buddy! Not only does my man have the power to ruin you, but he'll do it in a heartbeat with only one word from me. You're way out of your league here and have no idea what you're getting yourself into." He then looked directly into his eyes dangerously. "Take this warning to heart because it's the only one that you'll be getting, don't fuck with my man or my relationship because you won't like the outcome!"

He held the eye contact for another minute so Renaldo could see the absolute seriousness in his expression before walking away to call Justin. His intuition was telling him that Renaldo wasn't going to be smart and heed his warning. Meanwhile, Renaldo finished his meal and left already contemplating on some plans to get Timothy where he wants him. The look in Timothy's eyes did frighten him but he took it as a bluff not realizing the truth behind his promise. He was convinced that he and Timothy belong together and nothing was going to stand in his way in making that happen. Timothy was going to be his no matter what anyone say or do!

At the high school, Alan was putting his books in his book bag when the boys came to get him for lunch. Once he was ready to go, Anrícé asked if he could be of any assistance. Alan asked him if he knew the proper way of guiding a visually disabled person in which Anrícé affirmed that he did. He further proved it by demonstrating the technique. They headed for the cafeteria and purchased their lunch then went outside and sat at the same table that they occupied the previous day.

While eating, they got to know more about Alan and him them further commencing their friendship between them all. Alan had lived with his uncle, aunt, and their two children ever since he lost his parents in an automobile accident when he was ten. It not only claimed the lives of his parents, but also resulted in the loss of his sight caused by a detached retina. He's the only child so his parent's estate went to him with their lawyer who was a longtime friend of theirs as the executive of the will. His parents had done well with investments and saving leaving him with a quite substantial amount of money.

"If you're that well off then how come you don't have any of the equipments that's adapted to your disability to help you with school and everyday life?" Anrícé asked curiously because he didn't see Alan with any of those kinds of devices. "Surely you know that it will make things easier on you?"

"I do know about those kinds of devices but my aunt and uncle will need to show the lawyer a receipt of purchases in order to be reimbursed. And since they didn't get much from my parent's estate, they decided to take it out on me by depriving me of items like that intern making it difficult for me to succeed in life."

"Then why did they agree to be your guardian?" JR enquired. "Social Services could have found somewhere else for you to live if they really felt that way."

"If they had done that, then it would have prevented them from getting the large settlement that they thought they were entitled to. The stipulations of the will stated that they will receive five hundred a month for my upkeeps but extra necessities needed to be verified with a receipt. They don't want to ditch out any money on my behalf even though they will be reimbursed for it so I don't have any necessary equipment for school or anything."

Anrícé told him that his uncle could get him any equipment he wanted or needed and JR confirmed it. "Just tell me what you want and I'll let him know so he can order it. If we get it delivered overnight then we should have it by Friday or Saturday at the latest. Isn't that right Jeff?"

"I guess so." Jeff answered. "Daddy Ty barely uses overnight delivery because he always says that he doesn't need to waste money on a quick delivery for something that he can wait for."

JR assured them that he could and would if Anrícé was to ask him. "For something like that, he wouldn't even take the cost into consideration, only the importance of it. Just let him know that Alan needs it for school and he'll put a rush on the order."

Anrícé could see the indecisiveness in Alan's expression and made the decision for him. "I'll talk to him about it this afternoon when they pick us up from school." He then grabbed Alan's hand in reassurance. "If you're feeling guilty about accepting the offer, then don't worry about it okay? I'll make sure he gets the receipt so you can reimburse him for it."

"I'm just worry about the cost. We're talking several hundred dollars here after all and maybe even a couple of thousands. Does your uncle have that kind of money to help out someone he doesn't even know?"

The laughter that came from the boys was something that he didn't expect. He thought about what he just said for a minute and realized how silly it was making him blush in a little embarrassment. Danny took pity on the boy by telling him not to worry because it wouldn't break their uncle's bank account even slightly. He has more money than anyone can spend in four life times and then some. Alan accepted that and let go of his apprehensiveness of thinking he would be taking advantage of a generous offer.

