Malibu Beach House

By Davey R

Published on May 9, 2002


This is a fictional story and involves fictional versions of the celebrities involved, Aaron & Nick Carter, and AJ McLean. Its also set either a couple of years in the future or else in a parallel universe where Aaron Carter is old enough to have sex legally. Whatever you like.

I see what you're trying to be. Your brother all over again.

Oh boy, that stirs me up. You can't possibly realise how important your brother is to me. Or maybe you do realise and you want it for yourself. Maybe you see yourself in the mirror turning into him and it turns you on. I denied it to myself for years but denying it just made it bigger. The more I told myself when I was alone that the guy didn't matter to me, the more attractive he'd look when I was with him again. I had a breakthrough in my therapy in rehab, you know. I realised what it was that had made me go off the rails. Couldn't tell my therapist, though, too afraid she'd give up on her medical ethics and go running to the Enquirer. I couldn't tell the other guys, either, because I didn't think they'd understand. And I couldn't tell Nick. Couldn't tell him that I'd lusted after him ever since we met, that all these years we'd been in the band together my desire for your gorgeous, gorgeous brother had driven me crazy and I'd tried to burn the feeling out with drink and drugs.

But when I came out of rehab I saw the recording of the other guys on MTV news. We'd decided to admit to my addictions rather than make up an illness, to go public with it rather than have it exposed later. And I saw Nick crying, sobbing over what had happened. To me. It made me feel good deep down to know that he cared that much. But it made me feel horny deep down too, like if I could make him feel that bad I could make him feel really good too.

I still couldn't make a move, but I've been trying to find a way to do it. Seems like it's almost too late now. But I came here tonight to your birthday party just because he was going to be here.

Jesus, I hadn't realised all this time how hot you were becoming, and how much like him. The same golden-yellow hair, the same soft skin, almost the very same voice. When the party began you were laying on that float in the middle of a pool like you didn't have care in the world. Didn't even say hello to anyone. You were laying on your front in just those shorts, wanting everyone to see how your body was becoming a man's. Folding your arms, resting your chin on them and looking over at your guests. Your face framed by your toned arms and that beautiful glistening yellow hair that you kept pushing away from your eyes. It was only after about an hour when everyone had arrived that you paddled yourself softly to the side of the pool, got up off the float. We were all there to see you then, and that's why you walked through us with your torso bare, your legs bare, your naked feet steeping softly over stone as you walked towards the house. You stopped to say hello to a few people before going inside. You said hi to your brother, who you hadn't seen for a few weeks. He'd made a lot of the arrangements for this party, here at his friend's beach house in Malibu so you hugged him. When your near-naked body was wrapped around his, you looked at me again through that tousled hair that hung over your eyes. I realise why you did it now. You were showing me that you've become as beautiful as he is. That you look like he did when I first knew him. You went inside and dressed.

I saw you now and then throughout the night, you looked great in that silky dark blue shirt, it contrasted with your wonderful hair. You spoke to me a few times, but always with a crowd around us. We talked casually about your brother, kind of making fun of him like you do with a shared friend.

Hell, it was confusing me, frustrating me. You were just like him. I wanted you even more than I wanted him, because you looked just like he had years before, when I'd first met him and been so turned on. You looked like the guy I'd waited years for, the boy I'd needed desperately but never had. I knew the party was a bad idea. Everyone was drinking and I wanted to drink. There were fucking two of you there and I couldn't stand how much of a turn-on it was.

