Malibu Beach House

By Davey R

Published on May 12, 2002


This is a fictional story and involves fictional versions of the celebrities involved, Aaron & Nick Carter, AJ McLean and others mentioned in passing. Its also set either a couple of years in the future or else in a parallel universe where Aaron Carter is old enough to have sex legally. Whatever you like.

Unlike previous instalments in this series, this one follows right on from the last.

Nick Carter's gorgeous face was at Kevin's thighs, inches away from his balls and the fat length of his dick. It lay to one side, flaccid but chubby with blood, long and smooth. Nick was holding on to Kevin's legs and kissing softly at his thighs, he was whispering in a tone that AJ had never heard him use before, a low horny voice, that of a lover, that of someone who you've fucked, someone who knows you and what you want.

"I've always loved dicks" he said, "I've always love the sight of them and the smell of them and the way those big heavy balls hang beneath them". His mouth was moving further up Kevin's inner thigh. "It turns me on so much when I can see them grow, when I can watch them get hard and stand up all stiff. That's my favourite thing in the world, when I can watch a boner growing in front of my face and when I know that it's for me, that I've made it..." He licked at the very tip of Kevin's penis. Kevin lay back on the bed, eyes closed, concentrating only on the sound of Nick's voice and the feel of his lips and tongue as he kissed at him between words. "Oh man, Kevin, ever since I can remember I've wanted men to want me...", his nose brushing against the underside of Kevin's balls, "It makes me feel good, all those girls pinning posters of me on their walls and screaming at the concerts...", Kevin opening his eyes for a moment and straining his neck to look at that so-pretty face, "None of them knowing that nothing can beat this for me, nothing can beat a cock that wants me..." Kevin lay back again. Now he felt Nick's hot breath against the head of his cock as Nick spoke, Nick Carter's mouth poised over it, in that voice that soon wouldn't be able to speak because that mouth would be filled with Kevin. "What I like best is when I can feel that dick getting stiff, when it's in my mouth and it turns from flesh to iron, and when the whole world becomes this long hard shaft that's pushing inside me... oh Kevin yeah..." And Kevin felt his cock head slip inside Nick's mouth, felt Nick tonguing and sucking at it like the most important thing Nick could do was turn him on, Nick on all fours over Kevin's body swallowing the hot cock further and deeper into him, into that voice, into that perfect face. AJ was lying beside Kevin in the bed and watching as Nick sucked on his cock, but as the blonde hunk became more absorbed and eager to make his older bandmate come, AJ found himself unable to simply watch. Nick's long, broad body was tensed with effort and pleasure as he crouched over Kevin, his body that was smooth and hairless and tanned, that he'd watched grow and develop all these years until Nick had became the perfect man for other men to want. He was pretty and soft, but he was big and meaty, and all he wanted was for men to lust after him. He'd ripened into the most irresistible faggot AJ could have dreamed of, a guy you could never ever tire of fucking. As Nick sucked dick AJ clambered behind him, getting on to his knees and grabbing onto ass, grinning ecstatically as he looked at the length of his own cock and at the tight pink hole it was pointing at, the hole in Nick Carter he was about to exploit for his own satisfaction, Looking at his big dick and thinking how all of it was going to be tunnel in and be buried inside THAT. 'Nick Carter' was an act, personality was an act. This was real, this hot boy who wanted only to be the perfect cunt. And AJ was lubing up the hole, enjoying the look of it as it became slick and shiny, so much so that he poured some on Nick's broad back and spread it around. He smeared it all around his dick too and, watching Kevin's pleasure, watching Nick's golden head bob up and down, he forced himself into Nick again. Oh yeah, it was so great being inside him. "Oh man..." Kevin groaned deeply,"Fuck him hard AJ, fuck him hard... this bitch lives for it..." "Oh yeah... ohyeahohyeahohyeah..." Nick's body convulsed as AJ fucked him, and he clung harder onto Kevin, face flushed as the great penis nudged at the inside of his throat. Kevin blissfully thrusting upwards and pouring inside Nick, Nick losing his balance and simply collapsing against Kevin as AJ's thrusting motions up his tight butthole became wilder. Kevin reached out for Nick, wrapping his muscular arms around him and dragging him up to his chest, tightly hugging him and enjoying the feel of his body bucking up and down as AJ fucked him. "Oh yeah boy... oh yeah, you pretty pretty bitch... God, you don't know what you do to me..." "Fuck me fuck me yeah," Nick screamed, tears rolling from his eyes and against Kevin's wide chest. "No, you know exactly what you do to me! Don't you Nick? You love it!" "...oh yeah oh yeah, oh God yes..." "You know what a gorgeous irresistible faggot you are, don't you?" "Nnggh... oh fuck, oh fuck yeah..." "Go on, say it, fucker! You love being what you are, don't you?" "Go on, bitch" Kevin hissed, stroking tenderly at Nick's hair, "Say it" "oh god oh god, I'm gorgeous, I'm... ghuuuuh... I'm fucking gorgeous and I love it..I'm so fucking gorgeous... yeah... I love it, 'cause I... oh yeahhhhaah ... I love being fucked..." When AJ came into him they collapsed into a pile, Nick sandwiched between them. They both kissed at his face, aroused even more by each other's desire for the guy. Three Backstreet Boys naked and sweating and pressed against each other. "Man, weren't we supposed to be doing some TV show today?" AJ asked Kevin between kisses. Kevin gave a hollow laugh. They both knew that for today there was no world beyond this house.

