Malibu Beach House

By Davey R

Published on Dec 22, 2001


This is a fantasy story and involves fantasy versions of each of the celebrities involved. It doesn't imply anything about their real-life sexuality.

On Craig's first night in Hollywood, he spotted a boy in a nightclub, and couldn't take his eyes off him for fear of losing him back into the crowd. Craig was talking, yelling, to his friends at the time, and trying all the while not to let them see what he was looking at, because he didn't want them seeing him too, didn't want them to know. The guy was so good-looking, had such confidence. Craig caught glimpses of his face when it flashed between the heads of other people. He thought he looked familiar, that maybe he was someone he knew, but couldn't place him. He reminded him of a lot of guys, the kind of athletic, cute-as-fuck guys he'd lusted painfully after in high school, so maybe it was just because the feeling was familiar that Craig thought the guy was too. His body appeared now and then in the gaps between those around him. He was wearing something tight over his upper body, an iridescent blue through which Craig alternately saw the contours of his chest and the bumps of his tight stomach. His arms were exposed too, they were broad and robust, a bicep jutting there as he held his drink. The other arm holding casually on to the pocket of his jeans with one thumb, natural but like a pose. A guy like that probably looked like he was posing even when he wasn't. His legs were swaying gently to the beat, his cute pert butt moving softly but sensuously, patches of his legs visible through his torn jeans. Man, he was sexy. He kept flickering in the crowd like bad reception on a TV, so that Craig only ever saw one part of him at a time and had to put the pieces together in his mind. Craig's friends noticing him craning his head, jaw dropping steadily without his even knowing it. "What?" he said, "Oh, nothing", and forcefully turned his attention back to their conversation, though he had lost track of it far too long ago for any of it to make sense to him now. He peered over from the corner of his eye. He realised why the guy was always obscured by crowd. It was the because the crowd was his, it was with him, it was his group. I'm not surprised they all want to be around him, Craig thought jealously. All those girls and guys. Probably each and every one of them wants to get him alone. Fuck, the things you could do alone with a guy like that. Craig shook his head at his dizzy fantasising. He wasn't so bad-looking himself, by normal standards. It was just that normal standards didn't mean much here. He was about the same height and a similar build to that guy, but he wasn't as toned and tight. He was, he guessed, around the same age, twenty-one. His hair was a dark brown, and was cut fairly short, but not as short as the blonde guy's buzz cut, very short hair that made the guy look like an unusually pretty thug. No way could Craig ever get that little stud to himself. He took another swig of his beer, reflecting bitterly that the boy was untouchable. He obviously had the pick of the people here, and whether he liked girls or guys, there were hordes of both here far closer to being in his league.

Even with all the drink, Craig found it difficult to pee when he went to the bathroom. His dick was chubby and unwilling to give it up. Loaded with piss, his dick nevertheless wanted to cum. He used a cubicle and the results were a mess. He missed the fucking bowl and added to the puddle on the floor. As he held his cock he kneaded it up and down in his hand, started hoping that maybe as the night wore on that guy would get sweaty, or get drink spilled on him, or even, damn it, just want to show everyone his body and take his top off. Craig forced himself to stop jerking his dick. Shouldn't waste cum. He might find another boy here like the one he wanted. Might find someone he could pretend was that guy. Some cute dumb boy with cool clothes and no body hair.

Chubby dick tucked back under his zipper, he wandered back into the club. It was a big place, and he hadn't considered that it'd be difficult to find his way back. His first thought was to locate that guy, second, his friends. Oh yeah, there was the guy. Some girl was feeling his abs and he was smirking proudly. "DON'T STARE" yelled a voice in his ear, and he swung around in shock to punch or push at them, before realising it was just one his friends, and that he'd found himself back in the same spot he'd left. Close to a rail by the dancefloor. So he was caught. Well, he'd try to play it down. "That guy looks familiar" he mouthed as Chris handed him back his drink. He gestured towards him furtively with his head, though he suspected that the sexy guy was incapable of noticing him anyway. "No shit" Chris mouthed with a disbelieving expression on his face, and then rapidly explained who he was. Too rapidly, because Craig only heard the end of it. "...the hottest pussy in showbiz!" Craig blinked. Chris was straight, so he couldn't have been saying what Craig thought. He shook his head to show he hadn't understood, and cupped his ear. Chris leaned closer. "I SAID HE'S ONLY THE GUY WHO FIRST IN LINE FOR THE HOTTEST PUSSY IN SHOWBIZ!" That figures, thought Craig, though he didn't know who Chris might mean. "HE'S BRITNEY SPEARS' BOYFRIEND"

Oh, fuck! Craig's stomach lurched in violent excitement and he could feel a sudden surging of adrenaline right through him. How could he not have recognised him? Justin Timberlake, of course it was...