They finished eating and headed out to the basketball court for the remainder of lunch. Danny and JR joined in on the game while the others just watched. Anrícé called his dad letting him know how things were going with Alan which Timothy was glad to hear. Now that he can stop dreading over it, Timothy told his son that he loves him and he'll see him later with Anrícé replying ditto and ended the call. Alan questioned him about the call but Anrícé just told him that he'll explain later when his dad picks him up from school. Seeing that he was going to get nothing out of him, Alan rolled his eyes and let it drop. Soon the bell rang and they headed back inside for their next class.

The afternoon went as normal for Justin until he received a call from Scanner. The Jamesons were set on going ahead with their law suit confident that they will prevail in court unless Justin agreed to give George his audition. Justin suspected that and did some checking and already has a plan in mind that will make all parties involved happy. He scheduled George's audition for three thirty tomorrow afternoon with absolutely no exceptions. Scanner heard the mischievous grin in his voice but chose to remain on neutral territory and not ask any questions. He told Justin that he'll deliver the message and the two men ended the call. He then finished his work still smiling.

An hour later it was time for him to pick up his son from school. Just before he left he got a call from Tyler asking if he can also pick up Jeff because he still had some work that needed to be done before he could leave for the day. Justin told him that would be no problem and Tyler thanked him. On his way out, he informed Britney of the extra audition for tomorrow and asked her to make sure that it was on the docket. Britney also noticed his grin but she too chose to remain a neutral participant in whatever he has planned and just did what she was asked.

He and Timothy arrived just as the boys were coming out with Alan. As Anrícé was introducing him to the men, he saw that Tyler wasn't there. "Where is Uncle Ty?" Justin told him that he was still at the office doing some work and Jeff was to ride home with him and JR. Anrícé got a disappointed look making Timothy to ask what was wrong. "Nothing's wrong dad. I just wanted to talk to him about something is all."

"Don't worry about it son. I'm sure he'll be home by the time you guys are finished training and you can talk to him then. He'll always have some time to talk with any of you boys."

The others gave him a reassuring nod relieving him of his disappointment. Timothy then asked Alan if he and Anrícé could give him a ride home. "Thank you sir, I really appreciate it if it's no trouble for you." He smiled. "I really hate taking the bus most days with no one to talk to."

Timothy assured him that it was no trouble and Anrícé help him into the car before getting in himself as the others got into theirs. He got the address from Alan and put it into his GPS system and drove him home while the others headed to Tyler's house. When they entered the neighborhood, recognition crossed Timothy's face and he looked at his son to see the same expression there as well. They smiled at each other at that realization as they pulled into the driveway.

Anrícé got out of the car opening the backdoor for Alan to get out then closing it behind him. They then walked up to the house while Timothy stayed in the car to give them some privacy. They stood on the porch talking for a bit before Alan went inside and Anrícé got back into the car and he and Timothy headed to Tyler's house.

When they arrived, Anrícé quickly changed clothes and joined the other boys for training while Timothy joined Justin in the living room. They talked more about Renaldo in which Timothy told him everything about their relationship. He wanted no secrets to come between them giving Renaldo the opportunity to take advantage to try and destroy their relationship. He has no doubt that just a little spark will encourage Renaldo to throw fuel on the fire to get what he wants.

Just as Mark was finishing up with the boys, Christian arrived home followed by Tyler ten minutes later. They all said a quick hello to their uncles before heading upstairs to shower off the sweat. They had just come back downstairs when Noah called them to dinner. During that time Justin and Christian talked about Danny's job situation including their boyfriends in on the discussion. They all knew that they couldn't fire him or force him to quit because Danny wouldn't agree to that. He feels responsible for taking care of him and Davy even though it was no longer necessary. After taken on that responsibility for so long, it was now engraved in him that he has no knowledge of how to be a kid. The only suggestion that they could come up with was to give him a raise but cut back on his hours so that he can participate in some teenage activities like a normal kid should do.

Just as that conversation had ended, their attention was drawn down the table at the mention of Tyler's name. Tyler gave Anrícé his attention asking if there was something that he could do for him. Anrícé took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking to make sure that he gets what he was asking right.

"I'm not sure but JR thinks you can." He stated. "You see, there's this kid in school who's..." He then explained to him about Alan and his situation. "Is there anything you can do to help him get the equipments that he needs?"