Aaron watched jealously from the chair where he sat. He was naked, his legs bunched up in front of him, his arms wrapped around them and his chin resting between his knees. He hated his brother sometimes. He knew he was perfect - hell, the first time Aaron had made himself cum he'd been watching one of Nick's videos - but it just made him anxious and greedy to be better than Nick was. He'd already started working out with weights and doing sit-ups every spare hour of the day so that by the time he was as ripe as Nick he'd be a flawless adonis. "Hey guys" he said, "Leave the old fat guy alone. Don't you want something a little fresher?" "Tell you what," said AJ, "This is a big house. How about a game of hide and go seek?" He slapped Nick on the ass. "You two guys go find someplace to hide. We'll split up and look for you and the first one we find we fuck" The Carter brothers agreed eagerly and ran from the room. AJ and Kevin looked at each other and grinned. "Boy, this is the best" AJ growled from deep inside him and Kevin agreed. They decided to dress in some briefs, though they didn't know or care whose they put on, and after munching some strawberries from the refrigerator they left the bedroom and went separate ways.

If these walls could talk, people said, but these walls could. In the hallways upstairs there were a series of sharp framed photographs of the legions of guys who'd given themselves up to be fucked by the powerful group who owned this house. All of them in their prime; Ralph Macchio back in the eighties, long legs held apart by two men as Tom Cruise cocked his asshole; Joey Lawrence looking up at the camera as he gave head, Chris O Donnell standing in a pose wearing the Robin mask and nothing else. Another weird but so horny photo of two guys holding cigars and martini glasses as they spoke - with their feet resting on the naked backs of Ashley Parker Angel and Joshua Jackson.