JustinTimberlakeJustinTimberlakeJustinTimberlake pounding in his skull, seeing in his mind a bunch of music videos and magazines covers. That was JustinTimberlake why he hadn't JustinTimberlake realised, it was JustinTimberlake because it was someone who was familiar but who he'd never seen JustinTimberlake in the JustinTimberlake flesh before... Yeah, in the flesh, and in the meat, and in a place where you could smell the sweat on his body if you got close enough, and where you could touch your fingertips to his neck, to his throat and feel it's vibration when he spoke, when he sang in that raspy voice. That voice, kind of obnoxious, but so goddamn arousing because of it... He turned to look at him, despite Chris's jokingly reminding him to "BE NONCHALANT" - a difficult word to mime - "ONLY TOURISTS STARE AT CELEBRITIES".

Still, Craig felt alive with sweaty, fantasy-come-true excitement as he saw Justin putting his drink down and stepping onto the dancefloor. Craig acted more drunk than he was, pretended to look nowhere in particular as he studied Justin's movements, as he saw his body in its fullness for the first time, saw the torso beneath the tightly clingy silk vest. It was studded in two parallel lines with baby blue rhinestones, like something he'd wear to perform. Maybe it WAS something he wore to perform. His jeans were tight around his swaying hips, and there was a tear in them tantalisingly close to his perfect ass. 'Oh God, I want you, I want you so much', Craig croaked at the back of his throat, because it didn't seem enough just to think it. And of course Justin Timberlake didn't notice him at all. He was dancing now, strutting his stuff, completely sure of himself, nothing to worry about. Others were taking their cue from him, he was exerting this silent control over them. His hands were busy, all over the people around him, male or female, gripping their arms for purchase. He was dancing with some girls, and then, laughing, with some beautiful blonde boy who might have been a soap star, and then he leaned back against some older man, big, maybe a bodyguard, but he leant back against him so that his upper back was pressed against the guy's big chest, and he tipped back his head, resting it against the guy's shoulder. He raised an arm, a bare arm up and behind the guys head, so that he seemed to be holding the guy close to him like a lover. He was laughing and drunk, and then it was over and he was dancing with a girl again, but all Craig could see for the rest of that night was Justin Timberlake draping his hot young body against that big strong guy's. His butt, that firm ass of his must have been pushed against the guy's dick. Did he want that guy to reach out and keep him there?

Time passed, nothing else happened. A boy who vaguely resembled Justin Timberlake did not materialise, and Craig would have been too busy drooling to speak to him if he had. His heart was thudding as he left the club.

And then, outside in the air, stumbling from a crowd, he found himself only a couple of feet away from the guy himself, just about to get into a car.

And Craig made a sound, a gasping horny exclamation. Justin was distracted from his conversation, and turned to look at him.

Justin's eyes were looking into his and he was paralysed. This was the closest he'd ever come to him.

"Fuck you" said Justin angrily, and turned away from him again.

All the way home, and while everyone else chattered away and, one by one, left the cab when it came to their homes, Craig sat looking out of the window and seeing only that sexy guy. A guy who made his living, made a fortune, just out of being sexy. A guy who he could never ever have, and that was why it was the biggest turn-on in the world just to imagine breaking reality and taking him. Oh man, he could still see his chest beneath that blue silk. He could imagine the feel of the cool silk between his fingers and then the warmth of that boy's breast underneath. He imagined what it felt like for that lucky man who'd had Justin's body crammed up against his. Fuck, did he wish it had been him.

