Malibu Hearts

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Dec 15, 2012


{Malibu Hearts is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Here is the link to all my story where you can find future chapters before their posted on Nifty:

The smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs woke Josh Brady from a peaceful sleep on Sunday morning with the sun shining through his window. As he rose from a wonderful dream he wondered what he was going to do for the day. After moaling it around in his head for a few minutes he thought he would just play it by ears and go with the flow.

Climbing out of bed, Josh headed to the bathroom that he shares with his identical twin brother Jason for a shower. After showering and dressing in a pair of black cargo shorts and a blue polo shirt he headed downstairs for breakfast. During breakfast, Jason who was dress the same except in a darker shade of blue, asked him if he had any plans for the day.

Josh said he had nothing to do except set up a time with Mr. Jackson to paint his picture. "What do you have in mind?" He answered Jason question with a question of his own. He really didn't feel like doing anything today except to daydream about the object of his affection, but he and Jason always made plans to hang out together whenever they could, and this time was no exception.

"I thought we could have lunch and catch a movie at the mall." Jason replied. "I have to take Lisa somewhere this morning but I'm free this afternoon. Maybe we can do some browsing while we're there. I want to check out the new leopard skin leather jacket that just came out."

"Sounds great, I'll meet you at the mall, say, around noon?" Jason told Josh that would be fine with him and to meet him at the food course. "Okay, but while we're there we both need to go to the Sports Zone and get some new pads for football. Practice starts next week and our old pads won't hold up this year."

Jason nodded his head in agreement. Some of the players on the team buy their own pads for football even though it's issued to them by the school. Some of the players just don't trust the school's padding to give them the added protection they need during a game. Jason and Josh are one of those people. The rest of breakfast went by with everyone just talking in general. When breakfast was over, they all went their separate ways.

While the rest of the family had some things to do outside the house, Josh had something to do inside the house. He wanted to paint a picture of the object of his infatuation and he lying naked on a beach made of pure white sand, covered in honey, with their arms and legs intertwined as if they wanted every parts of their bodies touching and rubbing against each other; and even then it wasn't enough for Josh's imagination.

Josh worked on the painting for over two and a half hours, trying to get every vein, every curve, every muscle, and every bone structure of the boys features to be exactly the way he saw it in his fantasy. He wanted the painting to be perfect. Since he never seen the boy naked, he only had his fantasy to work with and that gave Josh a very descriptive picture of how the boy would look like without any clothes on.

The painting was half way finish by the time Josh had to leave to meet Jason for lunch and a movie. He decided to leave the painting out to finish at a later time. it will be perfectly fine where it is. No one comes up to this part of the attic; it was his own private little spot where he can be alone with his art. Once he had put his supplies away and washed his hands, Josh left for the mall.

While Josh was starting his day, Eric Larson was just waking up better than he felt in years. He just moved to Malibu in July after being thrown out by his mother when she caught Eric kissing one of his friends in his bedroom.

Eric had no money and no where to go, so he called his father Scott collect for his help. Eric knew Scott would fly him to Los Angeles so he didn't hesitate in calling. After hearing what Eric's mother did, Scott immediately wired his son some money plus booked him on a flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles so Eric could come and live with him.

Eric knew he was gay since the age of thirteen. Once he admitted it to himself, it took a year for him to come out to his father. When he did come out, Scott told his son that he already knew and he was just waiting for Eric to tell him. His mother on the other hand, was a different story. His mother hated gays but Eric didn't know where that hatred was coming from and he's not sure if he wants to know.

After weighing his options, Eric decided to keep his homosexuality from his mother. He loves his mother very much and didn't want to lose her love or affection but all of that came to a screeching halt on that disastrous day in July.

When he arrived in LA, his father was waiting for him at the airport with his partner Ben (Benjamin) Bradshaw. As soon as he reached his father, Scott took his son in a hug and held him tight. Feeling his father's arms around him brought on the water works for Eric. He always felt safe and protected in his father's arms. A minute later, Ben joined in the hug, giving Eric an extra dose of love, understanding, and support he needed. Ben loves Eric as if he was his own son.