Kevin went downstairs, hoping he'd be the first to find Aaron. The layout was more open down here than upstairs and it wouldn't take as long to find the kid. It was getting him horny again to be hunting him out like this. He heard a clanking sound from the far end of the building and hurried towards it. The place had a gym. He found Aaron sitting on a bench and lifting weights. He'd chosen the biggest one he could find and his tongue rolled out of the side of his mouth as he strained to lift it. He winked teasingly at Kevin as he entered the room, and Kevin smiled at him and sat opposite, watching. "You know kid, one day Nick's going to be as jealous of you as you are of him now" "Not one day" Aaron grunted, his voice straining attractively as he flexed his firm arm "Today... when he realises I can satisfy you better... uhhhhh... better than he ever can..." He started in on the other arm. Kevin's dick was stirring beneath the too-small briefs that were probably Aaron's, and when Aaron saw it it seemed to charge him up with new strength, and he strained to lift the weight up and down faster, panting and sweating with the effort but really enjoying it. His legs were tensed and his feet almost clawing at the tiled floor. "God, you're such a hot guy..." Kevin muttered, stroking at his swelling dick and then pulling the briefs off as Aaron strained himself furiously. Kevin stretched his arms out as his sides. "Come over here, Aaron and suck my dick" Aaron grinned at him, putting the weight down with a thud and wiping his golden air away from his sweating forehead. "Oh yeah?" "Oh yeah" Kevin said. "First flex those nice arms of yours though. Let me get a look at them" Aaron did so. Kevin was aroused by the tight bumps of his biceps, and just as much so by the teen hunk's obedience. "Uhh, you're getting firm, boy. But I dunno, Nick's one obedient little stud. You're going to have to work pretty hard to please me more than he does. I love it when a guy submits to me, you know. I love a guy who surrenders to my desire and admits he's the inferior man... get down on your hands and knees" The blonde heartthrob did so, his dick shifting totally upright. "Yes Kevin... Master" Kevin was holding tight onto the length of his dick. "Good. And now crawl over here" Aaron obeyed, swaying sexily from side to side with his hips as he approached. He was looking up at his master the whole time, mouth open as he continued to pant from the exertion. "Mmmm yeahh, that's good" said Kevin as the hot teen arrived by the bench. "You want to suck on my cock you've got to beg for it. Go on, kid, beg. I know Nick would" "I want to suck on your cock master, please... I love having a real man's cock in me and doing anything I can to satisfy a real man's lust" "You do, huh? Abase yourself before your master, boy. Lie flat on the floor before me and beg" Aaron shuffled off his knees and lay right down on the floor on his stomach, his face at Kevin's feet. He kissed at Kevin's feet. "Please, master, please let me have it" "Uhuugh yesss, that's it. Oh yeah, Aaron Carter, you grovelling faggot! Beg! You're my slave, what are you?" "I'm a grovelling faggot, master, and I'm your slave" Kevin stood up. "Stay down there" he said, walking around him, bending down and straddling him. "You can't suck me off, boy, I'm gonna pound your tight, hot asshole instead. You're going to fucking love it, aren't you?" "Oh yes, oh Jesus Christ yes!" Kevin lay his body on top of Aaron's and pinned him down as he penetrated him, forcing his way up Aaron's hot hole and fucking the shit out of him with total abandon, turned on so much by Aaron's screams. He would never ever tell Aaron that he was hotter than his brother. Why bring this to an end?

AJ found Nick in the house's huge closet. The beautiful hunk had changed into a pair of metallic red hotpants and wore delicate girl's bracelets on his arms and a sparking diamond necklace round his neck. It plunged down and drew attention to the slope of his chest. "Oh Nick, you horny bitch" AJ said. He'd always been turned on by a guy dressing like a girl. Not all the way like a girl, but the underwear, the jewellery, stuff like that. Maybe it was because the delicate jewellery showed up the shape of a guy's body. Whatever, it just really turned him on. "Want to go out for a walk on the beach?" Nick asked. "We got a whole private stretch of it" "Sure" AJ agreed, and they went outside and walked along the sunlit beach hand in hand, talking and kissing until finally they lay down by the shore and AJ tore at Nick's hotpants with his teeth. After making a good tear he ripped them off with his hands, and they moved into the shallows of the warm water to fuck, Nick's face shining and glittering in the sunlight as small waves splashed against his cheek, his face looking up at AJ in total beatific pleasure. "Oh AJ, yes... oh God yes I need to be taken by guys, I can't live without guys wanting me..." AJ was snapping the bracelets from his wrists and the unhooking the necklace from around his throat, throwing the obscenely expensive diamonds over his shoulder and into the ocean, "You don't need any of this to be beautiful, Nick, you are so goddamn gorgeous you make me fucking crazy..." He was tugging nick's legs up over his shoulders, enjoying the feel of their weight on him, the heat of Nick's flesh, the smoothness of the backs of Nick's thighs against his torso. "Uuungggh!" Nick gasped as the cock head bust into him. "Y... yeahhh... you'll never want Aaron more than me, will you? You love me best, don't you? Oh, AJ, your cock feels so good... oh yeah..." AJ didn't answer the question. he just held onto Nick's legs and thrusted a groove slowly but surely into this perfect beauty he'd waited so long to claim for himself.

Next: Chapter 7

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