Craig was staying for this vacation with his cousin Jack, a movie executive, and was not surprised to see he wasn't home yet. Jack wasn't an early-to-bed kind of person. Unless it was early to bed with two rent boys and a shitload of lubricant. Craig poured another drink from his cousin's extensive collection and sat down, staring at the wall. It was an hour later when Jack came through the door, 3am. Craig was still sitting there, holding an empty glass but too tired and wasted now to get up and refill it. When Jack asked him about his evening, he just babbled lazily about how much he wanted Justin Timberlake, this guy from a boy band, and not even caring that he sounded like some hormone-swamped teenage girl or something, because this was a real boy whose body had been so close to his own. Boring his cousin, he supposed, going on about what he'd been wearing and how he'd wrapped his arm around that lucky guy, wish I could have been that guy and put my hands around his waist, and felt slowly round its firmness to the front, you know, to his... abdomen..., and the word 'abdomen' didn't seem good enough, didn't seem to express how the musculature of his stomach pointed down, descended down, down into his jeans and his briefs ... Craig pictured them SO brief, barely even covering the hair ... and how it all led the eye, and the eager hands, down to his dick and his balls, and imagine reaching around for them and holding them in your hands, and him letting you, letting you hold them like you owned them, and... and... He sank into sleep on the couch. Last thing he remembered was asking Jack if he'd ever made it with a celebrity. He didn't remember an answer.

He woke in the morning, earlier than he would have liked, because he'd made plans when he was sober and you always underestimate hangovers when you're sober. Justin was still on his mind, and though he hadn't actually dreamt about him, the image of him had lingered in his head and was still there. In spite of everything, he really, really wanted to cum. He could feel the hot itch in his balls and the neck of his cock, could imagine how blissfully it would pour, pour and pour from him if he reached down there and teased it out... But he was still on the couch and there wasn't time. He had to go shower, dress and meet his friends. It would have to wait.

He got in early that evening, planning just to change and go back out. He was only in town for a couple of days, and wanted to cram in as much fun as he could. But Jack grabbed him on the way in and said, "Hey, kid, thought you weren't gonna make it back in time. You wanna come with me to a party?" "Yeah, sure", he said, not hesitating because a party with movie people was sure to be memorable. He told Jack he'd call his friends to let them know he wouldn't be joining them that night, but Jack stopped him. "I wouldn't bother" he said, "They'll just ask if they can come too, and believe me, I've spent half my day making all the phone calls it took just to get you in there" "Really? Thanks! Sounds like a cool party" "Oh it is, Craig" he smiled. "And one of the conditions of you coming is that you can never discuss it with anyone. I mean that". "Er... okay" he replied, a little freaked out. "Why?" "You'll see. But it's nothing to worry about" "Not a gathering of scientologists then?" he joked. "Oh no" he smiled. "Hurry up, Craig, go get ready".

They drove out to a beach house in Malibu, arriving just as the sun was setting. All the way there Jack played NSync songs on his car CD player, Craig guessed for a joke after last night. The only thing he said on the way was "Just try to act like you're meant to be there. We aren't usually allowed to bring people from outside the biz to these things, so I promised the organisers that you'd blend in" "Okay" Craig nodded, quite liking the idea of this challenge.

He was intimidated when he went in. The place was huge and there were quite a few people there, most of them virtually dripping with money and power. But he kept his head up, looked that back in the eye, equalling the arrogance of their stares, and went to the bar for a beer. People were taking around him, he didn't really understand what about. He swigged his beer. Maybe coming here hadn't been that good an idea after all.