The three guys stayed in that spot until Eric had cried so much it left his body feeling weak and exhausted. Scott held onto his son and just let him cry. Scott knows that his son is not as strong as he likes for everyone to believe. As they walk to the car for the ride home, Scott continued to hold onto his son. He even held his son in the backseat of the car while Ben did the driving. Since Eric's mother threw him out with nothing except the clothes he was wearing there was no need to stop at the baggage terminal.

Now Eric is living in LA, going to the best high school in Malibu, and modeling, But there's one thing that Eric still wishes he had and starting over in a new state and school doesn't make it easy for him to find it. Although his father and Ben are great, Eric wishes he had a companion, friend, and lover for him to lean on in his time of need. Someone to make this transition of his life go more smoothly.

After letting out a heavy sigh, Eric got out of bed, showered and dressed, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Scott and Ben had already gone to work so it's just him in the house. After making a bowl of cereal he decided to eat in the living room while watching some television.

Around eleven o'clock Eric was getting board of being alone in the house by himself so he decided to go out. Not knowing LA County to well, he decided to have lunch and catch a movie at the mall until Scott and Ben got off from work. There are always hot guys to check out at the mall. Eric thought to himself as he pulled into the mall's parking lot. Little did he know, his wish will soon be answered.

Around the same time that Eric had arrived at the mall, JR (Justin Junior) Craimer had also arrived. Like many of his schoolmates, he decided to have lunch and catch a movie at the mall. No one wanted to think about school. They just wanted to enjoy the remainder of their summer vacation.

When he walked into the mall, JR headed straight to the food course. Before he got to the counter to order his meal, he spotted his godfather sitting at a table with one of his security men. He hasn't seen his godfather in almost two weeks so he went over to catch up with him. When Mark and Tyler were ready to leave, JR hugged his godfather goodbye and watched them leave. He worries about his godfather safety just as much as his godfather does with him.

Getting up from the table, JR started to walk toward the Burger King counter when he felt a pair of eyes watching him. As he nonchalantly looked around, he noticed not only one but two pairs of eyes staring at him. JR didn't think anything of it, he thought they were just checking him out in his light purple Polo shirt and white Boss jean shorts, but he did stay on alert. "I'll definitely have to take Uncle Ty's word and talk to dad about hiring some security." He whispered to himself. Turning back around, JR went up to the counter and ordered a large Whopper meal with a diet coke. As he was sitting down to eat, he could still feel eyes on him.

Once again he looked around the food course to see if it was the same pair of eyes that was watching him as before. When he noticed it was, it started to make him feel a little uncomfortable. While he was eating, he looked up every so often to scan for those two pair of eyes but not being so obvious to alert his starker. Every time JR looked, he noticed one set of those eyes trying not to be absolute while the other was making it very obvious that they were looking. It was those pair of eyes that freak JR out the most.

Meanwhile, Eric was standing in line at the McDonald's counter also scanning the food course when he suddenly caught sight of the object of his affection. Just standing there looking at this boy made Eric's heart thump rapidly. He wish he could get to know that guy better but was hesitant to introduce himself and see where it could lead, if it could lead anywhere that is. Not wanting to be caught staring at the boy, Eric quickly turned forward and moved closer to the front of the line. By the time he reached the front he had search for that face in the crowd at least five times. He never even noticed the others staring at him dressed in a white Polo shirt and black shorts, his attention was on the cute guy.

On the other side of the food course, sat Josh and Jason engaging in small conversation as they waited for their order. Although Josh kept the conversation going with Jason, he also took the time to check out the hot guys around him, and he must say; some of them do look hot!

When their order was called, Josh got up to get it. On his way back to the table, Josh saw several kids from school. Some he knew and some he didn't know, some he likes and some he didn't like. As he was looking, his eyes settled on a face that made his inside do a flip flop.

