Malibu Beach House

By Davey R

Published on Aug 25, 2000


This is a completely fictional story and involves completely fictional versions of each of the celebrities involved. It doesn't imply anything about their real-life sexuality.

Zack was going to have Jonathan Taylor Thomas. He'd decided that quite a while ago.

Zack knew that JTT was desperate for the part in this movie. He was really eager to get a big break away from that dumb sitcom, a chance to establish himself as a proper grown-up actor. After all, you didn't see Brad Renfro or Leo DiCaprio starring in stupid TV shows.

JTT was sure he had that same combination of looks and talent that those two did. And Zack knew that JTT put him and Taran in the shade, no matter how much bigger they were. He was getting really good-looking as he developed into adulthood, really sexy. In a decade he could become another Brad Pitt. Another decade after that, he'd still be on magazine covers, while Zack and Taran worked as plumbers or something to pay the rent.

And, like Brad Pitt, JTT knew exactly how to give his career a push in the right direction. A night in the famous beach house. All he had to do was give himself to us for the night, and then reap the rewards.

He accepted the offer, of course. There are several members of the group you can contact if you want to volunteer yourself, and luckily enough, I was the one he chose.

"I'll do it", he said, sitting across the desk from me in my office, "Tell them I'll do it" "Great" I grinned. "Show me your ass" "Huh?" he asked, for some reason surprised. "I said show me your ass, sexy. You're going to have to get used to doing what you're told" He hesitated, nodded, and then stood up. He turned around, unbuttoned his pants and showed it to me. "Very nice, Jonny", I said to him. "You're getting me pretty hard down here" He nodded absently and started to pull the waist up again. "Hey!" I called, "I didn't tell you to cover it up again. You have to understand, Jonny, when these guys get their hands on you, it won't be your ass anymore, it'll be theirs. Do not cover it up without being told to". He trembled a little, probably getting nervous, or maybe excited. He left his lovely ass exposed. I was getting extremely tempted to give him a good fucking right there and then. But you have to allow them a little period to get used to the idea. And anyway, it would make the night itself much hotter if I waited. "Alright, cover it up" I told him, after a long stare. He did so quickly. "Three weeks", I told him, "Be there at seven. Sit down and we'll discuss clothing". Now, even though he's small and kind of a prettyboy, he strikes you as quite a butch young guy because he has a broad face and body. And when you fuck one of these star guys, there's nothing more fun than turning them into your complete bitch for the night. I wanted this guy submissive and undignified right from the beginning. I told him what he must wear, and then he left.

Now, I already knew about Zack wanting to get his hands on JTT. Not because he'd ever admitted it to anyone, but because I could see it in his eyes when they were together. I saw that combination of ferocious hatred and jealousy, and deep, deep desire. He wanted Jon but he also wanted to be him, and if he couldn't be him, then he'd get inside him and possess him that way. He was almost certainly jealous of JTT's popularity. Passionately jealous. Anger can breed some fantastic fucking.

Our group is very exclusive, and Zack was not a member. He wasn't famous or influential enough. But I was dying to see all that desire released on JTT. Zack had been waiting for him for a good long while, and he was probably the person who wanted Jon most. It would make for quite a show if he were allowed to get him.

I decided to invite him along. I wasn't going to make it that simple for him, though. He wanted Jon's ass so much that he'd probably be willing to work for it, make a few concessions.

Delaying my meeting, I spent about an hour looking through teen celebrity websites to remind myself of how good Zack could look. Zachery was slightly younger than JTT, but was bigger than him and played his older brother. He had a nice dumb jock look that I love. I jerked off over the shirtless pics and then called his agent.

I made an appointment for a meeting with him in my home later that week. He was dressed in a sleeveless black top, and black jeans and boots. Straightforward sexy stuff. The blonde jock was turning me on massively. I got him to sit down, made some smalltalk and then told him about how JTT had finally volunteered himself.

"He has, huh?" Zack smirked, as if only vaguely interested. But you can't disguise that look you get when you really, really want something and know that you can get it. "I should've know he'd do anything to get that part" "The gang's looking forward to it", I told him. "Are they? I wouldn't know anything about that. Not my thing, you know?" Liar. "You don't like Jon?" "How do you mean? No, we're not really friends" No-one can be friends with all that sexual tension, I thought. He probably refrained from talking to Jon too much in case he lost control and shoved his tongue down his throat. "No", I said, "I mean, do you... like him?" He shifted uncomfortably. "How do you mean?" "I mean, does the thought of grabbing onto his naked ass and ramming your big cock into that fantastic little body not turn you on?" "No", he answered too quickly. "I'd better go" "Wait a minute, Zack. I've got an offer for you" Just as quickly, he stopped in his tracks. Then he made an elaborate display of starting to leave again. And then stopped again. "Sit back down, Zack" I insisted. "I know for a fact that you want to fuck him, and this is the greatest chance you're ever going to get" He sat down slowly. "You're... inviting me to the party?" I stood up and walked over to him. "In return for a favor, yes" "What favor?" he asked, looking up at me, still trying to seem like he wasn't interested. I reached out and rested my hand on his exposed shoulder. "I think you know what favor. Let me have some fun with this nice body of yours" He moved away. "I'm not being the piece of ass at one of your damn parties" I held his arm. It felt nice. "Not one of the parties, Jon. I meant in my bed. This afternoon. Now" "No way" he said, but didn't move. "Think about it, Zack", I insisted, moving my face closer to his. "Think of Jon doing everything you tell him, submitting to every dirty little fantasy you've ever had about him. He'll do it. He's agreed to it" Zack went silent. "No. I..." I whispered in his ear. "Think about him screaming your name when you get your dick inside him. Think about your cum going inside that body..." His cock shifted. I had him. "...or all over that face. Think of him licking every last drop of it from the end of your cock"