"I most certainly can." Tyler smiled reassuringly. "It's too late to do anything about it today but I'll get on it the first thing tomorrow morning. I'll put a rush on the order so we'll have it by either Friday or Saturday. Why don't you see if your friend can come over on that day and I'll work with him on it?"

A huge smile came over Anrícé's face. "Thanks Uncle Ty! I'll talk with him about it tomorrow and get his answer. Dad and I can pick him up and bring him over if he doesn't have a way to get here."

He looked at his dad for affirmation getting a smile and nod for an answer. Christian suggested in making it a relaxing day and having a barbecue to get to know Alan. Everyone agreed that it was a good idea and made a commitment to attend. Noah and Caleb said that they'll make some special treats for the kids to enjoy which put smiles on their faces. The rest of dinner was spent in a camaraderie mood especially for Danny, Davy, and Anrícé who was subconsciously basking in the joy of being part of a close family.

They didn't stay long after dinner since it was a school night because the boys needed to get their rest for school the next day. They were so exhausted from their training that they went straight to bed as soon as they got home. After locking up, Justin did the same.

Thursday went well for everyone although JR and Danny still got a lot of stares in school. Anrícé did get a chance to talk with Alan about the equipments and other things that will make his life easier. They also made arrangements for him and Timothy to pick Alan up on Saturday for the barbecue at Tyler's. Alan was looking forward to that because it will get him out of the house and away from his aunt and uncle who are determine to make his life as miserable as their own.

Friday was a different story though! The day started off well for everyone but started going downhill around midmorning. Seeing Renaldo swaggering into the pool hall made Timothy's bright day a little darker. He just knew that he was going to hear more macho wining about how he was back to set things right between them and no one was going to stand in his way. Timothy wasn't in the mood to hear that bullshit again and tried to appear inconspicuous but couldn't pull it off perfectively.

Sure enough, Renaldo started in as soon as he was seated. "Are you calm enough for us to talk now?" He didn't get an answer and it pissed him off just like Timothy knew it would. "Timmy, pretending to ignore me isn't going to straighten things out between us so stop with the silly games and let's talk." Still Timothy ignored him making him even angrier. "Okay, be that way. I can wait."

For the next fifteen minutes he made several more attempts but was still ignored. Finally Timothy had enough, pulled out his phone and sent a text message. Shortly after he received a replied text which he was happy to see but kept his expression impassive. Forty five minutes later a small smile grew on his face when the person that he was expecting came through the door. Taking a seat next to Renaldo, Justin ordered a beer capturing Timothy's full attention which didn't sit well with Renaldo.

"How have your day been going so far?" Timothy asked as he set a mug of beer down in front of him. "I hope that it has been going better than mine had." He added glancing annoyingly over at Renaldo.

Justin glared directly at Renaldo with restrain anger as he replied. "It was until I received your text."

Timothy took the cue and made the introduction between the two men before focusing on Renaldo. "I gave you the warning and you brushed it off. Now you'll have to deal with him on your own because I won't be coming to your defense like you expect me to."

Renaldo smirked arrogantly realizing that he was looking at his adversary but it slowly faded when Justin maintained the expression without flinching. He looked over at Timothy to see an `I told you so smirk on his face that made his blood boil when he realized that Timothy meant what he said. He was facing his opponent completely on his own with no help from him what's so ever. He took a moment to glare back at Justin sizing him up not knowing that Justin had already done that as well and wasn't afraid of him. *This oughtta be good!* Timothy thought to himself when he saw Renaldo trying to recover his macho tough guy demeanor.

"Look dude, I have no beef with you; but you need to understand that Timmy is no longer available for a booty call. I'm back to set things right between us and restore our relationship so you need to step off and let the better man take over. I suggest you walk away with your head hanging between your legs if you know what's good for you because he and I have a bond that can't ever be broken."

"That bond surely didn't stop you from leaving him for someone else to better your career now did it?" Justin glared at him even harder continuing without waiting for an answer. "If anyone's going to be walking away with their head hanging between their legs; then it's going to be you and not me! Tim had moved on and now it's time for you to do the same because he had made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want you. He had found someone better who will never leave him under any circumstances no matter what the temptation's are. He had given you his warning and now I'm giving you the only one from me. Back off before I destroy you!"