His heart stopped. He barely caught his breath. Justin Timberlake was there, Justin Timberlake again. Like lightning striking twice. His stomach almost vaporised with excitement as he saw him. And then again, as he saw that Justin was looking at him, looking directly at him through the crowd, and he was smirking sexily. Jack was whispering something into Justin's ear, and he was gesturing this way, over here, at Craig. He patted Justin on the shoulder, saying something about his clothes. The same clothes as last night. Had Jack arranged somehow...? his thoughts were whirling... Jack had got him to wear those same clothes that Craig had been talking about last night. Jack had... And then there was no time to think, or ask questions, because Justin was walking between people and toward him, walking directly and confidently toward him, Justin Timberlake's body coming closer to his own, Justin's eyes looking into his. And then he was there. Justin Timberlake's face right in front of his, and it was so sexy, and he said quietly, almost in a whisper so that it was private and meant just for him, "Hi Craig". His face came even closer and then, oh yeah, and then his soft lips were touching Craig's and he was slowly opening his mouth, rolling his tongue slowly, and Justin wasn't kissing Craig, he was inviting Craig to kiss him. Craig felt like he was soaring, like it was the whole room that was throbbing, and his cock felt huger and harder than it ever had before in his life. His tongue reached out and touched Justin's, Justin's tongue against his, and then he found his tongue slipping into Justin's mouth, and felt Justin's arms wrapped around him and drawing him in closer, so that his stomach and chest were pressed against this hot boy's, and he was deep inside Justin's gorgeous mouth now, lapping away at it greedily, his mouth so wet and warm, so fucking pliant and welcoming. He could taste vodka and cherry, he could feel those studded rhinestones pressing through their clothes against his own chest, Justin's head tipping back and him cupping one hand around the back of Justin's head, the other hand sliding over his muscular arm and round to his back. Justin took hold of his hands as he kissed him, took hold of them and guided them round him, guiding them to his buttocks, and Craig was caressing Justin's buttocks through denim, oh yeah, they were so firm... there were people in this room, loads of them, he didn't give a fuck... and he moved his hands over the denim and stuck them in beneath the waistband, inside Justin's tight jeans. His fingers and the palms of his hands felt at the warmth of Justin's bare, smooth buttocks beneath his jeans... oh, man, he couldn't help himself, he was reaching round the front now, unbuckling and unzipping Justin's jeans, yanking them open at the fly... Justin pulled back for a moment, "Come on, Craig, have me, come on, it's all yours, I'm yours", and then he was back in Justin's mouth again, back in a gorgeous place he never wanted to leave. He was pulling at the waistband of the jeans, tugging them down, they were so tight, shifting slowly as he slid them down over Justin's hips. He had to leave the mouth for a moment, but when he did he saw that face again, that inviting gorgeous youthful face. He was bending forward to pull those jeans down, could see Justin's small black briefs and firm thighs. Justin helped him, kicking his shoes off, reaching down and pulling his jeans right off, dumping them in the floor, his legs and feet bare. Craig reached out lustily to put his hands against those tight briefs that were just like he imagined, feeling at the thin layer between his hands and Justin's butt and his genitals. He cupped his hand around Justin's ball and dick, oh yeah that felt so good, Justin's big dick nestled in those briefs, and his hand against it. Justin started unbuttoning Craig's shirt, and Craig impatiently tore it right open, buttons popping and scattering onto the floor. He pulled it off and threw it away. Justin sank slowly to his knees, kissing at Craig's chest, and then at his stomach, that tongue and those lips moving so slowly down the front of his torso, and then this fantastic stud on his knees before him, opening Craig's flies and unleashing his huge throbbing cock. Justin Timberlake pulling down Craig's pants and smelling his balls, pressing his nose against them, inhaling deeply and gasping with guttural satisfaction. "Oh yeah, look at this cock you have" Justin whispered, licking repeatedly at the thick shaft like it was a popsicle, teasing Craig by licking at it and then taking that gorgeous tongue away again. Bringing it back and taking it away, and never taking his tongue right up to the head. Then he craned his neck and rubbed his face over Craig's cock, one side of his face and then the other, so that bit by bit he could feel every part of Justin's pretty face, Justin jerking him off with just his beautiful face, Justin's nose, chin, cheeks, forehead, all of it, and then Justin tipping his head forward, so that his hair brushed at Craig's dick, Justin lolling his head from side to side like he was under a shower spray. But all that was pouring onto him was a flood of salty precum, which he wiped from his face and his hair with his hands and which he then wiped from his hands with his tongue. Oh yeah, that was Craig's precum in Justin's mouth. "Oh God, yes!" Craig panted, "Oh fuck! Yes!", and the orgasm welling up in him came from deep inside, tearing up his insides and consuming every part of him with fantastic, gorgeous pleasure, Justin's face - Jesus, that face - jerking his dick off as this enormous orgasm welled up, oh God, yes... And he flung his hands out and grabbed Justin's ears, yanking that mouth right at his cock, pushing his cock between those lips as he felt the orgasm spreading up the neck of his cock. Oh yeah, and bucking, convulsing, he thrust and thrust so that his cock penetrated deep into Justin's mouth, went right into his throat, and Justin's eyes closed in pleasure as at last the heat and the ecstasy burst out of him and he felt his insides expel all the heat and lust that Justin had stirred in him last night, pour it all out into the only place it could go - into the body of the gorgeous, fantastic unbelievable hunk who had created it. This hunk on his knees, taking it all. He saw Justin's massive hard dick bursting out of his tiny briefs as he swallowed and swallowed all that hot cum inside that body of his, Craig's cum deep inside that hot, sexy body. The head of his cock throbbed, the tip of his dick absolutely burning with desire as the cum continued to pour, his cock thrusting and thrusting, wanting to keep this sensation alive forever, his cock stiff and tingling in Justin Timberlake's mouth long after his seed had stopped pouring. "Oh... fuck, Justin, yeah..." he gasped, sinking to the floor with Justin, taking his face in his hands and kissing deeply into his mouth, wrapping his legs around him to keep him close, sliding his hands beneath Justin's sexy top and feeling at the contours of that body, Justin's nipples like hard little pebbles. He was against Justin's back now, as they both lay on their sides, and reached around for Justin's enormous erection, wrapping both hands around it savouring its heat, tugging at it, jerking it off. Justin's big arms reaching out behind him and holding Craig against him, head tipped back against Craig's shoulder, surrendering to Craig's hands as they jacked him off. "Oh yeah... oh yeah, keep going, keep going..." Justin panted, clutching harder at Craig as he yanked at his huge cock, Justin's hands losing their grip as his body shuddered and he started to come, spilling his cum onto the polished floor. Craig kept hold of Justin's throbbing dick, holding on to its satisfying heat until all the cum ebbed away and it slowly became flaccid. His own cock felt eager to cum again, though his balls ached emptily. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Another drink, Craig?" It was Jack, smiling down at him. He noticed now, only now, that everyone in the room had been watching, and couldn't help grinning back at them. "Sure" he said. Before getting up, he took hold of Justin's briefs, which were around his knees, and slid them off his legs. Then he got into them himself, and went with Jack to sit on a stool at that bar. Fuck! Had that just happened? "God, Jack, thanks. Thanks, that was sooo great..." he enthused breathlessly as he unsteadily held his bottle of Absolut, still grinning like a idiot because it reminded him of holding onto Justin's cock. "But how'd you... how'd..." "The price he paid to get into this business" Jack said simply. "And the price he pays to stay in it. Believe me, even at this point in his career... well, we have the influence to determine which boy bands come, and which go. And he's angling to get into the movies once he's too old for jumping around". Craig turned his head to see where he was, not wanting to let him out of his sight.