When Josh's eyes landed on those eyes, a small smile came upon his lips. Jason saw Josh smiling and looked in the direction Josh was looking in but quickly diverted his eyes to the table so not to alert Josh of his discovery. He didn't want his brother to feel uncomfortable around him.

Josh hadn't come out to anyone yet, but Jason had noticed for about four months now that Josh had been looking at other boys rather than looking at the girls. He wondered if he should let his brother know that Jason knows he's gay but decided against that. Josh will tell him when he's ready and Jason can wait, but he thought he could give Josh a little push to tell him that he's gay.

Not wanting to get caught staring at the cute boy and being outed by everyone in the mall, Josh headed back to the table with the pizza. Jason never mentioned what he saw and the two of them ate the pizza and talked about what's going on in their lives. It was at this time when Jason casually brought up Josh's love life with a question. "Are you going to the homecoming this year bro?"

Josh hesitated to answer the question. He didn't want to get into this conversation, he rather keep his secret a secret. "I don't know yet. I haven't really thought about it." In actuality Josh had thought about it a lot and he know who he wants to go to homecoming with but hasn't figure out how he's even going to talk to him yet, much less asking him to homecoming. "I'll worry about it when it arrives. I mean school hasn't even started yet so there's no rush."

"Lisa's best friend Melisa Nicely would probably say yes if you ask her." Jason pressed further. "She's always saying how cute and sweet you are. I'll bet she'd jump at the chance to go with you. It really doesn't have to be a date, you can just go as friends, you know?"

Josh wondered if Jason knew his secret that he was trying to keep hidden. He knows they have that twin thing going on where the both of them can sense what the other is thinking and feeling and was wondering if Jason was trying to send him a message that he wasn't receiving. "I'll think about it. Right now I just want to enjoy the rest of my summer and not think about school. I can worry about school when it actually starts."

Jason just nodded his head and left it at that. He could tell that Josh was sensing the message but wasn't receiving it yet. He'll have to work on that. His brother and best friend needed his support and Jason was determined to give his brother the support he needed. Being the older brother Jason knew he has to be the shoulder for Josh to lean on and help him through this stage of his life.

While the two brothers were enjoying their lunch together, JR was throwing his trash away when out of the corner of his eyes he saw the boy that was looking at him all through his lunch get up from his table to throw his trash away. "I know him from somewhere." He whispered to himself as he headed to the theater. The boy followed behind him at a distance. Little did JR know that the second set of eyes was still watching him too.

When he got to the theater, JR brought his ticket before buying some nacho and cheese plus a drink and taking his seat. He sat in the middle row with the boys sitting across the isle from him and several seats back. The other boy was sitting a few seats directly behind him. As the theater started to fill up, JR took a look around the theater and spotted where the two boys were sitting.

Everyone enjoyed the comedy action movie and laughed a lot. They couldn't wait until the movie was over though. They wanted to see the boy they were checking out all day again. As they were leaving the theater each boy got several more looks from the other as they went their separate ways. JR went to the Lucky Shop that's in the mall, Eric went to his car, and Jason and Josh went to the D&G© store to check out the leather jacket that Jason was thinking about buying.

When JR walked into the Lucky Shop, he walked straight up to the counter not noticing that one of the two guys that was watching him earlier had just entered the store a couple of minutes before he did and was watching him from the back of the store. "Hi, I like to see the owner please, if I may?"

"I'm sorry but the owner isn't here today." The employee at the register replied. "Is there anything I can help you with young man?"

"No thanks, that's okay, I'll catch him some other time. But if the owner comes in sometime today, can you tell him that JR stopped in and have him call me?" The employee said he will then asked JR if he wanted to speak to the manager. "No thanks, I need to speak with the owner on a personal matter. Just have him call JR. He knows who I am."

The employee said he will pass on the message and JR thanked him before leaving the store. Once he was gone the kid that was watching him from the back came up to the front counter. "What did that kid want Kenny?"