The venom coming off of every word from Justin's lips nearly knocked Renaldo off his seat. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he quickly recovered enough to rebut. "Well, we'll just have to see about that now, won't we?" He smirked deviously. "Let me warn you now, I won't be scared away or give in too easily."

Justin smirked back more deviously than Renaldo did. "That's fine with me because it will make it even more pleasurable for me for when I do destroy you."

Glancing at Timothy for help once again and not getting any, Renaldo got up and left grunting. "I'll show you who the better man is."

Timothy leaned over the bar and gave his man a thank you kiss filled with love. Justin smiled and winked at him with an equal amount of love. After finishing his beer, he took Timothy out for lunch and some alone time. He wanted him to relax while recuperating from the tension caused by Renaldo's constant attempt at trying to fix a relationship that's broken beyond repair. He knows that they have a fight ahead of them and he wants Timothy fully recovered before the next bout.

At the high school, the boys were also heading to lunch. Once they had their tray of food, they sat at the table that was becoming their usual spot and started eating. As usual none of them were concern with the stares so they didn't see one of Danny's friends approaching their table with a determine look on his face. He didn't see Danny sitting with the guys again so he went looking for him to find out what was going on. He didn't expect to see Danny and his brother sitting with JR and three other unknown boys making him even more curious.

They looked up when they heard him clear his throat. "Can I join you guys?"

JR recognized the person as Liam Simmons, one of Danny's friends, but said nothing letting Danny handle it. "Sure, have a seat." He gestured to the empty spot across from him next to Anrícé. "I'm pretty sure I know why you're here so let's get this over with."

After sitting down, Liam looked at Danny for a moment trying to see any clues as to what was going on and not finding any. "What's the deal man? I know that something is going on with you and that it also involves JR here. Hell, everyone knows; but you're keeping totally quiet about it."

"I'm not keeping quiet about anything Liam." Danny replied honestly. "I'm just not giving anyone the satisfaction of expecting me to confess it all. If they really want to know, then all they have to do is ask and I'll tell them instead of them just waiting around for that confession.

I'm not going to tell you anything right now where anyone can overhear what we're saying. Meet me out front when school is over and I'll give you a ride home and explain everything to you then." After getting a nod from his friend, he continued. "Don't take too long because I don't want to be late for training."

Liam asked him what training he was talking about and Danny said he'll explain that later as well. He nodded again and didn't ask any more questions in which there will be no answer to yet. They finished their lunch and headed out to the court for a game of basketball.

The atmosphere turned around after lunch and the afternoon passed by quietly. As promised, they waited for Liam in front of the school when it was over while discussing with the adults on what he should and shouldn't reveal about his and JR's relationship. They had just decided on that when Liam came out of the building. After making the introduction, Danny told everyone that he'll see them shortly then gestured for his friend to follow him to his car.

Liam started to reach for the front door but Danny insisted that he take the back seat as he pointed at the security guy that was accompanying them. He waited until they were off school ground before saying anything while gathering his thoughts.

He started with explaining about reconnecting with JR over the summer through his boss and patching up their friendship, how his father tried to physically attack him resulting in him leaving the house and taking Davy with him, how Justin helped him find an apartment for them to live in, how the apartment under them caught on fire spreading into three others including theirs, and how Justin and JR invited him and Davy to stay with them until they can get themselves situated again. He gave no mentioning of his and JR's true relationship knowing that his friend wasn't ready for that yet. Once he was finished explaining, the car went completely silent as Liam took it all in.

"Okay, I understand all of that but there's still a couple of thing that I don't get." Having an idea as to what that is, Danny allowed him to ask the question anyway. "Who is this guy, and what kind of training are you doing? I thought football doesn't start for another week."

Danny confirmed that it doesn't. "All of us boys are taking martial arts lesson from one of Uncle Ty's security guys. This guy sitting next to me is one of mine. Justin hired some protection for us because he doesn't trust that the good ole police chief would have no quons in doing something underhanded to get me and Davy back home. He's already tried arresting us as runaways when we registered for school a few weeks ago and now has some of his officers patrolling around the area."