Then, when everyone was drunk and dancing and I was ready to give up, I felt this soft warmth slip against the palm of my hand. It was you. It was your hand. You were taking hold of mine and leading me furtively from the room. I was going to ask what was going on, but you started heading up the stairs and I already knew. Oh yeah. You were unbuttoning the shirt and slipping it off over your head. I hungrily studied your back as I followed you, turned on by the sun-bronzed color of your skin, by the faint, firm musculature of your sweet teenage body, by the nape of your neck, the sight of your head from behind. We went into a bedroom. I locked the door, and pulled off my shirt. You were looking at me expectantly, pouting a little with those soft pink lips that are so like your brother's. You knew. You knew I'd wanted Nick all this time. You knew because you were as obsessed with him as I am and you recognised it in me. "You couldn't have Nick" you said, taking off your pants, stripping down to your underwear, "You couldn't have him, but now you've got me". Oh yes, your beautiful young body turned me on so much. I was unbuttoning my flies and already you were sinking down to tour knees. I felt the palms of your hands around my waist, gliding down slowly as you kissed gently at my stomach with your silky soft lips, kissed softly at my abdomen and then, as I unleashed it, kissed at the tip of my cock. You kissed it again, going a little further, licking at it this time with your tongue. Then my hands were grasping your head and you were making out with the end of my cock, you were licking deeply and eagerly at the piss slit. The wall opposite was mirrored and I saw myself, saw this fantastic teenager kneeling in front of me and fellating me. "Oh yeah, Aaron" I moaned, "Oh yeah, you're so sexy", and I saw how turned on you became when I called you sexy. That was what you wanted, that was everything you wanted, to be desired. To know how sexy you are, that you're as sexy as your brother. You swallowed my bulging cock head into your hot, wet mouth. Fuck yeah, Aaron, your hot little tongue was so eager. When the thick jizz left me and filled your mouth you rolled your tongue around in it, savouring the taste to the last. And you continued to kiss my cock and my balls, burying your face in the hair and inhaling deeply at them, groaning with pleasure like someone sinking into a hot bath. The feel of your face against my genitals made more cum squirt out of me, spattering against the top of your head. You looked up at me. "Oh, AJ" you moaned, "Nick doesn't know what he's missing" "The fuck with Nick" I grinned, stroking is face with my hands. "You know what I really want now? To take you over to that bed". I gestured toward the king size. "Mmmm, me too..." you whispered, and I took you by the hand and led you over. We took off the last of our clothes and I stroked your perfect pert round butt as I lay you down. We lay on the bed, both naked, and I held your butt in my hands, kissing at your buttocks and the rim of your hole, then took hold of your hands and locked my fingers between yours, stretching your arms out across the pillows. You clutched on to them. I let my hands slide slowly back along your arms, savouring the feel of them, resting my hands on the warm mounds of your shoulders. I pushed at your legs and made you bend them forward, so that your ass stuck up, ready for me. The sight of your prone body was so good. I stared at it, massaging your shoulders. Your eyes were closed as you waited to be entered. I climbed onto you fully, my body interlocking with yours so that my knees were pushed tight against the backs of yours, my shins against your calves, my feet on top of your feet. I pushed my fingers beneath your armpits and pressed down on your shoulder blades with my palms, possessively pinning your torso flat against the bed as I entered you. You wriggled with the initial discomfort but you gasped "Oh yes oh yes don't stop" as the head of my cock squeezed between those buttocks. Oh, this was so good. "Fuck, Aaron, oh fuck Aaron, yes" I growled, "You're so sexy, you're so sexy you get me so hard" "Oh yes, you hard cock hurts, it hurts good" you wailed, grasping hard at the pillows, clenching your teeth. I was hugely aroused by that sexy voice, the rasping edge to it as you strained to speak, and it made me thrust harder and further, my hands so tight on your back I could feel when you swallowed. "Oh yeah, oh yeah I'mmmmmrogh...aaauuuurgh...guhhhhh....." Oh yeah, you couldn't talk anymore, I was fucking you so hard, you could only wail and gasp as I found the deep pleasure spot up inside you. Oh it felt so good against my cock, and it was so good to see your body pressed against the bed beneath me, your mouth wide open, your face contorted, squashed against the pillow, completely overwhelmed by the sensations from your prostate. Christ yeah, you were so fucked and it was so satisfying. My cock had reduced you to pure pleasure, total submission. I came, thrusting so hard into you that we shuffled across the sheets, your back arched as far as it would go. You bit hard into the corner of a pillow as you took my cum into you, my hands slid onto your shoulders from the sweat, and because they were so numb, all the feeling in my body now concentrated in my throbbing engorged dick. I cried out in relief, for this minute completely satisfied, desire completely consummated. I'd had you and you were panting beneath me, full of my cum, full of me. I lay against your back and kissed you, holding your sweating body tight in my arms. I loved kissing you, holding your soft lips between mine, burying my face in your hair. I knew I was going to have you again and again, make up for all those wasted years I never had Nick. It was like I could have those years back. My arms were wrapped around your hot, sweaty little body, finding your chest and stomach slick with your own cum. I hadn't even noticed when you shot it.

I let my cock swell again, letting it nudge at your buttocks and your back as I tasted your skin. I was entering you again, slower as let my mouth explore every part of you it could reach, but my cum escaped from me too soon so I smeared it over your buttocks instead, and then between your thighs and around your genitals, your pubic hair becoming tangled together with my cum.

We lay there afterwards for about an hour, then thought we had better go back downstairs. It was 2am by then, and I guessed most people downstairs would be too wasted to notice us. We decided you'd go first. I thought you would shower first because of the sweat and because of the dried cum that was all over you, but you said you didn't want to wash it off you yet.

Just before leaving the room you told me this had all been Nick's idea. That several years ago Nick had came to this house to be fucked for the first time by older guys, and that now it was your turn. It was Nick's birthday present to you, and a gift to me too. You said the real party would be starting just about now. And then you left.

I pulled on my pants and shirt and splashed some water on my face in the bathroom. I couldn't make sense of what you'd said. Nick? Fucked by guys?

But when I came down the stairs I found out. When I walked into the main lounge and bar area and found a group of guys watching and jerking themselves off as you and Nick kissed each other, slowly slipping each other's clothes off. Kevin was there, Kevin was one of the guys there, and when you had both stripped down to nothing you crawled over to him on your hands and knees and both of you kissed and licked competitively at his balls and his huge fat cock. And then you sucked on the head as Nick shuffled around and started making out with Kevin's asshole. The passion for your brother I though I'd spent on you grew back bigger and clutched at my insides. The blood was absolutely pounding through me.

Nick Carter lay on his back on the bar, and five guys took it in turns to pound his ass. Oh man, Ashley Parker Angel, Hayden Christensen... the one fucked his asshole, the other straddled his chest and jacked himself off over Nick's face, his thick ropey cum all over Nick's gorgeous face. You told me Nick did this all the time, that whenever he could he came to this house for this.

Kevin had took you back off to bed, you giggling that you wanted to be fucked by each of the Backstreet boys, and Nick staggered out to the pool. He looked dazed and empty now, like he couldn't believe how much he'd been fucked but also couldn't believe it was over. He knelt over the side to wash his face in the water. Oh, his chubby ass looked so good to me. I followed him. The guy I'd known all these years. Stripped of his clothes and his dignity he was somehow purer for being just wide open flesh and muscle. Used for pleasure by all those guys he was now feeling at his body as if to check it was all intact. "Hey, Nick" I said. "How about it?" Oh man, it was that easy after all. He said yeah and we walked out to the beach. I kissed deeply at his soft mouth, bent him over and pierced the warmth of his ass, fucked him hard on the wet sand as the sun rose. Then I brought him here, into the bed with you and Kevin. What do you say to us all staying here till the sun rises again?

Next: Chapter 6

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