What he saw was Justin, on his knees again, and with another cock in his mouth, and a pair of hands holding his head and pushing it up and down against the length of the cock. A pair of hands belonging to Eminem, who hated those prettyboys who peddled this dumb crap but, damn, wanted them so fucking much too. He had a look on his face of solemn, desperate pleasure, completely intense, completely consumed by the absolute, hot, furious joy of seeing and feeling this fantastic younger guy taking his whole cock down his throat. "Oh yeah, kid, oh yeah, take it all, oh fuck yeah, you know what you're doing, fuck yeah...", his voice deeper than usual, and taking big gulps of air because this pleasure was making him short of breath. Justin's hands were flat against Eminem's stomach, and sliding round his waist to draw him closer. And then another pair of arms wrapped themselves around Eminem from behind, huge strong naked arms that belonged to Mark Wahlberg, who was kissing at Eminem's neck from behind, Mark Wahlberg whose massive cock Eminem had never been able to resist. Eminem - Jack was whispering conspiratorially to Craig - was obsessed with Mark's cock, took it up him every chance he got, took it up him and fucking squealed as it pumped against his prostate and filled him entirely. He was doing it now, and cumming repeatedly into Justin's mouth, until Mark dragged Eminem away and sat down a chair, keeping Eminem on top of him, piercing him completely and energetically as Eminem sat on his cock and let it force its way up through him. "Uhhhh yeah, I love your cock, man... yeah..." "I know you do, you closet case bitch" Mark grunted, squeezing the guy's body against his as Eminem's arms lay spread, numb and helpless, while his stomach tightened as his throat spluttered, the inside of him speared into submission by Mark's great thrusting sword. Tears streamed down his face as the cock eased deep, deep into him, and Mark chanted "bitch... bitch... bitch" into his ear with each thrust, Eminem's eyes closing, his entire body sweating as he abandoned himself to this humiliation, let the entire room see him skewered by Marky Mark, just like he'd fantasised in his sweaty sheets as a teenager. One of the guys, who Craig knew as a friend of Jack's, had stripped off and he was straddling Eminem, taking advantage because they'd sank back in the chair, straddling Eminem and jacking off over his body, the guy so turned on that he came almost immediately, spurting over Eminem's chest and smearing the cum all over it, and over his throat. "Uggghhh! UUNNNGH! Oh please yesyesYES!" Eminem screamed, writhing when Mark's massive load shot up him, shot up so far onto his asshole that he thought he could feel it splattering up from his throat, and Mark crushed him against his huge chest in satisfaction, the guy climbing off just before Mark let Eminem go, and Eminem collapsed to the floor. He lay there on all fours, panting with satisfaction and feeling at the sore rim of his asshole. A couple of the other party guests were already unzipping their own pants and gathering round to get their cocks up Eminem.