I left him alone in thought for a while, going to the bar to make a drink. He remained silent, unable to force down his erection. Weighing up the pros and cons, I guess.

Finally he stood up. And he tore off his shirt and chucked it away. "Okay, then " he said as he showed me his nicely muscled upper body. I grinned, taking his hand and showing him to the bedroom. I took of all my clothes and he took off his. He looked at my big hard cock, running his hand nervously over his ass.

Then I grabbed him by the shoulders again and started giving him tongue. I felt at his arms and his chest and then pulled him down to the bed with me, onto the silk sheets. I licked and kissed at his whole body, at every part of it, turning him over, crawling from one end to the other, going all over the place. I lapped at his buttocks, savouring them. I could tell he was enjoying it, and I was having a fucking ball. "You sexy fuck!" I muttered, reaching out for a pillow and shoving it under his abdomen so his ass stuck up for me. I splatted lubricant on it, and smeared some around my boner. I straddled him and then plunged in, groping at his shoulders and then holding his face against the bed with my hand as I felt the inside of him, felt the heat and the fast pulse. I was in him. I thrust into him, in and even further in to his firm jock's butt. Right up against the gland, and he started to gasp and groan, his eyes rolling back in his head as the sensation spread through him. "Uhhhh yeahhh, that's the spot, isn't it Zack? Isn't it?" He nodded his head gently, dizzily, beneath the palm of my hand, I shoved my thumb in his mouth and he sucked on it hard. He was grabbing hold of the sheets as the hard electric pleasure shot through his insides.

I rode him for as long as I could, withholding my cum for hours, just fucking, fucking fucking. Zack seemed to become weaker as the pleasure became more intense. And when I finally shot my load into him, his body was shiny with sweat and tears were pouring down his cheeks.

"Yes!" I yelled, "Uhh, Zack! Yes!" Then I took my thoroughly satisfied cock away and left him on the bed. He was so exhausted from the shafting that he fell asleep after fifteen minutes. He left later that day, still too embarrassed to say how much he'd enjoyed himself.

"Two weeks" I told him as he left, "Two weeks from tomorrow. Get there before six-thirty" He nodded.

The weeks passed incredibly slowly. But finally the night came.

There was a good crowd there. Prince William was with us. Officially he was still in London, but his security staff had snuck him into the US without any problems. They did it for him often when he came over to see his boyfriend. Justin was with him tonight, as a matter of fact. N*Sync weren't on tour at the time. The two of them were sitting in the corner, shirtless, holding each other and gently kissing.

When Jonny arrived, Zack was the first person he saw. I smiled, because Zack was the last person he'd expected to see here, and the look on Jon's leonine face was so worth it. Now he knew there was more than one way that you could be fucked over. Zack smiled at him spitefully.

JTT had came, as I'd instructed him, in a pair of denim overalls with his nice arms bare. He looked like he was the handyman come round to fix our plumbing. In fact, we were going to have a good hard go at his. There was a loud deep mumble as he walked in. Everyone checked him out as he went by, and of course none of us had to disguise that that was what we were doing.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Prince William exclaimed when he saw the sexy boy. He seemed to forget about Justin straight away. Jon, not knowing how to respond to the compliment, looked to me. I was the one he'd had to approach, and now it seemed he was going to look to me for instruction. It was a fucking fantastic feeling. I indicated to him that he should flex his arm for the Prince. Kind of obvious, I know, but it always turns me on. And so it did. What a nice, hard, muscled arm he had. 'Lick it' I mouthed, and he proceeded to kiss and lick at his own bicep like he was in love with himself. It was a horny sight, and Will was enjoying it a lot. Zack was quietly watching through the crowd. I saw his cock rise beneath his pants as JTT flexed his arm. I knew he couldn't wait to pounce.

Jon came over to me. "You wearing what I told you?" I asked. "Yes", he replied. "How..." he looked around, "How does this thing start?" "Like this", I chuckled, and then yelled, "Everyone! Tool time!" The group gathered around in a loose circle. "Strip", I told Jonny, before joining the rest of them.