"He wanted to speak with the owner." Kenny replied and the kid asked why he wanted to speak with the owner and what the other kid's name was. "His name is JR and all he said it was about a personal matter. I'm guessing he knows Mr. Michaels."

This news caught the boy by surprise. How could JR know the owner of the store? How close to the owner is JR? Will JR come back to the store, and if he does come back, will that be the chance he needed? All these questions and more were running through the boys mind at once. "Thanks for the help Kenny." Before Kenny could ask what he helped him with, the boy walked away and went back to work leaving a confused employee wondering what was going on.

While that was taking place, Jason and Josh was at the D&G© looking at the new leather jackets. While trying on the jackets, Jason thought he would try again to get his brother to open up to him about his sexuality. "You should buy that jacket bro, it looks good on you."

"I think it looks better on you then it does on me." Josh replied solemnly. "Lisa is going to die when she sees you in it."

"Yes she will, just like any boy or girl will die when they see you wearing yours." Jason smiled while dropping settle hints to encourage Josh to open up to him. "We're identical twins Josh, we have the same features. Any boy or girl would kill to go out with you."

Josh pretended like he was thinking of buying the jacket but he really was thinking about what Jason said. That was the second time Jason used the reference of a boy or girl. Did he know? Was he trying to say he's okay with it? Is he trying to set me up? He had all these questions and more but no answers. Jason could see that Josh wants to confess to him but is afraid of his reaction. "Let's go buy the jacket; and then we can go and talk, okay?"

Josh couldn't say anything so he just nodded his head yes. He'd wanted to confess everything to his older brother for some time now and now may be the time. The twins took off the jackets and took them up front to pay. After paying for the items, the brothers went to Jason car to talk in private.

They decided to leave Josh's car at the mall and come back for it later. Instead they got into Jason's car and Jason just drove around town while they talked. "I think I already know what you're going to tell me Josh, but I need you to say it. You have to be the one to open up. I can't do that for you."

Josh took a couple of deep breaths before uttering a word. "I know it's for me to say it Jason, it's just that what I'm going to tell you can ruin a relationship of any type and I don't want that to happen." Jason told him that will never happen and he'll always be there for him. "I hope that's true because this news will bring me a lot of enemies. I don't want you to get hurt; I just want what everyone else wants in life. I want to be happy, but that won't be with a girl because I'm not interested in them. My interest differs from other boys because I'm... I'm... I'm gay Jason."

Jason could see that confession took a lot of strength from Josh and he reinforced his commitment to support his brother no matter what. "I'll always be there for you Josh. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, or to lean on for support, all you have to do is call on me."

The love that Jason was showing his brother almost made Josh cry. He can't believe he had done it. He had come out to his brother and his brother doesn't hate him for his sexuality. Instead his brother pledged his loyalty to support him. Now Josh is wondering if he could come out to his parents. When he mention that to his brother, Jason told him that he should wait a little longer before telling them. First he should get used to Jason knowing, and when he's ready for someone else to know, only then should he tell someone else he can trust. Then Jason brought up the boy he saw Josh looking at in the food course at the mall.

Josh told Jason of what he knows of the boy, which wasn't much, and how he wants to get to know him better. The rest of the ride was spent discussing how Josh can get to know the boy better than he knows him now. By the time they arrived at home, Josh had an idea of how he can talk to the boy.

While Josh and Jason were driving around town, Danny (Daniel) Carson arrived home to find his father sitting in front of the television and nursing on a beer. He could hear sounds coming from the kitchen which is telling him that his mother is making some refreshments for whatever fund raiser she's working on now. Neither Danny nor his father spoke to each other as Danny headed upstairs.

Danny hated his home life. He hated his parents for abandoning them and leaving his little brother as Danny's responsibility to take care of. Danny wishes he could take his brother and leave the house and never look back.