"Why does he have officers patrolling around school?" Liam asked a little confused. "What does he expect to accomplish by that?"

"To buss me for breaking the law." Danny stated with absolution. "He's looking to catch me driving without an adult in the front passenger seat like the law requires for a driver with a learner's permit. He thinks that getting me caught up in legal troubles will force me back in the house and therefore under his control."

Just then they arrived at Liam's house preventing him from responding. Danny could see that he was still a little confused but told him that they'll talk later because he and Davy had to get to their martial arts class. Liam swore to hold him to his word before getting out of the car. Danny watched him go inside before turning around and heading to Tyler's house.

They arrived fifteen minutes behind the others so it didn't take long for the two brothers to catch up with the class. Mark went easier on them today than he did on Wednesday because he wanted them to enjoy the barbecue tomorrow and not be stationary by immobilization due to soreness. He even shortened the class by ten minutes which the boys were grateful for. Although JR was curious to know what happen with Liam, he waited until after class when he and Danny were showering together to bring it up.

Danny told him everything as they washed each other's solid body feeling every contour of muscle that they both worked so hard to develop. The pure unadulterated love that they were experiencing sharing in this intimate moment was solidifying their bond and bringing them closer together as a couple. They spent a few more minutes sensuously roaming their hands over each other while also enjoying a passionate kiss before rinsing off the soap. They then got out and dried off before finally getting dress.

When they came downstairs everyone was waiting and ready to go. They said goodbye to the gang and left for home. Justin was going to stop to pick up some dinner so JR rode with Danny and Davy so they could get some homework done before he gets there. Timothy and Anrícé have to pick up Alan the next day so they went home instead of going to Justin's place also stopping along the way to pick up some dinner.

The boys were half way through with their homework when Justin arrived with a half dozen boxes of pizzas and honey barbecue wings, three boxes of breadsticks with marinara sauce, plus four two liter bottle of sodas. After clearing off the table, they spread everything out so it was within easy reach and dug in. When they were done eating, the boys went back to doing their homework while Justin cleared the table with help from some of the security guys.

After finishing their homework, the boys went to the game room to play some video games. Around ten o'clock everyone was getting tired and started heading up to bed. After making sure the house was locked up and the alarm set, Justin did the same. His head had just hit the pillow when he was out like a light.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Malibu Hearts.  I hope you had enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it.  Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

Timothy's ex had returned to reclaim their relationship and is confident that he can accomplish his mission. I gave you a hint as to what was the cause of their breakup but is there more to it?

Justin agreed to let George have his photo shoot but is plotting something with that. Find out what that is in future chapters.

Finally someone had the courage to ask the boys about their rekindled friendship. Danny's friend realized that he wasn't told everything but he knew more than anyone else. What will Liam do with that information?

Anrícé have a new friend who has a disability like his uncle Ty and is trying to help him with getting the equipments that he needs. That plot actually popped into my head as I was writing it. I was going to make the friend deaf but it seemed right to make him visually impaired. That way he has someone who can relate to his disability and can offer any assistance. Did I do the right thing; or should have I'd made him deaf like I had originally planned?

Danny has a lot on his plate with working, taking care of his brother, school, martial arts lesson, and soon to be football. That's a lot for a teenager to deal with. Is he overloading himself?

I can see the relieved smiles on your faces for not having a cliff hanger. Sorry, but the chapter just wouldn't end that way, but don't worry though! I'm sure there will be some in future chapters, ha ha ha!

PS. If anyone is interested in doing some editing then please let me know.

Don't forget to read my other stories. Best Friends located in the Gay/Beginnings section, A Wishful Miracle located in the Gay/High School section, and Where My Heart Belongs located in the gay/relationship section of Nifty.

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner.  I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out!  New plots are going to open and some will close.  Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy!  Please let me know how I'm doing.  I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editor's Corner:

Hello all, I think Romeo did right with Alan. I look forward to more of him in the story. Also, to see what Justin has planned for George.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter


Next: Chapter 13

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