The overall was like a stripper's costume. It had flimsy seams that came away easily. And when the handyman overalls came away, the black rubber hotpants beneath were revealed.

Zack's eyes lit up.

"Well", one of the studio heads said to me, "You arranged this one. You can have first go if you like" "Sure", I said, "I think I will" I beckoned for Jon to come over. A few guys wolf-whistled when they saw his ass move beneath the pliant rubber. "A nice buttwank, to start things off" I told him. He looked puzzled, so I turned him round and pressed my crotch against his ass. "Jerk me off with your ass!" I said.

He thought about it, and then started to sway his ass from side to side, reaching back with his hands and resting them against my chest. Then he held awkwardly onto my shoulders. I let my pants and underwear fall. The underside of my cock touched against the rubber on Jon's round ass. His ass swayed slowly, and the sensations built up as he rubbed from side to side against it. I put my arms round him loosely, running my hands over his chest and then playing gently with his nipples with my fingertips. His eyes closed and he gasped silently, his movements becoming more rhythmic, more primal. I kept feeling at his nipples, sensing the feeling the play created, because I could feel the shudders right through his body. As the swaying went on, he seemed to become genuinely eager to break the barrier between his ass and my cock. He lifted his ass up and down like he was trying to let me into it. He struggled and rubbed harder. It was to no avail, but it was really turning me on, this struggle. I wanted to tear those hotpants off him but I resisted. The guys murmured in approval as his cock finally arose at the front. It was big and, like the rest of him, it was broad. It was trapped under the rubber but its shape and size were obvious.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas's ass continued to play with my cock. He was pushing against the end of it, pushing against it with his asshole. It was driving me mad.

Finally, he unfastened the hotpants and bent right over as he pulled them down. He was offering me his ass. I held on to it at the sides and fucked it. Oh yeah, it was hot and gorgeous. It felt gorgeous on the inside. He put one leg in front of the other and let me further in. I fucked his sexy teen body and I came. He jerked himself off as I did so, and then he started to cum too. He fell onto the floor and so did I. The cum poured and poured from me into him, and from him onto the floor. I gently pushed his face toward the splatter of his own cum and he licked it up.

"Come here you lovely young boy," a voice said. Prince William. Jon pushed himself up off the floor and went over, smiling with a new enthusiasm. This night was going to be fun for him. "Your face arouses me", said the Prince, "and I'm going to fuck it". He stood up. "Kneel down and open wide. Justin, you too. I want the pair of you on your knees before me" Justin would do anything to please his lover. He took off the remainder of his clothes and got down on the floor with Jon. "Give each other a nice kiss", the Prince insisted, and the two sexy young guys kissed each other gently on the mouth, and then a little less gently, and then ferociously.

They stopped when the Prince's big cock came between them. They both started to lick at that instead, both their tongues all over it. Prince William smiled. "Good boys. Oh yes, good boys. Oh, I love your fucking face, Jonathan, I love it" He pushed the head between Jonathan's large lips, reaching and and holding on to his thick blonde hair. Jon sucked lovingly on the cock head, and Justin fell down to the floor and started playing with Jon's asshole with his tongue. "Oh, yes, wonderful..." the prince sighed, "Oh yes, Jonathan, you're a natural" Jon took hold of the prince's buttocks and drew them forward, took the cock further into his mouth, to the back of his throat. "You sexy boy! Yes! Yes!" He exploded into him, and Jon swallowed all the cum down.

This was driving Zack wild. He tore off all his clothes, letting everyone have a look at his own meaty body, and arrogantly pushed the prince aside as he approached Jon. Jon down on his knees before Zack. Zack's cock was bulging to an incredible degree as he looked down at his sexy co-star completely naked on his knees, his big mouth all wet from taking cock. "Oh yeah, you're really turning me on, Jon! Fuck, yeah! Uhh..." He was tugging at his cock like mad as he savoured the sight. "Fucking suck mine too, now!" he instructed.

He closed his eyes and took the great hard head into that mouth of his. Zack grinned with glee, and began thrusting into the sexy fucker's face, holding on to his head and yelling, "Yes! Yesss! You cocksucker! Yes!" And then he struggled to withdraw, gasping and panting. He lifted his foot up and pushed at Jon's shoulder with it. "On your front", he said. "I want to get my dick in the other end too" The hunky boy lay on the floor obediently. Zack slammed on top of him, diving in and pounding his ass like an animal, growling and roaring as he fucked him. "This is the greatest!" he hissed, "All the girls and guys want you, don't they? And you love it! Well... this... is... what... happens... when... guys... want... you...rrrrrrrrgh... rrrrrrgh.... GRRRRRRRR!" His voice strained as the cum started to pour from him. He squeezed his arm under Jon's chest and grabbed hard at his face as he came into him. "Unnngh! Yes! Yessss!" The cock was completely buried, as far in as it could possibly go. The cum was gushing into that sexy body, and Zack had Jon, completely had him at last.

Next: Chapter 3

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