Danny went to his room and sat on his bed thinking about the cute boy at the mall. He wants to ask the boy out but he's afraid. Not only is Danny the captain and quarterback of the football team but his father holds a high position in LA county and highly homophobic. Danny knows that if his father finds out that Danny is gay, he'll throw him out of the house which leaves his little brother in the house alone with his father and he can't let that happen!

Danny wants to live his dreams of being a model but one thing stands in his way, his parents. His mother just couldn't be bothered and his father wouldn't sign the contract saying that no son of his will destroy his career by choosing a faggoty career like modeling. As Danny was thinking of how to accomplish his goal without his parents finding out, someone knocked on his door. "Come in." He invited them in.

When the door opened, Danny's saw that it was his little brother Davy (David) standing in the doorway. Davy walked in and sat on the bed next to his big brother with an expression on his face that Danny knew very well. Danny could tell that Davy is board. He could recognize all of his brother's emotion just by looking at his face."I'm board." Davy said after sitting on the bed.

"I know you're board, I can see that just by looking at your face. Where are your friends?" Danny asked.

"Lucky (Lucas) and Tommy (Thomas) went on vacation with their families and I'm not really friends with the other kids in the neighborhood. All they want to do is get into any harmless trouble they can and I rather stay away from them." Davy replied.

"How long will they be gone?" Danny asked next. Danny always has been the big brother and father figure to his little brother. He knows his parents are to involve in themselves, jobs, or whatever they're involved in at that time to give their boys any loving attention.

"They'll be back on Saturday." Davy answered. "Their parents want to use next week to do their school shopping."

"Tell you what; I'll take you shopping for school after I get off of work tomorrow afternoon." Danny said. "We can get something to eat while we're at the mall."

Davy nodded his agreement, he loves spending time with his big brother. He's the only family that Davy thinks that gives a damn about him. The two of them laid back on the bed and watched television until it was time to go to bed but Danny couldn't get the boy from the mall off his mind all night. At one point during the night Danny ordered a pizza for dinner.

Around nine thirty, Davy had fallen asleep on the bed. Danny carried him to his room and undressed him before putting him in bed. When he got back to his room, he started to get ready for bed himself. I'll talk to him tomorrow if I see him. was the last thing Danny thought before falling asleep.

At the Bradshaw/Larson residence, Scott and Ben had just finished dinner and were putting it on the table when Eric walked in from the mall. One look at his son and Scott could tell something was on his mind. "You're just in time for dinner." Scott said. He waited for Eric to start the conversation Scott knew was coming. Eric had that look he always gets when he needs to talk to his father but doesn't know how to start the conversation. "What's wrong?" Scott asked to start the conversation himself when Eric remained quiet.

Eric pondered that question for a moment before answering. "I'm not sure if something is wrong or not." He said as he sat down at the table. "I thought I saw someone checking me out at the mall but I'm not sure. I mean he wasn't making it obvious or anything, but I just had a feeling that he was checking me out."

"Do you know who he is?" Scott asked as he passed Eric the meatloaf platter. After getting some meatloaf, Ben passed him the mashed potatoes. "I mean is he someone from work, school, or both?"

Eric answered his father's question as he scooped up some of the mashed potatoes. "I think it's the same guy who works with me at the agency that I was telling you about." Eric then reached for the corn that Scott handed to him and ditched up some of that too. "As far as school goes, I really can't say. I haven't met anyone from school because it hasn't started yet."

Scott and Ben thought back to that day. Eric had come home from a meeting at the agency with his boss and another model. It only took Eric one look at the model and he was instantly hooked. Later that day when Eric told Ben and Scott about the meeting, he talked more about the model then he did the meeting. "Oh him, have you talked to him yet?" Ben asked.

Eric said he hasn't because today was the first time he saw the boy since that day in his boss's office and he doesn't have his number or address. Scott and Ben gave him several ways to introduce himself to the boy the next time he sees him. By the time dinner was over, Eric was still nervous to introduce himself to the boy. Fortunately he didn't have to.