"Now you, Justin" Mark instructed, opening his legs and arms out wide and beckoning for Justin to come forward and get the same treatment. Justin approached him excitedly, taking hold of Mark's dick as he approached him, amazed that it had became so hard again so soon, and then, slipping off his silky vest, he turned round and allowed Mark's hands to take hold of his waist, take hold and draw him down. Craig watched Justin's perfect ass being lowered onto Mark's cock, watching as the big cock head nudged its way between the buttocks, and Justin trembled at the first touch of it, Mark grinning as he did so. Mark's strong arms reaching underneath Justin's and wrapping around his chest, until Justin Timberlake lay there on top of Mark Wahlberg, one fantastic body upon another, Justin's gorgeous face contorted, his teeth gritted, as the huge cock pushed further, the head right between his buttocks now... Justin let out a wailing gasp as the penis entered him, made its way into the hole and penetrated him, so deeply. Oh yes, it was better than anything Craig had dreamed, this sight, and he had to be there again, to feel that body again, so he jumped from the stool and went over to them, taking off Justin's briefs and releasing his rock solid cock. He had his drink in his hand still, and he poured it onto Justin's chest and his rippling abs, smearing it on him and climbing over him to lick it all off, and to feel the contours of that body against his tongue, tasting the sweat beneath the alcohol, Justin Timberlake's body to feel and to taste. Justin gasping and convulsing as Mark fucked him, opening his mouth wide for Craig to kiss him, Craig's tongue inside Justin's mouth again, Justin tasting now of vodka and cherry and of the guys whose seed he'd swallowed, the hot feeling and wetness of his panting breath. Craig sucked at Justin's lower lip and at his chin, and then at his thick neck, his neck was so thick, and he licked and sucked at it all over, and felt it vibrate with Justin's moans, he FELT Justin's voice against his tongue as Mark fucked him into orgasm.

And when Mark was done Craig went down to the floor with Justin, Justin lying in his back, and Craig kissed his ankles and his legs, worshipping every part of this naked perfect boy, this boy who was perfect and was surrendering to his lust - oh God, yeah, he kissed at that thick neck of his again, he licked his face up and down. And he took hold of Justin's thighs and pushed them apart, opened up his legs. Justin raised them, up off the floor, raised them and spread them and invited Craig to take him up the asshole. Craig lifted the strong legs up over his shoulders, reaching out and taking a cushion from a sofa so he could wedge it beneath Justin's ass. Then he looked it him. He looked at him, stared at him, at this body he wanted so much, and he felt absolutely overcome with bliss, with sheer animal satisfaction. And then he thrust forward and forced himself inside the hot, sexy slut boy, his cock enveloped by the heat of Justin Timberlake's asshole, thrusting into him like he wanted to break right through him, turned on more and more and more by the sight of Justin's face as he took the dick up him. "Oh yeah Justin, you hot FUCKER! YES!" he was yelling, yelling at the top of his lungs so that everyone could hear him. And Justin gasped and grunted, his eyes turning bleary as Craig cocked him, cocked him furiously with all the strength he had, and held back the raging cum for as long as he could until finally it left him once again, and he bucked wildly, his cum coursing into his bitch, into this pinup stud, flowing into him and claiming him, everything that was in Craig was in his cum, and his cum was inside the body of Justin Timberlake, Craig's cum against his insides, and beside them on the floor two men fucking Eminem in the mouth and the ass, but here beneath him, Justin soaked with sweat, bleary eyed, dizzily whispering Craig's name over and over as Craig's cock pulled out of Justin Timberlake's asshole with a dirty, dirty... dirty pop.

Next: Chapter 4

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