At the Cramer's, JR was looking through his year book after updating his father on what happened at the mall. He knows the boy goes to his school but they haven't really talked because they hang in a different circle of friends. When his eyes fell upon the boy's picture, recognition settled upon his face. JR knew right away who he was but something was still nagging at the back of his mind.

Where have I heard that last name before? He thought to himself. Then it hit him. He heard his dad and godfather talking about the kid's father several times. JR hopes this kid isn't anything like his father, because if he is, then JR wants nothing to do with him.

"No, it can't be. That's impossible." JR whispered silently to himself. Now he was starting to feel apprehensive of getting involved with the boy in any way because of his father. The stories he heard from his father and godfather made JR's blood boil. He took some deep breaths to settle his nerves before getting ready for bed. "I'll asked dad and uncle Ty for some advice on what I should do." JR said to himself before falling asleep.

In the meantime, Josh was sitting in the living room after dinner watching TV before remembering what he and Jason had talked about earlier that day. Taking the bull by the horn, Josh headed to his room for a little privacy. He wasn't ready for his family to find out anything yet. Just having Jason knowing of his sexuality was enough for him at the moment.

When he got to his room, he made sure to lock the door to keep anyone from walking in before dialing the number he needed to call. After a couple of ring, the phone was answered. "Hello." A male voice said.

"Hello Mr. Jackson. It's Josh Brady." Josh responded.

"Hi Josh. What can I do for you?" Tyler asked.

"I was wondering if you can do me a favor." Josh hesitantly asked. "There's someone from the agency that I'm interested in seeing and want to get to know but I don't know how to get in touch with him. I was wondering if you can call him and invite him over tomorrow for the same time when I start your painting session."

"Sure Josh. Who is he?" Tyler asked. He knows who Josh is talking about because he got the vibes from both boys. He just wants Josh to confirm that what he's thinking is correct.

"His name is..."

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to the first chapter of Malibu Hearts. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

We started off with everyone's morning. Jason took his girlfriend somewhere but I don't know where they went. It's not important to the chapter. While Jason was with his girlfriend, the rest of the guys lounged around until it was time to go to the movie.

While at the mall, JR talked with his godfather Tyler. I didn't go into details about that conversation because that conversation took place in Best Friends chapter 16. Take a look at that chapter to see what that conversation was about. From that conversation and up until he left the mall, JR had two pair of eyes watching him. Who do you think the eyes belong too?

When Eric was standing at the McDonald's counter he also saw the object of his affection. Who is the object of his affection?

Jason saw the boy who Josh was looking at but waited until they were in private before speaking of it at which time Josh came out to his brother with help from Jason. Will their parents take it as well as Jason did?

When Eric got home he talked with Scott and Ben about the boy that he thought was checking him out. Ben and Scott gave him some advice on how to introduce himself to the boy. Will Eric take their advice, or will he stay far away from the boy?

JR found out that one of the boys that was watching him goes to his school. Who's the boy and why is JR hesitant to have anything to do with the boy? What does the boy's father have to do with it all? Keep reading the future chapters to find that out.

We saw how much Danny loves his little brother and how much he takes care of him. What's going on with his parents and why are they ignoring their children? You'll have to keep reading the future chapters to find that out also.

What did JR stop at the Lucky Shop to speak with Christian about? Will it be something that Christian wants to hear? Does it have anything to do with Tyler? That answer may come up in either story so keep reading both stories to find out the answer.

What about the cliff hanger? Who do you think Josh is calling Tyler about? How can Tyler get Josh and the other boy together? Will the meeting go off without a hitch, or will it be a disaster?

One more thing you guys! I know this chapter isn't very long; I'm just laying down the foundation of the story. There will be longer chapters in the future for your reading enjoyment.

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner. I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editor's Corner:

I don't have too much to say on this chapter. Romeo covered everything. I was surprised at who the story was about. Being some of the characters mentioned in Best Friends.

How long did it take for you to realize who the story was about? It took until JR came into the story before I caught on.

I hope you continue to read the story and show Romeo your support. Trish

Next: Chapter 2

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